Aircraft IT MRO V10.3

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JULY-AUGUST 2021 • V10.3

Digital training and management at FL Technics

For engineers, technical training management and administration

Where next after DAC introduces Adopting a

the recovery digital records new IT system
How we can make net zero to leasing And making the best use
carbon a reality Added value for all parties of what you have

Aircraft Commerce and Aircraft IT are proud to launch Aircraft Analytics


Real-world aircraft and performance data at your fingertips


Each module includes

a digital subscription to
Aircraft Commerce

 Interactive Aircraft Performance  View all Data by Aircraft Variant

and Efficiency Comparison Tool or Compare Types
 Interactive Payload Range Tool  Build Key Data Reports
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Forecasting and Costs Tool plus additional Key Features:
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Visit for full information  Freighter Selection Tool
 ULD Database 
Integration (industry leading Freighter
Fleet Tool)  STC Analysis  More…


Aircraft IT MRO: Moving ahead from the pandemic while also building
the IT infrastructures for the long-term future

till, some eighteen months after we first The case study from Dragon Aviation Capital
heard of it, COVID-19 continues to cast a long (DAC) offers insight into a business that has used the
shadow over most commercial activity, and last year to extend its use of digital records for the
AIRCRAFT IT MRO air travel is no exception. That said, we do benefits of lessors, airlines and MROs in a period
have to learn to live with COVID-19 as we do with when predictions suggest that there will be a lot of
Ed Haskey other viruses and diseases and there have been aircraft moving to new operators and a tighter than
E-mail: encouraging moves towards that necessary future. In ever focus on costs. Another case study, this time
Telephone: +44 1273 454 235 the world of aircraft M&E/MRO, there are a lot of from MRO FL Technics, introduces readers to an
challenges that we need to tackle in order to make online digital training and monitoring platform that is
Chief Operating Officer working safer and, if there can be any grain of improving the quality and scope of training, and the
Scott Leslie
consolation from the near total lockdown in associated records that have to accompany it. From
commercial aviation activity, it is that M&E/MRO APSYS, we have part 2 of a great white paper that
Copy Editor/Contributor
organizations have been able to plan and implement looks into the future but also does much more in
John Hancock
E-mail: changes in a fairly clear work environment. identifying some of the technologies and processes
Digital records and manuals have long been in the that will be needed and what it might mean to
Magazine Production
Dean Cook ‘nice to have’ category for airlines and MROs but now introduce them. Finally, there is part 3 and the final
E-mail: they are more in the ‘need to have’ group of new part of Allan Bachan’s paper on systems adoption and
technologies that will ensure safe and effective future ideas to improve technology exploitation to optimize
AircraftIT MRO is published bi-monthly and is an work processes. And that isn’t only in the M&E/MRO processes. The three parts combined make up a
affiliate of Aircraft Commerce and part of the
processes themselves but also in Training, where a masterclass on how to introduce, implement and use
AviationNextGen Ltd group. The entire contents
within this publication © Copyright 2021 digitized approach offers the chance to spread the IT in the business today and select new solutions
AviationNextGen Ltd an independent publication training over a much wider group without that group that will do what the business wants done.
and not affiliated with any of the IT vendors or needing to travel. All of this is in addition to some Vendor Job Cards from ADSOFTWARE, Gamit and
suppliers. Content may not be reproduced without
constants that will not go away in the foreseeable Comply365 complete a great array of information
the strict written agreement of the publisher.
The views and opinions expressed in this future. As if we needed reminding, recent weather combined with our regular round-up of news and
publication are the views of the authors and do not extremes have emphasized the critical importance of technology developments and the comprehensive
necessarily reflect the views or policies of their working towards a zero-carbon and a green industry ‘MRO Software Directory’. Aircraft IT MRO: using IT to
companies or of the publisher. The publisher does
which is a real challenge for aviation. This issue of tackle the problems of today and prepare for
not guarantee the source, originality, accuracy,
completeness or reliability of any statement, AircraftIT MRO covers a lot of these challenges and, whatever the future holds.
information, data, finding, interpretation, advice, more importantly, considers how they might be
opinion, or view presented. addressed and what new processes and technologies Ed Haskey
can do for that.



06 Latest News and Technology 40 WHITE PAPER: IT systems 56 VENDOR JOB CARD:
updates adoption Part 3 ADSOFTWARE
Keeping up with what is happening in a Allan Bachan, VP, Managing Director, MRO Christobal Henner explains how excellent
complex and evolving business world is a Operations, ICF software, value for money and great customer
challenge. At Aircraft IT MRO or here in the Airlines and MROs have taken advantage of the support put ADSOFTWARE at the forefront for
Aircraft IT MRO e-journal the latest COVID break to analyze the performance of CAMO and MRO software solutions
developments are sorted and ready to read. maintenance and engineering processes. How In another of our Q&A pieces, Christobal Henner,
can they capitalize on that and what models can Sales Director at ADSOFTWARE, completes his
30 CASE STUDY: Engineer Training they use to optimize processes and technology ‘Job Card’ for Aircraft IT.
and Monitoring Solution Project adoption? The third of three articles.
58 CASE STUDY: Singapore Lessor
at FL Technics 46 VENDOR JOB CARD:
Liudas Jurkonis, Deputy CEO for Engineering,
(DAC) eyes further digitalization
Design and Technical Training Department,
Comply365 Jefferson Ding, Managing Director at Dragon
FL Technics Tom Samuel offers us an insight into the Aviation Capital (DAC)
innovative and customer-focused ethos that is Dragon Aviation Capital (DAC) has made good
Moving towards digitization for a post Covid
at the heart of Comply365 enduring success use of the last year to extend its adoption of
world, FL Technics outlines its in-house digital
training and monitoring application providing an In the next of our Q&A pieces, Tom Samuel, CEO digital records and to help lessors, airlines and
online training platform for engineers and of Comply365, completes his ‘Job Card’ for MROs improve their own records by digitizing
technical training management and training Aircraft IT. historic documents.
administration processes.
48 WHITE PAPER: Sustaining aviation 60 MRO Software directory
38 VENDOR JOB CARD: Gamit after a hard landing Part 2 A detailed look at the world’s leading MRO IT
Ian Davies offers us an insight into the Gesine Varfis, Marketing Manager APSYS and systems.
customer focused ethos that is at the heart of Gabriel Godfrey, Product Owner — Sustainable
Gamit Limited’s enduring success Aircraft, APSYS
In the latest of our Q&A pieces, Ian Davies, COVID is just one challenge that aviation has
General Manager at Gamit Limited, completes faced but issues associated with the environment
his ‘Job Card’ for Aircraft IT. promise to pose even greater challenges: how
will the industry manage to tackle these even
greater challenges as it emerges from COVID?
The second of two articles.



INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

KeepFlying joins Aircraft IT
Vendor Panel
We are very pleased to welcome to the AircraftIT
MRO Vendor Panel, KeepFlying who’s Digital
FinTwin™, powered through an Aviation DSaaS (Data
Science as a Service) platform, is a data-to-dollar enabler. The platform allows
Operators, Financiers and Lessors to visualize their asset’s revenue potential over
its Remaining Useful Life (RUL) and MROs to capitalize on an Artificial
Intelligence driven analytical platform for profitability, and capacity planning of
an asset’s maintenance visit (Hangar, Shop). The system uses a Data Wrangling
layer which absorbs, transforms, classifies and categorizes every aircraft, engine
and component’s historic, dynamic data using unique mathematical techniques.
The Digital FinTwin™’s highly configurable Finance and Risk models use the
processed data to assist commercial decisions by generating deep financial
insights. This, in turn, enables asset owners to Eliminate Guesswork and
Reimagine Revenue Hours.
Welcoming KeepFlying to the Vendor Panel, Aircraft IT COO, Scott Leslie,
said, “We heartily welcome KeepFlying to the AircraftIT community of excellent
developers and vendors. Any publication is only as good as the resources from
which it draws its material and information. At AircraftIT our material and
information come from the developers and vendors who are always working to
keep one step ahead of the sector’s requirements. Bearing that in mind, we are
very pleased to welcome to the AircraftIT MRO Vendor Panel, KeepFlying whose
Digital FinTwin tool will be welcomed in a sector seeking to get the best value
from its existing assets.”





Viva Air chooses Vistair to support growth

plans for Post-Pandemic environment
Vistair Systems, a leading provider of aviation priority. DocuNet has contributed to this in operations, engineering, and company data content.
Document and Safety Management solutions was transforming how we handle, leverage, and consume DocuNet’s ability to handle different format types
pleased to announce, in late April 2021, its first operational data, in particular streamlining such as Airbus SGML means that Viva Air’s
partnership in South America with low-cost carrier, engineering and flight data onto one platform. We Engineering team have increased mobility, being able
Viva Air. Vistair’s DocuNet, will replace multiple have been highly impressed with both the level and to access all technical data with speed and accuracy.
systems at Viva Air to centralise its flight operations speed of service provided.” said David Restrepo, “We are excited to partner with Viva Air as our first
and engineering data, providing a single point of Flight Standards & Training Manager, at Viva Air. client in South America. Their ambitious growth plans,
control, greater capability to leverage the data, and even in the context of a pandemic environment,
increasing efficiency across the Viva Air Group. Advanced Usability reflect the demand in the region for their model. To
DocuNet’s usability features will provide pilots, cabin support this, they are investing in the best technology,
Scalable Technology to Support Growth crew and ground and maintenance teams with and are well-placed to succeed in an increasingly
Despite the industry challenges brought on by the unmatched flexibility and convenience, ensuring they competitive environment” said Dominic Clarke, Chief
Covid pandemic, Viva Air is moving swiftly through have easy access to critical data, both online and Commercial Officer.
its recovery process and has now exceeded its offline, at any time. Echoing Viva Air’s goal to simplify Viva Air joins a growing number of airlines using
pre-pandemic levels by 30%. “As we continue to and improve their operational processes, DocuNet Vistair’s document management platform.
scale, running a highly efficient airline is a key provides one single source of truth for flight Read the full story on Aircraft IT Website

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details



INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

Leading aviation solutions come
together to revolutionise
maintenance software
At the beginning of May
2021, Commsoft and
NVable announced that
they have launched a
new partnership to
deeply integrate their
best of breed solutions,
providing a seamless
experience across all aspects of aircraft maintenance. Under this new
initiative, Commsoft will be the exclusive global distributor of NVable’s
Electronic Tech Log (ETL) product. In close collaboration with Commsoft,
NVable will continue to develop and support the ETL product to further
Bridge the technical ‘valley of death’ in enhance its capabilities into the future.
NVable is a leading innovator in aviation software and one of the first
condition-based maintenance for aviation. companies to have a successful, live Electronic Tech Log (ETL) implementation.
All the way and safely… join ReMAP! Their focus on customer experience has driven the development of a number of
tools across multiple platforms — with the Converge website providing the nexus
for integration of data feeds, real-time analysis and administrative functions.
Commsoft’s Open Aviation Strategic Engineering System (OASES) is the
ReMAP is making condition-based maintenance (CBM) a reality, using a systematic comprehensive application for airworthiness maintenance control, with a focus
end-to-end approach based on an open IT-ecosystem platform including: on meeting strict regulatory requirements. It enables airlines, fixed wing and
• Structural Health Management rotary operators, MROs, and CAMOs to increase efficiencies in the management
• Systems Prognostic Health Management and monitoring of every procedure or intervention.
• Integrated Fleet Health Management Solution Combining the specialisms of both organisations will provide aviation
Enhance your knowledge on CBM and reliable aircraft fleet health solutions. Utilize ours! customers with a seamless, deeply integrated experience flowing between the
• Delft University of Technology • KLM Royal Dutch Airlines • Embraer Portugal • office, the hangar, line activities, and to each aircraft. Third parties are also
• Smartec • Optimal Structural Solutions • CEDRAT Technologies • ONERA • included by combining the various mobile applications and web technologies.
• UTRC-Ireland • ENSAM • University of Coimbra • University of Patras • This reach, combined with real-time data flows, opens a new world of
• ATOS Spain • Instituto Pedro Nunes • possibilities for aviation maintenance.
Cameron Hood, co-founder and CEO of NVable said, “We are constantly
looking for ways to make life simpler for our customers, this drives our road-map
and development decisions. Our agreement with Commsoft allows us jointly to
provide tools that can make a huge difference for teams involved in every aspect
Visit our website of the aviation maintenance. And there is no reason why it should stop there.”
Funded by European Union H2020 programme under the Grant Agreement No 769288 “OASES is delighted to partner with NVable to bring ETL to our extensive
community.” Said Paul Lynch, VP New Business at Commsoft, “We believe ETL is a



key tool supporting the acceleration of digitalisation in aviation and

this offering together with our cloud-based platform will support Rusada embarks on recruitment drive
the deep integration required to improve maintenance cycles.” In mid-June 2021, Rusada, a leading provider of aviation software solutions, announced a
Commsoft/OASES: Commsoft’s Open Aviation Strategic major recruitment drive to grow its Product Development division.
Engineering System (OASES) is the all-in-one software for Despite the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rusada has remained in a strong financial
airworthiness maintenance control, meeting strict regulatory position throughout, due a diverse customer portfolio and the signing of several important
requirements. It enables airlines, fixed wing and rotary operators, contracts. In the last 12 months the company has agreed significant deals with airlines,
MROs, and CAMOs to increase efficiencies in the management and helicopter operators, and MROs, for the use of its ENVISION software. Rusada also signed one
monitoring of every procedure or intervention. of the largest contracts in its history back in August 2020, with a major government entity.
OASES is used by 130 aviation organisations — national carriers, As such, it is now looking to capitalize on this position of strength and bolster its
large third-party maintenance providers, and independent development capabilities. The company has already recruited 14 new members of staff this
operators — and supported in 55 countries across six continents. year, with another seven in progress, and is looking to add a further ten positions by the end
Commsoft is an MIT group company, part of the Valsoft of 2021. This includes Software Developers, both senior and junior, Product Owners and
Corporation portfolio. Product Testers. Many of these roles will be based out of Rusada’s UK office in Banbury,
NVable: NVable is an independent software consultancy with Oxfordshire.
customer satisfaction as the primary goal. The team has “I would like to thank all our staff for their commitment and dedication during this period, as
consistently delivered solutions where others have failed. In 2012 well as our loyal customers. The addition of these new roles will allow us to further improve
the aviation solutions were introduced with the Electronic Techlog ENVISION’s functionality and make it even easier to use through new apps, interfaces and
as a key element. The team was involved in creating the first integrations.” said Julian Stourton, CEO at Rusada.
Electronic Techlog in the world and are experts in the field. Read the full story on Aircraft IT Website

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details



INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

Rusada launches new Maintenance
Soar In early May 2021, Aviation
software provider, Rusada

Above announced the release of a new

mobile application for its

Airworthiness, MRO, and Flight
Operations solution ENVISION.
ENVISION Tasks enables
Technicians and Engineers to

Above efficiently conduct maintenance
using a tablet device. The app

Paper streamlines the execution process
by delivering all the functionality
users need in one place. Assigned
tasks can be viewed, actioned, and signed-off from within the app, and during
Our Aviation Services group develops the process parts and tools can be requested and any findings reported.
The new app also allows users to work offline, in both planned and un-
Our Aviation airline
Our Services
Aviation group software
Servicesdevelops designed
group develops
customizedto fit planned scenarios. When offline working is planned, users can download a work
package in advance and then perform maintenance tasks without an internet
your maintenance documentation needs
airline software
airline software
designed designed
to fit your
fit your maintenance
connection. When unplanned, in-progress tasks can still be executed, time
needs needs
booked, spares requested and many other functions, which will then sync back
to the main database once a connection is restored. The app is available on
our our our our
our Windows 10, iOS, and Android tablets.
TECHNOLOGY Julian Stourton, CEO at Rusada explained; “Before development on ENVISION
IDMR is a global
is a global
of easy
to useof easy
IDMR is a global provider of easy to
to use
We offer complete
We offer
Authoring, Viewing,
We offer complete Authoring, Viewing, Tasks began, we spent many months consulting with our customers to
and all-encompassing
and all-encompassing
Technical Technical
Revising and Revising
Manuals of Manuals
use and all-encompassing Technical
Documentation Documentation
Management Management
Solutions Solutions
Revising and Distributing of Manuals
Forms. Full
Full revision
and control and
understand how any such technology could provide substantial time savings and
which have beenwhich Management
have been Solutions
designed exclusively and Forms.
automated workflows
automated ensureFullproper
workflows control
ensure proper and eliminate as many paper processes as possible. We drove all this feedback into
which have been
for Fleet operators, designed
for Fleet
MRO exclusively
MRO andproviders automated
andof allhandling
handling documents. workflows
of allOur
modules ensure proper
Our modules
for Fleet operators, MRO providers handling of allTask
documents. Our the app, especially the ability to keep working without an internet connection,
OEM organizations.
OEM organizations.
IDMR's Technical
IDMR's Technical
include Engineering
include Orders,
Engineering Orders, Task
and OEM organizations.
Documentation Documentation
Management IDMR’s
Solutions Solutions
Cards, modules
Non Routines,
Cards, Non include
SDRs, Routines,
SDRs, AD/SBOrders, which is vital to many organizations for AOG situations and line maintenance. I
have proven Documentation
have proven Management
in increasing
success in increasing
Tracking, Corp.Task Cards,
Manuals Corp.Non
and Routines,
much and SDRs,
much AD/ am very excited to start rolling this out to customers and see the benefit it brings
operationalhave proven success
operational and in and more. A solution
performance SB that
A provides
that Manuals
provides and
a single much
a single
decreasing operational
while cost while more.
repository forrepository solution
for storingthat provides a
electronic to their operations.”
and decreasing operational cost while
insuring airworthiness,
insuring airworthiness,
safety and safety and
documents single repository for storing electronic
in-house both
and in-house
from and from About Rusada: Rusada is a global aviation software provider established in
insuring compliance
safety andat multiple
outside sources
documentsas manufactures
both such as manufactures
in-house and from
airlines. airlines. and vendors. and vendors.
1987 and headquartered in Switzerland. With operations in the Middle East, Asia,
regulatory compliance at multiple outside sources such as manufactures
airlines. and vendors. Europe and the Americas, Rusada supports 100+ major customers worldwide
with software that manages 2,000 aircraft in 40 countries. The company’s
some of our
some of our
ENVISION software provides key management information and operational
process control for aircraft operators, maintenance and repair organizations
Click here for more (MROs), original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and aviation service



AeroLogic relies on AviationDW

Airlines, like almost every other industry, are more and more facing the
problem of being flooded with data. The challenge is to make this data
accessible for the ongoing improvement processes. With CrossConsense,
Aerologic has found a partner who will support the cargo airline in bringing
additional structure to the mass of data that can be drawn from AeroLogic’s
MRO backend system AMOS. AeroLogic already uses standard off-the-shelf BI
(Business Intelligence) tools and has simply attached AviationDW as an
additional data source. Behind the scenes, the AviationDW data transformation
jobs are running to prepare raw backend MRO system data for easy access. Data
is exported by AMOS and sent to AviationDW. The full control over all data
export activity stays with AeroLogic.
AeroLogic signed a contract with CrossConsense in early May 2021, not only Leipzig. It is a joint-venture between DHL Express and Lufthansa Cargo which
for the data ingestion process provisioning but also for hosting of the data operates scheduled international and long-haul cargo services out of its hubs
warehouse and support provided by CrossConsense. As AeroLogic already is an Leipzig/Halle Airport and Frankfurt Airport. The company was founded in
AMOS Support Customer of CrossConsense the partnership between the two September 2007. Both of Aerologic’s shareholders are also the company’s
companies is of mutual benefit because the cargo airline will also support customers, thus making use of the capacities of the air freighters. AeroLogic
CrossConsense to further develop the functionalities of AviationDW. started commercial operation in 2009 with a fleet of eight Boeing 777 freighters
AeroLogic: AeroLogic is a German cargo airline based in Schkeuditz near and, today, operates a fleet of 18 777 Freighters.

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

AMOS. Air Arabia takes off with

“ At Air Arabia we always look
for innovative solutions to AMOS, the world-class M&E

bring further efficiency to our software solution.
operations. Selecting AMOS as
Air Arabia has chosen AMOS
our new MRO software across the
to address the demands of a
group reflects the importance
dynamic, fast-changing industry.
we place in adopting latest
technologies to support our fleet
The system will not only support
growth requirements,“ the Middle Eastern carrier‘s
fleet growth but also the digital
Group Chief Executive Officer of Air transformation process towards
Arabia. paperless operation.




ACSIS– the perfect collaborative workspace tool for trouble-shooters

predicted that this will continue in the future as more as a problem is seen to be recurring, an automatic
and more people see advantages for working alert is sent to the responsible person and he/she
remotely with regards to their work-life balance. The can immediately start to further analyze the
question is, if it is possible for airline trouble-shooters problem. Following this, AOGs can be avoided
to stay at home even if the pandemic is over. because it is possible to visualize the AC / fleet
According to CrossConsense, in early May 2021, they status in one single diagram and recognize
would say ‘yes’; if those trouble-shooters have the immediately if it is a single tail sign or a fleet
right tool to do their work as reliably as if they were problem.
in the office. With the ACSIS delay probability tool, the
ACSIS is a software for predictive and preventive probability for a delay due to a certain problem on a
maintenance and can perfectly support trouble- specific aircraft to happen during or prior to the next
shooters to detect current and predict future flight can be calculated so that maintenance teams
During the next couple of months business in the problems of aircraft regardless of whether they are can be prepared with tools, materials, and personnel
aviation industry will slowly recover. But there will in the office or working at home. The software before it comes to a delay or even an AOG. It uses
be long-time changes for the whole industry. A lot of monitors all systems defects in real-time and sophisticated algorithms which are far more
the airline trouble-shooters right now are working analyzes data from pilot and maintenance reports. accurate than standard alert levels per ATA and it
remotely and are no longer sitting next to each other All the data are processed into clear graphs so that provides comprehensive reports for engineering and
to be able to discuss problems ‘on the fly’. And it is the problem(s) can be identified at a glance. As soon CAA at a click of a button.

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

Maintenance & Operations Software Solutions End-to-end Solution eBook Cloud Based eTechlog eJobCard Multi-User Paperless Real-Time Data

MRX Systems brings a complete, secure and scalable solution to challenges faced by
operators, CAMOs and MROs. The system is divided into four modules, each of them
designed to meet the specific operational needs of their users.



Examples of graphs: INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

The main overview on
alerts (here in light mode)
shows the date, the
aircraft, the ATA-chapter,
the message, the delay
probability and the alert
status of an item so that
you have a quick overview
over the status of your
The ‘start investigation’
screen shows the outliers
in day-to-day business
which are worth to have a
closer look in order to find
out what kind of problem
the fleet / the tail sign /
the AC is facing. ACSIS
now provides more
features such as, for
example, a full list of all scheduled and unscheduled component removals for a
specific problem at the click of a button and collaborative workspace
enhancements like fields where engineers and troubleshooters can exchange
Once the pandemic is over or at least under control, airlines might need to
attract new employees. Be assured that those will have an advantage that are
able to offer a hybrid working model for troubleshooters in which ACSIS can
play a major role.
CrossConsense: Since being established in 2002, CrossConsense basically
thinks from the perspective of the user. They are not pure IT geeks, and it is
exactly that which characterizes their services and products. Thus, they IFS Cloud for
distinguish themselves from most of the specialists for the implementation of
solutions. CrossConsense can’t do otherwise, because in their DNA are many
Commercial Aviation
IFS Cloud offers commercial aviation organizations
years of experience in Airlines, in the area of procurement, engineering and the platform they need to successfully drive digital
maintenance. The people at CrossConsensse know your job as if it were their transformation across business models and practices.
own. And customers will feel that immediately. The portfolio stretches from
AMOS Support, BI-Management, Data Migration and Hosting to the products Realize the possibilities for Commercial Aviation
Aircraft Fleet View (app that that gives you an always up-to-date view on your
airline’s fleet status), ACSIS (tool for predictive maintenance) and AviationDW
(tool that supports airlines to get an overview over all KPIs the airline is
interested in).



INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

US Navy selects Lockheed Martin
and IFS to deliver intelligent ship
A solution delivered by and aircraft maintenance
In mid-May 2021, the US Navy
Next generation asset management solution for all announced that it has turned to
global security and aerospace
airworthiness documents from legacy paper records company Lockheed Martin and
to e-Taskcards, e-Logbooks plus much more. enterprise applications company IFS
to deliver an intelligent maintenance
solution that will help power its digital
Synchronised to maintenance transformation of multiple legacy
planning systems systems into a single, fully
modernised and responsive logistics
information system. The solution will industry-specific functionality already
Centralised technical records asset
ensure personnel spend more time used by some of the world’s largest
focused on the mission and less on aerospace and defence (A&D)
aircraft and ship repairs. organisations. With the added
Automated End of Lease records The IFS solution comprises support of software developer Beast
compliance builder capabilities for planning and Code, the solution will initially be
executing maintenance, repair, and fielded at multiple US Navy sites to
Industry leading automated overhaul of more than 3,000 assets help sailors and Marine Corps
workflow engine including aircraft, ships, and land- maintainers break down operational
based equipment. The Naval silos and work towards a common
Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul maintenance workflow across all ship
Web or On-Premise solution
(N-MRO) solution combines artificial and aircraft platforms.
intelligence (AI), digital twin The digital transformation of the
Seamless cross department capabilities and predictive analytics to US Navy’s maintenance systems will
optimisation anticipate and react to potential see a consolidation of assets and
equipment failures before they parts data in a central repository
Instant back to birth record search happen, which will contribute to the visualised to the users through an
enhanced support of maintenance, intuitive, mobile-friendly experience.
supply logistics, real-time fleet This initiative will lead to increased
management and other business data accuracy, streamlined workflows
functions for more than 200,000 and ultimately less asset downtime
sailors. and fewer unscheduled maintenance +44 1279 818 800
Following a comprehensive and events. Enabling Total Asset
EMAIL competitive evaluation process, the Readiness® through N-MRO will
Gamit Limited | Established 1990 | London, UK US Navy selected Lockheed Martin ensure information is always readily
together with IFS’s acclaimed available to help the US Navy achieve



its desired materiel readiness and N-MRO: N-MRO is part of the U.S. INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details
operational availability objectives. For Navy Naval Operational Business
instance, Navy personnel will be Logistics Enterprise (NOBLE) family
empowered to document faults, of systems and encompasses both
request parts, and report work the Naval Aviation Maintenance
completion at the point of System (NAMS) and Naval
maintenance, thereby reducing asset Operational Maintenance
downtime while increasing data Environment (NOME) requirements.
accuracy as an enabler of enhanced Lockheed Martin: Headquartered
planning and procurement. in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed
“Our goal is to provide capabilities Martin is a global security and
that create real value across the aerospace company that employs
Navy’s complex, multi-site operations approximately 114,000 people
and optimise its mission-critical worldwide and is principally engaged
maintenance processes,” said Reeves in the research, design, development,
Valentine, Lockheed Martin Vice manufacture, integration and
President of Enterprise Sustainment sustainment of advanced technology
Solutions. “We want to empower systems, products and services.
Navy personnel with tools that are IFS: IFS develops and delivers
easy and effective to use with enterprise software for companies
intuitive interfaces, streamlined around the world who manufacture
workflows and timesaving, intelligent and distribute goods, build and
features. IFS distinguished itself by maintain assets, and manage service-
providing all of these capabilities focused operations. Within a single
through a single, commercial-off-the- platform, their industry specific
shelf solution.” products are innately connected to a
Scott Helmer, President, Aerospace single data model and use embedded
& Defence, IFS, added, “We are proud digital innovation so that IFS’s
to be part of N-MRO, which will set a customers can be their best when it
new global standard for Total Asset really matters to their customers — at
Readiness and the way defence the Moment of Service. The industry
organisations manage asset expertise of IFS’s people and growing
maintenance and logistics, both ecosystem, together with a
ashore and afloat. A&D has been a commitment to deliver value at every
key focus industry at IFS for decades single step, has made IFS a
and this landmark deal stands as recognised leader and the most
testament to the success of our recommended supplier in our sector.
long-term strategy and determination. The team of 4,000 employees every
Working with Lockheed Martin and day live the values of agility,
the U.S. Navy, we are already making trustworthiness and collaboration in
great strides and look forward to a how they support their 10,000+
long and successful collaboration.” customers.



Middle East’s second oldest airline and Iraq’s national carrier,

Iraqi Airways Company trusts Ramco Aviation
In late May 2021, Global Aviation software specialist Ramco Systems with Ramco as our technology partner in this journey. As the world slowly
announced that it will implement its aviation software, Ramco Aviation M&E recovers from the pandemic and air travel returns, it is vital for airlines to adapt
MRO Software V5.8 at Iraq’s national carrier, Iraqi Airways Company. Ramco and prepare to serve customers with a robust digital infrastructure. We are
will implement its complete Aviation Software including modules for excited to be working with Ramco in building such a platform at Iraqi Airways.”
Maintenance & Engineering (M&E), CAMO, Materials Management and Quality & Virender Aggarwal, CEO, Ramco Systems, said, “We are happy to partner with
Safety. The cloud-based software will automate the operations of the Iraqi Iraqi Airways to digitally transform their business. Our Aviation ERP has gained
national carrier, manage complete records of its aircraft, and enable the airway’s the trust of leading operators in the industry. We look forward to working with
staff to manage their operations and receive alerts on the go through its Mobility Iraqi Airways to reduce inefficiencies and future-proof their operations through
module, providing greater flexibility, optimized aircraft availability and reduced our innovative features.”
friction. Ramco Aviation Software will also be integrated with enhanced Ramco Aviation, Aerospace & Defense is trusted by 24,000+ users to manage
inventory tracking and stock visibility capabilities enabling better resource 4,000+ aircraft globally.
management, unified employee records, and control operations end to end, on a Iraqi Airways: Iraqi Airways Company, operating as Iraqi Airways, is the
single platform. national carrier of Iraq, headquartered on the grounds of Baghdad International
Captain Kifah Hasan Jabbar, CEO, Iraqi Airways Company, said, “We were Airport in Baghdad. It is the second oldest airline in the Middle East. Iraqi Airways
seeking a best-in-class Aviation ERP software that would deliver quality results operates from its main base in Baghdad International Airport.
and help us embark on a digital transformation journey. We are happy to partner Read the full story on Aircraft IT Website.

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details


There has never been a better time

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Rusada Advert 2021_Layout 1 18/01/2021 13:58 Page 1

Houston-headquartered leading INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

global provider of vertical flight

solutions, Bristow Group Inc.
Selects Ramco Aviation
Efficiency, now
more than ever
At the start of June 2021, Global aviation software provider, Ramco Systems,
announced it will implement its Aviation M&E MRO Software V5.8 to digitally
transform the maintenance and engineering operations of Bristow Group Inc.,
one of the world’s largest helicopter operators providing offshore
transportation, search and rescue (SAR) and aircraft support services to
government and civil organizations worldwide.
Compliant with global regulatory standards, the multi-country roll-out of
Ramco Aviation Software, complying with multiple regulatory bodies, will
provide cost savings while increasing efficiency and reducing potential for
human error, helping Bristow achieve their goal of paperless engineering and
operations. Bristow’s staff will also be able to interact with the solution on
Ramco’s mobile application, Ramco AnywhereApps and operational Electronic
Flight Bag features, which will enable them to manage their operations and
receive alerts on the go, providing greater flexibility and quicker response time.
Bristow will also be able to create a collaborative network of suppliers with
real-time visibility and seamless performance tracking, thereby helping them Times have changed.
improve their power by the hour (PBH) and consignment tracking abilities.
The implementation of Ramco Aviation Software will enable Bristow to Getting the most out of what you have is more important than ever
achieve smart inventory, maintenance management and streamline organization- before, and having sophisticated software in place is now essential.
wide warranty tracking processes. The seamless integration of the solution with
Bristow’s financial application will help the company achieve on-time billing and Our ENVISION solution, provides you with the control, oversight,
financial closure. and analysis needed to make timely, intelligent decisions that
“When Bristow and Era merged, we had a decision to make on the go- fully utilise your available resources.
forward software. Era shared a decade-long partnership and has been pleased
with Ramco’s robust compliance and inventory management solutions. Our Visit our website to book a demonstration,
experience with Ramco’s proven global solutions was key in our selection. We and discover what ENVISION
look forward to our journey with Ramco.” stated Stuart Stavley, Senior Vice can do for you.
President, Global Fleet Management, Bristow Group Inc.
“Our partnership with Bristow underscores Ramco’s track record as a leading
software provider for the rotor wing segment. By harnessing the innovative
features of our software, we are confident Bristow will be able to optimize its
operational efficiency and accelerate its digital transformation strategy.” added WWW.RUSADA.COM
Virender Aggarwal, CEO, Ramco Systems.
Read the full story on Aircraft IT Website



Icelandair — Connecting Europe and North America with IQSMS on Board

After having won Air Atlanta Icelandic With a history that goes back 80 “We are pleased to accompany and
as a customer at the beginnings of years, Icelandair forms an important support Icelandair in the
2021, SASQS was enormously part of Iceland’s aviation history. Over implementation of IQSMS. The modular
delighted to announce in early June eight decades and as member of the structure of the system provides us
2021 that they’ve contracted with one International Air Transport Association with great flexibility, allowing us to
of Iceland’s major aviation (IATA), the Association of European tailor the implementation and rollout of
organizations, Icelandair Group. Airlines (AEA) and the Flight Safety each IQSMS module to the individual
Icelandair is the leading airline in Foundation (FSF), maintaining the needs of our customers. The project
Iceland and part of Icelandair Group connections to, from, via and within highest standards of operational safety plan for Icelandair is based on a phased
which traces its roots to the year 1937. Iceland. The Group also operates an has always formed a vital part of the implementation of the selected IQSMS
With Iceland as its hub and home, its airfreight and logistics business, aircraft airline’s daily business. The introduction modules. We are looking forward to
core business is built around leasing and consulting as well as travel of ASQS’s integrated quality and safety starting with the Quality Management
Icelandair’s route network and the services. Icelandair, the Group’s core management system IQSMS is thus a Module in the first phase, which
unique geographical location of the business, will implement the IQSMS further step in the company’s safety supports the entire quality assurance
country which serves as a connecting core modules as well as the FDM Risk strategy and will help it to modernize and compliance monitoring process”,
hub between a number of destinations Module and Airworthiness Add-on and and harmonize internal processes and said Florian Lis-Srajer, Key Account
in Europe and North America. an integration with their SSO and Crew thus pursue a comprehensive approach Manager at ASQS, commenting on the
Icelandair offers convenient Scheduling software. to quality and safety. project.

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

Airlines. MRO. OEM. Defense.

Intelligent MRO Software Suite for

the Airline and Defense Industry
that improves Operational
Efficiency, Real-time Collaboration,
and Profitability.



Comply365 Welcomes Seasoned and Marketing Management from ESIC Business &
Marketing School in Madrid, and a bachelor’s degree
Transportation Executive to Lead Global Sales in Economics from Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
Comply365: Comply365 is a leading provider of
In mid-June 2021, Comply365 team at Comply365 that is focused on delivering enterprise SaaS and mobile solutions for content
announced the appointment of Sergio innovative solutions to solve critical operational management and document distribution in highly
Ramos as its Chief Commercial challenges for our customers. We are very fortunate regulated industries. Comply365 supports the
Officer. Ramos, an aviation industry to have Sergio join our team.” world’s most mobile and remote workforces with
veteran, will oversee Comply365’s Prior to joining Comply365, Ramos spent 16 years targeted and personalized delivery of job-critical
worldwide Sales, Marketing and at Accelya, where he held different commercial roles data that enables safe, efficient, and compliant
Customer Success efforts. in EMEA and Americas, including SVP Commercial operations. Every day, hundreds of thousands of
Ramos has more than 20 years of (Americas) during the most recent 11-year period. pilots, flight attendants, maintenance technicians
commercial experience developing international “I am excited to be joining Comply365 in my role as and engineers rely on Comply365 for digital delivery
markets for the travel industry. He has successfully Chief Commercial Officer,” Ramos said. “I am also of operational content, including OEM and internal
worked to provide technology solutions to help eager to work with the Comply365 team, as well as company manuals. Having played an instrumental
customers meet their evolving needs while with our customers across the world. I strongly believe role in the regulatory approval of electronic flight
establishing long lasting partnerships. that as the transportation industry moves toward bags (EFB) to replace the traditional, paper-based,
“Sergio’s background and experience made him a recovery, Comply365 will have a pivotal role in driving pilot flight bags, Comply365 partners with clients to
strong candidate for the role,” Comply365 CEO Tom the next wave of operational digital transformation.” transform their industries.
Samuel said. “We have an exceptionally talented Ramos earned a master’s degree in Commercial Read the full story on Aircraft IT Website

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details



INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

ReMAP opens the first open-access
intelligent knowledge databank to
predict the future state of
Simplify work order management composite aircraft structures
An intense two-year test campaign on human based decision. We want to
MROs benefit from Jextraxx’s proven aerospace composite structures at move from this dependency of human
the Aerospace Structures & Materials factor alone”, says project-leader
digital work order management Laboratory of Aerospace Engineering Dimitrios Zarouchas (Faculty of
system — eliminating burdensome Faculty of the TU Delft (NL) and at Aerospace Engineering). “With this
the Department of Mechanical knowledge bank we want to
paper handling, automating Engineering & Aeronautics of demonstrate how, by using state of the
workflows, and providing real-time University of Patras (GR) has resulted art sensing technologies and AI-based
in a unique Structural Health algorithms, we can further enhance
updates to clients. Monitoring (SHM) Database. This this decision-making process of
knowledge bank provides the aviation maintenance. This database is not just
industry and research communities for one specific aircraft. Every
data to not only diagnose the current stakeholder in the aviation industry
state of the structure real-time, but to should have the possibility to learn
additionally predict the future state of from this database and adapt its
the structure of aircraft by using outcome to their needs. Operators can
artificial intelligence models. This can use it as a benchmark and compare
support aircraft maintenance their performance when it comes to
engineers to detect, locate and assess aircraft maintenance. Aircraft
the severity of damage of composite manufacturers can use this database
aerospace structures that is often not to improve their design. That is why
apparent at the surface and requires a we keep our models and test
lot of time to detect through manual campaigns as generic as possible.”
inspections. This is the first database
— worldwide — that is publicly 438.000 test cycles and still
Find out how Jetraxx can customize the perfect available for that purpose. In mid-June counting
2021, it was announced that the SHM The SHM data has been collected
solution for you! Request a Demo Today! Data is now available at using five different sensing
technologies. Zarouchas added: ”This
(214) 214-5180 •
Bumpy landings and human number of sensing technologies is decisions unique as commercial initiatives use
”Nowadays a pilot decides whether, only one sensing technology and that
for instance, a bumpy landing is reason is applicable for only one type of
to check the aircraft structure. This is a aircraft which, thus, makes it company



dependent. We collected our data Contribution to Green Aviation Part of a four-year European ReMAP partners: For this SHM
from hundreds of thousands test The introduction of reliable structural research project: ReMAP research, composite panels are
cycles on generic composite structures health monitoring technologies that This research is part of a European designed by Embraer (PT) and
simulating realistic flight conditions can continuously monitor the project called ReMAP (Real-time manufactured by Optimal Solutions
and abnormal situations, such as existence and condition of cases of Condition-based Maintenance for (PT). The sensors are provided by
bumpy landings and low energy minor damage, will allow engineers Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Cedrat Technologies (FR) and Smartec
impacts. In the coming period the and OEMs to design with higher Planning) that started in June 2018 SA (CH) and are very carefully placed
database will be further populated design allowables thanks to a more and will continue until May 2022. on these panels by scientifically based
with data derived from tests at more reliable detection of damage. ReMAP’s aim is to make the criteria from the University of Patras
representative structural levels. We Mid-term design impact on structural maintenance of aircraft fleets smarter (GR). École National Supérieure d’Arts
envision that the research community components is expected to result in a and more efficient. For the first time, et Métiers (FR) developed the data
in collaboration with the aviation three to seven percent reduction in the use of health diagnostics and acquisition software.
industry will use this database and weight. In the long term, the adoption prognostics from dissimilar aircraft Partners involved in diagnostics and
design predictive models and share of more efficient aerostructures systems and structures will be used to prognostics on aircraft systems and
these in return. More accurate models design is estimated to potentially create real-time adaptive components, which culminates into an
and more reliable predictions of the offer a weight reduction of 10-20%. maintenance plans. A fleet level Integrated Fleet Health Management
condition of the aircraft structures This weight reduction will result in 105 approach will be followed, since the Tool, are ATOS (SP), UTRC (IE),
could help to shift towards smarter tons less fuel and 350 tons CO2 potential of CBM can only be ONERA (FR), University of Coimbra
and more efficient, so called condition- reduction for an aircraft flying 700 achieved by monitoring the health of (PT), TU Delft and KLM.
based maintenance.” flights per year. all aircraft in a fleet. Read the full story on Aircraft IT Website

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details



ASL Airlines Belgium successfully migrates from AMASIS to AMOS

EXSYN and ASL Belgium were happy to announce in mid-June 2021, that they
have successfully migrated ASL Belgium aircraft from AMASIS to the ASL
Group AMOS system.
With the migration of the full airworthiness data to the ASL Group AMOS
system, ASL Belgium joins the central airworthiness management system of the
ASL Group. This has enabled the Liege based Cargo operator to in-source the
continuous airworthiness management of their fleet under their own CAMO
approval. A critical path in this aircraft data migration exercise was the migration
of airworthiness data into an already operational system used to manage similar
aircraft types as well as migrating the aircraft according to a pre-set schedule
rather than a big bang approach. Another critical point was the extraction of
data from the source AMASIS system that required additional techniques
available in EXSYN’s aircraft data management platform. The coming months will
be dedicated to migrating further remaining aircraft of ASL-Belgium into the ASL
Group AMOS system.
“ASLB with EXSYN support has managed to perform the B737-400 data extremely difficult period the world is going through. Remote collaboration by
migration from AMASIS and integration into the ASL Group AMOS airworthiness both teams has been excellent, and it shows how the means to reach aggressive
management system in the initially allotted timeframe, even in the middle of this targets can always be found by motivated aviation people,“ said Javier Tena,

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details



AMOS Project Manager ASL Belgium

Bruno Cadete, Aircraft Data Consultant at EXSYN, added: “We
Successful TÜV recertification in
are happy to have been a part of the successful integration of ASL
Belgium into the ASL Group AMOS system. Through the remote
accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
collaboration of people within EXSYN, ASL Belgium and ASL Group, In June 2021 CrossConsense was successfully recertified by the TÜV. The consistent
we were able to overcome the restrictions of a global pandemic and conformity and effectiveness of their Quality Management was again confirmed in all respects.
show that despite the difficult situation where the aviation sector The decision to implement the ISO 9001 Quality Management System at CrossConsense was
was thrown in, there is still space for companies and airlines to grow made more than 20 years ago. Meeting the ISO 9001:2015 requirements and continuous
and improve together with the help of EXSYN. “ improvement of the Quality Management System compliant with the standards are some of
ASL Airlines Belgium: ASL Airlines Belgium, formerly TNT the assumptions underlying CrossConsense’s Quality Policy. Their mission is to provide support
Airways, is a Belgian cargo airline operating chartered cargo on a high-quality level as well as products developed with innovative and safe technologies for
flights. It has its head office and hub on the grounds of Liège the aviation industry. The ISO certificate not only confirms the high quality of these services
Airport. ASL Airlines Belgium is part of the ASL Aviation Group. but is also a token of the reliability and professionalism of the company.
EXSYN Aviation Solutions: EXSYN Aviation Solutions is Since CrossConsense’s last recertification in 2019, their focus has been on improving the
specialized in the field of aircraft data, analytics & processing. Our sophisticated monitoring of service tickets, thus enhancing this process to achieve highest
portfolio of technology focuses on aircraft data and airworthiness customer satisfaction by on-time performance and quality responses. For customers, the
management. These include tools for aircraft reliability current certification means that they can count on maximum reliability in combination with
management, predictive maintenance, system integration, aircraft top quality and top performance. Opportunities and risks are to be identified and analyzed in
records archiving and managed services for data migration, aircraft the shortest time.
data optimization, and robotic process automation. Read the full story on Aircraft IT Website

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details


T:108 mm

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

National Carrier CAL Trusts IDMR
Solutions’ Electronic Task Cards
EFFICIENCY. and Signatures

T:144 mm
In mid-June 2021, IDMR Solutions journey of digital transformation.
Inc., a global leader in technical InForm will seamlessly integrate with
documentation management and the airlines’ M&E and records systems
electronic signatures designed for but also offer cutting-edge and next
aviation, announced that it would generation technologies combined
implement its flagship product, with optimal user experience and
InForm, at China Airlines (CAL). CAL real-time visibility of their entire Line
is the state-owned national carrier of Maintenance operations.
the Republic of China (Taiwan). Despite the COVID-19 pandemic,
Optimize your operations and keep your full fleet prepared with increased aircraft
IDMR’s integrated suite of IDMR and CAL chose to undertake this
availability and reduced unplanned maintenance. Unlock a new level of efficiency applications has proven success while ambitious project within a tight
with the latest tools from Boeing’s digital MRO solutions: increasing operational performance timeline. With repeated lockdowns in
and decreasing operating costs, and Taiwan, it was imperative to implement
Insight Accelerator—Explore, Mobile Logbook—Save time Toolbox—Improve system ensuring airworthiness, safety, and an innovative and comprehensive
process and monitor flight and and reduce the cost of troubleshooting and reduce regulatory compliance, at several software that gave access for CAL’s
maintenance data with managing paper logbooks. repair turnaround times.
predictive analytics.
commercial and cargo operators for engineers to aviation’s best paperless
fixed and rotary wings aircraft. InForm practices, incomparable flexibility, and
will enable CAL to digitize its Task industry standardizations. In addition,
For more information on our full-fleet solutions, Cards, Engineering Orders, business the current context underlines the
processes, document distribution, and imperative for airlines to adopt lean,
Line Maintenance signatures. CAL agile, and digital solutions.
chose IDMR to be a partner in its “We are extremely pleased to be



working with IDMR Solutions as they Every day, thousands of engineers, INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details
will provide invaluable efficiencies in maintenance planners, technical
our operations. IDMR contributes to writers, and maintenance technicians
transforming our operation in line rely on InForm for digital delivery of
maintenance via digitalization of task operational content, replacing
card preparation and signoff process. paper-based documentation. With
As a result, we will be able to streamline aviation leaders trusting IDMR, InForm
our line maintenance allowing Technical is the solution of choice for several
Operations teams to focus on their national carriers, heli-operators,
essential task.” said Edward Tao, e-commerce, defense and logistics
General Manager of Engineering contractors, and MRO organizations.
Technical Information at CAL. China Airlines: China Airlines Ltd is
Highly adaptable, IDMR’s a Taiwan-based company mainly
comprehensive and integrated engaged in air transportation services.
solutions considerably improves The Company mainly provides three
productivity, facilitating collaboration services. Passenger transportation
and synergies within CAL, especially in services provide international
the current context. passenger transportation and regular
“We are delighted by the and irregular charter flights. Freight
opportunity to help CAL reach service provides international cargo
ambitious paperless goals. We are and express, mail, and parcel delivery.
excited to have CAL join our portfolio In-flight sales services provide
and are looking forward to a successful passengers with the purchase of
implementation and long-term duty-free goods on board. The
partnership. Allowing true end-to-end Company also provides ground
paperless and remote capabilities is handling services, the sales of in-flight
crucial in the post-COVID-19 era,” commodities, warehouse and logistics True integrated on-and-off wing Unparalleled inspection program
stated Israel Revivo, CEO/President, services, the repair and maintenance inventory management management and auditing
IDMR Solutions. services of aircraft, and the training of
Proven paperless process Lowest total cost of software
IDMR Solutions Inc.: IDMR staff of civil aviation, among others.
ownership in the industry
Solutions Inc. is a global leader The Company operates businesses
“Push” reporting and alert noti-
offering enterprise SaaS and mobile globally.
fication for pre-emptive decision 90% gain of efficiency in histori-
solutions for content management, cal reseach and audit response
document distribution, electronic task
cards, and e-signatures in the highly High-value data interchange with 3x productivity gains in records
regulated aviation industry. InForm is a other key enterprise systems support
software engineered to provide
end-to-end comprehensive business
solutions integrated with leading M&E
systems. InForm supports the industry | 807.625.9260 |
leaders’ remote and mobile workforces
enabling safe and efficient operations.



Emirates Airlines — 13 years on ULTRAMAIN

M&E / MRO Aviation Maintenance Software
Ultramain Systems was pleased to take the managing any major operation is real-time data
opportunity to congratulate Emirates Airlines collection. By intelligently using smart phones and
for 13 years of uninterrupted 24×7 use on tablets, which run on iOS, Windows 10 and Android
ULTRAMAIN® M&E / MRO aviation maintenance devices, ULTRAMAIN provides solutions that simplify
software, as at end of June 2021. Emirates data collection in both paper-based and paperless
went live on ULTRAMAIN M&E / MRO version 8 in environments. The well refined and mature software
June of 2008. The implementation involved benefits both operators and maintainers by
business process reengineering, initialization, removing the complexity of data entry.
enhancements, data migration, user training, Emirates Airlines: Emirates connects the world to,
project management, and other activities, many of and through, their global hub in Dubai. They operate
which were provided onsite. ULTRAMAIN replaced modern, efficient and comfortable aircraft, and their
25 legacy systems with one fully integrated culturally diverse workforce delivers award-winning
maintenance, supply and purchasing system. After services to customers across six continents every
over a decade of stable operation using ULTRAMAIN M&E / MRO Software: ULTRAMAIN® day. Emirates is one of the largest international
ULTRAMAIN v8, Emirates is currently upgrading to v9 is a leading, web-based, paperless M&E / MRO airlines in the world operating 270 aircraft to 157
ULTRAMAIN v9 Unity. software. The key to efficiently monitoring and destinations.

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

Sign, fly,, verify.

Author, trace, demonstrate.
Collect and
Manage and prove compliance
prove employee andfor employees &
manuals in one integrated, end-to-end platform.
in one integrated, end-to-end platform.


2021May_Aircraft IT eJournal_m1.pdf 1 4/12/21 2:20 PM

Congratulations Air New Zealand INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

— Celebrating one year on

ULTRAMAIN® Electronic Logbook
(ELB) mobile on the A320 fleet
ULTRAMAIN Electronic
Logbook (ELB) has been
a key initiative to Air
New Zealand’s
commitment to digital
transformation within
Engineering and across
the airline and was
happy to celebrate, in
late June 2021, the
one-year anniversary of
operational approval
from the New Zealand CAA for operation on the Air New Zealand A320 fleet
for paperless use of ULTRAMAIN ELB v2.
ANZ is also a longstanding user of ULTRAMAIN ELB v1 on their 787 fleet.
ULTRAMAIN is grateful for the continued relationship with Air New Zealand as
they transitioned to ELB mobile. This continued relationship has also allowed   
ULTRAMAIN to strengthen the partnerships with Ultramain System’s Onboard
partners Teledyne Controls and Rockwell Collins via integrations with their   

respective solutions.
ULTRAMAIN ELB: ULTRAMAIN ELB is the market leading electronic logbook

software. It consists of tech log, cabin log, flight log and more. The onboard
software operates in the flight deck on installed EFB, notebooks, tablets and in
the cabin on smart phones, tablets and IFE. The advanced design allows the
software to operate offline as well as connected to ground systems.
Air New Zealand: Air New Zealand
operates a global network that provides
passenger and cargo services to, from
and within New Zealand to
approximately 17 million passengers a
year. Air New Zealand’s aircraft vary in
size from the Bombardier Q300 to the
Boeing 777-300.



INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

MRX Systems is proud to take
part in the remote renewal of
AIRCRAFT FLEET VIEW certificate of airworthiness
At the heart of
Aircraft Fleet View App: everyone’s concerns,
fighting COVID-19 has
■ developed for airlines been one of the top
■ always up-to-date view on your priorities. This battle
fleet‘s status forced us to change
our habits and be
■ easy-to-grasp view on
innovative. Thus, when
events like current delays,
we can respect
cancellations and AOGs
■ specific views for guidelines and be careful while softening the environmental impact, saving
flight operations money and time but also taking part in a process of improvement, it is an
and maintenance important achievement. MRX Systems’ customer, Findel Aviation, announced in
■ customizable June 2021 that it had accomplished an incredible advance by completing a
for airlines Certificate of Airworthiness Renewal remotely. In Luxembourg, the company sent
and users over all the needed documents gathered in Blue EYE to the auditor who was in
the Isle of Man and made the documents review. A physical inspection has also
been performed with a pilot on duty through a video call. Using a Real-Time,
Cloud-Based, Paperless solution such as Blue EYE is a game changer to manage
this kind of operation.

Implementation of the Quick Flight Mode for eTechlogs

MRX Systems is thrilled to present the quick-mode for one of Blue EYE’s
key-selling characteristics: the eTechlog. Easier and simpler than ever, this
additional feature allows a direct link between the cockpit and the back office
while ensuring clean and error-free data in a matter of seconds. Developed as a
result of clients’ feedback and expectations, this feature is a time-saving asset.

New tutorials
MRX Systems wants to help users to be able to get the views that are the most
relevant for the tasks they have to carry out and reduce the time they spend
looking for the information they need. In line with this idea, they are producing videos to present the Blue EYE Suite’s features and guide the viewers through
their different procedures. New videos are about to come out to complete the existing collection that has been updated lately.
Read the full story on Aircraft IT Website



Keep Flying’s Digital FinTwin OASES Heads for the Cloud

drives optimum safe use of assets At the start of July 2021, Commsoft announced that OASES, the all-in-one
modular software for airworthiness maintenance and control is available via
In the financially challenging OASES Cloud, a secure private cloud platform for existing and new
post-COVID climate, airlines and customers. The new software as a service (SaaS) brings the complete portfolio
operators will wish to make the of OASES modules to customers’ devices via the Internet, bringing with it
maximum possible safe use of significant performance improvements, an ever-green IT model and, more
assets. In that context, KeepFlying importantly for companies recovering from the pandemic and the upheaval
platform’s Digital FinTwin has been within the aviation industry, cost savings over the traditional on premises
designed to let Operators, Financiers OASES software.
and Lessors visualize their Asset’s “COVID-19 has accelerated the aviation industry’s move to digital operations”
Revenue Potential over its remaining explained Paul Lynch, VP New Business Development “and the next few years
useful life (RUL) and MROs to will see a significant increase in digitally enabled aircraft which means MROs and
capitalize on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven Analytical platform for CAMO need to be more agile and responsive to expectations of operational
profitability and capacity planning of an asset’s maintenance visits (Hangar, efficiencies. In addition, there is now an increased need for fleet agility in
Shop). The Data Wrangling layer absorbs, transforms, classifies and categorizes response to rapidly changing market conditions; This will see aircraft being
every Aircraft, Engine & Component’s historic, dynamic data using unique re-purposed; both within fleets and between carriers on a more frequent basis.”
mathematical techniques. He added “OASES Cloud enables companies of any size to make the entire
The Digital FinTwin™’s highly configurable Finance and Risk models use the knowledge base within their organization available to all who need it, without the
processed data to assist commercial decisions by generating deep financial need to switch from system to system, consult colleagues to verify information,
insights enabling asset owners to eliminate guesswork and reimagine revenue or cross-check against their own schedules.”
hours. OASES Cloud delivers on-demand software as a service, which means
customers can look at reducing the expense of maintaining servers, deploying
Avelo Airlines live with AMOS software updates, patches and fixes across multiple devices in multiple locations
and many more of the headaches associated with On-Premises systems.
After a 10 months project, OASES Cloud is deployed in three rapid stages:
Avelo Airlines announced in Step 1 – The customer’s data is migrated to the OASES Cloud environment;
early June 2021 that is now Step 2 – The customer’s users are added to the system;
live with the AMOS Airline Step 3 – The customer tests and approves the software.
Edition. Avelo Airlines Only once customers are 100 per cent satisfied with the service is everything
(formerly Casino Express switched over with zero risk of data loss or downtime during the process.
Airlines and then Xtra Airways) “Customer data is replicated as it comes in; which means that every update or
is an American ultra-low-cost carrier headquartered in Houston, Texas. The planned activity — from every individual, task, department or location — is
airline’s first flight under the Avelo name was on April 28, 2021 from Burbank to instantly processed to provide a reliable, organisation-wide source of the truth;
Santa Rosa, California. Avelo is certified by the US Federal Aviation the here and now.” Said Jon Wood, OASES Head of Cloud & infrastructure.
Administration (FAA) to conduct domestic and international operations with Commsoft OASES: Commsoft’s Open Aviation Strategic Engineering System
their fleet of Boeing 737-800 airplanes. (OASES) is the all-in-one software for airworthiness maintenance control,
Avelo furthermore embraced the offer to outsource the server hosting as well meeting strict regulatory requirements. It enables airlines, fixed wing and rotary
as the operation of the AMOS application server and database administration operators, MROs, and CAMOs to increase efficiencies in the management and
(AOS) to Swiss-AS. Since early 2018, Swiss-AS offers its customers the possibility monitoring of every procedure or intervention.
to host their AMOS environments in the Google cloud. Read the full story on Aircraft IT Website



Engineer Training and Monitoring

Solution Project at FL Technics
Liudas Jurkonis, Deputy CEO for Engineering, Design and Technical Training Department at
FL Technics shares an innovative digital training and monitoring application



’m pleased for the opportunity in this article to share with Aircraft IT readers,
some information about the IT-based training management solutions
developed at FL Technics. Before tackling the main subject, we’ll take a look at
FL Technics itself and I’ll introduce myself. My role involves leading three
organizations within FL Technics, those being: Technical Training (Part 147),
Engineering Solutions (Part M), and Design (Part 21J). This article is mainly about
technical training but with my involvement in engineering, in design and my
teams from Base Maintenance and Line Maintenance, our training includes a
good balance between theory and practical applications which we believe
creates a great deal of added value. Also, I am a fan of and proponent for
continuous process improvement and for digitalization. From that point of view,
I’m always pleased to be part of process improvement initiatives and thinking of
how we could digitalize the services offered by FL Technics.

To share some facts and figures about FL Technics (figure 1), I’m sure that
readers will be aware of the brand and some of these facts about it but I hope it
will be informative to have them all brought together in one place. above), Part 147, Part M, Part 21J, the core business activity is about Base and
Line Maintenance and is covered by FL Technics’ Part 145 certificate. The
FL Technics: Facts & figures in 1 slide business does not only have EASA and FAA related certifications but we are also
proud to have local approvals in Aruba, Bermuda, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand and
many other jurisdictions.
Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that our quality management system is also
under constant development and, today, FL Technics has ISO 9000 for general
quality management plus we are focusing on the quality management system
within the environment field for which the business is ISO 14000 certified. If readers
wish to learn more about that quality management system, please feel free to
contact me but, to sum it up, FL Technics as a one-stop-shop solution can help with
Base and Line Maintenance. There is also a huge team devoted to Engine, APU and
landing gear management solutions, parts and materials trading as well as full
aircraft engineering and design plus technical training.

Figure 1 “FL Technics is a one-stop-shop and global MRO

FL Technics is a one-stop-shop and global MRO business with a more than business with a more than twenty years track record.
twenty years track record. Although a Lithuanian business, there are also hangars
in the United Kingdom, in China and in Indonesia as well as a huge network of Although a Lithuanian business, there are also hangars in
Line Maintenance support facilities around the world. There are more than 1,200 the United Kingdom, in China and in Indonesia as well as
professional partners working in the business world-wide, a depth of
competence that really complements and offers huge synergy for FL Technics’ a huge network of Line Maintenance support facilities…”
service package. As well as the certificates for which I have responsibility (see



PART 147 TRAINING MARKET – KEY TRENDS to the management of technical training. This can result in deviations, quality
Now, with the context established, let’s look at the topic for this article: technical issues and other problems. Having that in mind, as long as five years ago FL
training market trends that can be observed today (figure 2). Naturally, with the Technics started to develop a training eco-system which could move to the
COVID situation at the time of writing, there has been a drop in training volumes. digital world but would also help organizations, including FL Technics itself, to
However, it is likely that everyone in the aviation sector understands that manage training processes in a more effective way. The question is, how can that
technical training remains a must, the need for which will recover and probably be done?
recover soon. It is managed using a combination of two systems: which
Part 147 training market: Key trends observed is an online training platform; and a system called DESK, an internal training
management platform.
1 • General drop in training volumes due to Covid-19
pandemic Need for a Corporate
Training Ecosystem
FLT Training Ecosystem in a nutshell
2 • Technical training remains a must, and the need for it is
due to recover
• effectively respond to global training
virtualization trends

3 • classrooms
The training format is and will be moving from physical
to virtual world
• efficiently streamline training processes
and manage the training scope

• continuously ensure staff qualification

Training management process is getting increasingly
and certification in a resource-saving
4 way
However, only a small part of companies have outgrown
Excel, which tends to result in CAA deviations identified

Figure 2
That being said, those who are in the business see that training formats will, in
future, have to move from physical classrooms to the virtual world. At the same
time, the training management process is getting increasingly sophisticated and
more complex. However, the organizations that make up the aviation industry do
not always manage to keep up with how complex those processes are becoming Figure 3
with only a small number of organizations having outgrown Excel when it comes The two systems have good synergies and effective interfaces between them
which makes it much easier to manage FL Technics’ internal training processes
but also to help the business’s clients to handle their own training processes.
Let’s consider both of these systems in greater detail.
“… as long as five years ago FL Technics started to This is a remote online training platform offering EASA Part-147 compliant
develop a training eco-system which could move to aircraft maintenance courses for online completion. These mainly pre-recorded
specialized training programs cover topics such as aviation legislation, safety
the digital world but would also help organizations, management, human factors and more. Check out the website to discover the
including FL Technics itself, to manage training range and variety of courses and how they are packaged to offer the aviation
industry the comfort of being assured that training has been properly delivered.
processes in a more effective way.” One of the nice things about the online training is that it incorporates some key
functionalities (figure 4.1) which we can go through.


CASE STUDY: FL TECHNICS Key functionality Key functionality

Training Courses Online Training for Individuals

Asynchronous Instructor-Led Courses
(Online Training) Self-Registration

• Based on EASA-compliant Programs Personal Profile

• Watched in 115 Countries Already E-cart Shopping

• Video-Based & Interactive Training History

• Assessments & Test Certification Tracking and Management

• Cross-platform Access (PC, Tablet, Mobile) Email Notifications on Course Expiry

Synchronous Instructor-Led Courses (Virtual Training)

• taken via a teleconference application

• based on EASA-compliant Programs Figure 4.2
the online training is available both for individual and for corporate clients; it is
Figure 4.1 also very easy to use as the software registration functionalities include all the
As already mentioned, there are two types of training covered: online training personal profile of what each student has undertaken and passed, with their
and virtual training. All training programs are fully EASA compliant, thoroughly training history and all of the email notifications of the courses. All in all, this is a
supervised by FL Technics’ training managers and the quality management very user-friendly account management.
systems, plus they are now used in more than one hundred countries. The The second part is aimed at corporate clients and corporate accounts (figure
courses are video based and highly interactive; they include the assessments and 4.3).
tests which makes them very comprehensive, and not at all superficial, courses
into which students can really immerse themselves. Key functionality Online Training for Corporate Needs
During the pandemic, FL Technics has moved beyond internal training and tried
to serve customers with virtual courses as well. We’re very proud that the team has Corporate Profile
improved the system and attained all of the approvals to make FL Technics’ training Personal Profiles for Employees
virtual (figure 4.2). There are now virtual training programs delivered over Importing & Managing Employee List
teleconferencing platforms which are, again, fully compliant with current EASA
Compiling Groups of Learners
Sharing Courses to Individual Learners or Groups

Assigning Courses by Individual Emails or Printed e-

ticket (email-free Login)

Tracking Learner Progress and Sending Reminders

Corporate Storage and Management of Certificates

Figure 4.3
“… the software registration functionalities include all
The reason for developing this part of the system is that we have seen that
the personal profile of what each student has companies would like to manage the whole pool of their aviation specialists, to
undertaken and passed, with their training history and manage the whole process with the individual needs of the aero-engineering
team and compile the various training needs into one place. The corporate
all of the email notifications of the courses.” account holder can allocate the courses for individuals, assign them according to
their individual needs and manage them effectively.



“… the system enables users to plan, schedule, run and

analyze training courses. For those who are
responsible within their organization for this area of
activity, this is an ideal tool to have or to consider.”

In brief, the system enables users to plan, schedule, run and analyze training
courses. For those who are responsible within their organization for this area of
activity, this is an ideal tool to have or to consider. It also enables users to train,
measure performance and ensure that the certification process is being
managed properly; to track deadlines and not to miss them plus to have an
upfront process behind that. Furthermore, it enables users to track and control
continuous authorizations as well as carry out evaluations of the performance of
the technical instructors. Everything is managed in one system.
In figure 5, you can see some of the screen shots from the system showing the
pre-program reports that it produces: training by Status, training by priorities and
so on.

This, in a nutshell is what the online training platform looks like. The important DESK – Part 147 training management system overview
and interesting aspect of this is how the online platform integrates with the internal Again, let’s have a look at a couple of the key functionalities that are of the
management training platform. First let’s have a look at what this system is all greatest interest (figure 6.1). First is the organizational process itself.
about (figure 5). DESK: Key functionality
Training: Organizational Process
Integration with DESK DESK - FLT Internal Training Management Platform
Courses Timeline in Sync with the Competent
allowing to: Authority

 Plan, schedule, run & analyze training

EASA-Compliant Training Programs Management

Training Courses Catalogue

 Train, measure performance & ensure
certification of staff
DESK  Track, control continuous authorization
EASA-Compliant Training Paperwork Generation
& Maintenance

 & evaluate performance of technical Training Facilities Compliance with EASA

instructors Requirements

Training Attendance Management

Certificates Generation & Tracking

Training-Related Commerce Management

Figure 6.1
There are functions implemented such as content timeline management which is
Figure 5 synchronized with the competent authority: the competent authorities can plug



“With this tool it is also possible to track attendance,

generate certificates, track the generation of certificates
and really manage the whole process through a couple
of pre-programmed reports and dashboards.”

themselves in to manage FL Technics’ compliance with EASA rules. In this way,

we believe that we have not only effective supervision from the relevant
authorities but we are also constantly in contact with them. So, it monitors and
reports on management of the EASA compliant training programs but it also has
the full catalog of training provided by FL Technics or, if this is managed by or on
behalf of the client, then that client can see what their team is currently being
trained on or what they are planned to be trained on. With this tool it is also
possible to track attendance, generate certificates, track the generation of
certificates and really manage the whole process through a couple of pre-
programmed reports and dashboards.
Reports and Analytics (figure 6.2) is a second tool that is very useful. It has the We also thought it would be very useful to ensure, for continuous growth and
cross-cutting data analysis and reporting, good user-friendly dashboards and development, to have a built-in system to facilitate feedback from students,
graphics which are not too busy or overcrowded but really simple to view and to instructors and customers which in turn helps FL Technics to grow and develop
read. There are email notifications and notifications to mobile devices embedded, the system.
which make it practical and easy to use for training managers who are responsible Authorization and certification of internal staff (figure 6.3) is another function
for the supervision of that training management process. for the internal process for the organization. It helps the quality managers who are
training staff to observe the process of licensing, qualification and training
DESK: Key functionality requirements; monitor the continuous training needs; monitor the life-cycle of
training and assign relevant courses to employees.
Reports & Analytics
DESK: Key functionality
Cross-Cutting Data Analysis & Reporting

Dashboards & Graphic Reports

Authorization & Certification
Automated Report Scheduling
of Internal Staff
Email Delivery of Reports Observation of Licensing, Qualification & Training
Feedback From Students/ Instructors/Customers
Monitoring Continuous Training Needs
Error Tracking & Management
Certification Lifecycle Management

Assigning Relevant Courses to Employees

Figure 6.2 Figure 6.3



This functionality includes the monthly training statistics and it has the
evaluations so that management can see online whether a course has yet
completed and the feedback from students as well as grow, develop and monitor
the training management program.
If the two systems, DESK and, are combined, it is possible
to identify the synergies in the systems, the flexibility and the ability to customize
the systems (figure 7).
Flexibility & Customizability

Again, some useful dashboards and analytics are already built-in which FL
Technics makes good use of every day. The functionality of scope management
for technical instructors (figure 6.4) is one of those daily use features integrated
with the screens and monitors that FL Technics has in every training class which Figure 7
allows the business to see where instructors are and which courses they are The plan is not only to have the system for FL Technics’ internal needs but it’s also
leading, which enables users to feel part of the global organization not just a something with which we can help external organizations to manage their training
local or regional training management school but that they’re actually impacting needs on an outsource basis. That is possible because the system is able to be
the whole global aviation community. tailored for a company’s specific training needs, can be branded for a specific
organization so that it feels like that organization’s tool and not something from FL
DESK: Key functionality Technics and it could be used on and/or integrated with a variety of platforms or
Technical Instructors’
with a full outsourcing capability giving the training management process to
Scope Management
outsourcing partners FL Technics. In the current environment with cost saving and
effective management of key importance, the combination of those two tools, the
Real-time Monitoring of Instructors’ Training
Engagement & Geo-distribution of Courses digital virtual platform which is fully integrated in the training management
process, gives huge value added; not only from a cost-saving perspective but also
Scope of Authorization
because of the flexibility of the tool itself.
Training Experience

Monthly Training Statistics SUMMARY

Feedback-Based Evaluation
To summarize what I have tried to express and convey in the article, there are
some key take-aways to understand (Figure 8).
Monitoring of Continuous Training Needs
It is now generally accepted and agreed that training will largely go virtual and
digital, and even if we see that the regulatory environment is following the trend,
we need to be a couple of streps ahead which is what this training application has
Figure 6.4 achieved. Even with the COVID impact and even with current training needs being



on a smaller scale, we can expect to see a huge demand growth currently with the
expiries of certificates and licenses. Nevertheless, whether in a pandemic or in
normal conditions, the cost effectiveness and integrated IT solutions to manage
ever-increasing training scopes and complexity is something that every
organization will have to consider. Outsourcing is always an option to include in any
Training world going virtual
Demand for training not to fade away
Need for a cost-effective IT solution

to manage ever-increasing training scopes
Need for a training management

outsourcing option & DESK

CASE STUDY: Saving fuel, CASE STUDY: Canadian
reducing emissions and a North goes digital for
Figure 8 culture of improvement at documents
That is what this article has been about; managing the virtualization of training SpiceJet Merging two airlines, their fleets,
needs and the platform that we have built in FL Technics. I hope that it proves SpiceJet outlines how it managed to route networks and all their
useful for readers. achieve cost reduction within a few departments created the perfect
months after implementing a Fuel opportunity for Canadian North to
LIUDAS JURKONIS Efficiency program, and how airlines bring all manuals together under the
With a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance (Economics) as well as Master’s Degree in can emerge stronger after the auspices of a single and digital
International Relations and Political science at Vilnius University and having more COVID crisis, preserve cash and system with significant efficiency
than 15 years’ experience within the professional services industry (Ernst & Young) increase profitability and gains and cost savings.
Liudas now focuses on business development and process improvement aspects, competitiveness.
as well as identification of potential areas for cooperation with partners that could lead to WHITE PAPER: Digital Day
growth of joint business opportunities. WHITE PAPER: The of Operations
foundation for collaborative Challenging times call for innovative
FL Technics is the largest aircraft Maintenance and Repair
ATM and TBO and integrated solutions. Sita FOR
Organisation (MRO) in the Baltic States, as well as one of the Introducing a new flight plan format AIRCRAFT’s Digital Day of
largest MRO companies in Eastern Europe and CIS countries. The and flight planning process that Operation portfolio leverages the
company acts as one-stop-shop maintenance solution provider for Commercial and supports collaborative decision latest digital technologies into a
Business aviation, serving a wide range of customers from CIS, EU, Middle East, and Asia. making before and during the flight. single support capability.
FL Technics provides services through two Base Maintenance facilities in Lithuania and It is the foundation for Trajectory
Ukraine, as well as remote Line Stations, spread across EU and CIS countries. Based Operation but what this will Plus News and Operations
mean for operators? Software Directory

INTERACTIVE SUBSCRIBE HERE Click here to read Operations




Ian Davies offers us an insight into the

customer focused ethos that is at the heart
of Gamit Limited’s enduring success
Ian Davies has been challenging the norms and embracing technology in the
pursuit of efficiency and customer service during 30 years’ experience in the
aviation industry. Having worked in Commercial, Military, Private and VVIP
operations in Europe and the Middle East, Ian Maintains a UK CAA AMEL with
an abundance of Boeing and Airbus types. Often found talking about the dos
and don’ts of maintenance planning and maintenance programs.

Aircraft IT: Your name, your job title and the name Aircraft IT: What has the greatest business Aircraft IT: What have been your disappointments
of the business? achievement been to date, and why? and what have you learned from them?
Ian Davies: Ian Davies, General Manager — Gamit ID: The greatest business achievement for Gamit has ID: Gamit has been digitalizing aircraft records since
Limited been building and the continual development of 1998. Those days were before the .PDF file format
ROAM and its environment. Building the industry’s became mainstream and stable as it is today;
Aircraft IT: How did Gamit get started? first enterprise level intelligent document therefore, we had to rely on jpeg and .txt files.
ID: The business started in 1990 based at London management solution, taking paper to digital to Additionally, the internet platform for delivery was
Stansted Airport, UK, providing support in two key audit ready, has proved a great achievement for the vastly different to what it is today, therefore we
areas; aircraft parts support and engineering project Gamit team. could only deliver digitalized records to clients on

Aircraft IT: What is the guiding business principle

that drives the business?
ID: Commercial and private aircraft operations are “Building the industry’s first enterprise level intelligent document
ever more financially sensitive. Gamit’s ability to management solution, taking paper to digital to audit ready, has proved a
provide innovative solutions that offer true savings
with excellent customer service are at the core of our great achievement for the Gamit team.”
principal objectives.



DVD. The disappointment was the progression to

online wasn’t fast enough. We have learnt from this:
today, we are committed to using the most
advanced technology and always keeping an eye on
the next big leap. ROAM uses the newest and most “Renewable energy will change the mindset of everything: due to weight
capable software backend; this is what defines it as and range requirements, an entire mindset change will be needed. R&D and
being intuitively easy to use and exceptionally fast at
accomplishing the goal. manufacturing must adapt…”
Aircraft IT: In a sentence, how would you
summarize what the business does for aircraft foundations on which they started; fossil fueled Aircraft IT: What do you want your customers to
maintenance customers? systems. Renewable energy will change the mindset say about Gamit
ID: Gamit is aimed at supporting aircraft operators of everything: due to weight and range requirements, ID: Our customers are telling us what we want
and MROs in achieving their goals of delivering an an entire mindset change will be needed. R&D and to hear already. Our objective is to ensure all
efficient and reliable organization through their manufacturing must adapt, so must the technology future and current clients continue with the
various business operations. that serves those new age vehicles. Connectivity of same enthusiastic sentiments; outstanding
the aircraft directly to ERP systems for all stake solutions and outstanding level of service from
Aircraft IT: What will be the next big thing in holders be it, pilot, line maintenance engineer, the whole team at Gamit. My task is to ensure
maintenance Aviation IT? engineering planning team, asset management team, this continues.
ID: Renewable energy propulsion systems. For the last Vice President, asset owner or NAA, this level of
100 years aircraft have been built upon the same connectivity should be the industry target. Aircraft IT: Ian Davies, thank you for your time.




IT systems adoption Part 3

Allan Bachan, VP, Managing Director, MRO Operations, ICF considers the rate of technology
adoption through Covid-19 and how to optimize IT systems adoption



n parts 1 and 2 we covered discovering how well processes in the business are Quality Control Manual, the MPM (Maintenance Planning Manual) the TPM
IT enabled as well as the Adoption Study and EPC support. In this final part (Technical Procedures Manual) or whatever it’s called in your organization, and
we’ll look in detail at the seven key questions outlined previously with then, using the intelligent document parser, you can map what the document
suggestions as to how users might be able to deal with each one. Then finally, looks like and interpret that as a process diagram. What can be seen in figure 15
we’ll summarize the Adoption Study and its potential to help users match is, number 1 becomes number 4 automatically in mere seconds; reading a text
software to functions, processes and tasks as well making full use of the IT assets document which comes straight from the Word or PDF original.
already in the business. Secondly, you can import processes from existing Visio diagrams or Excel tables.
Drilling a little further into the seven questions outlined in part 2, let’s start with, So, for example, if you have a list of all the screens that exist in the business, that
how do you populate an EPC (Enterprise Process Center) with processes and can be put into Excel along with tables as well as all the configuration parameters
software objects? In figure 15, there are some quick examples. and so on: profiles, attributes and settings can be imported very quickly and very
easily which, in turn, facilitates you being able to do the mapping. Or, if you have
1 Creating the processes catalog and software objects inventory your processes in Visio, there might still not be the level of detail that we’ve covered
1. Use the intelligent document 2./3. Import from Visio or 3. Import data files in the context of mapping, but you may have tasks and block diagrams and
parser Excel decision boxes, and you can import those. You will also see in figure 15 that the
BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) standard can also be imported so
that, if you are managing your processes in a BPMN compliant tool, it will also be a
lot easier.
The third opportunity is to import complete databases from Excel or database
management tools and, of course, there are several different ways to achieve that.
As part of the implementation, ICF would look at your databases and, if it’s easier
to connect with those databases and import the information using SQL Server
1. Parse existing text documents in Word or PDF to
Management Studio or DbVisualizer or the database management tools, we can do
4. Create manually
immediately create process diagrams that as well.
2. Import processes from existing Visio diagrams or Excel And last but not least, we can create this manually. At ICF, we encourage
tables. Import software object lists from Excel
creating manually as a manufacturing implementation because, to be honest, if you
3. Import files and complete databases from CSV, Excel
or common database management tools follow this methodology of how you are building the process and mapping it to the
4. Create all objects manually software, it becomes a learning process and opportunity for knowledge transfer…
learning how to use the software in doing your job. It really is advantageous
Figure 15 bringing this in and incrementally over the period of designing your ‘to-be’ solution:
The first thing is to parse existing tech documents, that might be in Word or PDF, staff are actually learning the tool.
to quickly create process diagrams. This can be done using the intelligent Once you have it in, then what you want to do is see how well those processes
document parser where it can easily read tech-based documents which, in the are performing: so, now we’ll get into building measurements and actually
maintenance context, might be the GPM (General Procedures Manual), the measuring how you’re doing (figure 16).

“… you can import processes from existing Visio diagrams or Excel tables. So, for example, if you have a list of all the
screens that exist in the business, that can be put into Excel along with tables as well as all the configuration



2 Processes performance task performances in figure 16 are the ones that are performing well, in green, or
middle of the road performance in yellow, and the red ones are not doing well — a
1.Dashboard 2. Processes list 3. By role typical traffic light signal.
Next, we should ask how well are you using available systems and technology
and how enabled are your processes from a technology standpoint? (Figure 17).

3 Technology enablement
1.Critical and high-risk tasks 2. Perf. Measure = technology 3. Software [assets] to tasks

1. Dashboards are available to quickly view

Critical path
which process groups are performing well
4. By task
2. Detailed process lists can be viewed,
filtered and sorted
3. Each user and organizational role can view
the performance of tasks for which they are
4. Tasks performance are also viewed in maps

Figure 16
Dashboards are available to quickly view which process groups are performing
well plus detailed process lists can be viewed and sorted. Each user can look at
4. Manual vs automated tasks 5. Capability mappings 6. Assets options / dependencies
how their role is performing and this can be used for testing or for daily
management in terms of how well these are performing. What is also good Figure 17
about these measures is that it is possible to connect them with the system The first thing to do is to check high-risk tasks rather than looking at thousands
directly and, if you have timings, then again that can feed this data. So, if the of tasks: you want to identify the ones that matter — the important few versus
screen is supposed to refresh itself every three seconds, for example, but it’s the trivial many. It’s important to be able to flag those. If you don’t, that’s OK
actually taking ten seconds, then that would be flagged. It’s possible to connect but we recommend that you should start performance measures around
these measures directly to the system for the tasks and, as users interact with technology as the enabler of business tasks using the red, yellow, green traffic
these tasks using the system objects, then the system can be logging that light signals.
information and reporting how it’s performing. Number 3 in figure 17 addresses the matter of software assets mapped to tasks.
This can also be by task performance which can be reviewed in the maps. The If you don’t have software mapped to tasks and you don’t have dependencies for
the software options that you’re using, then it will be flagged by color to tell you
whether these are enabled or the configuration options have been used or not. Of
course, these are onscreen displays but you can have reports that you can extract
as well once all of the data is in the system. At the bottom of the figure there are
quick clicks, manual vs automated tasks, in the one that’s green you can see a little
cog to indicate that the task is automated so that the system is generating the
“The first thing to do is to check high-risk tasks rather workflow. For the ones that are yellow, it is the user who is doing the transaction,
pulling up the screen while the ones that are red are purely manual or do not have
than looking at thousands of tasks: you want to identify any software object that’s associated with them as far as tasks are concerned.
the ones that matter — the important few versus the Capability mappings can be pulled to show where and how software is used; the
size of the bubble indicates how often that software object is mapped to tasks, if
trivial many. ” it’s used very frequently, whether it impacts several things across the process
groupings and that also tells you the level of importance. The 80/20 rule can be



used here to identify the items that will have a bigger impact and to be able to
manage these improvements in the future.
How well do users know processes, systems and procedures and how easy is it
for them to navigate and be able to do their tasks? (Figure 18).

3 User knowledge; standardization and accessibility

“Readers will know that aircraft maintenance or MRO is
a very regulated space; so, you need to be sure that

2. Parent processes
1. Tasks by staff role
you’re compliant with policies, rules and regulations as
Tasks by staff role
they change.”

and then, from the user content, I can follow. This is a huge advantage when it
comes to several end users and being able to standardize the way people do
3.Step by step procedures
things; and, of course, all of this content will be on a continuous revision cycle.
If someone has an issue with the content that they’re viewing, perhaps it’s not
1. Users can view tasks on a mobile device Can link directly
2. Then launch the respective processes to software working or not working fast enough, they can log an item and collaborate in order
OR screens with
single sign-on
to get that resolved. People are using it, realizing things that go on with it and want
3. Step by step procedures - using the
software - for each of their tasks to start to improve it. The question is, how well are you managing improvements to
processes? If there is a helpdesk then it should have an ‘issues log’ to identify where
work needs to be improved and who needs to be trained. But how good would it
Figure 18 be if all this was live and you had a more structured or diligent way of doing it?
Users can view tasks on a mobile device or any device to see all the tasks they
have to perform and, once they click on it or touch it on the screen, they can get 5 Improvements to processes
to what parent process it belongs to and a step-by-step procedure that shows Review cycles ( can set dates and times or recurring review periods)
screenshots of what needs to be done. Then, touching the screenshot, the
application can be launched directly. So, if I’m using any software system, I can
simply execute that task very easily as a user by interrogating my daily tasks.
Step-by-step procedures will allow me to navigate directly to the user content

“All of this would result in ownership that can be RACI Ownership (Owners prompted to do reviews) Collaboration and feedback (in real time)

assigned and owners having different objects that they

can own; they can own software objects, they can own
tasks, they can own processes for the areas that they
are managing; and each owner or each object will have Figure 19
a review and revision schedule.” All of this would result in ownership that can be assigned and owners having
different objects that they can own; they can own software objects, they can



own tasks, they can own processes for the areas that they are managing; and priority because of the risks that have been assigned to them. This is very similar
each owner or each object will have a review and revision schedule. Review to the review cycle (see above) so can be setup in a similar manner.
schedules can be set for every three months, every six months or whatever How do you stay up-to-date with revisions, changes and updates? Again, we can
frequency is considered suitable, as in the example in figure 19, or specific review consider an impact analysis (figure 21) for which, if you have implemented all of the
dates can be set for the future. Each owner will receive an email reminder that foregoing, you will know all of the dependencies which includes rules and it
they have these things to review by whatever date has been set. Then they will includes software which also includes, of course, tasks that you may do and
have to go through the processes, the tasks or the software objects for which processes that you may have plus revisions you may be making to those processes.
they’re responsible. And, as they do that review, then they can feedback using
the collaboration tool in real time to say, ‘I want to raise a discussion, an 7 Staying up-to-date
improvement request, an incident or pose a question’ (bottom right in figure 19). 1. Impacts analysis (all dependencies for a change) 2. Planning Gantt (create an update schedule)
Those items can be raised immediately for a QR (Quality Review) to the people
who have to make the revisions of the items and/or resolve them. This is all in
real time, so you have review cycles, ownership and real-time collaboration with
anyone who is responsible for doing this.
Readers will know that aircraft maintenance or MRO is a very regulated space;
so, you need to be sure that you’re compliant with policies, rules and regulations as
they change. Just as there are linkages of the software assets to the tasks and 3. Maturity evolution (manage iterations until complete)
processes, we must also link policies and rules which can be FARs (Federal Aviation
Regulations), Airworthiness Notices, Advisory Circulars or any sort of information
that govern the way that things are done (figure 20).

6 Compliance
Risk matrix Rule changes impacts analysis
Figure 21
And then, if you know what they are, you can set up a planning calendar for
doing those things. There will be owners for the items on that calendar and each
owner can now know when they have to do something because something has
changed. The maturity evolution can be tracked; so, for the example in figure 21,

Risk report

“…aircraft maintenance or MRO is a very regulated

space; so, you need to be sure that you’re compliant

Figure 20 with policies, rules and regulations as they change. Just

Similarly, users can do impact studies and can assign a matrix of risks, items that as there are linkages of the software assets to the tasks
carry a higher risk as a result of the rules and then, when the rules change, can
do an impact analysis across every object, which may be tasks or processes. and processes, we must also link policies and rules”
They’ll then get a risk report to say which ones should be addressed as a high



it’s level 1, level 2, level 3; different levels, and those levels can record different
priorities for changes that have to be done. For Maturity evolution, the system
has to be updated first and then documentation, data, training. The ownership
structure, the schedule, the impact, the risk… are all managed within the tool
itself as part of the continuous improvement cycle.

To summarize, an Adoption Study gives a good snapshot very quickly of how
well your business is enabled for technology. Also, it defines paths to
improvement which, of course, is how you will address this moving forward. It
will help to see areas of weakness or strength and includes how you are WHAT’S IN THE
performing because the processes are documented as are all your departmental
functions; the performance of your business processes, the level of IT
enablement and automation, any gaps with regard to value added or high-risk
tasks at a true level of detail needed to formulate a strategy and plan which you CASE STUDY: Saving fuel, CASE STUDY: Canadian
can manage within here. Your entire governance cycle of that improvement is reducing emissions and a North goes digital for
also built within the tool. You can prioritize by the level of worth and magnitude culture of improvement at documents
to remedy using the chart to determine the volume of work that you have to do SpiceJet Merging two airlines, their fleets,
for those changes. SpiceJet outlines how it managed to route networks and all their
achieve cost reduction within a few departments created the perfect
ALLAN BACHAN months after implementing a Fuel opportunity for Canadian North to
Allan is a Vice President at ICF with 32 years of industry experience as an Efficiency program, and how airlines bring all manuals together under the
Aviation M&E, MRO and Supply Chain solutions and systems domain expert. can emerge stronger after the auspices of a single and digital
He is responsible for ICF’s MRO Operations and IT practice and he manages COVID crisis, preserve cash and system with significant efficiency
the Aircraft Commerce Consulting relationship with ICF. His experience increase profitability and gains and cost savings.
includes managing application design, development, and full cycle competitiveness.
implementation – from selection to go-live – for strategic clients in the MRO WHITE PAPER: Digital Day
industry using different commercially available MRO IT products. In his
WHITE PAPER: The of Operations
career, Allan has fulfilled the following leadership roles: MRO IT practice and technical
lead; MRO systems Product Principal; M&E and MRO Solutions Director and Manager of
foundation for collaborative Challenging times call for innovative
Technical Records, Maintenance Planning and Production Control. ATM and TBO and integrated solutions. Sita FOR
Introducing a new flight plan format AIRCRAFT’s Digital Day of
ICF and flight planning process that Operation portfolio leverages the
ICF is a global consulting services company with more than 5,500 specialized supports collaborative decision latest digital technologies into a
experts, who are not typical consultants. They combine unmatched expertise making before and during the flight. single support capability.
with cutting-edge engagement capabilities to help clients solve their most It is the foundation for Trajectory
complex challenges, navigate change and shape the future. Based Operation but what this will Plus News and Operations
mean for operators? Software Directory

INTERACTIVE SUBSCRIBE HERE Click here to read Operations




Tom Samuel offers us an insight into

the innovative and customer-focused
ethos that is at the heart of
Comply365’s enduring success
Tom Samuel has spent all of his career in aviation software and, since 2015, has
led Comply365 through significant product innovation, operational maturity, and
business growth. He believes in great teams who deliver unique solutions to
critical market problems and has positioned Comply365 to continuously innovate
in the operational document management space. Tom holds a Ph.D. in Industrial
Engineering from Texas A&M University with a focus on Applied Statistics. He
also holds an M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Kansas State University.

Aircraft IT: Your name, your job, and the name of Aircraft IT: What is the guiding business principle requires us to be disruptive in our thinking, and
the business? that drives the business? willing to always be open to the possibility that the
Tom Samuel: Tom Samuel, CEO, Comply365 TS: We are continuously leveraging the latest way business will be done in the future is very
technology to make our customers’ lives easier. It different than the way business is currently done.
Aircraft IT: How did Comply365 get started?
TS: The business had its start delivering digital
documents in the aviation industry. Just after the “…the aviation industry went through a significant transition from
iPad came out in 2010, the aviation industry went distributing flight operations manuals in physical pilot flight bags to
through a significant transition from distributing
flight operations manuals in physical pilot flight bags delivering them in digital form. Comply365 worked with several US carriers
to delivering them in digital form. Comply365 and the FAA to build and deliver one of the industry’s first electronic flight
worked with several US carriers and the FAA to build
and deliver one of the industry’s first electronic flight bag solutions.”
bag solutions.



Aircraft IT: What has the greatest business

achievement been to date, and why?
TS: We are fortunate to have had the opportunity to
participate in multiple industry technology “We provide a content management platform for airlines to effectively
transformations. Back in 2011-2013, we played a role
in the aviation industry’s move to the electronic manage operational content including aircraft maintenance manuals from
flight bag. Since 2018, we’ve been involved in all OEMs, work cards, service bulletins, and airworthiness directives, and
supporting individual airlines in their move to
consolidate disparate systems used to create, deliver personalized and targeted content to their mechanics.”
manage, deliver and track compliance of operational
content by building and delivering a document
management platform (ProAuthor). and targeted content to their mechanics. have the correct work instructions available on their
mobile devices to do their jobs safely and
Aircraft IT: In a sentence, how would you Aircraft IT: What will be the next big thing in efficiently.
summarize what the business does for aircraft maintenance Aviation IT?
maintenance customers? TS: In the area of document management, we Aircraft IT: What do you want your customers to
TS: We provide a content management platform for believe airlines will look to streamline and say about Comply365?
airlines to effectively manage operational content consolidate the multiple document management TS: That we are innovative, that we listen to our
including aircraft maintenance manuals from all workstreams that exist today. The goal will be to customers, that we build high-value solutions.
OEMs, work cards, service bulletins, and increase operational safety and to reduce aircraft
airworthiness directives, and deliver personalized out-of-service times. We want to ensure mechanics Aircraft IT: Tom, thank you for your time.






Sustaining aviation after

recovery — part 2
Gesine Varfis, Marketing Manager APSYS and Gabriel Godfrey, Product Owner — Sustainable Aircraft,
APSYS explain why the aviation recovery will be digital — sustainable and green



n part one, we looked at the challenges that commercial aviation faces today e-ticketing (2009), IATA Guidance Material for Paperless Aircraft Operations in
and will still face after the pandemic has passed; how different parts of Technical Operations (2017) and other digital initiatives have been launched. ATM
commercial aviation might be differently affected and a first look into the optimization projects such as SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) are
future for the sector. In this part, we’ll look further into the future and, in making taxi-out times more predictable and efficient, allow the reduction of holding
particular, at some new ways of working that are already in play or that could be patterns, vectoring in terminal airspace upon arrival and optimizing trajectories
introduced in the years ahead. We’ll look at how the sector can play its part in through the use of i4D, among other technologies.
dealing with climate change. Despite these efforts and achievements, traffic growth has off-set all of these
savings, making it clear that any path to net-zero-emissions requires radical
STATUS, IDEAS AND APPROACHES technical and operational changes and innovations. Such drastic evolutions are only
Aerospace and Aviation have a long track record in sustainability. British possible if they are driven by stimuli and enablers.
Airways, KLM and Lufthansa have been publishing corporate sustainability During the 1973 Middle-Eastern oil crisis fuel became one of the top cost drivers.
reports since the 1990s. At the same time aerospace manufacturers have The prediction was that fuel would become more and more expensive, making
been designing increasingly fuel-efficient aircraft. According to ATAG (Air fuel-efficient aircraft, fuel efficient operations and fuel hedging vital competitive
Transport Action Group) today’s jet aircraft are well over 80% more fuel advantages. Investments into aircraft R&D ramped up and led to the spectacular
efficient per seat kilometer compared to the 1960s, and the new Airbus A350 improvements listed above. Later, in 2004, IATA launched its fuel efficiency
and A220, Boeing 787, ATR-600 and Embraer E2 aircraft use less than 3 liters program in response to the further rising price of fuel, supporting airlines to
of jet fuel per 100 passenger kilometers. This matches the efficiency of most increase their fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Weight reduction programs
modern compact cars. and alternative fuels have gained traction ever since. Finally, governments have
In parallel, significant efforts have been made to decrease the consumption of been driving old aircraft out by laws or regulations, or enforcing carbon off-setting
fossil fuels in ground handling and aircraft operations. Paperless operations from programs onto airlines.

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details

S O L U T I O N S . C O N S U LT I N G . E X P E R T S . D ATA S C I E N T I S T S

Sustainable Excellence counts

co-creating sustainable breakthroughs:
Inspired by ࢝ make sustainability your competitive
sustainable mobility ࢝ ensure regulatory compliance
࢝ move digital
࢝ lead in sustainable excellence
࢝ make environmental risks manageable
࢝ engage in shaping a net-zero emissions


Apsys-03.20-220x68mm-V1.indd 1 19/04/2021 16:19

This holistic cradle-to-cradle environmental traceability will rely on new tools and
new ways of working, more data collection and analytics to enable business
resilience as well as failure and disruption mitigation. Last but not least it will
“For efficient tradeoff, the impacts – including require joint efforts and a level of consensus over all ecosystems from business
and stakeholders to society in general, governments and consumers.
environmental — of initiatives of all types and scope
must be simulated, predicted and monitored TODAY’S EFFORTS, ALTHOUGH HARD TO ACKNOWLEDGE,
throughout the whole aircraft lifecycle.” The green premiums concept introduced by Bill Gates as an enabler of achieving
zero-emissions relates to the additional cost of choosing renewable energies or a
clean technology over one that emits a greater amount of greenhouse gases. For
Up until now the low hanging fruits have been identified and many carriers jet aviation fuel, Gates estimates a 140 percent increase based on an average jet
have harvested them. The continued improvement of existing initiatives and the fuel price of $2.22 per gallon. If this materializes it will have a massive impact on
deployment of new, radical solutions (figure 4) will only be effective if they are travel behavior. Therefore, we need to find ways to make green premiums
introduced with a cradle-to-cradle or circular approach. For efficient tradeoff, the cheaper.
impacts — including environmental — of initiatives of all types and scope must be The worldwide aviation industry consumes about 278bn liters of jet fuel
simulated, predicted and monitored throughout the whole aircraft lifecycle annually (figure 5). This is the amount of fuel to be reduced and/or compensated
including design, materials sourcing, factory of the future production, future to achieve net-zero emission without taking future growth into account.
airport and flight operations, all embedded into future mobility concepts, and
hangar of the future maintenance — driven by condition-based maintenance, The worldwide aviation industry consumes about 278 bn l of jet fuel
decommissioning and recycling. annually - these good initiatives are not enough !

first test flight in 2008 0.29 mio l. 8 bn l.

Aerospace & Aviation moved a lot in the last years …. it requires a holistic approach on commercial per year
6.45 mio l.
per year
40 mio l in per year
SAF fuel free route weigh

voltages new material
reduction airspace reduction
0.015% of total
& surface 2011 (2013-2015) (2016-2018) 2032
H2 treatment jet fuel IATA ICAO
batteries electric MBSE /
actuators OPS
electric distributed
MBSA resource safety modern over 80% more fuel-efficient than those flown in the 1950s
storage propulsion fuel liquid propulsion
use cobotics aircraft ATAG
reduction ETS
maintenance cell cooling
recycling ERP
human supply
paperless factor chain
environment € 316,12
waste factory qualification
carbon carbon neutral
Res 4/11/20
of the offsetting + 44 % TIX price

now 10 year 20 year


renewable all fuel domestic
€ 138.13 € 71.76 € 5.37
engine condition energy noise
health based maintenance use
monitoring optimization fuel
operational sustainability
airport reduction emission Figure 5
IT trading
of the
future UTM One of the most prominent actions to reduce carbon emissions is the use of
maintenance engine
planning wash of the
future Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). The first test flight with SAF was in 2008 and
fuels ejournals more
autonomous free route
the first commercial flight in 2011. However, SAF represented just 0.015 percent
operating aircraft airspace
of total fuel consumed by the industry in 2020, while ICAO has predicted that
8bn liters of fuel per year can be produced in a bio-environmental manner by
Figure 4 2032. This is a drop of water on a hot stone.



One of the other important actions taken are off-setting programs like CORSIA.
However, as customer focus on CO2 has steadily and constantly increased, airlines
have initiated their own programs for offsetting CO2 emissions. Delta announced
plans to invest 1 billion USD over the next decade in offsetting initiatives, like SAF
and carbon sequestration. Carriers like easyJet offset all their fuel consumption,
while British Airways offsets domestic flights leaving it to customer’s choice for
offsetting on all other routes.
Lufthansa has moved the complete off-setting initiative to its customers. How
that works is that, for a trip from Frankfurt to Istanbul, the fare was €316 on
November 4th 2020. Customers had the choice between planting trees and
offsetting their carbon emissions over twenty years for about €5 or over ten years
for about €70. For comparison, the price for offsetting the trip with biofuels would
represent a 44 percent increase of the ticket price (+€138,13). When taking the
range of 44-140 percent increase into account it becomes clear that aviation needs
to get prepared for managing a very uncertain future.
Today, SAF can be blended with traditional jet fuel up to 50%. With 14% of
customers, according the World Economic Forum study, willing to pay higher
premiums voluntarily there is room for improvement. Even when we are able to McKinsey performed a survey in 2019 (figure 6) which reveals a generation gap
achieve, that on all flights worldwide and even with 50% of SAF on board it will not with the younger generation being more concerned about climate change
be good enough to meet the goal of net zero-emissions. As of today, aircraft and compared to other age groups. Those in the age group of 25 — 34 have the
engine manufacturers are working hard to develop aircraft that can be fueled with strongest position on climate related issues, but are generally not willing to
100% SAF. change their travel behavior. Above 45 years, people are less sensitive to these
This brings us to the question of who needs to drive aviation sustainability and issues. Throughout all age groups the worry about climate change is ranked
how we can assure, within a highly price-sensitive industry, that airlines do not lose higher than the willingness to pay a green premium even considering the fact
passengers to a non-offsetting competitor because of the high premiums set. that the proposed price increase is far from the cost of net-zero flight: in the
previous example of the flight from Frankfurt to Istanbul the SAF green premium
There is a need to get the public on board we need a seamless & green was a +44 % price increase. This survey proposed an offset price of only US$20
travel chain & investors shaping the new ways of green future mobility for a US$1,000 flight which translates into a 2% increase.
This survey highlights the fact that a green recovery requires not only a radical
change in technology. Society needs to change attitude and commitment towards
sustainability, it requires an active engagement and contribution by everyone.

“One of the other important actions taken are off-

€ 138.13 setting programs like CORSIA. However, as customer
FRAIST focus on CO2 has steadily and constantly increased,
€ 316,12
airlines have initiated their own programs for offsetting
Source: 1 for a $1.000 flight. McKinsey CleanSky Survey July 2019.
CO2 emissions.”
Figure 6



Changing customer habits is a very sensitive undertaking. It requires strong change how we intend to achieve it (figure 8). The path towards this ideal is complex,
management, a very much closer customer relation, as well as risk management uncertain and volatile. New tools to manage this transformation will be
capabilities which take account of much more than environmental risks. This makes necessary.
a green recovery an extremely uncertain, complex and critical challenge, especially In the coming years, the modern fuel-efficient aircraft of today will be further
since we can’t wait until a new zero-emission aircraft is ready to operate improved. In parallel, radically new aircraft concepts will be developed and
commercially. It requires more than just shareholder value focus; it requires trust and introduced. Both processes will have to be managed and synchronized by all
collaboration in rebuilding and re-engineering the future together. Therefore, we industry stakeholders worldwide. One of the enablers for managing this
might even take the more personalized and individualized services into a new area undertaking is the power of big data and advanced analytics tools. Analytics,
of C2B relation management based on very close interaction with customers to predictive and prescriptive analytics and simulation make complexity and future
reduce risks to a minimum. uncertainty manageable. Agile development efforts combined with digitalization
Looking at what has been achieved and what it takes (figure 7) to achieve and risk management will ensure business resilience, while environmental impact
zero-emission travel, there is still room for taking the current initiatives like CORSIA and scenario planning will maximize the efficiency and limit the impact of the
and SESAR further and getting everyone on board for the Sustainable Development introduction of new technologies.
Goals (SDGs) to achieve sustainable excellence. This will be the next obvious steps.
For this and what is ahead of us, we need to work closely with regulators and The new normal evolution path is complex & volatile - agility & sustainability
institutions which will help us to define the framework and ensure compliance. impact & risk simulation - onboarding of new capabilities & technology is key
Transparency will also be necessary to build customers’ trust into the efforts taken.
We need stronger tangible goals on the road to zero emission for 2050. digitalization new ways of business
of the
SDGs change transition future
to a
The current mix of green improvements incl. SAF will not have the old ways of business low-carbon
leverage needed - we need to go collaboratively greener 2035
green risk mitigation building resilience 2030
2020 non fossil fuel R&D
GOV business cycle impact/KPI tracking, scenario-planning, life cycle-based predictive
.. imperatives ecosystem-wide risk management

climate innovation
sustainable sustainable excellence SAF ICAO
zero emission
growth environmental other
reduction of fuel consumption new products aircraft electrified
commitment IMPACT audited
policies OEM
SDGs change
2035 propulsion
measured & regulations rbus

old modern aircraft

ATAG ECAC green new

SDGs SAF. more efficient aircraft operations . infrastructure

ISO 14001 FAA
activity based systems, etc.

reports costing
& commitment
fuel savings Figure 8
2004 initiative digitalization
green projects The new normal in aviation will be a lot different from what we know today. Over
IATA fuel analytics & simulation
program DATA the last two decades we have talked about EFB in the cockpit and paperless
maintenance and whoever has been involved in electronic signature approval
emission neutral
knows what it takes to get this alone approved with the authorities. Safety
Figure 7 comes first and always will, however, proven as well as new technologies need to
be adopted faster and by everyone to achieve zero emission.
TRANSFORMATION TO NEW CAPABILITIES The areas of new technology fast-tracking go beyond aircraft design and fuel. A
AND TECHNOLOGIES circular economy approach is vital in all areas, not only the ones related to
As important as operational excellence has become, achieving net zero- customer experience. ROI (return on investment) will be defined differently taking
emissions requires the introduction of the concept of sustainable excellence and sustainability impact into account. The ‘behind the scenes’ aircraft maintenance will



be one of the domains with significant environmental leverage beyond today’s

ISO14001 framework in respect to materials, paint, waste, smarter re-use and
recycling. Last but not least, the days of the traditional letter checks are numbered;
MPDs (Maintenance Planning Documents) support individualized, equalized checks
while the industry and beyond work on condition-based maintenance concepts
based on predictive maintenance.
In the future, we’ll need to be very much more agile and look at sustainability as
a risk and opportunity. We need to simulate the impact of the risks and the new
ways of working, to understand the outcomes while staying open-minded for
alternatives. Complementary collaboration is a good way of reducing uncertainty
and risks.

The framework for managing the new ways of doing business

Like Operational Excellence, Sustainability Excellence will only have an impact if
it is entrenched into daily work and operations. In figure 9 we can see what
regulations, tools and processes are currently deployed by many companies. Sustainability Director; AirFranceKLM a VP for Sustainability and Compliance;
Delta Airlines a Chief Sustainability Officer. This demonstrates the prominent role
Companies need to manage & drive sustainability - companies who that sustainability already plays.
find solutions earlier will have a competitive advantage Incorporating sustainability into the management process requires an
environmental management system (EMS). It’s comparable to what we know from
IATA Sustainability and
C-level commitment – empowerment for action
DLH Customer, IT & Corporate Responsibility IATA Airline Sustainability
Environment Advisory IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) and its safety management systems (SMS).
Council (SEAC)
easyJet Sustainability Director
AFKLM VP Sustainability & Compliance
Reporting Handbook Using
the GRI Standards (ASRH)
IATA Sustainable Aviation Like the SMS the EMS requires auditing; reporting as well as traceable continuous
Fuel Symposium …
Delta Air Lines Chief Sustainability Officer improvement. IATA has published an Airline Sustainability Reporting Handbook

with guidelines as well as the IATA Environmental Assessment (IEnvA) program,
ORG Mgmt
Management ASR Audit Risk
specifically developed for the airline sector. IATA offers consulting, and has
SDGs System
R&D established a sustainability innovation forum as well as the Sustainability and
performance & Start ups Environment Advisory Council (SEAC) with twenty airline members.

IATA Environmental Industry Peers Regulators Similarly to SMS, EMS includes the raising awareness and continuous
fuel and emissions Assessment (IEnvA)
business transfo. &
Emergency innovation improvement related to sustainability. Other industries have established line
commercial sustainability
idea suggestion sys functions or ‘Sustainability Excellence Centers’ responsible for driving
supply chain
task forces projects market & sustainability projects and innovations while including suggestion systems, market
ethics & compliance development follow up and benchmarking. For EMS reporting and auditing there
digitalization awareness … benchmarking
FI sustainability &
are numerous tools available in the market but, for managing sustainability
continuously, more is required.
Figure 9
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an accepted standard to A NEW WAY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE WITH BPM?
define comparable goals, missions and visions. Translating this vision into action Tools in use today are focused on action management and sustainability
requires shared goals, a strategy and an adequate organizational structure with monitoring for CSR and EHS initiatives embedded into an audited sustainability
sponsors or responsibilities assigned within the organization. Some companies reporting. With environmental compliance getting more complex, with
have already been implementing this as sustainability has gained C-level requirements changing at a faster pace, the need to assure compliance, with
attention throughout the industry: Lufthansa has a Chief Customer Officer software tools to avoid penalties or impact on trust in the brand, rises. Many
responsible for Customers, IT and Corporate Responsibility; EasyJet a companies treat compliance and business process management (BPM)



key sustainability indicators (KSI) and cost. In addition, early warning indicators
(EWI) allow proactive management of deviations in real time before they have a
significant impact. If changes in cause-and-effect relations can be identified
early, they can be monitored and controlled.
This approach represents a new perspective on environmental management and it
is too early to say how effective it will be. However, business process management
(BPM) tools have a proven impact in increasing productivity, in reduction of cost and
cycle times while ensuring quality improvements.


We are in the midst of the 4th industrial revolution sparked by the need for an
energy revolution to limit climate change. As discussed above, we know that
while existing initiatives (SAF, incremental efficiency improvements, etc.) are an
important step in the right direction, they will not be enough to achieve net
zero-emissions. Deploying the more radical innovations that will be necessary to
separately, but with environmental impact and CO2 emissions being related to all achieve this goal will only be possible with increased transparency, trust and
business processes, BPM could move into focus for compliance assurance, collaboration within and beyond the aviation and aerospace industry (figure 11).
transparency, risk management and impact simulation. This will require more
detailed data about the sources, cause/effect relations and impacts via a On the technology side we need to keep an open mind, practice open
sustainability and CO2 impact driver mapping (figure 10). innovation & collaboration and be prepared to test wide ranging scenarios
Sustainability impact transparency is a pre-requisite to manifest sustainable fuels / storage propulsion technologies
leadership based on KSIs, impact simulation and active risk mitigation
KSI definition sustainability driver mapping impact prediction & simulation turbine / piston
EWI source
jet fuel green fuels H2 engine
KRI cause-effect
KSI KPI KSI cost new material
KRI & surface environment
green hydrogen zero


turbine / piston
CORE PROCESS sub-processes
jet fuel green fuels H2 batteries hybrid digitalization
SAFETY renewable energies

SDGs KSI plan impact action performance H2 batteries electric
prediction tracking follow up

change change
transformation . digitalization . innovation . improvement . idea management . barrier removal teams Figure 11
While industry actors engage in massive efforts to develop groundbreaking
Figure 10 technologies, the scale of the challenge is such that we cannot expect these to
To feed these indicators, data collection must evolve from basic quantity be deployed on a wide scale in the very short term. According to Shell, ‘the
measurements (for example a simple metric of waste produced annually) to a effective application of low carbon technologies, such as electric and hydrogen
detailed data relations mapping over the complete business process (from propulsion are unlikely to be in widespread use until 2040 or later’’ . Even
source to disposal or recycling) related to key performance (KPI), key risk (KRI), beyond that, it is very unlikely that a silver bullet technology will emerge as a



universal solution similar to what Jet Fuel has been in the past decades.
This means that the industry will have to reinvent itself and accommodate
multiple evolving solutions tailored to specific air mobility needs. SAF, Hydrogen,

Electric and Hybrid technologies are all likely to support parts of the solution but
no one knows exactly how this will materialize.
Adapting to this new, constantly evolving reality will require flexibility, open

mindedness and collaboration across the industry. This brings significant risk and
uncertainty but with the help of the right sustainability management

methodologies and tools, the industry has an unprecedented opportunity to
introduce groundbreaking change.

At APSYS Gesine is responsible for Airline and MRO Marketing including
customer relations, ensuring the digital transformation in close cooperation
with clients. Gesine worked as CIO and COO advisor for Aeroflot Russian
Airlines engaged in the upgrading of Aeroflot’s OPS systems. Prior to Aeroflot
she was a Management Consultant for Lufthansa Consulting focusing on cost
cutting, operational excellence, performance management, Operations Control
and Hub Control Center re-engineering, and IT speciation, verification and implementation

Gabriel Godfrey spent more than 15 years developing and integrating
electronic systems for large civil aircraft engine control and systems, acquiring
a thorough understanding of aircraft and safety critical systems fundamental
for safe sustainable aircraft. He is also involved in standardization as secretary
of the SAE E-40 Electrified Propulsion committee. As product owner of the
sustainable aircraft offer, Gabriel draws on APSYS’s risk management
expertise to lead the aviation industry towards safe sustainability. .

APSYS is a Consulting and Research Company specialized in
reliability, safety, cyber protection and support of transport
systems as well as industrial infrastructures, in compliance with
environmental requirements. APSYS ensures safety, security and IT TAKES A FEW MOMENTS
sustainability in design, manufacturing, operations and maintenance for aerospace,
aviation and future mobility. APSYS offers digital risk management and aircraft

maintenance solutions.






Christobal Henner explains how excellent

software, value for money and great
customer support have put
ADSOFTWARE at the forefront for
CAMO and MRO software solutions
Christobal Henner joined ADSOFTWARE in 2019 as Sales Director to define
and execute the sales strategy of the company. His past experiences include
three years as the GM of HiFly Marketing, a consulting firm based in South
Africa and four years as Director of Sales for Americas at Safran Electronics
and Defence, based in Dallas, Texas. Christobal spent most of his career leading
sales of IT and hardware solutions to aircraft operators worldwide.

Aircraft IT: Your name, your job, and the name of still is to provide a robust alternative to the complex Secondly, customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of
the business? and expensive solutions available on the market. our marketing strategy. If we have companies such as
Christobal Henner: Christobal Henner, Sales Director ATR and SABENA among our customers today it’s
at ADSOFTWARE, short for Aviation Dedicated Aircraft IT: What is the guiding business principle because we were able to demonstrate a very good
Software. that drives the business? reputation in the industry built over two decades
CH: Firstly, we pride ourselves on being aviation through reactive and personalised customer support.
Aircraft IT: How did ADSOFTWARE get started? professionals. Over 25% of our workforce is Lastly, we work in close collaboration with our
CH: The business started 23 years ago. The founder composed of engineers with years of experience in customers to design and specify new features and
and current CEO, Frédéric Ulrich, saw an opportunity flight operations. This is key for the development of modules. This not only ensures that customers will get
to create an innovative CAMO/MRO software using features that match the needs of operators and to what they want, but it also guarantees that our tools
the most recent IT technologies. His objective was and understand their constraints. are robust and 100% relevant to our target market.



“A few months ago, SABENA AEROSPACE, the world-renowned MRO company, AIRCRAFT IT
selected ADSOFTWARE to replace their existing solution.” Operations

Aircraft IT: What has the greatest the contract. This forced us to review right expertise at a fraction of the cost
business achievement been to date, our entire implementation process. We of comparable solutions.
and why? deployed a much more direct approach
CH: In the last three to four years, for the implementation project and Aircraft IT: What will be the next big
ADSOFTWARE has had resounding facilitated the exchange of data and thing in maintenance Aviation IT?
business successes, gaining market information between our customers CH: Paperless is here and will, very
shares through contracts usually and our team. Today, as soon as we soon, be the standard practice; our
awarded to much bigger and more sign a contract, one of the first steps is solutions are already 100% paperless
expensive software providers. to assign a project manager with actual ready for the operators that want to
In 2018, ATR decided to rely on our
solutions to support all their CAMO and
aviation experience and organize a
local visit to the customer’s facilities to
implement them. Further down the
road, Big Data will reveal the hidden
MRO services for ATR operators. The
same year the largest (120 A/C)
launch the installation. With our
presence on premises and the
value in the huge amount of data
collected every day.
aviation school in Europe (France’s
ENAC) chose ADSOFTWARE after
expertise of our team we are proud to
have an implementation success rate Aircraft IT: What do you want your
months of evaluation. Since then, we
were also selected by the largest
close to 100%. customers to say about
operator in West Africa, Air Peace while
making good progress in the defence
Aircraft IT: In a sentence, how would
you summarize what the business
CH: We want them to say that they
feel understood and supported, and
industry with the French Navy and DCI
Group. A few months ago, SABENA
does for aircraft maintenance
that we offer neat features to solve
their problems.
Advisory Unit
AEROSPACE, the world-renowned MRO CH: ADSOFTWARE facilitates day to
company, selected ADSOFTWARE to day CAMO and MRO activities by Aircraft IT: Christobal Henner, thank
replace their existing solution. These providing the right technology and the you for your time. Want to be involved?
contracts have confirmed our company
as a leader in the industry and opened a Simply email
new chapter in our history.
Aircraft IT: What have your “… as soon as we sign a contract, one of the first steps for more information
disappointments been and what have
you learned from them? is to assign a project manager with actual aviation
CH: What frustrates us the most is experience and organize a local visit to the customer’s
when a customer is not using our
software to its full potential. Often the facilities to launch the installation.”
cause of this lies in the initial phases of



Singapore Lessor (DAC)

Eyes Further Digitalization
Jefferson Ding, Managing Director at Dragon Aviation Capital (DAC)
shares some pertinent insights into DAC’s Digitalization Strategy

ragon Aviation Capital (DAC) provides aircraft records scanning services Digitalization is a tried-and-tested process and, in line with the resurgence of
and digitization, by means of OCR text recognition from which the final available cloud services, and maintenance records management platforms as well
digital documents are structured to fit the Lessors’/Aircraft Owners’ as digitizing of managing aircraft records, we expect that aircraft asset
requirements, and are fully searchable. These digitized records are management and transitions will be the new standard practice.
maintained in a secured cloud service accessible to anyone who is authorized to As well as for DAC itself, we are also seeing a more wide-spread digital approach
do so from wherever they might be located. in the industry and with some of our maintenance partners. In fact, it is a
continuous trend. In the past year during the COVID pandemic, the aviation
THE GROWTH IN DIGITALIZATION OF RECORDS industry has been relying heavily on digital platforms to conduct their business.
As an aircraft and engine leasing specialist, Dragon Aviation Capital is prioritizing Increasing numbers of aviation companies have tapped into digital platforms in
records digitalization as part of a future strategy to further embed new areas such as fleet management and maintenance planning. Some examples would
technologies into the business. In this article, I’m going to share with you be aircraft lease returns, aircraft pre-purchase inspections or acquisitions and
something of what DAC proposes to do, how it will be done and what gains we aircraft maintenance checks. We too have gained much knowledge from all these
expect to see as a result of implementing records digitalization. new experiences and will continue to do so as we are pressed to adapt to the new
Given that digitalization is a key issue in aviation right now, we’ll start by looking norm.
at what Dragon Aviation Capital, as a lessor, has done to implement this into its In a particular step change brought about by the pandemic and a shift toward
operation. Over recent years, we have witnessed a shift toward the digitizing of digital technologies, we have also seen an increasing trend, among ASEAN based
asset records handling and believe the aviation segment has been progressive in its airline operators and their MRO spin-offs, to engage third party services provider
embracing of new technologies, such as the Global Aircraft Trading System (GATS) like DAC to provide cost effective solutions for the digitization of historical aircraft
tool. Digitizing is the new standard for handling aircraft records and has been in records to improve routine operations and support advanced preparation of aircraft
active use in the aviation sector for the past few years. and engine End-of-Lease projects.

INTERACTIVE Click here for full product details





As digital records replacing paper ones is also a current trend, particularly with One area where we have thought about the future is in the engine leasing
regard to leasing, DAC has adapted and utilized this to cater for current market business where, during this time, DAC has also expanded the business beyond
needs. We believe that a paperless process is a vital element in any successful aircraft into engine leasing, to provide asset management services. Dragon
approach to records management. To put it into perspective, the reality of Aviation Capital is providing asset management services for our clients and has
having digital records as compared to physical copies is that they are simply placed some engines (V2500-A5s, CFM56-5Bs, etc.), APUs and Landing Gear
more cost effective and more easily accessible to end-users. A substantial out on lease in the past year.
decrease in storage rental expenses and improved accessibility of records are the But there is also the broader question of how aircraft leasing might recover in
main driving force in having records digitized. It also makes it possible for Asia-Pacific after COVID-19. Our expectation is that it will recover in due time and,
everyone to work together from wherever they might be located, very useful in for now, we expect international air travel activity in Asia Pacific to revert close to
light of the current travel restrictions and with the limitations on face-to-face 50% (estimated) of pre-crisis levels by 2022.
interactions. However, currently, the continued deterioration in the financial health of airline
As we’ve already explained, Dragon Aviation Capital (DAC) provides aircraft customers means that aircraft lessors will still face more collection issues or be
records scanning and digitization services. When the records are scanned, the team forced to offer extended rental deferrals. Additionally, lessors’ revenues and
will have those documents audited, put through an optical character recognition earnings would also take a further hit if they are forced to remarket repossessed
(OCR) process and uploaded to a secured cloud service where the documents are aircraft and renew leases at weaker rates due to the significant demand-supply
fully searchable using OCR text recognition; one example of how this can save time imbalance. That said, the impact will vary depending on the lessor’s asset quality
is in finding a particular Part No or Serial No. and digitized records will make a key contribution to this as well.
The DAC team maintains that secured cloud service where anyone who is
authorized to access it can do so, at their convenience, from any location. An AUTHOR
example of where we have implemented this service is for aircraft end-of-lease Jefferson Ding has over 25 years of aviation experience in planning, engineering
(EOL) projects, where all the documents are scanned and uploaded on a site so the technical services, asset management, and aircraft and engine trading. Starting at
lessor, operator and our team (based in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, South EVA Airways, he held various management roles with Leasing and Airline
Korea and Hong Kong) can access these documents remotely. Compared to other businesses plus was a founding member of EVA Airways in Taiwan and
parts of the commercial aftermarket, in terms of technology adoption the leasing Transportation Partners in Singapore. He also set up Batam Aero Technik for Lion Air
sector is moving progressively in embracing new technology, one example is the Group. Mr. Ding holds a BS-Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering and graduated from
the Spartan School of Aeronautics plus holds a valid a FAA A & P License
GATS platform (see above).
Headquartered in Singapore with regional offices in Malaysia, Philippines,
South Korea and Hong Kong, DAC is uniquely positioned with the capability
to provide a seamless approach on all technical services, for both aircraft
“…lessors’ revenues and earnings would also take a operators and financiers, covering the entire aircraft and engine life-cycle from pre-
acquisition and delivery phase through to commercial operation and asset redelivery, sale
further hit if they are forced to remarket repossessed or part-out. DAC advises on all aspects of commercial and management exposure to
aircraft and renew leases at weaker rates due to the maximize asset value while minimizing transactional risk and techno-commercial
significant demand-supply imbalance. That said, the
impact will vary depending on the lessor’s asset
quality and digitized records will make a key CLICK HERE TO POST YOUR COMMENT
contribution to this …” INTERACTIVE SUBSCRIBE HERE



WINTER 2020 • V9.4 MARCH-APRIL 2021 • V10.1 MAY-JUNE 2021 • V10.2

After the pandemic comes the recovery Where next following the recovery?
Digital efficiency for WestJet’s engineers Tools to help the return to service After COVID comes the need for net zero carbon
The benefits of moving from legacy paper to digital document management
Digital processes Tech-based inventory Leveraging value The right tool Working together MRO IT delivered
USA Jet adopts Digital assets need After the COVID at Sabena Technics management from IT systems for the job in partnership as a service
digital signatures digital systems pandemic The project and the Addressing the spares challenge Understanding IT-enabled Finnair implements a new Benefits for Delta TechOps Western Global Airlines learned
Moving into a paperless world Using data that modern aircraft deliver IATA has a plan for the re-start values gained with the right tools processes tool management solution from an IT partnership the value of a new approach




MRO Software
Key ‘at-a-glance’ information
from the world’s leading MRO 2MoRO ADSoftware ADT: Applied
software providers. Database Technology
W: W: W:
T: +33 (0)559 013 005 T: +33 (0) T: +1 (425) 466-5013
E: E: T: +1 (614) 377-9644
IT is a powerful force but, to leverage
Locations: France (HQ), Canada and Malaysia Location: France, Thailand, E:
its greatest value, it must be harnessed South Africa, Brazil Location: Bellevue, Tampa USA;
and directed. It must also be able to Istanbul, Turkey
handle huge and growing data
the lives of aircraft and the processes • Aero One, Aero-Webb, BFly • AIRPACK • Wings NG
attracted the best brains and most • MRO: Line, Base, Engine maintenance • AIRTIME — Fleet management & CAMO • Fleet Management
• Airworthiness and Fleet Management • AIRSTOCK — Inventory control & • Maintenance Engineering
innovative enterprises to create IT • Flight and Crew management Logistic • Material Management
solutions for one of the most • Material Management • AIRDOC — Documentation management • Production Planning
demanding working environments, • ERP: Finance, Purchasing, Sales, HR • AIRSTAT — Reliability and statistic • Labor Collection, Billing
Aircraft MRO and M&E. Inevitably, 2MoRO is a software development company dedicated to the reports APPLIED DATABASE TECHNOLOGY (ADT) is a professional
aviation market. Our teams are located in Europe, America • AIRWORK — Time Tracking Software services and software development firm that provides MRO
there are many such developers and and Asia. We work with partners and resellers worldwide and software solutions for aircraft operators as well as aircraft
ADSoftware has developed an integrated fleet management
vendors offering solutions ranging our software solutions are used in more than 20 countries.
system and logistic package called AIRPACK. This 6 module
repair and overhaul organizations. Our commitment to this
business segment is proven with our software package,
from single function `Specialist Point We propose 3 different software solutions in order to fit
system answers to the needs of aircraft and helicopters
WINGS, designed specifically for aerospace companies. ADT
operators, as well as MRO and CAMO centres. It meets
Solutions’ to complete `End-to-End’ every type and size of Aviation, Aerospace and Defense
all requirements in terms of functionality, traceability,
has been in the software business since 1992 and has built an
companies. Our solutions have been chosen by aircraft and excellent customer reference base. Our first priority is always
solutions covering the whole process. engine manufacturers such as Airbus Helicopters, Dassault
performance, aviation legislation and regulations.  Today,
customer satisfaction; thus we have obtained 100% customer
ADSoftware counts more than 54 clients worldwide. The
Aviation or Safran Group but also by aircraft operators,
Only readers will know the specific airlines or independent MROs. We also have a R&D
strength of ADSoftware is the simplicity of its products; they
satisfaction since 1992. ADT has a proven record to develop
reference accounts in the Aviation industry along with other
requirements of their businesses but department and can help you in data migration.
are Microsoft Windows® ready, Web-enabled, available in
various languages and a complete training program can be
high technology companies which are considered to be
we have assembled a directory of the Aero One® and Aero-Webb® have been designed to done in just five days. The company also provides a 24/7
leaders in their fields.
online technical support and extremely competitive pricing
best MRO software providers and complement your ERP solution regarding aviation and MRO
specific needs. They are certified by SAP®, and Aero-Webb®
listed them alphabetically to make it can also be used as stand-alone. BFly®, our latest software,
easier for you to undertake a brief-ish is a new way to create customized software for aviation and
enables users to collaborate, design personalized screens,
(there are 37 providers and the workflows and business processes.
number continues to grow) survey of At 2MoRO, we are proud to offer a very dedicated customer
the market, as a preliminary to starting service, as reflected by our 95% retention rate. We work
mainly on a fixed-price base and we are ISO 9001 certified
on any specification and selection for aviation software development, maintenance and support.
process. Or you might simply read it to
keep up to date with what is available

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Aerostrat APSYS ASQS (Advanced Safety ATP

and Quality Solutions)
W: W: W: W:
T: +1-888-558-2860 T: +33 (0) 5 61 30 99 00 T: +43 1 306 1234 T: +1 415-330-9500
E: E: E: E:
Location: Seattle, USA Location: France Locations: ASQS GmbH, Vienna, Austria, Location: Brisbane, California; Toronto, Canada;
ASQS Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand Austin, Texas; and Bonita Springs, Florida

• Aerros • AMASIS, IBIS (BI), Simfia and Simlog • IQSMS (Integrated Quality and Safety • ChronicX
Management System) • SpotLight
• Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) Service • ATP Libraries
• Heavy/Base Maintenance Planning • Consulting Services
• The IQSMS Suite consists of a total • ATP Aviation Hub
• Capacity/Workload Planning • Risk Management
of 10 modules, varying according to • Flightdocs
• Maintenance Schedule Optimization • Cybersecurity
the operator. (Airlines, Business Jets,
• Maintenace Event Performance Tracking • Safety & Airworthiness Management
Helicopter, Airports, MROs...)
• Heavy/Base Production Schedules • ATM&UTM KEY BUSINESS/SOFTWARE AREAS
Aerostrat is based in Seattle, WA and offers one product • Digitalization and Analytics KEY BUSINESS SOFTWARE AREAS • Maintenance Operations Solutions
called Aerros, a one-of-a-kind program that manages an • Maintenance & Engineering • Quality Management Module • Maintenance Tracking
airline’s or MRO’s aircraft maintenance schedule. Aerros • IOCC & MCC • Reporting Module • Flight Operations
enables users to optimize the maintenance program by
managing various maintenance and operational constraints,
• Predictive Maintenance • Risk Management Module • Reliability Tools
which maximizes event yield, drives costs down, and enables • Sustainability Management • Document Distribution Module • Aircraft Troubleshooting
the organization to plan proactively, not reactively. • Green aircraft & H2 • Emergency Response Planning Module • Business Intelligence for Aircraft
A subsidiary of Airbus, APSYS is a Consulting and Research ASQS (Advanced Safety and Quality Solutions) is a global
• Recurring Defect Analysis
Aerros provides robust ‘what-if’ scenario capabilities that
Company based in Toulouse; specialized in reliability, safety, supplier of highly innovative QMS and SMS software for
allow users to see the effect of different variables. This
cyber protection and support of transport systems as well the aviation industry, supporting more than 200 large and
aids in making sound business decisions concerning the ATP is a global information services and software solutions
as industrial infrastructures, in compliance with environmental small operators, including airlines, business jet and helicopter
maintenance and fleet plan. Some of these variables are company focused on making flying safer and more reliable.
requirements. APSYS is involved in the design, manufacturing operators, groundhandling agents/FBOs, airports and
maintenance programs limits, min/target/max yield, aircraft ATP Information Services is the general and business aviation
and operating phases of products and also develops digital maintenance organizations, in creating a safe and productive
hr/cy utilization, track/requirement compatibility, and industry’s source for aircraft technical publications and
solutions. work environment.
maintenance allocations. To forecast an optimal maintenance real-time regulatory information. ATP Software Solutions
plan within an operation, Aerros also provides a Capacity is the leading provider of maintenance tracking, flight
With over 30 years in aircraft maintenance APSYS offers The company specializes in intuitive, integrated, web-based
Planning feature. This feature allows users to input and view operations, inventory management, repetitive defect analysis,
AMASIS a reliable and scalable maintenance management solutions with exceptional customer support. ASQS’s core
vendor capacity available and labor hour demand to better and troubleshooting software. The company’s applications
solution, as well as associated services, analytics, BI, product IQSMS allows clients to manage operational data
manage the labor force. help reduce operating costs, improve aircraft reliability, and
customization and R&D solutions. 24/7 online and offline with a single integrated tool which supports technical knowledge sharing and collaboration
Aerros also provides easy-to-navigate scenarios with drag significantly simplifies daily tasks. The easy handling of within the general and business aviation, military/defense,
Simfia is applied for simulation and analytics (R.A.M.S
and drop event movement and manipulation. Scenarios can the software creates a positive reporting culture, enables commercial aviation, and OEM industries.
Studies) and Simlog models integrated logistics support (ILS)
be published so others (including vendors or operators) can comprehensive quality management and proactive risk
simulation and analytics.
view the plan. Aerros provides excellent system stability and management to maximize productivity, reduce operating The company has deployed solutions for multiple Fortune
reliability with standard IT practices. It is also integration- costs, and optimize internal and external working procedures. 100 companies, supporting more than 75,000 aircraft
ready and designed to work as an extension of a user’s IQSMS automates laborious processes like the submission of maintenance professionals worldwide. As a global company,
existing information systems. ECCAIRS or IDX compliant incident reports which, combined ATP has more than 7,500 customers in 137 countries, with
with a consolidated, up-to-date regulations database, ensures nearly 50 years of experience in the information services and
legal compliance with national and international requirements software industries.
and standards.

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Aviation InterTec Services The Boeing Company Comply365 Communications Software

(Airline Systems)
W: W: W: W:
T: +1 807-625-9260 T: +1 206-655-2121 T: +1 (877) 366 2365 T: +44 1621 817 425
E: E: E: E:
Locations: Canada, Malta Location: Over 65 locations around the world Location: USA Location: UK

• RAAS • Airplane Health Management • ProAuthor (XML-Based Authoring • OASES Modules
• Business Consulting Solution) • OASES Mobile
• Maintenance Performance Toolbox • Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) • OASES Techlog
• Production Planning and Management
• Optimized Maintenance Program • Digital Briefing • OASES Cloud
• Inventory and Procurement
• Document & Communication Manager • OASES Web
• Inspection Document Management
KEY BUSINESS/SOFTWARE AREAS • Training Solution (LMS Learning Manager)
• Reliabiliity and Performance Analysis
• Financial and Flight Operations • Technical Content Management KEY BUSINESS/SOFTWARE AREAS KEY BUSINESS/SOFTWARE AREAS
Integration • Vehicle Health Mana gement • XML-Based Authoring Solution • Continuing Airworthiness
RAAS is an MRO and CAMO software system designed
• Maintenance Optimization Consulting (ProAuthor) • Material, Warranty & Commercial
to meet the needs of mid-tier commercial fleet operators. Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading • Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Management
Enabling modern, high-efficiency workflows in a powerful manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and • Digital Briefing Flight Release • Planning & Production
and straightforward package, RAAS is the best fit for mid- security systems. Boeing Support and Services combines
size fleets and user groups. Scalable, intelligent and 100% airplane design and manufacturing expertise with unique
• Document Mgmt. and Distribution • Line Maintenane
browser-based, RAAS includes efficiency-creating features access to fleet-wide operational data to offer optimization Platform • Complete MRO workflows
such as automated real time airframe time updating and solutions. • Targeted Distribution w/ Compliance Commsoft’s Open Aviation Strategic Engineering System
exchange of aircraft next due items, electronic technical Tracking (OASES) is the all-in-one software for airworthiness
dispatch, MPD/MRB driven program management and check With these offerings, Boeing addresses the evolving need for maintenance control, meeting strict regulatory requirements.
integration and optimization of data and information across Comply365 delivers secure, cloud-based solutions, focusing
package creation, purchase order e-approval and e-signature, It enables airlines, fixed wing and rotary operators, MROs,
the aviation ecosystem to empower smart decision-making. on Authoring, EFB and Digital Briefing Solutions, as well as
integration with finance/accounting for payables or inventory and CAMOs to increase efficiencies in the management and
The portfolio includes services and solutions for flight Targeted Distribution of Mobile Manuals.
value management, and of course approved paperless and monitoring of every procedure or intervention.
e-signature maintenance processes from the hangar floor to operations, maintenance & engineering and procurement
organizations to optimize the operational efficiency of The Authoring Solution, features ProAuthor: the aviation
the cockpit. OASES is used by 130 aviation organisations — national
airplanes and operations. industry’s first and only XML-based solution for authoring,
carriers, large third-party maintenance providers, and
revising and distributing publications.
RAAS customers enjoy the benefits of a widely accessible independent operators — and supported in 55 countries
and easy-to-use inventory management and maintenance Boeing has more than 250 customers for its optimization across 6 continents. Commsoft is an MIT group company,
solutions. The portfolio draws on solutions from a family Comply365’s proven Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) solution lets
support system that through continued use is able to reduce part of the Valsoft Corporation portfolio.
of Boeing companies: AerData, Inventory Locator Services crews access mission-critical information throughout each
maintenance costs by increasing maintenance procedure
and Jeppesen, serving operators of Boeing and non-Boeing phase of flight.
efficiency, reducing held inventory, providing proof of quality
for inspection escalations, and by directly reducing clerical airplanes.
Digital Briefing helps turn planes faster for more on-time
manpower requirements. The quick deployment, ease of departures with instant feedback to dispatchers when the
support, and low TCO inherent in cross-platform browser- flight crew accepts a release and signs Fit for Duty.
based information systems coupled with high levels of
integration, easy-to-use user interfaces, and many automated Comply365’s full-featured Document Management and
reporting and data analysis features make RAAS a leader Targeted Distribution Platform boosts productivity by
in its field. delivering any type of manual or document directly to any
mobile device or stationary workstation.

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Conduce CrossConsense EmpowerMX eTT Aviation

W: W: W: W:
T: +44 333 888 4044 T: +49 69 4035 7600 T: +1 866-498-3702 T: +1 208-424-9424
E: E: E: E:
Location: Nuneaton, Warwickshire Location: Frankfurt Germany; Location: Frisco TX, USA Locations: Boise, ID, USA
Heusenstamm Germany

• eTechLog8 • Aicraft Fleet View • FleetCycle® Execution Suite — MRO • MISA: Complete Aviation Management
• eCabinLog8 • ACSIS Manager (FCXM) Information System
• eTraining8
• Support • FleetCycle® Execution Suite: Production • Accounting
• Consulting Manager (FXPM), MRO Manager (FCXM) • Maintenance
• Business Intelligence solutions and Line Manager (FCXL) • Inventory Management
• Electronic Tech Log
• App and dashboard development • Maintenance Program Manager • Purchasing
• Cabin Log
CrossConsense’s portfolio stretches from AMOS Support, (FCMPM), Planning Manager (FCPM), • Human Resources/Payroll
• Document Viewer
BI-Management, Data Migration and Hosting to the products Reliability Manager (FCRM), Material The Management Information System for Aviation (MISA),
Conduce specializes in producing mobile applications for Aircraft Fleet View (progressive web app for up-to-date fleet Manager (FCMM), and Maintenance is a fully integrated, and expertly supported product
the aviation industry, writing native Win8/10 and IOS tablet status) and ACSIS (tool for predictive maintenance).
“Touch” solutions and integrating these with responsive Intelligence (FCMI), Electronic LogBook that provides extensive tools for an aviation company to
manage all aspects of their business, including accounting,
modern connected websites. The current flagship product AMOS Support: CrossConsense has a long tradition in (FCELB) maintenance, inventory management, purchasing, flight
eTechLog8 enables an airline to eliminate the traditional providing support for AMOS with one single point of contact • Coming Soon: FleetCycle® Executive operations, employee training, human resources, payroll,
paper based tech log/cabin log and deferred defect books for 1st and 2nd level. CrossConsense realizes well-planned Suite — Shop Manager (FCXS)) labor collection, government contracting, and flight school
and is currently in differing stages of contract, trial & and perfectly organized data migration projects for airline management.
acceptance with various airlines. Several NAA’s are also now customers; plus offers Reporting and Business Intelligence EmpowerMX is an aviation industry-recognized software
involved with respect to monitoring these projects, enabling Analytics for AMOS customers. development/consulting-services business. We are purely
It is a common practice for aviation companies to use
the necessary approval for the eventual roll out of paperless focused on empowering our customers with the ability to
multiple applications to manage their operations. Often, such
tech log systems with multiple EASA approved airline fleets. Aircraft Fleet View is a user-friendly Progressive Web decrease the costs of making air travel safer by equipping
applications have limited interfaces necessitating duplicate
App (PWA) developed by CrossConsense that gives you their decision makers with reliable, real-time/globally
data entry — a recipe for inducing errors and decreasing
an always up-to-date view on your airline’s fleet status. It available intelligence for minimizing maintenance turn times/
efficiency. And even when interfaces exist, they can be
indicates AOGs, delays and other important information. OpEx while maximizing airworthiness/profits. FCXM allows
difficult to manage and require resources to build, maintain,
It provides the right level of detail to be useful but not MROs, airlines, and lessors to effectively control the entire
and support them.
crowded with information. maintenance lifecycle or only the portions for which they
are responsible. Airlines can jointly manage their outsourced MISA provides the solution  for these issues by standardizing,
ACSIS is a powerful software tool developed to assist any and insourced activites like engineering reliability, QA and streamlining, and integrating business processes across all
airline, aircraft operator, MRO facility and OEM to avoid maintenance programs at the line, heavy and shop levels with the various departments and functional areas within the
AOGs, delays and turnbacks, as well as improve aircraft an expected reduction in cycle times and increase in labor company; and this integration improves the bottom line
utilization, and enhance safety. ACSIS integrates with any productivity on the magnitude of 16-30 percent. Third-party while providing employees a user-friendly and consistent
MRO / M&E Software solution to deliver better insights into MROs can run their entire operation from bidding through application experience across the whole organization and
aircraft health and potential future problems to be dealt with contracting to invoicing. access to real-time, comprehensive, and relevant information
during scheduled maintenance. from a single system rather than from disparate sources.
MISA boasts impressive customer loyalty as evidenced by a
number of aviation companies who have used MISA as their
ERP system for more than two decades.

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EXSYN Aviation Solutions Flatirons Solutions Gamit IDMR Solutions

W: W: W: W:
T: 0031-20-760 8200 T: +1.303.627.6535 T: +44 1279 818800 T: +1-347-565-4367
E: E: E: E:
Location: Amsterdam Locations: Europe, Asia, USA, Middle East Location: London UK (HQ), Basel Switzerland, Location: New York/Tel Aviv
Beirut Lebanon

• Avilytics, TITAN CORENA Suite • ROAM — Online digital airworthiness • InForm
records archive and records complance
• Aviation Analytics solution • Content Management System (CMS) • Technical Publication
• RDOC — ROAM Document OCR &
• Aircraft Reliability Management solution • Interactive Electronic Technical Publisher • Engineering Orders
Classification engine, through the use
• Predictive Maintenance solution (IETP) • Task Cards
of configurable algorythems RDOC
• Robotic Process Automation • Maintenance & Engineering • Planning
can recorgnise your documents easily,
• Data Migration • Flight Operations • Maintenance Programs
accuratly and fast.
• Consulting Service • Tablet Solutions & Mobility • Electronic Signatures
EXSYN Aviation Solutions is specialized in the field of aircraft Flatirons provides consulting, technology, and outsourcing
data, analytics & processing and provides user-friendly for content lifecycle management (CLM). For more than IDMR Solutions Inc. is a global leader offering enterprise SaaS
and innovative aviation IT solutions for aircraft reliability 20 years, we have served global Fortune 1000 customers • Airworthiness records archive
and mobile solutions for content management, document
management and predictive maintenance. Also offered are data in aerospace, automotive, electronics, financial services, • Status Builder distribution, electronic task cards, and e-signatures in the
processing and managed services for data migration, interface government, healthcare, and publishing. Our customer • Document Indexing highly regulated aviation industry. InForm is a software
design and software implementation management. They also engagements help organizations efficiently deliver the • Communication module engineered to provide end-to-end comprehensive business
build customized solutions and software tools if off-the-shelf right information, at the right time, to the right people by solutions integrated with leading M&E systems. InForm
products do not meet a customer’s needs. leveraging structured content and digital media — Turning
• Outsourcing
supports the industry leaders’ remote and mobile workforces
Content into Knowledge®. The CORENA Suite by Flatirons Gamit was founded in 1990 to provide technical support enabling safe and efficient operations. Every day, thousands
Avilytics is EXSYN’s Predictive Maintenance, Aircraft Reliability, is the leading content lifecycle management (CLM) solution for operators, MRO’s and leasing companies, including on of engineers, maintenance planners, technical writers, and
and Engineering & Maintenance KPI Solution, reducing developed specifically for organizations that rely on mission- spare parts, technical support, records auditing, on site maintenance technicians rely on InForm for digital delivery of
AOG’s through informed decision making to prevent delays, critical data to design, manufacture, operate, or maintain representation, and technical consultancy. Through years of operational content, replacing paper-based documentation.
cancellations and save costs. complex assets over their product and service lifecycles experience, Gamit developed ROAM, airworthiness records With aviation leaders trusting IDMR, InForm is the solution
as well as across multi-echelon business networks. For management solution and an online enterprise solution that of choice for several national carriers, Heli-operators,
TITAN is a source independent data processing solution more than 25 years, the world’s leading airlines, aerospace is more than scanning a document into a PDF and storing on e-commerce, defense and logistics contractors, and MRO
for data migration purposes during an MRO software manufacturers, OEMs, and defense organizations have relied the company server. It uses advanced technologies to deliver organizations.
implementation and for aircraft phase-in & phase-out. Because on the CORENA product suite to create, manage, and an aviation specific document management solution. ROAM
of its unique technological framework TITAN eliminates most deliver large volumes of technical information throughout its is highly scalable making it beneficial for an engineering team
human intervention during migration of aircraft airworthiness lifecycle. Today, CORENA customers rely on the CORENA looking after 5 or 500 aircraft.
& maintenance data and allows repetitive usage to directly suite to modernize their IT infrastructures, improve customer
migrate fleets between MRO software systems. satisfaction, and maintain their competitive advantage. One of the key benefits is allowing users to have full access
to an entire library of records from birth, online. This means
its users can simply navigate and identify key documents
and prepare an aircraft for sale, lease or lease redelivery.
The user can package up records quickly and easily, either
themselves, or outsourcing the task to the ROAM support

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IFS Jetraxx KeepFlying™ Lufthansa Industry

W: W: W: W:
T: + 613-576-2480 T: +1 (214) 214 5180 T: 1-201-490-206 / 65-9235-2654 T: +49 40 5070 30000
E: E: E: E:
Locations: 60+ Worldwide Location: Dallas, Texas Location: Singapore, USA, Australia Location: Germany, Switzerland, USA

• IFS Cloud, IFS Maintenix Asset Management and MRO Management • Engine Shop FinTwin™ • DocManage Product Suite, DocSurf
Number of Modules: 4 • Hangar FinTwin™ Mobile, EFFOM, DocCreate
• Operator FinTwin™
• Lessor FinTwin™
• Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul • Engine Asset Management • IT Solutions and Process
(incl line, heavy, complex assembly, • Digital Lease Return • Consulting for MRO
• Lease Return Project Management • Electronic Flight Operation Manuals
• 3rd-party MRO bidding, quoting, • Shop / Hangar Visit Models
• Digital MRO • Airline Job Card Content Management
invoicing, product lifecycle management, • Asset Driven Capacity Planning
• Document Management/Repository • Predictive Analytics and Maintenance
enterprise operational intelligence • RUL Revenue Models
Maximize the value of your aviation assets by simplifying • RFID
IFS is a globally recognized provider of software solutions for
• Asset Risk Analytics
and automating asset management. For both MROs and Lufthansa Industry Solutions is an IT service company for
global aerospace & defense (A&D), including airlines and fleet Engine lessors, Jetraxx’s asset management solutions simplify • Asset History Data Wrangling
process consulting and system integration. This wholly-owned
operators, A&D manufacturers, defense in-service support compliance, standardize data, and streamline processes, with The Digital FinTwin™, powered through an Aviation DSaaS subsidiary of Lufthansa Group supports its customers with
and independent MROs. IFS’s solutions support project and up-to-the-minute views into your entire portfolio anytime, (Data Science as a Service) platform, is a data-to-dollar the digital transformation of their company. Its customer base
program-centric manufacturing; a complete spectrum of anywhere. Record keeping for aviation assets has long been enabler. includes both companies within Lufthansa Group as well as
maintenance management capabilities for sea, land and air time-consuming, cumbersome, and inconsistent. Lease returns more than 150 companies in various other industries.
assets, from heavy, complex, and component MRO, to line were stressful for everyone involved, with disagreements The KeepFlying™ platform allows:
maintenance or at-platform/asset support; as well as all types about documentation and responsibilities lengthening the The products EFOM and DocSurf Mobile were developed
of procurement models. IFS’s innovative enterprise solutions process. Whether you are managing a single asset or a fleet, • Operators, Financiers and Lessors visualize their Asset’s together with Lufthansa Airlines based on 15 years of
are designed for the regulated A&D industry and markets Jetraxx can simplify and streamline all aspects of records Revenue Potential over its Remaining Useful Life (RUL) common experience and excellence in electronic flight
where manufacturing, MRO, project and service functionality management — saving you both time and money. operations manuals and processes to fulfill both current and
are business- and operationally-critical whilst also supporting • MROs to capitalize on an Artificial Intelligence driven
future requirements. EFOM — A manufacturer independent
global, core enterprise capabilities for managing finance, Jetraxx is your behind-the-scenes partner, providing Analytical platform for Profitability & Capacity Planning of
Content Management System. Functionally mature and   based
inventory and human resources. With flexible, modular and technical records assistance and portal-based records an Asset’s Maintenance Visit (Hangar, Shop).
on 17 years of experience, EFOM makes it possible to fulfill
enterprise breadth, IFS solutions empower A&D organizations management, customized with your brand’s look and feel. FlightOps requirements, e.g. expandable for new publishing
to quickly adapt and manage change whilst delivering With customizable workflows and auto-generated data packs, The Data Wrangling layer absorbs, transforms, classifies and
backends; flexible to integrate new documents; open for
bottom-line value, increasing efficiencies and cost savings, Jetraxx’s cloud-based, proprietary records management categorises every Aircraft, Engine & Component’s historic,
customized enhancements or to integrate business processes
and safeguarding compliance. IFS customers include BAE system automates document acceptance, approval, and dynamic data using unique mathematical techniques.
such as Compliance Management. DocSurf Mobile — A
Systems, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, SAAB, GE rejection to ensure data integrity and compliance with Library Viewer for MRO and FlightsOps documents is
The Digital FinTwin™’s highly configurable Finance and
Aviation, Pratt & Whitney, HAL, Emirates, LATAM, Qantas, your process. MROs can benefit from Jextraxx’s proven available as a native iOS app or Windows application. The
Risk models use the processed data to assist commercial
China Airlines, Air France-KLM, and Southwest Airlines. digital work order management system, which eliminates revision service allows change lists to be checked and
decisions by generating deep financial insights.
burdensome paper handling, automates workflows, and content to be compared with a previous version. Navigation
provides real-time updates to clients. The streamlined system is intuitive and includes a fast and easy search. A user
Eliminate Guesswork. Reimagine Revenue Hours.
is convenient for clients and ensures clear communication independent  management of favorites and notes is provided,
from the outset. keeping this information revision safe and available.

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MRX Systems NVable QOCO Systems Ramco Systems

W: W: W: W:
E: T: +44 141 280 0050 T: +358 10 501 4001 T: +91 44 2235 4510
Location: Luxembourg/Monaco E: E: E:
Location: Glasgow, UK Location: Finland Location: 21 offices worldwide

• Blue EYE, Blue MRO, Blue STOK • ConNVerge for Aviation,, • Ramco Aviation M&E Solution, Ramco
Aviation MRO Solution, Ramco
Anywhere Apps, Ramco flyMORE
• Quotation & Invoicing • Electronic Techlog • Intelligent maintenance
• Project Management & Reporting • Electronic Forms (Assessments) • Data management and integrations KEY BUSINESS/SOFTWARE AREAS
• Work Report Automatic Generation • Document Management • Lean operations • Maintenance & Engineering
• eJobCard iPad App • Operational Analysis • Process consulting • Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul
• Supply Chain Management • Station Operational Compliance • SaaS solutions • Mobility Solutions
The MRX Systems software solution is a fully-integrated The concept behind our CoNVerge platform is simple. We QOCO Systems Ltd helps the aviation industry to succeed Ramco Systems offers Aviation Maintenance solutions on
digital platform enabling aviation professionals to access believe that businesses should have the flexibility to easily in the changing world by creating new ways to work, to premise and on cloud, with multi-tenant capability and next-
real-time data and take control over their fleet and their innovate and add new applications to their toolbox, without communicate, and to utilize data, having been a trusted gen mobility for Airlines, Heli-Operators, MROs and Charter
operations. being stifled by legacy technology or a single technology partner of airlines, MROs, and aircraft OEMs for over ten operations. Its comprehensive scope spans the spectrum of
brand. years. organizational needs, including Finance, HCM, Manufacturing,
Thanks to more than 10 years of customer feedback and Planning and Optimization, in one integrated platform.
perpetual development, MRX Systems brings a complete, CoNVerge is all about minimising risk, fuss and capital QOCO Systems’ solutions provide significant improvements to
secure and scalable solution to challenges faced by costs and maximising efficiency. Provided as a service, it the industry’s complex processes. They enable our customers Ramco Aviation’s latest Next-Gen digital technologies include:
operators, CAMOs and MROs. The system is divided into combines a hosted environment and web portal with mobile to achieve more by doing less and to realize time-savings in Mobility Solutions: Ramco’s next-gen mobility solutions
three modules, each of them designed to meet the specific applications and data interfaces to virtually any system. labour-intensive tasks. They also bring visibility to customers’ for maintenance operations are available through an app
operational needs of their users. operations to support decision-making based on real-time ecosystem wherein everybody involved can seamlessly
The platform is easily integrated into your existing business information. execute critical operations on the go, from anywhere, anytime;
Blue MRO — designed for MRO management, this module systems and brings together the best tools to handle data The BOTS Revolution: Ramco intelligent CHATBOTS deliver
enables you to digitalize maintenance process from issuing acquisition and data analysis — all on scalable infrastructure. Solutions offered include the following SaaS solutions: parts data, manage AOGs, and perform daily admin tasks for
quotations, assigning jobs to technicians, reporting repairs Best of all, we even take the day-to-day management off for tool management in aircraft maintenance, a more personalized and immersive ERP experience; Hyper-
and findings until compiling all related paperwork into one your hands. for intelligent integrations between Connected Ecosystem: B2B integrations with AeroXchange,
exhaustive and automatically-generated full work report. collaborating players in aviation, and for Gains, Logistics providers and OEMs bringing Suppliers,
Our CoNVerge platform is blazing a trail in the aviation fully transparent collaborative decision making. QOCO also Customers and Logistics providers together on ONE platform
Multi-User, 100% paperless, always up-to-date, and Cloud sector. In a hi-tech industry, where the stakes are even higher, provides a wide range of consulting services for customers’
based, all data is accessible at any time worldwide enhancing long-standing clients such as British Airways Cityflyer know unique needs in the areas of digitalization, process Ramco Series 5 reduces Turn Around Time (TAT) while
operation and maintenance efficiency they can rely on NVable and our custom-designed software improvement, data analytics, and more. increasing operational performance and compliance through
to make things simple, safer, more secure and streamlined. user-friendly interfaces. Ramco has always been an innovator
We provide airlines with technology solutions that reduce All this is realized by the business’s team of professionals in maintenance IT — enabling clients to focus more on
effort, improve processes and produce useful information, with expertise in aviation and software development. Agility business-critical activities, while the solution processes
with one simple goal — to change things for the better. and customer-centricity is built into QOCO’s way of working, transactions and decision support, based on intelligent rules.
which allows them to quickly and cost-efficiently deliver Powering 4000+ aircraft and 21,000+ end-users, Ramco is
Bring everything together and do IT better when you bring solutions that fulfill the customer’s real needs. used by more than 75 operators world-wide.
onboard CoNVerge and NVable.

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ReMAP Inc. Rusada
W: W: W:
T: +351 239 700 997 T: +1 321 710 7682(ROTA) T: 03333 440730
E: E: E:
Location: Netherlands, Spain, France, Portugal, Location: Melbourne, FL USA and global Location: Switzerland, USA, UK, UAE, India,
Switzerland, Ireland, Greece Singapore, Australia


• Aircraft maintenance • Consulting, MXF Software, PDS(Process • Envision
• Condition-Based Maintenance Development System) and custom
• Integrated Fleet Health Management
• Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
• Prognostics Health Management (PHM)


• Fleet Management
• Base Maintenance
ReMAP (Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for
Adaptative Aircraft Maintenance Planning) will contribute
• MRO IT Software Implementations
• MRO IT Software Upgrades
• Line Maintenance
• Flight Operations
• Materials Management
to reinforce the European leadership in aeronautics by • MRO IT Software Support/Managed
developing an open-source solution for aircraft maintenance, Rusada develops ENVISION - an industry leading MRO
the Integrated Fleet Health Management (IFHM) system. By
and Flight Operations solution. With over 100 customers
• MX Long Range Planning

replacing fixed-interval inspections with adaptive condition- worldwide and a combined fleet of 2,000 fixed wing and
based interventions, ReMAP will have an estimated benefit • MRO IT Custom Software Development rotary aircraft, ENVISION is used by aircraft operators and
to European aviation of more than 700 million Euros per MRO’s to successfully manage their operations.
With MRO systems projects and support spanning
year. This is due to a direct decrease in maintenance costs,

both the military and commercial markets ROTA brings
reduced unscheduled aircraft maintenance events, and The latest version of ENVISION is web-based and device-
proven experience to all sides of aviation. Our team has
increased aircraft availability. agnostic with an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
been embedded for years in the business functions we
Modules, which can be purchased individually or as part

Advisory Unit
support. In both military and commercial. Specializing in
of an integrated solution, include: Fleet Management, Base
system implementations and upgrades ROTA brings deep
Management, Line Maintenance, Component Maintenance,
knowledge of aviation business processes, integrated
Materials Management, Financial Management, Resource
into custom built software, to provide not only all testing
Management, Quality & Safety Management and Flight
documentation but also leave customers with a full manual
of SOPs moving forward. Aside from upgrades ROTA has
completed a number of data projects from cleaning up
aircraft configuration to system security overhauls. After these
upgrades or projects, training and ongoing admin support Want to be involved?
can be provided for any MRO IT needs.
Simply email
for more information

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Seabury Solutions Swiss Aviation Software TRAX TrustFlight

W: W: W: W:
T: +353 60 621 311 T: +41 61 582 72 94 T: +1 305.662.7400 T: 44 (0) 330 229 0219
E: E: E: E:
Locations: Ireland, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Location: Basel, Switzerland; Miami, FL, USA; Location: Miami, FL, USA; West Sussex, UK; Tokyo, Location: Leamington Spa, UK; Edinburgh, UK;
Germany, Kenya, Korea, Netherlands, Philippines, Singapore Japan; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Luton, UK; St Helier, Jersey
and the USA

• Alkym, EPAS, eAuthority • AMOS • Tech Log, Task Cards
• eMRO • Digital Logbook
• Technical Operations • Material Management
• Aircraft Registry (service)
• CAMO • Engineering
• MRO • Planning
• Engineering & Planning KEY BUSINESS/SOFTWARE AREAS
• Performance Analytics • Production
• Production & Shop • Aircraft log books
• Regulator Applications • Maintenance Control
• Technical Records & Reliability • Aircraft maintenance task cards
Seabury Solutions is a leading global aviation software Swiss AviationSoftware unites over 30 years of IT experience
• TRAXDoc Document Control • Digital and paperless working
development and consultancy company. It was established with profound MRO expertise and offers its customers the
in 2002 and forms part of the Seabury Capital. Seabury functionally unsurpassed and technologically state-of-the- • Supply Chain Management • CAMO support
Solutions has built its reputation in the market by delivering art maintenance system AMOS. AMOS is a comprehensive, • E-enabled Aircraft Capabilities • Aircraft Registry support
industry leading aviation IT solutions catering for some of fully-integrated software package that successfully manages • Aircraft Mobility apps From inception, TrustFlight has been ingrained in the aviation
the largest airlines across the world, down to the smallest the maintenance, engineering and logistics requirements of • Maintenance Mobility apps industry. Founded by two commercial pilots with a proven
operators. We have built upon decades’ of aviation expertise modern airlines and MRO providers by fulfilling demanding
in-house, to leverage this knowledge into a suite of products, airworthiness standards. Today, more than 180 customers
• Paperless Maintenance track record at the intersection of technology and business,
that enhance the decision making process for Airlines, worldwide steer their maintenance activities with AMOS, • Warehouse Mobility apps the business has grown considerably and with stability,
having recently celebrated the opening of a fourth office.
Regulators and MROs. which makes AMOS one of the industry-leading MRO TRAX is the global leader in the aviation industry for MRO
software systems worldwide. ERP software, with over 200 airlines and MROs using Throughout, TrustFlight gained an incredible team with
With a truly global reach, the network of offices are located their products. TRAX has the most advanced maintenance backgrounds spanning different areas of aviation and
in Argentina Australia, Canada, Germany Ireland, Kenya, software solutions available for airlines and MROs worldwide technology, ensuring a solid presence in the industry. Now
Korea, Netherlands, Philippines, and the USA. Our integrated with fleets consisting of all types of aircraft. TRAX eMRO is a offering a range of products and services within the sector,
aviation software range from Maintenance Systems for completely integrated product, in addition, the eMobility suite TrustFlight helps to remove costly paperwork and associated
Airlines & MROs, Safety Management Software for Aviation offers a range of iOS apps to provide mobile accessibility. errors, preserve aircraft value, and increase efficiency and
Authorities and a range of performance analysis tools Organizational efficiency gains can be substantial when safety in aircraft operations.
within the Enterprise Performance Analysis System (EPAS) using TRAX eMRO and eMobility, and ROI is quickly realized.
Suite. The suite includes modules for Route Profitability, TRAX maintains its advantage over the competition by Five values shape TrustFlight’s culture, guide the business’s
Maintenance Performance, Contract & Invoice Verification developing software that works for customers through work and the way it grows. Integrity Transparent and
Budget Planning, Fuel Planning and Distribution Channel modern technology, world class support and strong customer open: offering trust to partners and assuming it from
Performance. relationships. them. Responsibility Owning the work they do and taking
responsibilty for it: striving to make it the best possible.
Leadership Leading from within: providing support for the
team to do incredible work and drive the industry forwards.
Innovation Products are crafted for the future needs of the
industry, going beyond what exists in the market. Excellence
Every one of TrustFlight’s values contributes towards the
excellence in their products.

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Ultramain Vistair Systems Yonder
W: W: W:
T: +1.505.828.9000 T: 01454 550663 T: +41 43 215 27 94
E: E: E:
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Location: United Kingdom and USA Location: Zurich, Switzerland


• ULTRAMAIN® v9™ M&E / MRO • DocuNet • Yonder Mind
• ULTRAMAIN Mobile Mechanic™ • SafetyNet
• ULTRAMAIN Mobile Inventory™
• ULTRAMAIN M&E / MRO: 31 modules
• Aviation Document Management (All
• Content Management System
• Workflow-based Content Distribution
including: Configuration Management;
Line/Base Mx Planning; Line/ Base Mx
format types inc. PDF, XML, S1000D, I
Spec 2200)
• Compliance Tracking
• Content-based Learning eJournals
• Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
Scheduling; GATe; Quality Assurance;
Asset Management • Document Management and Distribution Stay in control of your content and bring reliable, role-
Platform specific information to frontline employees — with one fully

customizable content management solution. Yonder Mind
• Maintenance & Engineering
KEY BUSINESS/SOFTWARE AREAS is an easy-to-use content management solution designed
• Flight Operations specifically for controlled information like operation manuals,
• Maintenance & Engineering
• Compliance Tracking
guidelines, rules, or regulations. Our unique approach
• Form Creation and Management allows users to work with dynamic content instead of
• Military Maintenance static documents. Dynamic content will display the right
• Aviation Safety Management Software
• Maintenance Planning & Scheduling information at the right time, depending on the user profile
• Paperless Customer Care on Mobile
Vistair provides document, safety, and quality management
technology solutions to support the delivery of improved
safety, compliance, and operational efficiency that results
and on the context of use. A powerful search function further
improves end-user satisfaction. Advisory Unit
• Electronic Technical Logbook in significant commercial savings to aviation organizations. Yonder Mind brings operational documentation and
Ultramain Systems, Inc. develops M&E / MRO and ELB Combining technology, development expertise and service manufacturer manuals together in one solution. Pilots work
software for the aviation industry and is the only aviation delivery, Vistair’s suite of aviation technology solutions with the easy to use YM Offline App and enjoy role-specific
software provider with customers running full, end-to-end provides both commercial airlines, aerospace and defense revision updates instead of having to go through hundreds
paperless operations from the cockpit to the ground. organizations with an approach that helps demonstrate of revised pages. Editors create and enhance content in the Want to be involved?
a clear link between increased reporting and a change in YM Editor while revisions become manageable again thanks
to the fully integrated YM Workflow. Company guides (e.g.
ULTRAMAIN v9, featuring Mobile Mechanic and Mobile
Inventory enables real-time paperless data collection for the
procedures and behaviors, which fundamentally drives a safer
organization. Winter Ops Guide) can be created without having to worry Simply email
full maintenance and inventory process. Combine ULTRAMAIN about duplicates anymore since information is only contained
v9 with ULTRAMAIN ELB, the easy-to-use electronic Document Management: DocuNet is the aviation industry’s
leading end-to end document management solution,
once in Yonder Mind. And never miss a change in regulation
again thanks to our IQSMS Connector.
logbook, and the entire maintenance process becomes
providing a coherent, single point of control for editing,
paperless. Contact us to learn what you need to equip your
organization with customer mobile devices and see why publishing, distributing, and viewing all operational We have over 15 years of experience with electronic for more information
elite aviation customers around the world are choosing documentation. It provides the flexibility to access documents documentation in aviation that we can leverage to our
ULTRAMAIN to reduce costs and increase aircraft up time. via the web and mobile devices and can also manage customers’ benefit. Our team has a diverse background
documents in all formats. ranging from a former EFB administrator for a large
international airline to a long-haul captain knowing, from his
own experience, what crews need.

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