Bambad NHS Contingency Plan For COVID-19
Bambad NHS Contingency Plan For COVID-19
Bambad NHS Contingency Plan For COVID-19
Department of Education
Region XII
Kenram, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Tel/Fax No. 064-471-1007 ◾ Email:
SY 2020 - 2021
Secondary School Principal I
COVID - 19
The world is facing a global crisis unlike any since the World War II, one that is spreading
human suffering, infecting the global economy and upending people’s lives. This is a moment
that demands coordinated, decisive and innovative action from all parts of the society. While
recognizing that the current responses at the country level will fall short of addressing the global
scale and complexity of the crisis, this document outlines the manner in which the
humanitarian community is coming together in a coordinated way to support the government-led
response efforts to this crisis as it unfolds in the Philippines. We, the Bambad NHS should be
prepared for this infectious disease. While it is difficult to predict when (or even if) COVID-19 will
rise again.
While everyone is at risk to be infected by COVID-19, the students, older people and persons
with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, heart and respiratory diseases or
with compromised immune systems, including people with HIV, as well as frontline health
workers, are the most vulnerable.
Promote daily preventive actions for all staff, students, and families. For example, schools should
encourage students to engage in health-promoting behaviors that prevent illnesses:
School staff, students, and parents will use face mask upon entering the school.
Students must bring their own eating utensils for hygiene purposes.
Students must bring their own food before entering classroom to avoid crowding during
recess time.
School staff and students will maintain social distancing
Each classroom, offices and entrances must have alcohol and sanitizers that will be used
every time when there is students, visitors will come in and out.
Wash hands multiple times a day for at least 20 seconds.
Don’t share food or drinks.
Give elbow bumps instead of handshakes.
Students and school staff members to eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise
regularly to help them develop strong immune systems capable of fighting illness.
Reinforcement of cleaning teams to ensure frequent cleaning of any surfaces that are
likely to be touched frequently, namely toilets, handles, handrails, meeting room
furniture, keyboards and screens, among others.
School staff and students with any symptoms of COVID-19 (such as, a new cough or high
temperature) are required to go home or have a medical check-up as soon as possible.
Canteen manager and staff should wear personal protective equipment and require the
buyers to maintain social distancing in buying foods.
Coordinate with LGU task force COVID-19 and Barangay health centers on matters
relating to COVID-19.
Prepare and activate a SCHOOL CONTIGENCY PLAN on the COVID-19.
Vice Chairperson:
Coordinate with LGU task force COVID-19 and Barangay health centers on matters
relating to COVID-19.
Coordinate with the Division Task Force for COVID-19 and submit reports and monitoring
Secondary School Principal I