Rubrics For A Scientific Investigation Project

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Rubrics for a Scientific Investigation Project

Parts of the Excellent Satisfactory Fair Needs

Projects (40 points) (30 points) (20 points) Improvement
(10 points)
Problem Specific General Not clear Not given
Hypothesis Association between Problem is stated Hypothesis not No hypothesis
the problem and the but predicted result stated directly
predicted result is is not
directs (shows it …
then relationship)
Design Thorough and Lacks minor details Missing major Not applicable to
appropriate to the design components the problem

List of materials List or materials List of materials

complete complete incomplete

Control and Control and Only experimental The design is wrong

experimental set-ups experimental set- set-up given; no and does not help
are identified ups are identified control set-up answer the problem

Dependent and Dependent variable Both dependent and Procedure difficult

independent variables identified but not independent to follow
clear; with logical the independent variables are not
procedure and can be variable; procedure identified
replicated is not described in
Date collection All significant data Date collection Inadequate date Data collected not
and analysis collected, measures complete collected useful
and recorded

Gives accurate tables Tables presented Raw data presented No tables nor
and charts but no charts but no tables nor graphs

Analysis in agreement Analysis of data Analysis of data is Analysis is wrong

with the data inadequate but does inadequate and
collected not affect the affect the accuracy
Results explained Some explanations
clearly Results interlinked are inaccurate Explanation is
Conclusion Acceptance or Relates to the Conclusion not very Conclusion does not
rejection of hypothesis but clear; too general answer the problem
hypothesis supported conclusion is just
with evidence implied
Randy P. Cayat
Rubrics for a Scientific Essay
Qualities & Criteria Poor (0-80) Good (80-90) Excellent (90-100)
Format/Layout Follows poorly the Follows, for the most Closely follows all the
 Presentation of the requirements related to part, all the requirements requirements related to
text format and layout. related to format and format and layout
 Structuring of text layout. Some
 Follows require- requirements are not
ments of length, font followed
and style
(Weight 15%)

Content/Information The essay is not objective The essay is objective and The essay is objective and
 All elements of the and addresses poorly the for the most part addresses with an in
topics are addressed issues referred in the addresses with an in depth analysis all the
 The information is proposed topic. The depth analysis most of issues referred in the
technically sound provided information is the issues referred in the proposed topic. The
 Information based on not necessary or not proposed topic. The provided information is
careful research sufficient to discuss these provided information is, necessary and sufficient
 Coherence of issues. for the most part, to discuss these issues.
information necessary and sufficient
(Weight 60%) to discuss these issues.
Quality of Writing The essay is not well The essay is well written The essay is well written
 Clarity of sentences written, and contains for the most part, from start to finish,
and paragraphs many spelling errors, without spelling, without spelling,
 No errors and and/or grammar errors grammar or use of grammar or use of English
spelling, grammar and and/or use of English English errors. The essay errors. The essay is well
use of English errors. The essay is badly is for the most part well organized, clear and
 Organization and organized, lacks clarity organized, clear and presents ideas in a
coherence of ideas and/or does not present presents ideas in a coherent way.
(Weight 25%) ideas in a coherent way. coherent way.
Randy P. Cayat

Rubrics for Science Projects

Knows and understands Applies scientific Communicates
scientific terms, facts, knowledge, skills scientific
concepts, principles, and methods to knowledge and
theories and methods manipulate, applications
analyze, through writing,
synthesize, create speech, and visual
and evaluate displays
Excellent (90-100) Descriptions of Applications are Written, oral and/or
scientific terms, thorough, appropriate, visual
facts, concepts, and accurate.
principles, theories
and methods are
complete and

Satisfactory (80-89) Descriptions Applications are mostly Most of the written, oral
of scientific . thorough, appropriate, and/or visual
terms, facts, and accurate communication is well-
concepts, organized and effective.
are mostly
and correct.

Fair (70-79) Descriptions of Applications are Some of the written, oral

scientific terms, somewhat, appropriate, and/or visual
facts, concepts, and accurate. communication is
principles, theories organized and effective.
and methods are
complete and

Needs All descriptions of All applications are All of the written, oral or
Improvement scientific terms, missing and/or incorrect. visual communication is
(69 and below) facts, concepts, missing and/or lacks
principles, theories organization.
and methods are
missing and/or

Randy P. Cayat


Randy P. Cayat

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