Pidilite Industries Limited: Eyeing Strong Post-Pandemic Recovery
Pidilite Industries Limited: Eyeing Strong Post-Pandemic Recovery
Pidilite Industries Limited: Eyeing Strong Post-Pandemic Recovery
3R MATRIX + = - Summary
We maintain our Buy recommendation on Pidilite Industries Limited (Pidilite), with
Right Sector (RS) ü a revised PT of Rs. 2,315. Pidilite’s dominance in the construction chemical and
adhesive space and strong balance sheet will keep valuations at premium levels.
Right Quality (RQ) ü With 50% drop in COVID-19 cases from its peak of 3.9lakh cases in the second wave,
India is gearing up for unlock. Gradual unlock in respective states would result in
Right Valuation (RV) ü recovery in construction chemical products due to pent-up demand.
Low penetration for waterproofing products, improved demand for construction
+ Positive = Neutral - Negative chemicals in rural areas, and market share gains from small players are key growth
drivers in the medium term.
What has changed in 3R MATRIX Spike in VAM prices and uncertain demand in the current environment are key
headwinds in the near term. The company is targeting to maintain OPM of 20%-24%
Old New in the medium term.
RS Pidilite Industries Limited (Pidilite) reported flat sales at Rs. 7,293 crore in FY2021. Sales
declined by ~28% in H1FY2021, but the company posted strong recovery in H2FY2021 with
RQ a 29% revenue growth. Robust growth was seen across categories – adhesives, construction
chemicals, and do-it-yourself (DIY) categories, driven by continued demand momentum in
RV both rural and urban areas in the second half of year. With a recovery in the macroeconomic
environment and a consequential improvement in industrial/construction activities, the B2B
business clocked strong double-digit growth. The second wave of COVID-19 will affect the
Reco/View Change company’s performance in the near-term performance, as the spread is deeper in rural India.
With a 50% drop in COVID-19 cases from its peak of 3.9 lakh cases in the second wave, India
Reco: Buy is gearing up for easing of lockdowns again. Our interaction with various small construction
CMP: Rs. 2,065 companies and dealers suggest that full recovery is expected by August 2021/September
2021 with easing of restrictions and consumers allowing plumbers/workers to perform
Price Target: Rs. 2,315 á internal plumbing/waterproofing activities/home improvement activities. This is in line with
the trend seen during the first wave when a recovery was visible from Q2FY2021. Two key
á Upgrade Maintain â Downgrade differentials in the first wave and second wave were 1) government projects/ construction
activities continued in the some of the less affected states in the second wave, resulting in a
Company details steady demand for B2B industrial products; and 2) international markets such as America,
Middle East, and Africa are expected to perform well as most markets have opened up
Market cap: Rs. 1,04,929 cr after significant drop in cases and massive vaccination drive. PIL’s management expects
strong recovery post the normalisation of the pandemic due to improving penetration of
52-week high/low: Rs. 2,124 / 1,307 waterproofing products in urban and rural markets, shift to branded products in the rural
NSE volume: market, and market share gains from small players in the current environment of rising
7.4 lakh input prices and liquidity concerns. The sharp increase in VAM prices will put margins under
(No of shares) pressure in the near term. Management believes a sharp increase in VAM prices is due to
BSE code: 500331 supply disruption as demand remains stable. Hence, from July 2021 the company expects
prices to correct once supply normalises. The company has hiked prices by 5-6%, which
NSE code: PIDILITIND covers 75% of raw-material inflation. Further price hikes will be undertaken if input prices
continue to surge from current levels. The newly-acquired Huntsman Advanced Material
Free float: Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (HAMSPL) is expected to contribute revenue of ~Rs. 500 crore annually,
15.2 cr
(No of shares) which is achieving an operating profit margin (OPM) of about 35%. Thus, the company is
focusing on maintaining OPM of 20-24% in the medium term. The working capital cycle stood
stable at 62 days and cash & cash equivalents on books stood at Rs. 625 crore.
Shareholding (%)
Our Call
Promoters 70.2 View: Retain Buy with a revised PT of Rs. 2,315: Low penetration of water-proofing activities
as compared to other countries, shift to branded products (especially in rural markets), and
FII 11.9 introduction of new products augur well for the company from a long-term perspective. With a
strong brand portfolio, Pidilite has a monopoly in the domestic adhesives market and acquisition
DII 7.6 of the Araldite brand further strengthens its position in this space. The stock currently trades
at 64.8x its FY2023E earnings. A monopoly in the adhesives market, consistently strong cash-
Others 10.37 generation ability, and robust growth prospects will continue to keep valuations at a premium.
We maintain a Buy recommendation on the stock with a revised price target (PT) of Rs. 2,315.
Price chart Key Risks
Any sustained slowdown in domestic business performance due to frequent lockdowns or increase
1900 in VAM prices would act as key risks to our earnings estimates in the near to medium term.
Valuation (Consolidated) Rs cr
Particulars FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22E FY23E
Revenue 7,078 7,294 7,293 8,204 9,926
OPM (%) 19.3 21.6 23.0 22.7 23.8
Q1FY21 Q2FY21 Q3FY21 Q4FY21
-60 -53
Consumer Bazaar Industrial (B2B)
Source: Company; Sharekhan Research
Financials in charts
adhesives, 5.7
Arts & crafts
material, 7.1
2000.0 1174.2 Adhesive &
857.9 961.5 942.8 1125.7
1000.0 construction sealants, 54.2
& paint
0.0 chemicals,
FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 19.9
Revenues PAT
62 61
20.0 61
17.0 57
FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Source: Company, Sharekhan Research Source: Company, Sharekhan Research
Rs crore
625 4.0
600 2.5
3.0 2.3 2.3
400 2.0
200 1.0
0 0.0
FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Source: Company, Sharekhan Research Source: Company, Sharekhan Research
1800.0 70x
1600.0 60x
1400.0 50x
Peer Comparison
P/E (x) EV/EBIDTA (x) RoCE (%)
FY21 FY22E FY23E FY21 FY22E FY23E FY21 FY22E FY23E
Asian Paints 86.9 75.8 62.2 53.8 48.0 40.1 20.7 19.7 22.7
Pidilite Industries 92.9 84.1 64.8 60.0 54.4 42.8 16.7 16.3 19.6
Source: Company, Sharekhan estimates
About company
Pidilite is a leading manufacturer of adhesives and sealants, construction chemicals, crafts products, DIY
products, and polymer emulsions in India. Pidilite has divided its business into two segments: consumer and
bazaar products segment (C&B; includes adhesives, sealants, art and craft material, and others, construction
and paint chemicals) and industrial product segment (IP; includes industrial adhesives, synthetic resins,
organic pigments, pigment preparations, and surfactants). C&B accounts for ~84% of Pidilite’s standalone
revenue, while the balance is contributed by the IP segment. The company’s brand name, Fevicol has become
synonymous with adhesives to millions in India and is ranked amongst the most trusted brands in the country.
Some of the other major brands are M-Seal, Fevikwik, Fevistik, Roff, Dr. Fixit, and Fevicryl.
Investment theme
Pidilite has a monopoly in the domestic adhesive market on account of its strong product portfolio. Over the
years, the company has transformed itself from B2B to B2C players by consistently introducing consumer-
centric products in the domestic market. Though FY2021 and FY2022 will be affected by the pandemic
situation, its long-term growth prospects are intact as the company is continuously launching new products
under core brands, entering into new categories, expanding into neighbouring countries, and enhancing the
domestic distribution reach. Strong cash flows, lean balance sheet, and decent payout make it the safest
better in the volatile market environment.
Key Risks
Sustenance of the pandemic situation: If the global pandemic situation takes time to get under control,
recovery in the business environment will take more time, which will continue to affect the financial
performance of Pidilite in the near term.
Increased competition: Any increase in competition from established players would act as a key risk to
our earnings estimates in the near to medium.
Additional Data
Key management personnel
Bharat Puri Executive Director – MD
Apurva Parekh Executive Director
Pradip Menon Chief Financial Officer
Puneet Bansal Company Secretary
Source: Company Website
Top 7 shareholders
Sr. No. Holder Name Holding (%)
1 Genesis Indian Investment Co. Ltd. 5.0
2 Life Insurance Corporation of India 3.0
3 Axis Asset Management Co. Ltd. 2.3
4 Vanguard Group 0.9
5 Blackrock Inc. 0.8
6 Norges Bank 0.7
7 UTI Asset Management Company 0.4
Source: Bloomberg (old data)
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