Panels Under Non-Uniform Irradiation

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1. Project Title: Experimental study of electrical configuration on Solar PV

panels under non- uniform irradiation

2. Broad Subject: Renewable sources of Energy

3. Specific Subject: Solar Photovoltaic cells

4. Duration in months: 24 months

5. Total cost: 2 lacs

6. Principal Inv. Sandeep rawat

7. Designation: Sr. lecturer

8. Department: EE

9. Institute Name: Uttaranchal University

10. Address: Premnagar ,Dehradun ,Uttarakhand-248007

11. Date of Birth: 30/06/1990

Sex (M/F): M

12. Telephone: 7088522179


Gram e-mail:

13. Co-Investigator: Reetu Naudiyal

14. Designation: Lecturer

15. Department: EE

16. Institute Name: Uttaranchal University

17. Address: Premnagar ,Dehradun ,Uttarakhand-248007

18. Date of Birth: 08/07/1992

Sex (M/F): F

19. Telephone: 7830477167

Gram e-mail:

20. Project Advisor: Dr.R.K.Pachauri (external), Dr.S.K.Shah( internal)

20.1 Designation: Asst.Prof UPES, Principal University polytechnic,Uttaranchal


20.2 Department: ECE

20.3 Institute Name: UPES, Uttaranchal university

20.4 Address: Dehradun

20.5 Sex (M/F): M

20.6 Telephone: 7455077626,9634866549

Gram e-mail:,

21. Project summary:

In recent years, the renewable energy has been considered as one of principal
source for electric power generation. However. Renewable energy sources like wind,
solar PV, biomass and fuel cells are obtaining predominant importance, renewable
energy reduce pollution and also they serve as a back of contention in the field of
energy. Compared to the traditional energy resources, the solar energy has been
considered as one of principal renewable energy sources for electric power
generation ,photovoltaic (PV) in the form of the solar energy to produce electricity is
the best example of the renewable energies with the great potential increasing its
position in energy in comparison of other forms of renewable energy resources. Such
systems can be used individually or with utility grid. However, the PV system
suffered with the disadvantages of poor weather conditions. That’s why solar panels
suffered with the non-polar characteristics, having different maximum power point
(MPP),which depends on the environmental factors, such as temperature and

irradiation/isolation. In order to potentially capture maximum power form solar
energy, they have to operate at their MPP despite the unconditionally change in the

In the proposed work the comparison analysis has been done between SP and TCT
connection of PV panel .The practical comparison has been done on the basis of
graphical representation of voltage, current and power. The experiment is carried out for
PV array connected with the voltmeter, ammeter and rheostat as a load of 500 ohm. The
results is investigated on increase of current and decrease of voltage with the step by step
increase of load, there are two well suited condition developed for the experiment i.e
sunny and shaded to develop the sunny cases we use solar lamp of 500 W each. Further
in experiment purpose we uses both the cases for individual connection of SP and TCT.
Although under sunny cases the graphical representation of V-I and P-V is same for SP
and TCT connection but it varies under shading case. The solar panel used for experiment
is of 2x2 array and each panel is of 20 watt,12 volt

21.1 Key words (maximum 6):

Solar energy, series-parallel connection. Total cross-tied connection, power losses,

power, efficiency Introduction

22.1. Introduction:

22.1.1. Origin of the proposal:

Though solar energy has found a dynamic and established role in

today’s clean energy economy, there’s a long history behind
photovoltaics (PV) that brought the concept of solar energy to fruition.
With the way the cost of solar has plummeted in the past decade, it’s
easy to forget that going solar had a completely different meaning even
just 15 years ago. Let’s go back a few centuries to the origins of solar
PV and explore the history of solar energy and silicon solar technology.
In theory, solar energy was used by humans as early as 7th century
B.C. when history tells us that humans used sunlight to light fires with
magnifying glass materials. Later, in 3rd century B.C., the Greeks and
Romans were known to harness solar power with mirrors to light
torches for religious ceremonies. These mirrors became a normalized

tool referred to as “burning mirrors.” Chinese civilization documented
the use of mirrors for the same purpose later in 20 A.D.

Another early use for solar energy that is still popular today was the
concept of “sunrooms” in buildings. These sunrooms used massive
windows to direct sunlight into one concentrated area. Some of the
iconic Roman bathhouses, typically those situated on the south-facing
side of buildings, were sunrooms. Later in the 1200s A.D., ancestors to
the Pueblo Native Americans known as the Anasazi situated
themselves in south-facing abodes on cliffs to capture the sun’s warmth
during cold winter months.

In the late 1700s and 1800s, researchers and scientists had success
using sunlight to power ovens for long voyages. They also harnessed
the power of the sun to produce solar-powered steamboats. Ultimately,
it’s clear that even thousands of years before the era of solar panels, the
concept of manipulating the power of the sun was a common practice

The development of solar panel technology was an iterative one that

took a number of contributions from various scientists. Naturally, there
is some debate around when exactly they were created and who should
be credited for the invention. Some people credit the invention of the
solar cell to French scientist Edmond Becquerel, who determined light
could increase electricity generation when two metal electrodes were
placed into a conducting solution. This breakthrough, defined as the
“photovoltaic effect,” was influential in later PV developments with the
element selenium.

In 1873, Willoughby Smith discovered that selenium had

photoconductive potential, leading to William Grylls Adams’ and
Richard Evans Day’s 1876 discovery that selenium creates electricity
when exposed to sunlight. A few years later in 1883, Charles

Fritts actually produced the first solar cells made from selenium
wafers – the reason some historians credit Fritts with the actual
invention of solar cells.

However, solar cells as we know them today are made with silicon, not
selenium. Therefore, some consider the true invention of solar panels to
be tied to Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson’s creation
of the silicon photovoltaic (PV) cell at Bell Labs in 1954. Many argue
that this event marks the true invention of PV technology because it
was the first instance of a solar technology that could actually power an
electric device for several hours of a day. The first ever silicon solar
cell could convert sunlight at four percent efficiency, less than a quarter
of what modern cells are capable of.

22.1.2. Definition of the problem:

Experimental study of electrical configuration on Solar PV panels under

non- uniform irradiation.

22.1.3. Objective:

Following are the objectives of dissertation work:-

 Power enhancement from PV Array configurations

 Study of various connection like SP & TCT output under partial

shading case

 Study of various cases such as mismatch power losses, misleading

power effects

 PV array different connections comparison on the basis of output

As to mark the end of the work, the experimental result analysis concluded that in
case of sunny days the effects of SP and TCT connection of solar panel is almost
same but in partial shading cases TCT is better than SP connection..

22.2. Review of status of Research and Development in the subject:

R. Ramaprabha studied selection of optimum configuration of solar PV array under

partial shaded condition using particle swarm optimization and proved that [6]
extraction of maximum energy from Solar Photovoltaic Array (SPVA) under halfway
concealed conditions by ideal choice of array size utilizing Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO) strategy. In this paper a point by point concentrate on the yield decrease of various
SPVA setups under incomplete concealed conditions have been done. A summed up
MATLAB M-code based programming model has been utilized for any necessary array
size, setup, concealing examples and number of bypass diodes. Relative examination has
been done on various setups by testing a few concealing situations

S.Vijayalekshmy studied comparative analysis on the performance of short string of

series-connected and parallel connected PV array under partial shading condition
and proposed that [7] The yield power from the photovoltaic (PV) cluster diminishes
and the exhibit display numerous pinnacles when it is exposed to partial shading (PS).
The power misfortune in the PV exhibit changes with the cluster design, physical area
and the shading design.

Jianbo Bai, professor, college of electrical engineering Hohai University china,

studied characteristics output of PV system under partial shading condition and suggested
that [8] basic and accurate strategy to simulate the characteristic output of a PV system
under either partial shading or mismatch conditions, that are caused by the
interconnection of solar cells or modules which don't have identical properties or which
experience various conditions from each other. Initial, a five-parameter equivalent circuit
is utilized to speak to the characteristics of a PV module or PV array under normal
conditions (without partial shading or mismatch).

Shubhankar Niranjan Deshkar prof school of electrical engineering VIT Vellore

studied solar PV array reconfiguration under partial shading condition for maximum
power extraction using genetic algorithm and suggested that [9] The commitment of
sustainable power source to the field of vitality markets has been considerable in the
course of the most recent couple of years .countless PV exhibit establishment s show the

expanding commitment of sunlight based vitality to the inexhaustible energy.Partial
concealing of the PV clusters is one of the most talked about and worked upon idea for
the straightforward reasons that it diminishes the force yield of the PV exhibit
establishment sand displays various tops in the I–V characteristics As a result,the module
shave to be reconfigured to get the most extreme force output.This papers presents a
streamlining based methodology for Tota lcross tied (TCT) associated modules in a PV

S.Malathy Depatment of electrical and electronics engg.SSN college Chennai.

Studied comprehensive analysis on the role of array size and configuration on energy
yield of photovoltaic system under shaded condition and proved that [10] Partial shading
is a condition where,the boards in a photovoltaic(PV) exhibit don't get uniform light.
Shading causes jumble in the electrical characteristics of the boards forming the PV
cluster and results in huge decrease in the vitality yield.

P.Srinivas Rao studied optimal Su-Do-Ku based interconnection scheme for

increased power output from PV array partial shading condition and suggested that
[10] Partial shading is a typical marvel in PV arrays. They radically decrease the force
yield as a result of confound misfortunes, which are dependent on the shape of the shade
just as the areas of concealed boards in the exhibit. The force yield can be improved by
disseminating the shade over different lines to amplify the current entering the hub. A
Su-Do-Ku configuration can be utilized to revise the physical areas of the PV modules in
an all out cross tied PV cluster with the electrical associations left unaltered Be that as it
may, this course of action builds the length of the wire required to interconnect the boards
consequently expanding the line misfortunes.

Anurag singh & R.K Pchauri school of engineering Gautam Buddh University
studied about comprehensive investigation of PV array under different shading
pattern and suggested that [11] an endeavor to research the exhibition evaluation of
existing and some proposed sun powered photovoltaic (PV) array setups. In light of the
MATLAB/Simulink model of single diode sun powered cell, execution of PV array
setups such as total cross tied (TCT), hybrid SP-TCT and Su-Do-Ku puzzle design based
arrangements is evaluated. The presentation of every one of these designs has been broke
down utilizing P-V attributes, power at global maximum power point (GMPP) and
concealing dispersion impact on maximum power point (MPP) for different concealing
examples to be specific example 1, 2 and 3 Broad reenactments are completed on these
designs for these concealing examples

22.2.1. International status:

22.2.2. National status:

22.2.3. Novelty Importance of the proposed project in the
context of current status:

The sun provides more than enough energy to meet the whole world’s
energy needs, and unlike fossil fuels, it won’t run out anytime soon. As a
renewable energy source, the only limitation of solar power is our ability
to turn it into electricity in an efficient and cost-effective way. No
greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere when you use
solar panels to create electricity. And because the sun provides more
energy than we’ll ever need, electricity from solar power is a very
important energy source in the move to clean energy production. After
solar panels have been installed, operational costs are quite low compared
to other forms of power generation. Fuel isn’t required, and this means
that solar power can create large amounts of electricity without the

uncertainty and expense of securing a fuel supply.

22.2.4. If the project is location specific, basis for selection of


Project lab,University Polytechnic,Uttaranchal University.

23. Target beneficiaries of the proposed work:

The beneficiaries of the Solar Guidelines platform shall be, Solar power project
developers; Policy makers including Government and Regulatory Commissions;
Banks and Financial Institutions; Solar Module Manufacturers; Electricity
Distribution Licensee; Solar Association & Educational Institutions

24. Review of expertise available with the PI, the proposed

investigating group/institution in the subject of the project:

- To develop larger Array of the solar panels and using more electrical
configuration including puzzle system.

- Satisfactory performance and good results.

25. Patent details (domestic and international), if applicable

26. Environmental impact assessment and risk analysis:

Solar energy technologies offer a clean, renewable, and domestic energy source,
and are essential components of a sustainable energy future. Solar energy systems
(i.e., photovoltaics, solar thermal) provide significant environmental benefits in
comparison to the conventional energy sources. It is known that these systems have
some minor negative impacts on the environment during their production and
operation. This study presents an overview of some positive impacts of the solar
energy systems and negative impacts covered by environmental impact assessment.

27. Proposed impact assessment:

28. Sustainability: Issues relating to sustainability, including

stakeholder commitment, operation and maintenance of assets after
project completion, and other related issues:

29. Work plan:

29.1. Methodology:

A two cases are examined underneath displaying the viability of

utilizing bypass diodes and results have been thought about when no
bypass diode is utilized in the modules.

Case 1: Array Design incorporating Modules with shading and

without shading with Bypass Diodes


An array of 4 solar modules organized in the parallel and series
configuration with 2

parallel modules in every one of the 2 series lines has been utilized.
Every module has 2 parallel cells in every one of the 2 series columns.
In first case series –parallel configuration the 3 panel is fully shaded
that means 0% illumination over them but one panel is free to 100%
illumination .This is shown in figure below, All the modules are
protected internally with bypass diodes across each row in Figure .
arrays are incorporated with modules having the same illumination and
shading level as described above and P-V and I-V curves are plotted

I1 I2 I1 I2

V1 11 12 V1 11 12

Varray  V1  V2 Varray  V1  V2

V2 21 22 V2 21 22

Fig. 5.1 Schematic diagram of PV array configuration

0.8 20
0.6 15
Current (A)

Power (W)

0.4 10

0.2 5
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Voltage (V) Voltage (V)

Fig ; 5.2 Grpahical representation of I-V and P-V curve without shading

Table ; 5.1 Variation of various parameters between the configuration under

configurat SP TCT
Voc 37.7 38.1

Isc 0.61 0.633

Vmx 33.6 33.3
Imx 0.51 0.566
Pmx 17.27 18.88
Fill factor 0.74 1.28


Shading is the environmental condition which creat hindrance in the

path of the solar irradiation over the PV panels.It is due to the shadow
of tree buildings or any other objects or due to the cloudy weather.

Under shading conditions the distribution of solar irradiation is not

uniform over the PV panels ,which leads to the distortion in the output
of the array. Due to the shading effect the peaks and hotspot generated
in the graphical representation of configuration of the array. In case of
SP the distortion of output is more than that of TCT configuration that
means the loss of power in SP due to PSC’s is more in comparison to
that of TCT.

0.8 SP

Current (A)

Power (W)


0 10 20 30 40 0
0 10 20 30 40
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

Grpahical representation of I-V and P-V of SP and TCT configuration

Variation of various parameters between the configurations under shading


configuratio SP TCT

Voc 38. 39.56


Isc 0.6 0.71


Vmx 37. 36.4


Imx 0.2 0.33


Pmx 9.9 12.22


Fill factor 0.3 0.42



In the PV array of 2X2 size, the configurations we used for

experimental study are series-parallel(SP) and total crossed tried
(TCT).In both the configurationally study there are two cases which we
studied they are without shading and with shading ,in shading we used
two classes that is three panel shaded one panel without shading and in
second class one panel shaded three panel without shaded.

In the study of without shading condition we obtain the smooth curve

of I-V and P-V which represent the uniform solar irradiation over the
panel, with the increase of load the in PV array the voltage drop
increases and the current tends to decrease on the other hand the power
increases which nis shown in graphically below.

0.7 20
0.5 15




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Graphically representation of PV panel without shading

In shading condition when one panel is shaded the rest three panels of
array of 2x2 size remain shadeless and free to absorb irradiation .In this
case the response of the shaded panel towards the generation of current
decreases which is shown with the peak in I-V and P-V curve.

Current generated when one panel is shaded is given by

 S   S   75   266  
I R1    Im    Im     Im    Im  0.341Im 
 SSTC   SSTC   1000   1000  

 266   266  
IR 2    I
 m   I
 m  0.532 I m 
 1000   1000  

0.7 TCT



0.2 4

0.1 2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Voltage(V) Voltage(V)

graphical representation of I-V and P-V when one panel is shaded

Similarly when three panel are shaded and one panel remain shaded
less that means the single panel remains to absorb the solar irradiation
which reduces the current to the below level and hence the power
generation also decreases .

Current generated when three panels are shaded

 S   S   75   75  
I R1    Im    Im     Im    I m  0.15 I m 
 SSTC   SSTC   1000   1000  

 266   266  
IR 2    I
 m   I
 m  0.532 I m 
 1000   10 00  

0.4 7
0.35 6 TCT

0.3 5


0.25 4

0.2 3

0.15 2

0.1 1

0.05 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Voltage(V) Voltage(V)

Fig ; 5.6 graphical representation when Three panels are shaded

From the above cases studied, we observe that the without shading
condition shows uniform result in SP and TCT connection because the
solar irradiation is uniform over the array hence the ouput power and
current has uniform curve.

In case of shaded condition the panel under shading condition reduces

the output current and power of the array after the peak but due the
presence of the bypass diode the decrease in power and current restart
to be flat to some value before falling to zero.

With the graphical representation of the array we can find out the
following error that is

Fill factor = Fill factor (solar cell), the ratio of maximum

obtainable power to the product of the open-circuit voltage and short-
circuit current. Fill factor (image sensor), the ratio of light-sensitive
area of a pixel to total pixel area in an image sensor. In vision science,
the ratio of view areas to the object visible areas

Fill factor = Vm X Im 3

Voc X Isc

Therefore in case of shade les condition FF is given by

For SP

FF = 33.6 X 0.51 = 0.745

37.7 X 0.61


FF = 33.3 X 0.56 = 0.77

38.1 X 0.63

For the case of shading condition

For SP

FF = Vm X Im

Voc X Isc

= 37.1 X 0.26 = 0.37

38.5 X 0.67


FF = 36.4 X 0.33 = 0.42

39.56 X 0.71

Misleading power = It is the numerical difference between the power at

GMPP and local MPP

= Power at GMPP – Power at LMPP

For SP Ml Power = 5.06 – 5.02 =0.04

For TCT Ml Power = 6.57-6.55 = 0.02

Power Loss (PL) = It is a comparative difference between the power at

shade less condition to the shaded power

PL = Power under shade less – power under shading

For SP PL= 17.27 – 5.13 = 12.14

For TCT PL = 17.27 – 6.57 = 10.7

Schematic diagram of the experimental setup in lab

29.2. Organization of work elements:

Uttaranchal University

29.3. Time schedule of activities giving milestones (also append to

bar diagram)

29.4. Do the physical and financial targets match with each
29.5. Suggested plan of action for utilization of research
outcome expected from the project.
30.1 Expected Output:

31.2 Other Output:

31.3 The specific development "Outcomes" and "Outputs' of the project:

An exhaustive examinations on the impacts of partial shading conditions on oneself

created SP and TCT configured PV modules are introduced. Broad examination has been
completed utilizing two diverse partial shading patterns specifically, shading design- 1
one panel shaded three noshaded and shading design- 2 three panel shaded and one panel
no- shaded. The acquired outcomes show that partial shading has critical impact on the
exhibition of both the considered PV
modules. Following are the salient points of this study as,
 Under both the considered partial shading patterns, TCT configured PV module is
seen to have preferable execution over the SP arrangement.
 The decreases in power are seen in SP and TCT configured PV module and TCT has
better execution when contrasted with SP setup.
 The decreases in power for SP and TCT arranged PV module are accounted for to be
7.38 Wand 6.42 W (shading pattern-1); 12.14 W and 11.31W (shading pattern-2)
 The calculated FF factor for SP and TCT under shading pattern-1 is found to be as
0.39 and 0.44 respectively, whereas under shading pattern-2 the calculated FF is found
as 0.80 and 0.42 respectively.
 On the basis of above discussion it is found that that TCT configuration is better than
TCT configuration of PV module under above discussed shading effect

31. Economic implications of the proposed work, if any.



n 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total
A. Recurring n n
n 1.Salaries/wages
n 2. Consumables 10,000 20,000 NA
n 3. Travel 10,000 5,000 NA
n 4. Other costs NA
B. Equipment 1,20,000 25,000 NA
Total (A+B)
C. Overheads nil
Charges (20%)
Grand total
n (A+B+C) 1,50,000 2 lacs
Total FEC*

*FEC- Foreign Exchange Component

Foreign Exchange component (in US$) equivalent of rupee amount at the
prevailing rates may be furnished.

N.B. Entries here should match with those given justification for each item
is to be given


1st 2nd Year 3rd Year Total
& number Monthly
Year(m.m.*) (m.m.) (m.m.) (m.m.)
of persons Emoluments
Total N

*m.m. man months to be given within brackets before the budget amount

34. Justification for the manpower requirement.


 n N BUDGET (in Rupees)

Item 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total
n Q* 5,000 5,000 NA
n B** 5,000 10,000
n F*** 5,000
Total B
n F 30,000

*Q: Quantity or number, ** Budget, ***F: Foreign Exchange Component in


36. Justification for costly consumable


N N (in Rupees)
N N 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total

38. Justification for intensive travel, if any.


n N
BUDGET Rupees)
n N 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total

40. Justification for specific costs under other costs, if any.


Generic name of the Estimated Costs Spare time for

Sl. Imported/
Equipment along with (in Foreign other users
No. Indigenous
make & model Currency also)* (in %)

* includes transport, insurance and installation charges.

42. Justification for the proposed equipment.

43. Reliability of Cost Estimates.

44. Time Schedule of Activities through BAR Diagram

45. List of facilities being extended by parent institution(s) for the project

A) Infrastructural Facilities:

Sr. Yes/No/ Not required

Infrastructural Facility
No. Full or sharing basis
1. Workshop Facility yesye
2. Water & Electricity
3. Laboratory Space/ Furniture
4. Power Generator
5. AC Room or AC
6. Telecommunication including e-mail & fax
7. Transportation
8. Administrative/ Secretarial support
9. Information facilities like Internet/ Library
10. Computational facilities
11. Animal/ Glass House
12. Any other special facility being provided

B. Equipment available with the Institute/ Group/ Department/ Other
Institutes for the project:

Equipment Generic Name of Model, Make & accessories
available with Equipment year of purchase available and
current usage of
PI & his group
Other Inst In the

46. Detailed Bio-data of the Investigator(s)/Co-Investigator(s) including

Name, Address, Date of Birth, Institution’s Address etc.
Academic Qualifications (University/College from where attained, year of
passing, class, Thesis title etc.)
Publications list (Title of paper, authors, Journal details, pages, year etc.)
Patent list, if any
List of Projects implemented


Sandeep Rawat
Uttaranchal University
D.O.B- 30/jun/1990

Degree University/Board Year of Subjects Marks Division

passing (%) Kurukshetra 2020 Power system 70 I
University Uttarakhand 2013 Electrical and electronics 67 I
technical engg.
10+2 CBSE 2007 PCMB 57 II
10 CBSE 2005 Science,English,Hindi,Maths, 70 I
Social science


 Experimental study of solar PV array configuration under non uniform solar irradiation.
( yet to be
 Experimental study of solar PV array Configuration under to find out GMPP under PSC’s
 Development of IoT based data acquisition system for real time monitoring of solar PV
book chapter published in ASCESA 2020.

Co- investigator

Reetu Naudiyal

Uttaranchal University

D.O.B- 08-July-1992

Qualification Institute University/Board Year of Passing and


B.Tech(E.E.E) Graphic Era GEU 2014 with 78.8%

XII K.V, I.M.A CBSE 2010 with 74%

X K.V, I.M.A CBSE 2008 with 73.4 % Yamuna institute of Kurukshetra 2020 with 74%

(Power engg and technology University


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