Ed 242 Activity Creating Online Form

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1. A systematic investigation of certain phenomena
characterized by gathering of data accurately, recording and
critical analysis and interpretation of all facts about the

a. Sample
b. Title page
c. Footnotes
d. Research

2. It shows the title, full name of the author and the

submission statement which include the faculty of school.

a. Research
b. Introduction
c. Title page
d. Sample

3. Refers to a factor, characteristics or condition of a

person, a group of persons, a thing, a program, an event and
etc. which takes on values that can be measured
categorically and quantitatively.

a. Tally sheet
b. Sample
c. Variables
d. Questionnaires

4. A requirement for the completion of master’s course and it

is to be written by candidate for an academic degree.

a. Hypothesis
b. Research
c. Master’s thesis
d. Variables

5. The introductory paragraph under the main topical component

merely enumerated the topical sections by subject areas that
are to be covered in it.

a. Related literature
b. Research instrument
c. Bibliography
d. Table of contents
6. Used to refer to groups of aggregates of people used as
respondents in the process of gathering data information and
other vital points which will enable the researcher to come
up with accurate hypothesis.

a. Sample
b. Population
c. Hypothesis
d. Acknowledgment

7. It explained in this section is the nature, coverage and

time frame of the study.

a. Conceptual framework
b. Importance of the study
c. Definition of terms used
d. Scope and delimitation of the study

8. It serves to orient the reader on what prompted the

researchers to undertake the study and it gives a brief
narrative explanation on the nature and background of the
problem area in general and rationale of the study.

a. Introduction
b. Statement of the problem
c. Conceptual framework
d. Sub-problems

9. The main component expounds on the theory, indicator and

variables that led to the evolvement of the research problem
and its corresponding hypothesis.

a. Statement of the problem

b. Introduction
c. Conceptual framework
d. Title of the study

10. The details on the research or experimental instrument

that was used are described by its nature, purpose,
construction, content, validation, pre-testing and rationale
for its use are explained.

a. Historical background
b. Research instrument
c. Research method
d. Validation of research instrument


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