Linux Questionnaire
Linux Questionnaire
Linux Questionnaire
Chapter- 1
1. What is UNIX & what is Linux?
UNIX is a general purpose, multiuser, timesharing operating system developed by AT&T at BELL
Labs in C language.
Linux an open-source operating system modeled on UNIX. Linux is an operating system based
on UNIX, and was first introduced by Linus Torvalds commonly used in servers. It is based on the
Linux Kernel, and can run on different hardware platforms.
2. What are the components of Linux distribution? Difference between different Linux
Most Linux distributions provide the same basic software:
• GNU utilities and Unix user-land
• BSD utilities
• X.Org
• GNOME, KDE and other GUI components
Differences between distributions are primarily a matter of:
• Packaging and support
• Value-added features
3. Difference between BASH & DOS?
4. List the difference between Command Line Interface & Graphical User Interface.
CLI is short for Command Line Interface. This interface allows user to type declarative commands
to instruct the computer to perform operations. CLI offers an advantage in that there is greater
GUI, or Graphical User Interface, makes use of images and icons that users click and manipulate
as a way of communicating with the computer. Instead of having to remember and type
commands, the use of graphical elements makes it easier to interact with the system, as well as
adding more attraction through images, icons and colors.
1. In the market lot of Linux’s are there. What is the difference between them?
Differences between distributions are primarily a matter of:
• Packaging functions
• Commercial support
• Automatic Updating
• Value-added features
2. What are all UNIX design principles?
Everything is a file
Small single-purpose programs
Ability to pipe small programs together to accomplish more complex tasks
Each program do one thing well
Output of every program will become the input of the other.
Don't hesitate to throw away the clumsy parts of the software or operating system and rebuild
them kernel make minimum policy decisions
All configuration data stored in ASCII
3. What is VPN? Elaborate all about your understanding?
VPN is Virtual Private Network.
VPN is a network that is constructed by using public wires — usually the Internet — to connect to
a private network, such as a company's internal network. There are a number of systems that
enable you to create networks using the Internet as the medium for transporting data. These
systems use encryption and other security mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can
access the network and that the data cannot be intercepted. It is also an excellent option for
remote workers and organizations with global offices and partners to share data in a private
One of the most common types of VPNs used by businesses is called a Virtual Private Dial-up
Network (VPDN). A VPDN is a user-to-LAN connection, where remote users need to connect to
the company LAN. Another type of VPN is commonly called a site-to-site VPN. Here the
company would invest in dedicated hardware to connect multiple sites to their LAN though a
public network, usually the Internet.
4. What is DNS server? Explain.
Domain Name System an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses.
Because domain names are alphabetic, they're easier to remember. The Internet however, is
really based on IP addresses. Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS service must
translate the name into the corresponding IP address. For example, the domain name might translate to
5. To display the default gateway configured on the machine.
ip route show | grep 'default'
netstat -rn
6. Name the file that displays currently configured DNS server.
/etc/hosts: localhost IP address
/etc/resolv.conf: DNS server configuration file
7. What is the process of ‘init’ in Linux OS?
When the kernel finishes its loading process, it loads and passes control to some initial process,
usually the program init. The init process goes through its initialization procedures, part of which
is to enter the currently defined run-level.
In Unix-based computer operating systems, init (short for initialization) is the first process started
during booting of the computer system. Init is a daemon process that continues running until the
system is shut down. It is the direct or indirect ancestor of all other processes and automatically
adopts all orphaned processes.
8. Mention the types of Linux installation. Typically how do we install Linux on a desktop or a
Linux can be installed in two ways
Through CD-ROM containing the Linux image file
Through Server(installing through network)
9. What is a server? What are the different types of servers available in present day market,
mention some of their features?
A server is a computer or device on a network that manages network resources and provides
data to other computers. It may serve data to systems on a local area network (LAN) or a wide
area network (WAN) over the Internet.
File server: a computer and storage device dedicated to storing files. Any user on the
network can store files on the server.
Print server: a computer that manages one or more printers
Network server: a computer that manages network traffic.
Database server: a computer system that processes database queries.
Mail Server: it move and store mail over corporate networks (via LANs and WANs) and
across the Internet.
Server Platforms: a platform underlying hardware or software for a system and is thus the
engine that drives the server, operating system.
Web Server: Web server serves static content to a Web browser by loading a file from a disk
and serving it across the network to a user's Web browser.
Application Server: it occupies a large chunk of computing territory between database
servers and the end user, and they often connect the two.
Real-Time Communication Server: formerly known as chat servers or IRC Servers, and still
sometimes referred to as instant messaging (IM) servers, enable large numbers users to
exchange information near instantaneously.
FTP Server: File Transfer Protocol makes it possible to move one or more files securely
between computers while providing file security and organization as well as transfer control.
Collaboration Server: Collaboration software designed to enable users to collaborate,
regardless of location, via the Internet or a corporate intranet and to work together in a virtual
List Server: List servers offer a way to better manage mailing lists, whether they may be
interactive discussions open to the public or one-way lists that deliver announcements,
newsletters or advertising.
Telnet Server: A Telnet server enables users to log on to a host computer and perform tasks
as if they're working on the remote computer itself.
Virtual Server: Datacenter.
10. What is terminal in Linux OS? Command that gives us information on terminal we are using.
A terminal window, also referred to as a terminal emulator, is a text-only window in a graphical
user interface (GUI) that emulates a console. Command that gives us information on terminal we
are using is Tty - TTY is used to describe a terminal session or line. Displays a process or which
users are logged in by typing a tty, such as ttyx, where x is any numerical value. (tty1, tty2, tty3…
11. What are daemons?
In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon is a computer program that runs as a
background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. Daemons
are services that provide several functions that may not be available under the baseoperating
system. Its main task is to listen for service request and at the same time to act onthese
requests. After the service is done, it is then disconnected and waits for further requests.
12. What is a swap space?
A swap space is a certain amount of space used by Linux to temporarily hold some programs
that are running concurrently. This happens when RAM does not have enough memory to holdall
programs that are executing.
13. What is the advantage of open source?
Open source or ‘Free software' refers to the users freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change
and improve the software. It allows you to distribute your software, including source codes freely
to anyone who is interested. People would then be able to add features and even debug and
correct errors that are in the source code. They can even make it run better, and then redistribute
these enhanced source code freely again. This eventually benefits everyone in the community.
14. What are the basic components of Linux?
Shells and GUIs
System utilities
Application program
15. How do you open a command prompt when issuing a command?
To open the default shell (which is where the command prompt can be found), press Ctrl-Alt-F1.
This will provide a command line interface (CLI) from which you can run commands asneeded.
16. What is typical size for a swap partition under a Linux system?
The preferred size for a swap partition is twice the amount of physical memory available on the
system. If this is not possible, then the minimum size should be the same as the amount of
memory installed.
17. In Linux, what names are assigned to the different serial ports?
Serial ports are identified as /dev/ttyS0 to /dev/ttyS7. These are the equivalent names of COM1to
COM8 in Windows.
18. What is the maximum length for a filename under Linux?
Any filename can have a maximum of 255 characters. This limit does not include the pathname,
so therefore the entire pathname and filename could well exceed 255 characters.
The Linux kernel version is designated by a major number, minor number, and patch level. For
example,2.2.17 has major number 2, minor number 2, and patch level 17. Many Linux distributors add
an additional component, the EXTRAVERSION. Linux kernels with an even minor number (e.g. 1.2.x,
2.0.x, 2.2.x, 2.4.x) are considered stable production kernels. Only bug fixes and isolated features, such
as new drivers, are added to the stable kernel tree. Linux kernels with an odd minor number (e.g. 1.1.x,
2.1.x, 2.3.x) are development kernels, and should not be used on production systems.
Chapter 2
5. Explain in detail about your understanding in regards to home directory for users?
A home directory, also called a login directory, is the directory on Unix-like operating systems that
serves as the repository for a user's personal files, directories and programs. It is also the
directory that a user is first in after logging into the system.
A home directory is created automatically for every ordinary user in the directory called /home, a
standard subdirectory of the root directory. The name of a user's home directory is by default
identical to that of the user. It would have an absolute pathname of /home/<username>. An
absolute pathname is the location of a directory or file relative to the root directory, and it always
starts with the root directory (i.e., with a forward slash).
6. What is the command to move between various directories?
$cd<path> OR dir<name>is the command to move between various directories.
7. While navigating between directories we can navigate in two ways. What are those and
explain in detail?
Two ways of navigation is Absolute Addressing and Relative Addressing.
An absolute path always begins with a / and describes allocation from the top, or root, of the file
system like /home/oracle/bin. A relative path never begins with a /, and instead describes a
location from, or relative to, the current directory. If the current directory is /usr/and if we type cd
local/binour current directory will be changed to/usr/local/bin/.
8. Various ways to move back to your home directory?
cd ~
cd $HOME
cd ~username
cd ~/
9. Command to go back to last working directory?
cd .. , cd –
10. What indicates present directory and what indicates parent directory?
‘.’ Indicates the current directory
‘../’ indicates the perent directory
11. Command to go to another user’s home directory?
$ cd
$ cd /home/<username>/
12. Command to find out the directory you are in?
13. How to view the content of the directory?
Ls command is used to list the contents of a directory.
14. How to view hidden files in a directory?
ls –a command is used to view the hidden files in a directory.All the files and directories that have
a ‘.’(Period) in front of them are referred to as hidden files.
15. How to list only directories?
$ls -d */
ls -l | grep "^d"
16. How to view long listing of all files? What all info it will provide?
Ls –l command is used to view long listing of all files. Lists the total files in the directory and
subdirectories, the names of the files in the current directory, their permissions, the number of
subdirectories in directories listed, the size of the file, and the date of last modification.
17. How to views the files in a directory and sub-directories in a single command (how to view
files recursively?)
Ls – R command is used to list the file recursively.
18. What is Human readable format? How to view file sizes in human readable format?
A human readable format is a representation of data or information that can be
naturally read by user. Human readable basically means specific representation of that file's
format. ls –h command is used to view file size in human readable format.
19. What is Mount-point in UNIX file system? How to create Mount points?
A mount point is the creation point or the partition level. It is a directory (typically an empty one) in
the currently accessible file system on which an additional file system is mounted. In most Linux
systems, we can use the fdisk utility to create a new mount point and to do other disk
management operations.NFS kernel server is also used to create mount points.
20. Command to find out the hard-disk space utilization at mount point level? And in which
The df / command shows disk utilization at mount point level. By default, the Linux du command
displays sizes in 1 kilobyte blocks.
21. What is the command that shows total disk space usage? Command that shows the disk
space usage of a user’s home directory?
The du command shows the estimated disk space used by files and directories. Command that
shows the disk space usage of a user’s home directory is:
$ du /home/<username>/
22. Command that shows the disk usage having the output in human readable format.
$ df–h command shows the disk usage in human readable format.
23. Which command is used to find out hard-disk space utilization in units of MB?
$ df–M command shows the hard-disk space utilization in the blocks of1MB.
24. Command to check the space used in a directory?
The du command shows how much space each file system is using on the disk and where it is
25. How to verify the space occupied by all the files in a directory excluding sub-directories?
$ du –S command gives the space occupied by all the files in a directory excluding sub-
26. Space occupied by all the files in a directory including sub-directories how to verify?
$ du–a command gives the space occupied by all the files in a directory excluding sub-
27. What is ‘quota’ in Linux OS?
A disk quota is a limit set by a system administrator to control disk usage among users that
restricts certain aspects of file system usage on modern operating systems. The function of using
disk quotas is to allocate limited disk space in a reasonable way.
28. How to check the space allotted for a user?
quota–u: List user quotas
29. How to check the space allotted for a group?
quota–g: List group quotas
30. How to change the ownership of a file?
By using chown command we can change the ownership.
31. As normal user am trying to change the ownership of my files and getting error. Why?
Only root user has got the power to change the ownership.
32. How to change the group of a file?
By using chgrp command we can change the group.
33. How to change the owner + group with single command?
$ chown<owner_name>:<group_name><filename>
34. How to change the ownership recursively? (Explain recursive as well)
$ chown –R command is used to change the ownership recursively. Recursive means to change
the permissions on everything in any subdirectories of the directories specified on the command
35. Explain the group concept in UNIX file system?
Newly created files will usually be given Group ID ownership based on the current active group of
the person who creates the file, by default the file will be owned by the user's primary group.
newly created files will be owned by the new group
users can only change to their own groups
root user can change to any group
Each user can be a member of many groups
36. Can a user belong to multiple groups?
Each user can be a member of multiple groups.
37. What is primary group and what is secondary group?
Primary Group: Every user must have one and only primary groups, every task performed by
user i.e. file creation, modification etc, and effective groups for task of user will be primary group.
Primary group also specifies a group that the operating system assigns to files that are created
by the user. Each user must belong to a primary group.
Secondary Group: All groups other than primary group called secondary groups, User can be
member of many secondary group. We assign secondary groups to user, to provide him addition
access. Specifies one or more groups to which a user also belongs. Users can belong to up to 15
secondary groups.
38. Can a user belong to multiple primary groups at the same time?
Every user must have only one primary group.
39. Can a user belong to multiple secondary groups at the same time?
Every user must have one and only primary groups
40. How to switch a secondary group to primary?
$ su - <user_name>
$ chgrp<secondary_group_name>
41. How to view the file permissions? And explain in details about those?
Ls –l gives the file permission information.
drwxrwxr-x 10 oracle dba 4096 Aug 25 09:20 base
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1380 Aug 26 07:50 Tasks.txt
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2968 Jul 10 09:22
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
1. Command to search for a string inside a file without opening it? Give me syntax and
Grep command is used to search for a string inside a file without opening it.
grep[options] [[-e] pattern] filename [...]
The grepcommand in Linux searches a file or files for a pattern and by default prints the lines
2. While searching inside I want the searched line with the number what is the option?
$ grep-n pattern filename
3. While searching in the file I want before 5lines and after 5lines with match?
$ grep–c 5 pattern filename
4. While searching in a file I want all that are not matched?
$ grep -v pattern filename
5. Command to replace all lower case letters to upper case?
$ cat filename | tr a-z A-Z
6. How to sort the lines in a file?
$ sort [option] filename
7. When sorting numbers I want to sort based on their actual value, how to do that?
$ sort –n filename
8. How to eliminate duplicates while sorting?
$ uniq filename
9. What will ‘fgrep’ & ‘egrep’ commands do?
Grep: "Global Regular Expressions Print". grep is a program which scans a specified file or files
line by line, returning lines that contain a pattern. A pattern is an expression that specifies a set of
strings by interpreting characters as meta-characters.
Egrep: "Extended Global Regular Expressions Print". The 'E' in egrep means treat the pattern as
a regular expression. egrep is the same as grep –E, which treats +, ?, |, (, and ) as meta-
characters. In basic regular expressions (with grep), the meta-characters ?, +, {, |, (, and ) lose
their special meaning. If you want grep to treat these characters as meta-characters, escape
them \?, \+, \{, \|, \(, and \).
Fgrep: "Fixed-string Global Regular Expressions Print". fgrep is same as grep –F, is fixed or fast
grep and behaves as grep but does NOT recognize any regular expression meta-characters as
being special. The search will complete faster because it only processes a simple string rather
than a complex pattern.
Pgrep: "Process-ID Global Regular Expressions Print". pgrep looks through the currently running
processes and lists the process IDs which matches the selection criteria to stdout. pgrep is handy
when all you want to know is the process id integer of a process.
10. Command to extract the column inside a file?
$ sort –t : -k column_Number filename
11. Using which command can we replace all occurrences of the letter ‘e’ with then letter ‘y’ in
the word ‘’mail queue ’’.
$ sed s/e/y/g “mail queue”
12. What is sed command used for?
Sed is a streaming editor, which means that sed performs edits on a stream of text. The stream
may come from a file or a pipe. It is particularly useful for editing text from a pipe. The sed
command only makes one pass over the input (file or text stream) and therefore is very efficient.
13. How to extract column 5,6 from a file with delimiter is ‘:’?
$ sort –t : -k 5,6 filename
14. How to merge two files horizontally?
$ paste file1 file2
15. What is parsing?
Parsing is the process of analyzing a string of symbols, either in natural language or in computer
languages, according to the rules of a formal grammar. It is also breaking a data block into
smaller chunks by following a set of rules, so that it can be more easily interpreted, managed, or
transmitted by a computer.
Chapter 6
1. What is shell and what is its advantage?
Shell is the layer between the user and the operating system.Shell is a user program or its
environment provided for user interaction. Shell is a command language interpreter that executes
commands read from the standard input device (keyboard) or from a file.Shell is not part of
system kernel, but uses the system kernel to execute programs, create files, access to file
system, scriptability for task automation, program launching, process control interface
Easy to use
Quick start and interactive debugging
Time saving
System admin task automation
Shell scripts can execute without any additional efforts on nearby any modern Unix/ Linux/
BSD/ Mac OS as they are written an interrupter language.
2. Explain standard input, standard output & standard error? Represented by what numbers
and what Symbols?
STDIN (standard in) represented by 0: symbol <: where the program gets input. This is usually
the keyboard.
STDOUT (standard out) represented by 1: symbol >: where the program sends output. This is
usually the terminal.
STDERR (standard error) represented by 2: symbol 2>: where the program sends
errormessages. This is usually the terminal.
3. Command cat xyz.txt > abc.txt what will be the result if abc.txt is already there or if it is not
If adc.txt exists: contents of abc.txt get over written by content of xyz.txt
If adc.txt does not exists: new file will be created by the name abc.txt
4. What is the result of cat xyz.txt 2> abc.txt?
It copies the error message from xyz.txt to abc.txt
5. Command cat xyz.txt >> abc.txt what will be the result if abc.txt is already there or if it is not
If adc.txt exists: content of xyz.txt gets appended with abc.txt
If adc.txt does not exists: file will be created and the content will be written in to abc.txt
6. How to capture standard error and standard output in a single file?
By using <input file>&><output file>
7. Explain piping? Symbol for piping? Give me one example?
Piping allows the STDOUT from one program (on the left of the pipe) to become the STDIN of
another (on the right of the pipe)
8. List all wild card characters with explanation?
A wildcard pattern is a string that contains one of the characters ‘?’, ‘*’or ‘[]’
? any single character
* anything
[...] classes and ranges
9. How to suppressor ignore the special meaning of wild card characters?
By inserting the forward slash b/w special characters we can suppressor or ignore the special
meaning of wild card characters
10. What is the purpose {}? Explain with examples?
Brace expansion allows the generation of arbitrary strings in the following form where the
preamble and postamble are optional
$ echo t{able,op,ennis}
table top tennis
11. What is shell variable? And what is environment variable? What are the key environment
Shell variables are only available to the current invocation of the shell;
Environment variables become properties of the system and transcend shell invocation.
12. Command to find out all the available environment variables?
env command find out all the available environment variables.
13. Purpose of PATH environment variable?
$PATH - Executable search path: contains a list of directories the shell will look in for a program
when it is called
14. How to execute the file if the file directory is not part of PATH environment variable?
If the file is not a part of PATH environment, the file can be retrieved through absolute method by
giving full path or relative method by using symbolic notations.
Chapter 8
1. Command to create tar file. Syntax and explanation?
$ tar -cf<filename>.tar <file location>
"tar" stands for tape archive. It is an archiving file format.
c: Create a new archive.
f: Use archive file (or device) ARCHIVE.
2. Command to extract tar file. Syntax and explanation?
$ tar -xf<filename>.tar
x: Extract files from an archive.
3. Create a directory named test, create few files ex: test1.txt, test2.txt., inside the directory.,
Tar the directory to a single Tar file.
$ mkdir test
$ touch test/file{1,2,3,4,5}
$ tar -cf testdir.tar testdir/
4. Command to see the content of the tar file without extracting it?
$ tar -tf<filename>.tarlist the contents of an archive without extracting.
5. Advantage of cpio command?
manipulates .cpio files
used as the basis for RPM packages
doesn't recurse subdirectories, must be passed list of dirs
more robust than tar when media errors encountered
Chapter 9
Text Editing
1. In Vi what are all the various modes available and how to switch between them?
a. Insert mode –
b. Command mode –
x – deletes a character
/ filename
6. In a file search for venkat venu and replace it with venu madhav for all the occurrences with
single command?
To copy- 5yy
And to paste – p
(Lower case p pastes after the cursor position and upper case P pastes before.)
Chapter 10
Command Shells
1. What is the purpose of the shell? And how to identify the current shell?
In Unix, the shell is a program that interprets commands and acts as an intermediary between the
user and the inner workings of the operating system. Providing a command-line interface (i.e., the shell
prompt or command prompt), the shell is analogous to DOS and serves a purpose similar to graphical
interfaces like Windows, Mac OS X, and the X Window System.
Nearly every UNIX system has these two shells installed i.e. sh and csh, but may also have several
others: bash, ksh, tcsh, and zsh.
$ echo $SHELL or
$ ps -f
$ chsh
3. Whenever the user logs in what are all the files that are automatically executed?
4. When using bourne again shell how to view the history of commands?
After user login to the systems user environment variables initialized from various files like:
Bash prompt can be customized by changing the values of bash PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 variables.
Chapter 11
$ echo -e "foo\nbar\nbaz"
$ echo -e "foo\tbar\tbaz"
$ echo -e "foo\vbar\vbaz"
$ echo -e "foo\nbar\rbaz"
2. How to accept values into variables?
if [ -z "$TEST_DIR" ]
echo "TEST_DIR was not set, please enter the path: "
read input_variable
export TEST_DIR=$input_variable
Special built-in shell variables pass arguments from the command line into a shell script.
An example of using the $# variable would be to verify that a script is being called with the correct
number of parameters.
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
In this example code block, the echo command is only run if the variable $X is equal to the integer 5:
if [ $X -eq 5 ]; then
if - then - else
if - then constructs can also include an else clause. Note that with this structure one or the other
if [ $X -eq 5 ]; then
if - then - else - if
The addition of an elif clause allows the if - then block to test for several conditions (these are often
if [ $X -eq 1 ]; then
For complex conditionals, a more readable approach is to use the case construct instead of an if-else
case $X in
echo "Got 2";
$ for FILE in *; do
> done
. . . output omitted . . .
X=0 # Initialize $X
while [ $X -lt 5 ]; do
touch $X.txt
X=$(expr $X + 1)
Chapter 12
1. What is process?
R - running process
$ ps aux | grep Z
To kill any processes- You use kill Command. If you want to terminate for example the emacs
process you would look up the process identifier (PID) say 3216, and enter:
$ kill -9 3216
The SIGCHLD signal will ask the irresponsible parent to reap their children, who are zombies.
By adding a “&” to the end of a command, you can make it run in the background.
command &
script &
Using ‘jobs’ command, we can list all the jobs that are running in the background.
Ex: $ jobs
Ex: $ jobs
[1] Stopped vim
Chapter 15
Managing Software
get and put commands are used for downloading and uploading files from one server to another server
#mkdir /mount-point
$ mount -v
3. If you want to automate mounting then in which file we need to add the entry?
To unmount a filesystem
#umount /mount-point
#umount –f
$ fuser -m /filesystem/
To stop all the processes those are accessing the file system
#fuser –c –k /mount-point
-k is used to kill
-o specifies the mounting options used for mounting an NFS file system
server:/directory specifies the server’s host name that contains the shared resource, and the path to
the file or directory to mount.
# mount -F nfs pluto:/export /packages /mnt
# swapon –s
If you wish to start x manually, you can use the command startx, which will launch a gui.
You can also change the default xinit level in your /etc/inittab file.
You can easily connect to other computers and run graphical user interfaces over the
Use xhost on the server system to allow the client system use the display. If the server's IP address is, enter the command:
$ xhost +
4. Before running graphic commands in a remote server what are all the steps we need to take
to see the display?
Xhost +