Homebrewed Crafting - Blacksmith v09302017
Homebrewed Crafting - Blacksmith v09302017
Homebrewed Crafting - Blacksmith v09302017
Blacksmith Smithy
Design Notes The Smithy works equally with Weapons and
Armor. However, he cannot match the
The following D&D 5E design of the expert craftsmanship of the Weaponsmith or
Blacksmith craft was created to provide an Armorer. The Smithy does not roll with
option for those pursuing a method of creating Advantage OR Disadvantage when using his
smith’s tools proficiency to create Weapons
weapons and armor. This design provides
or Armor.
details of the types of crafting, the materials
required, different types of accelerants and
Component Materials
their suggested crafting times. As with any
type of custom homebrewery, feel free to
tweak these parameters to fit your world. The type of material used to craft weapons
and armor can vary greatly. Feel free to
add your own flavor of ores and/or crafting
components to your liking. The following
Blacksmithing components represent a good building
There are three basic types of blacksmiths:
Weaponsmith, Armorer and general
Smithy. All three require the Smith’s Tools
Proficiency. Iron (common items)
Iron is the most common crafting material
Blacksmithing is NOT used to create magical throughout the lands. This is the staple as to
weapons unless the magic is already what 95% of all weapons are made from.
inherently embedded in the material used to Every blacksmith apprentice has honed his
make the item. practice upon this basic resource. The selling
price of Iron is usually right around 25 SP per
cubic inch, but buying in bulk may lower the
Weaponsmith cost. Iron produces all types of simple and
The Weaponsmith specializes in, you martial weapons found within the PHB.
guessed it, Weapons. The Weaponsmith
rolls with Advantage when using his smith’s
tools proficiency to create a Weapon. Steel (+1, +2 and +3 items)
Alternatively, the Weaponsmith rolls with Steel is a pricey and uncommon crafting
Disadvantage when using his smith’s tools material throughout the lands. Steel is
proficiency to create Armor. required to create a finely crafted weapon or
armor. Steel weapons and armor provide
better balance and durability. As such, Steel
Armorer can produce +1 (uncommon), +2 (rare) and
The Armorer specializes in, yep, Armor. The +3 (very rare) items. With all finely crafted
Physical Properties: See Mithril
(Colored Dragon) or Adamantine
(Metallic Dragon) for properties.
Adamantine +1
Adamantine +2
Dragonscale +1
Dragonscale +2
Mithril +1
Mithril +2
Steel +1
Steel +2
Steel +3
Base Material:
DC Required: 13 15 17 19 18 19 20 18 19 20 18 19 20
Minimum Lvl Req'd: 3 3 7 11 7 11 15 7 11 15 7 11 15
Req'd Time to Time to Time to Time to Time to Time to Time to Time to Time to Time to Time to Time to Time to
(cubic Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft
Item inches) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours)
Simple Melee Weapons
Dagger 4 1 1 3 5 4 5 6 4 5 6 5 6 8
Handaxe 10 2 3 6 13 10 13 16 10 13 16 13 16 19
Javelin 10 0.2 0.3 0.6 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2
Light Hammer 10 1 1 3 5 4 5 6 4 5 6 5 6 8
Mace 10 2 3 6 13 10 13 16 10 13 16 13 16 19
Sickle 4 0.3 0.6 1 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4
Spear 4 0.3 0.6 1 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4
Martial Melee Weapons
Battleaxe 20 3 6 13 26 19 26 32 19 26 32 26 32 38
Flail 20 3 6 13 26 19 26 32 19 26 32 26 32 38
Glaive 20 6 13 26 51 38 51 64 38 51 64 51 64 77
Greataxe 40 10 19 38 77 58 77 96 58 77 96 77 96 115
Greatsword 40 16 32 64 128 96 128 160 96 128 160 128 160 192
Halberd 20 6 13 26 51 38 51 64 38 51 64 51 64 77
Lance 15 3 6 13 26 19 26 32 19 26 32 26 32 38
Longsword 25 5 10 19 38 29 38 48 29 38 48 38 48 58
Maul 20 3 6 13 26 19 26 32 19 26 32 26 32 38
Morningstar 15 5 10 19 38 29 38 48 29 38 48 38 48 58
Pike 10 2 3 6 13 10 13 16 10 13 16 13 16 19
Rapier 15 8 16 32 64 48 64 80 48 64 80 64 80 96
Scimitar 20 8 16 32 64 48 64 80 48 64 80 64 80 96
Shortsword 10 3 6 13 26 19 26 32 19 26 32 26 32 38
Trident 10 2 3 6 13 10 13 16 10 13 16 13 16 19
Warpick 5 2 3 6 13 10 13 16 10 13 16 13 16 19
Warhammer 15 5 10 19 38 29 38 48 29 38 48 38 48 58
Light Armor
Padded 8 na 3 6 13 10 13 16 10 13 16 13 16 19
Leather 10 na 6 13 26 19 26 32 19 26 32 26 32 38
Studded Leather 13 na 29 58 115 86 115 144 86 115 144 115 144 173
Medium Armor
Hide 12 na 6 13 26 19 26 32 19 26 32 26 32 38
Chain Shirt 25 16 32 64 128 96 128 160 96 128 160 128 160 192
Scale Mail 45 16 32 64 128 96 128 160 96 128 160 128 160 192
Breastplate 40 128 256 512 1024 768 1024 1280 768 1024 1280 1024 1280 1536
Half Plate 60 240 480 960 1920 1440 1920 2400 1440 1920 2400 1920 2400 2880
Heavy Armor
Ring Mail 40 10 19 38 77 58 77 96 58 77 96 77 96 115
Chain Mail 55 24 48 96 192 144 192 240 144 192 240 192 240 288
Splint 60 64 128 256 512 384 512 640 384 512 640 512 640 768
Plate 100 480 960 1920 3840 2880 3840 4800 2880 3840 4800 3840 4800 5760
Shield 6 3 6 13 26 19 26 32 19 26 32 26 32 38