Reviewer For Comprehensive Examination For Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management

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Major in Educational Management

1. A systematic investigation of certain phenomena characterized by gathering of data
accurately, recording and critical analysis and interpretation of all facts about the

a. Sample
b. Title page
c. Footnotes
d. Research

2. It shows the title, full name of the author and the submission statement which include the
faculty of school.

a. Research
b. Introduction
c. Title page
d. Sample

3. Refers to a factor, characteristics or condition of a person, a group of persons, a thing, a

program, an event and etc. which takes on values that can be measured categorically and

a. Tally sheet
b. Sample
c. Variables
d. Questionnaires

4. A requirement for the completion of master’s course and it is to be written by candidate

for an academic degree.

a. Hypothesis
b. Research
c. Master’s thesis
d. Variables

5. The introductory paragraph under the main topical component merely enumerated the
topical sections by subject areas that are to be covered in it.

a. Related literature
b. Research instrument
c. Bibliography
d. Table of contents

6. Used to refer to groups of aggregates of people used as respondents in the process of

gathering data information and other vital points which will enable the researcher to
come up with accurate hypothesis.

a. Sample
b. Population
c. Hypothesis
d. Acknowledgment

7. It explained in this section is the nature, coverage and time frame of the study.

a. Conceptual framework
b. Importance of the study
c. Definition of terms used
d. Scope and delimitation of the study

8. It serves to orient the reader on what prompted the researchers to undertake the study and
it gives a brief narrative explanation on the nature and background of the problem area in
general and rationale of the study.

a. Introduction
b. Statement of the problem
c. Conceptual framework
d. Sub-problems

9. The main component expounds on the theory, indicator and variables that led to the
evolvement of the research problem and its corresponding hypothesis.

a. Statement of the problem

b. Introduction
c. Conceptual framework
d. Title of the study

10. The details on the research or experimental instrument that was used are described by its
nature, purpose, construction, content, validation, pre-testing and rationale for its use are

a. Historical background
b. Research instrument
c. Research method
d. Validation of research instrument

11. A systematic investigation of certain phenomena characterized by gathering of data

accurately, recording and critical analysis and interpretation of all facts about the

a. Sample
b. Title page
c. Footnotes
d. Research

12. It shows the title, full name of the author and the submission statement which include the
faculty of school.

a. Research
b. Introduction
c. Title page
d. Sample
13. Refers to a factor, characteristics or condition of a person, a group of persons, a thing, a
program, an event and etc. which takes on values that can be measured categorically and

a. Tally sheet
b. Sample
c. Variables
d. Questionnaires

14. A requirement for the completion of master’s course and it is to be written by candidate
for an academic degree.

a. Hypothesis
b. Research
c. Master’s thesis
d. Variables

15. The introductory paragraph under the main topical component merely enumerated the
topical sections by subject areas that are to be covered in it.

a. Related literature
b. Research instrument
c. Bibliography
d. Table of contents

16. Used to refer to groups of aggregates of people used as respondents in the process of
gathering data information and other vital points which will enable the researcher to
come up with accurate hypothesis.

a. Sample
b. Populatiom
c. Hypothesis
d. Acknowledgment

17. It explained in this section is the nature, coverage and time frame of the study.

a. Conceptual framework
b. Importance of the study
c. Definition of terms used
d. Scope and delimitation of the study

18. It serves to orient the reader on what prompted the researchers to undertake the study and
it gives a brief narrative explanation on the nature and background of the problem area in
general and rationale of the study.

a. Introduction
b. Statement of the problem
c. Conceptual framework
d. Sub-problems

19. The main component expounds on the theory, indicator and variables that led to the
evolvement of the research problem and its corresponding hypothesis.

a. Statement of the problem

b. Introduction
c. Conceptual framework
d. Title of the study

20. The details on the research or experimental instrument that was used are described by its
nature, purpose, construction, content, validation, pre-testing and rationale for its use are

a. Historical background
b. Research instrument
c. Research method
d. Validation of research instrument


1. Using the given problem in the photo, what is the average mean for Educational Leaders?
a. 3.75
b. 3.76
c. 3.77
d. 3.78

2. What is the average mean for Teacher-respondents?

a. 3.76
b. 3.77
c. 3.78
d. 3.79

3. What is the SD1?

a. 0.0399
b. 0.0400
c. 0.0401
d. 0.0410

4. What is the SD2?

a. 0.0399
b. 0.0400
c. 0.0401
d. 0.0410

5. What is the value of the computed t-test?

a. 0.707
b. 0.700
c. 0.701
d. 0.770
6. Based on the result of the t-test computation, what is the decision and conclusion of the
null hypothesis?

a. The null hypothesis is accepted while reject the alternative and the conclusion is
b. The null and alternative hypothesis are rejected and the conclusion is significant
c. The null hypothesis is accepted and the conclusion is insignificant
d. The null hypothesis is rejected and the conclusion is insignificant


1. The science of mental discipline.
a) Metaphysics
b) Ethics
c) Logic
d) Axiology

2. A philosophy that teaches the value of right and wrong.

a) Logic
b) Ethics
c) Axiology
d) Ontology

3. One of the greatest influenced in the field of Education and teaching is the philosophy of idealism.
Who is the Father of Idealism philosophy?
a) John Dewey
b) Aristotle
c) Plato
d) B.F. Skinner

4. The Philosophy of socialism/ communism influenced not only in the government system, the life of
the people but more so in the area of Education. Who is the greatest socialist of all times?
a) Hegel
b) Rene Descartes
c) Carl Marx
d) Martin Bauber

5. Existentialism is a philosophy that teaches “Essence precedes existence”. Applied in Education it

means ‘ knowledge come before the learning’. Who is the founder of existentialism?
a) Rene Descartes
b) John Dewey
c) Aristotle
d) B.F. Sinner

6. In Psychology one of the hottest issues is not whether the egg or the hen coming first but rather it is
this question, “ When does life begins?”
a) Upon birth
b) Upon union of the egg cell and the sperm cell
c) Upon conception
d) Upon release of egg cell from the ovum

7. Education or learning outcomes depend much on the preparation of motivation provided according to
a) B.F. Skinner
b) Edward Thorndike
c) John Dewey
d) Confucius

8. According to the Philosophy of Pragmatism, the role of Education is:

a) Utilitarianism or Practicality
b) Exhibition
c) For the future
d) For preservation of knowledge

9. According to the government, the primary educational institution is:

a) The church
b) The school
c) The government
d) The family

10. In education, the people know its roots through:

a) Religion
b) Government
c) Culture
d) Business

1. The behavior or value desired has caught the care and
interest of the learner.
a. Retention
b. Attention
c. Reinforcement
d. Motoric reproduction
2. Transfer of learning refers to the facility in learning
subject matter due to a previously learned one. This theory
asserted that the skill or training gained in the study of
another subject.
a. The theory of generalization
b. The theory of identical elements
c. Mental discipline
d. Configuration

3. The hardest thigs to teach are

a. Knowledge and Information
b. Habit and Skills
c. Attitudes and appreciation
d. Values Evaluation

4. Personality traits learned interaction with people

illustrates the
a. Social
b. Psychological
c. Biological
d. Environment

5. Man is innately good and self-actualization is his goal

according to
a. Horney
b. Fromm
c. Maslow
d. Vygotsky

6. The most common agency in the propagation of the culture is

a. Newspaper
b. TV
c. School
d. Community

7. Compassion for the unfortunate is

a. An attitude
b. A value
c. A character
d. A trait, that is admirable

8. Who speaks the important function of education is to

determine what every individual is by nature capable and
fitted of doing things?
a. Socrates
b. Comenius
c. Locke
d. Plato

9. It analyzes the origin, types and characteristics, criteria

and knowledge of values.
a. Epistemology
b. Axiology
c. Metaphysics
d. Entomology

10. This functions, the main concerns of the school, it to

pass on the accumulated experiences of the pass generations
to the incoming generations.
a. Instructional function
b. Social service function
c. Conservation function
d. Research function


1. The computer application used to manipulate numerical data

with formulas.

a. Word
b. Excel
c. PowerPoint
d. Photoshop

2. The term "software" refers to

a. computer programs only
b. machinery
c. computer manuals only
d. a collection of computer programs.

3. It is also known as the computer's brain since it interprets

commands and executes calculations.
A. keyboard
B. monitor
C. Central processing unit(CPU)
D. Mouse
4. The course number of the descriptive title “Information
Technology in Computer Education” subject for Master of Arts
in Education.
a. Ed. 313
b. PA 213
c. ED 242
d. BA 214
5. Which of the following definitions of information technology
is correct?

a. Information technology is the application of physical

and social science principles to the processing of
various types of information.
b. Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and
software for storage, retrieval, processing and
c. Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and
software for processing information.
d. The term "Information Technology" refers to the use of
hardware and software to disseminate useful information.

6. The shortcut key to remove the selection from the active

document and place it on the clipboard.

7. The keyboard shortcuts for text alignment to the left.

8. Which of the following is not a PAGE LAYOUT.

a. Margin
b. Orientation
c. Size
d. Paste


EDUC. 229
1. Reasons why rational and right decisions may not be possible, except:

a. A decision cannot be fully dependent

b. Inadequate information, data and knowledge
c. Personal element in decision-making
d. Uncertain environment

2. Who contributed the 14 principles of management that help an educational leader run the
school effectively.

a. Abraham Harold Maslow

b. Frederick Herzberg
c. Frederick Winslow Taylor 
d. Henri Fayol

3. It is a function of management by which the concern is able to define the role positions, the
jobs related and the co-ordination between authority and responsibility.

a. Controlling
b. Leading
c. Organizing
d. Planning

4. It is the process of planning, organizing and directing activities in a school, effectively

utilizing human and material resources, in order to accomplish the school’s objectives.
a. Educational leadership
b. Educational management
c. Educational planning
d. Management

5. The following are the challenges of human resource management in education, except:

a. Current call for the use of ICT in education

b. Lack of continuous learning and succession planning
c. Poor working condition
d. Poor recruitment process

6. This principle of management insists that a person in the organization should receive
instructions from one superior only.

a. Centralization
b. Homogeneous assignment
c. Scalar Principle
d. Unity of command

7. What is Clayton Paul Alderfer’s contribution to management?

a. Existence, Relatedness and Growth Theory of motivation

b. MBO or Management by Objectives
c. Motivator-Hygiene Theory
d. Need Theory and Motivator-Hygiene Theory

8. It is a field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing,

implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment and learning materials in order to
improve teaching and learning.

a. A multimedia function
b. Educational technology
c. Instructional materials
d. Management of technology

9. What are the four elements of directing?

a. Communication, Leadership, Motivation and Supervision

b. Communication, Supervision, Leadership, and Management
c. Management, Leadership, Cooperation and Motivation
d. Motivation, Management, Supervision and Communication

10. Who first strongly advocated the scientific method of decision-making in management?

a. Frederick Herzberg
b. Frederick Winslow Taylor 
c. Henri Fayol
d. Peter F. Drucker
EDUC. 230

1. Referred to as the program of development of the educational institutions.

a. Institutional planning
b. Educational planning
c. Educational system
d. Educational planning and evaluation

2. It is incorporated the processes of health promotion begins with the development of

positive, supportive and caring learning environments.

a. Planning and development

b. Curriculum
c. Physical education planning
d. Curriculum development

3. Means looking ahead and chalking out future courses of action to be followed.

a. Futuristic planning
b. Budget planning
c. Curriculum development
d. Budget proposal

4. Is one of the vital components in attaining quality basic education.

a. Quality education
b. Educational standard
c. Planning and development
d. Educational planning

5. It is the practice of initiating, planning, executing and closing the work a team to achieve
specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time.

a. Philippine educational system

b. Managerial plan
c. Project implementation
d. Project management

6. It refers as the heart of the project life cycle and tells everyone involved where you’re
going and how you’re going to get there.

a. Project planning
b. Project cost
c. Project analysis
d. Project evaluation

7. It is a carefully formed. Time-based opinion about the future.

a. Planning
b. Forecast
c. Scenario
d. Implementation

8. It is a process of moving from goal formulation through statements of specific objectives,

definition and evaluation of alternative strategies, implementation and evaluation with
feedback loops existing in each step of the process.

a. Normative forecast
b. Implementation
c. Planning
d. Scenario

9. Serves as an aid to the planner in the definition and evaluation of alternatives.

a. Forecasting
b. Evaluating
c. Decision-making
d. Consultative approach

10. It is a logical outcome of the operation of a basic multifold trend and does not claim to
foresee the outcomes of radical and unpredictable changes.

a. Evaluation
b. Planning
c. Scenario
d. Forecast


1. In a time of reduced school funding educational leaders can best help ensure that
sufficient resources are available to achieve a schools vision and goals for all student
groups by emphasizing which of the following approaches?
A. Using student performance data to identify areas of greatest weakness and
making those areas a priority in terms of resource allocation
B. Soliciting views about budget priorities from a broad range of stakeholders and
allocating resources based on level of stakeholder support.
C. Applying a formula distributing resources that ensure equal allocations for each
school program and student population
D. D. Using budget from the previous year as aa basis for guiding decisions about
resource allocations for each subsequent budget

2. In a school district where students from particular cultural and language backgrounds are
significantly over represented in special education programs, educational leaders can best
initiate efforts to address the issue by analyzing:
A. Assessment instruments used to evaluate students for special education needs.
B. The local curriculum and associated student performance expectations.
C. Instructional strategies used with students prior to their referral for special
D. The placement procedures currently used to determine students grade levels
3. Staff at a middle school are ready to implement instructional changes designed to
improve students math achievement. In planning these changes the school leader has
guided staff in a review of current research on math instruction and an examination of
students math performance for the last 3 years. The leader can best ensure that the
planned changes achieve the desired results by prompting staff to take which of the
following additional actions?
A. Outlining steps for phasing in the instructional changes with one subgroup of
students at a time
B. Communicating the rationale for the instructional changes to students and their
C. Seeking individual professional development as needed to prepare for the
instructional changes.
D. Developing a plan for assessing student improvement during and following
the instructional changes.

4. One goal at an elementary school is to create a climate that reflects a commitment to the
belief that all children can learn and achieve success, school leaders can best support
achievement of this goal by emphasizing to teachers the value of which of the following
classroom practice?

A. Engaging students in team academic competitions

B. Using a variety of grouping strategies for activities.
C. Surveying students regularly about their interest
D. Differentiating standards use to evaluate students work

5. In which of the following situations would peer coaching be the most appropriate
professional development strategy for a school leader to use?
a. Teachers as a group wish to learn more about the benefits and limitation of a
particular instructional strategy.
b. Teachers have identified a problem in a specific area of instruction and are ready to
develop a plan to address the need.
c. Teachers from several schools in the district have been reassigned to teach at a newly
built school.
d. Teachers have received training on a new instructional strategy and are ready to
implement it in their classroom.

6. Which of the following behaviors by members of a high school’s school site council
should be of greatest concern to educational leaders at the school?
a. Some members of the council are more reserved than others and are less comfortable
expressing their views in front of the other members.
b. Several members of the instructional staff who are on the council often dismiss
comment and suggestions by noninstructional staff and presents/guardians.
c. Two members of the council hold very different political and social views and often
differ about the best way to proceed in delay with particular issued.
d. Certain members of the council have difficulty staying on topic when discussing
issues with other members of the team
7. A new leader takes over at a school that has been characterized in recent years by very
high teacher turnover among probationary teachers with many living voluntarily by the
end of their probationary period. The leader and the school site council wish to design a
program enhanced support for probationary teachers. Which of the following would be
the most useful first step for the group to take in designing this program?
a. Surveying permanent teaching staff about the difficulties that they faced as
probationary teachers
b. Conducting extensive exit interviews with probationary teachers who have
recently left
c. Reviewing current literature about the best ways to provide support to new teachers
d. Distributing a survey about conditions that the school to all parents or guardians and
other stakeholders

8. As part of the crisis response plan, educational leaders at a school have established a
command and control structure that identifies those individuals who are charged with
directing the response to a crisis. To maximize the effectiveness of this system, it would
be most important to insure that:
a. Responsibilities of each individual in the command and control structure are
clearly defined in advance for a variety of crisis situation
b. Each individual in the command and control structure reports to atleast two other
individuals in the structure during a crisis.
c. Overall leadership of the command and control structure during a crisis spread among
several individuals in the structure
d. Membership of the command and control structure is drawn from the longest –
serving staff who are most familiar with school operations

9. In determining the resources that the district will need to provide during the next
school’s English language learner program, educational leaders should first:
a. Evaluate the success of the program in developing English language skills of
participating students
b. Calculate the proportion of total district revenues that was allocated to the program
during the previous fiscal year
c. Project the resources needed to maintain other programs at the school at their
current levels of funding
d. Identify state and federal mandates for the program and the amount of
categorical aid provided for meeting those mandates

10. Administrators find marijuana in a student’s school locker. The student handbook
indicates that the consequences include a ten – day suspension from school. In
accordance with the Goss V. Lopez decision by the U.S. Supreme court, school leaders
are obligated to do which of the following before imposing a suspension
a. Review and document the manner in which the locker search was conducted
b. Provide the student with legal advice through the state’s Juvenile court system
c. Arrange for an impartial hearing to listen to the student’s side of the story
d. Demonstrate that the disciplinary action has been applied in a nondiscriminatory
EDUCATION 234 Management BEHAVIOR in education

__________1.In trying to understand others what must be your attitude toward

A. Adopt the attitude that the boss can’t be wrong.
B. Don’t think about yourself at all.
C. Know your weakness and make allowance for the
weakness of others.
D. All of the above
__________2. Effective motivation is evidence by
A. Employees taking pride in their work
B. Employees coordinating their work with others
C. Employees concentrating on their work and
suggesting improvements
D. All of the above
__________3. To a group of experienced workers it is common to use;
A. implied orders C. Suggestive orders
B. Request orders D. Command orders

__________4. COMMUNICATION IS;

A. a One-way process C. a three-way process
B. a two-way process D. a multi process

__________ 5. The best performance is obtained from individuals by;

A. Giving orders C. showing an interest in their
B. criticizing them often D. Assigning higher quotes

__________6. in handling complaints. Best producer for a principal must;

A. Discourage employee
B. Make decision immediately
C. Discuss the complaint in the presence of
D. Various personal
___________7. Individuals differ because of
A. Heredity
B. Environment
C. Both heredity and environment
D. Various personality traits
____________8. The most effective incentive to employee is
A. Control
B. Correction
C. Praise
D. All of the above
____________9. It is about solving problems.
A. Creativity
B. Collaboration
C. Communication
D. Critical Thinking

_____________10. It can be fun and relaxed to take up teaching as a profession

as you can be in the company of student which keeps you young.
A. Balancing Diverse Learning needs C. Lot of paperwork
B. Limitations of disciplining students D. Get burn out easily

1. An organization formed to represent the interest of workers

in bargaining with employers for contracts concerning wages
and other working conditions

a. Labor Union c. Federation

b. Institution d. National Group

2. Locates competent employees and getting them to work for the


a. Training and Development c. Motivation

b. Staffing d. Maintenance

3. A process of activating behavior, sustaining it and

directing towards a particular goal

a. Maintenance c. Motivation
b. Evaluation d. Compensation

4. Major activities of Staffing consist of the following


a. Strategic Human Resource Planning c. Motivation

b. Recruitment d. Selection

5. Maintenance insures employee retention for better

productivity except of:

a. Safety c. Communication Programs

b. Health d. Performance Evaluation

6. A method of employee development which involves the process

of moving an employee from one position to another on a
systematic basis to broaden his knowledge and experience.

a. Formal Education c. Mentoring

b. Job Rotation d. Special Projects

7. This refers to the pattern of work-related experiences that

span the course of a person’s life

a. Career c. Career Planning

b. Career Development d. Career Management

8. Career Cycle consists of the following stages. Which

arrangement is best.

I. Growth Stage
II. Exploration Stage
III. Establishment Stage
IV. Maintenance Stage
V. Decline Stage

a. I, II, III, IV, V c. I, IV, II, III, V

b. II, III, I, IV, V d. V, IV, III, II, I

9. This is what the employees receive in exchange for their

a. Time c. Compensation
b. Productivity d. Termination

10. The processes of communication are listed below. Which

process is best implemented.

I. Receiving an Idea and Developing Own Perceptions

II. Message Decoding
III. Channel Transmission
IV. Message Encoding
V. Developing an Idea or Perception

a. I, II, III, IV, V c. II, I, III, IV, V

b. III, II, I, IV, V d. V, IV, III, II, I



1. It is a process when Educators usually teach students in their native language in conjunction
with a second language depending on the requirements specified in lesson plans
and teaching models.

a. bilingual education
b. dual language program
c. ESL program
d. k to 12 program

2. Which country has the world’s best education system in the year 2020?

a. Australia
b. Japan
c. Netherlands
d. United Kingdom

3. Taehak is the earliest form of formal education in what country?

a. China
b. Japan
c. South Korea
d. Taiwan
4. Which country included adult education as one of their educational categories?

a. China
b. Philippines
c. Taiwan
d. Vietnam

5. Who brought formal education in the Philippines?

a. Americans
b. Japan
c. Spaniards
d. Spain

6. Number of years for a compulsory education in the Philippines.

a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13

7. It is a discipline in the social sciences which entails the scrutiny and evaluation of different
educational systems.

a. Comparative education
b. Comprehensive education
c. Educational management
d. Educational planning

8. What country has the same Number of years with the Philippines for a compulsory education?

a. China
b. Indonesia
c. Singapore
d. South Korea

9. The following are the reasons why K to 12 program is necessary, except:

a. High school graduates are not adequately prepared for the world of work
b. The basic education graduates are too young to legally enter the labor force
c. Not adequately willing to pursue higher education
d. Students end up shifting courses

10. What statement is correct in terms of the education system of Japan and Philippines?

a. Both aim for quality education

b. Both have definite grading system
c. Both Japan and the Philippines have a standard lesson plan
d. Both required professional license to teach in government-owned institutions

1. Administration is a process with these necessary elements except one:

a) Planning
b) Organizing
c) Directing
d) Testing

2. An Element of Administration that implies analysis of the alternatives particularly the consequence in
the future:
a) Organizing
b) Planning
c) Decision Making
d) Directing

3. Technically, it is the organization’s direction, and coordination and control of human and material
resources to achieve the desired end.
a) Supervision
b) Administration
c) Planning
d) Controlling

4. Refers to all efforts designated school officials directed towards providing leadership for teachers and
other educational workers in the improvement of instructions.
a) Supervision
b) Administration
c) Planning
d) Organizing

5. An inspectional supervisory methods in which the class was observed, but nothing was done to help
the teacher improves the job.
a) Laissez-faire supervision
b) Coercive Supervision
c) Supervision as Training and Guidance
d) Supervision as Democratic Professional Leadership

6. The following are the phases of clinical supervision except one:

a) Planning
b) Observation
c) Analysis
d) Testing

7. Administration is a process which six elements except one are important:

a) Planning- organizing
b) Communicating- Coordinating
c) Evaluating & Decision Making
d) Dictating and Consuming

8. Which is the best style of Leadership?

a) Dictatorial – lead through fierce and threats
b) Authoritarian – task centered leader, want to control, decision making is limited.
c) Democratic – participative leadership – people centered style.
d) Laissez- faire – use delegation and leave employees to do their jobs with little or no
input from themselves.

9. Techniques of supervision include the following except one:

a) Teacher Diagnosis
b) Learner diagnosis
c) Diagnosis of curricular offerings
d) Survey of student population

10. Administration and supervision as an applied field is also common in the following area except one:
a) School
b) Engineering
c) Medicine
d) History

Education 240- Fiscal Management

1. Which of the following is NOT a function of budgeting?
 Decision making *
 Controlling
 Planning
 Motivating

2. A fixed budget is ________________

 A budget that never changes
 A budget that itemizes the fixed cost of a department
 A budget that ignores inflation
 A budget that is set for a specified level activity.*

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the purposes of budget?

 To enable a flexibility of approach to company policies*
 Planning and control
 The alignment of individual and institutional goals.
 To optimize the use of scarce resources

4. What does it mean to be responsible for financial management in education?

 To spend your own money on supporting education.
 To be responsible for oversight and reporting.*
 To be responsible for winning grants for the system.
 To pay teachers by handling them paychecks personally.

5. The long-run objective of school financial management is to_____________.

 maximize the earnings of the teachers and non-teaching personnel.
 maximize the value of the school budget.*
 maximize return on investment.
 maximize the share of the students.

6. Which of the following school funding DOES NOT come from the government of the Philippines?
 Maintenance and other operating expenses.
 Special Education Fund
 School-Based Feeding Program
 Donations from parents and private individuals.*

7. In an education system, financial management involves overseeing the funding for which of the
 Salaries and honorarium of teachers and staff
 School buildings and grounds
 Student programs
 All of the answers are correct*

8. In the Philippines, there is no specific education tax, the following are the sources of the
government income to support the education. Which is NOT one of them?

 Excise tax specifically levied on certain goods deemed harmful to society and individuals*

correct answer
 Taxes imposed by law for the support of the government such as the real-property tax,
specific tax, and import and export taxes
 Tuition fees imposed on students in public high schools, vocational schools, regional normal
schools, and chartered colleges and universities such as the University of the Philippines
 Rental for lease of school sites and sales of school products.

9. Budget preparation is a complex process. Which is the correct order of process in school
budgeting that school managers and their team should follow?

a. Determine the objectives of educational programs of the school and examine objectives of
the existing programs.
b. Prepare detailed plans for educational program to be done.
c. Priority of the objectives and programs are decided.
d. Prepare plans for the implementation of the programs
e. Develop a plan for evaluating the programs

 acbda*
 abcda
 cbdae
 edcba

10. There are several factors to determine the financial compensation of an employee. Which factor
is considered when the compensation is based on consumer price index which measures the
average change in the price of basic necessities like food, clothing, fuel, medical service, etc over
a period of time?

 Cost of Living *
 Government Control
 Prevailing Wage Level
 Labor Market Conditions

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