Recruiter List For Website 07-06-16
Recruiter List For Website 07-06-16
Recruiter List For Website 07-06-16
The list below identifies all the individuals who are authorized under the Foreign Worker Recruitment
and Immigration Services Act to provide foreign worker recruiting services to foreign nationals coming to
Saskatchewan. The list includes:
• Licensees – These individuals have met all licensing requirements and posted $20,000 in
financial security which can be used to compensate individuals who have incurred a financial
loss as a result of a violation of the Act by a recruiter or immigration consultant.
• Exempted Licence Applicants – Recruiters who provided services to foreign nationals or
Saskatchewan employers in the two years prior to October 11, 2013, and who applied for a
licence by January 8, 2014, can provide services until their licence application is reviewed and
decided upon. If their application is approved and they are issued a licence, they will be
identified as a licensee on this list. All listed Exempted Licence Applicants have applied for a
licence, however, their application has not yet been reviewed.
Note: Those individuals marked with an asterisk (*) are exempted licence applicants
Zou, Henry
Henry Global Consulting Service Ltd.
Licence # : 000040
Expiry Date: 2/29/2016 (Expiry date
extended until online licence renewal
process is complete.)