8671 Outdoor Grade Polyurethane Protective Tape: Product Data Sheet
8671 Outdoor Grade Polyurethane Protective Tape: Product Data Sheet
8671 Outdoor Grade Polyurethane Protective Tape: Product Data Sheet
Product Description 8671 is made of 8671 may be applied over 8671 comes coated with a
exceptionally tough, painted surfaces and show long-ageing solvent
abrasion resistant little or no discoloration after resistant, pressure sensitive
polyurethane formulated prolonged periods of acrylic adhesive, protected
especially for its excellent environmental exposure. with an easy release liner.
resistance to ultraviolet
Tolerance ±0.035 mm
Hardness Shore A 80
275°F 135°C
Dimensional Stability 1.0 or less
% shrinkage after 30 minutes at 250°F
12 months @ 5° South exposure Negligible discoloration and little or no gloss loss.
12 months @ 45° South exposure Negligible discoloration and little or no gloss loss.
Application Techniques 1. Bond strength is surfaces must be clean dry Initial tape application to
dependent upon the amount and well unified. A typical surfaces at temperatures
of adhesive-to-surface surface cleaning solvent is below 10°C (50°F) is not
contact developed. Firm isopropyl alcohol & water. recommended because the
application pressure Use proper safety adhesive becomes too firm
develops better adhesive precautions for handling to adhere readily. However
contact & thus improves solvents. once properly applied low
bond strength. temperature holding is
3. Ideal tape application generally satisfactory.
2. To obtain optimum temperature range is 21°C
adhesion, the bonding to 38°C (70°F to 100°F).
Applications This tape is used in military, 8671 can easily be die-cut It is recommended that they
commercial, business and to exacting shapes and is be stacked with liner side to
private aviation as lead paintable, printable and film side of adjacent pieces.
edge” protection against thermoformable. Care
particle and rain erosion. should be taken when
handling die-cut shapes to
prevent them from sticking
together (“face to face”).
Additional Product Polyurethane Protective They are made from a They conform well to
Information Tapes are a fast and exact highly durable thermoplastic curvatures, can be pre-cut
way to provide exceptionally elastomer and precoated into convenient shapes and
tough surface protection on with either a natural rubber can even be painted or
metals, woods and plastics. or high performance acrylic printed over without
adhesive. priming.
Values presented have been determined by standard test methods and are average values not to be used for specification purposes.
Our recommendations on the use of our products are based on tests believed to be reliable but we would ask that you conduct your own tests to
determine their suitability for your applications.
This is because 3M cannot accept any responsibility or liability direct or consequential for loss or damage caused as a result of our