Aits 1920 FT Ix Jeea Paper 1

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JEE (Advanced)-2020

TEST DATE: 16-09-2020

Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 186

General Instructions:

 The test consists of total 54 questions.

 Each subject (PCM) has 18 questions.

 This question paper contains Three Parts.

 Part-I is Physics, Part-II is Chemistry and Part-III is Mathematics.

 Each Part is further divided into Two Sections: Section-A & Section-C.

1. Section–A (01 – 04, 19 – 22, 37 – 40) contains 12 multiple choice questions which out of 4
options have only one correct answer. Each question carries +3 marks for correct answer and –1
mark for wrong answer.

Section-A (05 – 12, 23 – 30, 41 – 48) contains 24 multiple choice questions which have one or
more than one correct answer. Each question carries +4 marks for all correct answer.
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the four option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen and
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a
correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.

2. Section-C (13 – 18, 31 – 36, 49 – 54) contains 18 Numerical answer type questions with answer
XXXXX.XX and each question carries +3 marks for correct answer. There is no negative marking.

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20 2

Physics PART – I

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 04 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

1. 
A ray of light moving along vector 5 2iˆ  5ˆj  5kˆ  undergoes refraction at an interface of two

media, which is y-z plane. The refractive index for x  0 is 3 while for x  0 it is 2 . Then the
unit vector along the refracted ray is
3iˆ  2ˆj  2kˆ
3iˆ  3ˆj  2kˆ
2i  3ˆj  3kˆ
2i  3ˆj  3kˆ

2. At t = 0, source starts accelerating with an source observer

acceleration a and observer starts moving with O
a S v0
constant velocity v0 as shown in the figure
simultaneously. Source emits a frequency f and
velocity of sound in the air is v. The frequency of 
the initial sound as detected by the observer is
(v  v 0 )f 2
(2vf  a)
2(v  v 0 )f 2
(2vf  a)
(v  v 0 )f 2
(2vf  a)
2(v  v 0 )f 2
(2vf  a)

3. A conducting rod of length ‘’ = 2 5 meter and

mass ‘m’ = 4 kg lies on the horizontal table and
connected with a hanging block of mass 4 kg by
an ideal string passing over the pulley as shown i
in the figure. Coefficient of friction between the
 1
rod and the table is ‘’    . If the current in the
2 m
conductor is 2 ampere, then find the minimum
magnitude of magnetic field strength (in Tesla) z
such that conducting rod just starts to translate
along negative x-axis. (take g = 10 m/sec2)
[neglect the radius of rod]

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3 AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20

(A) 6
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 8

4. Spring is in its natural length. Collision of ring v0

the block with the ring fixed with the k
horizontal surface and wall is perfectly m
elastic. Find the time period of oscillation of
k fixed 40
block if at t = 0, a velocity v 0  5 0 is 30
given to the block.
(A) 2
 m
2 k
(C) 
3 m
2 k

(One or More than one correct type)

This section contains 08 questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR
MORE THAN ONE of these four options is(are) correct.

5. A conducting rod OD of mass m and length  rotates about one

end O, with its other end sliding smoothly on a circular            
conducting ring, as shown in the figure. A constant and uniform          
magnetic field ‘B’ acts into the plane of the ring and rod OD          
rotates with a constant angular velocity  by applying some           D 
external force. Assume that the space is gravity free and that          
there is electrical contact between the ring and the rod at D.      O   R  Q 
The ring and the rod have negligible resistance. There is a          
small gap in the ring between P and Q, so that the current flows       ‘B’
    
along a unique path. Then,          
         

B2  4
(A) The torque due to external agent about O is
B2 2 4
(B) The power delivered by the external agent is
B  
2 2 4
(C) The rate of heat rejected by the resistor R is
B2  4
(D) Work done by external agent for half revolution of rod is

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AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20 4

6. The magnitude of angular momentum, kinetic energy, velocity and frequency of an electron in a
hydrogen atom corresponding to the quantum number n are L, K, V and f respectively. Then
according to Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom:
(A) K1Lf is constant for the all orbits.
(B) Kvf1 is constant for the all orbits.
(C) K1Lv is proportional to n2.
(D) K1f is proportional to 1/n.

7. Three conducting bodies A(solid sphere),

B(thin spherical shell) and C(hollow sphere
with thickness 2R) are arranged as shown in
the figure. A charge q is given to the inner
sphere. Choose the correct option(s). +q

C B A 2R
6R S1

(A) When S1, S2 both are open capacity of the system is C1, then C1 is
(B) When S1 is closed but S2 is open capacity is C2, then C2 is 160R
(C) When S2 is closed but S1 is opened capacity is C3, then C3 is 120R
(D) When both S1 and S2 are closed. Capacity is C4, then C4 is 240R

8. A uniform wire of mass m, length L and cross- F

sectional area ‘A’, made of a material of Young’s
modulus Y, is pulled by a constant force F on an
inclined plane such that it move upto the inclined Coefficient of friction = 
plane as shown in figure. Choose the correct
option(s). 30

(A) The extension in the wire is .
(B) The tension in the rod at a distance from the lower end of the rod is .
4 4
1F L
(C) The elongation potential energy (elastic) in the rod is .
6 YA
1 F2L
(D) The elongation potential energy (elastic) in the rod is .
4 YA

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9. A solid sphere of mass ‘m’ and radius ‘R’ is held in equilibrium by two
identical strings ‘S1’ and ‘S2’ of negligible mass as shown in the figure.
Choose the correct option(s). S1 S2

P 106 Q

(A) Tension in the string S2 when solid sphere is in equilibrium is mg .
(B) Acceleration of point P just after cutting the string S2 is g.
(C) Tension in the string ‘S1’ immediately after cutting the string ‘S2’ is.
(D) Horizontal component of acceleration of centre of mass of solid sphere immediately after
cutting the string ‘S2’ is g.

T 
10. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas undergoes a process T =  02  V 2 , where T0 and V0 are
V 
 0 
the initial temperature and volume of the gas. If volume of gas changes from V0 to 2V0. Then
choose the correct option(s).
(A) The amount of heat transferred to the gas is 6RT0.
(B) The molar heat capacity of the gas is 2R.
(C) Final temperature of the gas is 4T0.
(D) The graph between the temperature and volume is parabolic.

11. A straight conducting wire of infinite length lies 3

P4 P5
perpendicular to the plane of the paper and current of
magnitude ‘I’ is flowing out to the paper as shown in figure. I 120  120
Then choose the correct option(s). 

P1 45

  0I
(A) The value of  B  d 

   
(B) The value of 
B  d  
B  d .

   
(C) The value of 
B  d  2 
B  d .

  7 I
(D) The value of 
B  d  0 .

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AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20 6

12. A plank of length 1.8 m and a small block of same mass initially at rest  = 1/4
on a fixed large wedge as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction
between the plank and block is and between the plank and the
4 Plank m
 = 1/2 1.8 m
wedge is . Both block and plank are released from rest at t = 0. Then
2 53
choose the correct option(s). (Take g = 10 m/s2)
(A) Acceleration of the block with respect to ground is 6.5 m/s 2.
(B) Acceleration of the plank with respect to ground is 3.5 m/s 2.
(C) The time when the block just drops down from the plank is 1.2 sec.
(D) Displacement of the block with respect to the ground when the block just drops down
from the plank is 3.9 m.

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 06 questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each
question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded‐off to the second
decimal place; e.g. XXXXX.XX).

13. The pitch of a screw gauge is 1 mm and its circular scale is divided into 100 divisions. When
nothing is put between the studs the zero of main scale is not seen, but when circular scale is
rotated by 270 the zero of main scale is seen and the zero of main scale coincide with the 12th
division of circular scale. When a glass plate is placed between the studs, the circular scale lies
between 24th to 25th division of main scale and circular scale reads 26 divisions. Find the
thickness of the glass plate in millimeter. (Assume value of one main scale division is same as

14. A point charge ‘q’ is placed at a y

distance (on the y-axis) 2
3 q (0, , 0)
vertically above the x-z plane. The 3
flux of electric field passing through
the triangular plate which lies in the
x-z plane as shown in figure, is (, 0, 0) x
q B
. Find the value of m.  3
(  ,0, )
2 2 A

15. The acceleration in a space is a0 m/s2 towards negative x-axis, t

where a0 is a positive constant. A ball is projected and it passes

through two given points x1, x2 in both the directions. If the time the
ball takes to pass x1 = 3.10m in both the directions is t1 = 4 sec and
time to pass x2 = 10.75m in both the directions is t2 = 2sec. Then
find the magnitude of a0.
x1 x2

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7 AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20

16. A semicircular conducting ring ABC of mass m = 20 kg and radius R = 4m is C

placed on a horizontal surface and a uniform magnetic field B = 2 Tesla exists
parallel to horizontal surface but perpendicular to the line AC. Almost
instantaneously, a certain amount of charge is passed through it, then it is
found to jump to a height h = 5m. Then, find the amount of charge passed B
through the conductor in coulomb. (take g = 10 m/s2)

17. Suppose that one of the slits in YDSE is wider than the other, so the amplitude of the light
reaching on screen from one slit, acting alone, is thrice that from the other slit, acting alone. The
intensity for Central Bright Fringe is I0 = 5 W/m2. Then find the intensity I (W/m2) on the screen for
(angular position)  = 37. (Take d/ = 5/6, where d is the separation between the slits and  is
the wavelength of the light)

18. A certain radio nuclide starts getting produced at a constant rate 104 sec1 by some mechanism
at a certain moment t = 0. At this moment there are already 10 5 number of radio nuclides present
dN 104
in the sample. The mean life of this radio-nuclide is 20 seconds. At t = 40 sec, the is (in
dt K
sec1). Then find the value of K. (Take e2 = 7.4)

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AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20 8

Chemistry PART – II

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 04 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

19. The correct order of thermal stability of the following hydrides is:
(A) H2O < H2S > H2Se > H2Te > H2Po
(B) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3 > BiH3
(C) H2O > H2S > H2Se > H2Te > H2Po
(D) PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3 < BiH3 < NH3

20. Elevation in boiling point of an aqueous solution of a non-electrolyte solute is 1.56 o, what is the
depression in freezing point of this solution.
Kf(H2O) = 1.86o mol-1 kg
Kb(H2O) = 0.52o mol-1 kg
(A) 3.12
(B) 3.58
(C) 5.58
(D) 3.46

21. Average velocity at T1 of CO is equal to most probable velocity at T2. Thus, T1/T2 is
(A) 0.785
(B) 1.18
(C) 0.079
(D) 2.36

22. In a vessel 0.2 mole of each He, N2 and O2 was present. Pinhole of vessel opened in vacuum for
a short time period. What will be the order of partial pressure of gases inside the vessel now?
(A) PO2  PHe  PN2
(B) PN2  PO2  PHe
(C) PHe  PN2  PO2
(D) PHe  PN2  PO2

(One or More than one correct type)

This section contains 08 questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR
MORE THAN ONE of these four options is(are) correct.

23. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

(A) KEmolecule of a triatomic linear molecule is KT
 G 
(B)  T   S
 P
(C) In adiabatic free expression of an ideal gas, temperature of gas also not changed.
(D) Suniv  0 for irreversible adiabatic expansion.

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9 AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20

24. Consider the following equilibrium?

N2  g   3H2  g  
200o C

 2NH3  g H  92 kg / mol
Correct statement(s) is/are:
(A) On adding N2(g) in the equilibrium mixture. Equilibrium shift to forward direction due to
increase in entropy in forward direction.
(B) At temp. < 200oC reaction becomes faster.
(C) On increasing the pressure yield of NH3 increase.
(D) No effect of introduction of inert gas at equilibrium mixture.

25. Which of the following products are identical?

 i NaN
 ii H2 O  P


 2
i Br /KOH
 ii H2 O  Q

 2
 ii H
 iii ,H2O

 3
i HN /conc. H SO
 ii  ,H2O
2 4

(A) P, Q, R, S
(B) P, Q
(C) R, S
(D) Q, R

26. Correct reaction with products are:

(i) NH4NO2  NaOH  Zn powder /   NH3  Na 2 ZnO 2

(ii) NH4 Cl  NaNO3   N2O  NaCl  H2 O
(iii) NH4 2 Cr2O7 

 N2  4H2O  Cr2 O3
(iv) NH2 CONH2 
 NH3  CO2  NaCl
(A) ii, iii
(B) ii, iv
(C) i, iv
(D) i, iii

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AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20 10

27. SO 2Cl


Br2 /KOH
P   Q 
 R  salt 

NaNO2  i P
 S 
 ii HCl,   T
05 C

Which of the following is(are) correct?

(A) NH2


(B) +
R is Ph N S CH

(C) +
N2 Cl

S is

T is N N

28. Which of the following give ppt. when H2S is passed through the ammonical solution of their salts
(in presence of NH4Cl)
(A) Cu2+
(B) Bi3+
(C) Zn2+
(D) Mg2+

29. Which of the following ore(s) is/are concentrated by froth floatation method?
(A) Galena
(B) Chalcocite
(C) Bauxite
(D) Cinnabar

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11 AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20

30. A salt ' s solution 

 P  Qsolution
Qsolution 
 R
K 2 Cr2 O7
H2 SO4
 
 S   T 
Re d gas Yellow soln. Brick red

P 
i) conc. HCl
ii) KI
 U  
 VSoluble complex orange
Which of the following is/are correct according to the above reaction?
(A) R is CrO2Cl2
(B) T is Ag2CrO4
(C) U is BiI3
(D) P is Bi(OH)3

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 06 questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each
question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded‐off to the second
decimal place; e.g. XXXXX.XX).

31. Henry’s law constants for O2 and N2 dissolved in water at 273 K are 2.03 × 108 Pa and 5.07 × 108
Pa. respectively. A sample of water at a temperature just above 273 K was equilibrated with air
(21% oxygen and 79% N2) at 1 atm. The dissolved gas was separated from a sample of this
water and then dried. Determine the composition of N 2 in percentage.

32. A solution containing 0.624 gm of naphthalene (molar mass 128.2 gm mol-1) in 60 gm CCl4.
Yields a boiling point elevation of 0.42 K. While a solution of 0.53 gm of an unknown solute in the
same mass of solvent gives a boiling point elevation of 0.75 K. Find the molar mass of the
unknown solute.

33. Two containers A and B of identical volume. Container ‘A’ have 2 moles of N2 and 3 mole of He.
Container B has 5 mole of O2. Both containers are at same temperature. Calculate the average
rate of effusion of mixture of O2.

34. Calculate the magnitude of work done (in kJ) in isothermal reversible expansion of 1 m 3 of He gas
(CV = R ) at 273.15 K and 10 atm to final pressure of 1 atm (in kJ)

35. For equilibrium


LiCl.3NH3  s  
 LiCl.NH3  s   2NH3  g , K P  16 atm at 50oC. A 5 litre vessel contains 0.2 mole

of LiCl.NH3(s). How many moles of NH3 should be added to the flask at this temperature to drive
the backward reaction to completion: [R = 0.0821 litre atm mol-1 K-1]

36. The radius of an He atom is 1.23 × 10-9 cm. A 200 cm3 container is filled with Xe at a pressure of
1 atm and a temperature of 273 K. The % of volume that is occupied by He atom is x × 10 -7, value
of x is:

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AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20 12

Mathematics PART – III

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 04 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

37. Let A and B be any two points on y-axis and the line y = 2x respectively. Also P and Q be the feet
of perpendicular from A and B on the line y = 2x and y-axis respectively. If AB passes through the
points (1, 3), then the line PQ passes through fixed point (x1, y1) such that 1 is
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8

 /2
sin 40x
38. The value of the integral  sin5x
dx is

1 1 1 1
(A) 1  
5  3 5 7 
2 1 1 1
(B)  1   
5 3 5 7
1 1 1 1
(C)  1   
5 3 5 7
2 1 1 1
(D) 1  
5  2 3 4 

39. Let f(x) be a differentiable function satisfying e2x f(x) =  tan x   e2t tan  x  t  dt , then
2 0

 
(A) f(x) is increasing  x  0, 
 8
 
(B) f(x) is decreasing  x   , 
6 3
 
(C) f(x) is increasing  x   , 
4 3
  
(D) f(x) is decreasing  x   , 
3 2 

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13 AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20

40. In ABC, A = tan–1 2, C = tan–1 3. Let D be an interior point on side AC such that area of
ABD is 4.5 times that of area of BCD. If ABD = , then the value of sin 2 is

(One or More than one correct type)

This section contains 08 questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR
MORE THAN ONE of these four options is(are) correct.

41. Let DEF be the triangle formed by joining the foot of altitudes from vertices A, B and C on sides
BC, CA and AB respectively of ABC. If H be the orthocentre of ABC and P, Q be the foot of
perpendicular from D on the altitudes BE and CF respectively, then
(A)   tan A
(B)   cot A
DP DQ 3
(C)   2  1, if A 
(D)   2  1, if A 

  
200 200 200
42. Let I1    
sin 2 cos2 100x dx , I2    
sin  cos2 100x dx , I3    
sin  cos2 50x dx , then
0 0 0
(A) I1 = 0
(B) I2 = 0
(C) I1 = I 2
(D) I2 = I 3

 4  x2   4x 
43. Let f  x   sin1  2 
 cos1  2 
, then
 4  x  4x 
(A) total number of local extremum of f(x) in (–4, 4) are 1
(B) total number of local maximum of f(x) in (–4, 4) are zero
(C) maximum value of f(x) in (–4, 4) is 
  
(D) range of f(x) in (–4, 4) is   ,  
 2 

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20 14

44. Let a ray of light through P(10, 25, 35) is incident a point Q on the plane x + y + z = 100 and
passes through the point R(40, 60, 60) after reflection, then
(A) coordinates of foot of perpendicular from P on the given plane is (20, 45, 35)
x  10 y  25 z  35
(B) equation of incident ray is  
2 1 3
x  40 y  60 z  60
(C) equation of reflected ray is  
2 3 1
(D) equation of plane containing incident ray and reflected ray 2x – y – z + 40 = 0

45. Let f: [0, 8]  R be a differentiable function such that f(0) = 0, f(4) = 2, f(8) = 4, then which of the
following is/are correct?
(A) There exist some C1, C2  (0, 8) such that f(C1)f(C2) =
(B) There exist some C1, C2  (0, 8) such that f(C1)f(C2) =

  
(C) There exist some ,   (0, 4) such that 3 
 f    f      f  t  dt
(D) There exist some ,   (0, 4) such that 2 f  2  f 2         f  t  dt

x2 y2
46. Let  and f() be the eccentricity of the ellipse   1 ; (b2 > a2) and
3b2  2a2 2b2  a2
x2 y2
2 2
  1 ; then
2b  a b2

(A) f  
1  2
(B)  ffff    d  4

 
 1  c
 e  f     f      d  e 
 
(C) 

 
 1  
1  2 

(D) ffff.....f    
 1  2018 2
2018 times

47. Three alternate numbers a, b, c are removed from n numbers listed 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ..... If the
arithmetic mean of the remaining numbers is , then which of the following option(s) is/are
(A) sum of the removed numbers is 81
(B) sum of the removed numbers is 61
(C) number of integral solutions of the equation xyz = n are 36
(D) number of positive integral solutions of the equation x + y + z = n :
(where x, y, z are odd) is 325

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
15 AITS-FT-IX (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/20

48. Let A be a square matrix of order 3 which satisfies the equation A4 – 8A3 + 24A2 – 37A + 16I = 0
and B = A – 2I be another matrix. If Det A = 5 and Det B > 0, A–1 represent inverse of matrix A,
(A) Det(Adj (I – 2A–1)) is equal to 1
 B 
(B) Det  Adj    is equal to 625
 5 
(C) Det(I + 2B–1) is equal to 1
(D) Det B = 25

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 06 questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each
question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded‐off to the second
decimal place; e.g. XXXXX.XX).

      3

49. Let OABC be a regular tetrahedron with OA  a , OB  b , OC  c and having volume . If
2 2
ˆ qˆ and r̂ are unit vectors along bisectors of angle between pair of edges represented by OA ,
    
OB ; OB , OC and OC , OA respectively, then the value of 27 pˆ  qˆ qˆ  rˆ rˆ  pˆ  is

50. Let abc be a three digit number whose digits are in G.P. On subtracting 100 from the number, the
digits of the three digit number obtained form an A.P. The sum of all such 3 digit numbers
possible is equal to

51. Let a, b be the roots of the equation x2 – 10x – 8 = 0. If Sn = anb + bna; n  N, then the value of
S20  10S19
is equal to

9dy 36x 3 50x 4

52. A curve y = f(x) passing through origin satisfies the differential equation  4
y . If
dx 1  x 1 x4
the area enclosed by y = f–1(x), the x-axis and the ordinate x  in Ist quadrant is A, then the
value of is

 sin 
 4   x  2  ; x  2  k

53. Let f  x    ; k > 0. If f(x) is differentiable at x = 2 – k, 2 + k, then the

 cos   x  2 ; x  2  k
 4
number of values of   [0, 5] is/are

 
54. Let 1  x  x 2   ak xk . If a11 = a10 + a9, where , ,   N, then the value of 
k 0

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

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