Holy Anointing Oil
Holy Anointing Oil
Holy Anointing Oil
”And the table and all his vessels, and the candle-
stick and his vessels, and the altar of incense,
The four principal spices indicate that God’s Holy Spirit can
be broken down into four primary ingredients or parts. The Lord
used myrrh in the proportion of 500 shekels to symbolize one
ingredient of the Holy Spirit. A dried gum and also a resin, myrrh
is called “the balsam of Mecca” by the Arabs. Myrrh comes from
the Hebrew word mor or mara, and in the Greek, it is the word
smurna. All of these words signify “bitter.”
myrrh has a preservative effect, it was used in preparing bodies
for burial. Accordingly, Nicodemus used that spice in connection
with Jesus’ burial and the embalming of his body (John 19:39,40).
And Psalm 45:8 speaks of Jesus’ garments in a spiritual sense as
having the fragrance of myrrh and aloes: “All thy garments smell
of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby
they have made thee glad.”
ministration of grace. Even his criticisms were constructive, and
his counsel contained a tender solicitude that was designed to
bring good results. To such a degree was this true that if we had
lived back in our Lord’s day and had been privileged with his
fellowship, and if our hearts were rightly exercised, we would
have said: “I would like to be near him as much as possible
because his words lift me to an elevated plane.” His words then
and now are a blessing; they have a powerful effect that changes
the right-hearted. Those who submit to the Lord’s influence
become in love with him and his counsel. This intense feeling is
the love of the Bride class, who long to be joined to their Lord
(Song 2:16).
are to be thought of not as separate ingredients but as a combined
representation. And cassia, the last ingredient, was a quantity of
500 shekels. Therefore, the holy anointing oil really consisted of
three parts, as follows:
Cinnamon represents knowledge but knowledge not neces-
sarily secured from suffering. “Cinnamon” knowledge is the gift
and the privilege of understanding matters. This very satisfying
blessing to the soul can be discerned by others and is usually
acquired through study. While calamus is a closely related
thought, it is based upon instruction from another standpoint.
Calamus, a reed or sweet cane, represents discipline and hard
experiences that produce understanding. Although both
cinnamon and calamus represent knowledge, cinnamon is a
theoretical, intellectual kind of knowledge, whereas calamus is
experimental knowledge. In life, people frequently possess only
the one kind of knowledge and not the other. “Calamus” is
related to the word “calamity.”
Judah. Bezaleel was “filled … with the spirit of God, in wisdom,
and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of
workmanship” (Exod. 31:2,3). Here we have the explanation of
the meaning of the four ingredients of the holy anointing oil.
Being filled “with the spirit of God” corresponds to the olive oil
base of the holy anointing oil. “Wisdom” is the myrrh, “under-
standing” and “knowledge” are the coupling of the cinnamon
and the calamus, and “workmanship” is the cassia.
The “spirit of wisdom,” which corresponds with the myrrh,
is the pure, wholesome, purgative influence and the mature
judgment of Christ that will be manifest to his subjects in his
Kingdom reign. But why are the spirit of “wisdom” and the spirit
of “understanding” coupled together in this text? The answer is
that the design of Jesus’ wisdom is not to destroy his subjects but
to extend a tender solicitude or understanding to them.
“spirit of knowledge” being the cinnamon and the “fear of the
LORD” being the calamus or the discipline. By being under God’s
tutelage at the First Advent, Christ learned obedience (Heb. 5:8).
Of course he was not previously disobedient, but he learned the
lesson of obedience under great strain or trial. To obey when
conditions are very favorable is one thing, but to obey under
conditions of duress and hardship is a much different matter.
Jesus’ experience and example have proved to be a blessing to
All of these qualities—the spirit of wisdom and understand-
ing (myrrh), the spirit of counsel and might (cassia), the spirit of
theoretical knowledge coupled with experimental knowledge
called the fear of God (cinnamon and calamus)—are together in
Jesus to such a superlative degree that they combine to make him
“of quick understanding in the fear [reverence] of the LORD
[Jehovah].” The literal meaning of the term “quick understand-
ing” is “quick scent or smell.” Possessing all of the qualities, Jesus
can instantly see through any situation that might arise. To such
an extent is this true—and in view of his faithfulness, reward,
ascension to heaven, and glorification to the divine nature as the
highest created being underneath Jehovah—that it is as though
Messiah now begins to possess a quality almost like that of his
Father, namely, intuitive knowledge. This ability of quick
understanding in the fear of God means that excelling qualities in
Jesus’ being enable him to intuitively judge a matter and correctly
ascertain a situation—an ability that only Jehovah previously had.
In the Kingdom, therefore, Messiah will not judge “after the sight
of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears,” but will
judge with righteousness and equity all who have ever lived.
realize that Jesus knows our heart condition and the motivation in
back of our problems. Despite our shortcomings, he knows if we
really love God and desire to serve Him. Even though we make
errors in judgment, actions, and words that could condemn us,
Jesus searches deep into our heart and life to discern our true
intent and, accordingly, judges us in the most favorable light
possible. If he reproved or corrected us according to our deeds,
we would all fail and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23).
Isaiah 9:6,7 tells how the people in the next age will reflect
upon Jesus and his ability to judge.
Frank Shallieu
Revelation Research Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 450
Hamburg, NJ 07419