"The Analysis of Student Anxiety in Speaking English": Reported by

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Lecturer : Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd., M.Hum.


YEAR 2021
A. The Definition of Anxiety
In learning in the classroom which is where students show their competence and
where competition between students can occur, anxiety can occur as a disorder that
has an impact on the process and learning outcomes. Anxiety is the fear feeling of
something that will be happened or psychological phenomena that appears inside
human body. The anxiety is not just about the feeling inside body but anxiety was
found that happened by some causes outside human body. The signs of anxiety can
found by body language or by communication. Feeling nervous, panic, shy, stammer
or tension is simple signs by anxiety. Most of signs anxiety can founded by test
anxiety or approaches especially in teaching learning english as foreign language.
According to (Tobias 1979 cited in Andrew Yauin AESS 2011: 2064), anxiety
may work as amental block to cognitive performance at all three cognitive stages:
Input, Processing, and Output. In other words, anxiety arousal,which is typically
associated with self-depreciating thoughts, fear of failure,or worry over performance
procedures,may complete for cognitive resources that normal cognitive processing
will demand. The anxiety happen when in processing and output it’s not working. It
means when any process in students’ mind and the result is well, the anxiety never
appear in themself. When the process was disturbed, the anxiety will be appear in
their mind and their body. The response of bad process is got panic or worry when
student perfomance their knowledge or their skill.

B. The Relationship of Anxiety and Speaking Ability

Of the language skills, speaking becomes the major effect of language learners’
anxiety. Oral communication is two way processes between a listener and speaker
(Byrne, 1984:8). Speaking basically involves both productive and receptive skills. As
a productive skill, a speaker produces and uses the language by expressing ideas and
at the same time he or she tries to get the ideas or the message across, that is, the
process of giving message or encoding process.
The experience of language anxiety from learners are various. According to Ying
(2008), language anxiety is caused by learners personal and interpersonal, learner

beliefs about language learning, teacher belief about language anxiety, teacher-learner
interactions, classroom procedures and language testing. Sanders and Wills (2003)
said anxiety in general as “a complex, multifaceted experience, a feeling which
comes flooding intoour whole selves, affecting many different aspects of our being”.
In learning foreign language, anxiety is a feeling of the worry aroused the negative
emotional reaction when learning or utilizing a second language (Young, 1999).
Likewise, language anxiety is defined as “a distinct complex of self-perceptions,
beliefs, feelings, and behaviors related to classroom language learning arising from
the uniqueness of the language learning process” (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986).
MacIntyre and Gardner (1994) also believe that language anxiety is the feeling of
tension and apprehension especially associated with second language contexts,
including speaking, listening, and writing”.
In general, there are two approaches to the description of language anxiety: (1)
Language anxiety in the broader construct of anxiety as basic human emotion that
maybe brought on by numerous combinations of situational factors (McIntyre, 1995;
McIntyre & Gardner, 1989 cited in Tanveer, 2007: 2). (2) Language anxiety as a
combination of other anxieties that create a separate form of anxietyintrinsic to
language learning (Horwitz et al., 1986: 128 cited in Tanveer, 2007: 2).

C. The Factor of Anxiety in English Speaking Context

Learning anxiety can be attributed into several factors. (Horwitz, 1986) argues
that in the context of foreign language learning, learner may feel anxious due to
problem related to three dimension of anxiety. Firstly, communication apprehension
Secondly, fear of negative evaluation Thirdly, a general feeling of anxiety The
description of these components will lay the foundation for the concept of foreign
language anxiety, providing an insight to comprehend the source of anxiety.
1. Communication apprehension
Communication apprehension is a fear or anxiety about actual or anticipated
communication with other individuals, and is a behavioral trait related to the
psychological constructs of shyness and reticence.

The students' communication apprehension has created uncontrollable anxiety to
the body and the inability of speaking clearly which then turned to do everything
possible to avoid speaking in English. The students' communication apprehension, or
in other words the pressure of speaking in public has created uncontrollable anxiety to
the body and the inability of speaking clearly which then turned to have an impact on
the students. Some of the students keep on trying in speaking English in spite of their
limited skill and occasional errors, but the others do everything possible to avoid
speaking in English.

2. Fear of Negative Evaluation

Fear of negative evaluation is an extension of the second component of foreign
language anxiety because it is not limited to test-taking situations; rather, it may
occur in any social, evaluative situation, such as interviewing for a job or speaking in
foreign language class (Horwitz et al., 1986: 127). It is also boarder in the sense that
it pertains not only to the teachers‟ evaluation of the students but also to the
perceived reaction of other students as well (Tanveer, 2007: 14).
Learners may be sensitive to the evaluations-real or imagined- of their peers.In
case of foreign language learner, the fear occurs in a situation where students have to
speak in front of familiar audience or examiner. Students concern about opinion from
important people such as teachers, friends, or parents.

3. Test anxiety
An understanding test anxiety is also related to the discussion of foreign
language anxiety. Test anxiety, as explain by Horwitz at al. (cited in Tanveer, 2007:
12) refers to a type of performance anxiety stemming from a fear of failure. Test
anxiety is quite pervasive in language classroom because of its continuous
performance evaluative nature. As test anxiety is treated differently when dealing
with oral communication, the other two components can be focused on in examining
the attitudes in English oral communication classroom.

Test anxiety refers to a type of performance anxiety resulted from a fear of
failure. Test anxiety is believed to be one of the most important aspects of negative
motivation. It can be defined as “unpleasant feeling or emotional state that has
physiological and behavioral concomitants and that is experienced in formal testing
or other evaluative situations” (Dusek 1980, cited in Cubukcu, 2007).A little
nervousness can actually help students perform their best.

D. How to Overcome The Student Anxiety in Speaking English

The students experienced anxiety in speaking class because of lack of
vocabularies, lack of preparation, being afraid of making mistakes, being afraid of
being laughed at by his/her friends. The students‟ anxiety in English speaking class
was caused by communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative
evaluation. Therefore, paying attention to the factors in order to help students to
speak is urgent to be done by the teachers. Moreover, the teacher should be more
aware of students‟ anxiety in order to arouse students‟ motivation to speak up
confidently and fluently in English speaking class. This indicates that it is important
for teacher to be more creative to find a better way of situations in teaching that could
encourage to the students to be able to speak up. So, the students have a better
performance of speaking English in the future.


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