Question Paper Code:: (10×2 20 Marks)
Question Paper Code:: (10×2 20 Marks)
Question Paper Code:: (10×2 20 Marks)
Reg. No. :
2. State the effect on output resistance and on input resistance of amplifier when
current shunt feedback is employed.
3. Draw the feedback circuit of a Colpitt’s oscillator. Obtain the value of the equivalent
series capacitance required if it uses a L of 100 mH and is to oscillate at 40 KHz.
4. What is the necessary condition for a Wien bridge oscillator circuit to have
sustained oscillations ?
11. a) i) Draw the block diagram of a voltage series feedback amplifier and derive
the equation for input impedance, output impedance and the voltage gain. (10)
b) i) Draw the typical circuit for current series feedback confirmation and derive
the expression for voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output
impedance. (10)
12. a) With circuit diagram, explain the operation of Colpitt’s oscillator and obtain
the expression for the frequency of oscillations.
13. a) Explain the functioning of a capacitor coupled single tuned amplifier. With the
high frequency transistor model, carry out an analysis and obtain the gain and
bandwidth of the amplifier. Plot its frequency response. (16)
b) What are synchronous tuned amplifiers ? Draw the circuit of a two stage
capacitor coupled single tuned amplifier and explain with equations the effect
of cascading on the gain and bandwidth. (16)
14. a) i) Sketch a transistor switching circuit and its collector-current response wave
form for a pulse input. For such a circuit, explain the following terms :
1) Delay time
2) Turn-on time
3) Storage time
4) Fall time and
5) Turn-off time. (10)
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ii) An inverter circuit using 2N3904 transistor with ton = 70 ns has Rs = 600 Ω
and RB = 5.6 k Ω. Determine :
1) the size of the speed up capacitor to give maximum improvement in
transistor turn-on time,
2) recovery time of the circuit,
3) the maximum square wave input frequency that may be used with the
circuit. (6)
b) i) With necessary circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the operation of a
collector-coupled astable multivibrator which ·uses transistors. Derive the
expression for pulse width. (8)
ii) Design a collector coupled astable multivibrator for the following specifications :
output voltage = 10 V peak; Ic(on) = 1 mA; hfe(min) = 100; output to be a
positive pulse, the duration of which is 20 µ sec; the time between pulses to
the 10 µ sec. State clearly the assumptions made, if any. (8)
15. a) i) Draw the circuit of free running oscillator and explain its operation. (8)
ii) Explain with the help of circuit and waveforms, the operation of RC controlled
push-pull astable blocking oscillator with emitter timing. (8)
b) i) Explain in detail about UJT sawtooth generator. (8)
ii) Explain about the free running blocking oscillator. (8)