The Numerology Guidebook - Michelle Buchanan - p0042
The Numerology Guidebook - Michelle Buchanan - p0042
The Numerology Guidebook - Michelle Buchanan - p0042
chart, its influence is less dominant than the Life Path, Destiny, and Soul
Numbers. Your Personality Number is said to represent the “outer you,” or
the side of yourself you’re willing to show others (rather than its being a
reflection of your true inner nature), which is why it’s otherwise known as
the Outer You or Outer Personality Number.
Because you’re in charge of the image you project to others, the
Personality Number doesn’t always reflect your true nature. Instead, it
reflects the censored impression you choose to give off and the way in which
you’re perceived by others. It isn’t uncommon for the stronger personality
traits of the astrology sign, Life Path, Destiny, Soul, and Birth Day Numbers
to overshadow the Personality Number traits, so it’s perfectly normal if you
don’t identify with your Personality Number.
Reducing-Down Method
Step 1: Add the numbers in your birth-certificate name that are
Step 2: Add each name separately to create individual totals. Add double-
digit totals together to create single-number totals.
Please note: As with the Destiny and Soul Numbers, whether you
reduce numbers 11, 22, or 33 down to 2, 4, or 6 at this stage of the