Name: Owais Khan Subject of Assignment: Non-Violence Approach To Peace Submitted To: Sir Tayyab Semester: 8 Roll NO: 26
Name: Owais Khan Subject of Assignment: Non-Violence Approach To Peace Submitted To: Sir Tayyab Semester: 8 Roll NO: 26
Name: Owais Khan Subject of Assignment: Non-Violence Approach To Peace Submitted To: Sir Tayyab Semester: 8 Roll NO: 26
NON-VIOLENCE APPROACH TO PEACE: The use of peaceful means i.e protests to bring
about social or political change or peace.
We see great wars and blood slaughters and genocides in the history that means human beings
are in favor of conflicts for different purposes. But then came 20 th century with a remarkable
aspect nonviolence as a resistance to war. Like we know about Gandhi ,but what makes the 20 th
century unique in history is that Gandhi was not unique. There was actually a surprisingly large
number of peace and nonviolence movements that were occurring all around the world. So, the
most remarkable figures of nonviolence are martin Luther King and Gandhi, they were heavy
non- hitters.
So, by 1900, Europeans pretty much dominated the world,even though there had been relative
peace in Europe since 1871,Europeans, using new weapons, had unleashed an incredible
amount of violence everywhere else on the planet. They colonized most of the Africa ,asia and
the pacific. Americans had also expanded across the continental united states, and were
making eyes at the Caribbean and asia. This conquest and colonization was consistently violent.
But people were beginning to question the very idea of violence itself. Like in 1894 book,the
kingdom of god is within you, Leo Tolstoy, who knew a little bit about war and peace, explored
how Jesus message to quote ‘’ turn the other cheek’’ was the basis for a life of non violence. He
argued that governments and the individuals to be true christains, and Tolstoy also saw non
violence as a solution to ending colonialism. In 1908 tolstoy wrote a letter to a hindu to
Mohandas Gandhi,and in the letter he explained that Indians needed to confront british
imperialism with love and non violence. Gandhi accepted the letter and published it in ‘’Indian
Opinion’’ in 1909. And tolstoys ideas in this correspondence with Gandhi marked the beginning
of an informal dialogue between the advocates of nonviolence from around the world that
spanned the 20th Centuary. Tostoy wasn’t the only influence on Gandhi ,he’d grown up in the
Gujrat region of India where there is Siezable Jain community. And through the jain monks
Gandhi exposed to the idea of Ahisma: nonviolence or non-injury to life. He also read about the
western writers like john Ruskin, and henry David Thoreau. So after his return to india from
south Africa in 1915, Gandhi began to distill his thinking related to nonviolence into a more
explicit philosophy.
Non-Violence in Vietnam:
Now through out the early 20th century nationalist movements in colonies throughout Africa
and asia also adopted nonviolence. Like Phan Chu Trinh who was the first nationalist advocated
nonviolence for the first time in Vietnamese independence movement. He has resisted japan
militarism support for Vietnam because of milatirism.
Non-Violence in Egypt:
In 1919 egyptian protested against british rule by boycotting british goods. Those protests goes
on for months but result was british gave independence to Egypt.
Historians took note of all of this stuff, like historians Gene Sharp published his multi volume
politics of nonviolent action which was reportedly read by a lot of the original protesters in the
Arab spring of 2011,which reminds us that nonviolent resistance is not only a part of history but
also a part of today world we are living in.
Wars are traumatic and they have relatively straightforward narratives that allow us to focus on
human dramas and all of that stuff is appealing to historians. But really the nonviolent struggles
oppression in the 20th century they have been just dramatic and especially in the second half of
the 20th century they have born fruit and not just in the US and India. When the news focuses
just on death and destruction it can be hard to remember that more people are living under
peaceful regimes than ever before and that, at least between nations, inequality and injustice
are diminishing.
We can see the role of nonviolence how it has helped the bloody 20th century and still the
beacon of resistance against the colonialist and imperialist powers and wars. It has brought a
very great change of peace through Peaceful protests. So we can say this ideology of
nonviolence is a great approach to peace.