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BBS CABLES’ more than safety 2 Bg Technical BAM ircertek Catalogue \ ga Sopa” 9001First Edition January, 2011 Second dition June 2012 Re-print December, 2013 Third Edition +: January, 2016 BBS Cables Ltd. Configure Bepari Tower (3 Floor) GA/64, Middle Badda, Progati Sarani Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh Tel :88-02-9859915-17, 9850771-72 Fax: 88-02-9850772 Factory: Jaina Bazar Telehate, Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh This Technical Catslogue has ben cmd by BBS Cables Ltd to suppert engineers with the most common data an cables in accordance wth National «and ntemotional Standards For further query elated to Cables Wires & Conductors please refer fou Technical Department. ‘This Technical Catalogue may contin ome Wing or printing eror Readers are requested to consider these eros ian) cordial and suggest to Improve the quali Your valuable suggestions wilbe accepted affectionateBBS Cables Ltd., a sister concern of Bangladesh Building Systems Ltd. (BBSL) which is a leading Pre-Engineered Stee! Building Manufacturers in Bangladesh, has been incorporated in 2009. BBS Cables Ltd. is looking forward to managing expertise and obtaining technology to provide better engineering solutions through supplying quality electrical Cables, Wires, Conductors and better Customer Service. Now at the eve of the 21" century globalization, electric power has become an integral part for infrastructural development. With the rapid urbanization from corer to comer worldwide, the necessity of transmitting power assumes significant for sustainable industrial growth. So, our objective is to manufacture electrical Cables, Wires and Conductors of the highest quality and provide unparallel Customer Service to contribute to our national economic growth. We strongly believe that the relentless effort to quality and continuous improvement is the only key to long term success Our factory is located at Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh which is equipped with state of the art technology machineries to manufacture and test all types of quality Cables, Wires and Conductors in conformity with the latest version of National and International Standards e.g, International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), German Standard (VDE), British Standard (BS), Bangladesh Standard (BDS), Australian Standard (AS), Indian Standard (IS) and also meet up the specific requirements of the customer, We believe in a world that is safe and sound for us and also for our next generation.A: ws frul Hassan Engr. Mohammad B Chairman Master's in Advance Engineering Management (BUET) Bachelor of Technology n Civil Engineering (LT. Kanpur India) Director, Helix Wice & Cable Industries Ltd Director, BRS Metallurgc Industries Lt Director BBS infrastructure Lt, Director Bangladesh Bulding Systems Ltd (BBSL) Director, Xiamen Reflective Insulations Lt. Director, Speed Builders & Engineers Lid Managing Director, BBS Distribution Ltd Engr. Abu Noman Howlader Managing Director BSc. in Mechanical Engineering (BUET) Managing Director, Helix Wire & Cable Industrest Lt. “Managing Ditector, 885 Metallurg Industries Ltd ‘Managing Director, Bangladesh Building Systems Ltd. (BBSL) Managing Director, Xiamen Reflective Insulation Lt. Managing Director, Speed Bullders& Engineers Ltd Director, 885 infrastructure Ltd Director, BBS Distribution Lt Engr. Hasan Morshed Chowdhury Director BSc. in CivilEngineering (BUET) Director, Helix Wire & Cable Industries Ltd ‘Chairman, Bangladesh Building Systems Lt (BBSL) Director, BBS Metallurgic Industries Ltd Director, Xiamen Reflective Insulations Lt. Managing Directo, BBS Infrastructure Ltd Director, BS Distribution Ld Engr. Mohammad Ruhul Majid Director BSc. in Civil Engineering (BUET) Director, Helix Wice & Cable Industries Lid Director, 885 Metallurgic Industries Ltd Director, Bangladesh Building Systems Ltd. (@BSL) Director, Xiamen Reflective Insulations Lt. Director, 88S Infrastructure Ltd Director, BBS Distribution Ltd Md. Ashraf AliKhan Director Bachelor of Arts from Rajshahi University Director, Helix Wice & Cable Industries Lt Director, BBS Metallurgc Industries Ltd Director, Bangladesh Building Systems Lt (B8SL) Director, Xiamen Reflective Insulations Lt Director, BBS Infrastructure Lt, Director, BS Distribution LtPVC Insulated/Skin Coated Copper/Aluminium House Wiing/Domestic Cables PVCIXLPE Insulated, PVC Sheathed Power and Control Cables with or without Armour XLPE Insulated, PVC Sheathed Power Cables up to 33 KV voltage \Various Types oF, FRLS,FIR-750°C, LSHF Cables, HR-105%C Various Types of PE insulated Telecommunication Cables,Co-axal Cables, Orop Wires Copper Wire Braided, ALMby/lar Tape Shielded Pair Shielded and Overall Shielded Cables Pre-assembled insulated Aluminium Cables with ACSR messenger wite Bare Aluminium & Copper Conductors and Wires with or without Annealing Insulated or Bare Aluminium Stranded Conductors (ARC) ‘Auminium Conductor Steel Re-nforced (ACSR) All Aluminium Alloy Conductors (AARC) Customized Cables, Wires,and Conductors as per Customers Requirement (Our expert team is able to design and customize cables to suit specific customers requirement. To ensure the quality of our cables, our qualified engineers use the latest technology and equipments to test and monitor the entire production process.n today’s market no product can expect sel effectively fit is not rooted in sound engineering designed. BBS CABLES are designed and manufactured with the latest national and international standards Using the latest technology and equipment BBS Cables Ltd. caries outa full range of Routine and Type Tests as per 8S, IEG VDE and ‘other National and International Standards. In the manufacturing process we maintain stringent quality assurance procedures to give long term reliability and peace of mind ‘To maintain health and safety standards, regular training is provided to all of our employees that covers special hazards, how to protect oneself,causes accidents at work preventing sips and falls and howto use tools and machine safety. BBS Cables Ltd. uses only tied and tested materials and follow the processes in fll compliance with all relevant National and International Standards to protect and preserve the environment.Installation: The area of installation whether indoor, outdoor, underground, or aerial is critical in the choice of cable because the ‘exposures to various elements may affect the performance and safety of cable. This is where the characteristics of insulation play an important part Voltage Rating: Determine the size ofthe conductor and the thickness and type of insulation. Conductor Size: The current load, KVA load and kilowatt load are governed by voltage drop besides the heating and power factors “These must be known before determining the conductor size, ‘Ampacity Limitation: The maximum current a cable can safely carry without exceeding the capacity ofthe insulation or jacketed. material External Condition: The presence of other sources of heat located in the installation, such as pipes, corrosive agents, structural ‘materials and other cables can cause increase in the temperature of cables Optimum cable performance can be obtained from a cable such as BBS CABLES, with access tothe latest developments in conductor, Insulation, and protective materials technology. Our experienced Technical staff can provide guidance on cable selection and installation and ean ensure that you get the right cables for your job, Power Cables up to nominal voltage of 30 KV ae suitable for indoor, outdoor direct burial in earth as wells in water or in concrete-The installation must be caried out careful, avoiding any impact onthe properties ofthe cable & followings have to be considered, * Protection against direct suniradiation Laying on solid, smooth and fre of stones ground or bedding in sand or stone free soil "Protection against mechanical damage + Protection against chemical and thermos influence ‘The maximum permitted pulling force during instalation isP = SKA Where, 5 = 50N/m? and A equipped with rls, um of the cross section of all copper conductors, Allturns ofthe installation line shall be well shaped and. ‘The bending radius of single core cables shall not be smaller than 15 X Dj for mult-care cables 12XDy, ‘The minimum installation temperature fr the cables s-5°C for cables with PVC Sheath and -20°C for cables with PE Sheath. This value refers to the cable temperature,not the environmental temperature. ‘The inner diameter of ducts and tubes should not be less than 1.5 X Dy, if more than ane cable per tube is installed, they should not tight each other Underground cables should be buried at least 60 cm under the surface, the depth of cables under roadways not less than 80 cm. Fixing of Cables If cables are installed horizontally on walls ceiling or trays by lamps, the distance between fixing 20 X Dy, but not more than 80cm. For Vertical installation the distance may be increased, but not more than 150 cr. Compression of the cable must be strictly avoided. Single-core cables must be fixed with non-magnetic clamps only Meter Marking ‘According tothe standard cables with ciameter > 10 mm must cary a meter mark, The marks may have a tolerance of 1%,but they are rot calibrated. Incomplete or missing marks (on shart dstances) may not be claimed. For defining the delivery ength only calibrated measuring equipment has to be used.As Per BDS 900 & BS 6004 (450/750 V & 300/500 V) BYA//BAYA VCinsulated Non-sheathed Single Core Cable BYM/BAYM, PVC Insulated & PVC Sheathed Single/Multi Cable BYFY /BAYEY PVCinsulated & PVC Sheathed Fat Cable BYFYE PVC Insulated & PVC Sheathed Flat Cable with Earth Continuity Conductor As Per VDE 0271 & IEC 60502-1 (600/1000 V) NYY/NAYY “PVC insulated & PVC Sheathed Single Core Cable YY/AYY PVC Insulated & PVC Sheathed Single Core Cable Nyy /NAYY ‘PVCinsulated & PVC Sheathed Multi Core Cable YY /AYY, PVC Insulated & PVC Sheathed Multi Core Cable INYRaY / NAYRAY. PVC Insulated, Aluminium wire armoured & PVC sheathed Cable ‘YRaY / AYRaY PVC Insulated, Aluminium wire armoured & PVC sheathed Cable NYFGbY /NAYGbY “PVC Insulated, Fiat steel wire armoured & PVC sheathed Cable YFGY / AYFGY PVC Insulated, Fat steel wire armoured & PVC sheathed Cable INYRGbY /NAYRGBY "PVC Insilated, Round stel wire armoured & PVC sheathed Cable YRGY / AYRGY PVC Insulated, Round stel wire armoured & PVC sheathed Cable Nyy “PVC Insulated & PVC Sheathed Multi Core Control Cable Nycy PVC Insulated, Concentric Copper Conductor & PVC Sheathed Cable DUPLEX PVC insulated & Two core twisted Service Drop Cable 'QuaDUPLEX PVC Insulated & Four core twisted Service Drop Cable “TELEPHONE CABLE "PEinsulated & PVC Sheathed Telecommunication Cable JUMPER WIRE PE Insulated Jumper Wire DROP WIRE "PE Insulated Twin Core Drop Wire ‘COAXIAL CABLE PE Insulated, CU wire braided & PVC Sheathed Coaxial Cable [WELDING CABLE ‘PVC Insulated Flexible Welding Cable (NYAS) As Per VDE 0271 (60/1000 V) NYY Cinsulated & PVC Sheathed Flexible Cable As Per BDS 899 & BS 6500 (300/500 V) Flexible (1/7) 'PVCInsulated Single Core & Twisted Twin Core Flexible Cable a PVC Insulated & PVC Sheathed Flat Twin Core Flexible Cable Flexible Cable VCinsuiated & PVC Sheathed 2,34 Core Flexible Cable Page 12 26 78 io i is 115 16 16 a9) iis 20-22 30.23 23 24 2% 38 26 2 7 a 2830 n n 2vl [As Per IEC 60502-1 (60/1000 V) axY/AaKY ‘XLPE insulated & PVC Sheathed Singie/Mult Core Cable ‘XRAY / A2XRaY XLPE Insulated, Aluminium wire armoured & PVC sheathed single Core Cable “aXFGY /AZXFGY "ALBE Insulated, Flat steel wire armoured & PVC sheathed Muli Core Cable “DXRGY / ADKRGY "XLPE Insulated, Round steel wite armoured & PVC sheathed Miki Cre Cable al "WLPE Insulated & PVC Sheathed Multi Core Control Cable As Per lEC 60331, BS 6387 R ‘Fire Resistant Single/Muiti Core Cable As Per lEC 60754-1 &2 she “LSHF insulated Single/Multi Core Cabie As Per IEC 60502-2 (6 KV to 15 KV) axHsy ‘LPE insulated & PVC Sheathed Single Core Cable “AXHSYRAY "ALPE Insulated, Aluminium wire armoured & PVC sheathed Single Core Cable 2XSEYY |NLBE Insulated & PVC sheathed Multi Core Cable “OXSEYFGY XLPE Insulated, stel wire armoured & PVC sheathed Muli Core Cable 2xSEYRGY XLPE insulated & PVC Sheathed Multi Core Control Cable “A2XSEVFGY "XLPE insulated & PVC Sheathed Aluminium Cable ‘As Per BDS-1036, BS-215 & IEC-207 ‘ARC ‘All Aluminium Conductor As Per BDS-1036, BS-215 & BS-6485 ‘AACINS intlated All Aluminium Condictor ‘ARC All Aluminium Conductor As Per BDS-1037, BS-215-2 & IEC-209 ‘acs ‘Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced ‘As Per BDS-1037, ASTM-B232, B2,B3 & IEC-209 D4,0-2,0.3,0-28 ‘Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (D405 “Hard drawn & Annealed Bare Solid Aluminium Wire -6,D-7,D-8,D-9,D-10 Deo abs sys ee Medium Hard Drawn Bare Solid & Stranded Copper Conductor [As Per ASTM-B231,B232 & ICEA-S-66-524 (NEMA WC7) D-11, 0-12, 0-14, 0-15 Pre-assembled XLPE insulated Aluminium Cable with ACSR Messenger 'D-20, D-24, D-25 1D-16,D-17,0-18, 0-19 XLPE insulated Medium Hard Drawn Copper Cable (D-29, B30, 0-31, 032 Bare Aluminium Alioy Conductor “TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR ET PoweR a HT POWER CABLES [USER'S GUIDELINE (CABLES & DRUMS) Page 3438 39 40-42 43-45 46 a788 66a 65-67 68-70 73 78-78 779. 80 ai 8 2 we 4 3a 85 85 a6 6 ‘87106 srieesieMH FRIS LsHF FR Interpretation ‘According to VDE Standard According to British Standard Insulation or Sheath of Thermoplastic based on PVC ‘Aluminium Cable With Al Conductor Insulated single Core Cable Sheathed Cable ‘Medium Hand-held Equipment Cable Intemational Colour Code Flat Cable Earth Continuity Conductor Galvanized Steel Flat wire armouring Concentric Conductor of Copper Galvanized Stee! Round wire armouring | Galvanized Stee! Tape ‘According To BS-2004 (imperial System) Heli Conductor of Single Solid wire having Circulae Cross-section Conductor of Multiple Stranded wires having Circular Cross-section Conductor of Multiple Stranded wires having Sector Shaped Cross-section Compacted Circular Stranded Conductor Sector Shaped Solid Grosstinked Polyethylene (XLPE) Shield of Copper For Mult core Cables With Individual Screens Round Aluminium wire armoured "Non-metallic Semi-Conducting Sereen over Conductor & over Insulation Polyethylene (PE) Insulation Flame Retandant lame Retandant Low Smoke ‘ow Smoke Halogen Free Fre Resistant vlAbbrevis Bs. LEE ce ‘CENELEC LSA _DEMKO. DKE EN HN IE IEE 150. a NEC NE NEC, SAE SEV, uw UNI \voEW vi Interpretation | Bangladesh Standard __Ipseenational Electrotechnical Commission __Union of Serman Electrical Engineer British Standard __ American Society for Testing and Material Insulated Cable Engineers Associana, «National Electric Manufacturers Association _ Japanese Industrial Standard Standards National Indonesia _ Deutsche Indusval Norms __ American National Standard institution (USA) _ Australian Standard (Australia British Standard Institution (Great Britain), | Bureau Vertas (France) Community Antenna Television (international | Committee Electrotecnicue Beige (Belgium) _ Intemational Commission on Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment Commission Electrotechnique Internationa. __Committee European de Normalization Electrotechnique Canadian Standard Association (Canada) __Denmarks Electric Material Konto! __ Deutsches Flectrotechnique Kommission in DIN & VDE (Germany) __ European Standards (Germany) | Harmonisation des Noemes (france) Institute of Electrical Engineers (Great Britain) _ Institute of Electrical & Flecronics Engineers (Great Brita), Incernational Organization for Standardization __ Miltary Specification (USA) National Electrical Code (USA) Normes Francaises (France) _Notmes Francalses Class (France) _ Society of Automotive Engineers __ Svenska Elektriska Kommission (Sweden) Switzelands Electrotechnical Verein (Switzerland) __Underwiters Laboratories (USA), Unificazione National Kaliana (aly) | Verband Deutscher Elecktrotechniker W (Germany)Gaps cannes: PVC INSULATED‘Application: Suitable for surface mounted or concealed stel conduts or trunking. Also 5 installation in and appfance upto 1000V ac or upto 750V to earth dc on Construction: 1. Annealed Copper/ Aluminium Conductor PVC Insulation. colour @@ CC® PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA cw A LC ‘orexmm® nosinm =m, mm/min. Aglkm kgm ohmkm — ohevkm | amps amps: amps amps wo ey 2s 30g 181 Bo. mo 3s mo? 2S Oa a1 Bo wis yore om 726 32 0am ests mis 1B re or 26 tat ae wis | yosz om oy 2733 te et mis) oan om oy 2738 et tt eo yoo vos) om Ok 3138 og se DSS pos ie mek 28am 2. wos yng) m Ok 33 80 mts pao | 77am ok 3548 a8 oe 8a 0 mo | oss om Os 3848 Sts) was 7st mk 39 AT 5g gs aS veo osm Ok 352k teal akg wo 7m mw 4s SA swam vos | N32 mo SH Sts 2 as go) 50 gt pao: 73s mt S667 gee wT was 7s rm to 27S sg wis 7070 mw 6A AS tg OS KEY S38 Bee Mes. Qe Bee SMa. Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid fo cables aid under defined conditions at page no, 87 For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 87‘Application: Suitable for surface mounted or cncealed steel conduits or trunking. Also sultabe for field protected installation in and appliance up to 1000V ac or upto 750V to earth Pet Construction: 1 Annealed Copper/ Aluminium Conductor 2.PVC Insulation. eceoe PHYSICAL DATA FLECTRICAL DATA Coto KEY Be MM. S- @-~g~ sex 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 87 For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 87OBBS CABLES" ‘Application: Suitable for fixed instalatons in dry or damp premises dipped direct toa surface or on a cable tay Lunenclosed and also fe us in non metalic conduit (PVO. —_ BSCRLESBANSLACESH ESCLESOANLAOLSH 3 2 1 2 1 ‘Construction: J. Annealed Copper/ Aluminium Conductor 2PYC Insulation 3. Grey PVC outer Sheath. colour @ PHYSICAL DATA ‘ELECTRICAL DATA ‘ever! nossmn mm omm | omm mm gm kglkm ohmikm — ohmvkm | amps amas | amps amps md VIB |e | 06 | og | a8 4s ‘ai Bo. hid 3085 om | 08 gk kgs 8 a1 Bl bas M3 | 3074 om 7 gk 4248 a6 MOS as SD ws) ise fe) 07 a8 | 42 4s 21 = fo Ws 7082 Lm 7 ok gz 48 88a) wis) 30g fm 27 ok a ae 8 tate tao 3091 sm OF Ok 46 gk 81] tS aS ws Wik oe) kk ak Sas 7 2p = os was 7067) om = O88 48 Sk STA wD tao) 7m im | 8 ok S16 tS) om wo ju 77085 sm O89 sR 8B, m0 aS Ms os im | 08 os 567 3 gs hl 7/108 m8 «09607 KOSH 308 twa wo ng im | 8 09 6S Fw aw hss 7932 | m | 1909 70a SSO wo | nas m 19 09 72 Rage has 7s | m | 1010 8098S] BD Me 77 Lm | 19 10 | BaD tos 2 FS as was SS tS 721 im) 12 1) 100s 3S 2 sk 58 a ee en ? MEY B= Bee hls. H~ Gee, Fh... Mone a od EA. 1. Current ratings are valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 87-For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 8704 Application: Suitable fr fixed installations in dry or damp premises lipped direct 10 a surface or ona cable ray tunenclased and also fr use in non metalic conduit (VC). a FascraLesaM AO: —$——$ ‘Construction: I. Annealed Coppet/ Aluminium Conductor 2,PVC Insulation 3. PYC ner Sheath 4. Grey PYC outer Sheath, Colour: PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA GA Aw AL A rex na mm mm MMMM. Agikm kfm, ohmlkm —ohvkm | amps amps amps _ amps Bid Vie | 08 12 78 8B a 1B Be Dio) yoss fm | 06 | 12) 76 88 toe a a Be bis igs e072 og sat Dis 7ms2 m7 12 90 02 a wo ae is yoo om 0712) 80; 2 9) oa) pas Vie ek 2 86 MS seat das 7s? | om | 08 12108 | NB) tw) Da) yas om | O82) 0S Same as 7 Dé | 7am | 08 12 MS | 14034 3g aoe as io 735m TA TSO Saas 359 as 308 SOs 2 is 7/1700 m= 1a S200 gra aS) ge Sz as 7a14 | m | 12 | ta | 205: 240 Yoo4 68s on 120788 37 as 19hss om 128 280278 fsay_ 806 05 aes «Dd 70 a= Ges S- Be G-Be= Be Sm Ben Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables aid under defined conditions at page no, &7.For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 87.Application: Suitable for fed installations in cry or damp premises clipped direct toa surface or on a cable tray ‘unenclosed and also for usen nan metallic conduit (PVC). ET a Construction: 1 Annealed Copper/ Aluminium Conductor 2.PVC Insulation 3 UC nner Sheath 4. Grey PVC outer Sheath colour: PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA farexmm? nom mmm mmm. agikmkgikm: chm —ohm/km amps amps” amos amos geo sk re 812 tet nT 2 aaa osm 712 eis aa amma 2 Bas Sh re 072g tos age at gras tote aus fF rmsz fm fay 122 92 toe aot os te SxS yao om 812g tog a tat tts tote gas vie fre ok 12 too aoa tas gas 1s) om 0812S 12S taal TS fed 7S mk 12D 13D 26 Tawa OH 6g O8 TAS TSS 3627S soe] Belo 73S m= 10 TAS 190 $90 400 ak Basa we) 770m =| 10) 1A | DS a6 SSS] Sk Bos Thm 12 18 ao 60TH ORD wT 8D gos 19st sm 1218 24S 280 T6S 102305 asa] MEY 2. (ee Bae. Bee Mere Fo eee Eee Se. =~ Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables aid under defined conditions at page no. 87 For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 8706 Application: Suitable for xed installations in dry damp premises dipped direct toa surface or on a cable tray Lunenclosed and aso for use in non metalic conduit (PVC). BBSCARLES BANG ACCS —— Construction: 1.AnnealedCepper/ Aluminium Conductor 2 PYC Insulation 3 PC Inner Sheath 4. Grey PYC outer Sheath Colour: PHYSICAL OATA FLECTRICAL DATA erm posi mm mm |, TAM TWN | Kgikm’ Raymore” ehmvien amps amps amps ames 410 VIB we 08 128 Bae aa i a ‘io 30s rm 0812 BA OB gy ma 0 mae ais) vise oe 07 12 86S tae 7 aus) 70s. mm 0712 100 Ft nar aad tw ‘us soso mm 0712100120 ge na?) oasis e082 18D aae moo Rt Mm Rs as 7s? om 812 SBS as} fa Tas om O84 OMS Ga a asa fo | noe om 08 te | D170 aes Se 308 Ala aio) 73s om | 1014 05 ng ag as wd ais 7m 30 2008S tosis gays) S aga a5 mae om 12 18 MS 8S te som wT 8 dos iss om 121670320 | ays am oss ass atk WEY Ds. aS Mam re" sel Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no, 87-For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 87.Application: Suitable or fixed installations in dry or damp premises clipped direct toa surface or ona cable ray ‘unenclosed and also for use in non metalic conduit (PVC), PROwLsenacis BSCS 3 Construction: 1 Annealed Copper! Aluminium Conductor2.PYClnsulation & Cores Laid in Blat For, 3. Grey PVC outer Sheath Colour: PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA cexcamey nos. ™m mm mm gen’ Kg/kmohmvien ohmvkm amps” amps amps amps mio Wiis re 08s wag : 15, 2d | 406s om | 08 08 Has Seta 5 15 M13 HOM rm OF 08 ass 214s 1S 3 yon bis | Wiss fe | 07 | 08 sas 22 i210 e106 Bow BS 7082 om «0708 Basa 77 | ae 1210181018 Boas mS | 080m 0708 BSA 77 as 1210 TID 16 Boo os 2200s! sm O78 Bom. gS STB 20 wo 6 mas Wie e081 9200 tO das 7/08) tm =O 10 8x62 oe sg? a2 we 2% ao | rome fom | 08 | 10 67 aay gp 599 se dao | 7088 rm 0810 S282. tr asl 7A] DS das | 791m | 08 | 10S 165 t0R Sa gst 2x60 70m 081380 205130 Boss] KEY BS Oe Bes §- Ge Bonde Eee BOSSE Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 87. For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no, 87.os CABLES* ‘Application: Suitable or fixed installations in cry or damp premises clipped direct toa surface or ona cable tray ‘unenclosed and also fr use innon metalic conduit (PVC) ROSceasto cH — | ‘Construction: Annealed Copper/ Aluminium Conductor 2.PYC Insulation & Cores Lldin Flat Form 3. Grey PYCoutr Sheath, Colour: PHYSICAL OATA "ELECTRICAL DATA CEO a ee ee ee eae os omar nnn " an a i amie Te ee aes no oi ee aa aes a SE a a nee eee Be ee SS. Mets Bee. Meee Go Bee bespes FY ms ome a peed Py ne 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 87-For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 87.Application: Suitable for fixed installations in dey or damp premises and for installation, on boards and in channel: or embedded in plaster. Construction: 1. Annealed Copper/ Aluminium Conductor 2,PYC Insulation & Cores Ladin lat Farm With ECC 3, Grey PYCoute Sheath Colour: PHYSICAL & ELECTRICAL DATA Endesed Cippedto Incondult surface or able at35'C trayat35'C ‘erexmey nome mm mm mm no/mm ‘ohmslkm | kg/km | amps amps 2x10 wae 06 08 ozso ans tis 5 2x15, wis) oe 07 08 oases mf 6 is 2x25 iis ve o8 1D twea yaa 26 280 7ias rm os MD tas | angen 0 3 2160 Toe | os isso ate 308 2a a7 8 Dee Ps. Q~ Gan Fo Be peas FE EES Ew oe) ve EY a= Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 87-For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 87.Application: Suitebe for indoor, outdoor, underground and in water for continuous permissible service vokage of 20/1 200Vols, Construction: I Anneoled Copper/Aluminium Conductor 2.PVC Insulation 3.Black PYC outer Sheath Colour: @ PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA ‘orexmm posi mm) mm | mm. “igikm’kgikm’ ohmvien ohmvkm | amps amas amps amas ws ge eos & 66 ss moa wS 7082 om = OBB BB Se mow pas ive e812 | m3 do was 788 om 08k TS mm ome | Wea asm 1082 tog go asa 1x6 ios om okay Fa aoe ashe wo a5 m1 8 97 ig? ie 30878 wd 707m | 1D 1B; HOT F521 150 18100 ts 7a om 12 8 2¢ 36 mom aad) 1S | ming | orm | 121817 a7 | das as2e cass 58 T2016 | 28 180 ming tm 4 1s 156 | ois 332 ney | metas a9 ST 90 mint2 om 1A 873 a8 20 ose oa as 7S MS 180 1395 minis rm 18 S84 99 si0 ons oe) 300 2D wi minis om 16821 tad ak nse oases) M350. 272 YxiSO min ta/IS rm 18182814708 TaD ine ces 850.270 aS Das mingd rm | 2 20-256 2087 saz ams cae | 3903024607 tyo40mingaso| rm 2220! 286 | 2708 1150 omsa an’ g50. 3a 555 0 19300 iming40/ rm 24 20313 40S | 124s onsen SIS gas tO ans a0 "mings rm 26 22353 | ago 19520047 ome sé ae 770500, 1ys00 | mings rm) 2822380 5436 2540 ames ams BED S10 8000 1ys30_minS3 rm 2822820 ga. 2740 ome oes g00.—«- 600.0721 1ygo0 | minss om 28 | 24 | 462 | asi0 3195 om | omer | 545 | 708 | 1160812 «i009 minS3 rm 3026S 10530 3359176 mamas at T3107 WEY PB ee ss te © vot el ee tm Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no, 88. For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 89-93 2 For compact conductors and lugs refer to pageno. 102-103,‘Sues cantes: ‘Application: Suitable for indoor outdoor underground and in water or continuous permissible service voltage of ‘r20/1200Vels ‘Construction: J. Annealed Copper / Aluminium Conductor 2. PVC Insulation 3 Black PVC outer Sheath Colour @ PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA a ae a KEY [i =. a: Flo. §- - it~ ees Fool = (e) 2 ° wo: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 88. For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 89-93 2. Forcompact conductors and lugs refer to page no. 102-103,BBS CABLES* Applicaton : Suitable for indoor outdoor underground and in water for continuous permissible service voltage of 29/1200 Volt. ‘Construction: J. Annealed Copper / Aluminium Conductor 2. PVC Insulation 3.PVC inner Sheath 4 Black PVC outer Sheath PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA Coles ey SS [ee Ble Be Ee Ie a Sf) cm. Inconcrete incoat —@)) Fear ema Wer mo (SF G) = 1. Currentratings ae valid for cables aid under defined conditions at page no. 88. For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 89-93,comin ly PHYSICAL DATA ‘orem nos 20S 25 Bas 305 3x 3x6 3x0 5x6 35 3135 3150 3x70 5195 3420 31150 308s 3240 31300 13s 7052 wi 7087 71085 794 713s 7170 724 ming ming rin 2 minis min. e/5 minis min30 rmin3430 rin3ava0 ieee Bees Note: 1 ‘Application: Suitable or indocr outdoor underground andin wate for continuous permissible service voltage of mran200velt. 18 18 ie 16 1 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 2 22 23 a5 a 29 ns 27 132 50 164 385 20 bso 42 259 292 ina 363 385 435 ae sa Fgh 135, 200 250 260 360 20 1320 +400 115 2444 nso ano 100 6260 Take ahr 2 124 7a 7a 260 461 305 | 308 400s 652.0727 04 0524 toss | 0387 i325 0268 ins 0193 20400153 bars 0524 3040) 00991 4700 | 09601 ELECTRICAL DATA iS 0) inconaut ‘hrv 181 181 2 121 Tat 461 181 120 ase 6a aes 0320 0253 0206 0164 0.109, amps 0 no 300 300 3 330 55 190 2s 29s x0 : J-Annecled Copper /Aluminium Conductor 2 PYC Insulation 3.PVC inner Sheath 4. Black PVC outer Sheath, amps amps we we Boe Bo 22s a4 Se 76 m8 150116 190 a8. no 9 20 | 210 hos, 350272 470 364 (Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 88, For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 89-93,Application: Suitable or indoor outdoor underground andin wate for continuous permissible service vokage of 72971200: Construction: 1.Annecled Copper /Aluminium Conductor 2.PYC insulation 3 PUC inner Sheath 4 Black PVC outer Sheath, conn 9, PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA SE a Se ee ee ce me mm ies 0am mocemns min we wen mes % a Oo oe a yo0ns RE mm ie ig m5 ao Tmo swam osu iss we at 1s er ee 0 f Fam pe nan a sam ee ee ae H on a ma iH 2 a no som. ue eum jawed omy mm aor ar si " ETE aa % pawrieniiaiy mm YE 26 560" a0 | mo Done psa aS am AiO te ann 4 en mae oom : os ee As Ne LF i irate Inconcee Incendut —@ Freer Worma Weer| wo SUES & ) ° note: 1. Current ratings are valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 88. For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 89-93OBBS CABLES" DOBBS CABLES’ Application: Suitable for indoor outdoor underground and in water for continuous permissible service voltage of magn200volt Sa j 4 B20 Construction: 1.Annecied Copper /Aluminium Conductor 2. PVC Insulation 3. PVC inner Sheath 4 Black PVC outer Sheath, caine $B PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA ‘orexmm® nos. mm) mm mm gen agik @hmikmohavm” amps amps” amps amps is vise eae 8 Rs | no m1 et 16 is 7082 mk BO as 21 2 6 as Vie reo 8 10 | 305 Ta. 2 2B fas 70s) mk 146 7a1 30 B 4x 7085 rm 10 S162 «a0 200 Ag) 74s kgs ang mot fm = 10 8 17S 540 34s 308 ask wea wT 40 7/135 1018200700. ess 308K ais 710m 1D BZ tas geo sagt wT as 7214 rm 128276 1600 900 0777 | 120 05 min@ sm 1218264 T8009 98S ase ode DO) so oming | smTA 9 280 | 2460 1310 0387 06415501501 470 mini2 sm 1421 BS 3250 1700! 026s ome 1904s 495 mints sm 1622384 g400. 2190. 01930320 S 9 4x10 minta/iS sm 162441 5500 2605 0153 | 0253 260 | 202 270 | 210 4x50 minta/is sm 1825452 400. 3210024 0206-295 229s 4xissmingo sm 2027 50S g350. 3480 0081 oles 502573502 ‘aa mngai30 sm 2229-560. yar00 4925 007s 0128 385991 ‘300, minsaao| sm 243.1. G40 s3200/ $950 00601 | o100, 42532970 net KEY 22 Be Me Se Fo Bev” if Sal =] nome Gro oa) ree oe Note: 1, Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no, 88,For curent ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 89-93OBBS CABLES" Application : Suitable fr ndoor outdoor underground and in water for continuous permissible service voltage of 720/1200 Volts. rf = ‘Construction: ! Annealed Copper/ Aluminium Canductor2.PVC Insulation 3. Round Aluminium wire Armour 4. Black PVC Sheath Coles PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA ee ee eee a AA nS fine hints ieat 105 5 Ss x Baimdin nifninlsaiabininniieinioem eae nipisSrices 2 apie fbn ii fein paella a SM KEY Dh. s: Be §e- ee Eee FER Note: 1. Currentratings are valid fr cables lald under defined conditions at page no. 8, For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors a given on page no, 89-93 2. For compact conductors and lugs refer to pageno, 102-103,‘Gpps canies: lation: Suitable for indoor outdoor underground and in water for continuous permissible service voltage of 720/1200VVots n: T.Annealed Copper Aluminium Conductor 2, PC Insuaton 3. PYCnner sheath 4 Gal Stee sip armour 5. PVC outer Sheath PYICAL Om ECTICAL OTA GON GA GA GN mem Tp een ee oe bas 72m 2 as 8 «279g. tat om ig > ase 78 Bas mem 1B ons 185 260 tgp0. 80. oh gush D ao aD gs Boome im te mca 1838 too. fetos)Set 8 a0 te bom im ta ans) 200 ata Shs ss awe aah pe oe Bes tas iy te me 39 ase uses osm) bs sos Bim mntans| Sm 48 ns 28 a9 Saz0 28s Os as a0 dee DO Bho mits osm te pos a4 9 ays dase lst cues saa 08 buss "mn3o| Sm | 20 uns | 28 | 70 fuso 3808 oom ee 30 sr 80 bao mmieso sm ag ns ae S39 oes act gost cis esse Boo, mean Sm, 4 oa | 30 588 ganoo saro, cow ° Sto 5 as, dee = See Be i ra Be. ae A us. i” ° Bes Hl "ee . Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables aid under defined conditions at page no, 88,For current ratings at deviated condi apply correction factors as given on page no. 89-93.GBs CABLES" Applicat 72011200 vo Suitable or indoor outdoes underground and in waterfor continuous permissible service vohage of PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA Gia GAL OAM os MM. mm MM. MIM. -kgikmikgikm ohm ohm/km | amps amps _ amps amps BUSHG | ming i mmim | 12 | 408 | 18 2892010 V434: a7aTIS rams 0ST mins 10 608 Bas ming smim 3.2 08 18 283.7130. 1402! asMwTIs OsBEIS 150 19112083 mins 10) 408 Bx50125 ming smi 14 OB 3.8 3223060. 1404 O3H7NTRT ogYIID 155 120 | 150. 116 min 12) 608 S005 min. 12_ smi 14 | GOB 21 | 3613950 2176 o264nSD4 o4ynsse 190 1481908 ‘mn 12 | 608 bosis0 min 15 sem 1608-22410 S110 2775 quo¥nas7 oxIDEN 2S 175-79. ‘mn 14 | 608 12070 min 18S smiim 36 4308-23444 5480. 5328 aISNONEE a2SKOAE 260 202 270210 rin 12 14: 608 150,70 | min 18/15 | smim | 38 | 308 | 24 4837500 3723 a12WoDsE o206D4ss 295 2294057 rin 12 14 08 43185195 | min 30_| sm/im 20 | 4x08 | 26 | S35 9050. S018 onsets ar640320 330 257350272 rin 15 18 | 608 ‘sa10+120 min 36/30. smi 22 GOB 28 S85 11100) S812 on7swn:s2 0725025 383 | 299 410318 min 18/15 16 | 608 ‘300150. min 34/30 smirm 24 x08 30680 14400, 7009 aosor/or24 aronD206 425-329-470 6e min 1875, 1a 608, KEY Be Bee Ae. S- F- Bie Bees = 2 Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions apply correction factors as given on page no, 89-93 age no. 88, For current ratings at deviated conditionsApplication: Suitable or indoor, outdoor underground ad in water for continuous permissible service voltage of ‘mro/i200Vets. caw: 9S in. on sccm oh Ce a ‘Grexmm nos mmo mm = MM. MM kik kgm ohavkm — ohmi/km = amps amps | amps amps 4a5 ming om 12 agg | 18 30021001500, oz? 120 ss 876 435 | ming sm 12 Gyog | 18 | 282 2400 1580) O54 ones yor 120098 430 ming sm 14 aygg 203283280 2065. 387s 120130116 40 mint sm 14 gg 21 7S 28S 2614 0268 ones 148 | 190148 495 mints sm 18 pg 23820 $500 3227 0183030 7520 179 4120 min twits sm 16 | agg | 24 | M44 6500 3687, 1580253 am | 270) 210 4x50 miniWiS im 18 pg 26 485 BHD 4265. 01280206 290s 41a ming sm 20 ng 27 S40 10250 5134 OMBST NBs 27350 | 2 4240 | mnaa30 im 22 agg 30 «608 12000 6292 07st 0125 29 410 |e 329,470,364 300, minga30 sm. 24 gs. 32. 67S... 18400: 7398: onaMT 0300 S~ Bo Note: 1, Current ratings ae valid for cables aid under defined conditions at page no, 88 For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 89-93.20 table for indoor outdoor underground anc in water or continuous permissible service voltage of 29/1200 Volt. Construction: 1 Annealed Copper / Aluminium Conductor 2. PYC Insulation 3. PC nner sheath 4 Round Gal. Stel wire armour S,PVC outer sheath Colow é& PHYSICAL DATA = Sean eva eae So ene om te te ms tee te om ie eae me 3 sj apa oscar oa en ee ee a MMe ie de Gh he Ze my oe om ts Ie mem mnt ome Sl Bpomuws om ou a a as mela aa | oe we | ae me ae SE eee Be wiato in 023839 bo ey ge tomy ON FE RMR RE Sat IR LAO MN AND ath Ba a a B=. Bs A=. iM * er = vse wns ZA Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 88. For current ratings a deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no, 89-93Spas canes: [Applicaton : Suitable fr indoor outdoor underground and in water for continuous permissible service voltage of 72011200 Vots A cone 98 ore on Gila) AG) A GA ‘corexmm—N mm) mm | mm. mm kg/km kg/km ohmikm ohmvkm amps amps amps amps 325116 mmé mim 12 16 18-308 2010 1590 a7aMIS tmnst 10 SSB min 19 aSH16 mm sim 1216 193012465 1688 asaanaS oaswsT | 130 tor 20a min 19 ‘50125 ming swim 1420-20385 32802140. assyOr27 ossi/I20 188 120150118 min 12 Qyg013s mini swim 142021 «387 43io._ 2752. a2sunszs oavosse 190 1481908 ‘ming 12 495150 minIS smi 16 ——«20=«23-= «433.5601 380 G9NMRET ODMR SSD 79 ‘nin 4 axi20170 mmlB/IS swim 16 25 25 480759 4naS_oSBNRSE casLOHD 260 -202_——-270_——210. min 12 4 Bx1S0170 mmiB/IS sim | 18 25 26 S12 447 S19 o 1240268 c206D4N 795 22830527 rin 2 14 ax185195 min 30 sim. | 20.25 27 $61 9000 S888 aoeT/0I83 a6ve32D 330 257380272 ins 16 ‘32404120 73430 mim 2225-28 623. 12585. 7O49 OUTSAIUISS a12s/0I5 38s 28841038 mis 16 BO004150 mI 340 smi | 24-25 «3.162 15100 4380 OGOVMI24 aONeIDG 428 «94D A instars, ee ee ee | L Ll n= S- oo sett. Nema Note: 1. Current ratings ae valid for cables laid under defined conditions at page no. 88. For cutrent ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no, 89-93,2 Application Suitable for indoor, outdoor, underground and in water for continuous permissible service voltage (of 720/1200Voks ett Sut canst: res opin Condor PHC han PMCs ind sede mars Coe so cat: 9B coi sce emexmm nos MM gym MM glk kg/km. obvi — ohm/km | amps amps amps amps 405 ming. om = 12—= gg 38 «8008S 4871200108 5 ming | sm 12 gg 18 F301 F260! 1788s OMe 130 108 ‘So ming sm 142921 MS. 5525, 2257 0387 ss NSS 12015016 470 mint2 sm TA 2p 22385 | aa7s! Das 26h OMB 190 | Tak 150 a8 495 mints sm 189524452 gas. 08818 OD BS 7S 280179 4120 mines sm 1825-25 A Yea! 4601S RsE 260 202-7210 ‘dso mings sm 185275209150 saa 128 omg «285 22940527 ‘xis "min30 | sm 20-25-29, S43. 11050 669, omssT OMe HD 257350272 ad mn3aso sm 22-95 31 | G30 33850 7951 m7 oS 4S 2990 9300, min 34/30 sm 2438 3B TON 7am! 9581 on6o), ONO, D5. 328 a7. 364, WEY S~ eo] ee Note 1. Current ratings are valid for cables lid under defined conditions at page no, 88.For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page na 89-93Opps castes: BBS CABLES ‘Application: Suitable for indoor, outdoor underground and in wate for continuous permissible service voltage ‘of 720/1200Voks Construction: I.Anneoled Copper Conductor 2.PVC insulation & mult cores lad up 3.PVC/PE Tapping 4. PC outer sheath Coretdentifics PHYSICAL &ELECTRICAL DATA ‘corexmm nos ™ mm rm kgikm amos amps sas Vie © os 1s 26 206 18 3 ms 138 e os 18 Bs 258 16 2 Woes | 138 e os 1 164 as! a 10 wis 38 e 08 18 169 399 2 8 Yrs 138 ® os is tas 07 1 ® ans hae re 08 1 203 as 3 7 dais 138 * os 18 na m ° 7 ions tae e os 20 26 si & 6 yas 78 © 08 is 142 288 2% 18 mas N78 e os 1s 153 360 2 7 was 178 By os 18 88 490 18 18 noes 78 te os 1s 194 567 16 8 Yas | 178 By os 1 2a m7 4 0 pues N78 e 08 20 Bs 520 1B 10 does 78 ® 08 20 264 1058 2 ° soas 78 re os 20 zs 1774 10 & Set ross mm 10 is 68 ‘02 31 % Pet 78s mm 10 1 maz su 2 2 Toe 7085 mm 10 18 nr 708 2 19 Ta TRS mm 19) 1 2a 7, 2 2 KEY S Mee Bla Bees = i Note: 1. Currentratings are valid fr cables laid under defined conditions at page no, 88, For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no. 89-83Application: Suitable for indoor, outdoor, underground and in water for continuous permisible service valtage: ‘of 720/1200Voks ‘Construction: J. Annealed Copper Conductor 2.PYC Insulation 3. PYCinner sheath 4. Concentric copper conductor 5. PYC outer sheath, colour: gy PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA _ —_ ans —_ _ KEY Be. Os See. o) m-- Ieper Note 1. Current ratings are valid for cables lid under defined conditions at page no, 88,For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given on page no, 89:93[| Application: Sutabefor outdoors sevice dope Construction: IAnnealed Copper Aluminium Conductor 2.PYC insulation 3 Two/Four cores laid up. come 8 88 DUPLEX CABLES PHYSICAL & ELECTRICAL DATA “it os. atin afin eo ED 100 Aimitre | yeoayins 18 16 1 Simi6re 710527718 a 78 Srmisim | 7x105/7x105. 18 129 180 105 lorm/IOm 7135/7135 18 146 282 136 isrw/isim, XIV 16 166 582 80 Brmidim__ Mia 1S 192 563 2 ‘QUADUPLEX CABLES PHYSICAL & ELECTRICAL DATA Sad rmitte | axsimiste Bx6rev6m sxdoemvidre 3xl6rmy6m B25 rn/25 WEY os. 74085226 7.052277 781. 05/71.05. THI 35/70135. Tal IVI«171 W242 14 Pate 16 16 16 18 18 16 Sails 140 184 155 v8 200 Bi Fgh 254 332 356 524 765 m7 aL ‘sik 20s 270 360 488 encima navi aguas 74V741 Souses “60/481 461461 3osA.o8 Tags 308/308 iis aasiiis ozanoza7 12020 cw Al ‘hmikm ohm aevasl 74741 30e08 461/461 Sos/508 461/451 Vaya 308/308 Msiiis 11st 72/0727 120/120 sete eae Saeed aie 1. Currentratings are valid for cables aid under defined conditions at page no. 88. For current ratings at deviated conditions apply correction factors as given an page no, 89-93ication: Suitable for telecommunication and signal circuits They are suitable for expose or concealed conduit allation permissible voltage 200. Construction: I. Annealed Copper Conductor 2.E Insulation & mult par lid up 3. P/E Tapping 4 PVC outer sheath, PE insulated PVC Sheathed Telecommunication Cables 1 Pair (2 core) ons oa 02 os 2 202 2Par (core) 0125 vos 02 os a 28 3Par( core) ores 104 02 10 50 35 4Par(score) ons oa 02 12 66 Sas SPairWOcore) 0125, wa 02 2 a ei SPairi2eare) 0128, soa 02 14 77 Bs TPai(Naecore) 0125 a 02 14 an a1 BPai(lecore) | 0125 vos 02 “4 825 2s soar (a0core) 0.125 10a 02 14 965 108 isPar(ocor) 0125 soa 02 14 27 1a 20Pairaoeore) 0125 wa 02 16 134 13s 30Par(6ocore) 0.15 soa 02 16 1500 303 1 Pair(2 core) 0282 1s 02 os 420 235 2Par(4core) 022 10s 02 os 432 300 3Par( core) 0282 05, 02 10 508 as 4Par(score) 0282 ins 02 12 660 655 SPair(IOcore) 0282 1s 02 12 720 760 GPaitzcore) 0282 10s 02 14 730 s00 7Pai(tacore) 0282 1s. 02 14 an 1035 BPai(lécore) 0282 os 02 14 825 1070 10Par(20core) 0282 108 02 14 965 1420 isPar(ocor) 0282 os 02 14 na 187 20Pair(oeore) 0282 1s 02 16 1433 27 30Par(60core) 0282 0s 02 16 1877 338 SoPai(t0o.ares)| 0282 1s 02 16 2020 5350) 100 air 200.ore)) 0282 os 02 16 2700 9420 WEY [= Mee S- Se Fm Mee‘Applicaton: Suitable for telecommunication and signal circuits. They are suitable for expose or concealed conduit installation permissible voltage 200. Gmina =o) - ]ES=S=S==-S Construction: Annealed Copper Conductor 2 PE Insulation, Jumper Wire PHYSICAL DATA == Deore (pa 123 ‘910.32 ‘eorel2 pal) ons 910,132 xe core pai) 0123 i032 o as & Scare pa) ons. i032 02 265 1iocare (5 pal 0123 910.32 02 400 30 PVC Insulated Drop Wire PE Insulated Drop Wire. PHYSICAL DATA PHYSICAL DATA nom mm mm kg/km ra/mm mm mm ™ Zeore(i pa) O60? 413.180 2eore(I pai) 960078741312 Deorelipai) 090105. BBO BIS 2eore(Ipar) 7090105 BO PE Insulated PVC Sheathed Co-Axial Cables ‘Specification: Plain annealed copper conductor, polyethylene insulated with screen braided and PVC sheathed for use as aerial ddownleads in local and fringe reception areas at both Very High Frequency and Ura High Frequency. mm sic 02 ‘os 300 08 a0 15 “ ac oa vor 331 ac 10 635 % 32 sic 068 v0.90 420 PAC 12 720 5 64 AG 07s wioo 430 Pac 2 750 8 ” 6c 1B was 526 PAC 2 420 a sa REL 208 Wis 8 PAC. 2. 930, 3. ns. 7
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (141)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
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John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
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Code of Practice IS 1255 No Page - 53
Shanto Chowdhury
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Equipment Maintenance Filled Up
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Cable Selection Guide (SELECTION OF HIGH TENSION H. T. CABLES PAGE NO - 15) Page No 31
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Cable Selection Guide (SELECTION OF HIGH TENSION H. T. CABLES PAGE NO - 15) Page No 31
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Commisioning Well Finished Certification For 66 Bobbin Rigid Stranding Machine
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Commisioning Well Finished Certification For 66 Bobbin Rigid Stranding Machine
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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