Chapter Three Research Methodology 3.1 Research Design
Chapter Three Research Methodology 3.1 Research Design
Chapter Three Research Methodology 3.1 Research Design
The research design used for this study is both descriptive and cross-sectional
Sample size is the selected number pick at random from the list unit of the
sampling frame. The sampling size will not cover the entire sample frame due to
n = 1+ N (e 2) (Taro Yamane, 1967).
230 230
n = 1+ 230(0.0025) = 1.58 = 146
n = 146.
3.6 Sampling Techniques
Having chosen a suitable sampling frame and established the actual sample size,
accurate information from the respondents, there are various types of sampling
sampling. All these are the various techniques of sampling but for this work,
Data collection method refers to the method adopted by the researcher in collecting
and gathering of information based on the study. Source of data can be classified
For the purpose of this research work, both the primary and secondary sources
were adopted. All data gathered though secondary sources have been reviewed in
the previous chapter while the data collected through the means of administration
There are different instruments which can be used in collection of data such as
the following will be adopted for the collection of data for this research study.
The researcher was able to observe some fact in the process of carrying out the
In the course of collecting information for this study, three types of questionnaires
were designed and administered. The questionnaires were designed for site
Data analysis is concerned mainly with the analysis of data collected in view of the
research study and to specify the findings as well as the data collection were the
response of respondents through the use of questionnaire. There are basically two
statistics help to summarize, describe and organize mass row of data while
distribution tables, simple statistical mode such as pie charts and bar charts.
However, Chi-Square was used to test H01 and (H02) at 5% level of significance.