1.certification of Police Blotter Excerpt (Harassment)
1.certification of Police Blotter Excerpt (Harassment)
1.certification of Police Blotter Excerpt (Harassment)
Aries A. Salutem, a resident of San Roque, Mercedes Camarines Norte,29 years old,
fisherman in profession, personally came to this office and requested to put into record
that he was harassed by Carlo C. Manlangit. Fish warden, the said harassment accured
on February 15,2021, at about 4:00pm when Aries A. Salutem was preparing to depart
to the sea to fish, he was confronted by Carlo C. Manlangit accusing Belo of using the
Badil in fishing and he will make ways to prevent the latter from fishing using the Badil.
Aries A. Salutem warned Belo not to fish again in the sea if he wouldn’t like to return to
Disposition: This case was filed in Court with CC No.2021-0045 MTC Mercedes
Police Superintendent
Chief, Admin Section