ELT 619 - Teaching Practice Sample/Format of Lesson Planning
ELT 619 - Teaching Practice Sample/Format of Lesson Planning
ELT 619 - Teaching Practice Sample/Format of Lesson Planning
You can select any topic from the subjects already mentioned in School Selection Form
for teaching practice. After the approval of your sample lesson plan, you will follow the
same for your later lessons.
Lesson plan should be activity based for students so that they can directly participate in the
process of learning and construct learning from their own experiences.
Here are the elements of a lesson plan; you may please prepare your lesson accordingly.
1. Subject
2. Grade level/ Class
3. Text Book
4. Topic & Sub Topic
5. Time duration
6. General Objectives
Example: After reading this topic _________, students will be able to
General objectives are of general nature, particularly cover the whole topic
Specific objectives are specific and target each and every detail of the topic or subtopics.
Specific objectives can be 3-4 or more in number depending on the length of the topic.
To state specific objectives, cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy will be used.
Cognitive domain has 6 levels of difficulty for any content to teach, lower to higher
levels (Fig.1)
Specific objectives are always stated with action verbs i.e. list, classify, identify, discuss,
compare etc. (Fig.2)
Choosing each verb indicates that you are targeting that cognitive level and expect that
after teaching your students will be able to perform accordingly (Fig.2)
You can chose any verb by keeping in mind grade and content (Fig.2)
Guidelines to make specific objectives by using Bloom’s taxonomy