Deficiencies Suggestion In-House Audit: Internal Memo

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Internal memo

To: deputy general manager,

Subject: regional risk manager

We have conducted operational Risk Assessment of Akkaraipattu 063 Branch of the Ampara region, on 07, 08, July
2021 and deficiencies identified are highlighted below.

Deficiencies Suggestion

1 In-house audit
1.1 Some of the vouchers were not completed
according to the circular instructions given in
GI Circular No. 953/2012.user id 0631512
Transaction no:112 doesn’t have a class Cancellation of vouchers should be implemented on end of the
signature same day
1.2 Cancelation of vouchers are not complied with
GI Circular No. 808/2009, 953/2012 and
953/2012. periodical auditing is important keep updated always
1.3 In-house audit was not conducted in
accordance with the instructions given in
Relevant circulars.such as In house supervision
was not conducted for user id

2 Management of staff
2.1 For some staff members, staff rotation has they are needed to be transferred into different position proper
Not been done according to GI Circular No. rotation is appreciated.
808/2009. There were five employees whose
were serving in a bench over five years

4 Disaster Management Process

4.2 Fire training has not been given for Firefighting training should be given to adequate number of staff
Adequate number of staff members.

5 Document Management Customer’s confirmation record keeping is important follow up

5.3 Cheque book issuing register was not should be taken according to the form 275.
maintained properly. no proper follow up
actions after sending Form No. 275

8 ATM Cards, ATMs & CDMs

8.1 As per the Branch staff, the debit card is issued Dual control is required to attend this risk
by an officer and the PIN number is issued by a
Service Assistant
9 Document Management of the Branch the classified in accordance with the given
9.2 As per the guidance given in Information documents circular instructions (Classification of
Security Circular No. 01/2019, The documents Information- Implementation of Base Line
of the branch have not been classified as Security Standards)
‘Confidential’, ‘Internal’ or‘Public’.
10.2 Insurance coverage was not sufficient for cash Sufficient insurance cover need to be applied for a cash

12.1 Visitors logbook of the server room was not A visitor record book should be placed in a server room to keep
available update of visitor
37 Cctv cameras timing is inaccurate doesn’t Periodic maintenance is required to the cctv camera and time
show correct time accuracy is important in safety measures

AR.Jamaldeen, CC:Regional manager,Ampara

Regional risk officer, Ampara

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