Subject: Computer Science & Application

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1. Name given to the molecular-scale computer is

(A) Microcomputer (B) Supercomputer
(C) Femto computer (D) Nano computer

2. The ALU uses ______ to store intermediate results

(A) cache (B) registers
(C) accumulators (D) stack

3. Which of the following binary codes for decimal digits are self complementary
(A) 8421 Code (B) 2421 Code
(C) Excess-3 gray Code (D) 8421, Excess-3 gray Codes

4. The hexadecimal representation of (632)8 is

(A) 19A (B) 198
(C) 29A (D) 291

5. In 16-bit 2’s complement representation, the decimal number −28 is:

(A). 1111 1111 0001 1100 (B). 0000 0000 1110 0100
(C). 1111 1111 1110 0100 (D). 1000 0000 1110 0100

6. Object Request Broker (ORB) is

I. A software program that runs on the client as well as on the application server.
II. A software program that runs on the client side only.
III. A software program that runs on the application server, where most of the
components reside.

(A) I, II & III (B) II & III

(C) II only (D) I only

7. Which one of the following is not a Client-Server application

(A) Internet chat (B) Web browser
(C) E-mail (D) Ping

8. Which of the following statements is false

(A) Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF.

(B) A relation in which every key has only one attribute is in 2NF.
(C) A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in 3NF relation.
(D) A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in BCNF relation.

9. In relational database management, which of the following is property of candidate key

(A) Uniqueness (B) Irreducibility
(C) both A and B (D) Neither A nor B

10. Data warehouse contains _______ data that is never found in operational Environment
(A) Summary (B) Encoded
(C) Scripted (D) Encrypted
11. A process to upgrade the quality of data before moved to data warehouse is
(A) Data mining (B) Data Scrubbing
(C) Data Cleaning (D) both B and C

12. Which of the SQL statements is correct

(A)SELECT Username AND Password FROM Users
(B)SELECT Username, Password FROM Users
(C)SELECT Username, Password WHERE Username = 'user1'
(D)SELECT Username, Password DISTINCT Users

13. Which of the following join is also called as an 'inner-join'

(A) Non-Equijoin (B) Self-Join
(C) Equijoin (D) Cross join

14. _______ is used to convert from recursive to iterative implementation of an algorithm

(A) Array (B) Stack
(C) Queue (D) Tree

15. A stack can be implemented using queue, but then need to use at least______queues;
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 5 (D) 7

16. Evaluation of the given postfix expression 10 10 + 60 6 /*8- is

(A) 192 (B) 190
(C) 120 (D) 82

17. Which of the following is not a collision resolution technique;

(A) Separate chaining (B) Linear probing
(C) Quadratic probing (D) Hashing

18. What is the result of the following postfix expression ab*cd*+ where a=2, b=2, c=3, d=4.
(A) 16 (B) 40
(C) 14 (D) 28

19. Queues serve major role in

(A) Simulation of recursion (B) Simulation of arbitrary linked list
(C) Simulation of limited resource allocation (D) Simulation of heap sort

20. Which of the following is not the application of stack?

(A) A parentheses balancing program
(B) Tracking of local variables at run time
(C) Compiler Syntax Analyzer
(D) Data Transfer between two asynchronous processes

21. What is the maximum number of parenthesis that will appear on the stack at any one time for
parenthesis expression given by ( ( ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) )

(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5

22. Consider a B+ tree in which maximum number of keys in a node is 5. The minimum number
of keys in any non-root node is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

23. Normal distribution is also classified as

(A) Bernoulli’s distribution (B) Gaussian distribution
(C) Poisson distribution (D) Weighted average distribution

24. In PERT/CPM, the _____ event represents completion of two or more events
(A) Merge (B) Splitting
(C) Composition (D) Association

25. In the following scenarios, when will you use selection sort

A) The input is already sorted

B) A large file has to be sorted
C large values need to be sorted with small keys
D Small values need to be sorted with large keys
26. What is the worst-case complexity of binary search using recursion?
A) O(nlogn) B) O(logn)
C) O(n) (D) O(n )

27. Which of the following algorithm design technique is used in the quick sort
(A) Dynamic programming (B) Backtracking
(C) Divide and conquer (D) Greedy method

28. If the period of signal is 100ns. Then its frequency in Hertz is;
(A) 10 (B)100
(C) 1000 (D)10000
29. Session Layer of OSI model offers services
(A) Synchronization, Dialog control, token management
(B) Dialog control, Flow control, token management
(C) Asynchronization, Dialog control, Errors
(D) Synchronization, token management, flow control
30. Which layers of the OSI reference model are host-to-host layers
(A) Transport, Session, Presentation, Application
(B) Network, Transport, Session, Presentation
(C) Data-link, Network, Transport, Session
(D) Physical, Data-link, Network, Transport

31. Which is not needed by an encryption algorithm used in Cryptography

(A) key, Message (B) Ciphertext, user detail
(C)Message, user detail (D) Ciphertext, key

32. In a digital transmission, the receiver clock is 0.1 percent faster than the sender clock. How
many extra bits per second does the receiver receive if the data rate is 1 Mbps?
(A) 10 bps (B) 100 bps
(C) 1000 bps (D) 10000 bps

33. Which one of the following statements is FALSE

(A). Context-free grammar can be used to specify both lexical and syntax rules.
(B). Type checking is done before parsing.
(C). High-level language programs can be translated to different Intermediate
(D). Arguments to a function can be passed using the program stack.

34. The number of states in the minimal deterministic finite automaton corresponding to the regular
expression (0 + 1) ∗ (10) is
(A). 2 (B). 3
(C). 4 (D). 5

35. The language {WaXbYa+b|a,b>=1 } is ____ grammar.

(A) Regular (B) Context free but non-regular
(C) context sensitive but non-context free (D) type 0 but non context sensitive

36. Which of the following machine model can be used in a necessary and sufficient sense for
lexical analysis in modern computer language
(A). Deterministic push down automates (B). Non-deterministic finite
(C) Finite automata (D). Turing Marching

37. To implement the Boolean function (AB+C) with using only 2 NOR gates. ______ gates are
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 5 (D) 9

38. How many address lines and data lines are required to provide a memory capacity of 16K X 16
(A) 10,4 (B) 16, 16
(C) 14,16 (D) 4,16

39. A processor can support a maximum memory of 4 GB, where the memory is word-
addressable (a word consists of two bytes). The size of the address bus of the processor is at
least __________ bits.
A. 21 B. 25
C. 31 D. 35

40. A multiplexer is placed between a group of 32 register and an accumulator to regulate data
movement such at that any given point in time the content of only one register will move to
the accumulator. The minimum number of select lines needed for the multiplexer is
A. 5 B.13
C.15 D.24

41. To design a synchronous counter that counts the sequence 0-1-0-2-0-3 and then repeats. The
minimum number of J-K flip-flops required to implement this counter is
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 5

42. The size of the data count register of a DMA controller is 16 bits. The processor needs to transfer
a file of 29,154 kilobytes from disk to main memory. The memory is byte addressable. The
minimum number of times the DMA controller needs to get the control of the system bus
from the processor to transfer the file from the disk to main memory is
A. 312 B. 456
C. 512 D. 634

43. One of the main features that distinguish microprocessor from micro-computers is
(A) words are usually larger in microprocessors.
(B) words are shorter in microprocessors.
(C) microprocessor does not contain I/O devices.
(D) None of the above.

44. In which addressing mode, the effective address of the operand is generated by adding a constant
value to the contents of register
(A) Absolute mode (B) Immediate mode
(C) Index Mode (D) Indirect mode
45. A shift reduce parser suffers from
(A) Shift reduce conflict only
(B) Reduce conflict only
(C) Both shifts reduce conflict and reduce conflict
(D) Shift handle and reduce handle conflicts

46. A 32-bit wide main memory unit with a capacity of 1 GB is built using 256 M 4-bit DRAM
chips. The number of rows of memory cells in the DRAM chip is 2 . The time taken to
perform one refresh operation is 50 nanoseconds. The refresh period is 2 milliseconds. The
percentage (rounded to the closest integer) of the time available for performing the memory
read/write operations in the main memory unit is ____________.
(A) 27 (B) 43
(C) 59 (D) 83
47. The degree of multiprogramming is
(A) the number of processes executed per unit time
(B) the number of processes in the ready queue
(C) the number of processes in the I/O queue
(D) the number of processes in memory

48. The advantage of _______ is that it can reference memory without paying the price of having
a full memory address in the instruction.
(A) Direct addressing (B) Indexed addressing
(C) Register addressing (D) Register Indirect addressing

49. The file space allocation of Unix Operating System is

(A). Linked (B). Single level indexed
(C). Multi-level Indexed (D). Contiguous

50. In the disk, Swap space is used to

(A) Save process data (B) Save devices
(C) Have less RAM than actually do (D) Save PHP files

51. Decreasing RAM causes

(A) Fever page faults (B) More page faults
(C) Increase virtual address space (D) Virtual memory get increases

52. A direct mapped cache is of size 32KB and has block size 32 bytes. CPU also generates 32-bit
address. Number of bits needed for indexing the cache
(A) 10 (B) 14
(C) 15 (D) 23

53. Dirty bit is used to show the

(A) Page with removed data
(B) Page is modified after being loaded into cache memory
(C) Bit does not help in maintaining updated data in hard disk.
(D) Page with low frequency occurrence

54. Permissions required to get a location in Android is
(A) On Receive () and send intend ()
(C) Send Order Broad cast () and i-Chat

55. If and only if no subject of individual requirements described in SRS conflicts with each other
then it is
(A) Correct (B) consistent
(C) verifiable (D) unambiguous

56. _______ of a system is the structure or structures of the system which comprise software
elements, the externally visible properties of these elements and the relationship amongst
(A) Software construction (B) Software evolution
(C) Software architecture (D) Software reuse

57. In function point analysis, the number of complexity adjustment factors is

(A) 10 (B) 12
(C) 14 (D) 20

58. Assume that a program will experience 200 failures in infinite time. It has now experienced
100 failures. The initial failure intensity was 20 failures/CPU hr. Then the current failure
intensity will be
(A) 5 failures/CPU hr (B) 10 failures/CPU hr.
(C) 20 failures/CPU hr. (D) 40 failures/CPU hr.

59. 97000 LOC Application software is developed with efforts of 5 person-year. What is the
productivity of person-months?
(A) 1.4 KLOC (B) 1.6 KLOC
(C) 3.2 KLOC (D) 5.8 KLOC
60. Match the following
1. Waterfall model a. Specification can be developed incrementally
2.Evolutionary model b. Re-usability in development
3 Component based c. Explicit recognition of risk
software engineering d. Inflexible partitioning of project into stages
4.Spiral developmentd. e. feasible configuration of tools

(A). 1(a), 2(b), 3(c), 4(e) (B).1(d), 2(a), 3(b), 4(c)

(C).1(d), 2(b), 3(a), 4(e) (D).1(c), 2(a), 3(b), 4(d)

61. Software validation mainly checks for inconsistencies between
(A) function specifications and use cases
(B) use cases and user requirements
(C) Detailed specifications and user requirements
(D) Implementation and system design blue prints

62. Which is not white Box testing technique

(A) statement testing & coverage (B) decision testing & coverage
(C) condition coverage (D) boundary value analysis

63. Regression testing is primarily related to

(A) Functional testing (B) Development testing
(C) Data flow testing (D) Maintenance testing

64. Who is considered to be the "father" of Artificial intelligence

(A) Fisher Ada (B)John McCarthy
(C) Allen Newell (D) Alan Turning

65. An AI technique that allows computers to understand associations and relationships

between objects and events is
(A) Cognitive Science (B) Pattern matching
(C) Heuristic processing (D) Relative Symbolism

66. Which is not short coming of the hill climbing algorithm

(A) trapping at local maxima (B) traversal along the ridge
(C)Reaching a plateau (D) none of them

67. ________ is used in game trees to reduce the number of branches of the search tree to be
traversed without affecting the solution.
(A) Best first search (B) Goal stack planning
(C) Alpha-beta pruning procedure (D) Min-max search

68. Which of the following is an application of depth-first search

(A) Only topological sort
(B) only strongly connected components
(C) Both topological sort and strongly connected components
(D) Neither topological sort nor strongly connected components

69. Beam-penetration and shadow-mask are the two basic techniques for producing color
displays with a CRT. Which of the following is not true?
I. The beam-penetration is used with random scan monitors.
II. Shadow-mask is used in raster scan systems.
III. Beam-penetration method is better than shadow-mask method.
IV. Shadow-mask method is better than beam-penetration method.

(A) I and II (B) II and III

(C) III only (D) IV only

70. Which of the following color models are defined with three primary colors
(A) RGB and HSV color models (B) CMY and HSV color models
(C) HSV and HLS color models (D) RGB and CMY color models

71. Which algorithm is not used for line clipping

(A) Cohen-Sutherland (B) Liang-Barsky
(C) Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl (D) Southerland-Hodgeman

72. Given an image of size 1024 × 1024 pixels in which intensity of each pixel is an 8-bit quality.
It requires _______ of storage space if the image is not compressed.
(A) one Terabyte (B) one Megabyte
(C) 8 Megabytes (D) 8 Terabytes

73. Which of the following protocol pairs can be used to send and retrieve e-mails (in that

74. Which of the following types of Server filters website traffic

(A) POP server (B) Database Server
(C) Proxy server (D) Mail server

75. Which of the following is/are example(s) of stateful application layer protocols
(C). FTP, POP3 (D). POP3

76. The RSA encryption algorithm also works in reverse. This property is used in
(A) Certification (B) Intrusion detection systems
(C) Data compression (D) Digital signatures

77. The ability to inject packet into the Internet with false source address is
(A) IP sniffing (B) IP Spoofing
(C) IP Phishing (D) Man-in-the middle attack

78. A network on the Internet has a subnet mask of What is the maximum number
of hosts it can handle?
(A) 1024 (B) 2048
(C) 4096 (D) 8192

79. Which of the following is correct

(A) TCP handles congestion only
(B) UDP handles congestion but not flow control
(C) TCP handles both congestion and flow control
(D) UDP handles both congestion and flow control

80. _______is automatically loaded and operates as part of browser

(A) Add-ons (B) Plug-ins
(C) Utilities (D) Widgets

81. _________ computing refers to applications and services that run on a distributed
network using virtualized resources.
(A) Distributed (B) Cloud
(C) Soft (D) Parallel

82. The “part-whole”, or “a-part-of”, relationship in which objects representing the components of
something associated with an object representing the entire assembly is called as
(A) Association (B) Aggregation
(C) Encapsulation (D) Generalization

83. Consider the following C program: #include <stdio.h>

int main(){
printf(“%d\n”, ip[1]);
return 0;}
The number that will be displayed on execution of the program is
(A). 3 (B). 6
(C).34 (D). 342
84. In C++, get () function returns
(A). Void
(B) A reference to the object that invoked it
(C) A copy of the object that invoked it
(D) Both A and B

85. A default constructor
(A) Takes no arguments
(B) Has default values for all its arguments
(C) Either (A) or (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
86. In Java, property, the class for ensuring the persistence must
(A) Serializable Interface (B) Utilization Interface
(C) Thread able Interface (D) Recognizable Interface

87. In Java, the dynamic array is known as

(A) Vector (B) Cycle
(C) Remote (D) Kuber notes

88. Which of the following is needed by the JVM for execution of Java code
(A) Class loader (B) Java Interpreter
(C) Class loader, and (D) Class loader, Java
java Interpreter Interpreter and API

89. Match the following interfaces of Java. Servlet package:

a. Servlet Config i. Enables Servlets to log events
b. Servlet Context ii. Read data from a client
c. Servlet Request iii. Write data to a client
d. Servlet Response iv. To get initialization parameters Codes
v. Not runtime environment

(A) a- iii, b- v, c- ii, d- i (B) a- iii, b- ii, c- iv, d- i

(C) a-ii, b- iii, c- iv, d-v (D) a- iv, b- i, c- ii, d- iii

90. Which of the following arrays are used in the implementation of list data type in python
(A) Bit array (B) Dynamic arrays
(C) Sparse arrays (D) Parallel arrays

91. Ethical hacker works is to detect

(A) Security falls and/or venerability in the system
(B) Message Digest
(C) travelling data packets or clients
(D) Covering tracks and/or ports

92. Which of the following is actually considered as the first computer virus
(A) Sasser (B) Blaster
(C) Creeper (D) Net sky

93. The most important language for Data Science is
(A) Java (B) Ruby
(C) R (D) None of them

94. An Internet of Things (IoT) network is a collection of ______ devices.

(A) Signal (B) Machine to Machine
(C) Interconnected (D) Network to Network

95. The main purpose of Web of Things (WOT) in the LOT is

(A) Improve the usability and interoperability
(B) Reduce the security
(C) Complex the development
(D) Increase the cost

96. Which of the following found in genetic Algorithm

(A) Mutation (B) Evolution, Mutation
(C) Selection, reproduction, mutation (D) Evolution, selection, crossover, Mutation

97. Which of the following is an example of unsupervised neural network

(A) Hebb Network (B) Back propagation
(C) Self-organizing feature map (D) Associative memory network

98. An auto-associative neural network means

(A). A neural network including feedback
(B). A neural network containing no loops
(C). A neural network having a single loop
(D). A single layer feed-forward neural network containing feedback

99. Which of the following is not defuzzification maxima method

(A) First of Maxima (FOM) (B) Centre of gravity method (COG)
(C) Height method (D) Mean of Maxima (MoM)

100. Which of the following cloud concept is related to pooling and sharing of resources
(A) Polymorphism (B) Abstraction
(C) Virtualization (D) None of them


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