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Data Sufficiency

LRDI - 15

Number of questions : 55

Directions for questions 1 to 3: Following questions 2. If the average marks obtained by a class is
are followed by two statements, I and II. 75% and the average marks obtained by girls
Answer each question using the f ollowing in that class is 55%, Find the average marks
instructions: of the boys (in percentage).
I. If the ratio of girls to boys is 2:3.
Mark (1) if the question can be answered by using
II. If the total strength of the class is 60.
one of the statements alone, but cannot
be answered by using the other statement
3. Aman, Brijesh, Candy and Dinesh are four
Mark (2) if the question can be answered by using batsmen who have just played a one-day
both the statements together, but cannot cricket match and none of them scored zero
be answered by using either statement runs. These four batsmen are ranked from 1
alone. to 4 as per the number of runs scored by
Mark (3) if the question can be answered by using them in this particular one-day match with
either statement alone. the batsman having scored less runs being
Mark (4) if the question cannot be answered even given a numerically lesser rank. Find the rank
by using both the statements together. of Brijesh.
I. The average number of runs scored by
1. To earn a grade B in her German class, Aman and Candy is same as the average
Deepthi must have an average score of 75%
number of runs scored by Aman, Candy
in examination. She has taken 4 examinations
and Dinesh.
so far. What is the minimum percentage she
II. The average number of runs scored by
must get in the fifth examination to earn a
grade B? Brijesh and Candy is same as the average
I. She av eraged 71% in her f irst 4 number of runs scored by Aman, Brijesh
examinations. and Candy. It is also known that Brijesh
II. All the tests carry equal maximum marks. scored less runs than Candy.

LRDI - 15 Page 1
Directions for questions 4 to 9: Each question is 6. In a class of 30 students, Rashmi secured
followed by two statements, A and B. Answer each the third rank among the girls, while her
question using the following instructions. brother Kumar studying in the same class
secured the sixth rank in the whole class.
Mark (1) if the question can be answered by using Between the two, who had a better overall
one of the statements alone but not by
A. Kumar was among the top 25% of the
using the other statement alone.
boys merit list in the class in which 60%
Mark (2) if the question can be answered by using
were boys.
either of the statements alone. B. There were three boys among the top five
Mark (3) if the question can be answered by using rank holders, and three girls among the
both statements together but not by either top ten rank holders.
statement alone.
Mark (4) if the question cannot be answered on the 7. Tarak is standing 2 steps to the left of a red
basis of the two statements. mark and 3 steps to the right of a blue mark.
He tosses a coin. If it comes up heads, he
4. Zakib spends 30% of his income on his moves one step to the right; otherwise he
children's education, 20% on recreation and moves one step to the left. He keeps doing
10% on healthcare. The corresponding this until he reaches one of the two marks,
and then he stops. At which mark does he
percentage for Supriyo are 40%, 25%, and
13%. W ho spends more on children's
A. He stops after 21 coin tosses.
B. He obtains three more tails than heads.
A. Zakib spends more on recreation than
Supriyo. 8. Ravi spent less than Rs. 75 to buy one
B. Supriyo spends more on healthcare than kilogram each of potato, onion, and gourd.
Zakib. Which one of the three vegetables bought was
the costliest?
5. Four candidates for an award obtain distinct A. 2 kgs potato and 1 kg gourd cost less
scores in a test. Each of the four casts a vote than 1 kg potato and 2 kg gourd.
to choose the winner of the award. The B. 1 kg potato and 2 kgs onion together cost
candidate who gets the largest number of the same as 1 kg onion and 2 kgs gourd.
votes wins the award. In case of a tie in the
9. Nandini paid for an article using currency
voting process, the candidate with the highest
notes of denominations Re. 1, Rs. 2, Rs. 5,
score wins the award. Who wins the award?
and Rs. 10 using at least one note of each
A. The candidates with top three scores each
denomination. The total number of five and
vote for the top score amongst the other ten rupee notes used was one more than the
three. total number of one and two rupee notes used.
B. The candidate with the lowest score votes What was the price of the article?
for the player with the second highest A. Nandini used a total of 13 currency notes.
score. B. The price of the article was a multiple of
Rs. 10.

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Directions for questions 10 to 13: Each question 12. The members of a local club contributed
is followed by two statements, A and B. Answer each equally to pay Rs. 600 towards a donation.
question using the following instructions: How much did each one pay?
A. If there had been five fewer members, each
Mark (1) if the question can be answered by using
one would have paid an additional Rs. 10.
statement A alone but not by using B
B. There were at least 20 members in the
club, and each one paid not more than
Mark (2) if the question can be answered by using
Rs. 30.
statement B alone but not by using A
13. A family has only one kid. The father says,
Mark (3) if the question can be answered by using
“After ‘n’ years, my age will be 4 times the
either statement alone and
age of my kid.” The mother says, “After ‘n’
Mark (4) if the question can be answered using
years, my age will be 3 times that of my kid.”
both the statements together but not by
What will be the combined ages of the parents
either statement alone.
after ‘n’ years?
A. The age difference between the parents
10. In a cricket match, the ‘Man of the Match’
is 10 years.
award is given to the player scoring the highest
B. After ‘n’ years the kid is going to be twice
number of runs. In case of a tie, the player
as old as she is now.
(out of those locked in the tie) who has taken
the higher number of catches is chosen. Even
Directions for questions 14 to 40: In each question
thereafter if there is a tie, the player (out of
there are two statements: A and B.
those locked in the tie) who has dropped fewer
catches is selected. Aakash, Biplab, and
Mark (1) if the question can be answered by one of
Chirag who were contenders for the award
the statements alone but not by the other.
dropped at least one catch each. Biplab
Mark (2) if the question can be answered by using
dropped two catches more than Aakash did,
either statement alone.
scored 50, and took two catches. Chirag got
Mark (3) if the question can be answered by using
two chances to catch and dropped both. Who
both the statements together but cannot
was the ‘Man of the Match’?
be answered using either statement
A. Chirag made 15 runs less than both Aakash
and Bipla2.
Mark (4) if the question cannot be answered even
B. The catches dropped less by Biplab are 1
by using both the statements A and B.
more than the catches taken by Aakash.

14. F and M are f ather and mother of S,

11. Four friends — A, B, C and D got the top four
respectively. S has four uncles and three
ranks in a competitive examination, but A did
aunts. F has two siblings. The siblings of F
not get the first, B did not get the second, C
and M are unmarried. How many brothers does
did not get the third, and D did not get the
M have?
fourth rank. Who secured which rank?
A. F has two brothers.
A. Neither A nor D were among the first 2.
B. M has five siblings.
B. Neither B nor C was third or fourth.

LRDI - 15 Page 3
15. A game consists of tossing a coin 19. Four students were added to a dance class.
successively. There is an entry fee of Rs. 10 Would the teacher be able to divide her
and an additional fee of Re. 1 for each toss of students evenly into a dance team (or teams)
coin. The game is considered to have ended of 8?
normally when the coin turns heads on two A. If 12 students were added, the teacher
consecutive throws. In this case the player is could put everyone in teams of 8 without
paid Rs. 100. Alternatively, the player can any leftovers.
choose to terminate the game prematurely B. The number of students in the class is
after any of the tosses. Ram has incurred a currently not divisible by 8.
loss of Rs. 50 by playing this game. How
many times did he toss the coin?
20. Is x = y?
A. The game ended normally.
B. The total number of tails obtained in the  1 1
game was 138. A. (x  y)     4
x y

16. Each packet of SOAP costs Rs. 10. Inside B. (x  50)2  (y  50)2
each packet is a gift coupon labelled with one
of the letters S, O, A and P. If a customer
21. A dress was initially listed at a price that would
submits four such coupons that make up the
have given the store a profit of 20% of the
word SOAP, the customer gets a free SOAP
packets. Ms. X kept buying packet after wholesale cost. What was the wholesale cost
packet of SOAP till she could get one set of of the dress?
coupons that formed the word SOAP. How A. After reducing the listed price by 10%,
many coupons with label P did she get in the the dress sold for a net profit of $10.
above process? B. The dress is sold for $50.
A. The last label obtained by her was S and
the total amount spent was Rs. 210. 22. Is 500 the average (arithmetic mean) score
B. The total number of vowels obtained was in the GMAT?
18. A. Half of the people who take the GMAT
score above 500 and half of the people
17. If A and B run a race, then A wins by 60 score below 500.
seconds. If B and C run the same race, then B. The highest GMAT score is 800 and the
B wins by 30 seconds. Assuming that C lowest score is 200.
maintains a uniform speed what is the time
taken by C to finish the race? 23. Is |x – 2| < 1?
A. A and C run the same race and A wins by A. |x| < 1
375 metres. B. |x – 1| < 2
B. The length of the race is 1 km.
24. People in a club either speak French or
18. In a hockey match, the Indian team was
Russian or both. Find the number of people
behind by 2 goals with 5 min remaining. Did
in a club who speak only French.
they win the match?
A. There are 300 people in the club and the
A. Deepak Thakur, the Indian striker, scored
number of people who speak both French
3 goals in the last 5 min of the match.
and Russian is 196.
B. Korea scored a total of 3 goals in the
match. B. The number of people who speak only
Russian is 58.

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25. A sum of Rs. 38,500 was divided among 31. A square is inscribed in a circle. What is the
Jagdish, Punit and Girish. Who received the difference between the area of the circle and
minimum amount? that of the square?
2 A. The diameter of the circle is 25 2 cm.
A. Jagdish received of what Punit and
B. The side of the square is 25 cm.
Girish received together.
B. Punit received of what Jagdish and 32. Two friends, Ram and Gopal, bought apples
11 from a wholesale dealer. How many apples
Girish received together.
did they buy?
A. Ram bought one-half the number of apples
26. What are the values of m and n?
that Gopal bought.
A. n is a positive even integer, m is a positive
B. The wholesale dealer had a stock of 500
odd integer, and m is greater than n.
B. Product of m and n is 30.
33. The average weight of students in a class is
27. Is Country X’s GDP higher than country Y’s
50 kg. What is the number of students in the
A. GDPs of the countries X and Y have grown
A. The heaviest and the lightest members of
over the past 5 years at compounded
the class weigh 60 kg and 40 kg
annual rate of 5% and 6% respectively.
B. Five years ago, GDP of country X was
B. Exclusion of the heaviest and the lightest
higher than that of country Y.
members from the class does not change
the average weight of the students.
28. What is the value of X?
A. X and Y are unequal positive even integers,
34. A small storage tank is spherical in shape.
X What is the storage volume of the tank?
less than 10, and is an odd integer..
Y A. The wall thickness of the tank is 1 cm.
B. X and Y are positive even integers, each B. W hen an empty spherical tank is
less than 10, and product of X and Y is immersed in a large tank filled with water,
12. 20 l of water overflow from the large tank.

29. On a giv en day a boat f erried 1,500 35. Mr X starts walking northwards along the
passengers across the river in 12 hr. How boundary of a field from point A on the
many round trips did it make? boundary, and after walking for 150 m reaches
A. The boat can carry 200 passengers at any B, and then walks westwards, again along
time. the boundary, for another 100 m when he
B. It takes 40 min each way and 20 min of reaches C. What is the maximum distance
waiting time at each terminal. between any pair of points on the boundary
of the field?
30. W hat will be the time for downloading A. The field is rectangular in shape.
software? B. The field is a polygon, with C as one of its
A. Transfer rate is 6 kilobytes per second. vertices and A as the mid-point of a side.
B. The size of the software is 4.5 megabytes.

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36. A line graph on a graph sheet shows the Directions for questions 41 to 50: In the following
revenue for each year from 1990 through 1998 questions a statement is followed by two explanatory
by points and joins the successive points by statements, I and II. Answer each question using
straight-line segments. The point for revenue the following instructions:
of 1990 is labelled A, that for 1991 as B, and Mark (1) if the question can be answered by using
that for 1992 as C. What is the ratio of growth
the statement I alone but not by using
in revenue between 1991-92 and 1990-91?
statement II alone.
A. The angle between AB and X-axis when
measured with a protractor is 40°, and Mark (2) if the question can be answered by using
the angle between CB and X-axis is 80°. the statement II alone but not by using
B. The scale of Y-axis is 1 cm = Rs. 100 statement I alone.
Mark (3) if the question can be answered by using
37. There is a circle with centre C at the origin either of the statements alone.
and radius r cm. Two tangents are drawn from Mark (4) if the question can be answered by using
an external point D at a distance d cm from both the statements together but not by
the centre. What are the angles between each either of the statements alone.
tangent and the X-axis? Mark (5) if the question cannot be answered on the
A. The coordinates of D are given. basis of the two statements.
B. The X-axis bisects one of the tangents.
41. A train has five stoppages on its route. The
38. Find a pair of real numbers x and y that satisfy
the following two equations simultaneously. train starts from stoppage one and then
It is known that the values of a, b, c, d, e and proceeds to stoppage two, three, four and five
f are non-zero. respectively. After halting at stoppage five, the
ax + by = c train takes a U-turn and returns to stoppage
dx + ey = f one. Each stoppage is distinguished by one
A. a = kd and b = ke, c = kf, k  0 of the five junctions A, B, C, D and E. Which
B. a = b = 1, d = e = 2, f  2c junction distinguishes stoppage three?
I. The junction C is immediately before
39. Three professors A, B and C are separately junction B, when the train moves from
given three sets of numbers to add. They were stoppage one towards stoppage five.
expected to find the answers to 1 + 1, 1 + 1 +
II. There are two junctions between junction
2, and 1 + 1 respectively. Their respective
A and junction D and junction A is not at
answers were 3, 3 and 2. How many of the
professors are mathematicians? one of the ends.
A. A mathematician can never add two
numbers correctly, but can always add 42. What is the value of a, given that a, b and c
three numbers correctly. are three distinct positive integers?
B. When a mathematician makes a mistake I. Ka × Kb × Kc = Kabc, where K is any
in a sum, the error is +1 or –1. positive number greater than 1.
II. a > b > c
40. How many students among A, B, C and D
have passed the examination? 43. Product of three natural numbers a, b and c
A. The following is a true statement: A and B is 30. What is a + b + c?
passed the examination.
I. None of the numbers a, b and c is a prime
B. The following is a false statement: At least
one among C and D has passed the
examination. II. a + b + c is divisible by 4.

Page 6 LRDI - 15
44. Is ax > bx? 50. How many people watched the film Devdas
1 1 in Cinema hall today?
I. > 1, > 1, x > 0 I. In the show 80% of the Cinema hall seats
a b
were occupied.
II. a > b, x > 0
II. The number of people who watched each
of the 4 shows today is in arithmetic
45. If a, b, c and d are positive integers,
is a × b × c × d odd? progression.

a Directions for questions 51 to 55: Each question

I. is even.
bcd is followed by two statements, A and B.
II. b × c × d is odd. Answer each question using the f ollowing
46. What is the length of the hypotenuse of a
right-angled triangle? Mark (1) if the question can be answered by using
I. Area of the triangle is 40 sq. cm. the statement A alone but not by using
II. Perimeter of the triangle is 40 cm. the statement B alone.
Mark (2) if the question can be answered by using
47. Thirty nails are put uniformly along each edge the statement B alone but not by using
of a wooden board such that there is exactly the statement A alone.
one nail on each of the vertices of the wooden Mark (3) if the question can be answered by using
board. How many nails are there in the wooden either of the statements alone.
board? (There is no other nail on the wooden Mark (4) if the question can be answered by using
board except on the edges) both the statements together but not by
I. The wooden board is a triangle measuring either of the statements alone.
29 inches on each edge. Mark (5) if the question cannot be answered on the
II. The wooden board is in the shape of a basis of the two statements.
regular hexagon.
51. In a survey conducted on the usage of mobile
48. Did Sachin score a century in his 100th test
phones namely Nokia, Samsung and
match, if he played in both the innings of every
match that he played? Motorola, it was found that 50 people use
Motorola and 34 people use both Nokia and
Note : Average runs per innings Motorola. How many people are there who
 Total runs scored  use both Nokia and Samsung but do not use
 
 Total innings played  Motorola?
A. The number of people who use both Nokia
I. The average of Sachin before the Test was
and Samsung but do not use Motorola is
50. The average after the Test was lower
twice the number of people using both
than the one at the start of the match.
Samsung and Motorola. The number of
II. The average of Sachin before the Test was
57.83 and the average after the Test was people using all the three mentioned
higher than that at the start of the match. mobile phones is 10 less than the number
of people who use only Motorola.
49. Is x + y + z > 24? Given that x, y and z are B. Out of the number of people surveyed, the
positive integers. number of people using all the three
I. x + 3y = 24 mentioned mobile phones is 3.
II. z + 2x = 16

LRDI - 15 Page 7
52. In a particular school, sixty students were 54. Thirty per cent of the employees of a call
athletes. Ten among them were also among centre are males. Ten per cent of the female
the top academic performers. How many top employees have an engineering background.
academic performers were in the school? What is the percentage of male employees
A. Sixty per cent of the top academic with engineering background?
performers were not athletes. A. Twenty five per cent of the employees have
B. All the top academic performers were not engineering background.
necessarily athletes. B. Number of male employees having an
engineering background is 20% more than
53. Five students Atul, Bala, Chetan, Dev and the number of female employees having
Ernesto were the only ones who participated an engineering background.
in a quiz contest. They were ranked based
on their scores in the contest. Dev got a higher 55. ln a football match, at the half-time, Mahindra
rank as compared to Ernesto, while Bala got and Mahindra Club was trailing by three goals.
a higher rank as compared to Chetan. Did it win the match?
Chetan’s rank was lower than the median. A. In the second-half Mahindra and Mahindra
Who among the five got the highest rank? Club scored four goals.
A. Atul was the last rank holder. B. The opponent scored four goals in the
B. Bala was not among the top two rank match.
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Page 8 LRDI - 15
Solutions CEX-D-0286/21
LRDI - 15 : Data Sufficiency

1 2 2 1 3 2 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 4

11 3 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 2 16 3 17 3 18 4 19 1 20 1

21 1 22 4 23 2 24 3 25 3 26 3 27 4 28 1 29 1 30 3

31 2 32 4 33 4 34 3 35 3 36 1 37 2 38 4 39 4 40 3

41 5 42 4 43 1 44 4 45 1 46 4 47 3 48 1 49 4 50 5

51 1 52 1 53 4 54 3 55 5

1. 2 W e need both the s tatements because overall Alternate method to find answer through
percentage is weighted average of percentages in Statement I :
individual examinations. Statement II is required because Girls Boys
it tells us the weights for all the examinations are 55% x%

2. 1 Let the average marks obtained by the boys in the 75%

class = x% Clearly x has to be greater than 75 (as the average
Let the number of boys and girls in the class be 'b' and lies between them)
'g' respectively.
x – 75 g 2 40
So, = = or x = 75 + = 88.33
From Statement I: 75 – 55 b 3 3
2b Let the average marks obtained by the boys in the
g : b = 2 : 3 or 3g = 2b or g =
3 class = 88.33%
Total marks obtained by boys in the class = bx% Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Total marks obtained by girls in the class = 55g%
Note: All marks are expressed as percentage out of
= % maximum marks.
Now, 3. 2 Let the number of runs scored by Aman, Brijesh, Candy
110b  2b  375b and Dinesh be denoted by a, b, c and d respectively.
bx + = 75(b + g) = 75  b +  =
3  3  3 Using statement I:
265b ac ac d
Hence, bx =   a  c  2d.
3 2 3
 x = 88.33
From this statement, we have no clue about the number
So, the average marks obtained by the boys in the of runs scored by Brijesh. Hence, statement I alone is
class = 88.33% insufficient.
Statement I is sufficient.
From Statement II: Using statement II:
b + g = 60
bc abc
Now,   2a  b  c
bx + 55g = 75 × 60 = 4500 2 3
Clearly to find the value of x one needs to know at Also, b  c  a must lie between b and c.
least one out of 'b' and 'g' or at least their ratio. Hence, the order is b < a < c.
So, Statement II is insufficient. But we have no clue about the number of runs scored
by Dinesh. Hence, statement II alone is insufficient.

LRDI - 15 Page 1
Combining both the statements together: 8. 3 Statement A: 2 kg potato cost + 1 kg gourd cost < 1
We know that a < c from the second statement. kg potato cost + 1 kg gourd cost
Hence, using statement I, d must lie between a and c.  1 kg potato cost < 1 kg gourd cost.
Hence, the overall order is b < a < d < c and therefore, Hence, statement A is not sufficient.
the rank of Brijesh is 1. Statement B: 1 kg potato cost + 2 kg onion cost = 1
kg onion cost + 2 kg gourd cost 1 kg potato cost + 1 kg
4. 1 Let incomes of Zakib and Supriyo be Z and S onion cost = 2 kg gourd cost.
respectively. Hence, statement B is also not sufficient.
Statement A: 20% of Z > 25% of S Combining both statements, we get
1 kg potato cost < 1 kg gourd cost …(i)
5 1 kg potato cost + 1 kg onion cost
 Z> S
4 = 2 kg gourd cost …(ii)
Now, Zakib spent 30% of his income on education = Hence, onion is the costliest.

30 5 9. 4 Statement A: 13 currency notes will give different

30% of Z >  S  0.375S
100 4 Values.
Statement B: Multiple of 10 and by many.
From this we cannot say if 0.3 Z is greater than or
Even if you combine the statement, we can have
less than 0.4 S.
various values.
Hence, statement A alone is not sufficient. Answer is (4).
Statement B: 13% of S > 10% of Z
Multiplying both sides by 3, we get, 10. 4 From statement A, both Aakash and Biplab have the
39% of S > 30 % of Z same scores. But we cannot find the man of match.
So 40% of S is definitely more than 30% of Z. From statement B only, we cannot find the man of the
Hence, statement B alone is sufficient. match.
Combining both statements we can find the man of the
5. 1 Assume A, B, C, D gets score 10, 8, 6, 4 respectively. match i.e. Aakash.
10 8 6 4 11. 3 From statement A, their ranks will be A - 4, B -1, C - 2,
Statement A: D - 3.
With the conditions, A will give vote to B
From statement B, also their ranks will be A - 4, B -1,
With the conditions, B will give vote to A
C - 2, D - 3.
With the conditions, C will give vote to A
Even if D gives to A/B/C - 2 situation arises.
12. 1 Let there be n members in the club.
Either A will win or there will a tie when D gives vote to
B. 600 600
Even then A will win. From statement A, we have   10 .
n5 n
So we are getting the answer.
Statement B: Nothing concrete can be derived. Solving this equation, we get n = 20. Therefore, we
can find the payment of each member.
6. 1 Statement A: Nothing can be said. Hence, statement A alone is sufficient.
Statement B: Since there are 3 boys in the top 5 rank From statement B, we cannot determine anything.
holders, the other two are girls and Rashmi is not one
of them. As Kumar is ranked sixth, Rashmi is either 13. 1 F + n = 4 (k + n) … (i)
seventh or below. Hence, statement II alone is suffi- M + n = 3 (k + n) …(ii)
cient. From the above equations
F – M = (k + n)
7. 2 Tarak From statement A
Blue Red
F – M = 10  k + n = 10
Statement A: To reach the Red mark, Tarak needs to
take even number of steps and to reach the Blue F + n = 40
mark, he needs to take odd number of steps. Given M + n = 30
that the number of steps taken by him is 21. Therefore,  F + M + 2n = 70
Tarak stops at the Blue mark. Hence, from statement A alone, we can get the answer.
Hence, statement A alone is sufficient.
Statement B: If the number of tails is 3 more than the 14. 1 S has 4 uncles and from statement A. F has two
heads, then the effective movement will be 3 steps to brothers. Hence, the other 2 uncles of S must be the
the left, i.e. Tarak will reach Blue mark. brothers of M. Statement B does not give any additional
Hence, statement B alone is sufficient. information.

Page 2 LRDI - 15
15. 2 If Ram tossed the coin x number of times, then from 19. 1 From A, if by adding 12 students, the total number of
statement A, we get the equation 10 + x – 100 = 50. students is divisible by 8. By adding 4 students, it will
Thus, x = 140. be divisible by 8.
From statement II individually, we have x > 138.
Thus, we are sure that he has paid up more than 148.  1 1 y  x
If he incurs a loss of only Rs. 50, the game has to end 20. 1 From (A), (x + y)  x  y  = 4 or (x + y)  xy  = 4
   
normally. Thus, he must have played 140 and got first
 (x + y)2 = 4xy
138 as tails and 139 and 140 throws as heads. With
no other scenario, a loss of just Rs.50 and 138 tails  (x – y)2 = 0
will show up. x=y ... (i)
From (B), (x – 50)2 = (y – 50)2
16. 3 Since Ms. X bought 21 packets out of which there are On solving
18 O’s and A’s in total. Since she got one S, there has x(x – 100) = y(y – 100) ... (ii)
to be 2 P’s which s he bought. Henc e, both the This suggests that the values of x and y can either be
statements are required to answer the question. 0 or 100.

17. 3 Either of the statements is alone not sufficient. 21. 1 Statement:

Using both the statements together: A. Let the wholesale price is x.
If A takes X seconds then B takes (x + 60) seconds to Thus, listed prices = 1.2x
run 1000 m. After a discount of 10%, new price = 0.9 × 1.2x
Ratio of speeds of A and C = 1000 : 625 = 8 : 5 = 1.08x
Ratio of time taken by A and C = 5 : 8  1.08 – x = 10$.
If B takes y second then C takes (y + 30) seconds to Thus, we know x can be found.
run 1000 m, then
5 (y + 30) = 8x …(i) B. We do not know at what percentage profit, or at
1000 1000 what amount of profit the dress was actually
and x  60  y …(ii) sold.

Solving, we get the values of x and y. 22. 4 A gives 500 as median and B gives 600 as range.
Hence, both statements are required. A and B together do not give average.
Therefore, it cannot be answered from the given
18. 4 Let us consider two cases: statements.
(a) If 5 min remaining the score was 0 – 2. Then final
score could have been 3 – 3. [Assuming no other 23. 2 From statement A, we know that for all –1 < x < 1,
Indian scored] we can determine |x – 2| < 1 is not true. Therefore,
(b) But if the score before 5 min was 1 – 3, then final statement A alone is sufficient.
score could have been 4 – 3. From statement B, –1 < x < 3, we cannot determine
whether |x – 2| < 1 or not. Therefore, statement B
From statement A, we know only the number of goals alone is sufficient.
made by India is the last 5 minutes. But, as we don’t
know what the opponent team did in the last 5 minutes, 24. 3 From statement A, we cannot find anything.
we can’t conclude anything. So statement A alone is From B alone we cannot find.
not sufficient. From A and B,
Similarly, statement B does not talk about the total 300
number of goals scored by India. So statement B is not R
sufficient. F
Using both the statements, we have two possibilities: X 196 58
(I) If Korea had scored 3 goals 5 minutes before the
end of the match India would have scored 1 goal. In
the last 5 minutes as India made 3 goals and Korea on x + 196 + 58 = 300. Thus, x can be found.
the whole made 3 goals, we can conclude that India
had won the game. 25. 3 Jagdish (J), Punit (P), Girish (G)
(II) If Korea had scored 3 goals 5 minutes before the
end of the match, India would have scored zero goals. Statement A: J = [P + G]W
In the last 5 minutes, as India made 3 goals and Korea 9
on the whole made 3 goals, we can say the match P + G + J = 38500
was drawn. Thus, only J can be found.
Hence, we cannot answer the question even boy
using both the statements together. Statement B: Similarly, from this only P can be found.
Combining we know J, P and G can be

LRDI - 15 Page 3
26. 3 From statement B, m, n could be (2, 15) (5, 6), (3, 10) 34. 3 Statement A gives the thickness of the wall which is of
and (1, 30) but from statement A, we get m, n as no use to find the volume of the tank since we do not
(2, 15). know the radius of the sphere.
Hence, the question can be answered by using both Statement B gives us the answer as the volume of
the statements together. water displaced is equal to the volume of the immersed
27. 4 From statement A nothing can be said since exact So to find the exact storage volume of the tank both
figures are not given. the statements are needed.
From statement B since X > Y (from B) we do not
know how much X is greater than Y, because if it is 35. 3 Statement A by itself does not solve the problem but it
slightly greater than it will be less than Y after 5 years does tell us about the shape of the field. However, it
whereas if the difference is very high, then X will be fails to give information about the points A, B and C as
greater than Y even after 5 years. to whether they be at the end of the field, etc. This
data is given by the second statement, from which it is
28. 1 From statement A, unequal even integers less than known that
10 are 2, 4, 6 and 8. 100m
is an odd integer is possible only if X = 6 and
From statement B, even integers less than 10 are
2, 4, 6 and 8. A
XY = 12  X = 6, Y = 2 or X = 2, Y = 6
Hence, question can be answered by using statement 150m
A alone but not by statement B.

29. 1 Statement A gives the capacity of boat and is of no The polygon has the length = 150 × 2 = 300 m and the
help in finding out the number of round trips. breadth = 100 m and also that it is a rectangle (from A).
From statement B round trips can be calculated since Thus, the maximum distance is the diagonal length of
we know the total time taken is 12 hr.
the rectangle.
30. 3 Statement A gives the rate and statement B gives the
size. It is like statement A gives the speed and statement 36. 1 R C
B the distance and we are to find out time. So both
statements are needed.

31. 2

B 80°

P A 40°

We know that the diameter of circle will be the diagonal

of the square.
Thus, from any of the two statements, we can find
out the areas of the circle and square. 90 91 92

32. 4 Statement A gives a general figure of Ram and Gopal. RQ

Statement B does not give any idea of how many Ratio of revenues =
apples Ram and Gopal purchased.
Both statements together also cannot give any result. Since in a line graph, the years are uniformly spaced
RQ tan80
 
33. 4 Statement A gives the weight of the heaviest and lightest QP tan40
members of the class but no indication as to the number So the ratio can be determined from statement A alone.
of students in the class or the total weight of the
students is there. The second statement is also Statement B is immaterial because we intend to find
inconclusive, making our answer choice as (4). the ratio and not absolute figures.

Page 4 LRDI - 15
38. 4 Statement A when used to solve the sum gives us the
37. 2
same equation as the second substituted in to the first
P kdx + key = kf
 k(dx + ey) = kf
d D as k  0, dx + ey = f which is same as second equation.
So it is of no use as we get infinite solutions and not a
C unique one.
Statement B gives us the following equations.
2x + 2y = f.
These are two linear equations in x and y, such that
1 1 c
 
2 2 f
r and d are given
c 1
From statement A, when co-ordinates of D are given, As  (Given), the system will have no solution.
only one pair of tangents can be drawn onto the given f 2
circle from D. So angle made by x-axis for each can As the data given in both the statements is inconsistent,
be found out. the question cannot be answered.
Hence, statement A alone is sufficient.
Consider statement B. Let the x-axis bisect the 39. 4
tangent QD, i.e. QA = AD. A B C
1+1 1+1+2 1+1
3 3 2
Statement A: As C added up two numbers correctly,
he is not a mathematician. However, from the given
D information, it is not necessary that any person who
r d
adds up two numbers incorrectly is a mathematician.
L Therefore, A or B may or may not be mathematicians.
C r A B
Hence, statement A alone is not sufficient.
Q Statement B: If a mathematician makes a mistake in a
sum, the error is +1 or -1. But it doesn't implies that if a
person makes an error of +1 or-1, he is a
Hence, statement B alone is not sufficient.
Even on combining the two statements, we cannot
1 1 2 2 conclude anything concrete.
Here QA  QD  d  r . So using trigonometric
2 2
ratios in right CQA, we can determine CAQ. 40. 3 From statement A, we know A and B passed the
Therefore,  DAB is equal to CAQ (vertically From statement B, we know the condition that among
opposite angles). C and D at least one passed (or both passed) is false.
Consider the other tangent DP. Let it intersect x-axis at Therefore, it is obvious that both C and D have failed.
point L. Thus, both statements are necessary to find the
CDQ can be determined using trigonometric ratios answer.
(as two of the sides are given in right CDQ). Also,
41. 5 Using statement I, we know that junction C and B are
CDQ is equal to CDP (s ince the two right consecutive junctions as the train moves from
CQD and CPD are congruent). Drop a stoppage one to stoppage five.
Using statement II, we know that junction A is not at
perpendicular DB on x-axis. In right DBL, we can
the extreme and there are two junctions between A
find  BDL  180o   ADB  CDQ  CDP  and D.
Even by combining both the statements together we
 180o  2CDQ  ADB . Applying angle s um will not be able to exactly determine the junction which
property of triangle, we can determine  DLB. distinguishes stoppage three.
Hence, statement B alone is sufficient. Hence, option (5) is the correct choice.

LRDI - 15 Page 5
42. 4 From statement I, we have a + b + c = abc. 49. 4 Possible values from statement I for (x, y) are:
This is possible for positive integers if a, b and c are 1, (21, 1), (18, 2), (15, 3), (12, 4), (9, 5), (6, 6) and
2 and 3 but we cannot say anything about the value (3, 7).
of a. Hence, statement I alone is insufficient. And possible values from statement II for (x, z) are
From statement II, we have a > b > c. Hence, statement (6, 4) and (3, 10).
Combining the two statements, only possible values
II alone is insufficient.
for (x, y, z) are (6, 6, 4) and (3, 7, 10).
Combining both statements, we can conclude a = 3.
In both cases, x + y + z < 24.
43. 1 Alternative method:
a b c a+b+c From I, x + 3y = 24  y < 8 (  x > 0)
30 1 1 32 Adding it in II,
15 2 1 18 z + 2x + y < 16 + 8  2x + y + z < 24
10 3 1 14  x + y + z < 24 (  x > 0)
6 5 1 12
50. 5 Statement I does not give the number of people nor
5 3 2 10 does statement II.
In only one case, none of (a), (b) and (c) is a prime
number. 51. 1 Let y = Number of people using all the three mobile
Hence, statement I alone is sufficient to answer the phones and x = Number of people using Samsung and
question. Motorola.
In two of the cases, a + b + c is divisible by 4.
Hence, statement II alone is insufficient. Using statement A:

44. 4 Statement I tells us that both a and b are positive and

Nokia 2x Samsung
less than 1. Hence, statement I alone is insufficient.
Statement II says that a > b, x > 0. y
Hence, statement II alone is insufficient. (x–y)
Since a > b, a > 0, b > 0, x > 0, ax > bx, both statements x
are required. 34 y + 10

Motorola (50)
45. 1 From statement I, if is even, then ‘a’ has to be The number of people using only ‘Nokia and Motorola’.
even. Thus, abcd is even. Hence, statement I alone is  (34 – y) = 50 – (x) – (y + 10)
sufficient to answer the question. x6
From statement II, we cannot determine whether ‘a’ is  Number of people using only ‘Nokia and Samsung’
even or odd. = 2x = 12
Hence, statement A alone is sufficient to answer the
46. 4 Suppose hypotenuse of the triangle is c and other question.
sides are a and b. Obviously, c = a2  b2 . Using statement B:
Combining statements I and II, we can find out c.

47. 3 From statement I, we get that there are three edges Nokia Samsung
and each edge has 28 nails with one nail at each of 3
the three vertices. 31 x–3
Hence, total number of nails = (28 × 3) + 3 = 87. x
From statement II, we get that there are six edges and 34
each edge has 28 nails with one nail at each of the six
vertices. Motorola(50)
Hence, total number of nails = (28 × 6) + 6 = 174. Given that the value of y = 3.
So each statement independently is sufficient. There is no information available, therefore we cannot
find the number of people who use only ‘Nokia and
48. 1 From statement I, we come to know that Sachin’s Samsung’.
average dropped below 50. Hence, he did not score Hence, statement B alone is not sufficient to answer
100 even in both the innings combined of his 100th the question.
test match. Hence, he did not score any century. Hence, option (1) is the correct choice.
From statement II, it cannot be found out.

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52. 1 From statement A, it is clear that 40% of top academic background. From statement B, we know the number
performers are athletes and that is equal to 10. So of male employees having engineering background.
total number of academic performers can be calculated. So, the percentage of male employees having
Statement B does not provide any relevant information. engineering background can be calculated. So, the
So the answer is (1). answer is (3).

53. 4 Statement A and B alone are not sufficient but if both 55. 5 Statement A alone is not sufficient because it is not
are combined, then we can form the following giving any information about the opponent. Statement
sequence: B alone is also not sufficient because it is not giving
any information regarding the performance of Mahindra
1 2 3 4 5
& Mahindra in the second half. Even if both the
statements are used together, we will get two cases:
So the answer is (4).
M&M 0 1
Opponent 3 4
54. 3 Statement A alone is sufficient because 10% of the
female employees have engineering background, 70% So in one case, match is drawn and in the other case,
of the employees are females, so 7% of the employees it is won by Mahindra & Mahindra.
are female and having engineering background. Hence, Hence, the answer is (5)
18% of the employees are male and having engineering

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