Versamax® Genius® Network Interface Unit: Specifications
Versamax® Genius® Network Interface Unit: Specifications
Versamax® Genius® Network Interface Unit: Specifications
The Genius Network Interface Unit acts as controller for a set of I/O If any of the following are used, either a Loss of rack or Addition of
modules. Power for module operation is provided by a power supply that rack fault will cause the CPU to go to Stop/Fault mode:
installs directly on the NIU
- CPU350, 352, 360, 363, or 364 with firmware version 9.11 or
NIU power supply lower; or
- CPU311, 313, 321, 323, 331, 340, 341, or 351 (all versions).
4. VersaMax analog I/O modules IC200ALG320, 321, 322, and 432
that are used on Genius NIU expansion racks must be revision B or
greater. VersaMax analog I/O modules IC200ALG430 and 431 that
are used in Genius NIU expansion racks must be revision C or
5. When a Genius NIU (version –GJ or later) is used in a control loop
that is seeking SIL2 or SIL3 status, Proficy Machine Edition version
5.60 plus SIM 8 (or later) is required to configure Enhanced
Diagnostics mode.
▪ The Series 90-70 PLCs must be the IC697CPM790. Hardware
Specifications version -Cx or higher of the CPM790 is required. Firmware
version 6.04 (-xD) or higher of the CPM790 is required.
Number of modules 8 per rack, up to eight racks.
Network inputs per bus scan 128 bytes ▪ The Series 90-70 Genius Bus Controller can be either:
Network outputs per bus scan 128 bytes
IC687BEM731 (single-width): Version –AB (or higher) is
Discrete Input Memory 1024 points required (Mgr firmware release 6.0; Comm firmware release
Discrete Output Memory 1024 points 4.8).
Analog Input Memory 128 bytes IC697BEM713 (standard-width): Version -BZ (or higher) is
Analog Output Memory 128 bytes required (Mgr firmware release 6.0; Comm firmware release
Power Consumption +5V@250mA, +3.3V@10mA 4.8).
Serial Bus Address 0 to 31
▪ GMR Software IC641SWP745 version C (or higher) is required
Network data rate 153.6 Kbaud extended, 153.6 (GMR System Software version 4.05; GMR Configurator
Kbaud standard, 76.8 Kbaud, or version 8.06)
38.4 Kbaud.
▪ The safety-certified versions of the VersaMax power supply
and I/O carriers must be used. See the TUV website for
Product Description specifics (
6. To assure that the host PLC will display the correct reference
Revision Letters: GL
addresses for Loss and Addition of I/O Faults reported by the
Firmware version: 3.20 Genius NIU, the host controller must be one of the following:
Firmware upgrades: 44A748000-G10 - IC697CPM790: firmware version 6.04 or higher
- Other Series 90-70 controllers: Future.
- PACSystems RX7i controllers: Firmware version 5.50 or higher.
7. To use Enhanced Diagnostics mode in any GMR System, version
Any type of PLC or computer capable of controlling the bus can be used 4.05 of the GMR System Software is required.
as the host. This Network Interface Unit is compatible with:
Do not enable Enhanced Diagnostics Mode on a Genius NIU that is
1. When a Genius NIU (all versions) is on a Genius bus controlled by part of a GMR system that is using GMR System Software version
a Series 90-70 or PACSystems RX7i, the Series 90-70 Genius Bus 4.04 or earlier.
Controller must have firmware version 5.4 or greater. Upgrading 8. To use the GMR CPU Redundancy mode in any GMR system,
the 90-70 Genius Bus Controller firmware to version 6.0 (or higher) version 4.05 of the GMR System Software is required. Do not set
is strongly recommended. the CPU Redundancy parameter to GMR on a Genius NIU that is
2. When a Genius NIU (all versions) that has one or more expansion part of a system that is using GMR System Software version 4.04
racks is on a Genius bus controlled by an Rx3i PLC, the PLC must or earlier.
use CPU firmware version 2.90 or higher. 9. VersaMax analog input modules IC200ALG240, IC200ALG620 and
3. When a Genius NIU (all versions) that has one or more expansion IC200ALG630 installed in Genius I/O stations must be upgraded to
racks is on a Genius bus controlled by a Series 90-30 PLC, the firmware version 1.20 or later. Previous versions of analog input
PLC must use one of the following CPU models: module firmware may produce unexpected Loss of I/O Module
- CPU366, 367, or 374 (any version) or faults when used with any Genius NIU firmware version. See
“Problems Resolved for Release 3.20” for more information.
- CPU350, 352, 360, 363, or 364 with firmware release 10.0 or
VersaMax® Genius® Network Interface Unit
May 8, 2009 GFK-1551Q
VersaMax® Genius® Network Interface Unit
May 8, 2009 GFK-1551Q
- the GNIU's Enhanced Diagnostics Mode is set to Enabled 3. The power supply mounted on a Genius NIU and any booster
power supplies that are used in the same rack should be powered
- the GNIU is online with a Genius Bus Controller.
on and off together.
- serial communications (programmer operations: download remote
I/O configuration, verify equality, clear configuration; or Winloader) 4. There is no response from the Genius NIU to a Write Configuration
are taking place. Datagram COMMREQ. The application program must issue a
Read Configuration Datagram to determine the effectiveness of a
Disconnect the GNIU from the Genius bus before attempting any
previous Write Configuration Datagram.
serial communications if a hardware configuration with Enhanced
Diagnostics Mode set to Enabled either is currently installed or will 5. If the Genius NIU is configured using datagrams (for example, by
be installed in the GNIU. issuing a COMMREQ to a Genius Bus Controller), the value of the
After completing serial communications disconnect the serial cable Force BSM bit is accessible but must not be changed.
from the GNIU’s expansion port. The GNIU can then be reattached 6. If the Genius NIU's CPU Redundancy parameter is set to "Duplex",
to the Genius bus. analog output and intelligent modules must not be used in the I/O
An alternative to disconnecting the GNIU from the Genius bus is to Station.
power off or disconnect all of the Genius Bus Controllers on the bus.
7. Intelligent I/O modules (IC200ALG240, ALG331, ALG620, ALG630,
2. Forcing an I/O point on the GNIU is not permitted. and MDD841) should not be used in an extended distance
3. In Enhanced Diagnostics mode, the GNIU continually runs extensive expansion system. If a rack with an intelligent I/O module in an
diagnostic tests in the background during normal operation. These extended distance expansion system is power cycled, or if a single
diagnostics cause the GNIU to be more sensitive to disturbances slot Genius configuration datagram is sent to an intelligent module
on the Genius bus. When a Genius bus disturbance or in an extended distance expansion rack, the other expansion racks
spontaneous hardware failure causes a diagnostic test to declare and the other devices on the Genius network may default their
an error, the GNIU stops communicating on the Genius bus and outputs briefly.
attempts to reset itself. The loss of communications causes the
host PLC(s) to log a Loss of Device fault and default the affected
inputs (according to the host’s configuration). GMR PLCs will
disregard the channels associated with that GNIU. If the GNIU is
able to revive itself, it tries to resume normal operation several
seconds later. If this is successful, the host PLC(s) will log an
VersaMax® Genius® Network Interface Unit
May 8, 2009 GFK-1551Q
Documentation Update a. Select the serial bus address with the two upper rotary
In the VersaMax I/O Modules and Carriers Manual, GFK-1504K: switches, SBA X10 (for the tens digit) and SBA X1 (for the
ones digit). Each device on a bus must have a unique serial
▪ The note on page 2-38 should have the addition “Carriers cannot be bus address in the range 0 - 31.
plugged together or unplugged with power applied”. b. Select the baud rate to match that used by the other devices
on the bus by setting the bottom rotary switch: (3) 153.6
▪ The descriptions of the operation of jumpers should have the Kbaud extended, (2) 153.6 Kbaud standard, (1) 76.8 Kbaud,
addition “Jumper positions cannot be modified with power applied”. or (0) 38.4 Kbaud.
c. Cycle power to the NIU after changing the switch settings.
VersaMax® Genius® Network Interface Unit
May 8, 2009 GFK-1551Q
4. Connect the communications bus to the NIU. (Refer to the General Module Installation Instructions
heading Bus Installation Guidelines if the NIU is at the end of
Modules may be mounted on a
the bus, or for detailed bus installation instructions.)
horizontal or vertical DIN rail. When
The NIU has two sets of bus mounted on a vertical DIN rail, the NIU
Main Bus SERIAL A2 terminals. The upper terminals must be located at the bottom.
Connections SHIELD OUT are for the main bus cable. The 1. Allow sufficient finger clearance for
lower bus terminals are for an opening NIU door.
Redundant SERIAL B1 optional redundant (dual) bus 133.35mm 2. Allow adequate clearance for
cable. (5.25in) serial port cables.
3. Allow adequate space for power
2 wiring.
5. Remove the connector cover on the right-hand side of the The NIU with power supply attached fits
NIU. Do not discard this cover; you will need to install it on the 85.85mm
into a 70mm deep enclosure.
last carrier. It protects the connector pins from damage and ESD
Rated thermal specifications are based
during handling and use. Do not remove the connector cover on
on a clearance of 5.1cm (2in) above
the left-hand side. 3 and below the equipment and 2.54cm
(1in) to the left of the NIU module.
Connector Cover
Installation in Hazardous Locations
Connector Cover • This equipment is suitable for use in CLASS I, DIVISION 2,
GROUPS A, B, C, D or non-hazardous locations only.
• WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - substitution of
components may impair suitability for CLASS I, DIVISION
• WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - when in hazardous
locations, turn off power before replacing or wiring modules;
6. With power off, install additional modules by mounting
modules on their carriers and sliding them along the DIN rail to and
fully engage the connectors in the sides of the carriers. • WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - Do not connect or
disconnect equipment unless power has been switched off
or the area is known to be non-hazardous.
For best stability, the DIN rail should be installed on a panel using
screws spaced approximately 5.24cm (6in) apart.
If excessive vibration is a factor the NIU should also be screwed down to
the mounting panel.
Note: Tolerances are +/- 0.13mm (0.005in) non-cumulative.
Note: 1.1-1.4Nm (10-12 in/lbs) of torque should be applied to M3.5 (#6-
7. Power up the NIU. The modules in the I/O station will 32) steel screw threaded into material containing internal threads and
automatically be configured, starting at slot 1 in each rack including having a minimum thickness of 2.4mm (0.093in).
expansion racks. If an empty slot or faulted module is encountered, SEE NOTE 2.
autoconfiguration for that rack stops. Autoconfiguration then skips 4.3mm M3.5 (#6) SCREW
to the next rack and continues until all racks are configured. 0.170in
Note: If the I/O station includes any additional power supplies,
those power supplies should be turned on at the same time. FLAT WASHER
8. Observe the NIU LEDs, which indicate the presence of power and 4.3mm
show the operating mode and status of the NIU. 0.170in 15.9mm
0.62in REF
VersaMax® Genius® Network Interface Unit
May 8, 2009 GFK-1551Q
Serial 1 Serial 1
Serial 2 Serial 2
Shield In Shield In
Shield Out Shield Out
If either bus will terminate at the NIU, connect a 75, 100, 120, or 150-
ohm terminating resistor across the Serial 1 and Serial 2 terminals. The
use of a ferrule is recommended to crimp each resistor lead to the
corresponding serial line. If ferrules are not used, twist each resistor lead
with the corresponding serial line and solder them together before
inserting the wires into the terminal block.