Partner Playbook: Data Protection Portfolio
Partner Playbook: Data Protection Portfolio
Partner Playbook: Data Protection Portfolio
Partner Playbook
Data Protection Portfolio
Full Edition
That’s why the most respected brands and largest organizations in the world rely on
Thales to help them protect and secure access to their most sensitive data wherever it
resides - at rest in on-premises data centers and in public/private clouds, and data-in-
motion across wide-area networks. Our solutions enable organizations to migrate to the
cloud securely, achieve compliance with confidence, and create more value from their
software in devices and services used by millions of consumers every day.
10 largest banks
in the world 5 largest software
in the world
10 largest
retailers in
the world
10 5
healthcare largest cloud service
companies providers
in the world in the world
10 of the largest
in the world
Security for a
cloud-first world
The cloud gives organizations the agility and efficiency to
instantly introduce new services, expand operations, and enter
new markets. But the lack of physical control of infrastructure
brings a whole host of data security issues, including privileged
user abuse, data leakage, regulatory requirements, and
many more. Our solutions help organizations secure their
cloud transformation, reduce breach exposure and achieve
compliance with encryption, HSM and key management
solutions that keep you in control of your data across multiple
clouds while also providing simple, secure access to cloud
services with integrated access management, authentication
and single sign-on, and data protection services on demand
with click of a button simplicity.
PKI Security
Data Payment
Security Security
Tokenization Network
Data Hardware
Encryption Security
CipherTrust Tokenization
CipherTrust Tokenization is offered both vaulted and vaultless,
and can help reduce the cost and complexity of complying
with data security mandates such as PCI DSS. The vaultless
offering includes policy-based dynamic data masking,
whereas the vaulted offering has additional environment
specific APIs. Both offerings make it easy to add tokenization
to applications via REST APIs.
Buyers personas
Ask these
• What are they trying to achieve – business and security objectives, cloud strategy,
scalability requirements and budget?
• Do they have to meet any data privacy and industry specific compliance regulations?
• What does their current data storage ecosystem consist of, where is their data located
across on-prem. and cloud?
• How are they currently discovering and protecting sensitive data across their enterprise?
Why they should trust Thales
• Market-leading key management, data protection and HSM solutions across
financial, healthcare, and gov. sectors
• New data discovery solution integrated with data protection offers simplified security
and accelerated compliance
• Largest partner ecosystem of storage, server and cloud service provider integrations
• 19 billion Euros revenue, 1+ billion Euros R&D, global presence in 68 countries
The CipherTrust Data Security Platform integrates data discovery, classification, data protection and unprecedented granular
access controls, all with centralized key management. This solution removes data security complexity, accelerates time to
compliance, and secures cloud migration, which results in less resources dedicated to data security operations, ubiquitous
compliance controls, and significantly reduced risk across your business.
S 14
Organizations that cannot bring their own encryption can still CipherTrust
follow industry best practices by managing keys externally Manager
CipherTrust Manager is available in both virtual and physical form-factors that can use FIPS 140-2 validated Thales Luna
or third-party hardware security modules (HSMs) for securely storing master keys with an elevated root of trust. These
appliances can be deployed on-premises as well as in private or public cloud infrastructures. This allows customers to
address compliance requirements, regulatory mandates and industry best practices for data security.
CipherTrust Manager
Unlike alternative disjointed solutions that can leave data exposed or compromised, Thales CipherTrust Data Discovery and
Classification provides a streamlined workflow all the way from policy configuration, discovery, and classification, to risk
analysis and reporting. This eliminates security blind spots and complexities. As a result, you can easily uncover and mitigate
your data privacy risks, enforce data sovereignty, and proactively respond to a growing number of data privacy and security
regulations, such as GDPR, CCPA, PCI DSS, and HIPAA.
Risk Discovery
A lert
The deployment is simple, scalable and fast, with agents installed at operating file-system or device layer, and encryption
and decryption is transparent to all applications that run above it. CipherTrust Transparent Encryption is designed to meet
data security compliance and best practice requirements with minimal disruption, effort, and cost. Implementation is seamless
keeping both business and operational processes working without changes even during deployment and roll out. The solution
works in conjunction with the FIPS 140-2 up to Level 3 compliant CipherTrust Manager, which centralizes encryption key and
policy management for the CipherTrust Data Security Platform.
CipherTrust Manager
CipherTrust Application Data Protection is deployed with CipherTrust Manager, an architecture that centralizes key and policy
management across multiple applications, environments, or sites. The combined solution provides granular access controls
that separate administrative duties from data and encryption key access. For example, a policy can be applied to ensure that
no single administrator can make a critical configuration change without additional approval.
CipherTrust Manager
Database Server
Sensitive Data Encrypted Data
CipherTrust Database
Data Protection
Web Server
0544-4124-4325-3490 4269-8572-9741-2570
For your database security needs, consider CipherTrust Database Protection, a solution that can provide high-performance,
column-level database encryption with an architecture that can provide high-availability to ensure that every database write
and read happens at almost the speed of an unprotected database.
CipherTrust Manager
Database Server
Sensitive Data
0544 - 4124 - 4325 - 3490
Web Server Protection
Data 4269 - 8572 - 9741 - 2570
CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager supports a growing list of infrastructure-, platform- and software as a service (IaaS, PaaS
and SaaS) providers. SaaS solutions include Microsoft Office365, and Salesforce Sandbox. Supported
IaaS/PaaS solutions include Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Azure Germany and China National Clouds, Microsoft Azure
Stack, Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services.
Value proposition Smart questions
• Enhanced IT Efficiency. CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager • How many cloud services do you use to run your business?
centralizes encryption key management from multiple environments, • Do you have a single scalable data protection platform across
presenting all supported clouds and even multiple cloud accounts cloud services? What about on-premises?
in a single browser tab. Automated key rotation and federated • Do you use encryption provided by cloud platforms? Where
login dramatically simplifies key life cycle management. are the keys stored?
• Gain Strong Key Control and Security. Data Encryption • Do you need subpoena-proof cloud encryption?
solutions from leading public cloud providers such as Microsoft
• How do you manage multiple BYOK services? Do you have a
Azure, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services and flexible and scalable solution for key lifecycle management?
provide Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) services that enable customers
to separate key management from provider-controlled encryption.
CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager utilizes BYOK services to deliver Click here to access CipherTrust Cloud Key
key generation, separation of duties, reporting, and key lifecycle Manager overview video
management that help fulfill internal and industry data protection
mandates, all with FIPS 140-2-compliant secure key storage.
Click here to access CipherTrust Cloud Key
• Fulfill Best Practices. Separate encryption keys from data Manager product brief
encryption and decryption operations for compliance, best security
practices and control of your data. Gain operational insights on
encryption key usage with dashboards, reports and logs with Click here to access CipherTrust Cloud Key
CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager. Manager customer presentation
CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager Click here to access CipherTrust Cloud Key
Manager sales enablement tools
Enhanced Security
• Key control
• FIPS 140-2 assurance
• Visibility for compliance Click here to access Cloud Security Summit on-
IT Efficiency demand webinar
• Key lifecycle management
• Automated key rotation
• Single pane of glass
Enterprise Key Management solutions from Thales, enable organizations to centrally manage and store cryptographic keys
and policies for third-party devices including Microsoft SQL TDE, Oracle TDE, and KMIP-compliant encryption products.
CipherTrust Enterprise Key Management delivers a robust, standards-based platform for managing encryption keys from
disparate sources across the enterprise. It simplifies the administrative challenges around encryption key management to
ensure that keys are secure and always provisioned to authorized encryption services.
CipherTrust Cloud
CipherTrust Manager
Key Manager
CipherTrust CipherTrust
KMIP Server CipherTrust
Management Management
CipherTrust Enterprise Key Management
Multi-layer Encryption Data Link
Topology-based, LAYER 3
Max Load Encryption Layer
Hardware Security Modules
Achieve compliance and scale to meet high performance use cases, by confidently securing critical environments with Thales
HSMs - high-assurance FIPS 140-2 Level 3-validated, tamper resistant appliance. Specifically designed for the protection
of cryptographic keys for data at rest and in transit, they act as trust anchors to protect the master keys that encrypt your data,
digital identities, and transactions. Thales offers the following types of purpose-built HSMs:
Keys are generated, and always stored in the intrusion-resistant, tamper-evident, FIPS-validated appliance, providing the
strongest levels of access controls.
Create partitions with a dedicated Security Office per partition, and segment through admin key separation.
Smart Questions • Does your HSM provide the ability to address your existing
traditional use cases such as code signing, PKI and database
• Do you have a data security strategy? How does data encryption, as well as emerging technologies such as
encryption form part of that strategy? Blockchain, 5G, IoT and BYOK?
• What data encryption do you currently deploy and what does • Do you have the ability to quickly react to cryptographic
compliance mandates and audit mandates expect you to encrypt? threats? Can you implement alternative methods of encryption,
• Do you have an internal PKI? – How do you securely store the ensuring you can migrate your applications to new post-
root keys? quantum algorithms?
• Do you purchase third party SSL and TLS Certificates? – Are
they centrally stored for improved security and performance?
• What crypto services do you currently offer? – How do you Click here to access An Anchor of Trust in a
generate and store the cryptographic keys? Digital World white paper
Value proposition
Click here to access Thales Luna Network
• Ensure keys always remain in high assurance FIPS 140-2 Level HSM product brief
3, tamper-evident hardware root of trust
• Protect your organization today and into the quantum era
• Meet high throughput requirements for high performance use cases Signing & IOT
• Meet compliance for eIDAS, GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS and more Document
• Multiple roles for strong separation of duties Encryption
• Reduce audit and compliance costs and burdens Luna Network HSMs
• Extend native HSM functionality by developing and deploying Processing
Smart Card
Issuance HSMaaS
Private & public
Value proposition Click here to access the Thales Luna PCIe HSM
• Server-embedded PCIe card product brief
• High assurance, FIPS 140-2 validated, high performance
cryptographic processor
• Keys always remain in FIPS-validated, tamper-evident hardware
• Meet compliance needs for GDPR, eIDAS, HIPAA, PCI-DSS,
and more
Signing &
Time- Quantum
stamping Crypto Agility
Signing Blockchain
Luna PCIe HSMs
Transaction eIDAS
Value proposition
• Small form-factor USB interface appliance Click here to access the Thales Luna USB HSM
• Ideal for storing root keys in an offline, secure device product brief
• FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated
Crypto Command Center provisions access to HSM crypto resources Direct access to HSM resources
Value proposition
Click here to access the Thales ProtectServer
• Flexible, fully customizable HSM
PCIe HSM product brief
• Easy management
• Ideal for application developers
• Keys always remain in FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated, tamper-
evident hardware
• Multiple form factors
payShield TMD
payShield Manager
payShield Monitor
Host HSM estate
payShield Monitor
payShield Monitor is a comprehensive HSM monitoring platform that enables operations teams to gain 24x7 visibility into the
status of all their payShield HSMs, including those residing across distributed data centers. With this solution, security teams can
efficiently inspect HSMs and find out immediately if any potential security, configuration or utilization issue may compromise their
mission-critical infrastructure.
Thales Data Protection On Demand
The award winning Thales Data Protection on Demand (DPoD) is a cloud-based platform, providing a wide range of Luna
Cloud HSM, CipherTrust Cloud Key Management, and payShield Cloud Payment services through a simple online marketplace.
Data security is now simpler, more cost effective and easy to manage because there is no hardware to buy, deploy and
maintain. Just click and deploy the protection you need, provision services, add security policies and get usage reporting in
minutes. DPoD is also ideal for Managed Security Providers and Managed Security Service Providers who want to provide their
customers unrivaled data-protection-as-a service solutions, bundled with their other cloud and security services.
Data Center
and Transactions
Personal Data
Policy APIs
Centralized Billing Big Data
& Reporting
Market Place
Network IOT
Luna Cloud HSM Services
DPoD provides a wide range of cloud-based HSM services within Data Protection on Demand allows customers to store
and manage cryptographic keys used for data encryption in the cloud while retaining complete control of their keys. The
DPoD marketplace offers Cloud HSM services for a wide variety of use cases and integrations across cloud, hybrid and on-
premises environments.
Luna HSM is the only HSM engineered for hybrid and multi-cloud environments. A combination of Thales Luna HSMs on-
premises and Data Protection on Demand (DPoD) Cloud HSM services, hybrid Luna HSM provides you with the flexibility
and convenience to choose the right balance to meet your business and digital security needs. Hybrid Luna HSMs give you
the flexibility to move keys, for cloning and backup and scaling, freely between cloud, hybrid and on-premises environments
in a purpose-built hybrid solution.
Click here to access more information about Click here to access more information about
Luna Cloud HSM Services Hybrid Luna HSM
Secure File Sharing
SureDrop is developed for organizations that have strong security policies around file storage, but still need the productivity
benefits of a fully-featured file-sharing solution. With SureDrop, users can store, share, sync, and collaborate on all their files
in the cloud with an enterprise-class solution and end-to-end security, featuring standards-based encryption. Easy to use and
fully compatible with Microsoft 365, Outlook, and Azure, SureDrop delivers a full drop box file-sharing and collaboration
experience, without compromising security.
You can discover the latest and greatest sales and marketing resources by visiting the Accelerate Partner Portal via
About Thales
The people you rely on to protect your privacy rely on Thales to protect their data. When it comes to data security,
organizations are faced with an increasing number of decisive moments. Whether the moment is building an encryption
strategy, moving to the cloud, or meeting compliance mandates, you can rely on Thales to secure your digital transformation.