ADHD in The Classroom Effective Intervention Strategies
ADHD in The Classroom Effective Intervention Strategies
ADHD in The Classroom Effective Intervention Strategies
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Theory Into Practice
George J. DuPaul
Lisa L. Weyandt
Grace M. Janusis
with ADHD include psychotropic medication reduce task demands by modifying the length
and behavioral strategies implemented in home
and/or content of assignments (DuPaul & Stone
and school settings (Barkley, 2006). Although
2003). Reducing the length of an assignmen
stimulant medication frequently is used to to
re match students' attention spans, may reduc
duce ADHD symptoms, pharmacological treat off-task, disruptive behavior. This strategy o
ment rarely is sufficient in addressing the multen is paired with teacher praise contingent o
tiple, chronic difficulties faced by students with
task completion. As students demonstrate succe
ADHD (DuPaul & Stoner, 2003). The purpose
with shorter assignments, the length of assig
of this article is to describe effective school
ments can be gradually increased thereby shapi
task-related behavior to match classroom norms.
based intervention strategies for children with
ADHD including behavioral interventions, mod A final example of an antecedent-based stra
ifications to academic instruction, and home egy is to provide students with task choices wh
school communication programs. Also discussed given classwork assignments. Choice-making i
are approaches to developing partnerships among
terventions allow students to choose among tw
school professionals including methods to facili
or more concurrently presented options (e.g.,
tate collaborative relationships between teachers
signments to complete, sequence of steps withi
and school psychologist consultants. an assignment, or partners for assigned act
ities). The various options should all lead to close as possible in time to the occurrence of
similar outcomes; for example, students could a target behavior (i.e., provided as immediately
choose an assignment from a menu of possible as possible following a desired behavior).
assignments all of which involve practice of Response cost is an example of a
the same specific academic skill. Dunlap et al. consequence-based intervention in which token
(1994) examined the effects of choice-making for reinforcers are removed contingent on disruptive
several students with disruptive behavior disor off-task behavior. Response cost should be used
ders and ADHD. When students were provided in situations where positive reinforcement
with assignment choices, they showed higher alone has not sufficiently ameliorated problem
rates of task engagement and lower frequency behavior. For example, a token reinforcemen
of disruptive behavior relative to class sessions program may lead to increases in on-task
when teachers chose the specific assignments. behavior but there may still be situations when
Consequence-based strategies involve manip off-task, disruptive behavior is evident or the
ulating environmental events following a specific increases in on-task behavior may not be
behavior to alter the frequency of that behavior. consistent across time. In most cases, response
Several consequence-based strategies have been cost is implemented in conjunction with a token
examined for students with ADHD including reinforcement program such that students are
contingent positive reinforcement, response cost, eligible to receive or lose tokens based on
and self-management interventions (DuPaul & their behavior or work performance. Several
Weyandt, 2006). The most common behavioral studies (e.g., DuPaul, Guevremont, & Barkley,
intervention for ADHD, at least in the research 1992) have demonstrated clinically significant
literature, is the use of contingent positive rein improvements in task-related attention, as well
forcement in the form of teacher praise or token as productivity and accuracy of classwork, when
reinforcement (DuPaul & Stoner, 2003). In such the combination of token reinforcement and
behavioral approaches. As is the case for be that directly address academic skills are needed
havioral interventions, self-regulation strategies for many students with this disorder. One effec
directly address the impaired delayed responding tive academic intervention is to provide teacher
that theory has posited to be the core deficit mediated direct instruction in relevant skills that
underlying the disorder. As an example of selfrequire remediation. For example, Evans, Pel
regulation, students with ADHD may be taught ham, and Grudberg (1995) showed that middle
to evaluate their classroom behavior and work school students with ADHD showed improved
performance at regular intervals using a Likert
note-taking and test performance following direct
scale (ranging from poor to excellent). Teachers
instruction in taking notes during teacher instruc
tion. Academic interventions can also be deliv
use the same Likert scale to evaluate student per
formance. Students then receive reinforcement ered through computer technology and classroom
depending on their self-evaluated performance peers. Several studies have shown that computer
assisted instruction in math (Mautone, DuPaul, &
and the degree to which self-evaluation ratings
match teacher ratings. As students demonstrateJitendra, 2005) and reading (Clarfield & Stoner,
success in matching teacher ratings and improv2005) leads to significant improvements in on
task behavior and academic performance for
ing classroom behavior, the frequency of required
students with ADHD relative to written seatwork
matches to teacher ratings is gradually reduced,
and eventually only self-ratings are used. A
conditions. Similarly, classwide peer tutoring in
recent meta-analysis showed that self-evaluation
math, reading, or spelling can be used to enhance
and other self-regulation interventions lead task
to engagement and test performance for all stu
dents, not just those with ADHD (e.g., DuPaul,
relatively large, positive effects on the on-task
behavior and academic performance of students Ervin, Hook, & McGoey, 1998). The combina
with ADHD (Reid, Trout, & Schartz, 2005). tion of academic intervention and self-regulation
A particularly effective and feasible strategy
strategies may actually promote maintenance and
is to teach students with ADHD to monitor their generalization of academic skills gains beyond
teacher-, computer-, or peer-mediated interven
own behaviors. Sometimes the act of consistently
tions, although this premise has yet to be demon
monitoring behavior results in improvements. For
example, Gureasko-Moore, DuPaul, and White strated empirically.
(2007) found that training several middle school
students with ADHD to monitor their homework
completion, academic performance, participation prior investigations of social skills training have
in class, getting along with classmates). Typi been conducted in outpatient clinic settings with
cally, a DRC contains a list of 3 to 5 goals minimal school outcome data beyond teacher
(e.g., complete assigned classwork, get along ratings. Results of these clinic-based studies are
with classmates) on which teachers indicate a equivocal with respect to efficacy (e.g., Pfiffner &
student's performance on a Likert scale (e.g., 1 McBurnett, 1997). Outcomes of these interven
represents superior performance and 5 represents tions are enhanced when specific strategies are
unacceptable performance). Teacher ratings are included to program for maintenance and gener
provided throughout the day (e.g., by academic alization of effects. For example, peers without
class period) and parents then provide home ADHD could be involved in all phases of a social
based reinforcement based on these ratings. As relationship intervention to encourage generality
students make progress, goals are increased in of outcomes.
lack of maintenance and generalization of tradi improvements were noted for students
tional social skills training has led to proposals teachers received two different intensity
for a more comprehensive approach to social of consultation.
relationship intervention for children with dis Collaborative consultation can vary in inten
ruptive behavior disorders (for a review of social sity with respect to the amount of data collected
skills strategies, see Gresham, 2002). to design and evaluate interventions, as well as
Relatively few studies of social relationship the degree to which consultants monitor teachers
interventions for children with ADHD have been with respect to accuracy of treatment imple
conducted, especially in school settings. Most mentation. All models include four core steps
that involve school psychologists and teachers is unlikely that a singular focus on antecedent or
jointly defining the academic problem(s), dis consequent events will be sufficient in addressing
cussing possible interventions (all of which are the behavioral difficulties exhibited by students
empirically supported), choosing an intervention with this disorder. Further, many antecedent
plan that teachers believe to be feasible and based strategies have the additional advantage
effective, and evaluating the success of the plan of directly addressing academic functioning. Sec
so that modifications can be made, if necessary. ond, assessment data should be used to design,
Several studies have demonstrated that regardless evaluate, and modify interventions within and
of intensity, collaborative consultation leads to across school years. Assessment-based interven
effective academic interventions for the majority tions presumably will be more effective and
of students with ADHD (e.g., DuPaul et al., time-efficient than using strategies on a trial
2006). The most effective outcomes are found and-error basis. Finally, multiple mediators (e.g.,
when teachers take the lead during the problem peers, computer technology, and students with
identification stage of the collaborative relation ADHD) should be used to deliver treatment so
ship and when consultants lead when possible that classroom teachers are not asked to shoulder
strategies to address problems are discussed and all of the responsibility for intervention. The
designed (Erchul et al., 2007; Erchul et al., 2009). use of collaborative consultation in choosing and
Stated differently, in most collaborative con developing classroom interventions can optimize
sultation relationships, teachers are the experts the implementation of interventions across mul
regarding their classroom, curriculum, and the tiple mediators. Although many effective school
target student's difficulties, while the consultant based interventions are available to address the
typically is the expert regarding empirically needs of students with ADHD, it is clear that
supported interventions to address student dif more research is needed particularly with respect
ficulties. The most successful outcomes occur to the functioning of secondary school students
with this
when there is reciprocal recognition of these disorder.
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