Abm CG Abm-2
Abm CG Abm-2
Abm CG Abm-2
I. Course Information
Democratize quality education.
Be the visionary and industry leaders.
Give hope and transform lives.
Serve as an active catalyst in providing efficient and effective delivery of educational services;
Pursue excellence in instruction, research and community service towards social and economic development as well as environmental sustainability; and
Foster an organizational culture that nurtures employee productivity and engagement.
Core Values
"Be the visionary and the industry leader."
"Live in the spirit of harmony, and approachability."
"All activities are geared towards core values and priorities."
"Be always a professional, mindful of God, university, the community and self."
"To be great at whatever it is we do and go for the best."
8 hrs Statement of The learners… Introduction/ Zoom Introduction/ Zoom Bellwork White Written Work Written Work Written Work Fundamen-
Financial 1. identify the Overview of Youtube Overview of the Youtube Board & tals of
Position elements of the the topic FB topic FB Discussion Markers Quiz – Individual Quiz – Individual Quiz– Accountancy,
(SFP) of the SFP and Messenger Messenger Individual Business,
describe each Upload online Google Meet Upload online Google Meet Class The students The students And
of them video Google video Google recitation Notebook answer questions answer questions The students Management
2. classify the discussing the Classroom discussing the Classroom composed of True composed of True answer 2
elements of the nature and CamScanner nature and Powerpoint PPT Friction or False, Multiple or False, Multiple questions (C&E
SFP into cur- concepts of concepts of CamScanner Presentatio Pen/ Pencil Choice, and Choice, and composed of Publishing,
rent and non- Statement of Statement of n and Eraser Problem-Solving. Problem-Solving True or False, Inc.)
current items Financial Financial via google Multiple
3. prepare the SF Position in the Position in the Group Yellow (The students classroom online Choice, and
P of a single google google Activitiy Paper/ download the within the time Problem- Basic
proprietorship classroom classroom Worksheets questionnaire from limit. Solving type of Accounting
4. prepare an SF Board work (for exer- questions via by Win,
the google
P using the re- cises) google Ballada
port form and Seatwork classroom. classroom
Lesson Proper Lesson Proper Answers will be
the account Scientific online within
form with pro- Pre-recorded Video about the Calculator scanned using the time limit. Fundamentals
per classifica- lecture essential CamScanner and of Accounitng
tion of items as video/audio characteristics will be uploaded in by Rafael
current and about the of assets, the google Lopez
noncurrent essential liabilities and
classroom within
characteristics equities, how to Financial
of assets, classify them the time limit)
Accounting I
liabilities and into current and by Valix
equities, how non-current, the
Performance Task
to classify line items that
them into are required to Performance Task
current and be shown on Performance
non-current, the face of SFP Groupwork Task
The students will
the line items and the
be grouped into ten
that are preparation of The students will Groupwork
(10). Based on the
required to be SFP using be grouped into
given data, the
shown on the report and ten (10). Based on The students
students, will
face of SFP account form. the given data, the will be grouped
prepare a
and the students, will into ten (10).
Statement of
preparation of prepare a Based on the
Financial Position
SFP using Statement of given data, the
using the Report
report and Financial Position students, will
Form and Account
account form. using the Report prepare a
Form and Account Statement of
Form using google Financial
(The students
classroom within Position using
Supplementary download the the time limit. the Report
Learning Supplementary questionnaire from Form and
Learning the google Account Form
Learning within the time
module about Peer discussion limit.
the topic Answers will be
about certain
questions in scanned using
relation to the CamScanner and
topic will be uploaded in
Live Forum &
the google
Work classroom within
Live Forum & the time limit)
Research Work
research work
short videocall
conference via
zoom or google
meet for a short
discussion and
Assessment further
Drills and instructions
exercises set
in Google Assessment
Classroom Drills and
exercises set in
Students will be
given schedule
and time limit in
answering the
drill quiz via
6 hrs Introduction/ Introduction/ Bellwork Written Work Written Work Written Work
Statement of 1. identify the Overview of Zoom Overview of the Zoom White Fundamen-
Comprehen- elements of the the topic Youtube topic Youtube Discussion Board & Quiz – Individual Quiz – Individual Quiz – tals of
sive Income SCI and dis- FB FB Markers Individual Accountancy,
cribe each of The teacher Messenger The teacher Messenger Class Business,
these items for uploads Google Meet uploads sample Google Meet recitation Small Size The students The students The students And
a service busi- sample Income Google Income Google White answer questions answer questions answer Management
ness and a mer Statement/Stat Classroom Statement/State Classroom PPT Boards (for composed of True composed of True questions 2
chandising busi ement of CamScanner ment of Powerpoint Presentatio exercises) or False, Multiple or False, Multiple composed of (C&E
ness Comprehensiv Comprehensive CamScanner n Choice, and Choice, and True or False, Publishing,
2. prepare an SCI e Income in Income in the Notebook Problem-Solving. Problem-Solving Multiple Inc.)
for a service the google google Group via google Choice, and
business using classroom. . classroom. . Activitiy Friction (The students classroom online Problem-
a single- step Pen/ Pencil download the within the time Solving type of Basic
approach Lesson Proper Lesson Proper Board work and Eraser questionnaire from limit. questions Accounting
3. prepare an SCI online within by Win,
Pre-recorded The teacher the google
for a merchan- Seatwork Yellow the time limit. Ballada
video/audio conducts lecture Paper classroom.
dicing business
using the multi- lecture on how to Answers will be
step approach prepared by prepare a Worksheets scanned using
the teacher on Statement of CamScanner and of Accounitng
how to prepare Comprehensive Scientific will be uploaded in by Rafael
a Statement of Income under Calculator the google Lopez
Comprehensiv the single-step
classroom within
e Income approach and Financial
under the multiple-step the time limit)
Accounting I
single-step approach by Valix
approach and
Performance Task
Performance Task
P.T. No. 1 – By
Supplemen- Supplementary Performance
tary Learning Learning P.T. No. 1 – By Task
The students
Learning Peer discussion P.T. No. 1 –
choose a partner.
module about about certain The students By pair
the topic questions in choose a partner.
Based on the given
relation to the The students
Live Forum & data, the students
topic Based on the choose a
Group Activi- prepare a
given data, the partner.
ties Statement of
Live Forum & students prepare
Group Activi- a Statement of Based on the
Assign Income under the
ties Comprehensive given data, the
research work single-step
Income under the students
approach and
Short videocall single-step prepare a
Assessment multiple-step
conference via approach and Statement of
Drills and approach.
zoom or google multiple-step Comprehensiv
exercises set meet for a short approach using e Income
in Google (The students
discussion and google classroom under the
Classroom further download the within the time single-step
instructions problem from the limit. approach and
google classroom. multiple-step
Assessment Answers will be approach
Drills and scanned using within the time
exercises set in P.T. No. 2 – limit.
CamScanner and
Google Individual
will be uploaded in
the google The students
classroom within prepare their
the time limit) personal P.T. No. 2 –
savings/deficit Individual
P.T. No. 2 – covering a period The students
Individual of three (3) prepare their
months applying personal
The students the concept and savings/deficit
prepare their format of a statement
personal business Income covering a
savings/deficit Statement. period of three
statement covering (3) months
a period of three (3) (The students will applying the
months applying be graded based concept and
the concept and on rubrics. Output format of a
format of a will be scanned business
business Income using Income
Statement. CamScanner and Statement.
will be uploaded in
(The students will the google (The students
be graded based classroom) will be graded
on rubrics. Output based on
will be scanned rubrics.)
using CamScanner
and will be
uploaded in the
google classroom)
Drills and
Drills and exercises set in
exercises set Google
in Google Classroom
10 Bank 1. describe the Introduction/ Zoom Introduction/ Zoom White Written Work Written Work Written Work
hrs Reconcilia- nature of a Overview of Youtube Overview of the Youtube Bell work Board & Fundamen-
tion bank reconci- the topic FB topic FB Markers Quiz No. 1 – Quiz No. 1 – Quiz No. 1- tals of
Statement liation state- Messenger Messenger Lesson Individual Individual Individual Accountancy,
ment The teacher Google Meet The teacher Google Meet Proper Business,
2. identify uploads online Google plays online Google Notebook/ The students The students The students And
common video Classroom video Classroom Group Dis- General answer questions answer questions answer Management
reconciling discussing CamScanner discussing Powerpoint Cussion/ Journal/ composed of True composed of True questions 2
items and des- overview of overview of CamScanner Activities General or False, Multiple or False, Multiple composed of (C&E
cribe each of bank bank Ledger Choice, and Choice, and True or False, Publishing,
them reconcialiation reconcialiation Board Work Problem-Solving. Problem-Solving. Multiple Inc.)
3. analyze the ef- in the google in the google Practice Friction Choice, and
fects of the classroom classroom Pen/ Pencil Problem-
and Eraser Solving. Basic
identified recon- Lesson Proper Lesson Proper Accounting
ciling items Yellow Quiz No. 2- by Win,
4. prepare a bank Pre-recorded The teacher Paper (for Individual Quiz No. 2- Ballada
reconciliation video/online discusses the exercises) Quiz No. 2- Individual
statement lecture nature of bank Individual The students
prepared by reconci- Scientific solve problems The students Fundamentals
the teacher on liation Calculator The students solve related to the solve problems of Accounitng
the nature of a statement, the problems related to related to the by Rafael
preparation of
bank reconci- common the preparation of Lopez
preparation of
bank reconciliation
liation reconciling bank reconciliation
statement,the items, the ef- statement. bank
statement. reconciliation Financial
common fects of the Accounting by
reconciling identified (The quizzes will statement.
(The students be administered Valix
items, the ef- reconciling
fects of the items, and how download the through google
identified to prepare a problem/questionna classroom within
reconciling bank ire from the google the time limit)
items, and how reconciliation classroom.
to prepare a statement Answers will be Performance Task
bank scanned using
reconciliation Supplementary
CamScanner and
statement Learning
will be uploaded in The students will
Supplementary Peer discussion the google be grouped into
Learning about certain classroom within five (5). Based on
Learning questions in the time limit) the given data or
module about relation to the
the topic topic transactions, they
will prepare a
Performance Task Bank Performance
Live Forum & Live Forum & Reconciliation
Group Activi- Task
Group Activi- Statement using
Ties Ties google classroom
Short videocall The students will
Assign within the time
conference via be grouped into five The students
research work zoom or google (5). Based on the limit.
will be grouped
meet for a short given data or
discussion and into five (5).
transactions, they Based on the
Assessment instructions will prepare a Bank given data or
Reconciliation transactions,
Drills and Assessment Statement. they will
exercises set Drills and
prepare a
in Google exercises set in (The students
Classroom Google Bank
download the Reconciliation
problem/questionna Statement.
ire from the google
Answers will be
scanned using
CamScanner and
will be uploaded in
the google
classroom within
the time limit)
12 Accounting 1. perform the Introduction/ Zoom Introduction/ Zoom White Written Work Written Work Written Work Fundamen-
hrs Practice Set steps in the Overview of Youtube Overview of the Youtube Recapitutio Board & tals of
accounting the topic FB topic FB n (ABM1) Markers Quiz – Individual Quiz – Individual Quiz – Accountancy,
cycle, from pre- Messenger Messenger Individual Business,
paration of docu- The teacher Google Meet The teacher Google Meet Bell work Based on the given Based on the And
ments to the pre- uploads an Google plays an online Google Notebook/ data or business given data or Based on the Management
paration, analysis, online video in Classroom video in the Classroom Lesson General transactions, the business given data or 2
and interpretation the google CamScanner google Powerpoint Proper Journal/ students prepare transactions, the business (C&E
of financial state- classroom classroom CamScanner General Publishing,
the necessary students prepare transactions,
ments explaining the explaining the Group Dis- Ledger Inc.)
process process involve Cussion/ journal entries, post the necessary the students
involve in in Activities Friction the journal entries journal entries, prepare the
accomplishing accomplishing Pen/ Pencil to the T-account, post the journal necessary Basic
the Accounting the Accounting Board Work and Eraser prepare a Trial entries to the T- journal entries, Accounting
Practice Set Practice Set Practice Balance, and account, prepare post the by Win,
Yellow prepare Financial a Trial Balance, journal entries Ballada
Lesson Proper Paper (for
Statements. and prepare to the T-
Lesson Proper exercises)
Pre-recorded The teacher Financial account,
Statements using prepare a Trial Fundamentals
video/audio discusses the Scientific google classroom Balance, and of Accounitng
lecture flow how to Calculator within the time prepare by Rafael
prepared by accomplish the (The students limit. Financial Lopez
the teacher on Accounting download the Statements.
how to Practice Set via problem from the
accomplish the Zoom google classroom.
Answers will be Performance Task
Pratice Set
Supplementary scanned using Individual task
Learning CamScanner and
Peer discussion will be uploaded in Based on the data
Supplementary about certain the google given for
Learning questions in classroom within accomplishing the
Learning relation to the the time limit) Performance
module about topic Task
the topic Practice Set, the
students perform Individual task
Live Forum & Performance Task the complete
Live Forum & Group Activi- steps of the Based on the
Group Activi- Ties Individual task accounting cycle data given for
Ties Short videocall from the accomplishing
conference via Based on the data
Assign preparation of the Accounting
zoom or google given for
research work meet for a short documents to the Practice Set,
accomplishing the preparation of
discussion and the students
Assessment further Accounting financial perform the
Drills and instructions Practice Set, the statements complete steps
exercises set students perform including analysis of the
in Google the complete steps or interpretation of accounting
Classroom Assessment of the accounting the financial cycle from the
Drills and cycle from the
exercises set in statements data. preparation of
preparation of
Google documents to
Classroom documents to the (The students the preparation
preparation of download the of financial
financial problem or given statements
statements data, from the including
including analysis google classroom. analysis or
or interpretation of Output will be interpretation
the financial scanned using of the financial
statements data. CamScanner and statements
will be uploaded in data.
(The students the google
download the classroom within
problem or given the time limit)
data, from the
google classroom.
Output will be
scanned using
CamScanner and
will be uploaded in
the google
classroom within
the time limit)
6 hrs Income and 1. define income Introduction/ Introduction/ Zoom White Fundamen-
Business and business Overview of Overview of the Youtube Recapitutio Board & tals of
taxation taxation and its the topic topic FB n (ABM1) Markers Written Work Written Work Written Work Accountancy,
principles and Messenger Business,
processes The teacher The teacher Google Meet Bell work Quiz No. 1 – Quiz No. 1 – Quiz No. 1 – And
2. prepare the uploads a plays a short Google Notebook/ Individual Individual Individual Management
list of sources short video clip video clip on the Classroom Lesson General 2
of gross in- on the importance of Powerpoint Proper Journal/ The students The students The students (C&E
come from importance of taxation via CamScanner General answer questions answer questions answer Publishing,
compensation taxation in the Zoom Group Dis- Ledger composed of True composed of True questions Inc.)
and gross in- google Cussion/ or False, Multiple or False, Multiple composed of
come from classroom Activities Friction Income and
Choice, and Choice, and True or False,
business, and Lesson Proper Pen/ Pencil Business
the correspond- Board Work and Eraser Problem-Solving in Problem-Solving Multiple Taxation by
ing personal Lesson Proper The teacher Practice relation to the topic in relation to the Choice, and Win Ballada
and additional discusses via Yellow on definition of topic on definition Problem-
deductions Pre-recorded Zoom the basic Paper (for income and of income and Solving in Income and
3. explain the pro- video/lecture principles and exercises) business taxation, business taxation, relation to the BusinessTaxa
cedure in the prepared by processes of its principles and its principles and topic on tion by Edwin
computation of the teacher on income and Scientific processes, the processes, the definition of Valencia
gross taxable the basic business Calculator
sources of gross sources of gross income and
income and tax principles and taxation, BIR Website:
due processes of sources of income, including income, including business
4. prepare the BIR income and gross income, personal and personal and taxation, its www.bir.gov.p
forms business deductions, additional additional principles and h
5. explain the taxation, computation of deductions deductions its
principles and sources of gross taxable principles and Quiz No. 2 –
purposes of gross income, income and tax Individual
taxation deductions, due, preparation Quiz No. 2 –
6. distinguish indi- computation of of BIR forms, Quiz No. 2 – Individual The students
vidual from gross taxable individual vs. Individual answer
business tax- income and tax business tax, The students questions
ation due, and the The students answer questions composed of
7. compute the preparation of computation of answer questions composed of True True or False,
gross taxable BIR forms, gross taxable composed of True
income and tax individual vs. income and tax or False, Multiple Multiple
or False, Multiple Choice, and Choice, and
due business tax, due.
Choice, and Problem-Solving Problem-
and the
computation of Problem-Solving in in relation to the Solving in
gross taxable Supplementary relation to the topic topic on principles relation to the
income and tax Learning on principles and and purposes of topic on
due. Peer discussion purposes of taxation, individual principles and
about certain taxation, individual
questions in and business purposes of
and business taxation, and taxation,
Supplementary relation to the
Learning topic taxation, and computation of individual and
computation of gross taxable business
Learning gross taxable income and tax taxation, and
module about income and tax due. computation of
the topic due. gross taxable
Live Forum &
Group Activi- income and tax
(The students
Live Forum & Ties download the (The quizzes are due.
Group Activi- Short videocall
Ties questionnaire, from administered
conference via
Assign the google using google
zoom or google
research work meet for a short classroom. Output classroom within
discussion and will be scanned the time limit)
further using CamScanner
instructions and will be Performance Task
uploaded in the
Drills and The students will Performance
exercises set Assessment google classroom be grouped into Task
in Google Drills and within the time limit) five (5). They will
Classroom exercises set in collect samples of
the different BIR
Classroom The students
Performance Task forms. will be grouped
(The students will into five (5).
be graded based They will
The students will on rubrics. Output collect
be grouped into five will be scanned samples of the
(5). They will collect using different BIR
samples of the CamScanner and forms.
different BIR forms. will be uploaded in (The students
the google
(The students will will be graded
classroom within
be graded based based on
the time limit)
on rubrics. Output rubrics)
will be scanned
using CamScanner
and will be
uploaded in the
google classroom
within the time limit)
IV. Ancillaries
B. Technological Laptop/smart phones with Google classroom and Zoom applications will be utilized
C. Course Requirements Completed Worksheets
Accomplished Accounting Practice Set
Individual Reporting
Essay/ Reflective Writing
Video Making
Shall attend meetings in zoom or video calls.
Announcements will be posted in Google Classroom – Stream and this will also automatically be sent to students’ emails via google classroom.
Checking of messages regularly is necessary as they contain important information about upcoming activities or class concerns.
Questions related to the course such as clarifications about assignments, course materials, or assessments shall be posted the Google Classroom-Stream. Classmates may share
inputs or insights to answer the concern.
For concerns related to the course which need private discussion with the teacher, students may use Facebook messenger or Email or text.
H. Netiquette Compose your comments and messages in a positive, supportive and constructive manner.
• Give honest feedback. • Observe virtual office hours. • Be proactive and active learner always.
•Avoid uttering swear words, visiting inappropriate sites. • Observe proper behavior in the virtual classroom.
I. Teacher’s Personal
J. List of Readings, videos Books:
and links Financial Accounting vol. 3 by Conrado T. Valix
Management Advisory Services vol. 2 by Franklin T. Agamata
Income Taxation by Rex B. Banggawan
Financial Statement Analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUnP5qkbQ20
Ratio Analysis https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp8BSCLLWBUDX4ouHHGIejiGi1vHrPE6h
Statement of Cash Flows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmZ0JR2MXNc&list=PLRhH9w2eNxdMySq_U5G26SSrxITkTPz3o&index=15
Other Links:
MS. KIMBERLY NICANOR (UC-BANILAD) ABM Coordinator, UC-LM Campus Assistant Principal, UC-LM Campus
Principal, UC-LM Campus