1621 Ivermectin Tablet

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1-Itszl 1-1621 /1:11-5-2020

3111fa• 6-r vtrq-,
&ER Tc-04 t144,
dcmMt:4T ii•<-N-11

tar 4,
QT fM4)c-tri crwit th-th
*Into ilL-
119t1, Itszi 31419-W, ‘i“11 12t7T I

thfl'c'(ll 3TTITTI-5 :06 3171-4Tf, 2020

Thisn—colfds-19it twTrir t tciIci kr4 '13qt4I' cj, Ivermectin (Tab)
athrftr wr srzfti-r IV-GNU 41

04.08.2020 611) 4-16IP46t), 114)11 ic4 telltuf acilq, 30.40 Thaf
3i11iafdi ocbril4 fUtiO 4 cj 95 ct1Uj tocr) t46P1-1111 \31-1-61k
14 61-61161 6q Ivermectin (Tab) 4 44-t-T t 3-11 61- # 3-TRIT-
A-ff 66) 416 Or I td-T
,<-1.014 -1 fW:rr t1
cpm qt- 05.08.2020 cri) 951114.), R14)c\91 l.q
-ft- 1R-ezi
'1lIL1 ?I5•<1 ft-19 3ict?91J1 61-64161 t,c4 \i1-1-61k Ivermection
(Tab) S171)-1i -W# \3114 zkf)4--icict T4-%1 - -0-10- 4 4 14

Prophylaxis in contacts :- gt 'd4-'-Ict alit i1hii (contacts) # 41

TP3911* tic041u1 200m./Kg Body Weight 4 t .11-
61- Zr TWA'
1-#74 02 Eru- \31-N1-61 a1t6-0 &,11'ff # 3frird7 12mg. 3t1414 V4-19.
4 -r#r

For Prophylaxis in health care workers :- Thlft-19 \JLITIk

MT:NU .RTiui # ticP9411 GI-G114 200µg./Kg Body Weight 4
Zr 30 # R-1 u2n. aiicRtiTN 915 4 . 6t) 61k Ivermectin Ath#
4 ii4i- .-rft-q.

For treatment of covid Positive :- \JLIzik ml1.s-19 Asymptomatic o Mild

Symptomatic TZ tfiTzif Ivermectin Z&I 200µg./Kg Body Weight tR 42Trf
03 R-f Oct? wri - r? 61k 44-T -9. * 02 tit1 cch el 4 311t- d-9-
12mg. atlisef 4419 66) Wt tuI14 I TITT 5-164'611660-f 100p.g. 3t17.14 Rrr
4 02 GIN 05 R-1- Oct) •T167). I
Tab. Ivermectin 7144th Elth 91ffT3-* 721T 02 Tti 4)1 3TPg
Thsi t 7-rt t

Tab. Doxycyclin TRIM& t4 ziTt 411 -FT311- -211 12 citlt ch4-1 3-11
cP) 1g1 tr 7rt

cicc"I 5 c°5'4 Earl t f4) ctelli \I" ctvl TERedzil

17TH 4)1441g) jP11z1dcl.r<4
31- ci.)
itepricn : iptlatr

'-14414, tfrA

(aiird IN111q)
3TER TC-04 TA-4 I

ifts41-1621 (1) / 1n-5 / 2020, RitwII t I

uI?ikiItT iRiRici cj tfargszrT :-
afcrR- ffc-0:1 114)c-til Rim forrrr, B-ago ireh-r I
f4/19. Tru0-4 nzjfkvr9-, \ic-th ve-zr I
961PaYlch, 114)rdl tf1 tc110-4 tra4, c.cN situ I
14c1), Tt-q-rtr 141, 3oMo, efortd)
.09to9U Q J GTtR cicp, fra)ctil ;It rRezr, \icth Re-zr I
4 1k4 ITT-SC

(itwi 511T feu)

?aft Trft4
04.08.2020 tISI 6 I PIEl I(b, Mt-MT 74 •k7ERP.21 440-, 3090 McV
3TUMMT11 4))ft-19 ii041u1 ‘347.41,1 tate; 4 3T14c1oMdi
twat Aft 1-1
-fri-wr \941-tr 4 311M Auw wr cni4ica
31TI ft911T5 04.082020 it tcINP-ZI 11-4ff, cithith 116IIMIcti, Thi4A-(11 td itTRZT
ZTO (#‘tt) tOStO #111- met aitzterifi tia,#ur \ittew crd qz414
311t4RAfer9 ziler .81
1-th (61 lem-r 41 ft4 Thai "qq)
31TV •#1, r -ri-iRiftra gm 71%1-Err its
i\•-q 1T9 1ktir-45, 4tja <141/to4'1otto, Nr-4)24 eii.ri4)
3.10 •P41c-0•11 qy NYIct) (7-4M2:1), WRW:f TI9, ef(5-Ik31 I
"TO titO*0 Ei.Hd, fkOTT, 'Tqfq tI4501-1, T4F1Q4 11#9, (10-13)
ZCTO 37171, 301:6397 ffi1TFT1t2fl9, i4-115a #131114, *00107#010, citg-Id)
5.ZTO to iD814M, Sit() 1)1tfkIri, *OA° \MDT I
310 141-F, •tac. tacil-ef ate6117, 371M.21 #49., c10-1‘37 I
ZTO 8f41Z- Af3R1NO €4eiv4v ffbrdleiL ei(5.1k.t
TO 7#0410 ftt, iPiIN1904101,(1td ki5 &to) itita eitri \.+) I
330 '<Nig fTh.))lui 8TrWet, NiRuf ettrI1/431 I
10.310 YcPvI fict\').-11, .itSWT Thalct>, ttrt trr, tqwzr ei0.1th I
ATTAT #PIctL #-4Fft .v4t vedwrItRtf t-Nircf
lit *44 cb trintd-zr mitd ctr?4 aivrra cfrdur iii t5 Fc9l1-
zit (1109R-r t erg iltrz Ter t -4 twit 0020# .39-c4K frorr-Th--avr
zredti 31--171 T5171 fstr rt){6r t *tic cl11.0# tisiviur t Gitilu 74
Lizik zui-tt41=4-dt t1twthlit 1-114-sr tiA-Pa ti .asr tas alga St 741 t
tai ti fatig ftttrg ZTO IctrChr7 \r4 f410-1-rrute, euc
S01t07rroz10, yi-cpcfroi 4mAmt 4\1u-19 $t 11-zrugtur
til1+.4 T &Tim ctrfla ocntif I5 8t911 213 11 4 a-19 MIN t tiaact
arRrs 74 wr-S <mu' gi FWIN coNui ?area w4I4t €441 tI
tZT 4 a-19 tiosiui 18 cilt4 t 81141i 919a IT W1711 39 6‘414 41cg
6 t St #1f wr fan /I 01,011 at 4 thwr wrt =Rif *1
p< 3r4-#--1 cmfrir -FS 3tr-4-4-041t-e# tl uls 1970 zi47 7111T41
4 -ic,
cp1Dicot crqcr)
V 4> TOrt 3#1:ET 9N1 Met 114 I ZrE ate cueiter ter#
Thl" t-t-ef t, .12 T1* 4)Nui 3170[190R0
artfwirft-e# t-ft cokut *Or ftEt
Sar sfOu *at t t-dwrff
criy31 Rtra t wur ftf49. Ynt4 trfsrati ttt 0-RrNt -Ow trw wpm t
Fkm tst *tr9'i thf *II< -0
fkt Tr±rt fS-4 sr 3t. tiovigm Th-
ufacmfirziut s'r await crNiid digf I elf 31#ftWf Af*)cp-t Rmit'eico i tiw0 at-tar

f$-*0 Tr4 -vOT ti 311tt914-d# vzhir t InqR• 74.1T tispfiul coief

51-1 -Tr TriA-74
t 1 rill ITWR ttir aiEzrzr# arr44-0 whir t
# 4)41
Vtreifi 1414 741 t I *A- CI86 71)11. 64i4eriat 31-1
trf •<)4)2TITI

------------- ----- --- ' 1

t R:rirfb4m- cr4 erET Acr4. tzr ft4

t, tOwni wffirratT afrfl
t fri4 ti ftA
- At Tr& 413tet tiaut ATRoto Trrt i)13ts
349 a .117fr 6'11Z-4eet, -thy Priut
tcfrm, 4)13Rirr,
A-aT4 aRi fairtr-o• Ritdit to to Ittg,
*olro[1401,0, wM1 1/431 ziwi-ff (mica f$ Z1 3ft5a1 ‘31-1-c1N 74 circ414
4 -I' 71 gth7r 4 71 •<el t gur nr* WOtfT EFRaffrf T174 arr4 t ed
6I4chtfIcrcilM-f 4 wnir ft Ark tg 11i4 1111T
a-19 ‘<lii Wqr4
13-4 tr f*tcritl gm cog
t, tR-t ty, urdvig *Vi 4 Ft( TR 614 (Ha -st3;c3TE4
444•4 itt71. I 4A 7eu er-4i 4 ft-4 414 *a- trftirr91 iarr-AT 4 rittir
WW14 \T kit-tc4H tg Girfrefft gzi-trr ft-zrr uran
lit 414-d-10 3k
3iF1eRR ZTO f4TR)3 31TNIN g atl-a Art441:4-
d9 fri
- 4 kr4 .31-reiK
*54 4 Rti4 Mtge urir ard-Tru CMNI f4) w4r-
,o- 4 ml 441
200p.g./Kg Body Weight met t 7wF ef4 3frirdff umg alittft r1-4-R Th
7r41 •qr1tz)1
Wa)ctileig ciRto igen- 3Tri-TekftE9
veFr tioflui tiLtmcnti (1)
Azar 6is#crtilcre4,4tYkr krfWriTrttF
ged-441ir4 col 3r-4-Tru cfrwil Trzrr, \t-pc.rki
kiLtuk wRrffir 4 f$4 Trit zilzt
Tim f4f4 . ñw ' ii 4;400m 4.mq 74 .3qz4H tg Pzi)71. f+-±F ITt
'ISrf fCr —M19.Vf 4 tcli ‘31-ro'd ftttW RID)cticoi §
m4t4 *3117FR t4sh4iul cltivi T4 \ILNI,L 6 P4-I iR fl-
1. Prophylaxis in contacts:- a-19 TE •t1411* .FP: aTR1 cif4rizii (contacts) 4
31141Tita ti509ur aq• 200pg./Kg Body Weight S tf ITZ 04
aram vircr- 4 a0 alf) ftru WO-- 4 Tfia4 Rrf, •<11-.4
02 ‘it<i-cr ititt el 3411c19- 12mg.3fila r419- ittv1i41 4TFR I
For prophylaxis in health care workers:- a-19 -cr4 f*..blul 4 m-rzi-cd
WWI 4474 4 .Litflui 4-414 200pg./Kg Body Weight cfil c! 34 a 79T44
IT17g4 cM.) tigk 7i144 .4 30 4 R-r UP.TT 31IYJc1mg 4ea 916 \cp G41•
lyermectin g417r Thar uil41 WIN!
For treatment of Covid Positive:- 1 /1
4 tiziK t@ Se4U-19 Asymptomatic 4 Mild
Symptomatic lii1Z #11-414 3114 "uIti S 200g./Kg Body Weight tR spa4 03 R-1
Ocb V1.1 i) GIN 4179. 02 liue kv-HIrci aR?5' a4 31)ird" 12mg. W17ir
cm-r so ial 1ITJTtr S. 04 S fite1f4 4 18 mg.)311.1141-r met vit rfsR
gNf aittiffi iTcPTra't Tr-- If 4 gag itatfol
arqTra- cmKu 4Rir f4 *tr efteiRr ere Trne wiTR Oa t uur 10 4_0
(2000pg./Kg Body Weight) deo *--
417r trim-T ck (cNs) WEggiq
-1411.1 4 3il447tire7 S 02 Tt % ibB aiN urt Tirdraii
(Pregnant & lactating Mother) 4 9-6:1 It41- Te0 I

OUdIII1tU %Nu Li! udi laC
ftttit $ .gt tut $ Ft TT-ea 31-1
-4-11r? ‘54-clpt
2Thiqfti9 •wiR tR $1-41—ger# ft-zir wittI 3Liz1K
i(rAiilfacirr IT ft9 it Tv -Or do WPM fz-ZIT \Ili( a UT 12 clti chq
3111 cl4 trztfrra' rtg1 ftzii vui Tftv
taiii it 7c1RQ-Tu 3TRT fttfit ff21-1 3Tt21T 1T-6)-41 51•<1 "ift lItiffacf
tizLai q altit 'i1t-9-th aro. Im 1 I 0 IITR fdriTer $`1 to$ karrt-o-er1td7
vitt iwted 39uR $"ritz-19 4-4r4 Zirt-S after $fi
itzfr thitrr .wft#
tr-4grq WER "iira tUT tithicr
eirfitzti $ -119 q tigrilq o,..1
7 ,
to q'i itii,
#g-4v1 fAtzr$, tqlt ,(11, .irrpzi 1r-i7, cl(q-lth I
31.0 i'S.Ef In
w--i ai-zi .i)41 1'4477 am-rtt, wr-e_zr 13-qq, wq-ith I •
to \rolto ft*, \W
q td INIIIY C101, ( tt kt3 tato) Ram 6'1 ccf, CVN-Ith I \
310 1 . -417

aii INII-Ri4I11, ( '-r) geiviv ciildzi, doith I

TO 1$R) aplara,
c taciiii aiTiirfR RRTTRUI 117i, eiti-Ith I
ZTO to -*TIM dirAtAl
V:qo tch'-TR, 4)13Rii, $oAiokrnozio 1
*OR 74 fo#Friure, \LAii c -{, $otoviTozio, cru(si th I
to 'tot tfia.,
fk-air$, -zperzr flit i4r-ivi 1179, ei(qvith 1
310 ‘YLI ctiir tr-- ,
t$ ft 2T), wriv-zr #4#, eitqlth 1
311) '11 -. TI:KR., b--
Mt4r$, it-firt avItototo, iRin:24 17-4, (1G-1i,'

(tov-fro #41)

Otell II ICU VVI LI I totil liSC

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