Design of Induction Motor v3

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Design of induction motor


Watch the following links for further understanding of induction motor.

Design statement
Design of 3 HP, 400 V, 3-phase, 50 c/s, squirrel cage,1500 rpm, Star/delta starting, induction
motor, slots/pole/phase=3
Summary of Design
HP of motor=3
P.f. assumed =0.84
Efficiency=82 %
Outer dia of motor stator=24 cm
Inner dia of stator=15 cm
Length of stator=6.5 cm
Air gap=0.25 mm
Stator slots=36
Rotor slots=30
Copper conductor for stator=19 SWG
Slip=5.1 %
Max. output=5.35 HP
Starting torque=0.399 *Tfl
Cost of motor=Rs. 21000/=
No. of poles=4
Speed=1500 rpm

HP=3, speed=1500 rpm, f=50 c/s
N=120f/p, p=poles=120f/N=120*50/1500=4
P.f. assumed=0.84 Efficiency assumed=0.82
Range of flux density in air gap=0.3---0.6, ( for special motors -- upto 0.7 web/m2)
Let flux density in air gap=0.43 web/m2
Range of ampere-conductors=5000----45000 ac/m
Let amp. conductors=19700/m
Motor output=3 HP=3*746=2238 W
motor input=2238/0.82=2729.26 W
P.f.=0.84 , motor input in VA=2729.26/0.84=3249.12 VA
E ≈ V=4.44* T*f* ϕ *Kw
where Kw=winding factor=Ks*Kd =1*0.955=0.955
Ks=coil span factor=1 (for small motors)
Kd=distribution factor=0.955 (for all motors)
ϕ =flux /pole=B*(Area/pole)= 𝛑*D*L*B/poles ----------------------(ii)
where D=dia at air gap, L= length of pure iron of stator
f=p*N/120=p/2*N/60=p/2*n =pn/2 Where n=speed in rps
I=I*T/T=Amp. turns/turns=(Amp. turns/length)*Li /turns,
where Li=length of flux path in air = 𝛑 * D
(flux travels along the inner periphery of the stator, which is 𝛑 * D)

Also, one turn=two conductors

I=(Amp. Conductors/length)* 𝛑 D/(2T) ---------(i)
V ≈E=4.44*T*Kw*f* ϕ VI=4.44*T*Kw*f* ϕ* I, f=pn/2
Putting value of ‘I’ and ϕ from eq. (i), (ii), we get
KVA= VI/1000=4.44pnB 𝛑 DLKwT* (amp. con/L) * 𝛑 * D/(4000pT)
=(1.11 𝛑2B Kw *Amp. Cond/l)*D2L*n/1000=GLn
Where G=(1.11 𝛑2B Kw *Amp. Cond/L)/1000
= (1.11 𝛑2B Kw /1000) *Amp.cond/L =k* Amp.cond./L
Where k=(1.11 𝛑2B Kw /1000)= ???? ( Putting B=0.43)
let Amp. Cond/L=19700
Then G=89
S= KVA=G*D2*L*n D2*L=S/(nG)=3.25/(89*25)=1.46/1000 m3
=1460 cm3

The table of motor frames (page 385, Say book) contains 16 standard frames
From that table, suitable frame for this motor is, B1 having,
D=15 cm, Do=24 cm, L=6.5 cm
Length of pure iron=0.9* 6.5=5.85 cm
Pole pitch=peripheral distance between two opposite poles= 𝛑 D/p= 𝛑 *15/4=11.8 cm

Design of stator winding

Stator core is split into a No. of stampings, with air duct between two stampings for
cooling purpose.
n=speed in revolutions/second, 1 revolution= 𝛑 D cm
Peripheral speed=v= 𝛑 D*n cm/s= 𝛑 D*N cm/min= 𝛑 D*N/100=m/min
= 𝛑*15*1500/100=706 m/min
The No. of stator stampings can be taken from the following table
v (m/min 450 900 1350 1850
Thickness of 3.8 cm 5.1 cm 6.35 cm 7.6 cm

Corresponding to v=900 m/min, thickness=5.1 cm

If we select two stampings, then
L=5.1+5.1+1=11.2 cm
But in our design, L=6.5 cm, therefore no air duct and no stampings are required---one
continuous frame will be used.
ϕ =flux/pole=B* 𝛑 *D*L/pole=0.43* 𝛑 *0.15*0.065/4=3.29*10-3 web/pole
E=4.44*f* ϕ *Tp *Kw
Tp (turns/phase)=E/ (4.44*f* ϕ *Kw) =400/(4.44*50*3.29*10-3 *0.955)=576
No. of conductors/phase=2*576=1152
For distributed winding, slots/pole/phase should be greater than 1
Let slots/pole/phase=3, total slots=36, slots phase/=36/3=12
IL=3249/(1.732*400)=4.69, for delta Ip =4.69/1.732=2.7 A
Range of current density, 𝛿 3----8 A/mm2
taking 𝛿=3.34, area of cond. a1=2.71/3.34=0.81 mm2 , 19 SWG
dia=1.015 mm, dia with insulation=1.015+0.22=1.235 mm

Arrangement of conductors in the slot

Total conductors /slot=96

The cross sectional view of slot is as shown in the diagram
Let us have 16 cond. depth wise, 5 cond. at narrow side, 7 wide side

Slot dimensions
Depth of 16 conductors=16*1.235=19.8 mm
A wedge is placed at the mouth of the slot=2 mm, lip=1 mm,
3 layers of paper lining of 0.5 mm thick depth wise, roughness=1 mm
Total depth of slot=19.8+2+1+1+1.5=25.3 mm=2.53 cm=ds
At narrow end--- slot lining=2*0.5=1 mm, allowance=0.445 mm
Total width at narrow end=5*1.235+1+0.445=7.6 mm
Width of slot at wide end=7*1.235+1=10.64 mm
Slot pitch= inner periphery of stator/No of slots =𝛑*15/36=1.31 cm=13.1 mm
width of tooth=13.1-7.6=5.5 mm
(Slot pitch is the angular distance occupied by one slot and one tooth)

Area of one tooth=0.55*6.5*0.9=3.21 cm2, teeth /pole=36/4=9

total area of teeth/pole= 9*3.21=29 cm2
flux density in teeth, Bt=3.29*10-3/(29*10-4) =1.135 web/m2
max. Bt for sine wave=1.36*1.135=1.54
length of flux path in teeth=depth of slot=2.53 cm

Stator resistance and looses

The coil to be put in the slot is made in the shape shown in the fig.

Pole pitch= 𝛑 *15/4=11.8 cm

Length of one turn=2*(6.5 +1.15*pole pitch+2)=2*(6.5+1.15*11.8+2)=44.14 cm
Length of 576 turns=576*44.14=25424.6
Resistance=2.1*10-6*25424.6/(0.81*10-2)=6.5 ohm
Copper losses in stator winding=3*(2.71)2 6.5=145 W

Depth of stator core

dc = (Outer radius of stator-inner radius-slot depth)=Do-Di-ds =12-7.5-2.53= 1.97 cm
Flux density in the stator core
Ai=Area of core for flux path=Li x dc=5.85 x 1.97=11.52 cm2
Flux coming from the pole is divided into two parts, therefore the flux in stator core = ϕ /2
Bc=flux density in the stator core=(3.29x 10-3/2)/(11.52x 10-4) =1.42 Web/m2

Length of flux path in stator core

outer radius of the core=12 cm, inner radius of core=12-dc=12-1.97=10.03 cm

mean radius=(12+10.03)/2=11.015 cm , mean dia= 2 x 11.015=22.03 cm
Length of flux path/pole= 𝛑 x22.03/4=17.3 cm
Ac= area of core for flux path=Li*dc =5.85* 1.97=11.5 cm2
Bc= flux density in the core=3.29*10-3/(11.5*10-4)=1.42 web/m2

Length of flux path in stator core

Mean dia of flux path in the core=22.03 cm
Length of flux path= (𝛑*22.03)/poles/4=17.3 cm

Design of rotor
Rotor slots are not made equal to stator slots, otherwise magnetic locking may take place.
Rotor slots are usually (80—120) % of stator slots
Let rotor slots =30
Internal dia of stator=15 cm, air gap=0.025 cm, rotor dia=15-0.025=14.95 cm
Rotor slot pitch= 𝛑 x14.95/30=1.56 cm
No. of slots/pole=g2=30/4=7.5

Current in rotor bars

Rotor frequency is very small, so that the rotor the rotor reactance is negligible, and the rotor
p.f. is almost unity. The rotor current is calculated at unity p.f..
Stator current=2.71 at p.f. of 0.84,
stator current at unity p.f.=2.71*0.84=2.28 A=Is
Let current in rotor bars=Ib
We know that S=KVA=4.44T*Kw *f * ϕ* I
I=S/(4.44T*Kw *f * ϕ), I is proportional to 1/(Kw*T)

Ib/Is=Kw1*T1/(Kw2*T2), Kw2=1 for rotor

Ib/Is=Kw1*T1/T2 = Kw1 *g1*Zs1/(g2*Zs2) , Where
g1=slots /pole of stator=36/4=9, Zs1=cond./stator slot=96
g2=slots/pole of rotor=30/4=7.5, Zs2= cond./rotor slot =1
putting values, Ib/Is=2.28*9*96*0.955/7.5
Ib =254 A
The current in all rotor bars is not same. It is max. in the bar under a pole. It is distributed in
rotor bars like a sine wave. All the currents go towards short circuiting rings. Let us find average
current over a half cycle in the rings.
Average current in rings=Ib/ 𝛑 of one rotor slot x g2 = Ib/ 𝛑* g2 =254*7.5/ 𝛑=605 A

Rotor resistance and losses

The current density in rotor bars should be greater than that of stator conductors, because
rotor bars are solid Al. bars.
Let it be 6 A/mm2, then area of rotor bars=254/6=41.3 mm2
Actual area= 42.3/0.95=44.6 mm2
Rotor bars should go deep into the rotor body, 44.6=5.5*8.05, w=5.5, d=8.05mm
Depth of bar=8.05 mm, lip=2 mm, allowance=0.75
Total depth of bar= 8.05+2+0.75=10.8 mm=1.08 cm
Width of bar=5.5+0.75=6.3 mm=0.63 cm
Length of rotor=6.5 cm
Length of rotor bars should be greater than the length of the rotor due to fanning,
Skewing etc.
Length of rotor bar=6.5+2+.5+.5=9.5 cm
Resistance of rotor bars=2.1*10-6*9.5*30/0.423=1.34*10-3 ohm
Copper losses in rotor bars=(254)2*1.34*10-3 =86.4 W

Looses in rings

Let current density in rings=8 A/mm2 , Area of rings=605/8=75.6 mm2

Let height of rings=14 mm, thickness=5.4 mm
External dia of rings=14.95 cm, Internal dia=14.95-2*1.4=12.15 cm
Mean dia=(14.95+12.15)/2=13.25 cm
Resistance of rings (two rings)=2*2.1*10-6* 𝛑 *13.25/0.75=2.38*10-4
Ring copper losses=(605)2 *2.38*10-4 =87.1 W
Total copper losses in the rotor=87.1+86.4=173.5 W

Rotor resistance referred to the stator

Rotor copper losses referred to the stator=173.5=3*(I1)2* r1 =3*(2.28)2 * r1

where I1=stator current at unity p.f.,
r1=rotor resistance referred to stator
r1=11.56 ohm

Rotor teeth design

Rotor slot pitch= 𝛑 *14.95/30=1.56 cm, slot width=0.63 cm

Rotor tooth width=1.56-0.63=0.93 cm
Depth of rotor tooth at 1/3 from the top=10.8*1/3=3.6mm=0.36 cm
Dia of rotor at 1/3 from the top=14.95-2*0.36=14.23 cm
Tooth width at 1/3 from the top=14.23*0.93/14.95=0.88 cm
Area of tooth/pole=7.5*0.88*5.85=38.61 cm2
Flux density in rotor teeth=3.29*10-3/(38.61*10-4)=0.88
Max. flux density=1.36*0.88=1.16 web/m2
Length of flux path=depth of rotor slot=1.08 cm

Design of rotor core

Let Bc=flux density in rotor core=1.2 web/m2

Ac=area of core=1.37*10-3 m2 =13.7 cm2=depth *length
Depth of rotor core=13.7/6.5=2.1 cm, length of rotor core=6.5 cm
Length of flux path in the rotor core:
Outer dia of rotor=14.95 cm, dia at the root of the slot=14.95-2*1.08=12.79 cm
Core depth=2.1 cm, internal dia of rotor core=12.79-2*1.2=8.5 cm
Mean dia=(12.79+8.5)/2=10.69 cm=dm, length of flux path= 𝛑* dm/4=8.58 cm

Length of flux path in air (Effective thickness of air gap)

Thickness of air gap=0.25 mm=lg

Due to the presence of slots of rotor and stator, the effective thickness of air gap is slightly is
greater, which can be calculated as under
lg 1 =effective thickness of air gap=kg*lg
where kg is a factor depending upon No. of slots on rotor and stator
kg=kg1*kg2, kg1 for stator, kg2 for rotor
kg1= τs1/ (τs1-w01*k01), kg2= τs2/ (τs2-w02*k02)
where τs1=stator slot pitch= 𝛑*15/36=1.31cm=13.1 mm
w01=3 mm (suppose), k01=Carter coefficient, determined from the graph on page 181
w01/lg= 3/0.25=12, k01=0.88 (from graph)
τs2=13.1 , w02= 1 mm, w02/lg =1/0.25=4, k02= 0.53
putting values, we get kg1=1.252, kg2 =1.036, kg=kg1*kg2=1.252*1.036=1.3
lg 1=0.25*1.3=0.325 mm

Amp. turns for air gap

Bg=0.43, Bg max.=1.36*0.43=0.585
It is given by ATg =800000 *lg1* Bg= 800000 *0.585 *0.325 *10-3=152.1
Length of flux path in air gap=0.325 mm

Total Amp. Turns for the motor

Part Area, m2 Length m B, web/m2 AT/m AT

Stator core 0.00117 0.172 1.42 560 48.4
Stator teeth 0.0029 0.0253 1.54 4300 100
Air gap --- 0.00325 0.585 -- 152.1
Rotor teeth 0.0034 0.0108 1.3 480 5.18
Rotor core 0.00137 0.0838 1.2 310 26
Total Amp. Turn=331.68
Magnetizing Current

Magnetizing amp. turns are used to calculate Magnetizing Current

Magnetizing Current=(poles/2)* AT/(1.17*Kw*Tp)=4*331/(2*1.17*0.955*576)=1.01 A
For delta connection Im=1.732*1.01=1.75 A

Core losses

Core losses or iron losses consist of eddy current and hysteresis loss, which can be determined
from the graph on page 176 (B, against, iron loss/kg). For that purpose, the weight of stator
core and stator teeth are required. Rotor iron loss is negligible due to low frequency of rotor.
Volume of stator teeth=36* 0.55* 2.53* 5.85=293 cm3
Weight of stator teeth=293*7.55/1000=2.21 kg
From the graph, for 0.5 mm thick sheet, against B=1.54 losses=21W/kg
Total loss in in stator teeth=21*2.21=46.5 W
Weight of stator core=area* 𝛑 *dm* 7.55=11.7* 𝛑 *22.03* 7.55=6100 gm=6.1 kg
From the graph, losses=17 W/kg
Losses in stator core=17*6.1=103.7 W
Total iron losses=103.7+46.5=150.2 W

No load current (Io)

Iron losses=150.2 W
Output of motor=2228 W
Friction losses=35.2 W (assume)
Iron and friction losses=150.2+35.2=185.4 W
Iw=working component of current=(iron and friction losses)/(3*400)=185.4/1200=0.154
Io=square root of (0.1542+1.012)=1.021 A/phase
No load p.f.=cos ϕo =Iw/Io=0.154/1.02=0.15
Reactances of induction motor
Circle diagram of ind. Motor

Cost of ind motor

Stator conductors
Length of conductors=37000 cm
Area=0.81 x 10-2 cm2 Volume=370 x 0.81=300 cm3
Specific weight=8.9 Weight of conductors/phase=8.9 x 300/1000=2.67 kg
Copper rate/kg=Rs.1600 cost/phase=1600 x 2.67=Rs. 4272
Cost for 3 phases=3 x 4272=Rs. 12816
Stator core
Weight of stator core=6.1 kg rate/kg=Rs. 250/=
Cost=250 x 6.1=Rs. 1525
Stator teeth
Weight=2.21 kg rate/kg=Rs. 250
Cost=250 x 2.21=Rs. 552.5
Area=0.75 cm2 mean dia=11.38 cm volume=11.38 x 𝛑 x 0.75=27 cm3
Weight=8.9 x 27=240 gm=0.24 kg
Cost=2 x 0.24 x 800=Rs. 384

Rotor conductors (Al)

Area=0.423 cm2 length=9.5 cm total slots=30
Volume=30 x 9.5 x 0.423=121 cm 3 Sp. Weight=3
Weight=3 x 121=363 gm=0.363 kg rate=Rs. 200/kg
Cost=0.363 x 200=Rs. 72.6

Rotor core
Area=13.7 cm2 mean dia=(12.79+(12.79-1.6)) /2=11.99 cm
Volume= 𝛑 x 11.99 x 13.7=515 cm3
Weight=515 x 1.55/1000=3.88 kg
Cost=3.88 x 250=Rs. 970

Rotor teeth
Width=0.93 cm depth=0.72cm length=6.5 cm No. of teeth=30
Vol=30 x 0.93 x 0.72 x 6.5=130.05 cm3 weight=130.05 x 7.55/1000=0.98 kg
Cost=Rs. 0.98 x 250=Rs. 245
Labour cost =Rs. 2000/=
Bearing + insulation=Rs. 2000/=
Total cost=Rs. 21039

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