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LRDI - 3

Number of Questions : 30 WSP–0018/20

Directions for questions 1 to 4: Each question is 4. What is the area bounded by the two lines
followed by two statements, I and II. Answer the and the coordinate axes in the first quadrant?
questions based on the statements and mark the I. The lines intersect at a point which also
answer as lies on the lines 3x – 4y = 1 and 7x – 8y
(1) If the question can be answered with the help = 5.
of any one statement alone but not by the II. The lines are perpendicular, and one of
other statement. them intersects the Y-axis at an intercept
(2) If the question can be answered with the help of 4. CAT 1997
of either of the statements taken individually.
(3) If the question can be answered with the help Directions for questions 5 to 9: Answer the
of both statements together. questions on the basis of the information given below.
(4) If the question cannot be answered even with
the help of both statements together. Rishi took four cubes and wrote one letter on each
of the faces of the cubes such that all the letters
1. Find the length of AB if ∠YBC = ∠CAX written by him are distinct. He neither wrote the letter
= ∠YOX = 90°. CAT 1998 ‘Q’ nor ‘X’. He played a game by throwing the cubes
on the floor and forming a word using the letters
Y appearing on the top face of each cube. Following is
B the list of ten such words that he made during the
I. Radius of the arc is given. 5. Out of the five other letters that are written on
II. OA = 5 the same cube as the letter K, how many
letters can be uniquely determined?
2. Is n odd? CAT 1998 (1) 1 (2) 2
I. n is divisible by 3, 5, 7 and 9. (3) 3 (4) 4
II. 0 < n < 400
6. Which of the following words can be definitely
3. Three friends P, Q and R are wearing hats, formed using the given cubes?
either black or white. Each person can see (1) HOPE (2) FIRM
the hats of the other two persons. What is (3) DRUM (4) CUBE
the colour of P's hat? CAT 1997
I. P says that he can see one black hat 7. Which of the following words cannot be formed
and one white hat. using the given cubes?
II. Q says that he can see one white hat (1) DROP (2) DAME
and one black hat. (3) WORD (4) MEAL

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8. If JUNK and SWAN can also be formed using 13. What is the price of mangoes per kilogram?
the above mentioned cubes then which of the I. 10 kg mangoes and two dozen oranges
following combination belongs to one of the cost Rs. 252.
cubes? II. 2 kg mangoes could be bought in
(1) S, I, U and Z (2) B, V, K and O exchange for one dozen oranges.
(3) G, L, U and M (4) N, R, T and H
Directions for questions 14 to 17: Answer the
9. If JOIN and SAVE can also be formed using questions on the basis of the information given below.
the above mentioned cubes then which of the
following words cannot be made using the Each digit, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 is represented
given cubes? by a different letter A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I but
(1) VASE (2) NOSE not necessarily in this particular order. Further, each
(3) JUNE (4) SAGE of A + B + C, C + D + E, E + F + G and G + H + I is
equal to 13.
Directions for questions 10 to 13: Answer the
questions on the basis of the information given below. 14. Find the value of E.
(1) if the question can be answered by one of the (1) 5 (2) 7
statements alone, but cannot be answered (3) 4 (4) Can’t be determined
by using the other statement alone.
(2) if the question can be answered by using 15. What is the sum of C, E and G?
either statement alone. (1) 7 (2) 9
(3) if the question can be answered by using both (3) 11 (4) Can’t be determined
the statements together, but cannot be
answered by using either statement alone. 16. How many different values of (A + D + F + I)
(4) if the question cannot be answered even by are possible?
using both the statements together. (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 3

10. At what height is the kite “K” above the 17. Which one of the following is NEVER true?
ground, when Ram is flying it, standing at (1) A is greater than G
point P? (2) H is less than D
(3) B is less than C
K (4) D is greater than F

Directions for questions 18 to 20: Answer the

questions on the basis of the information given below:
We are three friends — Saptarsh, Rushat and
I. He is flying the kite at the best angle, Trivendra — each has certain number of red and
which is 45º. white balls.
II. He has let out 225 ft of string. I. Saptarsh has atleast one red ball and twice
as many white balls as red balls.
11. Is z > 0? II. Rushat has atleast one red ball and three
x z times as many white balls as red balls.
I. < 0 and > 0 III. Trivendra has atleast one red ball and three
y y
II. x < 0 more white balls than red balls.
IV. When I tell you the number of balls (the
12. In quadrilateral ABCD, AB = 5 cm and CD = 3 number is less than 25) we have altogether,
cm. Find the area. you would know exactly how many balls I
I. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. have, but would not know how many balls
II. AB = BC and CD = AD each of the others has”.

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18. How many balls do these three people have
altogether? Number
(1) 12 (2) 19
(3) 24 (4) 18 30 8
32 13
19. Who is the speaker of the given text? 34 17
(1) Saptarsh
(2) Rushat 36 28
(3) Trivendra 38 33
(4) Either Rushat or Saptarsh 40 46
42 54
20. If the number of balls with Saptarsh is three
less than that with Trivendra, then what is the 44 67
number of balls with Rushat? 46 79
(1) 4 48 91
(2) 8
(3) 9 50 100
(4) Cannot be determined
21. What is the no of children of age 9 years or
Directions for questions 21 to 24: Answer the less whose height doesn’t exceed 135 cm?
questions on the basis of the information given below. (1) 48 (2) 45
(3) 3 (4) Can’t be determined
Table A provides data about the ages of children in a
school. For the age given in the first column, the 22. How many children of age more than 10 years
second column gives the no of children not exceeding are taller than 150 cm and do not weigh more
that age. For example, the first entry indicates that than 48 kg?
there are 9 children aged 4 years or less. Tables B (1) 16 (2) 40
and C provide data on the heights and weights (3) 9 (4) Can’t be determined
respectively of the same group of children in a similar
format. Assuming that an older child is always taller 23. Among the children older than 6 years but
and weighs more than a younger child, answer the not exceeding 12 years, how many weigh
following questions. more than 38 kg?
Age Height (1) 34 (2) 52
Number Number
(Years) (cm) (3) 44 (4) Can’t be determined
4 9 115 6
24. How many children of age between 8 years
5 12 120 11
and 13 years are not taller than 145 cm?
6 22 125 24 (1) 11 (2) 30 (3) 33 (4) 20
7 35 130 36
8 42 135 45 Directions for questions 25 to 27: Answer the
questions on the basis of the information given below.
9 48 140 53
10 60 145 62 There are 100 employees in an organization across
11 69 150 75 five departments. The following table gives the
12 77 155 81 department- wise distribution of average age, average
13 86 160 93 basic pay and allowances. The gross pay of an
employee is the sum of his/her basic pay and
14 100 165 100

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from Marketing department to HR department,

(% of Basic
Number of

Pay (Rs.)

what will be the percentage change in average



Department basic pay of HR department?
(1) 10.5% (2) 12.5% (3) 15%
(4) 30% (5) 40%
HR 5 45 5000 70
Marketing 30 35 6000 80 Directions for questions 28 to 30: Answer the
questions on the basis of the information given below.
Finance 20 30 6500 60
Business In a city, elections are conducted in a peculiar
35 42 7500 75
Development manner. There are three rounds of elections, each
Maintenance 10 35 5500 50 round separated by a gap of 4 months. So the
candidate is voted for thrice in the election year. If
There are limited numbers of employees considered the president of the current term wishes to be re-
for transfer/promotion across departments. elected, he can stand only in the first round. If he
Whenever a person is transferred/promoted from a secures the first place, the others bow out of the
department of lower average age to a department of race. If he does not, the election process progresses
higher average age, he/she will get an additional into the second round and then the third. Each
allowance of 10% of basic pay over and above his/ candidate is awarded points in every round equal to
her current allowance. his position in the round. Finally the grand total of
There will not be any change in pay structure if a points is made and the candidate with the least total
person is transferred/promoted from a department is declared the president elect.
with higher average age to a department with lower
average age. This year the president lost the elections. Of the five
other candidates, the winner secured the first position
Questions below are independent of each other. only in the last round with a grand total of 7 points.
Three candidates had equal total points and the
25. What is the approximate percentage change highest scorer had 4, 5, 2 points in the first, second
in the average gross of the HR department and third round respectively. There was no tie for
due to transfer of a 40-year old person with any position in any round. In the entire election
basic pay of Rs. 8000 from the Marketing process, the same person never stood in the same
department? position more than once.
(1) 9% (2) 11% (3) 13%
(4) 15% (5) 17% 28. How many points did the current president
26. There was a mutual transfer of an employee (1) 3 (2) 5
between Marketing and Finance departments (3) 6 (4) 4
and transfer of one employee from Marketing
to HR. As a result, the average age of Finance 29. Which of the following score is not possible
department increased by one year and that to get for any candidate in the first, second
of Marketing department remained the same. and the third round respectively?
What is the new average age of HR (1) 1, 3, 5 (2) 3, 1, 5
department? (3) 5, 1, 3 (4) 3, 2, 4
(1) 30 (2) 35 (3) 40
(4) 45 (5) cannot be determined 30. What is the score of the candidate with the
lowest grand total of points in the first, second
27. If two employees (each with a basic pay of and the third round?
Rs. 6000) are transferred from Maintenance (1) 2, 4, 1 (2) 4, 2, 1
department to HR department and one person (3) 1, 2, 4 (4) None
(with a basic pay of Rs. 8000) was transferred

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WSP-0018/20 LRDI - 3 Workshop
Answers and Explanations

1 4 2 3 3 4 4 3 5 3 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 3 10 3
11 3 12 3 13 3 14 3 15 1 16 3 17 3 18 2 19 1 20 1
21 2 22 1 23 3 24 4 25 3 26 3 27 2 28 3 29 2 30 1

1. 4 slope of L2 will be since L1 and L2 are perpendicular.
Y Hence, equations of L1 and L2 can be obtained by
using slope point form. (Students! we need not really
B C find out the equations.) After getting both the equations,
we can find the area bounded by L 1 and L 2 and
coordinate axes.

For questions 5 to 9:
• In order to allot alphabet to cubes we need to pick up
those words which have most alphabets in common. So,
O we pick up LAZY and GAZE as they have two alphabets
in common.
Do not make the mistake of assuming O to be the • Given the word LAZY, we arbitrarily assign L to cube 1,
centre of the circle. Since the centre is not known, A to cube 2, Z to cube 3, and Y to cube 4.
knowing radius is not of great help. It can be observed • From GAZE, E can’t be on cube 2 or cube 3; while from
that ∠BCA is also 90° , as in the quadrilateral OBCA, POLE, E can’t be on cube 1. So E is on cube 4 with Y and
the remaining three angles are 90° . So the quadrilateral G in GAZE is on cube 1.
• From POLE, O isn’t on cube 1 with L or on cube 4 with E;
can either be a square or a rectangle. As we do not
while from ROAD, O isn’t on cube 2 with A, so O is on
know even this, we cannot make use of the second
cube 3. Then the P in POLE is on cube 2.
statement as well. Hence, both the statements are not
• The R in CRAG isn’t on cube 1 or cube 2, nor is it on cube
sufficient to answer the question.
3 (ROAD), so R is on cube 4 and the C in CRAG is on cube
3. From ROAD we get D is on cube 1.
2. 3 LCM of 3, 5, 7, 9 = 315. Hence, all the multiples of 315
• F isn’t on cube 1 or cube 4 (FLEW), nor is F on cube 3
will be divisible by 3, 5, 7 and 9. These may be even or
(FOUR); so F is on cube 2, with U on cube 1 (FOUR) and
odd. Hence, the first statement in itself is not sufficient
W on cube 3 (FLEW).
to answer the question. The second statement
• From WHIP, I isn’t on cube 2 or cube 3, while from MIKE I
however suggests that the number is 315 itself (as it
isn’t on cube 4, so I is on cube 1 and H from WHIP is on
is the only multiple that lies between 0 and 400). Hence,
cube 4.
n is indeed odd. We require both the statements
• The K in MIKE isn’t on cube 1 or cube 4 and isn’t on cube
together to answer this.
3 (TUCK); so K is on cube 2, M is on cube 3 (MIKE) and the
T on cube 4 (TUCK).
3. 4 P says he can see one black and one white hat. So
either Q is wearing white and R is wearing black, or Q So at the end we get the following result:
is wearing black and R is wearing white. Q also makes
same statement. Still we cannot say the colour of the 1 2 3 4
hat which P is wearing. L A Z Y
4. 3 If we solve the two given equations, we get the point
of intersection as (3, 2). Let A = (3, 2). The lines of our D F C R
interest (let it be L1 and L2) also pass through A. One of U K W H
the lines passes through (0, 4). Let L1 passes through I M T
(0, 4), but it also passes through (3, 2). Hence, we
2 5. 3 6. 2 7. 3
can find the slope of L2 (which is equal to – ). Hence,

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8. 4 N isn’t on cube 1, cube 2 (JUNK), or cube 3 (SWAN) 17. 3 Check the choice (3), the value of B can be 3, 9, 5 or
and completes cube 4, with the J in JUNK complet- 6 and the value of C can be 1 or 2.
ing 3. So, B is never less than C.

9. 3 From JOIN we get J and N are in cube 2 and 4 or vice For questions 18 to 20:
versa. From (I) Saptarsh has atleast 3 balls and the number of balls
From SAVE we get S and V are in c}be 1 and 3 or vice
can be 3, 6, 9 12, 15, 18, 21 ...
versa and B is in cube 2.
From (II) Rushat has atleast 4 balls and the number of balls can
So one of J and N will be on cube 4 and E is also on
be 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, ...
cube 4 so JUNE is not possible.
From (III) Trivendra has atleast 5 balls and the number of balls
10. 3 Statements I and II alone are not sufficient. But the two can be 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 ....
combined together is sufficient to find the height. The total number of balls is atleast 12 and atmost 24.
If total number of balls is even, then Saptarsh must have an
225 odd number of balls and vice versa.
Height = 225 sin 45° = ft.
2 Make different combinations:
The total number of balls cannot be 13 because then the sum
11. 3 From statement I, x and y are of opposite sign. of the number of balls with them cannot be 13.
z and y are of same sign. Total cannot be 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 because then the number
Statement II does not give information about z. of balls with each would be known.
But combining statements I and II, we can get the sign ∴ Contradicting statement (IV)
of z. (and of x and y as well.) Total number of balls cannot be 18, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 because
then the exact number of balls cannot be known for anybody.
13. 3 Statement I alone is not sufficient to find the area. It
Contradicting statement (IV). So, the total number of balls is
only tells
If the total is 19, then Saptarsh must have an even number of
Area = (s – a) ( s – b ) ( s – c ) ( s – d) balls which is less than 19 – (4 + 5) = 10.
Statement II gives the length of all the sides. ∴ Saptarsh must have 6 balls. Rushat and Trivendra together
Combining statements I and II, we can find the area have 13 balls. Rushat can have either 4 or 8 balls. Trivendra
can have either 9 or 5 balls.
13. 3 Statement I or II alone does not help to answer the ∴ The number of balls with Rushat and Trivendra cannot be
question. known. Hence, the speaker is Saptarsh.
Combine statements I and II. If 1 kg mangoes and one
dozen oranges respectively cost Rs. m and Rs. a, 18. 2
then statement I gives 10m + 2a = 252 or
5m + a = 126.
19. 1
Statement II gives 2m = a.
Solving, we get m = 18. So 1 kg mangoes cost
Rs. 18. 20. 1 As per the information given in the question, the number
of balls with Trivendra would be 9 and therefore
For questions 14 to 17: number of balls with Rushat would be 13 – 9 = 4.
According to given data, we can draw the following eight
possibilities: 21. 2 Number of children with age ≤ 9 years = 48

1 and 2 3 and 4 5 and 6 7 and 8 Number of children with height ≤ 135 cm = 45

A+B+C 3+9+1 9+3+1 6+5+2 5+6+2 Therefore, the number of children of age 9 years or
C+D+E 1+8+4 1+8+4 2+7+4 2+7+4
less whose height does not exceed 135 cm will be the
E+F+G 4+7+2 4+7+2 4+8+1 4+8+1 common of the two (age ≤ 9 years and height ≤ 135
G+H+I 2 + 6 + 5 or 2 + 6 + 5 or 1 + 9 + 3 or 1 1 + 9 + 3 or cm) = minimum(48, 45) = 45.
2+5+6 2+5+6 +3+9 1+3+9
22. 1 Number of children aged more than 10 years
14. 3 From the table, in each case the value of E is 4. = 100 – 60 = 40
Number of children taller than 150 cm = 100 – 75 = 25
15. 1 The sum of C + E + G = 1 + 4 + 2 = 2 + 4 + 1 = 7. Number of children with weight more than 48 kg
= 100 – 91 = 9
16. 3 A + D + F + I = 3 + 8 + 7 + 6 or 3 + 8 + 7 + 5 or 9 + 8 + These 9 children are surely included in the 25 children
7 + 5 or 9 + 8 + 7 + 6, i.e. 24 or 23 or 29 or 30. taller than 150 cm and more than 10 years of age
So, the four different sum’s are possible. because of the assumption given.
Thus, 25 – 9 = 16 children satisfy the given condition.

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23. 3 Number of children older than 6 years but not
exceeding 12 years = 77 – 22 = 55 New average = = Rs. 5,625
Number of children with weights not exceeding 38 kg 8
= 33
These 33 children includes the 22 children with age Percentage change = × 100 = 12.5%.
not exceeding 6 years. 5000
Therefore, the remaining (33 – 22) = 11 comes from
the 55 children of ages older than 6 years but not For questions 28 to 30:
exceeding 12 years. From the given data in the second paragraph, we can make
Therefore, 55 – 11 = 44 children satisfy the given the following table
condition. Candidate name Position 1st round 2nd round 3rd round Total

24. 4 Number of children between 8 years and 13 years A 1 2 4 1 7

= 86 – 42 = 44. B
Now, there are 14 children whose age is greater than C
13 years. Therefore, the height of these 14 children
will also be greater than 145 cm. D
Now, the total number of children whose height is E 5 4 5 2
greater than 145 cm is 38.
∴ If we subtract 14 children of age > 13 from these
We cannot conclude the position of president because he has
38 children, we get 24 children whose age is between
lost in the first round. So, we can only say that his point is not
8 and 13 and height is greater than 145 cm.
one for first round.
∴ The remaining 44 – 24 = 20 children of age between
As, for winner, sum of the lowest grand total = 7 (given)
8 and 13 years are not taller than 145 cm.
So, 1st round + 2n round = 6
Cases 3 3 ×
25. 3 Average gross pay of HR department before
transfer 2 4 √
= Rs. 5000 × 1.7 = Rs. 8500 5 1 ×
Basic pay of the transferred person = Rs. 8000 Here, two cases rejected because same person cannot stand
New allowance of the transferred person = (80 + 10) at the same position for more than once.
= 90% of the basic pay So, the points for the lowest grand total would be (2, 4, 1).
New Gross pay of the transferred person As for the remaining three candidates the grand total points
= Rs. 8000 × 1.9 = Rs. 15,200 will be equal, so the total must be greater than 7 and less than
New average gross pay of HR dept. 11.
 15200 − 8500  But the grand total cannot be 8, as for scoring total of 8 each
= Rs. 8500 +   = Rs. (8500 + 1116) of these three has to score 1 point in one of the three rounds
 6  which is not possible.
So, on the given condition, by rejecting possibilities, we get the
Percentage change = 1116 × 100 ≈ 13% following result.

Candidate name Position 1st round 2nd round 3rd round Total
26. 3 Since increase in average age of the Finance
department. is one year, the age of the person A 1 2 4 1 7
moving from Marketing to Finance is more than that B 5 1 3 9
moving from Finance to Marketing, by 1 × 20 = 20
C 3 2 4 9
Hence, due to this transfer, cumulative age of Marketing D 1 3 5 9
department has gone down by 20 yrs. But since the E 5 4 5 2 11
average age of Marketing department remaining
Current president 6
unchanged, the person moving from Marketing to HR
has age = (Avg. age of Marketing) – 20 = 15 years.

New average age of HR dept. =

(5 × 45 ) + (1× 15 ) 28. 3 Current presidents score = 6
5 +1
29. 2 From the given option, we can say that values given in
= 40 yrs.
option (2) does not satisfy.
27. 2 Total basic pay of HR
30. 1 From the table above, points scored by the winner in
= 5 × 5000 (existing) + 2 × 6000 (from Maintenance)
each round is 2, 4, 1.
+ 1 × 8000 (from Marketing) = Rs. 45,000

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