GDN 219
GDN 219
GDN 219
For Restricted Circulation
Guidelines on
Prepared by :
Functional Committee
Field Inspection, Handling and Testing of Casing Pipe & Tubing
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of the OISD
OISD-GDN-219 iii
The Oil Industry in India is more than 100 years old. Because of various collaboration
agreements, a variety of international codes, standards and practices have been in vogue.
Standardisation in design philosophies and operating & maintenance practices at a national level
was hardly in existence. This coupled with feed back from some serious accidents that occurred
in the recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the need for the industry to review the existing
state of art in designing, operating and maintaining oil and gas units.
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in 1986 constituted a Safety Council
assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) manned with experts from within the
industry in formulating and implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at removing
obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing standards to ensure safe operations.
Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of functional committees of experts nominated from the
industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects.
The present guidelines on " Field Inspection, Handling and Testing of Casing Pipe & Tubing” was
prepared by the Functional Committee. This document is based on the accumulated knowledge
and experience of industry members and the various national and international codes and
This guidelines is meant to be used as supplement to existing codes and practices. It is hoped
that provisions of this guidelines, if implemented objectively, will go a long way to improve the
safety and reduce accidents in Oil and Gas Industry.
Suggestions are invited from the users after it is put into practice to improve the document further.
Suggestions for amendments to this document should be addressed to:
The Coordinator
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
7 Floor,New Delhi House
27 – Barakhamba Marg
New Delhi – 110 001.
Fax. No. 011-23315270
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OISD-GDN-219 iv
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of the OISD
OISD-GDN-219 v
1. Introducti on 1
2. Scope 1
3. Defi niti on 1
1 1. Ref erences 15
1 2. Annexure 16
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OISD-GDN-219 1
Casing pipe and tubing are lowered in the strings are extended to the surface.
well from surface to provide lining to well and Connection: Threaded ends of tubular
well respectively. These pipes play vital role in Coupling: Internally threaded cylinder for
the completion of oil / gas wells and its joining two length of pin threaded pipes.
performance is the key factor in successful Drift Diameter: Maximum allowable cylindrical
completion of the well. Any failure in inspection diameter to pass through the inside diameter
well and in few cases even to the extent of loss Dunnage: Light material stowed or packed
of well and human life. Therefore proper field under the load to protect it from damages.
inspection & handling practice is required to Electric welded pipe: Pipe having one
These guidelines have been prepared with an or electric induction welding, without the
detailing, field inspection and handling of Freeze Point: The point at the cement top of
casing pipe & tubing from the receipt of the the cemented casing.
same at stockyard to its lowering in the well in Liner: Section of the casing pipe, which is not
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· Range for length of pipes i.e. Range I, II & iii. Rough handling should be avoided as it
III may damage the threads or dent the pipe
· Manufacturing process: - Seamless / body.
ERW (Electric resistance Welded) iv. The pipes meant for sour service (i.e.H2S
Common sizes / type of casing pipes and environment) and made of CRA (Corrosion
tubing are illustrated in “ Annexure I “ Resistance Alloy) material, should be
Thread compound: Substance that is applied handled carefully. As any impact against
to threaded pipe connection prior to make up, adjacent pipe or other objects may cause a
to provide lubrication during assembly and local increase in the hardness of the pipe to
disassembly and to aid in sealing against high the extent that it becomes susceptible to
internal & external pressure in service. sulfide stress cracking.
Tubing: Innermost conduit made of steel/ non- v. Rope slings should be used to control the
ferrous alloy in a well through which well fluids pipe while unloading by hand.
are brought to the surface. Tubing can be vi. Pipes should be rolled parallel to each other
removed from the hole as and when required. on the rack and not allow pipe to gather
Upset: Ends of the pipe having larger O.D./ momentum or to strike the ends, because
I.D. or both where pin is machined to have even with thread protector in place, there
couplings bucked on. is danger of damaging the threads.
4.0 PRECAUTIONS FOR vii. Spreader bar with a choker sling(s) at each
end should be used while handling long
pipe. For more detail, OISD std. 187
should be referred.
STOCKYARD 4.2 Precautions during
Casing pipes & tubing require careful handling
during transportation and storage to prevent
4.2.1 Water Transportation
any damage to pipe body & precision threads.
Proper care should be taken in respect of
The following precautions should be observed
following points, while loading and unloading of
while handling, transportation & storage: -
water carriers.
4.1 Precautions for Handling
i. Pipes should have sufficient dunnage and
The following precautions should be observed
slinging to avoid rolling of pipes during ship
while handling casing pipe and tubing:
i. Pipes should always be handled with thread
ii. Pipes should have adequate bracing to
protectors in place.
prevent shifting during movement of the
ii. Pipes should not be dropped during
iii. Pipes should not be placed near hazardous
/ corrosive chemicals.
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iv. Pipes should not be dragged along the pile 4.3 Precautions in Storage
as it may cause damage to the coupling / The following precautions are recommended
thread protector. for pipe storage:
4.2.2 Rail / Road Transportation i. The first tier of pipe should be 18 inches &
The following prevention and measure should more from the ground to keep moisture and
be taken while transporting through railway dirt away from pipe.
wagon/ trailers: - ii. Pipe should rest on supports properly
i) Provide wooden stringers across the spaced to prevent bending of the pipe or
bottom to provide suitable support for pipe, damage to the threads.
to allow space for lifting and to keep pipe iii. The stringers should lie in the same plane
away from dirt. and leveled. It should be supported by piers
ii) If the bottom of the car is uneven, the adequately to carry the full stack load
stringers should be rigidly shimmed so that without settling.
their tops will be in the same plane. iv. Separators strips (wooden or ropes) should
iii) Stringers should not be placed under be provided between successive layers of
couplings or the upset part of pipe. pipe so that no weight rests on the
iv) The load should be tied down and bundled couplings. Minimum three spacing strips
in case of tubing to avoid slippage. should be used.
v) Loaded pipes should be tied down with v. Spacing strip should be provided at right
suitable chains at both ends. However for angles to pipe and directly above the lower
handling long pipe, an additional chain strips to prevent bending of pipe.
should be provided in the middle. vi. Stagger adjoining lengths of pipe in the tiers
vi) Pipes should be loaded keeping all an amount approximately the length of the
couplings on the same end. coupling.
vii) Care should be taken to prevent chafing of vii. Pipe should not be stacked higher than 10
coupling / joint shoulders on adjacent feet or five tiers for purpose of safety, ease
joints. of inspection, and handling.
viii) Trailer should be loaded adequately after viii. Pipes of different size, grade and weight
considering the condition of old bridges should be stacked separately for ease of
etc. on the way, if any. identification with proper marking.
ix) Trailer should not be overloaded and load ix. Pipe should be visually inspected
has to be as such that it can be delivered periodically to ascertain corrosion, damage
without intermediate / transit unloading etc. and necessary precautions taken
x) After the load has been hauled a short therein.
distance, retighten load binding chains, x. Pipes should be stored in stockyard to
which might have loosened as a result of facilitate the clear movement of crane.
the load settling.
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“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of the OISD Standards/Guidelines”
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“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of the OISD Standards/Guidelines”
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i. All pipes should be visually examined for lowering of casing string, it should be
straightness. Pipe sizes 4.1/2” and larger picked up and lowered carefully with
O.D. should be checked for straightness by proper care while setting slips.
using a straight edge or taut string (wire). iv. Dropping a string even a short distance
Deviation from straight, or chord height, may loosen couplings at the bottom of the
i. 0.2 percent of the total length of the pipe threading in initial makeup of 16” O.D. &
ii. 0.125 inch in the 5-foot length at each end. guidelines of the manufactures should be
Measurement of the deviation should not be 5.8.2 Casing Pipes of Round thread,
made in the plane of the upset and the size 4.1/2” through 13.3/8”
upset fade away or the coupling area.
a) Prior to lowering of casing, it is necessary
5.8 Field Makeup of Casing pipes to determine the value of torque for proper
The following practice should be adopted make up. For recommended torque,
for field make up of casing pipes: Annexure 4 should be referred.
5.8.1 General precautions b) The torque values shown in Annexure 4,
i. Wobbling during make up lead to galling of have been recommended makeup under
threads. In case wobbling is observed normal conditions and should be
while making up the pipes, it could be due considered as satisfactory provided the
to non-alignment of thread with the axis of face of the coupling is within (+/-) two
the pipes. To stop wobbling, the speed of thread turns of the thread vanish point.
rotation should be decreased. If it still c) Casing should be made hand tight to the
persists despite reduced rotational speed, possible limit. For the proper number of
the casing should be rejected. turns beyond hand tight position the
ii. While making up the pin end, it is possible following is recommended;
that coupling may rotate on the box end § When conventional tongs are used for
slightly. This does not indicate that the casing make up, tighten with tongs to
coupling on the box end is too loose but proper degree of tightness.
simply that the pin end has reached the § The joint should be made-up beyond the
tightness with which the coupling was hand tight position at least three turns for
screwed on at the manufacturer’s facility. sizes 4.1/2” through 7” and at least three
and one half turns for sizes 7.5/8” and
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OISD-GDN-219 7
larger, except 9.5/8”and 10.3/4” grade P- up to 125 percent of the value shown in
110 and size 20” grade J-55 and K-55, table of Annexure 4.
which should be made up about four Pipe should be rejected, if three threads
turns beyond hand tight position. turns or more remain exposed even after
d) When using a spinning line, it is necessary this applying additional torque,
to compare hand tightness with spin up 5.8.3 Casing Pipes of buttress
tightness. In order to do this, makeup the
thread, size 4.1/2” through
first few joints to the hand tight position,
13.3/8” O.D.
then back off and spin up joints to the spin
For Casing connections of size 4.1/2” to
up tight position. Compare relative position
13.3/8” OD: Makeup torque values should be
of these two makeup and use this
determined by observing carefully the torque
information to determine when the joint is
required to makeup each of several
made up the recommended number of
connections to the base of the triangle, then
turns beyond hand tight
using thus established the torque value for
e) The manual tong should be provided with a
making up of balance pipes of that particular
reliable torque gauge of known accuracy. In
weight and grade in the string.
case any irregularities is observed during
initial stage of make up, pipes should not be
5.8.4 Casing Pipes of Round &
tightened as these may be indicative of Buttress thread, size 16”
crossed threads, dirty or damaged threads, through 20” O.D.
or other unfavorable conditions. i) For Buttress thread and round thread, sizes
f) The connections should be made up at a 16”, 18.5/8” and 20” OD: Makeup shall be
speed not to exceed 25 rpm to prevent to a position on each connection
galling while making up connections. represented by the thread vanish point on
g) While making up the pipes, torque gauge round thread and the base of the triangle on
should be observed and the approximately buttress thread using the minimum torque
position of the coupling face with respect to shown in table of Annexure 4 as a guide.
the thread vanish point position as well. ii) The base of the triangle, help in locating the
h) While making up the pipe. If such situation thread vanish point for basic power tight
is observed that the thread vanish point is makeup; however, the position of the
buried in two thread turns only and 75 coupling with respect to the base of the
percent of the torque shown in table is not triangle shall not be a base for acceptance
reached the joint should be treated as a or rejection.
questionable joint and should be rejected.
5.8.5 Field Makeup of Tubing
i) In case during makeup, several threads
i. Joint life of tubing under repeated field
remain exposed when the listed torque is
make up is inversely proportional to the
reached, additional torque may be applied
field makeup torque applied. Therefore, in
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OISD-GDN-219 8
wells where leak resistance is not a great 5.9.1 Precautions during Pulling
factor, minimum field makeup torque values
out of Tubing
should be used to prolong joint life
i. When tubing is pulled in to the derrick,
ii. In case of use of manual tongs for making
care should be taken that the tubing is not
up tubing, the recommended torque values
bent or couplings or protectors bumped.
for each size, weight and grades of tubing
For stacking, one row of drill pipe’s stands
should be ascertained from Annexure 5.
should be kept at candle stand rack to
iii. Assembly of tubing in the horizontal
support the tubing stands.
position should be avoided.
ii. Tubing set back in the derrick should be
iv. Connections should be turned by hand to
properly supported in the middle to prevent
the hand tight position before slowly power
undue bending. Stands of tubing sizes 1.9
tightening. The procedure should be
inch OD or smaller and stands larger than
reversed for disassembly.
60 feet should have intermediate support
v. For premium tubing, recommended
to prevent undue bending.
guidelines of the manufactures should be
iii. Distribute joint and tubing wear by moving
a length/ joint from the top of the string to
5.9 ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS the bottom each time, the tubing is pulled.
FOR TUBING BEFORE LOWERING: iv. In order to avoid leaks, all joints should be
i. The actual length of tubing string under re-tightened periodically.
tension should be obtained, giving due v. When tubing is struck, Tubing should not
consideration to factor of elongation be stretched assuming that the tubing is
because of temperature and pressure. free. It should be ensured that weight
ii. For high-pressure wells additional indicator is calibrated.
precautions should be taken to ensure that vi. After a hard pull to loosen a string of
joints are sufficiently tight. For proper tubing, all joints pulled on should be re-
tightening, it should be ensured that, the tightened.
coupling would float or make up 5.9.2 Field welding of attachments
simultaneously at both ends until the
on Casing pipes and Tubing
proper number of turns beyond the hand
Following precautions should be taken before
tight position have achieved. The hand
taking up the welding job on casing pipes and
tight position may be determined by
checking several joints on the rack and
i. Field welding may have adverse effects
noting the number of threads exposed
on various types of steels used in all
when a coupling is made up with a proper
grades of casing pipes and tubing unless
torque. Full tight position is normally one
due precautions are taken.
turn beyond hand tight position.
ii. Welding on high strength steel should be
avoided, as the heat from welding may
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OISD-GDN-219 9
affect the mechanical properties of high and every effort should be made to prevent
strength steel. excessive washout. The normal design factors
iii. Welding is not recommended on critical of burst, collapse & tension take care in
portions of the string where tension, burst handling the load changes that occur in normal
or collapse strength properties are wells, if pressure & temperature fluctuate
important. widely, it is recommended to design casing
iv. Welding of Float Shoe / collar with joint with special attention on buckling.
shall be done only with extreme caution. Any of the following casing landing methods
v. Prior to taking up the welding job, the should be adopted: -
authorized person should ascertain the a) After the cement has set, casing should be
welder’s qualification. landed with exactly under same tension
vi. Provisions of OISD STD: 105 shall be that was present when cement
followed for all Hot work permits. displacement was completed in the wells
vii. The area to be welded should be dry and in which mud specific gravity does not
brushed or wiped, free of any excess paint, exceed 1.5 gm/cc (12.5 ppg). Also ensure
grease, scale, rust or dirt. during design of casing that standard
viii. Preheating of 3” on each side of weld safety factors were considered and outer
locations should be done to a temperature most casing have sufficient strength to
of 205 to 315 degree Celsius. Preheat withstand the landing loads.
temperature should be maintained during b) Casing should be landed in such a manner
welding. that the casing at the top of cement is
ix. Welded joint should be lowered after either in tension or completely balanced so
normal cooling only. far as tensile and compressive stresses
6.0 CASING LANDING are concerned.
c) Where excessive specific gravity of mud is
used, casing should be landed with top of
Selection of proper casing landing procedure is
freeze point in tension. With the amount of
important to avoid excessive stresses and
tension at the freeze point being selected
unsafe tensile stresses at any time during the
to prevent any tendency of the casing to
life of well. In arriving at the proper tension and
buckle above the freeze point.
landing procedure, consideration should be
d) The approach suitable to well requirement
given to factors viz. well temperature,
to keep required tension or compression at
pressure, temperature developed due to
the freeze point should be adopted. In
cement hydration, mud temperature & change
practice, it may not be possible to
in temperature during producing operations.
anticipate all the changes of physical
As a general principle, casing should be
conditions that may occur during life of
landed in such a way that there is no tendency
to buckle at any point above the freeze point
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well. Landing casing in “as cemented” · In flowing wells, packing the annulus
condition would be a reasonable approach. with fresh water / low salinity alkaline
7.0 PRECAUTIONS FOR mud / Inhibitors.
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OISD-GDN-219 11
maximum anticipated surface pressure with a. Displace the mud in the well with water
safety factor whichever is less. and wash the well till clear water starts
In case of combination casing string, the coming out of the well.
lowest burst rating of casing pipes should b. Disconnect the rotary hose from
be considered. tubing.
8.2 Testing procedure c. Make cementing unit connections with
i) Conductor and Shallow Surface Casing: the tubing / drill pipe to facilitate the
§ Shallow conductor casing is normally not pumping of water for testing the casing
tested except to ensure that it does not hermetically.
have any obvious large holes. d. Close the annulus valve on the tubing
§ Deep conductor and shallow surface spool.
casing are usually not tested or it may be e. Start pumping water at a steady rate of
tested at very low pressures to the order of 1 litre per second till the test pressure
250 to 500 psi. based on requirement. is reached (4-5 litres per cubic meter
volume of the casing is required to be
pumped for raising the pressure by
100 kg/cm .).
ii) Surface and Intermediate Casing: f. Hold this pressure for minimum 15
The test pressures for the surface and minutes.
intermediate casings depends on the pore vi. Testing of Tubing
pressures in the formations to be drilled below The hydrostatic pressure testing of tubing may
the casing, the anticipated kick pressure, and be undertaken prior to taking up packer setting
the burst rating of the casing. etc. when integrity of tubing become essential.
iv) Production Casing: Test pressure should be kept at 80% of
· Production casing is normally designed to internal yield pressure based on 100% of wall
hold the pore pressure of the producing thickness and minimum yield strength values.
formation with a safety margin. The casing Successful pressure test is not positive proof
should be tested to this pressure. of the lack of mill defects, since these may
· If production liner is set below intermediate show up only after a number of cycles of
casing then intermediate casing should pressure or temperature change.
also be tested along with liner. If the liner 9.0 RE USE OF CASING &
is tied back to the surface, the liner and the TUBING
tie back string should also be subjected to
Casing pipes and tubing are being retrieved as
similar test.
when required depending upon the operational
v. Hermetical Testing of Well
requirement. Its reuse calls for precautions as
slight damage could reduce performance
properties of pipes. Precautions to be
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OISD-GDN-219 12
observed during retrieval / recovery and repair considered along with the usual wall
are given below. inspection to determine final performance
9.1 Precautions during recovery properties.
ix. Utilization of the used casing or tubing
of Casing pipes
should be based on experience and
i. During recovery of casing, breakout tongs
judgment with respect to well conditions
should be positioned close to the coupling
and environment factors.
between the tong and the coupling.
ii. Hammering the coupling to break the joint
9.2 Procedure on reuse after
is not recommended. If tapping is required, Retrieval of casing & tubing
use the flat face of the hammer. Tap lightly A) Damaged Pipe Body: -
near the middle and completely around the Retrieved casing pipes should be inspected by
coupling. visual, mechanical gauging and by NDT
iii. Great care should be exercised to techniques e.g. electromagnetic, eddy current,
disengage all of the thread before lifting the ultrasonic and gamma ray. These inspection
casing out of the coupling. Do not jump techniques should be adopted to segregate the
casing out of the coupling. repairable pipes keeping in view the following
iv. All threads should be cleaned and damages: -
lubricated or should be coated with a a. Outside and inside corrosion damage.
b. Inside surface wire line (longitudinal)
material that will minimize corrosion. Clean
protectors should be placed on the casing c. Outside transverse and longitudinal slip
and tong cuts.
before it is laid down.
d. Inside surface drill pipe wear (casing only)
v. Before casing is stored or reused, pipe and e. Transverse cracking (tubing only)
f. Inside surface sucker rod wear (tubing
thread should be inspected and defective
joints marked for repair and re-gauging. g. Casing and tubing should be classified
vi. When casing is being retrieved because of according to the loss of nominal wall
a casing failure, it is imperative for future thickness listed in Table 1
prevention of such failures that a thorough Following points should be considered while
metallurgical study be made. Every attempt going through Table 1.
should be made to retrieve the failed § Loss of nominal thickness of new pipe in
portion of the “as-failed” (same condition) the threaded portion and/or upset section,
for analysis and follow up. whether threaded and coupled external
vii. In case of stacking of casing pipe on derrick upset or integral joint, is not to be
floor, pipes should be set on firm wooden classified in accordance with Table 1.
platform and without the bottom thread § Loss of wall thickness in the heavier upset
protector. sections could be permitted to higher
viii. Depending on circumstances and percentage depending on the intended
needs, gauging of the threads may be service.
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§ Damage and /or wall reductions affecting 9.3 Performance Properties of used
the threaded ends of pipe require
individual consideration depending on the
There is no standard method for calculating
anticipated service.
performance properties of used casing &
The colour code identification system
tubing. Performance properties should be
used to denote the other defective conditions
based on a constant OD. If external surface
is provided in the Table 2 .The colour coding
corrosion is evident, it must also be taken into
should consist of a paint band of the
account. Small pits or other localized metal
appropriate colour approximately 2 inches
loss may not be damaging depending on the
wide around the body of the pipe
application of the pipe, but this type of metal
approximately one foot from the box end.
loss should be considered and evaluated.
B) Damaged Coupling: -
Final rating of a length of pipe for further
§ Connector joints of 18 ½ “ & larger size
services requires consideration of the inside
O.D. Pipes shall be replaced and casing
wall condition and remaining wall thickness to
shall be subjected to hydraulic tests.
evaluate resistance of the body to collapse,
Welding procedures shall be followed as
burst and tension. Thread condition also
per API standards.
require attention to evaluate resistance to
§ New coupling shall be replaced and pipes
shall be subjected to hydraulic test as per
The re use of retrieved casing pipes after
repair should be decided, depending upon the
end use considering required performance
C) Repair of Casing Pipes:
properties vis a vis re-estimated performance
Repair of casing pipes, should be carried out in
properties of retrieved casing / tubing.
such a way that specification of finished casing
shall conform to API 5CT. Following points are 10.0 COMMON FIELD PRACTICE
to be included while carrying out the repair: -
· Drifting of all pipes
· Thread inspection on each pipe
i. Drill pipe being run inside casing should be
· Thickness gauging on each pipe
equipped with suitable drill pipe protector to
· Checking and straightness of each
avoid damage to casing inner wall.
ii. Dropping a string, even a very short
· Hydro testing on each pipe
distance, may loosen the couplings at the
· Reconditioned pipe must conform to
bottom of the string.
API standard
iii. Leaky joints, under external or internal
· Marking of specification on each pipe
pressure are a common trouble and may be
· Rust preventive coating to be applied
due to the following;
· Improper thread compound
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Conditions Colour
Damaged field or pin end One red paint band approximately 2 inches wide
around the affected coupling or box end
Damaged coupling or box One red paint band approximately 2 inches
wide around the pipe adjacent to affected threads.
Pipe body will not pass One green paint band approx. 2 inches wide at the
point of drift restriction and adjacent to the colour
band denoting body wall classification
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“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of the OISD Standards/Guidelines”
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Casing Size:----------------Wt:--------------------Grade:---------------------Thread:-----------------------
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(Length in Mtrs.)
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