KPSC - QP - 145-15
KPSC - QP - 145-15
KPSC - QP - 145-15
D. l\ihich among the following sorting method ie aleo known ag Bucket sorting?
(A) Radix sort (B) Heap sort
- (C) :
Merge sort (D) Quick sort
6. Which one of the following key is called the ninimal super iey?
(A) Candidate key (B) Super key
(C) Primary key @) None
A relation schema .B ig
iin. if whenever a nontrivial functional
X -+ z{ holtts in R, then X ie a super key of .8.
(A) 3NF (B) BCNT'
(c) 4NF @) 5NF
The maximum number of relationship instances that an entity can participate in,
specified by :
9. The time reouired to insert an element in a stack with linked implementation is :
11. A binary search tree is generated by inserting the following integers in
50, 15, 62, 5, 20, 58, 91, 3, 8, 37, 60, 24
The number of nodes in the Ieft sub tree and right sub tree ofthe root respectively is :
(A) ABC*DEF^/G*-H*+ @) ABC*DEF^/G-*H*+
(C) ABC*DEF/^ G*-H*+ (D) ABC*DEF/"G-*H*+
15. What is the minimum number of edges which must be removed from a complete bipartite
graph of six nodes K(6), so that the remaining graph is planar?
(A) 3 @)4
(c) 5 (D) 6
16. Ifx is an array of integer, then the value of &x[i] is same as :
(A) x+i (B) x+sizeof(int)*i
(C) &x[i-l]+sizeof(int) (D) None of these
t7. The best normal form of the relation schema R(A, B, C, D) along with set of functional
dependencies f = { S -+ C, AB -+ D, C--+A,D+Blis:
(A) First Normal Form (B) Seiond Normal Form
(C) Third Normal Form (D) Boyce Codd Normal Form
The GSM network is divided into. the following three major systems :
19. The worst case time complexity bf AYL tree is better in comparison to binary search tree for :
20. If'the disk head is located initially at 32, find the number of disk moves required with FCFS
if the disk queue.of I/O blo0k requests are 98 , 37 , 14, L24,65 ,67 :
(A) 32o (B) 32r
(c)'322 (D) 325
If(fork( )>0)
(A) A zombie process
(B) An orphair process
(C) A process that executes forever
@) All of the above
Which of the following logic families is well suited for high speed operations?
(c) EcL (D) CMOS
A 14612015
25. Consider a disk pack with 16 surfaces, 128 tracks per surface and 256 sectors per track. 512
bytes of data are stored in a bit serial manner in a sector. The capacity of disk pack and the
number of bits required to specifu a particular sector disk are respectively:
(A) 256 Mbytes, 19 bits . (B) 256 Mbytes, 28 bits
(C) 512 Mbytes, 20 bits (D) 64 Gby'tes, 28 bits
26. Which of the following instructions requires the most number of T-states?
27. Which among the following is not used as a data structure while implementing Banker's
Algorithm for Deadlock avoidance?
(A) Available (B) Max
(C) A-llocation (D) Required
28. The process of shuffling the memory contents so as to place all free memory together in one
large block is called :
(A) Segmentation (B) Paging
(C) Fragmentation (D) Compaction
void main( )
145t2015 A
The mechanism which a-llows multiple senders to transmit multiple groups of receivers, .
permits individual receivers to switch channels freely and optimizes bandwidth use while at
the same time eliminating congestion :
(A) Protocol
Resciurce Resewation (B) Load Sheilding
(C) Admission Control @) Jitter Control
The wait( ) and noti&( ) methods in Java comes under the claes :
(A) java.lang.Thread (B) java.lanc.Object
(C) java.lang.Runnable (D) None of theee
(A) High Cohesion Inw Coupling (B) Low Cohesion High Coupling
(C) Low Cohesion l,ow Coupling (D) High Cohesion High Coupling
37.. The installation approach in which totally removing the old manual or computerized system
arid putting the neiv system in use :
(A) Parallel. run @) Phased approach
(C) Pilot initallation (D) None of these
39. If RA) dnd (B) are. the probabilities of A qnd B, then Baye's theorem can be etated as :
t45t2015 A
The Java compiler translates source code into :
51. Which one of the following is not a method of Window Listener interface?
(tr) windowShqwn( ) (B) windowClosed( )
(C) windowlconified( ) (D) window0losing( )
(A) 5.0 (B) 7.O
A uatzots
55. A partial ordered relation is transitive, reflexive and :
(A) antisymmetrrc (B) bisymmetric
(C) asymmetric (D) symmetric
56. [-q"(p -+q)] -+-p is:
(A) Satisfiable (B) Unsatisfiable
(C) Tautology (D) Invalid
57, Pigeonhole principle states that if. A-> B and lA l>
lal tnen:
(A) / is not onto (B) / rnay be one-one
(C) /is neither one-one nor onto (D) /is not one-one
5E. IDEA stands for :
(A) International Digital Encryption Algorithm
(B) Integrated Digital Encryption Algorithm
(C) Integrated Data Encryption Algorithm
(D) International Data Encryption AJgorithm
59. A protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web
services in computer networks :
68. Which of the following is a dynamic model that shows how the gystem interacts with its
environment as it is used?
(A) System context model
(B) Interaction model
(C) Environmentalmodel
@) Both system context and interaction
A 11 t45120t6
72. Multiplexing is used in '
(A) Packet switching (B) Circuit switching
(C) Message switching (D) None of these
76. If r andy are real numbers then max (r, y) + min (r, y) is equal to:
(A) 2x (B) 2v
(C) (x + y)/2 (D) r+y
77. Which among the following is not a Transaction Control Language command?
(A) End (B) Commit
(C) Rollback (D) Grant
78. While - wend is a looping statement in :
79. Irt L be a lattice. Then for every o and b in Z which one of the following is correct?
(A) avb=aab (B) av (b r',c)= a
(C) av(bvc)=S (D) av(BvC)=(av B)vC
Write lncks are also known as :
(A) Exclusive locks (B) Shared locks
(C) Binary locks (D) None of these
t4512015 12 A
82 . Which is a Scandinavian Cbuntry?
(A) Finland @) Greece
(C) Ecqador (D) Madagaskar
(A) 1e03 (B)
(c) 1914 (D) LgLT
(A) Amazon
(C) Congo
Chattempi Swamikal attained Sanadi at :
A 13 14612015
91. 'Athmakathakk Oru Amukham' is the autobiography of :
(A) Lalitha Prabu (B) A.V. Kuttimalu Amma
(C) LalithambikaAntharjanam (D) ParvathiNenmenimangalam
92. The Wagon tragedy is associated with:
(A) Salt Sathyagraha (B) Anti-SimonDemonstration
(C) Quit Inclia Movement . (D) Khilafat movement
93. 'savarna Jatha' organised as party of vaikom sathyagrah a (1g24) under the leadership of :
(A) T.K. Madhavan (B) K.P. Kesavamenon
(C) MannathPadmanabhan (D) ParameswaranPillai
94. Playing five for National Anthern :
(A) 52 seconds (B) 50 seconds
(C) 56 seeonds (D) 54 seconds
L45t20L5 14 A