Chapter-1: A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Reliance Jio

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio




The Telecom service have been recognized the world over as important tool
for socio-economic development of a nation. Tele communication is one of the
prime support services needed for rapid growth and modernization of various
sectors of the economy. It has become especially important in recent years because
of enormous growth of information technology and its significant potential for the
impact on the rest of the economy telecommunication is one of the few sectors in
India, which has witnessed the most fundamental structural and institutional
reforms since 1991. Considering the great potential for the growth of telephone
demand with the accelerated growth of economic activities, the Government of
India announced the National telecom policy in 1994 and the new telecom policy
in 1999. The national telecom policy provides for private sector participation to
supplement the efforts of DOT in basic telephone service. The opening up of the
basic services provided a big opportunity for private and foreign investors. More
policy initiatives included Addendum to NTP-1999, Broadband policy 2004, and
Amendment to Broadband policy 2004. The entire sector is now open to
unrestricted competition in all. The opening of the sector has not only led to rapid
growth but also helped a great deal towards maximization of consumer benefits.
The tariffs have been falling continuously across the board as a result of healthy
and unrestricted competition and India today has one of the lowest tariffs in the
world. Besides, as a result of the various measures and initiative taken by the
Government, India is now fast emerging as one of the leading telecom nations. The
reforms process in the telecom sector is still on, aiming to remove the balance
hurdles and limitations. With a strong population of over 1.1 Billion, India has
become one of the most dynamic and promising. Telecom markets of the world. In
recent times, the country has emerged as one of the fastest growing telecom
markets in the world. It has third largest telecom network and the second largest
wireless network in the world.
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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

1.1.1. NATIONAL TELECOM POLICY 1994 (NTP 1994): -

The National Telecom Policy was announced in 1994 which aimed at

improving India's competitiveness in the global market and provide a base for a
rapid growth in exports. This policy eventually facilitated the emergence of
Internet services in India on the back of established basic telephony
communication network. This policy also paved way for the entry of the private
sector in telephone services.

The main objectives of the policy were:

• To ensure telecommunication is within the reach of all, that is, to ensure
availability of telephone on demand as early as possible
• To achieve universal service covering all villages, that is, enable all people
to access certain basic telecom services at affordable and reasonable prices
• To ensure world-class telecom services. Remove consumer complaints,
resolve disputes and encourage public interface and provide a wide
permissible range of services to meet the demand at reasonable prices
• To ensure that India emerges as a major manufacturing base and major
exporter of telecom equipment
• To protect the defense and security interests of the nation.

The policy also announced a series of specific targets to be achieved by

1997 and further recognized that to achieve these targets the private sector
association and investment would be required to bridge the resource gap.
Thus, to meet the telecom needs of the nation and to achieve international
comparable standards, the sector for manufacture of telecom equipment had been
progressively relicensed and the sub-sector for value-added services was opened
up to private investment (July 1992) for electronic mail, voice mail, data services,
audio text services, video text services, video conferencing, radio paging and
cellular mobile telephone. The private sector participation in the sector was
carried out in a phased manner. Initially the private sector was allowed in the
value-added services, and thereafter, it was allowed in the fixed telephone
services. Subsequently, VSAT services were liberalized for private sector
participation to provide data services to closed user groups.

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The entry of private players necessitated independent regulation in the
sector; therefore, the TRAI was established in 1997 to regulate telecom services,
for fixation/revision of tariffs, and also to fulfil the commitments made when
India joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. The establishment of
TRAI was a positive step as it separated the regulatory function from policy-
making and operation, which continued to be under the purview of the DoT2.
The functions allotted to the TRAI included:
a. To recommend the need and timing for introduction of new service provider
b. To protect the interest of customers of telecom services
c. To settle disputes between service providers
d. To recommend the terms and conditions of license to a service provider
e. To render advice to the Central government on matters relating to the
development of telecommunication technology and any other matter
applicable to the telecommunication industry in general.

1.1.3. NEW TELECOM POLICY 1999 (NTP 1999): -

In recognition of the fact that the entry of the private sector, which was
envisaged during NTP-94, was not satisfactory and in response to the concerns of
the private operators and investors about the viability of their business due to non-
realization of targeted revenues the government decided to come up with a new
telecom policy. The most important milestone and instrument of telecom reforms
in India is the New Telecom Policy 1999 (NTP 99). The New Telecom Policy,
1999 (NTP-99) was approved on 26th March 1999, to become effective from 1st
April 1999.Moreover, convergence of both markets and technologies required
realignment of the industry. To achieve India’s vision of becoming an IT
superpower along with developing a world class telecom infrastructure in the
country, there was a need to develop a new telecom policy framework.
Accordingly, the NTP 1999 was framed with the following objectives and targets:
• Availability of affordable and effective communication for citizens was at
the core of the vision and goal of the new telecom policy

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• Provide a balance between provision of universal service to all uncovered

areas, including rural areas, and the provision of high-level services capable
of meeting the needs of the economy
• Encourage development of telecommunication facilities in remote, hilly and
tribal areas of the nation
• To facilitate India’s journey to becoming an IT superpower by creating a
modern and efficient telecommunication infrastructure taking into account
the convergence of IT, media, telecom and consumer electronics
• Convert PCOs, wherever justified, into public telephone information centers
having multimedia capability such as ISDN services, remote database
access, government and community information systems etc.
• To bring about a competitive environment in both urban and rural areas by
providing equal opportunities and level playing field for all players
• Providing a thrust to build world-class manufacturing capabilities and also
strengthen research and development efforts in the country
• Achieve efficiency and transparency in spectrum management
• Protect the defense and security interests of the country
• Enable Indian telecom companies to become global players.

1.1.4. In line with the above objectives, some of the specific targets of
the NTP 1999 were:
• Make available, telephone on demand by 2002 and achieve a tele density of
7% by 2005 and 15% by 2010
• Encourage development of telecom in rural areas by developing a suitable
tariff structure so that it becomes more affordable and by also making rural
communication mandatory for all fixed service players and thus
o Achieve a rural tele density of 4% by 2010 and provide reliable
o media in all rural areas.

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After globalization Indian economy in 1991 the telecommunication sector

remained one of the most happening sectors in India. The recent year’s witnesses
rapid and dramatic change in the field of telecommunications. In the last few years
more and more companies both foreign domestic, come in to cellular service,
service market and offers large number of services to the people. A consumer may
be referred to anyone engaged in evaluating acquiring, using or disposing of
service which he expects will satisfy his wants. If any producer makes out the
consumer preferences, he cannot possibly active his ultimate objectives. A
manufacturer must plan his production and distribution to suit the consumer’s
convenience rather than his own. Therefore, a marketer must know more and more
about the consumers, so that the products can be produced in such a fashion to give
satisfaction to them.


In the year of 1989, the number of cell phone users in India was zero. In the
year of 1999 the number of cellphone users has gone up by 13 lakhs. In the year of
2000 the number of cellphone users has risen by one million Indian telecom sector
added a staggering 227.27 million wireless mobile users in the 12 months between
march 2010 and march 2011, while the overall tele density has increased to
81.82% as of 30 November 2015, and the total numbers of telephone users (mobile
& landline) have reached 1009.46 million as of May, 2015. Now currently
telephone subscriber (mobile & land line) is 1058.01 million (May 2016).


BSNL is the market leader with a 67.7 per cent share followed by MTNL
with 11.5 per cent market share. Next is Bharti Airtel at 10.9% followed by Tata
and Reliance at 5% and 4.1% respectively.
• BSNL as a company is growing and showed annual revenues of
approximately $4.5 billion as of 2014. BSNL is serving more than 125 million
customers across the country and is catalyst in checking the price point for
telecom services.
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• Also, with the government intensifying its rural focus, only BSNL can turn
into reality the next wave of rural telecom penetration.
• BSNL is a 100% Central Government entity and employees with BSNL are
entitled to get salaries and perks as decided by Government of India and not by
• However, both, MTNL and BSNL are plagued by declining revenues
coupled with high costs. BSNL has massive infrastructure, manpower, systems,
and 80 per cent of landlines and 90 per cent of broadband connections in India
are operated by it.
• “Vodafone is investing nearly US$ 3 billion over the next two years in India
in expanding its network infrastructure and distribution channel in the
country,” as per Vittorio Colao, CEO, Vodafone Plc.
• BlackBerry plans to set up enterprise solutions centres to educate corporate
customers about various BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) 10 solutions.
"India is one of the fastest growing markets in terms of smartphone and mobile
data adoption,” said according to Sunil Lalvani, Managing Director (MD),
BlackBerry India.
• Tata Teleservices plans to set up nearly 4,000 Wi-Fi hotspots in nine cities
across the country in the next two years.


• To study the market potential for 4G business in Davangere.
• To find out the customer attitude on with their existing internet service
provider in Davangere.
• To study the current trends of Reliance Jio in Davangere.
• To study the customers beneficial programs or schemes designed in
Reliance Jio.
• To suggest few remedial measures to Reliance Jio in order to improves their
customer services.


• The study on telecommunication service of Reliance Jio to the customers
with special reference to Davangere.

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• The study concentrates on collecting attitude of customer based on current

facilities available in Reliance Jio.
• The study is confined Davangere only.
• The study is confined Reliance Jio.
• The study is useful for a certain period of time.
• The survey information assumed to be true.

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“The Research Design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to
integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way,
thereby, ensuring you will effectively address the research problem; it constitutes
the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data.”

Building an effective customer service program starts with the attitudes of

the customer service representatives customers are more likely to respond in a
positive way when the customer service approach is accommodating, action-
driven and friendly. Training the representatives to put the customer service
philosophy in action is the first step to developing a strong customer service
approach. This report is the collection of data, information and things which are
offering the new services to the customer. This report may the analyzing the
customer attitude towards the telecommunication service of Reliance Jio.


The following is the literature review for this study. The content has been taken
from several sources.

• Abhishek Kumar Singh and Malhar Pangrikar (2013 ) did a study titled
“A Study Report, to Find out Market Potential for 4G Business in pune” and
also to know about the customer perceptions and attitudes towards their current
service provider. Satisfaction level of the customers was also judged. The
customer expectations were analyzed thoroughly. Major factors considered in
research are: what are the needs of the companies based on the data service
usage, major player in internet service, and support to customers. The research
was conducted on companies mainly from Industries like IT, Education,
Manufacturing and other which are located in Pune city. It is clear from the
survey done that Reliance & Tats are Leading Internet service Provider, they

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are providing products like data Card, Broadband etc. to the corporate end
users. Most of the companies are getting internet speed form 1MBPS-4MBPS.
Most of the companies are having good perception about 4G andare willing to
switch to it from their current service provider. Speed of 4G is around than 30
to 35 MBPS, is going too boom the Market. Because majority of the companies
are facing speed problem with their current ISP.

• Mudit Ratana Bhalla and Anand Vardhan Bhalla (2010) did a study
titled “Generations of Mobile wireless Technology; A Survey”. This paper will
throw light on the evaluation and development of various generation of mobile
wireless technology along with their significance and advantages of one over
the other. In the past few decades, mobile wireless technologies have
experience 4 or 5 generation of technology revolution and evolution, namely
from 0G to 4G. Current research in mobile wireless technology concentrates on
advance implementation of 4g technology and 5G technology. Currently 5G
term is not officially used. In 5G researches are being made on development of
World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW), Dynamic Adcock Wireless Networks
(DAWN) and Real Wireless World.

• Gurpreet Saini (2009) did a study titled “examining the 4G mobile standard
convergence to the Item standard” This research study examines the
phenomenon of the decisive convergence to a single mobile communication
standard using a multi-level longitudinal case study of LTE standard to explore
the context, process and content of change associated with all relevant events
and the stakeholders involved in them. The research produces a set of
constructs that can be used to describe the convergence to LTE as well as
applied to other similar phenomena in emerging information and
communications technology open standards.

• Subhathi Paul (2008) did a study titles “Long Term Evolution (LTE) &
Ultra-Mobile Broadband (UMB) Technologies for Broadband Wireless
Access” gives a brief study of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) & Ultra-Mobile
Broadband (UMB) Technologies. The evolution of wireless telephone

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technologies can be discretely grouped into various generations based on the

level of maturity of the underlying technology. The classification into
generation is not standardized on any given metrics or parameters and as such
does not represent a strict demarcation. However, it represents a perspective
which is commonly agreed upon, both by industry and academia, and hence
conceived to be an unwritten standard. At this time, there are two major efforts
towards the development of the next generation – “4G” efforts being
undertaken in Europe and the 3GPP2 or 3 Rd Generation Partnership project
(brand named as Ultra Mobile Broadband) is the 4G efforts of North America
and parts of Asia. This survey tries to present an evolutionary and objective
sketch to the development efforts of these technologies that mark the future of
wide area broadband wireless access technologies.

• Irfan Ullah (2012) did a study and analysis of public WIFI”. The objective of
this survey is to compare different technologies with WIFI in terms of cost
factor, bandwidth and performance factor, and technology implementation
factor The goal of this thesis is to analyze and compare different wireless
network technologies with as focus on availability, number of nodes, total cost,
end-user cost, vendor cost, range, reliability and security. The goal is to
compare Local Area Network Wi-Fi technology (IEEE802.11 Aa/g) with
mobile wireless technology like 3G,4G, and LTE.

• Liwen Zhang (2010) did a study titled “a survey on long term evolution”
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a significant project of 3 rd Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP), initially proposed on the Toronto conference of
3GPP in 2004 and officially started as LTE work item in 2006. LTE, as a
transition from the 3rd generation(3G) to the 4th generation (4G), has achieved
great capacity and high speed of mobile telephone networks without doubt. It
defines a new packet-only wideband radio with flat architecture and
assumes a full Internet Protocol (IP) network architecture in order to assure
voice supported in packet domain in design, In addition, it is combined with
top-of-the- line radio techniques in order to gain better performance than Code

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Division Multiple Access (CDMA) approaches. LTE provides scalable carrier

bandwidths from 1.4MHz to 20 MHz and frequency division duplexing (FDD),
as well as time division duplexing (TDD). In this paper, it presents an overall
description of LTE technology separately in different aspects of LTE
architecture and technical principles to clarify how LTE as a radio technology
achieves a high performance for cellular mobile communication systems.

• Victor Wolf, William Frobe, Vineetha Shrinivasan, Tsung-Yen Hsieh

(2004) Did study titled “Feasibility Study of utilizing 4G LTE signals in
combination with unmanned aerial vehicles for the purpose of search and
rescue of avalanche victims”. This research report uses quantities data and
analysis to explore the feasibility of using Fourth Generation Long Term
Evolution devices that are loaded with an application as a device that can also
help save an avalanche victim’s life. During the research process we explored
the idea of getting an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to the site of an avalanche
quicker than the current search and rescue process as long as the victims have a
Fourth Generation Long Term Evolution Devices plus the loaded app on them
that is reporting their position. Going into this project our research team did not
know how well Fourth Generation Long Term Evolution signals would
propagate through snow. The study of Fourth Generation Long Term Evolution
signals propagation through snow was our primary focus in this project in order
to determine if it is even “feasible” to use a smart phone as an avalanche rescue

• Sumanth Ku Mohapatral, BiswaRanjan Swamin 1and Pravnjan Das

(2015) did a study titled “Comprehensive Survey of possible security issues on
4G network” gives a brief study of recent advances in wireless network
security issues. First, it studies the 4G mail threats and risk and their design
decision. Second, the security dimensions of 4G network. Third, security issues
and possible threats on 4G are discussed. Finally, proposed four-layer
security model which manages to ensure more secure packets transmission by
taking all the necessary security measures.

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• Vishlakshi Prabhu, G.S. Nagaraja (2014) did a study titled” A Survey on

Quality of service Provision in 4G Wireless Networks” gives a brief study of
quality of Service (QOS), Internet Protocol (IP), heterogeneous network, Cross
Layer Design (CLD). Worldwide many mobile operators, industry experts, and
its implementations. 4G networks will be incorporating advanced Internet
Protocol version 6 (IPV6) protocol and the signaling will be done through
Internet Protocol (IP). There are several key challenges in implementing 4G
heterogeneous network. Few of these problems are all IP network, integration
across different topologies, security and Quality of service (QOS). This paper
gives a survey and classification of the important QOS approaches proposed
for 4G networks. Classification is based on the work done in each protocol
layer and Cross Layer Design (CLD) approach. Finally, this paper presents
outcomes of survey which includes significant observation, limitations and idea
of further research in improving QOS in 4G networks.

• Hamner M., did an “Analysis which has been undertaken on the demand and
supply characteristics of the Indian Telecommunications market, with the aim
of contributing to the debate on the effectiveness of universal access policies in
developing countries also, the design, development and testing of a model for
use in evaluating the variety of issues that impact the telecommunications
sector and affect its sustainability in developing countries has been done. The
model developed considers the telecommunications sector to be a complex
system that can be described in terms of supply (eg; infrastructure) and demand
(eg; revenue per capital). To represent the telecommunications sector, the
model embodies the relationships and interactions between six major categories
including: political, competitive and regulatory, economic, social, sector
specific and technology.

• According to Dah Iman, BWA can logically be a mix of pre 4G

technologies such as mobile WiMAX and the first release Long Term
Evolution (LTE) which have been in market since 2006 and 2009 respectively

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and often branded as 4G in marketing material, and 4g technologies. The

current version of the pre 4G technologies do not fulfill the IMT- Advanced
requirement. IMT- Advanced compliant version of the above two standards are
under development and called “LTE Advanced” and Wireless MAN
Advanced” respectively. ITU has decided that “LTE Advanced” technology
based on 3GPP release 10 and “Wireless MAN Advanced” technology based
on IEEE 802.16m should be accorded the official designation of IMT-
Advanced. Both LTE-Advanced technology and the IEEE Wireless MAN
Advanced” technology make use of same key technologies viz. Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), Multiple Input Multiple
Output (MIMO) and system Architecture Evolution (SAE).

• Dodd, A.Z. did not and analysis on the widespread adoption of GSM/CDMA
as 2G technologies and WCDMA/UMTS/HSPA? CDMA 2000/EVDO for 3G
services. LTE has been defined as the next step in the technological roadmap.
LTE evolves from the Third-generation technology which is based on
WCDMA and defines the long-term evolution of the 3GPP UMTS/HSPA
cellular technology. The specifications of these efforts are formally known as
the evolved UMTS terrestrial radio access (E-UTRA) and evolved UMTS
terrestrial radio access network (E-UTRAN), commonly referred to by the
3GPP project LTE. It offers higher data rates, lower latency and greater
spectral efficiency than previous technologies. LTE supports high performance
mobile access functional upto 350km/h with 500km/h under consideration.
Peak data rates range from 100 to 326.4Mbps on the downlink and 50 to
86.4Mbps on the uplink depending on the antenna configuration and 2
modulation depth. LTE is compatible with HSPA, UMTS and GSM-based
technologies and hence offers a simple evolutionary path for all existing GSM
and HSPA operators. However, of complementary core network also offers
the ability to support the handover of services between LTE and CDMA-
2000 networks, making it a compelling option as a next step for CDMA-
2000/EV-DO operators as well. LTE has been developed to offer both
Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and Time Division Duplex (TDD) modes,

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enabling TD-SCDMA networks to also make a smooth transition to TDD LTE

Indeed, a combined FDD And TDD LTE deployment is expected to gain a
broad foothold in many markets.
• Leite, J. comes from IEEE family of protocols and extends the wireless access
from the Local Area Network (typically based on the IEEE 802.11 standard) to
Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN). It uses
a new physical layer radio access technology called OFDMA (Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiple Access) for uplink and downlink. It provides
wireless transmission of data using a variety of transmission modes, from
point-to-multipoint links to portable and fully mobile internet access.
According to the industry forum WiMAX Forum, many technologies currently
available for fixed wireless access can only provide line of sight (LOS)
coverage, the technology behind WiMAX has been optimized to provide non
line of sight (NLOS) coverage as well. WiMAX’s advanced technology can
cover distances of up to 50 kilometers under LOS conditions and typical cell
radii of up to 5 miles under NLOS conditions. The mobile WiMAX uses an all
IP backbone with uplink and downlink peak data rate capabilities of up to 75
Mbps depending on the antenna configuration and modulation, practical to
10Mbps within 6 miles (10 km) radius. The earliest iterations of WiMAX were
approved with the TDMA TDD and FDD with line of sight (LOS) propagation
access the 10 to 66 GHz range with non-line of sight (NLOS) capability using
the robust OFDMA PHY layer with sub- channelization allowing dynamic
allocation of time and frequency resources to multiple users. The 802.16m
(Mobile WiMAX Release 2) Task-force is currently working on the next-
generation systems with an aim for optimizations for improved interworking
and coexistence with other access technology

Lack of telecom infrastructure in semi-rural and rural areas could be one of

the major hindrances in tapping the huge rural potential market, going forward.
The service providers have to incur a huge initial fixed cost to enter rural service
areas. Further, as many rural areas in India lack basic infrastructure such as road
and power, developing telecom infrastructure in these areas involve greater
logistical risks and also extend the time taken to roll out telecom services. The lack
of trained personnel in the rural area to operate and maintain the cellular
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infrastructure, especially passive infrastructure such as towers, is also seen as a

hurdle for extending telecom services to the under penetrated rural areas.
2.1.2. Rural areas continue to remain under penetrated
A rural tele density of merely 15% point towards the fact that a majority of
Indian population still do not have access to telecom services. The rural India
seems to have remained untouched by the telecom revolution witnessed in the last
few years. A huge 'digital divide', which is reflected by the enormous difference of
74% between the urban and rural tele density, reiterates this fact.
However, with the urban markets reaching a saturation point, the telecom service
providers are penetrating rural areas for driving future growth. Thus, the service
providers entering new rural markets might witness substantial increase in
subscriber base. The expansion in the rural areas, however, has increased the risk
of further decline in the ARPUs. Nonetheless the revenue growth from these
regions is unlikely to match the surge in the subscriber base.

2.1.3. Excessive competition

Another major concern that has come to the forefront in the recent past has
been heightened competitive intensity in the industry that has correspondingly
fueled the price war between industry players. The Indian wireless market is one of
the world’s most competitive markets, with 12 operators across 23 wireless
‘circles’ and 6 to 8 competing operators in each circle. The auction of new 4G
licenses and the introduction of mobile number portability (MNP) are likely to heat
up competition in the industry, going forward.
Spectrum is the most important resource that is required for providing
mobile services. Given that spectrum is a finite resource, the availability of the
same would be inversely proportional to the number of operators. Thus, larger the
number of service providers smaller will be the amount of spectrum available to
each of them.
Scarcity of spectrum leads to higher capex on deployment of mobile
networks for the operators as they need more cell sites to improve service quality.
Further the growing usage of spectrum and the resultant scarcity may lead to re-
use of spectrum and increase chances of congestion in networks leading to
constraints on service quality.

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Evidently, the competition in the industry is expected to intensify further

with the entry of new players, both domestic as well as foreign players. With the
competitive intensity of the industry already at such high levels new operators
might find it difficult to gather significant share in Indian telecom market. While
the new players may benefit from a faster network rollout through tower sharing,
they will face challenges in terms of high subscriber acquisition costs and lower
ARPU customers.

2.1.4. Lower broadband penetration

The Indian economy remains highly underpenetrated in terms of broadband
connections. High cost of devices (PC and laptop), high internet charges and lower
wireline connections have been some of the major factors inhibiting broadband
penetration. Broadband is one of the key catalysts for economic development and
major initiatives by both the government and service providers are needed to
increase its penetration. So here I have undertaken this project work to know
pragmatic attitude of customer towards Reliance Jio telecommunication service
provider with some initial contrast.3G cellular systems, WIFI and Bluetooth and
enhance the peak rates to 4G standards set by the ITU under “IMT-Advanced”
umbrella which calls for data rates of 100 Mbps for high mobility and 1 Gbps for
fixed/nomadic wireless access.


Primary data:
Primary data has been collected from customer of Reliance Jio users by
drafting questionnaire to them and some part of relevant information has been
gathered from employees working in Reliance Jio Offices of Davangere.

Secondary data:
Secondary data has been collected from Journals, Magazines Reports of the
companies, Newspaper and Internet.


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The sample design provides information on the target information and final
sample sizes. I used conveyed convenient sampling surveyed in research.


Sample size: 100
Design: Questionnaires (Random sampling)


For analysis and interpretation of data the tools are used like frequency
table, graphs; charts have been used for easy and clear understanding of collected
data or information relating tax saving investment practice.


I have used Questionnaire, as the research instrument to conduct the market
survey. The questionnaire consisted closed ended questions designed in such a way
that it should gather maximum information possible. The questionnaire was a
combination of 100 questions. If choices are given it is easier for the respondent to
respond from the choices rather, they think and reply also it takes lesser time.
Because the keep on responding and one has tick mark the right choice

Data was collected through two sources:

Primary Source: Primary data was collected directly from the customers
through a questionnaire.
Secondary Source: The secondary source was the company website and news,

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Reliance jio


India has a fast-growing mobile services market with excellent potential for
the future. With almost five million subscribers amassed in less than two years of
operation, India's growth tempo has far exceeded that of numerous other markets,
such as China and Thailand, which have taken more than five years to reach the
figures India currently holds. The number of mobile phone subscribers in the
country would exceed 50 million by 2010 and cross 300 million by 2016,
according to Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI).

According to recent strategic research by Frost & Sullivan, Indian Cellular

Services Market, such growth rates can be greatly attributed to the drastically
falling price of mobile handsets, with price playing a fundamental role in Indian
subscriber requirements. Subscribers in certain regions can acquire the handset at
almost no cost, thanks to the mass-market stage these technologies have reached
internationally. The Indian consumer can buy a handset for $150 or less. This
should lead to increased subscribership. This market is growing at an extremely
fast pace and so is the competition between the mobile service providers.
With the presence of a number of mobile telephony services providers including
market leaders like Airtel, Reliance, Idea Cellular, BSNL etc. who are providing
either of the two network technologies such as Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). In cellular
service there are two main competing network technologies: Global System for
Mobile Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).

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Understanding the difference between GSM and CDMA will allow the user to
choose the preferable network technology for his needs.
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) is a new digital
technology developed by the European community to create a common mobile
standard around the world. It helps you achieve higher sell capacity and better
speech quality and one can enjoy crystal clear reception on one’s mobile phone. It
automatically solves the problem of eavesdropping on one’s calls.
Before analyzing the telecom licensing framework in India, it is imperative
that one must examine what is a license. License issued by the government is an
authority, given to a person upon certain conditions to do something which would
have been illegal or wrongful otherwise. For example, a driver’s license issued by
the government, gives the authority to a person to drive a motor vehicle. There are
three main types of license fee which the government charges: (I) initial license
fee, which generally is non-refundable, (ii) annual license fee, and (iii) additional
fee for allocation of spectrum.
Licensing framework has been an integral part of India’s telecommunication law.
Under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, section 4 gives power to the government to
grant license to any person to establish, maintain or use a telegraph. 
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) describes a communication
channel access principle that employs spread spectrum technology and a special
coding scheme (where each transmitter is assigned a code). It is a spread spectrum
signaling, since the modulated coded signal has a much higher bandwidth than the
data being communicated. CDMA is the current name for mobile technology and
is characterized by high capacity and small cell radius. It has been used in many
communication and navigation systems, including the Global Positioning System
and the omnitracs satellite system for transportation logistics.
Indian mobile telephony market is increasing day by day and there is more to
happen with technological up gradations occurring nearly every day and the ever-
increasing demand for easier and faster connectivity, the mobile telephony market is
expected to race ahead.

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• The tide has turned for the telecom sector in India, as growth and profitability
has accelerated in recent times. Tower companies are reaping benefits of a
turnaround in the sector as operators have started investing in networks to boost
data penetration.
• However, it is in the country’s booming mobile segment in which the major
battles are being fought. Three major private players – Bharti airtel, Reliance
and Vodafone - with a formidable 54% share of the market between them, lead
a large field of mobile operators. State-owned enterprises –BSNL and MTNL –
have also been making their presence felt with a combined market share of


• According to Craig Wigginton, vice chairman and U.S. Telecommunications

leader, Deloitte & Touch LLP, the big challenge for the telecom industry in
2016 – which also presents a major growth opportunity for the sector – is that
consumers are getting addicted to connectivity and high speed.
• The ongoing expansion of the mobile ecosystem, coupled with demand for
high-bandwidth applications and services such as video and gaming, is keeping
pressure on the industry to increase the availability and quality of broadband
• What does this mean for players in the sector? Carriers will continue to pursue
technological advancements to handle demand, including offloading some
mobile bandwidth needs to Wi-Fi, which is proving an effective complement to
mobile networks. At the same time, long-term spectrum availability, spectrum
efficiency, small cells and continued backhaul improvements are likely to be a
key focus to assure continued mobile broadband momentum

The company is reconfiguring to meet the growing demand for mobile

services. It will differentiate our mobile services from our competitors through
ongoing investment in technology, distribution and customer services, providing
both a great customer experience and competitive value.

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The company is updating our retail footprint to a new Reliance JIO

concept delivering a differentiated customer experience. A core part of our
promise to customers is to ensure that their technical experts in store transfer all
their personal data to their new LYF phone allowing them to walk out of the store
with their phone fully functional. Extensive trials of our new concept store across
all markets have shown significant increases in both sales and customer
satisfaction. The new concept will be rolled out globally over the next upcoming



Jio's headquarters in RCP, Navi Mumbai

Formerly called  Infotel Broadband Services Limited

(2009 - 2013)

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 Reliance Jio Info COMM Limited

(2013 - 2015)

Type Subsidiary
Industry Telecommunications
Headquarters Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Key people Sanjay Mashruwalla (Managing Director)

Jyotindra Thacker (Head of IT)
Akash Ambani (Chief of Strategy)

Mobile telephony, broadband, WIFI, Router

Products and 4G Data services

Jio Apps
MyJio, JioChat, JioPlay, JioBeats, JioMoney,
JioDrive, JioOnDemand, JioSecurity, JioJoin,
JioMags, JioXpress News, Jionet WIFI
Parent Reliance Industries
Subsidiaries LYF

Jio also known as Reliance Jio and officially as Reliance Jio Info COMM
Limited (RJIL),[is an upcoming provider of mobile telephony, broadband
services, and digital services in India..

Reliance Jio Info COMM Limited (RJIL), a subsidiary of Reliance

Industries Limited (RIL), India’s largest private sector company, is the first
telecom operator to hold pan India Unified License. Formerly known as Infotel
Broadband Services Limited (IBSL), Jio will provide 4G services on a pan-India
level using LTE technology. The telecom leg of Reliance Industries Limited, it
was incorporated in 2007 and is based in Mumbai, India. It is headquartered in
Navi Mumbai.

RJIL is setting up a pan India telecom network to provide to the highly

underserviced India market, reliable (4th generation) high speed internet
connectivity, rich communication services and various digital services on pan

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India basis in key domains such as education, healthcare, security, financial

services, government citizen interfaces and entertainment. RJIL aims to provide
anytime, anywhere access to innovative and empowering digital content,
applications and services, thereby propelling India into global leadership in digital

RJIL is also deploying an enhanced packet core network to create futuristic

high capacity infrastructure to handle huge demand for data and voice. In addition
to high speed data, the 4G network will provide voice services from / to non-RJIL

RJIL holds spectrum in 1800 MHz (across 14 circles) and 2300 MHz
(across 22 circles) capable of offering fourth generation (4G) wireless services.
RJIL plans to provide seamless 4G services using FDD-LTE on 1800 MHz and
TDD-LTE on 2300 MHz through an integrated ecosystem.

Reliance Jio is part of the “Bay Of Bengal Gateway” Cable System,

planned to provide connectivity between South East Asia, South Asia and the
Middle East, and also to Europe, Africa and to the Far East Asia through
interconnections with other existing and newly built cable systems landing in
India, the Middle East and Far East Asia.

RJIL’s subsidiary has been awarded with a Facility Based Operator License
(“FBO License”) in Singapore which will allow it to buy, operate and sell undersea
and/or terrestrial fiber connectivity, setup its internet point of presence, offer
internet transit and peering services as well as data and voice roaming services in

R-Jio is also in the process of installing hundreds of monopoles, unlike the

regular rooftop-mounted telecom towers typically used by telecoms, said the
company executive quoted above. Monopoles, or ground-based masts (GBMs), are
expected to double up as street lights and surveillance systems, and provide real-
time monitoring of traffic and advertising opportunities.

The company, which plans to be rolled out commercial telecom service

operations from January, is currently in the testing phase for most of its offerings

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including 4G services, a host of mobile phone applications and delivery of

television content over its fiber optic network.

R-Jio, meanwhile, faces its share of challenges in terms of return on

investment and capturing market share. The company, according to industry
analysts, is expected to spend $8-9 billion for the 4G roll-out. The company will
battle for subscribers with leading telcos such as Bharti Airtel Ltd, Vodafone India
Pvt Ltd and Idea Cellular Ltd.

3.4.1 The Dominant Players

• Bharti Airtel --- 23% Market Share

• Vodafone India --- 18% Market Share
• Idea Cellular --- 15% Market Share
• Reliance Communications --- 12% Market Share
• BSNL --- 10% Market Share
• Aircel --- 8% Market Share
• TATA Info COMM --- 7% Market Share
• Others --- 7% Market Share

The services were beta launched to Jio's partners and employees on 27

December 2015 on the eve of 83rd birth anniversary of late Dhirubhai Ambani,
founder of Reliance Industries.

Mr. Akash Ambani is being launched in business as a chief of strategy in

Reliance JIO, involved in day to day operations in business or Ms. Isha Ambani is
involved in branding and marketing. And the key people are Sanjay Mashruwalla
(Managing Director), Jyotindra Tacker (Head of IT).

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Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani committed an investment of

Rs. 2,50,000 crores on "Digital India" and said he expected the group's initiatives
under it will create over 5,00,000 direct and indirect jobs.

"Digital India as company has seen empowers them to fulfil their

aspirations. Reliance JIO has invested over Rs. 2,50,000 crores across the Digital
India pillars," Ambani said, adding: "I estimate Reliance's 'Digital India'
investments will create employment for over 5,00,000 people. " Ambani said the
launch of Digital India initiative was a momentous occasion in an information age
where digitization was changing the way one lives, learns, works and plays. It can
transform the lives of 1.2 billion Indians using the power of digital technology.
And as well as "So 80 percent of the 1.3 billion Indians will have high-speed,
mobile Internet. And by 2017, company would cover 90 percent. And by 2018, all
of India would be covered by this digital infrastructure,"

3.4.2. HISTORY

In June 2010, Reliance Industries (RIL) bought a 96% stake in Infotel

Broadband Services Limited (IBSL) for Rs 4,800cr. Although unlisted, IBBL was
the only firm to win broadband spectrum in all 22 zones in India in the 4G auction
that took place earlier that year. Later continuing as RIL's telecom subsidiary,

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Infotel Broadband Services Limited was renamed as Reliance Jio Info COMM
Limited (RJIL) in January 2013.


• Acquired Infotel Broadband Services Limited in 2010.

• Technology - Ran core Technologies
• ILD & NLD - Infotel Telecom.


• An agreement with Ascend Telecom for their more than 4,500 towers
across India. (June 2014)
• An agreement with Tower Vision for their 8,400 towers across India. (May
• An agreement with ATC India for their 11,000 towers across India. (April
• An agreement with Viom Networks for their 42,000 telecom towers.
(March 2014)
• Agreement with Bharti Airtel for a comprehensive telecom infrastructure
sharing agreement to share infrastructure created by both parties to avoid
duplication of infrastructure wherever possible. (December 2013)
• A key agreement for international data connectivity with Bharti to utilise
dedicated fiber pair of Bharti’s i2i submarine cable that connects India and
Singapore. (April 2013)
• Agreements with Reliance Communications Limited for sharing of
RCOM’s extensive inter-city and intra-city optic fiber infrastructure of
nearly 1,20,000 fiber-pair kilometers of optic fiber and 500,000 fiber pair
kilometers respectively (April 2013 / April 2014), and 45,000 towers (June


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• Reliance Jio Info COMM is currently laying OFC across the country to
offer Fiber to the home/premises (FTTH). This fiber backbone will also
help them to carry huge amount of data originated from their 4G network
as well as public Wi-Fi network.
• Reliance Jio is deploying LTE-TDD technology for 2.3 GHz spectrum
band, acquired in 2010.
• Reliance Jio will deploy LTE-FDD for 1.8 GHz spectrum, which will
ultimately be paved to roll out of LTE-A network aggregation of both
technology and both spectrum band.
• At present in different cities of India Reliance Jio offers Wi-Fi services.
Most of these cities are in Gujarat, where Reliance Industries also have one
of the largest Petro-refinery.
• Once commercially launched, Jio users can have access to Reliance
Communications’ 2G & 3G network.

In June 2015, Jio announced that it will start its operations all over the
country by the end of year. However, four months later in October 2015, the
company's spokesmen sent out a press release stating that the launch was
postponed to the first quarter of the financial year 2016-2017.
Later in July, a PIL filed in the Supreme Court by an NGO called the Centre
for Public Interest Litigation, through Prashant Bhushan, challenged the grant of
pan-India license to Jio by the Government of India. The PIL also alleged that Jio
was allowed to provide voice telephony along with its 4G data service, by paying
an additional fees of just 165.8 crore (US$25 million) which was arbitrary and
unreasonable, and contributed to a loss of 2,284.2 crore (US$340 million) to the
The Indian Department of Telecom (DoT), however, refuted all of CAG's
claims. In its statement, DoT explained that the rules for 3G and BWA spectrum
didn't restrict BWA winners from providing voice telephony. As a result, the PIL
was revoked, and the accusations were dismissed.


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The 4G services were launched internally to Jio's partners, its staff and their
families on 27 December 2015. Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, who is also the
brand ambassador of Jio, kickstarted the launch event which took place in Reliance
Corporate Park in Navi Mumbai, along with celebrities like musician A R
Rahman, actors Ranbir Kapoor and Javed Jaffrey, and filmmaker Hirani. The
closed event was witnessed by more than 35000 RIL employees some of whom
were virtually connected from around 1000 locations including Dallas in the US.



The company has launched its 4G broadband services throughout India in
the first quarter of 2016 financial year. It was slated to release in December 2015
after some reports said that the company was waiting to receive final permits from
the government. Mukesh Ambani, owner of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)
whose Reliance Jio is the telecom subsidiary, had unveiled details of Jio's fourth-
generation (4G) services on 12 June 2015 at RIL's 41st annual general meeting. It
will offer data and voice services with peripheral services like instant messaging,
live TV, movies on demand, news, streaming music, and a digital payments
The company has a network of more than 250,000 km of fiber optic cables in the
country, over which it will be partnering with local cable operators to get broader
connectivity for its broadband services. With its multi-service operator (MSO)
license, Jio will also serve as a TV channel distributor and will offer television-on-
demand on its network.


Jio owns spectrum in 800 MHz and 1,800 MHz bands in 10 and 6 circles,

respectively, of the total 22 circles in the country, and also owns pan-India
licensed 2,300 MHz spectrum. The spectrum is valid till 2035.Ahead of its digital
services launch, Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio entered into a spectrum sharing
deal with younger brother Anil Ambani-backed Reliance Communications. The

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sharing deal is for 800 MHz band across seven circles other than the 10 circles for
which Jio already owns.
Reliance jio’s vision for India is that broadband and digital services will no longer
be a luxury item, Rather convert it into a basic necessity that can be consumed in
abundance by consumers and small businesses. The initiatives are truly aligned
with the Government of India's ‘Digital India’ vision for our nation.

• Digital Healthcare
• Affordable Devices
• Jio Drive
• Digital Education
• Digital Currency
• Digital Entertainment and social connectivity


In June 2015, Jio tied up with domestic handset maker Intex to supply 4G
handsets enabled with voice over LTE (VoLTE) feature. Through this, it plans to
offer 4G voice calling besides rolling out high-speed Internet services using a fiber
network, in addition to the 4G wireless network. [ However, in October 2015, Jio
announced that it would be launching its own mobile handset brand named LYF.
On 25 January 2016, the company launched its LYF smartphone series starting
with Water 1, through its chain of electronic retail outlets, Reliance Retail. Three
more handset models have been released so far, namely Water series, Earth series,
and Flame series.

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Prior to its pan-India launch of 4G data and telephony services, Jio has started
providing free Wi-Fi hotspot services in cities throughout India including
Ahmedabad and Surat in Gujarat, Indore, Jabalpur, Dews and Ujjain in Madhya
Pradesh, select locations of Mumbai in Maharashtra, Kolkata in West Bengal,
Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, Bhubaneswar in Odisha, Mussoorie in Uttarakhand,
Collectorate's Office in Meerut, and at MG Road in Vijayawada among others.
Title=Reliance Jio rolls out wi-fi service at IP sigra Mall in Varanasi among
In March 2016, Jio started providing free Wi-Fi internet to spectators at six cricket
stadiums hosting the 2016 ICC World Twenty20 matches. Jionet was made
available in Wankhede Stadium (Mumbai), Punjab Cricket Association IS Bindra
Stadium (Mohali), Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium (Dharamshala),
Chinnaswamy Stadium (Bengaluru), Firoz Shah Kotla (Delhi), and Eden Gardens
(Kolkata) in India.
In May 2016 , Jio launched a bundle of multimedia apps on Google Play as part of
its upcoming 4G services. While the apps are available to download for everyone,
a user will require a Jio SIM card to use them. Additionally, most of the apps are
in beta phase. Following is a list of the apps:
• MyJio - Manage Jio Account and Digital Services associated with it
• JioPlay - A live TV channel service
• JioOnDemand - An online HD video library
• JioChat Messenger - An instant messaging app
• JioBeats - A music player
• JioJoin - A VoLTE phone simulator
• JioMags - E-reader for magazines
• JioXpressNews - A news and magazine aggregator
• JioSecurity - Security app
• JioDrive - Cloud-based backup too
• JioMoney Wallet - An online payments/wallet app.

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• 3 Months Free Unlimited 4G Internet (Connected with 31 Devices)

• 3 Months Free Unlimited Calling (At any network)
• 3 Months Free Unlimited SMS
• Life time Roaming Free (All India)
• Registration in E-mail is compulsory
• Available in Reliance store and Digital mini express store.


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• 3 Months Free Unlimited 4G Internet in LYF smartphones and others all 4G

smartphones (Samsung, Micromax, Karbon, Lava, HTC, Gioni etc.)
• 3 Months Free Unlimited Calling (At any network)
• 3 Months Free Unlimited SMS
• Life time Roaming Free (All over India)
• 2 Years Warranty (LYF handsets only)


On December 24, 2015, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan was appointed as Jio's
brand ambassador.

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The purpose of conducting the survey is to obtain the opinions of the

Questionnaire has been prepared and has obtained 100 respondents. The
questionnaires have distributed to the respondents is different areas and are
requested to fill it and return to us.
The survey has been successfully carried out and the respondents gave good and
realistic answer to the questions. The information collected from the respondents is
tabulated, processed and analyzed to get some meaningful inferences. The detailed
analysis of data collected during survey is presented.

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Table no: 4.1 shows gender wise classification of respondents


MALE 72 72

FEMALE 28 28

TOTAL 100 100

Source: sample survey

Graph: 4.1 represents gender wise classification of respondents












From the above table clearly says that 72% of the respondents were belongs
to male and remaining 28% respondents were belonging to female category, it is
here by clear that majority of the respondents are male.

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

Table no:4.2 shows age wise classification of respondents


18-30 years 73 73

31-40 Years 27 27

41-50 Years 0 0

Above 50 years 0 0

Total 100 100

Source: sample survey

Graph no : 4.2 Represents age wise classification of respondents










18-30 years 31-40 Years 41-50 Years Above 50 years Total


From the above the table, we can understand the age group people between
18-30, having 73%. The age group 31-40 years is 27%, the age group between 41-
50 is 0% and above age group people is 0%. It is interpreted majority of the age of
the 18-30 all are using Reliance jio service.

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Table no:4.3 shows the educational qualification wise classification of



Up to SSLC 17 17

PUC 20 20
Graduation 21 21
Post-Graduation 42 42
Total 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no 4.3 Represents the educational qualification wise classification

of respondents









1 2 3 4 5


From the above table we can understand the education qualification of

respondents between SSLC and PUC have in less number and degree is medium,
Post-graduation is in high numbers. It is here by clear that majority of the
respondents are Post graduation because in this group more people are educated.

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Table no:4.4 shows the occupation wise classification


Businessman 18 18
Student 47 47
Employee 20 20
Others 15 15
Total 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.4 respondents occupation wise classification of respondents







Businessman Student Employee Others Total


From the above table classification of respondents as per occupation wise

the students are in a greater number of respondents it is interpreted that majority of
respondents are students. It is indicating that a greater number of students know
various service provided by Reliance jio service.

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Table no: 4.5 shows the monthly expenditure wise classification of


Average monthly No of respondents Percentage %

Rs100-rs200 23 23
Rs200-rs300 43 43
Rs300-rs400 21 21
Above rs500 13 13
Total 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.5 Represents monthly expenditure wise classification






Rs100-Rs200 Rs200-Rs300 Rs300-Rs400 Above Rs500 TOTAL


From the above table the clasification of respondents as per monthly

expenditure wise, the clasification of respondents between 200 – 300 are more in
the number. And above 500 rs expenditure group respondents are in less number.
It is indicates that the majority of the people are comes under the Rs 200 – 300,
because majority of them are middle class.

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Table no: 4.6 shows how long using reliance jio services wise
classification of respondents


Less than one month 21 21

2-3 months 49 49
4-5 months 30 30
Non users 0 0
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.6 Represents how long using Reliance JIO services wise
classification of respondents
40 TABLE NO Since how long you are
using Reliance JIO services NO OF
TABLE NO Since how long you are
20 using Reliance JIO services


From The above table the classification of respondents is using Reliance Jio
service, the high number of users of Reliance jio service between 2 – 3 months,
and a smaller number of users is between less than one month. It is interpreted that
the majority of the respondents are using 2 – 3 months.

Table no: 4.7 Respondents from which source to know about reliance jio

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News paper 28 28
Advertisement 43 43
Mouth publicity 19 19
Hoardings 10 10
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.7 Represents from which source to know about reliance jio









1 2 3 4 5


In the above table clearly shows through know about Reliance Jio service
through Newspaper, advertisement, Mouth publicity, and Hoardings, with 28%,
43%, 19% and 10% respectively, hence advertisement and newspaper play a
important role in to know about Reliance Jio service. It is interpreted that majority
of the respondents are know from the Advertisement and Newspaper.

Table no: 4.8 Feature of reliance jio convinced respondents to use this

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Connectivity 27 27
Schemes 42 42
Advertisements 19 19
Goodwill 12 12
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no:4.8 Represents the Feature of reliance jio convinced

respondents to use this










Connectivity Schemes Advertisements Goodwill TOTAL


From the above table we can easily understand which factor considered
while convinced features of reliance jio 40% of people consider the schemes of the
Reliance jio service, recognition and connectivity factors, it is interpreted that
majority of the respondent are convinced the Reliance jio schemes as well as

Table no 4.9 respondent which service like most while using the reliance

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Data services 45 45
Call rate 30 30
Network coverage 13 13
Value added services 12 12
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no 4.9 Represent which service like most while using the reliance






From the above table we can easily understand that the respondents are
most like data service, as well as call rate service from the reliance jio service, like
40% data service and 30% call rate service. It is interpreted that majority of the
respondents are most like data service and call rate service while using reliance jio,
they are satisfied more than other services.

Table no: 4.10 Why did choose this service provider


Unlimited calling services 18 18

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Unlimited Data services 42 42

Unlimited SMS services 11 11
All services 29 29
TOTAL 70 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.10 Why did choose this service provider



42 42
29 29
18 18
11 11


From the above table clearly shows the people choose Reliance jio service
provider, they are satisfied with 42% of data service and 29% of all services, less
than 20% unlimited calling service and unlimited SMS service. It is interpreted
that the majority of respondents satisfied with data service for this purpose they are
choose this service provider.

Table no: 4.11 respondents prefer reliance jio in rural area


Yes 63 63
No 37 37
TOTAL 100 100

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Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.11 Represents prefer reliance jio in rural area












From that above table, we can easily understand that 63% of respondents
are preferred Reliance jio in rural area and 37% of respondents are not preferred in
rural area, It is interpreted that the majority of 63% of the respondents are
preferred Reliance jio in rural area.

Table no: 4.12 The respondent use data per day


Below 250 Mb 22 22
251 to 500 Mb 27 27

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501 to 750 Mb 20 20
751 to 1 GB 31 31
Above 1 GB 0 0
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no:4.12 The respondent use data per day








From the above table and Graph shows that the data users of per day is
below 250 mb is 22%, 251 to 500 is 27%, 501 to 750mb is 20% and 751 to 1Gb is
30%, above 1Gb is 0% of respondents are using data per day. It is interpreted that
majority of more than 30% of the people are using 751 to 1Gb data per day based
on their data usage.

Table no 4.13 classification of respondents having problems, while

downloading information


Yes 67 67
No 33 33

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TOTAL 100 100

Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.13 classification of respondents having problems, while

downloading information












From the above table and Graph is clearly shows that out of
100%respondents the 67% of respondents are having problems while downloading
information and remaining 33% respondents are not having problems while
downloading information. It is interpreted that the majority of the 67% of the
respondents are having problems while downloading information using Reliance

Table no: 4.14 The respondents facing problems while using reliance jio


Connectivity 22 22
Network coverage 37 37

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Call dropping 17 17
All problems 23 23
If any other specify 1 1
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no:4.14 The respondents facing problems while using reliance jio






From the above table and Graph we can understand that while using
Reliance jio, out 100 Respondents, 22% of the respondents are facing connectivity
problems, 37% of respondents facing Network coverage problem, 17% of
respondents facing call dropping problems and 23% of respondents facing above
all the problems and only 1% of the respondents are facing other problems. It is
interpreted that the majority of 37% out of 100% of the respondents are facing
Network coverage problems while using Reliance jio.

Table no: 4.15 Respondents rates internet speed in reliance jio


Poor 3 3
Good 38 38
Neither Good or Bad 17 17

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Better 27 27
Best 15 15
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no:4.15 Respondents rates internet speed in reliance jio







60 38
40 27
17 15
20 38
3 17 15
0 3
Poor Good Neither Good or Bad Better Best TOTAL



The above data says that internet speed in Reliance jio as a ‘Good’ in
favorer of 38% of respondents and 27% respondents are says Internet speed is
‘better’ in the speed level,17% of respondents are in middle position of ‘neither
good or bad’ and also 15% respondents are says that internet speed in Reliance jio
is ‘best’ reaming 3% of respondents are says that ‘poor’. While Internet speed in
Reliance Jio.

Table no: 4.16 Respondents facing too much of call dropping problems
in reliance jio


Yes 63 63
No 37 37

IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 48

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

TOTAL 100 100

Source: sample survey

Graph no:4.16 Respondents facing too much of call dropping problems

in reliance jio












From the above table 63%of the respondents clearly favored about there is
in problems of call dropping while using Reliance jio. Normal 37% of respondents
are says there is no problem in call dropping usage of Reliance jio. In this majority
of respondents says that there is a too much problems of call dropping in Reliance

Table no: 4.17 Respondents call at customer care


Yes 72 72
No 28 28

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

TOTAL 100 100

Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.17 Respondents call at customer care












From the above table clearly says that out of 100 respondents, 72% of the
people are do the call at customer care, and remaining 28% of the people are not
do the call at customer care. It is interpreted that the majority of the respondents
are do the call at customer care purpose of get solutions about their questions .

Table no: 4.18 respondents for what reason call customer care


Value added services 21 21

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

Information regarding 48 48
new schemes
Complaints 23 23
Other queries 8 8
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.18 respondents for what reason call customer care


48 48

21 21 23 23
8 8


From the above table clearly says that in the total number of 100
respondents, the 21% respondents are call at customer care reason for Value added
services, 48% of respondents are call at customer care reason for Information
regarding new schemes, and 23% of respondents are call at customer care for
Complaints, and 8% out of 100 respondents are calla at customer care for other
queries. It is interpreted that the majority of the respondents are call at customer
care for Information regarding new schemes.

Table no: 4.19 availability of reliance jio’s retailer shops


Poor 23 23
Good 36 36

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

Neither Good or Bad 13 13

Better 21 21
Best 7 7
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.19 availability of reliance jio’s retailer shops



From the above table clearly says that the availability of Reliance jio’s
retailer shops, based on the collection of data out 100 respondents 23% Poor, 36%
Good, 13% Neither good or Bad, and 21% Better, and 7% is Best, Respectively. It
is interpreted that majority of the 36% respondents are says that Good.

Table no: 4.20 Respondents satisfaction with reliance jio services


Yes 61 61
No 39 39

IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 52

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

TOTAL 100 100

Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.20 Respondents satisfaction with reliance jio services












From the above table the satisfaction with the Reliance jio, out of 100
respondents 61% of respondents are satisfied and 29% of the respondents are not
satisfied with the Reliance jio service. It is interpreted that majority of more than
60% of the people are satisfied with the Reliance jio services.

Table no: 4.21 Should be improved in reliance jio services


Improve in Network 47 47

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

Remove calling 19 19
Upgrade in Android 13 13
Other 21 21
TOTAL 100 100
Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.21 should be improved in reliance jio services




From the above table clarifies that what should be improved in reliance jio
services. In data out of 100 respondents 47% of the respondents are says that
improve in network coverage, 19% of the respondents are says Remove calling
congestion, and 13% of the respondents are says Upgrade in android version, and
remaining respondents says other. It is interpreted that the majority of 47% of the
respondents are says improve in Network coverage.

Table no: 4.22 rate the following reliance jio services on basis of your



IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 54

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

NR % NR % NR % NR % NR %

Network 21 21 34 34 22 22 19 19 4 4
Coverage 1.
Data `31 31 37 37 17 17 13 13 2 2
Calling 23 23 32 32 19 19 17 17 9 9
Value 17 17 28 28 27 27 26 26 2 2
Customer 16 16 38 38 28 28 12 12 6 6
New 37 37 31 31 15 15 13 13 4 4
schemes 24
and offers
Source: sample survey

Graph no: 4.22 rate the following reliance jio services on basis of your


From the table clearly says that on the basis of satisfaction of Reliance jio
service, here by out the 100, below 30% of the respondents are says satisfied in
Network coverage, and above 40% of the respondents are says that satisfied with
data services, and below 30% of the respondents are says that satisfied with calling
IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 55
A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

services, and below 35% of respondents are satisfied with value added service, and
below 40% of the respondents are satisfied with Customer care, and below 35% of
respondents are New schemes and offers. It is interpreted that majority of the
above 40% of the customers are satisfied with data services.

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio




The following are the findings of the study.

• While conducting the survey, I found that most of 61% respondents are
satisfied with Reliance JIO, and 29% of respondents are not satisfied.
Because still they have network problem in deep rural areas.
• Reliance JIO has wide market captured in Davangere. Jio sim cards are
highly demanded in the market by its customers.
• Most of the customers are preferred Reliance Jio for provides New Schemes
and Offers.
• Customers are satisfied the 4G unlimited services as comparison to others
• Reliance JIO is the market leader in Davangere areas, all the customers are
preferred its products & services.
• Reliance JIO is enhanced the potential market share in Davangere.
• Reliance Jio’s retailer shops availability is less, so customers are not fully
satisfied with this
• There is no Mobile Number Portability service in Reliance Jio.
• At last it can be said that there are a lot of scope of Reliance jio market in
near future

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio


• In today’s era the Reliance JIO must focus on rural areas to get the people
attention and gather the rural people interest. Because most of rural people
are not having the knowledge about Reliance JIO.
• Spread out the awareness about Reliance JIO in deep rural areas.
• Replenish the products on Retailer’s shop on right time, where it is lacking.
• Remove (exterminate) the problem of calling congestion & call drop.
• Make the advertisement of reliance jio by putting hoardings, boards,
posters, and neon (electric) sign boards in every area. It should be
highlighted punch line” LYF DEKHO LYF JAISI”.
• Get the feedback from existing customers about Reliance JIO and take the
reference for making new customers.
• Should try building a good relationship with all retailers, praise, recognition
& honor on several occasion for our retailers would help a lot.
• The customer care peoples and also employees in Reliance JIO should try to
convey brand Reliance JIO while talking to people.
• Enhance the market penetration & shares in every market and give the high
competition to others company.

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio


Reliance JIO has become a very successful brand in India & providing
customer satisfaction is to be there main motive. It provides unlimited free calling
and data services & SMS on the move as people are more dependent on it in their
daily lives like wide network coverage and good 4G services. Because 3G services
was unable to meet our customer needs and wants. That’s why 4G has been
evolved for Indian customers.
Reliance JIO possesses congestion free & wide network coverage, attractive 4G
schemes & customer services as well as lifetime roaming free services.
Providing customer satisfaction is the most crucial step of the company as
they are to be satisfied and provides Internet access on the move such as Wide
network coverage and good 4G services as they are important and technology
advanced stuff required by almost everybody in today’s environment,
Reliance JIO is a home brand company and a very emerging brand in India
and will be successful in overseas market in upcoming years. It possesses
congestion free & wide network, attractive 4G schemes & customer services to
cover one of the widest areas.
From the details it can be concluded that 80% of Reliance JIO users preferred to
remain with Reliance JIO and fully satisfied. Also, good number of customers who
are willing to switch from their respective subscribers showed interest in Reliance
JIO. Reliance JIO is capturing the wide area of Indian markets increasingly day by
day. Hence, these statistics imply a bright future for the company. It can be said
that in near future, the company will be booming in the telecom industry.

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

Dear Respondents,

I am Ms. Suma K Student of Master of Commerce ( at Government

first grade college Davangere, Davangere university. I have undertaken the
research project entitled “A study on customer satisfaction towards Reliance

This research is taken under the guidance of Mr. Shambulingappa. Assistant

Professor, department of Commerce, Government first grade college Davangere,
Davangere university. Kindly fill up the questionnaire given bellow and give
suggestion information is given will be used only for academic purpose.

Thank you

Yours faithfully,


IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 60

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

1) Demographic Profile:
a) Name: ------------------------------------
b) Age: ------------------------------------
c) Gender: ------------------------------------
d) Occupation: ------------------------------------
E) Qualification: ------------------------------------

2) What is your average monthly expenditure on mobile (in RS)?

a) Rs100-Rs200 [ ] b) Rs200-Rs300 [ ]
c) Rs300-Rs400 [ ] d) Above Rs500 [ ]
3) Since how long you are using Reliance JIO services?
a) Less than one month [ ] b) 2-3 months [ ]
c) 4-5 months [ ] d) Non users [ ]
4) From which source you came to know about Reliance JIO?
a) Newspaper [ ] b) Advertisement [ ]
c) Mouth publicity [ ] d) Hoardings [ ]

5) Which feature of Reliance jio convinced you to use this?

a) Connectivity [ ] b) Schemes [ ]
c) Advertisements [ ] d) Goodwill [ ]

6) Which service do you like most while using the Reliance jio services?
a) Data services [ ] b) Call rate [ ]
c) Network coverage [ ] d) Value added services [ ]

7) Why did you choose this service provider?

a) Unlimited calling services [ ] b) Unlimited Data services [ ]

IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 61

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

c) Unlimited SMS services [ ] d) All services [ ]

8) Do you prefer Reliance Jio in Rural Area?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

9) How much do you use data per day?

a) Below 250 Mb [ ] b) 251 to 500 Mb [ ]
c) 501 to 750 Mb [ ] d) 751 to 1 GB [ ]
e) Above 1 GB [ ]

10) Are there any problems, while downloading information?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

11) What are the problems you face while using Reliance Jio?
a) Connectivity [ ] b) Network coverage [ ]
c) Call dropping [ ] d) All problems [ ]
If any other specify ………………………………………

12) Rate Internet speed in Reliance Jio

Poor Good Neither Good or Bad Better Best

13) Are you facing too much of call dropping problems in reliance jio?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

14) Do you call at customer care?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 62
A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

If Yes, how often you call at customer care?

1. Daily [ ] 2. Once in week [ ]
3. Once in month [ ] 4. Rarely [ ]

15) For what reason do you call customer care?

a) Value added services [ ] b) Information regarding new schemes [ ]
c) Complaints [ ] d) other queries [ ]

16) Are you satisfied with the service provider’s behavior of the Reliance jio?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
If yes mention level of satisfaction
Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

17) Availability of Reliance jio’s Retailer shops?

Poor Good Neither Good or Bad Better Best

18) Are you satisfied with Reliance JIO services?

A) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

19) What should be improved in Reliance JIO services

a) Improve in Network coverage [ ] b) Remove calling congestion [ ]
c) Upgrade in Android version [ ] d) Other [ ]

20) Would you like to recommend others?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
21) which SIM Card are you using

IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 63

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

a) Jio [ ] b) Airtel [ ]
c) Idea [ ] d) BSNL [ ]
22) Rate the following Reliance JIO services on basis of your satisfaction?

Services Excellent Very Fairly Average Poor

good Good

Network Coverage

Data service

Calling service

Value added Services

Customer care

New schemes and offers

Thanking you,

Place: Signature of respondent

IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 64

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio


Referred Books:
• Kothari. C.R (2004): Research Methodology Methods & Techniques‟, New
Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2nd Edition.
• Principles of Marketing –Philip Kotler & Kevin Keller edition 12
• Market Research – D.D. Sharma
• Research Methodology – C.R. Kothari
• Books & magazine on mobile communication-Kamil Sh. Zigangirov.

• Mukesh Ambani's son Akash Ambani joins Reliance Industries; begins at
telecom arm Reliance Jio, The Economic Times
• Reliance Jio Info COMM launches 4G services for employees, The
Economic Times, December 27, 2015, retrieved December 29, 2015
• Reliance Industries buys 95% stake in Infidel Broadband for Rs 4,800cr,
The Economic Times Business Line
• Reliance Jio employees to get freebies, discount on 4G service, Gadgets
360 - NDTV, December 25, 2015, retrieved December 29, 2015
• Reliance to launch Jio by Dec, set to kick off pricing war, Business

Web Sites:

IMSR Department, Kuvempu University Page 65

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