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‫بسم هللا الرمحن الرحمي‬

Omdurman Islamic university

Faculty of science and Technology
Department of geology



A dissertation submitted to the department of Geology in Partial

Fulfillment of the requirement of B.Sc (Honor ) Degree in geology

Prepared by :
Hibatalla Gadalla Naeem Mustafa
Hana Awad Alkreem Abdalla
Ensaf Ahmed Altayeb Alamin

Supervisor by :
Osman Mohammed Alhassan Metair

October 2020
‫قال تعالى‪:‬‬

‫﴿ ُ مث قَ َست ُقلُوبُ ُك ِمن بَع ِد َذَٰ ِ َِل فَهِيَ ََكل ِح َج َار ِة َأو َأ َشد قَس َوة ۚ َوا م َّ‬
‫ِم َن ال ِح َج َار ِة ل َ َما ي َ َت َف مج ُر ِمن ُه َاْلْنَ ُار ۚ َوا م َّ ِمْنَا‬
‫اّلل ۚ‬ ‫ل َ َما ي مَشقم ُق فَ َيخ ُر ُج ِمن ُه ال َما ُء ۚ َوا م َّ ِمْنَا ل َ َما َيَ ِبطُ ِمن خَش َي ِة م ِ‬
‫اّلل ِبغَا ِفل َ مَعا تَع َملُ َ‬
‫و َّ ﴾‬ ‫َو َما م ُ‬
‫سورة البقرة(‪)74‬‬


We dedicate this humble work to:

Our parents, brothers, sisters and to everyone loves



A number of people have been involved directly or indirectly in

the successful completion of this work. We therefore would like
to express our sincere are appreciation to those who have aided
us all the way.
First, we would like to thank our supervisor Dr. Osman
Mohammed AL Hassan Metair, for his worthy support,
guidance, continued interest, encouragement during this work
and for many hours of his time spent in discussions.
Our great gratitude for Alkhabeer mining company especially
Tariq Mohammed Amlas for hosting us during the fieldwork.
We would also like to thank Mr.Hamdi Modawi, Mr.Omer
Fathi Abass and Mr.Modther Ibn Omer for their advice and
Finally, special thanks to Dr.Mohammed Amlas for his
suggestions and assistance.


Al Shereik area is located north of Khartoum.

The aim of the study is prospecting of gold mineralization
and determine structures control mineralization.
The study had been accomplished in three stages :
office work , field work , laboratory work .
preparation and interpretation the landsat images in order
to map alteration zone that contain mineralization
Some of chip samples that taken from alteration zone proved
the existence of gold in the area.- field work is included
mapping and taking samples of host rocks, quartz veins and
altreation zones around the veins, taking field measurements
and documentation.
The quartz viens and stringers in the study area are trending
NE direction parallel to main keraf shear zone, which is
indicate that the hydrothermal solutions are releated to the
Progressive Metamorphism i.e:
(Marine Sediment >Green schist Facies >Lower Amphibolite
Facies) these process produce The Solution that form The
Gold deposit in the area (Hydrothermal).
laboratory work:make scanning and digitizing to the map by
GIS and five thin sections prepared from host rocks.
The host rocks named according to petrographic study under
microscope are:

(META SEDIMENT medium-grained folited to strong folited
"Sheared meta diorite "Garnetiferouse muscovite schist).
The gold contents are analysed , the content vary from 0.01
ppm to 66.6ppm
Alshereik area is favors for gold mineralization and the type
of gold Deposit is Orogenic Gold Deposit .


‫تقع منطقة الشريك شمال الخرطوم في والية نهر النيل محلية أبو حمد‪.‬‬
‫تهدف الدراسة للتنقيب عن تمعدن الذھب وتحديد التراكيب التي تحكم تواجد الخام‬
‫في المنطقة‪.‬‬
‫تمت الدراسة في ثالثة مراحل‪:‬‬
‫العمل المكتبي ‪ ،‬العمل الحقلي ‪ ،‬العمل المعملي ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬العمل المكتبي وشملت اعداد الصور ودراسة المرئيات التي تمت معالجتها سابقا‬
‫للتعرف علي توزيع الوحدات الصخرية والعالقات الصخرية للمنطقة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬العمل الحقلي وتمت ھذه المرحلة بالذھاب الى منطقة الدراسة لمدة خمسة عشر يوما‬
‫و تم تخريط المنطقة و تسجيل المالحظات وجمع العينات واجراء القياسات الالزمة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬العمل المعملي وتم في ھذه المرحلة عمل تحويل رقمي من خريطة ورقية الي‬
‫صورة رقمية وتمت معالجتها ببرنامج الجي اي اس وتم عمل شرائح مجهرية أخذت‬
‫من الصخور المضيفة لعروق الكوارتز ‪.‬‬
‫‪stringers‬أوضحت المالحظات الحقلية وجود عروق من الكوارتز والعريقات‬
‫شرق ومع نفس اتجاه القص الرئيسي في المنطقة ‪ ،‬مما يدل ممتدة في اتجاه شمال‬
‫‪(Marine‬على أن المحاليل الحرمائية مرتبطة بالتحول التقدمي و ھذا يعني‬
‫)‪Sediment >Green schist Facies >Lower Amphibolite Facies‬‬
‫وھذه العملية أنتجت المحلول الذي تكون منه راسب الذھب في المنطقة‬
‫تمت تسمية الصخور المضيفة من الشرائح المجهرية‪:‬‬
‫‪(META SEDIMENT medium-grained foliated to‬‬
‫‪strong folited "Sheared meta diorite "Garnetiferouse‬‬
‫‪muscovite schist).‬‬
‫تم تحليل محتوي الذھب وكانت النسب تتفاوت من ‪ ppm 0.01‬الي‬
‫منطقة الشريك واعدة بتوفر الذھب و ھذا الذھب من نوع راسب الذھب التجبلي‬
‫‪.Orognic Gold Deposit‬‬


‫األية‬ I
‫المستخلص‬ VI
Location and Accessibility 1.1 1
1. Physiography 1.2 2
Previous Work 1.3 7
Objectives of the Study: 1.4 8
Methodology 1.5 9
Preamble 2.1 17
Tectonic Setting and Regional Geology of Bayuda 20
Desert West River Nile 2.2
Tectonic Setting and Regional Geology of 2. 3 26
the Keraf Shear Zone East River Nile (Shereik Area):
Regional Structures 2. 4 32
Preamble 3.1 38
Metamorphic Rocks: 3.2 41
Igneous Bodies and Dykes: 3.3 66
Superficial Deposits 3.4 74

Preamble: 4.1 79

Meta volcanic rocks . Meta diorite 4.2 81

Gold mineralization potentiality 4.3 82

chemistry Results: 4.4 87

Evaluation of Geochemical Data 4.5 88


Preamble 5.1 90
Gold 5.2 90
Conclusions 6.1 96
Recommendations 6.2 97

Table1-1: geographical coordinate of the concession 1
Table4.1:data of analysis gold in khor alfagira at alsherik 87

Fig 1.1 Location map of the study area in the River Nile State north 2
Photograph showing the vegetation in Al Shereik area. Fig 1.2 3
Fig 1.3 Photograph showing the landscape at the River Nile bank 4
Fig.1.4 Drainage system in the study area Sudan. 6
Legend of Fig 1.5 of geological map 7
Fig1.6 :petrograhpic microscope with camera 11
Fig 1.7: Basic components ofan atomic absorption spectrometer. 12
Source: REEVES and BROOKS (1978)

Fig1.8 Flow Chart Landsat Image 13

Fig1.9 :satalite image for study area 14
Fig 1.10 : Maverick instrument for navigation 15
Fig 2.1 Regional geological map of the study area , 18
complied by Geological Research Authority of the Sudan, and
Robertson Research, 1988.
Fig.2.2 Detailed Geological Map of West Shereik (Rubatab) Area, 19
Nile Province Sudan, complied by (Dawoud, 1980).
Fig 2.3 Structural Map of West Shereik (Rubatab) Area, Nile 25
Province Sudan, complied by (Dawoud, 1980).
Fig 2.4 Tectonic map showing the Precambrian structures and 26
Terranes in NE Africa and Arabia. Sutures are connected by
dotted lines. The area enclosed by the E and W arc continent
sutures is the Arabian-Nubian Shield (modified after Stern, 1994).
Fig 2.5 Geological map of the southern sector of the Keraf Shear 27
Zone at note Shereik area. Note the dominance of the high-grade
meta-sediments west of the Nile and the low-grade ones in the
east (modified after Abdel Rahman, 1993; RIES et al, 1985).

Fig 2.6: General trend of regional structure ofeastern Bayuda 35

Desert. D1, D2 & D3
Fig.3.1 Detailed geological map of emphasize structures of El 40
Shereik study area east Nile bank.
Fig 3.2 Photo-microscope the mineral composition of above grey- 42
+gneisses, it is weakly foliated .

Fig .3.7 (A, B) are quartz-fledspathic schist, impure quartzite (A) 45
taken in cross Nicole and (B) in plain polarizing light, and it is
fine grained
Fig 3.8 (a) Outcrop of garnet-amphibolites schist with impure 46
Fig 3.8 (b) Showing a hand specimen of garnet amphibolites 47
schist from the upper outcrop .
Fig 3.9 (A, B) Showing photo-microscope of Porphyro blasts of 47
garnet amphibolites .
Fig 3.9 (a) Exposure mica Schist near El Tarfay Village 49
southwest portion of study map.
Fig 3.9 (b) A hand- specimen of upper mica schist. 49
Fig 3.9 showing Porphyro-blasts of garnet amphibolites, medium 50
to coarsely crystalline rock consisting of parallel alignment of
hornblende, quartz and garnet .
Fig 3.10 (a) Showing outcrop of amphibolites outcrop in south 52
part of the mapped.
Fig 3.10 (b) A hand specimen from uper amphibolites outcrop . 52
Fig 3.11 Photo-microscope displays the strongly foliated 53
amphibolites schist.
Fig 3.12(a) Displays outcrop of graphitic schist near Abu Hamad 55
Atbra highway. It is highly deformed with mullion and boudinage
of quartz.
Fig 3.12(b) showing a hand specimen from upper outcrop of 55
graphitic schist.
Fig 3.13 (A, B) are showing foliated graphitic schist which consist 56
of graphite, muscovite, quartz and iron oxides (brownish) and there
is micro fracture .
Fig 3.14(a) showing whitish dolomitic marble outcrop southeast 56
study area.
Fig 3.14(c) showing pinkish dolomitic marble outcrop . 57
Fig 3.14(d) explain a hand specimen of pinkish marble 57
Fig 3.15 (a) showing sheared dolomitic marble under microscope 58
Fig 3.15(b) Displays photomicroscope of pinkish marble with 58
minerals of calcite, dolomite and little talc.

Fig 3.16(a) exposure an abandoned or quarry talcose schist into 59
local mine at central of study area.

Fig 3.16 (b) Displays outcrop of talcose into quarry civil mine 59
Fig 3.16 ( c) showing a hand specimen of upper talcose from 60
upper quarry .
Fig 3.17 Showing photo-microscope the talcose schist with 60
minerals of talc, calcite and dolomite .
Fig 3.18 (a) explains wollastonite rock into local quarry south 61
mapped area .
Fig 3.18 (b) showing a hand specimen from upper wollastonite 61
rock .
Fig 3.18 Photo-microscope of wollastonite skarn, rocks, radiated 61
mainly consisting of wollastonite and little quartz .
Fig 3.19(a) showing an exposed calc-silicate rock in east part of 62
the mapped area.
Fig 3.19 (b) showing complexes-folds with micro fault in the 63
pinkish left limb in calc-silicate rock in eastern portion of the
mapped area.
Fig 3.19 ( c) showing a hand specimen from calc-silicate 63
Fig 3.20 Explains photo-microscope of calc-silicate rock, which is consisting 63
of calcite, talc and quartz with weakly foliated texture .
Fig 3.21 Migmatite body east Nile bank (Tarafy village ) . 65
Fig 3.22 (a) showing an outcrop of diorite rocks east study area 65
map .
Fig 3.22 (b) Showing a hand specimen of above diorite rocks. 66
Fig 3.23 Displays cataclastic texture of diorite rock with kinking 66
of twining (A) cross Nicole and (B) under plane polarized light .
Fig 3.24(a) Displays a grayish pegmatite dyke exposed east Nile 67
bank .
Fig 3.24 (b) pinkish pegmatite dyke closely of east Nile bank in 68
study area (Shereik Township).
Fig 3.25 Explain quartz vein possibly mineralized bearing black 69
manganese oxides .
Fig 3.26(a-b) An outcrop of swarms reddish rhyolite dyke in 70
southern area of the mapped.

Fig 3.27 Photo-microscope of non- flow texture rhyolite and 71
typically porphyritic, with phenolcrysts of quartz and potassium
feldspar in a glassy to microcrystalline groundmass
Fig 3.28 (a) Exposed of basalt dyke close Shereik village. 72
fig 3.29(b - c) Showing trachy- basalt exposures, dykes near 73
shereik province.
Fig 3.30 Displays photo-microscope it is highly altered (trachy- 73
basalt), consisting of clay minerals (biotite) sercite, k-fiedspar
Fig 3.31 Showing exposed of collovial deposit which spread in the 74
mapped area.
Fig 3.32(a-b) Showing a fluvial of the east Nile bank at study 75
Fig 3.32 Showing sand dune with ripple marks east portion near 76
high-way Street of mapped area.
Fig 3.33 Explains natural barriers such as ridges and hillocks in 77
the eastern area of calc-silicate exposed.
FIG 4.1 Geological Mapping Procedure by GIS From Appendix 80
:Photomicrograph of Meta SEDIEMENT XPL and ppl - 4.2 FIG 80
Photomicrograph of Meta VOLCANIC PPL-PXL 4.3 FIG 81
FIG 4.4 Quartz Vein 83
FIG 4.6 Dendritic manganise in QTZ Vein 83
Fig 4.7 : Rock alteration zone injected by stringers of quartz veins . 84
FIG 4.8 Artisnal Mining in khor Alfagira 85-86
Fig.5-2: Flowchart of gold extraction and recovery processes 94




1 Location and Accessibility:
Study area lies southeast of Shereik town which is situated at about 450 Km
north of Khartoum (Fig1.1). It lies within the Nile State where Shereik town
represents Shereik governorate and a famous railway station.
The area lies entirely in the northern portion of the Rubatab District of the
Nile Province. It is covered by 1:250,000 scale Abu Hamed Sheet 45C
(Dawoud, 1980).
Access to Shereik is provided by Khartoum–Atbara–Abu Hammad asphalt
highway. The study area is bounded by the coordinates latitudes (18 47 55,23
to 18 43 43,00) and longitude (33 3716,98 to 33 33 4,39 ) with total aerial
extent of (60km2 ).The area can be reached by buses or Train from Khartoum.
Access is facilitated with in the area by many motors. Desert tracks which
pass through numerous Villages and settlements made by local inhabitants in
the area.
The study area khor Alfagira is about 1km2 bounded by the following
coordinates Table1-1

Point Easting Northing

A 566386 2075502

B 567386 2075501

C 567386 2074501

D 566386 2074501
Table1-1: geographical coordinate of the concession

Fig 1.1 Location map of the study area in the River Nile State north

1.2 Physiography:
Shereik area is characterized by low adulatory relief formed mostly of wide
low lying bed plain on the relatively rocky grounds and almost flat wide plans
covered with the Nile silt along the banks of the River. Anew ridge like hill
form the geomorphology in the north-west region of the area. These ridges
are approximately fifty meters high above the ground level and they are
aligned in north-eastern trend. On the other hand, the south-eastern part of the
area is generally flat and is dominated by raised terraces.
1.2.2 Climate:
The climate in the study area is arid and it is typically desert climate. The
annual rainfall approximately 100mm occurs during the summer time.
Namely during the period July and early October when temperature rises
above 45C0.In winter the temperature drops to below 5C0when dust storms
prevail through the area. In general the mean maximum temperature varies
between 28C0 in January and 49C0 degree in May. However the lowest

temperature ranges during the night are between in January and 37C0 in May
(El Madani and El Faki, 1998).
1.2.3 Vegetation:
The sparse vegetation in Al shereik area is confined to the Nile vicinity and
seasonal Valleys grass on top of the hills. Different trees are found such as
Palms, Haraz, Neem, Taleh, Seyyal, Al Merekh, Al Sider, Al Selem, Al Serah,
Al Tondob, and Al Ushar, they are predominant trees. The predominant grass
are represented by River banks grass such as Halfa, Al Arariaba, Al Damas,
Yara, Allara, and Allarah, which spread over the area. In general the
vegetation in the region is present as small bushes on hill slopes and some
trees along the eastern and western banks of the River Nile. See more
vegetation in appendix.
FIG 1.2(a, b, c, d) Shown different sorts of vegetation in the study area.

Merakh tree. (a) El Tondob tree. (b)

Halfa grass. (d)

Umm Shuika grass (c)

Fig 1.2 Photograph showing the vegetation in Al Shereik area.

Fig 1.3 Photograph showing the landscape at the River Nile bank.
1.2.4 Population:
The total population of the River Nile State according to 2008 census is about
1,107,821 million inhabitants. But Abu Hammad province population is about
127,021 thousand, (Quoted in Sudan fifth population census 2008). The main
tribe in the area is Rubatab tribe and there are also scattered tribal groups of
Bisharain, Ababdah, Merafab, Menaseer and Suleimania who live along the
River banks. The majority of the inhabitants are farmers who cultivate their
small farms along the Nile banks. A few of them work as merchants trading

at their small shops. Gold hunters also used to walk about in the area
surrounding the Village digging and searching the soil for gold.
1.2.5 Drainage Systems:
The drainage systems are represented by River Nile as the major and the
most important system. Within the area, the Nile is apparently restricted to
flow in narrow course compared to the northern and southern region. It is
generally concordant to metamorphic layering which represents at this place
in particular an antiformal fold closure.
There are numerous other drainage systems which are present in the area
around Shereik village or town in the east and west Nile banks.
The principal watershed runs strictly N-S in portions, where the main wadi-
system tends to run west and east towards the River Nile. In the eastern
parts from S-N the main wadies or khors are khor El Tashab, El Abiadia,
Wadi El Humar, Khor El Nuss, Wadi El Salam, Khor El Beshtnab, Khor El
Sadgab, Khor El Fageera, Khor Al Dabaka, Khor El Behaemi, and Wadi
Amur. In the western portion from south to north are Wadi Abu Haraz,
Khor Umm Godema, Wadi El Sengeir, Wadi El Rahib, Khor Dum El Tour,
Khor El Arak and Wadi Umm Serah. Fig.1.2

Fig.1.4 Drainage system in the study area Sudan.

1.3 Previous Work:
The previous investigations at the area (Whiteman 1971, Dawoud, 1980,
Vail et al. 1986, Belo, 2000, Abdel Salam et al. 1991, Stern 1993,) are
mainly limited to regional geological and tectonic studies as well as some
scanty investigations on its economic potentialities. However, detailed
field based geological works on structural evolution are scarce.
The study area lies within the basement complex of northern Sudan which
was described by Whiteman 1971 in his book (The geology of the Sudan
Republic)، Dawoud 1980 briefly described in his Ph.D research the
geology and structure south of area south of Abu Hamada town which
includes the Al Shereik area (unpublished )،Abdel Salam et al. 1991, Stern
1993, mapping Precambrian structures in the Sahara Desert with SIR –
C/X – SAR radar the Neoproterozoic Keraf Suture, NE Sudan ،Belo, 2000
(M.Sc Geology of Keraf Shear Zone) which includes Al Shereik Town as
a part of،Fig.1.3c Showing part of geological map of the Rubatab area in
scale 1:00000 complied by geological survey of Khartoum.

Legend of Fig 1.5 of geological map

Sarrah Salah Abdigin, 2017of( Bachelor Degree of Sciences in Geology)

which includes A Geological Study of the Talc Occurrence at Al Shireik .
1.4 Objectives of the Study:
_Mapping in detail the study area and applying prospecting and
exploration methods to discover new ore deposits.
_Understanding the geology of Bayuda Desert by conducting regional
study of the study area as important part of geology of Sudan, besides
detecting geological secession in the area.
_ Determine the mineralization zone ( Host rock , Alteration zone ,
Quartz Vein)
_Determine structure control mineralization (Shear zone , Faults ,
Folds ) .

1.5 Methodology:
There are three principal methods used in the study area to investigate
the work. They are represents in: Office Work, Field Work and
Laboratory Test as follows:
1.5.1 Office Work:
Office work is important for all geological studies. In this pre-field stage
geological map of Bayuda Desert at scale of 1:250,000 and lands at scale
of 1:100,000 were prepared to be used in the field.
A literature review of studied areas has been done to understand general
geology for the study areas
1.5.2 Field Work:
Field work is the most important stage in any geological research.
Fifteen days field trip was carried out to study area by developing
reconnaissance and detailed geological investigations. Prospecting and
exploration methods, besides detailed geological mapping were applied
in a parts of study area. Various sampling methods were applied to
collect samples for petrography and geochemical analysis. Geochemical Survey:
Geochemical survey is important for discovering new ore deposits or
raw materials. The three steps of this survey are:
 samples collection
 analysis
 interpretation of results.
This survey includes a systematic analysis for chemical elements or
compound normally found in small concentrations. Rocks and chips
of quartz collected in this survey for different purposes.

9 Rock Samples:
Rock or grab sample is a sample of rock material from confined area,
collected for study of visible minerals, textures and structures, and to
conduct thin section petrographic analysis. About 5 rock samples were
prepared to be studied under microscope to recognize mineral
composition, mineral assemblages, textures, structures, origin and grade
of metamorphism as well as tectonic setting of study area. Chip Samples:
Composite chip samples consist of small chips of rock material collected
over a large area to determine background value of trace elements or for
analysis of major oxides. About 15 quartz composite chip samples were
collected to locate source of mineralization. Work:
This work involves analysis and interpretation of data. Many analytical
and interpretation methods were applied in this stage, including
petrographic studiesFig1.5, chemical analysis instruments (XRF, AAS).
Many computer programs have been utilized in this stage.

Fig1.6 :petrograhpic microscope with camera
Analytical Techniques:
_Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (A.A.S):
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), has been developed as an
analytical method as recently as 1955 (LEVINSON, 1980). The method
involves the absorption of light-type energy by atoms. For this to be
achieved, the sample has to be brought into solution. The solution
containing the elements to be analyzed is aspirated (dispersed or
vaporized) by means of a flame. Generally, the flame is fueled by a
mixture of air and acetylene and it has a sufficiently high temperature to
reduce most of the droplets into atomic form. The result is that most of
the elements in the vapor exist as neutral unbound atoms in what is
calledthe "Ground State".

Fig 1.7: Basic components ofan atomic absorption spectrometer. Source:
REEVES and BROOKS (1978) Interpretation:
The analytical data obtained from present work are interpreted and
manipulated by a number of geo-software and computer programs,
Word,Excel,ENVI4.3 Fig1.7 ,GIS 10.7,Pint.for navigation has been used
with the aid of Maveric instrument in defining ground control points
Fig1.8 .
image processing:
1- I Downloaded image landsat 7 from USGS (seen alsheraik).
2-I Calculated the OPTIMUM INDEX FACTER (OIF) to chose the best
three band.
3- I open this band in envie soft ware .
4- I Made subset to resize image .
5-finally I made layout .FIG1.7

Fig1.8 Flow Chart Landsat Image

Fig1.9 :satalite image for study area

Fig 1.10 : Maverick instrument for navigation.





2.1 Preamble:
The regional geology of Al Shereik area can be divided as well as
Bayuda Desert west River Nile which has different historical types of
rocks from Precambrian to Tertiary as shown in ph D thesis of,
(Dawoud, 1980). Geology of Al Shereik area differs from Keraf Shear
Zone which historically ages between Precambrian to Phanerozoic, as
explained in M.Sc of (Bailo, 2000).
The west area is dominated by gneisses, meta-sediments, meta-volcanic
rocks and intrusive rocks belonging to the Pre-Nubian basement
complex. The general geology of Al Shereik area is similar to that in
other parts of central Sudan (Whiteman, 1971), and belong to the central
Sudan/ Nile unit of Rabaa (1978). To the north comparable units are
encountered in the third cataract region of the Nile (Vail, ET. Al,
1973(Fig.3.2) Structures Map of West Rubatab Area, Nile Province
Sudan, complied by (Dawoud, 1980).
The following subdivisions of the lithology west River Nile are used
in this thesis:-

7- Basalts (Tertiary).
6- Nubian Sandston Formation and unconformity (lower. Cretaceous).
5- Younger Granites and related volcanic rocks (Paleozoic/ early
4- Older Granites.
3- Meta-volcanic rocks and Unconformity.
2- Meta-sediments and Unconformity.
1- Granitic Gneisses and Migmatites (Precambrian).

Fig 2.1 Regional geological map of the study area , complied by
Geological Research Authority of the Sudan, and Robertson Research,

Fig.2.2 Detailed Geological Map of West Shereik (Rubatab) Area, Nile
Province Sudan, complied by (Dawoud, 1980).

2.2 Tectonic Setting and Regional Geology of Bayuda Desert West
River Nile:
2.2.1 Granitic Gneisses and Migmatites:-
The granitic gneisses and migmatites are most probably the ancient rocks
and are exposed in the cores of structures . These cores are elongated in
form and parallel to prevailing regional strike. Although the granitic
gneisses display variations in mineralogy and texture, it has not been
possible to separately map these differences systematically and are all
assigned to the same group.
The relation between the gneisses and overlying meta-sediments is not
clear as no sharp contacts between the two rocks group was observed
anywhere. The difficulty in determining beyond any doubt the
relationship of the gneisses with the meta-sediments is due to the
masking effect of metamorphism and deformation.
A major feature is the developments associated with both the gneisses
and meta-sediments, and the strike of the foliation in these migmatites is
consistent with the prevailing strike of the surrounding rocks. The
distinction between older migmatites belonging to the gneisses and
younger migmatites belonging to the meta-sediments is difficult.
2.2.2 Meta-sediments:
The meta-sediments are mainly confined to a belt stride of the Nile and
thus trending approximately north-south. It is thought that the meta-
sediments constitute a single group in outcrops separated in some places
by belts of meta-volcanic rocks green schist facies . The meta-sediments
are of upper amphibolites facies grade of regional metamorphism.
Significant metamorphic minerals include garnet, sillimanite, hornblende
and diopside.
Basmatic rocks are abundant among the meta-sediments and pure
quartzites are found in many localities.

Kabesh (1960) reported graded bedding in some quartzites but the weiter
did not find this feature and Kabesh (1960), did not record exact locations.
Pelitic rocks are widespread and thin, patchy graphitic bands are common
within them. One of the important minerals in politic rocks is kyanite
particularly abundant west of Shereik and Atbara and currently being
investigated for it’s economically potential by the Sudanese German
Exploration Project team. Pure coarse-grained crystalline marble form
characteristic and important lithological units and extend in some places
for many kilometers along the strike. Dark colored amphibolites bearing
rocks is widespread.
They vary in grain-size, mineralogy and texture and form important bands
throughout the area. Some are closely associated with marbles and calc-
silicate rocks and form thin continuous bands while others are irregular in
outcrop shape and any show transgressive relations with the surrounding
Gabbroic and amphibolitized gabbros are found as small bodies and
appear to constitute an important and significant basic igneous activity in
spite of their limited size.
2.2.3 Meta-volcanic Rocks:
These are exposed at only two localities, one in the neighborhood of the
fifth cataract northwest of Nadi and the other west of Dagash. These
outcrops only appear in the Nile Valley and mark the western limit of the
dominantly volcanic assemblage of green-schist facies beneath which are
amphibolites facies gneisses with a more complicated history. On a
regional scale this important boundary is thought by Vail, (1976a) to have
an inter-folded relations with the older rocks. The writer has recognized
the occurrence of comparable rocks along the Nile valley south of the
Wadi Halfa

2.2.4 Older Granites:
The term of older granite is used here to differentiate certain deep front
the post-orogenic younger granite igneous complexes. The older granite
includes both syn tectonic and late-post tectonic intrusions. Granites of
this type are now recognized to constitute a characteristic and dominant
element in the basement complex in the Sudan. In the area under
consideration it was possible to distinguish two subunits within this group
on the bases of lithology and structural relations with the country rocks.
These are the syn-tectonic and the late to post-tectonic granites. The late
and post-tectonic granites are distinguished from the syn-tectonic granites
by their greater thermal metamorphic effects and absence of deformational
fabrics. The syn-tectonic granites characteristically form strongly foliated
bodies elongated parallel to the strike of the regional foliation and show
no signs of contact metamorphic effect of their country rocks. It is
commonly observed that granites increase in abundance westwards
towards the Bayuda desert, possible indicating a deeper level of erosion
in this direction.
2.2.5Younger Granites:
Five igneous complexes belonging to the younger granite association are
known in the area. These are Singeir complex, Abu Handale complex,
Abu Nahal complex, Razam El Atshan complex and Razam El Rawian
complex (Fig.3)p11. They vary in size from more than twenty kilometers
in diameter in the Abu Nahal complex to about two kilometers diameter
in Razam Al Atshan ring complex.
All the younger granite complexes are composed of intermediate to acidic
rocks, mostly syenites, quartz-syenites and granites. Two in the north, the
Mesheriba and Grienat complex are composed of trachytic dykes and
plugs and may not belong to the same association.

Dyke swarms are varying abundant and characteristic of the area. Some
post date the younger granite igneous complexes are clearly radiate from
them. Others may not be related to the emplacement of these complexes
and are possibly older. The dykes are generally vertical and can be
followed for many kilometers. Enechelon dykes can be seen and strong
brecciation is a common feature of many dykes. Among the various types
forming dykes in the area are micro-granite, felsites, micro-syenite,
trachyte and a few basalt.
2.2.6 Nubian Sandstone Formation:
Unreformed , flat lying sedimentary rocks belonging to the Nubian
Sandstone Formation are present as an outlier west of Amaki and along
the western bank of the Nile west of Berber. They also form the southern
boundary of the area west of Atbara. At most certainly they formerly
extended over the whole area. Poorly sorted, cross-bedded sandstone and
conglomerates are dominant.
2.2.7 Basalts:
Post Nubian basic igneous rocks occurring as flows and plugs are
widespread. It is of interest to note their particular abundance within the
Nubian sandstone outliers. These outliers are fault controlled which may
indicate that the faults acted as channel ways for the magmas.
2.2.8 Regional Structures:
Because of the problems of correlating major structures over large
distances, it is only possible at this stage to make a preliminary analysis
of the whole area. Al Rabaa (1973) has given a more detailed account of
the structures in the southern part.
Shows the general trend of foliations in the area and the major structures.
Three phases of deformation are recognized which affect the whole area.
The earliest structures are only preserved as a refolded small scale folds.
The second generation of folds dominates the structural pattern of the area

and is responsible for the regional strike of the foliation. Large scale folds
are characteristic of this phase throughout the region. Thrust and slides are
closely associated with this phase of folding and are conspicuous at the
contact between the meta-volcanic rocks and the meta-sedimentary rocks.
The third phase of folding is characterized by the development of open
folds throughout the entire area. Large scale swings of strike such as that
west of amaki and Abu Dis are associated with granitic intrusion in the
core of these structures. The intersection of these structures with the
second phase folds produces interference patterns of various dimensions.
One good example is the Dem El Tor structure southwest of Shereik
Both the granitic gneisses and the meta-sediments have been subjected to
amphibolites facies of metamorphism. Evidence from migmatites
indicates that thermal conditions during this metamorphism reached
conditions of partial melting. On the other hand, the meta-volcanic rocks
were subjected only to green-schist facies metamorphism. Considerable
contact metamorphism is associated with the intrusion of the late to post-
tectonic older granites.

Fig 2.3 Structural Map of West Shereik (Rubatab) Area, Nile Province
Sudan, complied by (Dawoud, 1980).

2.3 Tectonic Setting and Regional Geology of the Keraf Shear Zone
East River Nile (Shereik Area):
1- High-grade gneisses (oldest).
2- High-grade supra-crystal meta-sediments.
3- Low-grade meta-sediments.
4- Ophiolitic mélange rocks.
5- Volcano-sedimentary sequences.
6- Molasse-type sediments.
7- Magmatic rocks.
8- Phanerozoic sediments (youngest).

Fig 2.4 Tectonic map showing the Precambrian structures and Terranes
in NE Africa and Arabia. Sutures are connected by dotted lines. The area
enclosed by the E and W arc continent sutures is the Arabian-Nubian
Shield (modified after Stern, 1994).

Fig 2.5 Geological map of the southern sector of the Keraf Shear Zone
at note Shereik area. Note the dominance of the high-grade meta-
sediments west of the Nile and the low-grade ones in the east (modified
after Abdel Rahman, 1993; RIES et al, 1985).

2.3.1 High-grade gneisses and migmatites:
The high-grade gneisses occur in the central and the western sectors of the
Bayuda Desert and in the area to the west of Wadi Halfa railway station
(Vail, 1988 - Stern, et al, 1994), (Fig.4). They are poly-deformed, occupy
the lowermost stratigraphic level and are in the upper amphibolites
metamorphism. Similar lithologies are reported in the Wadi Halfa , to the
west of the Nile, (Schandelmeier et al, 1990) and in the Delgo area
(Denkler et al, 1994). High-grade metamorphic rocks reported in J.
Uweinat and J. Kamel (Schandelmeier et al, 1988) can be correlated with
the gneisses in Bayuda Desert and Wadi Halfa Terranes on the basis of
lithology and stratigraphy.
U/Pb Zircon age from high-grade gneisses is in range of 700 – 900Ma
(Wust et, al, - Kroner et, al, 1987 and Sultan, et, ai, 1994).Nd model ages
reported from the older granitic gneisses from Wadi Halfa-Bayuda
Terrane and from the E. Desert of Egypt are generally greater than 1.2 Ga
(Harms et, ai, 1990-1994, Stern et, ai, 1994, Schandelmeier et al, 1988 and
Harris, et, al, 1984).87Sr/ 86Sr ratio reported from 0.7060-0.7160 (Stern, et
al, 1994, Harris, et al, 1990, Dixon, and Golombek, 1988). These ages and
isotopic ratios indicate the presence of older (Pre-Pan African) material in
the gneisses in Bayuda and Wadi Halfa Terrance.
Lithology with such isotopic characteristics were not reported from the
Gabgaba Terrance.
2.3.2 High-grade supra-crystal meta-sediments and Kera gneisses:
These e amphibolites, calc-silicates, biotite-granet schist, quartzo-
fledspathic gneiss, metapelitic, marbles and quartzite which overlie the
high-grade gneisses, (Ries, et al. 1985, Dawoud, 1980, Vail, 1979, Barth,
and Meinhold, 1979), (Fig.4). Mineral composition, texture and structures
in these rocks indicate marine shelf depositonal environments (Stern,
1994). High-grade meta-sediments near Abu Hamed have yielded Rb/

Srerrochron age of Ca. 0.0703 (Ries, et al. 1985).Quartzo-feldspathic
gneiss from the Bayuda Desert has yielded anNd model age of Ca. 100Ma
(Harris, et a. 1984). These low age and isotopic ratios exclude along
crustal history of the original rock material prior to the amphibolites facies
The high-grade meta-sediments and the Keraf gneiss are called by some
authors the supra-crustal meta-sediments due to their mode of formation
(Ries, et al. 1985 and Dawoud, 1980), believe that the high-grade meta-
sediments belong to the high-grade gneisses and migmatites and they have
been placed in their present stratigraphic level by younger tectonic
2.3.3 Low-grade meta-sediments:
The low grade metamorphic rocks from an N-S trending belt that covers
more than 60% of the total surface area of the Nubian Shield (Abel
Rahman, 1993, Vail, 1988, Ries, et al, 1985 and Dawoud, 1980) (Fig3.4).
They are tectonically emplaced over the high-grade rocks (both the
gneisses and meta-sediments) of the Wadi Halfa Bayuda Terranes (Abel
Rahman, 1993, Almond, and Ahmed, 1987). The sediments are locally
divided into a proximal western portion which is coarse immature and a
distal eastern portion with fine-grained textures (Abel Rahman, 1993,
Stern, et al. 1993).
The low-grade meta-sediments and high-grade supra-crustal rocks are
believed by some authors to have the same age and tectonic history but
represent different levels within the Neoproterozoic crust in the area
(Almond and Ahmed, 1987, Ries, et al. 1985).

2.3.4 Ophiolitic mélange rocks:
This is highly tectonised and serpentinized mafic-ultramafic allothonous
sequences scattered in Wadi Halfa-Bayuda-Gabgaba domain (Abel
Rahman, 1993, Almond and Ahmed1987, Ahmed, et al, 1980, Barth and
Meinhold, 1979). They occur along the shear zones representing major
tectonic features in the each as the Keraf Shear Zone, Atmur-Delgo suture
and Dem El Tor shear zone. Geological signatures of these rocks favor
background (Abel Rahman, 1993).
2.3.5 Volcano-sedimentary sequences:
These are volcanic and volcani-clastic rocks, which occur in the eastern
margin of the Gabgaba Terrane, the E and SE Bayuda Desert and in the
vicinity of Wadi Halfa area (Abel Rahman, 1993, Vail, 1988, Ries, et al.
1985, Dawoud, 1980)(Fig.4). In E Bayuda Desert these rocks occur as
intermediate volcanic in a sedimentary matrix of tuffaceous-silicious
composition (Ries, et al, 1985). In SE Bayuda Desert the volcano-
sedimentary rocks include rhyolite andesite and basal intercalated with
volcani-clastic sedimentary units. Limited occurrences of marbles
quartzites and Fe-rich cherts are associated with the volcanic material
(Meinhold, 1983, Barth and Meinhold 1979, Vail, 1979, El Rabaa, 1972).
Rocks form this sequence have yieldRb/Srerrochron ages of800-850Ma
and 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70251-0.70299 (Ries, et al 1985). Abel Rahman,
(1993) has argued that the volcano-sedimentary sequences in the SE
Bayuda Desert could be correlated with arc-related assemblage in the
Haya Terrane of the Red Sea Hills. The argument is based on the structural
trends, lithologicall and petroligical similarities. Limited occurrences of
meta-volcanics and volcani-clastic material were reported from the
Delogo area west of the Nile (Denkler et al, 1994).
In the Wadi Halfa area successions of mafi-metavolcanics intercalated
with minor facies volcanic and clastic sediments were reported by Stern,

et al (1994). The volcanic material has yield Rb/ Sr whole rock ages of
650-580Ma and 87Sr/ 86Sr ratio of 0.7025-0.7031 (Stern, et al, 1994). The
data support the conclusion that the volcanic and the associated volcani-
clstic material represent a juvenile addition to the crust without
contribution from the older gneisses (Stern and Kroner1993).
2.3.6 Molasse-type sediments:
These are slightly metamorphosed and weakly deformed sedimentary
units reported in the Amaki area by El Rabaa(1976) and Dawoud
(1980)(Fig.4). The Amaki sedimentary sequences occupy the uppermost
stratigraphy potions among the basement units. Lithologies include
conglomerate and sandstone with minor intercalations of chert, volcanic
tuffs and limestone (Dawoud, 1980). This sequence is considered to
represent molasse-type sedimentation of the last orogenic phase in the
Nubian Sheild (Ries, 1985).
2.3.7 Magmatic rocks:
These are the plutonic emplacements and the Cainozoic volcanic
extrusion (Fig.3.4). The plutons have various dimensions, shapes and
compositions. They are divided to syn- and post-orogenic intrusion on the
basis of emplacement time (Harms, et al 1990-1994, Ries, et al, 1985 and
Vail, 1983). The syn-orogenic intrusions are I- type foliated granitoids
intruded during the period 800-550Ma ago (Harms, et al 1990-1994, Ries,
et al. 1985). These rocks are mainly intruded in the high-grade gneisses.
The post-orogenic intrusion is A-type pinkish granite scattered in Wadi
Halfa-Bayuda-Gabgaba area as ring dykes, batholiths and small stocks
(Vail, 1983). The rocks are not foliated and composed predominantly of
quartz and alkali feldspars (Vail, 1983). They have emplacement ages less
than 550Ma (Harms, et al 1990-1994, Ries, et al, 1985, Harris, et al,
19984). Nd and Pb isotopic ratios of the Wadi Halfa post-orogenic A-type
granite showed that the participation of older crust in the generation of the

granite is very minor (Stern, et al, 1984). Similar conclusion was reached
by Ries, et al, (1985) for granite in the southern Bayuda Desert.
Cainozoic Volcanics are reported in many localities within the Wadi Halfa
and Bayuda Desert area (Dawoud, 1980, Barth, and Meinhold, 1979, and
El Rabaa 1976) (Fig.4). They occur are flows and plugs of trachyte, basalt,
tephrite, phonotephrite, latites and phonolites (Barth and Meinhold, 1979)
2.3.8 Phanerozoic sediments (youngest):
These are sedimentary outliers in the Wadi Halfa-Bayuda area (Fig.3.4).
The rocks belong to the Nubian sandstone formation which is Mesozoic
age (Vail, 1978, Whiteman, 1971). The major occurrences of the
Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks are north of Wadi- Halfa and SW Bayuda
Desert (Fig.3.4).

2.4 Regional Structures:

El Rabaa, (1972) has given more detailed account of the structures in the
southern part of Abu Hammed area, showing the general trend of the
foliation in the area and the major structures. Four phases of deformation
are recognized which have affected the whole area. The earliest
structures are only preserved as small scale isoclinal folds (F1) which
refolded by later generations of folds. Associated (S1) fabric is only
preserved asoriented inclusion trails in porphyroblasts of later
generation. The second generation of folds (F2) dominates the structural
pattern of the area and is responsible for the regional strike of the
foliations (S2) and controlled the overall structures of the area. Large
scale folds are characteristic of this phase throughout the region. Thrusts
and slides are closely associated with this phase of folding, and are
conspicuous at the contact between the metavolcanic rocks and the
metasedimets (Dawoud, 1980). The third phase of folding (F3) is

characterized by the development of open folds throughout the entire
area with the axial trace trend in an east-west direction. F4 is localized
and produces a strong crenulation cleavage striking north-south. Large
scale swings of strike such as that of Amaki and Abu Dis areas
associated with granitic intrusions in the core of these structures
(Dawoud, 1980). The intersection of these structures with the second
phase of folding produces interference patterns of various dimensions
(Fig.9), one good example is Dem El tour shear zone (Dawoud, 1980).
2.4.1Deformational phases:
Five deformational phases can be recognized in the Basement Complex
rocks in the region, which can be shown in the Satellite imageries in
(Fig6.2), namely:-
D1-Structures: These are the earliest discernible structures recognized
in the study area, and as pointed out by previous workers. The D1
deformation is associated with folds and thrust events of the collision
between Bayuda and Halfa terranes (Abdelsalam, et al., 1995 and 1998)
and is defined by the formation of tight to isoclinal and recumbent F1
folds, with E-W fold plane that dipping south. The foliation of the D1 is
parallel and superimposed over the primary sedimentary structures.
D2-Structures: D2 deformation is represented by F2 folding that was
transposed on the Fl folds. They are defined as the main folding phase
that reclined earlier structures into NNESSW fold axes in asymmetrical
open folds with concentric hinges, plunging northward in the southern
sector and plunging southward in the northern sector of the area
(Abdelsalam,47 et al., op. cit.). The latter three anticlines were formerly
considered as erosion windows of Abu Harik series by Barth and
Meinhold (1979). These deformational phases: D1 and D2 are
with the pre-Keraf deformations described by Abdelsalam and others

(1995 and 1998).
D3 Structures: (D3) structures have been recognized in Satellite
imageries as mega open folds to the SW of J. Umm Arafiba and could be
traced to south in the metavolcanosedimentary sequences (Fig.3-5). They
have NE-SW and E-W trends and affected the earlier structures D1 and
D2. It is seemed that these folds generated by the movement of the Keraf
Shear Zone and responsible for the generation of many interference folds
and the fold/thrust belts as Dam El Tor interference pattern and the
fold/thrust belt. However, Ali (op. cit) defined these open folds in the
area west of Atbara (outside the map area) on the basis of structural
analyses of the linear and planar fabrics of metamorphosed
volcanosedimentary rocks, he found that these folds refolded earlier
isoclinal folds of D1 and D2.
D4 Structures: This phase defines the NE trend continuation structures
of the Nakasib suture zone, It is difficult to trace the suture in the optical
satellite imageries in the study area, as it is covered by superficial
deposits, but the D4 structures and fabrics are clearly manifested in
satellite imageries to south of the study area around the marble belts west
Atbara city. However, mesoscopic fabrics, found in the field revealed
this phase of deformation in the concession area of Rida
miningcompany, these linear and planar fabrics defined a sinstral sense
of displacement for the affected rocks.

Fig 2.6: General trend of regional structure ofeastern Bayuda Desert. D1,
D2 & D3
are ductile deformational, while D4 is the trace of Nakasib fabrics; D5 is
Keraf shear
zone fabrics (after EL Khidir, 2006)

Concluding To Geological History and Tectonig setting Lead to
Geological criteria :
1-Mineral associated with structure and rock of Archean Age
2- Mineralization Hosted in Green stone belt by metamorphosed and
deformed rock sequence .
3-Regonal associated keraf shear zone and locally associated to
extensional vien .
4- Mineralization Of Altreation





3.1 Preamble:
Al Shereik area is covered by metamorphic rocks Volcanic rocks, dykes,
sills and plugs. These rocks are distributed within a major westward
plunging anticline and are overlain in most parts by superficial deposits.
The exact age relationships between these units’ remains subtle, however,
based on their field relationships and their structural position, they have
been listed from oldest to youngest.
Metamorphic Rocks:-
Talcose schist
Carbonaceous rocks (dolomitic marble)
Graphitic schist
Mica schist
Quartzofeldspathic schist
Grey gneiss
Igneous Rocks:-
Dolerite and basaltic dykes.
Rhyolite porphyry dykes.
Quartz veins.
Superficial Deposits:-

Aeolian deposits
Fluvial deposits
Collovial deposits
These rocks described herewith are observed and described in the field,
however, they are not necessarily exposed in map able outcrops, or in
practically is separable outcrops at the present map scale.
The detailed description of these units is as follows;-

Fig.3.1 Detailed geological map of emphasize structures of El Shereik
study area east Nile bank.

3.2Metamorphic Rocks:
These rocks are generally classified as para-gneisses and ortho- gneisses
as the grey gneiss they constitute more than 60% of the surveyed area. The
metamorphic rocks are distributed over most of the western area. They
form most of the outcropping rocks around Shereik Town. Their
description has been done from oldest to youngest although there are
obvious unequivocal criteria to support this classification except the some
structural not clear and these rocks are repeated laterally with the
structures. They include grey gneiss with or without garnet.
diorite, qaurtzo-fledspathic schist, mica schist, amphibolites and
graphitic schist carbonaceous rocks, talcose, wollastonite, calc-silicate
and migmatites. These rock are listed inn introduction of this chapter.
3.2.1 Grey gneiss:-
Coarse texture metamorphic rock formed under conditions of high-grade
regional metamorphism. Grey gneiss exposed to the south-east of the
study map. Gneiss although it is coarse-grained and it is characterized by
a weak layered or less regularly banded appearance due to the segregation
of ferromagnesian minerals from quartzo-feldspathic mineral in
discontinuous layers or lenticles. The dark minerals commonly include
Biotite and or Horenblend, and less common pyroxene. Garnet is often
present in minor amounts. The name given to gneiss-may reflect its
mineralogy (like Biotite gneiss). This gneiss may be termed as ortho-
gneiss which is derived from the metamorphism of an igneous rocks as it
has been suggested that it descended or drive from igneous origin .The
most prominent occurrence lies in that area south-eastern part of the
mapped area. In spite of its pronounced layering, this rock closely
resembles diorite in that it is coarsely crystalline brownish - grey rock on
its weathered surfaces and greyish to whitish on its fresh surfaces. It is a
rather homogeneous rock provided that it is not affected by metasomatic

replacement or by the incorporation of the country rocks. Structurally this
rock is generally weakly foliated compared to other rock like qaurtzo-
feldspathic schist. It exhibits localized zones of intense shearing due to
faulting or due to differential shearing during deformation of the Keraf
Shear Zone within the adjacent incompetent rock.

fig 3.2 (a) showing outcrop of grey gneiss with weak layering.

fig 3.2(b) Displays a hand specimen of upper exposure of grey gneiss.



fig 3.3 Photo-microscope the mineral composition of above grey-

+gneisses, it is weakly foliated and consisting of quartz, plagioclase, k-
feldspar, biotite and little hornblende. Letter (A) taken in cross Nicole but
(B) in out-analyzing.

3.2.2Quartzo-feldspathic schist:
It is dark on weathered and this outcrop is exposed at many locations
concordant with dolomitic marble especially in the east of Nile bank near
the railway. It is laterally associated with quartzo-feldspathic gneiss and
amphibolite schist especially at the far east of the area .It differs from grey-
gneiss and granitic gneiss in that it is more strongly foliated and that it is
more fissile as it is characterized by the development of closely cleavage.
It is composed of quartz k-feldspar plagioclase muscovite and biotite
.Hornblende is present locally in significant amounts as well as garnet.

fig 3.4 (a) showing quartzo-feldspathic schist outcrop.

fig 3.4 (b) Displays close up view of upper qaurtzo-fledspathic schist.



fig.3.5 (A, B) are quartz-fledspathic schist, impure quartzite (A) taken in

cross Nicole and (B) in plain polarizing light, and it is fine grained
texture with sutured boundaries, quartz, muscovite, biotite and little
calcite. Parallel to foliation, the rock is foliated by cleavage – fracture.
Dynamic metamorphism of regional grano-blasts rock.
Also this impure quartzite is orthogonal hornfelsic texture- grano-blasts
rock, fine grained with sutured boundaries, minerals are un-oriented,
calcite and little. Parallel to foliation, the rock is foliated by cleavage –
fracture. Dynamic metamorphism of regional grano-blasts rock and
consist of quarts, feldspar muscovite. Cataclastically deformed by
breakage, a shredding of mica (muscovite), it is typical quartz- fledspar
mica schist (muscovite + biotite).

3.2.3 Garnet-amphibolite schist:
Garnet-amphibolites schist is used when garnet porphyroblasts are clearly
discernible in the rock as in east bank of the Nile and closely grey gneiss
exposed. A few exposures were also observed at the area close to the
marble bands in the southern part of the mapped area. At those locations
garnet-amphibolites schist is inter-banded with talc, wollastonite and mica
schist (biotite – muscovite). However the predominance of garnet there
could be attributed to the development of calc-silicate minerals due to the
contact with marble. It lies in condition form rocks of the (garnet)
epidotised-amphibolite facies, as a result of retrograsive of
metamorphism, and it is more intense conditions form rocks granular
facies. This epidotised-amphibolite is typically represented by Hornblend
+ Epidote + Albite (in rocks of basic igneous composition). An increase
in metamorphic intensity is marked by disappearance of epitomized
(garnet) and the formation of its more calcic plagioclase to give the
assemblage diagnostic of amphibolite facise.. It is formed in deeper parts
of folded mountain belts (keraf shear zone, Mozambeag belt, Bialo 2000).
That rock it is low-medium grade facies.

fig 3.6 (a) Outcrop of garnet-amphibolites schist with impure garnet.

fig 3.6 (b) Showing a hand specimen of garnet amphibolites schist from
the upper outcrop


Fig3.7 (A, B) Showing photo-microscope of Porphyro blasts of garnet

amphibolites. It is medium to coarsely crystalline rock consisting of
parallel alignment of hornblende, little quartz and garnet. Also explain
garnet and acttinolite in (low relief). (A) Taken in cross Nicole under
microscope and (B) in plain polarized light.

3.2.4 Mica schist:
Mica schist covers rocks formed mostly of main group of mineral these
minerals are a group of monoclinic phyllosilicates which are characterized
by their platy habit, perfect basal cleavage, and the elastic properties of
the cleavage flakes (compare the brittle micas),and the basic structure of
the micas consist of pairs of sheets of SiO2 tetrahedral with the general
formula (Si4O10)n which sandwich between them either a layer of cations
(Fe2+, Fe3+, Mg, Al) plus (OH), (known as a brucite sheet) or a gibbsite
sheet, consisting of Al cations and anions. Each pair of silicate is separated
from the next by a weakly bonded layer of univalent cations K+ or Na+.
Which forms the layer along which the mineral splits readily? The general
mica formula is X2Y4-2 Z8 O20 (OH, F)4 where X=K or Na, Y=Mg,
Fe2+,Fe3+ or Al and Z=Si or Al. The principal mica minerals are
Muscovite, Glauconite, Biotite, Phlogopite and Lepidolite, but mica
occurring in a wide range of igneous and metamorphic rocks and some
sedimentary rocks.
Biotite schist in particularly occurs mostly as pockets and lenses
distributed at many parts of the mapped are. The most important exposures
are those which lie southeast and northwest also in the east of the mapped.
In most occurrences it is associated with marble. It is composed of biotite
, and quartz as well as muscovite, and is well foliated by preferred
orientation of flaky minerals Adjacent to the marble bands biotite schist
becomes very coarse crystalline and the proportion of biotite amongst its
constituents remarkably increases. These rocks consist of a mineral of the
Mica group, which distributed in a variety of metamorphic and also can
be found in igneous and sedimentary rocks. Biotite is black in hand-
specimen, and has perfect basal cleavage.

Fig 3.8 (a) Exposure mica Schist near El Tarfay Village southwest
portion of study map.

fig 3.8 (b) A hand- specimen of upper mica schist.



Fig 3.9 showing Porphyro-blasts of garnet amphibolites, medium to

coarsely crystalline rock consisting of parallel alignment of hornblende,
quartz and garnet. The shearing along the zones of mica concentration –
alteration of mica. Explain altered micas schist in sheared zone which
consist of quartz, mica, altered garnet, plagioclase, talc predominant, little
garnet and iron oxides.(A) Taken in cross Nicole microscope and (B) in
plain polarizing light.

3.2.5 Amphibolites:
Amphibolites are distributed over almost all of the area covered by the
bedrock or the basement complex. It covers wide areas northeast and
northwest of the dam axis and the left bank .This rock is typically black in
color, well foliated by preferred orientation and in some location by garnet
.This particularly discernible where the rock is affected by metasomatism.
They consist of hornblende, quartz, plagioclase biotite, pyroxene and
almandine garnet nodules and lenses of marble in places. Amphibolites
are frequently disturbed, as broken or cut by faults, such as over thrusts or
by pegmatite dykes and quartz veins. Metasomatism is well pronounced
within these rocks and it gave rise to the great compositional divert from
these rocks .Structurally amphibolites are well foliated, by banding in
some places, affected by tight folding in NE direction .Their attitude of
foliation depends on their position in the major structure .It strikes
generally in northeast at the north-western part, north to northwest along
the axial zone and towards the southwest along the southern part of the
structure. Strongly foliated metamorphic rock is dark colored to black,
consisting mainly of Amphibolite and plagioclase, little or no Quartz, and
having crystalloblastic texure. Amphibolite grades into garnetifrous
hornblende-plagioclase gneiss as the conten of quartz increases.

Fig 3.10 (a) Showing outcrop of amphibolites outcrop in south part of
the mapped.

Fig 3.10 (b) A hand specimen from uper amphibolites outcrop.



Fig3.11Photo-microscope displays the strongly foliated amphibolites

schist, with shaped minerals of hornblende, plagioclase, calcite, little
(quartz and iron oxides). Also explain minerals of tremolite, ferro-
actinolite and garnet with Cataclastic breakage granulation of minerals
grains with micro-fracture a crossing the foliated. (A) Taken in cross
Nicole microscope and (B) in plain polarizing light.

3.2.6 Graphite schist (plumbago):

It is exposed as highly altered and foliated, also it makesup quartz vein
which carryed associations minera as gold. In general it is a naturally
crystalline form of carbon, dimorphous with diamond. But is found here
as schitosse in abandoned local mine in the eastrn portion into Kkor Al
Fageera, also it is clearly exposed clearly along the Asphat highway, were
it is highly deformed by thrust faults and is injected by qaurtz
bodinags.This rock structualy may be abig limb of tight upright fold. It is
steel grey to black, soft and greasy to the touch. It is flakes disseminated
through metamorphic rocks such as gneisse, marble,and schist. It is
probable that graphite was derived from carbonaceous materialof organic

origin. Graphite is also called plumbago because for centuries it was
confused with galena, a black sulphide of lead.

Fig 3.12(a) Displays outcrop of graphitic schist near Abu Hamad Atbra
highway. It is highly deformed with mullion and boudinage of quartz.

Fig 3.12(b) showing a hand specimen from upper outcrop of graphitic




Fig 3.13 (A, B) are showing foliated graphitic schist which consist of
graphite, muscovite, quartz and iron oxides (brownish) and there is micro
fracture. (A) Taken in cross Nicole microscope and (B) in plain polarizing

3.2.7 Carbonaceous Rocks:

Marble is exposed at several locations within the surveyed area such as
the east bank of the Nile and in the north-east of the study area, however,
the most significant exposure is the one that occupies the southwestern
part of the hinge of the major fold occupying the mapped area .Marble at
this location forms a huge mass formed of massive marble which is
whitish and pinkish in color and is coarsely crystalline .It is mainly
dolomitic marble intercalated with coarsely crystalline biotite schist. And
while than other outcrops of marble was observed north of the study area
as well as south of El Shereik Town, eastern portion and in the central
map. These exposures display spectacular folded patterns of mainly syn-

formal structures with their axes plunging westwards. However marble at
these locations differs from that of the main southern mass in that it is
finer in grain size and it is remarkably sheared and silicified Marble in
most of these localities never reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid because
of its high content of magnesia i.e dolomitic marble. It is not known that
whether dolomitization took place during the diagenetic processes or later
during the metamorphic or metasomatic processes. In general marble is
fine to coarse grained metamorphic rock consisting mainly recrystallized
Calcite or dolomite. It is metamorphosed limestone. It is color full vary-
colored grayish, whitish, pinkish and bluish. Streak of it are white like
quartz or dolomite in the original limestone, which result in the formation
of minerals such as frostorite, can be used as Ornamental stone.

Fig 3.14(a) showing whitish dolomitic marble outcrop southeast study


Fig 3.14(b) explain a hand specimen of above whitish marble.

Fig 3.20(c) showing pinkish dolomitic marble outcrop.

Fig 3.14(d) explain a hand specimen of pinkish marble


Fig 3.15 (a) showing sheared dolomitic marble under microscope mineral,
it is coarsely crystalline rock consisting of parallel alignment of calcite
and little dolomite minerals. (A) Taken in cross Nicole and (B) in plain
polarizing light.


Plate 3.15 (b) Displays photomicroscope of pinkish marble with minerals

of calcite, dolomite and little talc.

3.2.8 Talcose Schist:-

This rock is exposed in abandoned or quarry civil mine in the south east
of the mapped .It is a very soft rock, foliated, and whitish to grey-white in
color and wavy appear, its chemical composition is Mg3si4o10(OH)2, with
a hardness of one on the Mohs scale. Talcose is found in coarse crystal
foliated, fibrous and granular masses as an alteration product of
Magnesium silicates or rocks, it is formed by metasomatism in impure
dolomitic marbles. It is compact massive rock composed mainly of Talc

(SOAP STONE). This rock can also be found in various colors: grey-
green or brown and can be easily carved sometime namely in Steatite Talc.
It is low-grade metamorphic rock.

Fig 3.16(a) exposure an abandoned or quarry talcose schist into local

mine at central of study area.

Fig 3.16 (b) Displays outcrop of talcose into quarry civil mine.

Fig 3.16 ( c) showing a hand specimen of upper talcose from upper



Fig 3.17 Showing photo-microscope the talcose schist with minerals of

talc, calcite and dolomite. (A) Taken in cross Nicole and (B) in plain
polarizing light.

3.2.9 Wollastonite:-
This rock or mineral is exposed as abandoned or quarry civil mine which
found in contact with dolomitic marble in the southeast portion of study
mapped. In general it is a triclinic silicate mineral, Casio2. It is whitish to
grayish in color, radiating coarse crystalline masses. It is typical of
contact-metamorphic calcareous rocks, and also occurs in low-pressure
regional metamorphic rocks.

Fig 3.18(a) explains wollastonite rock into local quarry south mapped

Fig 3.18 (b) showing a hand specimen from upper wollastonite rock.


Fig 3.19 Photo-microscope of wollastonite skarn, rocks, radiated

mainly consisting of wollastonite and little quartz. (A) Taken in cross
Nicole and (B) in plain polarizing light or out analyzing.

3.2.10 Calc-silicate Rocks:-
This rock which is a type of metamorphic rock is exposed in the eastern
and northeast part of the mapped area, in different colors from reddish-
brownish to whitish and makes up of calcium and silicon are the dominant
constituents, and which is derived from quartz-bearing dolomites and
limestone, or from carbonate rock metasomatized by siliceous solutions
from abutting granitic intrusions. Minerals compositions of this rock
characteristic include epidote, calcic-plagioclase, diopside, grossular-
andradite garnet and sphene. Also may be this rock is produced by the
thermal metamorphism of impure limestone and silica as well as calcite.
The rock typically becomes very hard. This rock is sometimes called calc-
flint. It is highly deformed and characterized by different types of folds
and fault.

Fig 3.20 (a) showing an exposed calc-silicate rock in east part of the
mapped area.

Fig 3.20 (b) showing complexes-folds with micro fault in the pinkish
left limb in calc-silicate rock in eastern portion of the mapped area.

Fig 3.20 ( c) showing a hand specimen from calc-silicate exposere.



Fig 3.21 Explains photo-microscope of calc-silicate rock, which is consisting of

calcite, talc and quartz with weakly foliated texture. (A) Taken in cross Nicole but (B)
taken in plain polarized light.

3.2.11 Migmatites:
These rocks are widespread in the surveyed area .It is obvious that most
of the rock units in the area are affected by some degree of metasomatism
a fact which their discrimination and hence their mapping very difficult
.The major exposures of metasomatic rocks were observed in the east of
River Nile bank between Al Shereik province and Al Tarafi village where
intense injection of pegmatite dykes ,quartz veins and stringers acted as
leucosome ,lead to the development of a wide region of metasomatic rocks
or migmatites .These rocks vary significantly in texture appearance and in
composition as metasomatic replacement which refers to a rather
heterogeneous process .They are well foliated by preferred orientation as
well as by the well pronounced migmatitic layering . Typical migmatitic
structures such as pinch and swell structures are frequently observed at the
study area. It is highly complex rock that is generally an intimate mixture
of apparently igneous material of granitic composition and high-grade
metamorphic rock; it is characterized by a banded or veined appearance.
The principal theories for this migmatite granitic material which
introduced from magma (injection gneiss) or it may be formed from
through the action of fluids permeating the host rock (Granitization) or
formed by partial melting (Anatexis) under very high temperature and
pressures. This rock was found in the suggesting area of Al Shereik dam
set project.

Fig 3.22Migmatite body east Nile bank (Tarafy village).
3.2.12 Diorite:-
This rock is dark colored, coarse grained plutonic rock composed
essentially of plagioclase feldspar (oligoclase-andesine), horenblende,
pyroxene, and little or no quartz. It is the approximate intrusive
equivealent of andesite. With an increase in the alkali feldspar content,
this rock graded into monzonite.

Fig 3.22 (a) showing an outcrop of diorite rocks east study area map.

Fig 3.22 (b) Showing a hand specimen of above diorite rocks.


Fig 3.23 Displays cataclastic texture of diorite rock with kinking of
twining (A) cross Nicole and (B) under plane polarized light. Undulates
extinction of quartz granulation of minerals pyroxene. These plate
showing the minerals of hornblende, chlorite, epidote, quartz and
plagioclase. It is typical cataclastic diorite with shredding of chlorite and

3.3 Igneous Bodies and Dykes:

3.3.1 Pegmatite Dykes:
Pegmatite dykes and sills are distributed over a large portion of the area
mapped .The observed bodies range in size between a few centimeters to
over seven meters in thickness. These rocks vary greatly in color texture
and composition and include older deformed grayish pegmatite and
younger pinkish pegmatite. They range in form between huge irregularly
shaped masses to linear bodies in the form of dykes and thin veins or

stringers. In composition these rocks range between pegmatite consisting
of quartz and k-feldspars only to pegmatite with complex composition
consisting of quartz k-feldspar, plagioclase, muscovite books tourmaline
of black and light color as well and biotite .Their texture also varies very
much between very coarsely crystalline formed of megacrysts to medium
grained .The grayish pegmatite are slightly to strongly sheared giving rise
locally to gneissose texture. In any case pegmatite in general a very coarse
grained igneous rock with grain size larger (1 to 2cm), typically found
around the margins of large, deep seated plutons, usually extending from
the pluton itself into the surrounding country rocks. Pegmatite bodies here
may include veins or lenticular or podlike in shape. Although diorite and
gabbros pegmatite occur, syenite and granite ones are the most common
pegmatite. Many of them have internal zonation of fabric, and
composition .It is mostly mineralogically simple, comprising mainly
quartz and potassium feldspar, with lesser amount of muscovite and
tourmaline. Other pegmatite may be contained rare minerals rich in Li,
Be, REE etc. Pegmatite represent a volatile-rich, late stage in the
crystallization of a magma.

Fig 3.24 (a) Displays a grayish pegmatite dyke exposed east Nile bank.

Fig 3.25(b) pinkish pegmatite dyke closely of east Nile bank in study
area (Shereik Township).

3.3.2 Quartz Veins:

These rocks are widely distributed in the surveyed area especially at the
area east of the River. The eastern termination of the study area has a huge
quartz vein Because of their high resistance to weathering. These rocks
form relatively high ridges over the surrounding geology. Quartz veins are
oriented towards many directions, however, they are most commonly
oriented towards NNW and towards northeast .Their size ranges between
a few centimeters to several three meters in width and several hundred
meters in length .Quartz veins emplacement possibly accompanied the late
hydrothermal stage of the granitic magma injection, elsewhere west
mapped area significant amounts of gold were produced by Gold Hounds
during the past ten years.
Outcrops of quartz veins disintegrate into angular rubble which is in turn
highly resistant to weathering that caused them to cover a wide area
especially at the area east of the west study area.
On the other hand, there found crystalline quartz which as Crystalline
silica, Sio2. It is crystallizes in the trigonal system, commonly hexagonal
prisms. Colorless and transparent and there were another quartz found in
different colors may be used gemstone, amethyst, purple to blue-violet,
rose quartz, pink, orange- brown, smoky quartz, pale yellow to deep-
brown. It has not cleavage but a conchoidal fracture. It is one of the
commonest rock-forming minerals and is an essential constituent of acid
igneous rocks, for example granite rocks. It occurs pegmatite and in
hydrothermal veins in association with ore minerals. It is hardness seven
on Mohs scale.

Fig 3.26: Explain quartz vein possibly mineralized bearing black

manganese oxides.

3.3.3 Rhyolite Porphyry Dykes:

This rock is exposed at along the southern side part of the surveyed area
in the form of several dykes that are arranged in a linear course that
continues across the Nile to the western bank .This rock forms an
outstanding feature at that area for its unique light brownish to red color
and its uniform thickness and composition .This rock is dark reddish
brown on its weathered surfaces and purplish red on its fresh surfaces. It
is formed of reddish potash feldspar and quartz as well as little amount of
fine to microcrystalline hornblende. Their size ranges between a few
centimeters to several three meters in width and several hundred meters in

Fig 3.27 (a) An outcrop of swarms reddish rhyolite dyke in southern
area of the mapped.

Fig 3.28 (b) Displays a hand specimen of reddish porphyritic rhyolite

dyke from upper outcrop.



Fig 3.29 Photo-microscope of non- flow texture rhyolite and typically

porphyritic, with phenolcrysts of quartz and potassium feldspar in a
glassy to microcrystalline groundmass. There are vein-let filled by
micro/crypto-crystalline silica. (A)Taken in cross Nicole and (B) in plain
polarized light.

3.3.4 Trachy-basalt and Dolerite Dykes:

An exposure of brownish black, trachy-basalt is exposed at the area just
south of al Shereik railway station. This lies northwest of the mapped area.
Basalt there forms a relatively high hill over the surroundings comprising
most probably an eroded volcanic plug .A few basaltic dykes are present
at the area north and northeast of the surveyed area in the form of parallel
swarm of dykes oriented in north-northwest. Some dolerite dykes were
emplaced along normal fault zones (migmatite fault) between Al Shereik
and Al Tarafi village .The rock is dark colored, finely crystalline,
consisting of plagioclase, augite and a little amount of olivine in the form

of small phenocrysts. Dolerite dykes are apparently amongst all other
rocks in the area as it crosses all rock types in the area. In general trachy-
basalt is an extrusive rock which a composition basic to intermediate
between trachyte and basalt. Both calcic plagioclase and alkali feldspar
are present, as well as augite and olivine. Leucite or analcime may be
minor constituents. Sometime can be compared with latite is the potassic
variety of trachy-andesite. But the dolerite is a medium grained intrusive
igneous rock of basaltic-composition, composed essentially of clino–
pyroxene - augite, plagioclase usually (labradorite) and Fe-Ti oxides,
commonly showing ophitic textures. The name of the principal minor
mineral may be added olivine dolerite. Dolerite can also be compared with
diabase which is a synonym for dolerite. In Britain, the term of diabase
waspreviously used for a heavily altered dolerite but this usage is no
longer recommended.

Fig 3.30 (a) Exposed of basalt dyke close Shereik village.

Fig 4.30 (b) Showing trachy- basalt exposures, dykes near shereik

Fig 3.30 (c ) Displays a hand specimen of trachy-basalt from upper

outcrop close Shereik province.


Plates 3.20 Displays photo-microscope it is highly altered (trachy-
basalt), consisting of clay minerals (biotite) sercite, k-fiedspar (sanidine)
original rock to chlorite, epidote, calcite, and little iron oxides.
3.4 Superficial Deposits:
The superficial deposits are classified genetically into three types as the
following, collovial, fluvial and Aeolian deposits.
3.4.1 Collovial Deposits:
This type comprises the most predominant type of superficial deposits
in the mapped area. They are distributed at the area lying east of the
railway track which passes along the eastern bank .These deposits
consists of angular boulder, cobbles and granules at the slopes of hills or
as talus sheets that cover the gently sloping areas around hills or ridges
of quartz veins or dykes. Some of them may be used as gemstone. It is
found in different colored.

Fig 3.31 Showing exposed of collovial deposit which spread in the

mapped area.

3.4.2 Fluvial Deposits:

On the other hand ,comprise those deposits that were transported by water
to their recent position .They include raised and reworked river terraces ,
wadi alluvium and recent Nile terraces .Fluvial deposits cover the area
close to the Nile channel as well as along the seasonal wadies, Raised
ancient terraces are present southeast of the mapped area . These were
eroded by wind action leaving some gravel patches on the upper surfaces.
A suspected abandoned channel of the Nile runs east of the present Nile
course and is marked by the presence of the black Nile silt under the recent
collovial cover or talus .The dark recent Nile silt cover a long stretch of
land along both banks of the Nile and the adjacent farmlands where it is
mixed partly by aeolian sand. Fluvial deposits of the main wadies also
form a significant proportion and are distinguished by their lighter color
from the rest of the superficial deposits. This is attributed to the presence
of sand over silt which forms the bulk of the Nile deposit.

Fig 3.32(a) Showing a fluvial of the east Nile bank at study area.

Plate 3.31 (b) Explains human activities for gold into Khor Sabrn fluvial
deposits mentioned in drainage system map in study area.

3.4.3 Aeolian deposits:

These deposits are present on the eastern bank of Nile especially behind
natural barriers such as ridges, hillocks and the farmlands terraces. They
are also present as isolated sand dunes in several topographic depressions
at the eastern part of the investigated area .Aeolian sands and sand sheets
are also present at many locations at the area lying west of the Nile. They
are mixed and form as significant proportion of the raised Nile silt that
constitute the farm land in the studied area.

Fig 3.32 Showing sand dune with ripple marks east portion near high-
way Street of mapped area.

Fig 3.33Explains natural barriers such as ridges and hillocks in the
eastern area of calc-silicate exposed.






4.1 Preamble:
This work has been carried out in the eastern part of Bayuda Desert. The
detailed study was applied for ,detailed prospecting for alsheraik area.
Study area lies southeast of Shereik town which is situated at about 450
Km north of Khartoum . It lies within the Nile State where Shereik town
represents Shereik governorate and a famous railway station.
This area is mapped in detail, andthen detailed prospecting is applied by
using grid pattern with 1000 m profile interval and Random sampling
interval. The area is composed
generally of Meta sediment , Meta volcanic and low to
medium grade metavolcanosedimentary rocks of green schist facies
The rocks secession in this area from older to younger is as the
• Meta volcanic rocks .
• Meta Sediment rocks.
• Recent sediments.

FIG 4.1 Geological Mapping Procedure by GIS From Appendix A:
• Meta Sediment rocks.

FIG 4.2 :Photomicrograph of Meta SEDIEMENT XPL and ppl -

4.2 Meta volcanic rocks . Meta diorite :
In hand specime meta-diorite is dark in colol, consist of phenocryst of
plageioclase and smaller crystals of pyroxene and amphibole in the
ground mass.

FIG 4.3 Photomicrograph of Meta VOLCANIC PPL-PXL

4.3.1 Gold occurrences in the study area:

Veins of gold bearing quartz are well known in the study area located in
the central and northern part of the block. Auriferous quartz mines are
found and worked in many parts in the study area by local peoples. Most
of these localities are in the foot-hill and low-lying land. The quartz veins
vary somewhat in appearance, being at times milk white, greasy and
massive shape. They are often described as segregated veins, emplaced in
Meta diorite or metavolcanic rocks, and more or less parallel with the
schistosity of these rocks and less commonly the rock walls in massive
igneous rocks . These veins are filled the fissure rocks. The largest and best
known is the so called Mother Lode, The best deposits overall form in areas
where greenstone/greenschist rocks (meta-volcanics) are present in the
northern part of the block. The rocks alteration injected by stringers quartz
veins are present in the central part of the study area Artisanal miner
usually focused on the narrow quartz filled shears and associated quartz
veins while largely ignoring the larger zones of hydrothermally altered host
Meta diorite. The shear zones, associated fractures and quartz veins vary
from millimeter widths to well over few meters and they commonly
surrounded by a broader alteration halo .The alteration consists of
silicification and sericitization with hematite alteration present as well .

FIG 4.4 Quartz Vein


FIG 4.6 Dendritic manganise in QTZ Vein

Fig 4.7 : Rock alteration zone injected by stringers of quartz veins .

4.3 Gold Artisanal miner:

Usually focused on the narrow quartz filled shears and associated quartz
veins while largely ignoring the larger zones of hydrothermally altered
host Meta diorite.
The shear zones, associated fractures and quartz veins vary from millimeter
widths to well over few centimeter and they commonly surrounded by a
broader alteration halo . The alteration consists of silicification and
sericitization with hematite alteration present as well.
The quartz veins vary somewhat in appearance, being at times milk white,
greasy and massive shape. They are often described as segregated veins,
emplaced in sheared Meta diorite or metavolcanic rocks, and more or less
parallel with the schistosity of these rocks and less commonly the rock
walls in massive igneous rocks.

FIG 4.8 Artisnal Mining in khor Alfagira

4.4 chemistry Results:
The purpose of the chemical Analysis is to discover the abnormal
chemical patterns or geochemical anomalies related to mineralization.
In this phase of the present work consisted of reconnaissance geological
mapping,prospecting and sampling to cover the most parts of the area.
Most of the samples are takenfrom the work of the artisanal area in the
block. These samples are chips of quartz vein and alteration zones

Table4.1:data of analysis gold in khor alfagira at alsherik

1 QTZ 1 566489 2074575 0.01 QTZ Sheard meta
Vienwith diorite
2 QTZ2 566707 2074610 1.59 QTZ Vien Garnetiferou
20cm se chist
3 QTZ3 566707 2074610 0.05 Altreationzo Garnetiferou
ne se chist
4 QTZ4 566757 2074633 0.02 QTZ Vien Garnetiferou
se chist
5 QTZ5 566887 2074651 3.1 Qtz vien 18 Garnetiferou
cm se chist
6 QTZ6 566895 2074702 3.47 QTZ Vien Sheard meta
7 QTZ7 566978 2074826 0.04 8cmwhite to Meta
riddish morphose
sand stone
8 QTZ8 566988 2074787 0.05 QTZ Vien ith Garnetiferou
stringer se chist
9 QTZ9 567627 2075027 0.06 QTZ Garnetiferou
Vienwith se chist
1 QTZ1 566736 2074906 0.08 WHITE TO Garnetiferou
0 0 GRAY QTZ se chist
VIEN 30 cm
1 QTZ1 566732 2074862 0.03 White to Garnetiferou
1 1 gray QTZ se chist
VIEN 25cm
1 QTZ 566708 2074872 0.16 Stringer Garnetiferou
2 12 QTZ se chist

1 QTZ 566708 2074872 0.25 Altreationzo Garnetiferou
3 13 ne se chist
1 QTZ1 566520 2075272 66.6 QTZ Vien Garnetiferou
4 4 and stringer se chist
1 QTZ1 567225 2075310 63:7 Altreationzo Garnetiferou
5 5 ne se chist

4.5 Evaluation of Geochemical Data

The results of the geochemical analysis of the different types of samples
for gold and trace elements (chip samples of quartz vein and alteration
Gold (Au) in the alteration around the quartz veins
Gold values, the content vary from 0.05
ppm to 63.7 ppm. The content Gold (Au) in the chip samples from quartz
Gold (Au) in the chip samples from quartz veins
Most of the gold contents are analysed , the content vary from 0.01
ppm to 66.6ppm .



5.1 Preamble:
The Bayuda Desert is endowed by different types of geological resources,
as a result of multi-deformational events in the region throughout
geological history. The most significant deposits comprised in occurrence
of gold and associated metals, marble, iron, copper, mica, kyanite and
5.2 Gold:
Gold has been mined in Sudan since pharaonic times, and more recently
with indigenous mining (artisanal miners). The mean occurrences in
Northern and Red Sea provinces, like Gebeit Mine, Oyo Mine, Umm
Nabardi, Doishat, Abu Sari, Umm Fahm and Wadi Amur near Shereik. In
the Blue Nile Valley whiteman (1971a) listed about ten occurrences of
allvial gold in khors around the upper end of the Roseires Dam on the
Ethiopian frontier in the valley of the Blue Nile. Gold have been known
from the Nuba Mountains of southern Kordofan for a long time and was
the object of much early exploration in this area (Rüssegger, 1838).
The following stages precede gold mining and extraction operations:
Begin by geological mapping for the virgin areas but if the area already
mapped we go beyond this level. In this stage there must be
mineralization criteria.
(II) Exploration:
Exploration is further, detailed studied of already revealed targets of
economic interest.

(III) Estimates of Reserves:
Estimates of geological reserve is further, detailed quantitative studies of
already revealed targets minimum for three side of the body. In this stage
we must made full specification for ore
quantity (tonnage) and quality (grade or concentrate).
(IV) Feasibility Studies:
1:Preliminarry Economic Assessment (PEA) or Scoping Study or
Magnitude study( 40-50%ACCURCY )
2:Preliminary Feasibility Study or (Pre –Feasibility Study .PFS)
#Metallurgy(Process method+OPEX) Recovery
#Rock mechanics (pit slope stability )
#Engineering (mining method ,initial power ,Water ,Transport Opex )
20-30 % Accurcy
3:Feasibility Study ("Full Feasibility Study ,Bankable Feasibility
Study" )
#Rock mechanics
#Engineering (mining method ,initial power ,Water ,Transport Capex)
#Environmental Impact Study (EIS)
With in 15 % Accurcy .
OPEX in this Contex means (Operational Expenditure )
CAPEX in this Contex means (Capital expenditure)

5.2.1 Gold Mining and Extraction:
(I) Mining:
To separate the ore from the waste rock, samples are taken at set intervals
along surveyed lines within the pit. These samples are assayed. Assay
results are used to mark out areas of ore and waste rock, which are mined
separately. Some of the harder areas require blasting to loosen the rock
prior to excavation by hydraulic diggers. Dump trucks haul the rock to
the primary crushers.
(I) Extraction:
Various methods such as gravity concentration, flotation, panning fig 4-1,
pyrometallurgy, cyanidation etc are available for the extraction of gold metal
from its ores. Amongst these methods, cyanidation is the most common method
used in the leaching of gold from the ore
There are many treatments for ore to extract gold by cyanidation method,
which include:
(II) Crushing:
The primary crushers - two Stamlers and a jaw crusher - located at the
mine site, receive ore and waste at separate times. They break the larger
rocks down to a size suitable for transport on the conveyor.
(III) Transport:
A rubber belted conveyor transports the ore and waste rock to the mill
and waste disposal area. Large electromagnets remove any steel debris
excavated from the old workings.
(IV) Grinding and Sizing:
Ore is stockpiled at the mill before being fed into a semiautogenous
grinding (SAG) mill with lime, water and steel balls. The larger particles
from this mill are returned to the SAG mill for more grinding. The finer
particles receive more grinding in a ball mill, and are size classified to

give a final product of 80% <70 microns.
(V) Leaching & Adsorption:
Various methods such as gravity concentration, flotation, panning,
pyrometallurgy, cyanidation etc are available for the extraction of gold
metal from its ores. Amongst these methods, cyanidation is the most
common method used in the leaching of gold from the ore.
A slurry of ground ore, water and a weak cyanide solution is fed into
large steel leach tanks where the gold and silver are dissolved. Following
this leaching process the slurry passes through six adsorption tanks
containing activated charcoal which adsorb the gold and silver. The
process known as carbon in column or charcoal in column or CIC
controls the gold precipitation from the cyanide solution by use of
activated charcoal (carbon). This process adsorbs gold from pregnant
solution and the carbon is next sent to the stripping column where a hot
caustic solution separates the gold from the carbon. This process removes
93% of the gold and 70% of the silver.
(VI) Elution & Electrowinning:
The loaded carbon is fed into an elution column where the bullion is
washed off. The barren carbon is recycled. In electrowinning, operators
pour the gold-bearing solution into a special container known as a cell.
The gold-bearing solution -pregnant electrolyte- is passed through
electrowinning cells where gold & silver is won onto stainless steel
cathodes (negative terminals).
(VII) Smelting:
The loaded cathodes are rinsed to yield a gold and silver bearing sludge
which is dried, mixed with fluxes and put into the furnace at about 2,100
degrees F (1,149˚ C). When workers add a chemical mixture known as
flux to the molten material, the gold separates from the metal used to
make the terminals. Workers pour off the flux and then the gold. After

several hours the molten material is poured into a cascade of moulds
producing bars of doré bullion. These low-purity bars are then sent to
refineries all over the world for further processing

Fig.5-2: Flowchart ofgold extraction and recovery processes (modified)


: http://www.marblecrusher.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Gold-



6.1 Conclusions:
 Mineral associated of the major rock type with structure pattern
proposed shield crustal type of Archean Age
 Mineralization Hosted in Green stone belt by metamorphosed and deformed
rock sequence
 .Regonal associated keraf shear zone and locally associated to
extensional vein.
 Altreation zone exhibit considerable gold mineralization.
The quartz viens and stringers in the study area are trending
NE direction parallel to main keraf shear zone, which is
indicate that the hydrothermal solutions are releated to the
Progressive Metamorphism i.e:
(Marine Sediment >Green schist Facies >Lower Amphibolite
Facies) these process produce The Solution that form The
Gold deposit in the area (Hydrothermal).
The gold contents are analysed , the content vary from 0.01
ppm to 66.6ppm.
Alshereik area is favors for gold mineralization and the type
of gold Deposit is Orogenic Gold Deposit .

6.2 Recommendations:
Based on the results of the study, the following points are recommended;
1-More investigation should focus on the promising zones mentioned
2-Detailed geological, structural and geochemical investigations are vital
in the second stage of the study.
3-Gold Minerlization is releated to shear zone Which is need to be
investigated in Detail.
4- Detailed Prospecting for Dendritic manganise in QTZ Vein in khor
5- Detailed Prospecting for Artisinal minig pit that sampled which was
named (QTZ 14, QTZ 15)with open pit optimization soft ware .


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APPEINDEX(B) GELOGICAL Mapping Procider by GIS From Appendix A


APPENDIX(D):data of analysis gold in kor alfagira at alsherik

Id Sampl NORTHIN EASTIN Au/pp Field_Des Garnetiferous

e ID G G m e chist
1 QTZ 1 566489 2074575 0.01 QTZ Sheard meta
Vienwith diorite
2 QTZ2 566707 2074610 1.59 QTZ Vien Garnetiferous
20cm e chist
3 QTZ3 566707 2074610 0.05 Altreationzon Garnetiferous
e e chist
4 QTZ4 566757 2074633 0.02 QTZ Vien Garnetiferous
e chist
5 QTZ5 566887 2074651 3.1 Qtz vien 18 Garnetiferous
cm e chist
6 QTZ6 566895 2074702 3.47 QTZ Vien Sheard meta
7 QTZ7 566978 2074826 0.04 8cmwhite to Meta
riddish morphose
sand stone
8 QTZ8 566988 2074787 0.05 QTZ Vien ith Garnetiferous
stringer e chist
9 QTZ9 567627 2075027 0.06 QTZ Garnetiferous
Vienwith e chist
1 QTZ1 566736 2074906 0.08 WHITE TO Garnetiferous
0 0 GRAY QTZ e chist
VIEN 30 cm
1 QTZ1 566732 2074862 0.03 White to gray Garnetiferous
1 1 QTZ VIEN e chist
1 QTZ 566708 2074872 0.16 QTZ Stringer Garnetiferous
2 12 e chist
1 QTZ 566708 2074872 0.25 Altreationzon Garnetiferous
3 13 e e chist
1 QTZ1 566520 2075272 66.6 QTZ Vien Garnetiferous
4 4 and stringer e chist
1 QTZ1 567225 2075310 63:7 Altreationzon Garnetiferous
5 5 e e chist


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