HEI 3087-11 Standards For Air Cooled Condensers 1st Ed

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The document discusses standards for air cooled condenser systems published by the Heat Exchange Institute.

The major components of an air cooled condenser system include the fin tube bundle, air inlet/outlet, fans/blowers and condenser casing.

Design considerations discussed include design pressure and temperature, corrosion allowance, air moving equipment selection, air flow considerations and fin tube cleaning systems.



Heat Exchange Institute, Inc.

Standards for Steam Surface Condensers,
10th Edition 2006

Standards for Direct Contact Barometric and

Low Level Condensers,
8th Edition 2010

Standards for Steam Jet Vacuum Systems,

6th Edition 2007

Standards for Closed Feedwater Heaters,

8th Edition 2009

Standards and Typical Specifications for

Tray Type Deaerators,
8th Edition 2008

Performance Standard for Liquid Ring

Vacuum Pumps,
4th Edition 2011

Standards for Shell and Tube Heat

4th Edition 2004

1300 Sumner Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2851
Fax: 216-241-0105
email: hei@heatexchange.org

Copyright 2011
Heat Exchange Institute, Inc.
1300 Sumner Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2851

Reproduction of any portion of this standard without written permission of the

Heat Exchange Institute is strictly forbidden.
Boltec International
Marlton, NJ

GEA Power Cooling, Inc.

Lakewood, CO

SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc.

Overland Park, KS

FOREWORD ... .. .... ....... .. .. ... ..... . .. .. .... .... ...... ... ........ ... .... . . .. ... .. vi
1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE. .... ...... .. ... .. .. ... ..... ... ... .. ....... ... .... ...... . . 1
2.0 DEFINITIONS .. ... ....... .. .. .. ..... .. .... .... ...... .. ..... .. .. .. .... ... .... 1
3.0 SYMBOLS & UNITS . ... ... ...... ... .. .... .......... .... ...... ... ..... .. ... . .. .. 3

4.0 GENERAL OVERVIEW / DESCRIPTION OF AN ACC SYSTEM ........... : ............ 4

4.1 Definition ofan ACC ...................................................... 4
4.2 Major Components of an ACC System ........................................ 4

5.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................... 5

5.1 Design Pressure and Temperature................................... ....... . 5
5.2 Corrosion Allowance ...................................................... 6
5.3 Air-Moving Equipment Selection Guidelines................................... 6
5.4 Air Flow Considerations ................................................... 7
5.5 Fin Tube Cleaning Systems ................................................ 7

6.0 AIR COOLED CONDENSER PERFORMANCE/ OPERATION......................... . 8

6.1 General Considerations.. .. .... ..... .. .. ... ... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. .... . . 8
6.2 Thermal Performance ...... : ............................................. : 8·
6.3 Deaeration and Dissolved Oxygen ..... ... . .......... ... ... .. ... .. . ... ..... .. 9
6.4 Condensate Subcooling .. .. ... ..... ..... ....... .... ... ... .. ........ ........ 10
6.5 Cleanliness Factors, Fouling Factors, and Performance Margins .. .. ... ... .. . .. .. 10
6.6 Steam-side Hydraulics. ............ .. .. .. ........ .. .. ..... .. ........ ... ... . 11
6.7 Air-side Pressure Losses .... .... ... ... ... . ..... .. .. .... .. ..... ... ... ... .. .. 11
6.8 Air Inlet Temperature. ... .. .. .. ... ... ... ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ... . ... .. .... . 12
6.9 Auxiliary Power Consumption .. ..... .... ... ...... .. ...... ...... . . ... ..... .. 13
6.10 Cold Weather Performance........... ... .... .... ... ...... .. ... .. . .......... 13
6.11 Low Load Operation ... ... .. .... ... .. ...... .. ... .. ...... ... ...... .... . .... 14
6.1 2 Performance Curves ........... ..... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ... ... .... 14
6.13 Performance Testing ......................... ... .. .... ... .... .... .. .. ..... 14
6.14 Effects ofWind on ACC Performance... .... .. ..... ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .... . . 14
6.15 Effects of Solar Radiation ... .. .... .... ...... ..... .. .. .. ... .. . .. .. .... ..... . 15

7.0 I STRUMENTATION AND CONTROL............................................. 15

7.1 Recommended Instrumentation ............................................. 15
7.2 ACC Control and Freeze Protection Considerations ........... ... .. .... ......... 16
7.3 Selection ofNumber oflsolation Valves . ..... ... ... . ........... .... ... .. .. ... 16
7.4 Drain Pot Capacity .. . ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ...... ... .. ... .. ... .......... 17
7.5 . Condensate Tank Capacity .. ....... ... ... .... ... ... . ... ..... .. ... ... ..... .. 17

8.0 SERVICE CONNECTIONS ...................................................... . 17

8.1 General Considerations .................................................... 17
8.2 Flow Data............................................................... 17
8.3 Connection Locations..................................................... . 17
8.4 Connection Design Guidelines ............................................. . 18
8.5 Steam Turbine Exhaust Interface . .......................................... 19
8.6 Steam Turbine Bypass Guidelines ........................................... 20
8.7 Feedwater Heater Considerations .................................... ...... . 22

CONTENTS (continued)

9.0 VENTING EQUIPMENT CAPACITIES ......... . ...... ...... ................. ...... 23

9.1 Venting Requirements.................. .. ................... .............. 23
9.2 Design Suction Pressure ................ .. ...... ...... .................... 23
9.3 Design Suction Temperature . ........... .... ............................... 23
9.4 Calculation ofWater Vapor Load Component.................................. 23
9.5 Minimum Recommended Capacities .. .. .. ....... ......... ........ ........... 23
9.6 Rapid Evacuation (Hogging) Equipment .. ... .. ............. .. ... .. ... ........ 25

1 0.0 ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF DEVICES............... .................... ......... .... 29

1 0.1 General 29
1 0.2 Vacuum Breaker Valves ... ... ... ..... . ..... .... ........................... 29
1 0.3 Rupture Device.................. ...... . ... . .............................. 29

11.0 INSPECTION, QUALITY, AND FIELD INSTALLATION .............................. 30

11.1 Leakage Testing................................ : ......................... 30
11.2 Inspection and Quality ofWelding ........................................... 30
11.3 Surface Preparation Requirements .......................................... 31
11.4 Painting, Coating, and Corrosion Protection,· ................................. . 32
11.5 Quality Assurance ........................................................ 32
11.6 Erection Advisor Duties ................................................... 32
11.7 Erection Cleanliness .......... ....... .. .. .. ...................... ......... 32
11.8 Post-Erection Walkdown............. .. .. .... .............. ....... ....... .. 33

l 2.0 COMMISSIONING .... .... . . .. ... . ..... ..... ....... ..... .. ... ....... ........ ... . 33
1 2.1 Cold Commissioning .. . . ........ ........ ... . . .... . ........................ 33
1 2.2 Hot Commissioning .. ................ .................................. .. . 34
1 2.3 Duties of a Commissioning Advisor ..... ... ................... ..... ........ .. 34

Appendix A HEI ACC Data Sheets ..................................................... 35
Appendix B Conversion Factors ....................................................... 37
Appendix C ACC Troubleshooting Guidelines ............................................ 38

Table 1 Typical Corrosion Allowance Values ......................................... 6
Table 2 Ratio of the Actual Non-Condensable Load Removed From the System
to Design Capacity........................................................ 9
Table 3 Preferred Locations ofConnections Usually Installed on the ACC System .......... 18
Table 4 Typical Allowable Nozzle Loads ............................................. 22
Table 5 One LP Exhaust Casing ................................................... 25
Table 6 Two LP Exhaust Casings ................ .................................. 27
Table 7 Three LP Exhaust Casings ................................................. 28
Table 8 Vacuum Breaker Size for ACCs ............................................. 29
Table 9 Recommended Acceptable Preparations ofComponents and Assemblies Built
in Manufacturer's Facilities ................................................ 31

Figure 1 A-Frame Air Cooled Condenser ............................................. 4
Figure 2 Air Cooled Condenser Bundles .............................................. 4

Figure 3 Air Inlet Blockage Considerations ........................................... 7
Figure 4 ACC Operating Characteristic .............................................. 8
Figure 5 Recommended Vacuum Steam Velocity Limits (Imperial Units)................... 11
Figure 6 Recommended Vacuum Steam Velocity Limits (SI Units) ....................... . 11
Figure 7 ACC with Recirculation................................................... . 14
Figure 8 ACC with Inlet Air Flow Reduction .......................... ................ 15

The first edition Standards for Air Cooled Condensers has been developed by the Air Cooled Condenser
Section of the Heat Exchange Institute, Inc. The technical information in these standards combines
present industry standards, typical Purchaser requirements, and Manufacturer's experience.In addition,
the standards outline the important design criteria for air cooled condensers. These standards provide
practical information on nomenclature, dimensions, testing, and performance. Use of the standard will
ensure a minimum of misunderstanding between Manufacturer and Purchaser, and will assist in the
proper selection of equipment best suited to the requirements of the application.

The publication of the first edition of Standards for Air Cooled Condensers represents another step in
the Heat Exchange Institute's continuing program to provide standards which reflect the latest techno­
logical advancements in the.field of heat exchange equipment. The Standards for Air Cooled Condensers
are continually reviewed by the Technical Committee at scheduled meetings under the direction of the
Air Cooled Condenser Section. Suggestions for improvement of this standard are welcome and should be
sent to the Heat Exchange Institute, Inc., 1 30 0 Sumner Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 4 411 5 , or via telephone
at 2 1 6 -2 4 1- 7 333, via fax at 216-2 4 1- 010 5 , or email the HEI at hei@heatexchange.org. Additional
information, such as tech sheets, member company profiles, membership information, and a complete
listing of all HEI Standards, can be found at www.heatexchange.org.

This Standard covers the specification and design conditions such as thermal performance effects in
considerations along with the performance and the summer, dead-zone formation, and freezing in
operational issues associated with Air Cooled the winter.
Condensers (ACC) for power plant applications. In
addition, general field installation and commission­ There are many different types of ACCs designed
ing practices will also be discussed. for various services. This Standard applies only to
two-stage vacuum steam condensers predominantly
This Standard will address common operational utilized in power plant applications.
problems experienced during extreme ambient

2.1 A-Frame 2.9 Bundle Face Area
Part of the steel structure above the fan deck, The area measured at the face side of a
in the shape of the letter A, that may support bundle. The length of the bundle is equal to the
the heat exchanger bundles. Although this is length of the tubes excluding the tube sheets. The
the most common configuration, alternative width corresponds to the width of the normal air
bundle arrangements are feasible (i.e. horizontal, flow plane on a per bundle basis.
vertical, V-frame, etc.) 2.10 Cell
2.2 Absolute Pressure Smallest sub-division in an ACC, sometimes
The pressure measured from absolute zero (0 referred to as module, which can function as an
inch HgA, 0 barA). independent unit with regard to air and steam
2.3 Air-Removal System flow; it is bounded generally by either exterior
A system to remove non-condensable gases walls or partition walls. Each cell may have one or
and maintain the capability of the ACC. The more fans, although typically the number of fans
air-removal system may contain additional per cell is limited to one.
components to support the operation of a vacuum 2.11 Condensate Header
deaerator. Collects the condensate from the finned tube
2.4 Air Cooled Condenser (ACC) bundles and conveys the uncondensed steam from
A heat exchanger using ambient air as the the first stage to the second stage bundles.
heat sink to absorb heat directly from steam at 2.12 Condensate Tan.k/Receiver
vacuum conditions, condensing the steam and A vessel at approximately the same pressure
recovering the condensate, as would be typically as the ACC that collects condensate returning
used in an electric power-generating station. from the heat transfer surfaces, system drains,
2.5 Air Inlet Height and make-up water. It is equivalent to the hot
'l'he height from grade level to the air inlet, or well of a steam surface condenser.
bottom of the fan rings. 2.13 Condensing Pressure
2.6 Air Inlet Temperature The absolute static pressure of the condensing
The dry bulb temperature of the air entering steam at a defined location.
the ACC, including the effect of recirculation and/ 2.14 Condensing Steam Temperature
or added heat sources. The saturation temperature corresponding
2.7 Back Pressure to the absolute static pressure of the condensing
The absolute value of the static pressure at steam at a defined location.
the prescribed location, typically at or near the 2.15 Deaerator
steam turbine exhaust flange at which design and A mass transfer device that removes dissolved
guaranteed performance are to be achieved. non-condensables from the condensate and/or
2.8 Bundle makeup water.
A heat exchanger element composed of a set of
finned tubes sharing common tube sheets.

2.16 Drain Pot 2.27 Recirculation
A vessel that is an integral part of the steam A condition in which a portion of the ACC's
duct located at the lowest point and collects the warm discharge air re-enters the air inlet along
condensate from steam duct. Alternatively, a with fresh ambient air. Its effect is an elevation of
separate collection vessel can be utilized with a the average air inlet temperature compared with
gravity drain connection at the low point of the the ambient dry bulb temperature.
steam duct. 2.28 Row (ACC Row)
2.17 Exhaust Steam Flow Rate Group of cells served by a common steam
Total mass flow rate of the steam exiting the header. It is also referred to as a "street."
low pressure steam turbine exhaust. 2.29 Second Stage Cell
2.18 Exit Air Temperature ACC cell with the steam and condensate flowing
The average dry bulb temperature of the air in counter-flow; the second stage cell collects
leaving the heat exchanger bundles. the non-condensables and is connected with the
air-removal system at the top and the condensate
2.19 Face Air Inlet Velocity
header at the bottom. It is also referred to as a
The average air inlet velocity normal to the
Dephlegmator or Reflux cell.
bundle face.
2.30 Speed Reducer
2.20 Fan Deck
A mechanical device incorporated between the
Horizontal plane located at the top of the ACC
driver and the fan, designed to reduce the speed of
substructure with access to the fans.
the driver to an optimum speed for the fan. A speed
2.21 First Stage Cell redu�er can be either a gearbox or a V-belt.
ACC cell with the steam and condensate
2.31 Steam Distribution System
flowing down concurrently; the first stage bundles
Conveys the flow of steam from the low pressure
are connected with the steam header at the top
steam turbine exhaust to the bundles. The duct may
and the condensate header at the bottom. It is
include expansion joints, bypass spargers, drain pot,
also referred to as a Kor Condenser cell.
branch systems (risers), and isolation valves.
2.22 Hogging System
2.32 Steam Header
The portion of the air-removal system used
Conveys the steam from the risers to the inlet of
during start-up to remove air from the ACC
all first stage bundles in an ACC row.
before admitting steam.
2.33 Steam Quality
2.23 Holding System
The mass fraction of dry and saturated steam in
The portion oftbe air removal system dedicated
a saturated water/steam mixture. A steam quality
to continuous removal of non-condensable gases
of zero indicates 100% condensate, while a steam
from the top of the second stage bundles.
quality of 1 indicates 100% dry and saturated
2.24 Initial Temperature Difference OTD) steam.
The difference between the condensing steam
2.34 Total Airside Heat Transfer Surface Area
temperature at the ACC inlet and the air inlet
The total area of the outside heat transfer
surface exposed to air.
2.25 Log Mean Temperature Difference
2.35 Turbine Exhaust
The interface between the low pressure steam
Since the condensing process in an ACC is not
turbine and the ACC steam duct.
isothermal because of the significant steam-side
pressure drop involved, a representative value for 2.36 Turbine Exhaust Pressure
the LMTD can be defined as the total heat duty of See back pressure.
condensation divided by the product of the overall 2.37 Windwall
heat transfer coefficient multiplied by the total The vertical perimeter walls above the fan deck,
airside heat transfer surface area. which typically extend to the top of the tube bundles
2.26 Plot Area/Size to minimize potential recirculation and shield the
The area between all primary ACC support heat transfer surface from wind effects.
columns projected at grade level.


Abbreviation Name Typical Units

FV Full Vacuum inHg, (bar)
Prmt,inst Installed Motor Power hp, (kW)
P,.n,shan Fan Shaft Power hp, (kW)
Tc1e�i,, Design Air Inlet Temperature "F, ( °C)
T""' Minimum Air Inlet Temperature "F, ("C)
AIH Air Inlet Height ft, (m)
Q Heat Loa� Btu/hr, (W)
Uservice Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, Service Btu/ft2 hr °F, (:N/m2 K)
A Air-side Heat Transfer Surface Area ft2 , (m2)
LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference "F, ("C)
E Heat Exchange Effectiveness

m a'ir Mass Flow Rate, Air lb/sec, (kg/sec)

Cp,air Specific Heat, Air Btu/lb "F, (J/kg K)
ITD Initial Temperature Difference "F, ("C)
Tsleam,inlel Inlet Steam Temperature "F, ("C)
Ta1r, in1et Inlet Air Temperature "F, c·c>
fi.T.1, Change in Temperature of the Air "F, ("C)

m "' Inlet Mass Flow Rate lb/sec, (kg/sec)

h;, Inlet Enthalpy Btu/lb, (kJ/kg)
,;,, out Outlet Mass Flow Rate lb/sec, (kg/sec)
hr.ood Enthalpy, Condensate Btu/lb, (kJ/kg)
m vanl Mass Flow, Vent lb/sec, (kg/sec)
h_,, Enthalpy, Vent Btu/lb, (kJ/kg)
DO Dissolved Oxygen ppb
F Fouling Factor hr ft2 "F/Btu, (m2K/W)
Uctoan Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, New and Clean Btu/ft2 hr °F, (W/m2 K)
w Water Vapor Load lb/lb, (kg/kg)
MWNC Molecular Weight, Non-Condensables g/mol
Pw Saturation Pressure of Steam at Mixture Temperature psia, (bara)
Pr Total Pressure of Mixture psia, (bara)
Ao Minimum Required Flow Area (in2)
w. Discharge Flow Rate (lb/hr)
K, Flow Coefficient
PA Relieving Pressure psia


4.1 Definition of an ACC

An ACC is a system that conveys exhaust steam

to an array of heat exchangers that condense the
steam by rejecting the heat to ambient air. The
method of cooling is direct heat exchange because
the heat is transferred from the primary source
(exhaust steam) directly to th� ultimate cooling
media (ambient air). The ACC can use natural draft
or mechanical draft (forced or induced) to drive -----•
) condensables out
ambient air across the heat exchange surface (tube non-condensables out
bundles). The most common design is the A-Frame
forced draft arrangement as seen in Figure No. 1. Figure 2
V\llndwall First Stage Bundle -These bundles
Alr Moving System are connected to the steam header at the top
and condensate he!!,der a.t the._bQttom. The
Fan Deck
steam flows concurrently through the tubes
of the first stage bundles, where steam and
condensate flow in the same direction. By
design, steam velocities are maintained high
enough to continually sweep non-condens­
Structure able gases into the second stage bundle via
Main Steam Duct the condensate header. Condensate is also
collected within the condensate header and
Figure 1 drained. The first stage bundles typically
A - FRAME AIR COOLED CONDENSER condense 60-90% of the total steam through
the ACC.
4.2 Major Components of an ACC System: Second Stage Bundle - The second
4.2.1 Air-Moving System - A typical forced stage bundles condense the remaining
draft air-moving system consists of the following steam and collect non-condensable gases
components: at the top of the bundle. These bundles
• Fan - Axial fans push ambient cooling are attached to the condensate header at
air across the extended surface of the fin the bottom and have air removal headers
tube bundle to transfer the heat from the at the top for non-condensable extraction
condensing steam within the tubes. by the air removal system. Stearn flows
• Electric Motor - Electric motors drive the counter-currently through the tubes of the
fan. second stage bundles, where the steam and
• Speed Reducer - The gearbox or V belt non-condensables travel up and condensate
reduces the rotational speed of the fan and flows down into the condensate header.
provides the fan with the required torque and
speed. 4.2.7 Support Structure - The support
• FanRing-Thefanringisacylindricalstructure structure is typically an arrangement of columns
that surrounds the fan in order to optimize and bracing that supports the ACC components
fan performance. It is typically constructed at the proper elevation above grade.
of steel, fiberglass or polypropylene.
4.2.8 Fan Deck - The fan deck is the lower fan
4.2.2 Bundles - A bundle consists of multiple plenum boundary for the air-moving system.
finned tubes welded into the tubesheets at either
end. There are two types of bundles: first and
second stage condensing bundles.

4.2.9 Steam Distribution System - The steam bundles. The function of the windwall is to
distribution system consists of the following reduce the negative wind effects on the fan air
primary components: flow and uniform heat transfer, as well as to
• Main Steam Duct - The main steam duct minimize potential for warm air recirculation.
interfaces with the steam turbine and serves
to convey all exhaust steam to the steam 4.2. 1 1 Condensate Tank - The condensate
distribution network. The main steam duct is tank serves to collect the condensate that
also designed to provide connection points for is formed within the ACC. Drain piping is
steam turbine bypass, miscellaneous vents, routed from the condensate headers to the
drains, low point drain pot, etc. tank. Typically, the condensate tank is located
• Steam Distribution Manifold - The steam beneath the ACC and supported at grade level.
distribution manifold is _used to distribute
steam between the main steam duct and 4.2.12 Air Removal System - The primary
the steam headers. This manifold includes purpose ofthe air removal system is to extract any
vertical ducts referred to as risers. The non-condensable gases that accumulate at the
risers will generally have expansion joints to top of the second stage condensing bundles. Air
accommodate the thermal expansion. removal systems are typically either a two-stage
• Steam Header - The steam header serves to steam jet air ejector (SJAE) or liquid ring vacuum
convey steam between the manifolds and the pump (LRVP) system. Alternatively, hybrid
first stage bundles of an ACC row. Expansion systems may also be employed. Typically, the air
joints may also be required in the steam removal system also contains a hogging system
header to accommodate thermal expansion. to rapidly evacuate the ACC volume for startup.

4.2.10 Windwall - Windwalls are generally

installed around the perimeter of the ACC and
extend from the fan deck to the top of the tube


1 Design Pressure and Temperature At certain locations of the steam duct, the local
temperature may exceed the maximum design
5.1.1 The maximum design pressure is the temperature (at the bypass connections, for
maximum pressure specified by the ACC example), and the supplier typically imposes a
supplier as a criterion for ACC design. The limit on the enthalpy ofthe bypass steam entering
maximum design pressure is not the same the duct. A maximum value of 1 170 Btu/lb (2720
as operating pressure; it is somewhat higher kJ/kg ) is typical. The value of 1 170 Btu/lb (2720
than the operating pressure for all operating kJ/kg) may result in a steam temperature > 250
conditions. Although the maximum and F (121 C). However, experience has proven that
minimum design temperature and pressure this is a good practical upper limit and typically
could also be specified by the purchaser, the results in acceptable temperatures when the
maximum limits are typically determined by ACC is operated under vacuum conditions.
the ACC tube technology. For single row tube
technologies, the maximum design pressure of The design temperature is primarily used for
the ACC is typically set at 7.25 psig (0.5 barg). selecting material suitability and thermal
expansion calculations.
The minimum design pressure fo r ACCs
operating below atmospheric pressure is full The design pressure is used for the design of
vacuum (FV). steam ducting, tanks and, rupture discs, among
other equipment.
The design temperature is typically 250 °F (121

5.2 Corrosion Allowance motors normally have a service factor of 1.1 5 ,
ClassFinsulation with a ClassB temperature rise.
Corrosion allowance is the incremental material
thickness above what is required to meet the For standard noise applications, 1 8 0 0 rpm, single
structural and/or process requirements. A corrosion speed (with or without VFDs) or two- speed, single
allowance is recommended for all surfaces exposed winding motors (18 0 0/ 9 0 0 rpm) can be used.
to the process fluid as per Table 1.
Control of turbine back pressure and/or freeze
protection will determine whether single speed,
Table 1 two-speed motors or VFDs are required in order
TYPICAL CORROSION ALLOWANCE VALUES to provide a sufficient number of control steps.

ACC Equipment I Typical Corrosion In the event VFDs are used, the motor should be
Allowance Values suitable for such application.
Ducting 1 mm
Tubes 0 mm Horizontal motors mounted vertically are
typically used for ACCs, designed in accordance
�iping 3 mm
with NEMA B.
Tanks 3 mm
The rated motor power shall be greater than the
5.3 Air-Moving Equipment Selection required motor output power at the design point,
Guidelines in accordance with the following equation:

The air-moving equipment of an ACC consists of a Pmot,insl .1: (Pfan,shaft / 0. 9 7 ) X ( 27 3 + Tdesig.)/( 27 3 + Tmi)
fan, speed reducer and motor. with Tdeaign and Tmin in °C

5.3.1 Fan Selection - First, the fan is selected; Where Tmin is the minimum inlet air temperature
axial flow fans are used for ACC applications. for which one of the motors is expected to be at
The duty point of the fan is determined by full speed - this value is typically 5 ° C. For an
the required air flow rate and correspond­ aggressive motor selection and higher design
ing fan static pressure in order to meet the ambient temperatures, Tmin may be increased up
thermal capacity of the ACC. For large size to 1 0° C. Although the driven load may exceed
fans (diameter .i: 28 ft), a minimum of five fan the nameplate value at temperatures below this
blades is recommended with a maximum tip point, this is normally acceptable to the motor
speed that should not exceed 6 0 mis ( 1 2, 0 0 0 suppliers due to the additional cooling available.
fpm). The fan shaft power serves as the basis for Confirmation should be obtained from the motor
determining the motor rating. The fan rotation supplier; this applies only to forced draft config­
speed is used in combination with the motor urations with the motor installed in the cold
speed to determine the speed reduction ratio. ambient air stream.

Additional fan selection parameters: 5.3.3 Speed Reducer Selection - Typically,

• Air flow margin the speed reducers are helical, multi-reduction,
• Pressure margin parallel shaft gearboxes.V-belts can also be used
• Fan coverage on smaller installations. The service factor for
• Fan blade tip clearance speed reducers (gearbox or belt) should be .i: 2.0
• Operating and natural frequency of fan blade based on the motor nameplate power for single
• Fan blade loading and multi-speed motors and .i: 1.7 5 for variable
• Low ambient temperature hardware frequency drive applications.The thermal rating
• Vibration limits of the gearbox should be ,1: 1. 0 at the maximum
• Static efficiency air temperature based on the motor nameplate
• Wind effect on the fan capacity power. Possible accessories for gearboxes are
• Fan location with respect to obstacles listed below:
• oise limitations • Backstops
• Oil pumps (shaft driven or electrical).
5.3.2 Motor Selection - Typically 4 6 0V/ 3 • Oil pressure/flow switches
phase/6 0 Hz, NEMA, TEFC motors are used for • Oil heater & thermostat
ACC applications up to and including 25 0 hp.Such • Input coupling

5.4 Air Flow Considerations Equipment placement and obstacles underneath
and besides the ACC shall be coordinated with
5.4.1 Cooling air flows into the ACC fans via the the manufacturer:
air inlet. In most cases, some of the air inlet area • Electrical or other buildings
will be blocked by obstacles, like the steam duct, • Condensate tank and vacuum deaerator
other equipment or buildings. Even if obstacles • Air removal equipment
are not located under the ACC or at the air inlet, • Condensate extraction pumps
these can still be considered blockage. • Other heat exchangers
• Cable trays
As a rule of thumb, obstacles that fall below a 4 5 • Other obstacles
degree line originating at a point equal to 1 air
inlet height (AIH) away from_ the ACC will have 5.5 Fin Tube Cleaning System
negligible effects on the air flow to the ACC. Any
obstacle that extends above this line shall be 5.5.1 The purpose of a Fin Tube Cleaning
considered in the manufacturer's design. System (Fl'CS) is to clean the outside heat
transfer surface in such a way that the thermal
capacity of the ACC is restored close to the
original capacity. External fouling of the heat
transfer surface by airborne particulates can
significantly reduce the performance of the ACC.
Because the extent of external fouling is highly
dependent on local environmental conditions,
the frequency of cleaning will vary with the
Figure 3 environmental conditions. At a minimum, the
AIR INLET BLOCKAGE CONSIDERATIONS ACC should be cleaned once per year, typically
before the warm season starts.
5.4.2 To minimize warm air recirculation, it is 5.5.2 The fin tube bundles are cleaned using
recommended that the average air velocity at high pressure water; an operating pressure of at
the ACC outlet be equal to or greater than the least 7 5 0 psi is recommended. Higher pressures
average air velocity at the ACC inlet, with both can result in a more effective cleaning, and
the average air inlet and air outlet velocities reduce cleaning time and water consumption.
based on free flow area. The quality of the water for the fin tube cleaning
system should be specified by the ACC manufac­
In addition, it is recommended to limit the turer to avoid corrosion and scaling of the
average air inlet velocity to 5 mis (based on the outside heat exchange surface.
free flow area) and should be selected to promote
uniform air distribution to all fans. 5.5.3 Different fin tube cleaning systems are on
the market and can be categorized by the level
5.4.3 The total fan static pressure shall of automation of the cleaning device.
consider the following losses:
• Air inlet acceleration and turning Manual fin tube cleaning systems
• Fan guard blockage consist of one or several spray headers
• Fan inlet bell shape mounted on a support that runs along both
• Fan bridge blockage sides of the A-frame. Because there are no
• Plenum discharge motorized parts, the spray headers must be
• Bundle moved manually.
• Directional changes
• Discharge loss Semi automatic fin tube cleaning
• Natural draft correction systems have a reduced number of spray
• Air inlet and air outlet louvers (if applicable) nozzles mounted on an automated spray
• Air inlet and air outlet noise silencers (if carriage that traverses the bundles. Some
applicable) degree of manual operation is required with
this system.
It is recommended that every cell shall be
partitioned on the fan discharge side.


6.1 General Considerations The general heat transfer equations are:

The performance of an ACC cannot be exactly Q = U.,,.,,1ctA LMTD

predicted under all possible operating conditions. UA
Consequently, curves or tabulations of ACC Q = E 11t a;, cp,airITD with i: = 1 - e"'air 'p,air and
performance data are only approximate, except for
one specific condition termed the ''Design Point." JTD = T,1,am,inlt1 - Tair,inlt1
Performance checks should be made only when the
system has been stabilized and reproducible values
are attainable.
� m• in. h.lll - m· OUl hcond - m
Q=� · wnt hvent
Commercial operating conditions are recognized as
involving uncontrollable variations in air leakage
into the ACC and its related system under vacuum. It should be noted that the term m .,.n, hv,nl is
These variations, while negligible under some quite small and is generally considered negligible;
conditions, render the exact prediction of the ACC therefore, for the purpose ofthe thermal performance
performance impractical for air/non-condensable calculations, the above equation can be reduced to:
inlet rates exceeding 50% of the values specified in
section 9. Q=�
�m• m hin - m· ou, hcond

ACC performance information is based on venting The overall service heat transfer coefficient (U,ervi,e)
equipment having a capacity specified in Section 9. combines the convective heat transfer coefficient
at the inside of the tube, conduction through the
Due to the effect on ACC performance, the location tube wall and fins, and the convective heat transfer
of feedwater heaters and/or extraction piping and coefficient at the outside of the fins. The governing
by-pass spargers or related equipment should be resistance for heat transfer is the air-side resistance,
subject to the ACC manufacturer's approval after which is dependent on the tube and fin geometry.
the turbine flow distribution diagram (velocity map) Therefore, Uaervice is a function of the tube character­
has been made available. istics and will vary for each manufacturer.

It should be recognized that the ACC performance The steam temperature is related to the steam
becomes unpredictable at reduced heat duty, ambient pressure, which is a known relationship for saturated
temperatures below freezing and low turbine back steam conditions. Therefore, for a given ITD, the back
pressures. pressure will vary with the air inlet temperature.

6.2 Thermal performance - relationship between From the equations above, it can be demonstrated
turbine back pressure, steam flow, T,ir,inlet• altitude, that i f the load (Q) is increased, then the ITD will
and fan power. increase proportionally, ignoring the effect of the
steam-side pressure losses.
The design of an ACC must consider the effects of
non-condensable gases that are present in the ACC
and pressure drop of the steam as it flows through
the duct system and through the tubes of both stages
of the ACC.

The heat transfer coefficient of a typical commercial

operating ACC is less than that attainable in
laboratory tests. The "service" heat transfer
coefficient compared with a new and clean heat
transfer surface area should be taken into account
in the design of the ACC.

Figure 4

6.2.1 Other factors influencing the ACC the ACC performance. However, under
performance are listed below: freezing ambient conditions, accumula­
6.2. 1 . 1 Face a i r velocity - The face air tion of non-condensables (dead zones)
velocity is directly proportional to the air may also result in damage to the heat
mass flow rate through the heat exchanger transfer surface due to freezing of the
and has a significant impact on the overall condensate inside the tubes.
heat transfer coefficient. For a given
ACC, higher face air velocity results in an oise: ACCs designed for low noise
increased overall heat transfer coefficient, levels usually have lower face velocities and
albeit against increased fan power. lower speed fans. Consequently, these ACCs
typically have greater surface area and are Air density - The air mass flow more sensitive to wind effects.
rate is proportional to the air density,
and has an impact on the overall heat Wind - Refer to Section 6.14.
transfer coefficient as well. The air density
is a function of the dry bulb temperature, Precipitation - Precipitation may
atmospheric pressure, and, to a much lesser have a beneficial effect on the thermal
extent, of the relative humidity. Since the performance as a consequence of evaporative
impact of the relative humidity on the cooling. However, in some cases the precipi­
thermal performance of the ACC is rather tation can increase the air-side resistances,
small, it is usually omitted in the thermal leading to a reduction in performance.
calculations. Solar radiation - Refer to Section Fouling - Refer to Section 6.5. 6.15.

6.2. 1.4 Steam properties - 6.3 Deaeration and Dissolved Oxygen

Usually, the steam leaving the steam
turbine exhaust is saturated with a steam Under practical operating conditions, without a
quality greater than 85%. Under bypass deaerator, a reasonably airtight ACC can be expected
or start-up conditions, superheated steam to produce condensate with a dissolved oxygen (DO)
may enter the ACC. ACC manufactur­ content not exceeding 50 ppb. Refer to Table 2 below.
ers usually impose limitations on the
enthalpy of the steam entering the ACC With certain conditions of stable operation and
that are lower than those for steam suitable construction, an oxygen content not
surface condensers. This is related to exceeding 20 ppb may be obtained as follows:
the relatively long travel distances of the
steam prior to reaching the heat transfer 6.3.1 The ratio of the actual non-condensable
surfaces and the associated large thermal load removed from the system to the design
expansion of the steam ducting. A typical capacity of the air-removal equipment should be
maximum steam enthalpy entering the no greater than the values in the table below.
duct is 1 170 Btu/lb (2720 kJ/kg).

Non-condensables must be removed from LOAD REMOVED FROM THE SYSTEM
the ACC to avoid accumulation, which will

result in reduced ACC capability. There
are two major effects of non-condens­ Expected DO
Venting Ratio actual
ables: a reduction in available heat equipment venting load to content in
transfer area (when non-condensables are design capacity' design loadb condensate
accumulating to form a dead zone or air 50% 50 ppb
pocket) and a reduction in overall heat 0 - 20 SCFM 35% 20 ppb
transfer coefficient (reduced condensa­
tion rate), especially in the second stage, 50% 50 ppb
20 - 40 SCFM 25% 20 ppb
where the concentration of non-condens­
ables becomes significant. During warm > 40 SCFM See note c See note c
weather operation, accumulation of
non-condensables would primarily affect

Notes: Whether or not a vacuum deaerator
a.The design capacity of the air-removal is utilized, the above DO levels cannot be
equipment should be in accordance with achieved during start-up conditions, low
Section 9. load operation (less than 25 %), or in freeze
b.These ratios are for air-removal equipment protection control mode.
rated at 1 inch HgA.
c.For air-removal equipment with design 6.4 Condensate Subcooling
capacity exceeding 40 SCFM, the non-condens­
ables removed should not exceed 20 SCFM 6.4.1 Condensate subcooling is casually defined
for 5 0 ppb and 1 0 SCFM for 20 ppb. as the difference between the saturation
temperature of the steam at the steam turbine
6.3.2 There should be zero.air leakage directly exhaust and the temperature of the condensate
into the condensate below the condensate level at the outlet ofthe condensate tank. This is not
in the condensate tank. The arrangement and to be confused with the conventional subcooling
location of all ingress points into the condenser definition, which is the local temperature
for water vapor or other gases should be subject difference at a given location between the steam
to the approval of the manufacturer. Examples and the condensate.
ofthe potential sources ofair are as follows:
• LP steam turbine casing and interface with 6.4.2 Due to the significant steam-side pressure
the ACC. losses, condensate subcooling will be much
• Leakage into the vacuum side of the system greater than the values observed in a steam
through leaks in welds, packing glands, gauge surface condenser.Values up to 1 5 °F are possible
glasses; instrumentation leads, loop seals, with ACCs unless a vacuum deaerator is used to
steam traps, etc. reheat the condensate coming from the ACC. A
• Low pressure heater condensate drains and vacuum deaerator should be able to reheat the
vents, particularly when operating below condensate to within 4 °F ofthe saturated steam
atmospheric pressure. temperature at the steam turbine exhaust.
• Make-up water, which is usually saturated Extra consideration should be given to the
with oxygen. steam-side pressure drop between the steam
• Condensate surge tank, when utilized in turbine exhaust and the vacuum deaerator.
closed cycles.
6.5 Cleanliness Factors, Fouling Factors,
6.3.3 Where condensate from processing systems and Performance Margins
and/or cogeneration systems is introduced to
the ACC, it shall be assured that the oxygen 6.5.1 A cleanliness factor is the ratio of the
content ofthe returned condensate is no greater actual heat transfer coefficient to the clean
than that specified for the dissolved oxygen heat transfer coefficient. Although a cleanliness
guarantee.If this is not the case, special internal factor is used with water-cooled condensers, it is
deaerating provisions may be required and/or not applicable to ACCs since the "service" value
returns shall he deaerated externally prior to ofthe overall heat transfer coefficient (U,ernce) is
being returned to the ACC. The specific oxygen provided by the manufacturer.
level (ppb) in returning condensate and the
quantity of condensate being returned must be 6.5.2 A fouling factor (F) is used to relate the
specified for the manufacturer's consideration. "service" overall heat transfer coefficient to the
"clean" overall heat transfer coefficient, and is
6.3.4 For all unspecified drains, it is the defined by the following equation:
purchaser's responsibility to limit the DO level
for all external streams to a value below the 1 1
guarantee. = - - +F
Uservice uclean Although ACC systems that have
virtually no air leakage may yield lower A typical value for F is 0.00 3 hr
DO levels, for design purposes, vacuum
ft2F/Btu or 0.000 5 m'ZJ.{/W based on the
deaerators should be utilized to obtain levels
total air-side surface area, which accounts
from 20 ppb down to 7 ppb.
for both the steam-side and unrecoverable
air-side fouling. Additional air-side fouling

may occur based on the location and the
associated environmental conditions (plant
material, debris, or any other air borne
particulate matter). The ACC performance
degradation associated with this type of
additional external fouling can be recovered
with a professional fin tube cleaning system
or cleaning service.

6.5.3 If a performance margin is to be included ",'----------------___;

in the ACC design, it is recommended that it Slum Pressure, buA

be specified by the purchaser by increasing the

design value of the steam flow rate. This is the Figure 6
preferred method that can be tested and verified RECOMMENDED VACUUM
by the existing performance test codes for ACCs. STEAM VELOCITY LIMITS (SI UNITS)
It is not recommended to include a performance
margin in the form of extra cells, extra heat 6.6.3 As a general guideline, a constant steam
exchange surface area, or number of fans out of velocity should be considered to determine the
service during the performance test. The latter size ofthe steam duct system components (steam
methods can result in unbalanced, non-uniform duct, manifold, risers, and steam headers). It is
steam and air flows during the performance not unusual, however, that specific physical
test, which are impossible to account for. limitations such as steam turbine exhaust
arrangement, steam turbine supports - or
6.6 Steam-side Hydraulics ancillary system component size and/or location
may preclude such a design approach.
6.6.1 The steam-side pressure drop calcula­
tions are part of the thermal design of the 6.6.4 It is often necessary that components
ACC. The sizing and routing of the steam such as feedwater heaters, bypass spargers, or
duct system is typically optimized for minimal other sizable components need to be installed
overall ACC investment cost, subject to the in the steam duct. Such internal components
following limitations: will affect the steam flow area, in turn affecting
• Maximum steam-side velocities (limit the steam-side pressure drop and steam turbine
erosion, provide normalized steam distribu­ back pressure. Where internal components are
tion, allow for adequate range of operating supplied by the purchaser, it is incumbent upon
pressure) the purchaser to coordinate the incorporation of
• Minimal obstruction in the duct system such components in the steam duct design with
(heaters, bypass spargers, columns) the ACC manufacturer so that the effect of the
• Use ofturning vanes to reduce the pressure components can be considered.
drop coefficients
• Efficient header and manifold design 6.7 Air-side Pressure Losses

6.6.2 Maximum steam-side velocities in the ACCs require large quantities of ambient air in
duct system at the inlet ofthe tubes: order to reject the thermal load. The cooling air
is drawn from the surrounding environment and
forced through the beat exchanger bundles and
around any obstacles that exist. The air-moving
system must be designed to provide the required
air flow rate while overcoming all of the associated
air-side pressure losses.

, ,'------------,,-------'�
Steem Pressure, In HgA

Figure 5
6.7.1 The following air-side pressure losses shall 6.7.1 .6 Bundle - This is the pressure loss
be accounted for: associated with the airflow through the heat Air inlet - This is the pressure loss exchanger bundles. This loss includes the
associated with drawing the air in from the entrance loss to the heat exchange surface,
ambient environment through the air inlet loss through the heat exchange surface
beneath the ACC along with the turning and the bundle outlet dumping loss. This
loss from a horizontal flow stream to a is highly dependent on fin tube design and
vertical flow stream. The air inlet height varies between manufacturers. This is also
should be sufficient to provide uniform the predominant pressure drop within the
distribution of cooling air to all fans. This system and typically represents 5 0 - 7 0% of
is typically determined by establishing an the total air side pressure drop.
air inlet velocity such. that the horizontal
velocity pressure is sttfficiently lower than 6. 7.1. 7 Bundle outlet - This is the pressure
the static pressure developed by the fan. loss associated with air flow turning from the
A typical maximum value for the air inlet heat exchanger bundle exit to the discharge
velocity is 5 mis. ofthe ACC. Fan guard and fan inlet bell - Natural draft correction - This
The fan guard is typically a form of screen is the buoyancy contribution that the hot
that can vary from a light gauge material to discharge air contributes to the air-side
prevent immediate access and slow falling pressure losses. This will be reported as a
debris to a heavier gauge material that negative pressure loss and is a function of
can also serve as a working platform. The the windwall/draft height and the difference
air-side pressure loss associated with the in the air density between the ambient and
fan guard depends upon the location and the ACC discharge air.
geometry of this component. The fan inlet
bell serves to create an efficient airflow 6. 7.1.9 Air inlet and air outlet louvers (if
guide into the fan. The inlet profile and applicable) - Extreme ambient/operational
overall geometry of the fan bell will affect considerations may necessitate air inlet or
the pressure loss. Fan vendor equipment outlet louvers to enhance airflow control.
rating programs utilized within the industry This feature can generate significant
typically consider these factors. additional air-side pressure losses. Plenum discharge loss - As the Air inlet and air outlet noise
air is discharged from the fan ring to the silencers (if applicable) - Extreme noise
plenum, there is a sudden enlargement of restrictions may require air inlet or outlet
the air flow path. This causes an expansion silencers to reduce the noise emitted by the
loss that is a function of the geometry and ACC. This feature can generate significant
air-side properties (i.e., velocity and density). additional air-side pressure losses.
ACC manufacturers should consider this
loss and other losses associated with the
non-uniform airflow conditions that exist at 6.8 Air Inlet Temperature
the discharge of the fan.
6.8.1 The performance of an ACC is dependent Fan bridge - The fan bridge is upon the dry bulb temperature of the cooling
the structural support of the air-moving air stream. It is important to note that the air
system (i.e., fan, motor, and gearbox). Fan temperature may vary around the power plant
bridge designs vary and are manufacturer and not be consistent or representative of the
dependent. The air flow obstruction, type air temperature entering the heat exchanger
and distance from the fan affect this loss. bundles. The temperature of the air entering
the ACC may be negatively affected by the Bundle inlet - This is the pressure following:
loss associated with air flow turning from • Warm air recirculation
the fan discharge into the heat exchanger • Discharge air from other heat exchangers
bundles. • Other sources ofthermal energy

6.8.2 The plant designer should take into consid­ performance under various operating conditions.
eration the placement of additional sources of This typically involves:
thermal energy with respect to the location of • Single-speed motors - Switching fans on/off
the ACC along with the prevailing summer wind • Two-speed motors - Switching between full
conditions. speed/partial speed/off
• Variable-speed motors - Incremental
6.9 Auxiliary Power Consumption adjustment

6.9.1 Typically, when evaluating ACC designs, The various control scenarios will provide very
the ACC fan drive motors are the only loads to different auxiliary power consumption profiles
be considered. when evaluated on an annual basis and should
be considered within the ACC specification.
6.9.2 In addition to the ACC fan motor power,
the following additional system loads may exist: 6.1 0 Cold Weather Performance
• Gearbox oil pumps and heaters
• Vacuum pumps 6.10.1 As the air temperature decreases, the
• Drain pot pumps capability of the ACC increases based on a
• Condensate forwarding pumps constant condensing pressure. However, it is
• Condensate tank heaters quite common to allow the steam turbine back
• Motor operated valves pressure to fluctuate with the air temperature
• Instrumentation within certain limitations:
• Space heaters • ACC manufacturer low pressure limit
• Heat tracing • Steam turbine manufacturer low pressure
• Lighting limit
• Cable losses, variable frequency drives, etc. • Minimum operating pressure of the
air-removal system
6.9.3 The auxiliary power consumption should • Steam Velocities
be evaluated at the fan motor input terminals
considering speed reducer efficiency (96 to 98%) 6.10.2 Once one of the low pressure limitations
and motor efficiency (91 to 95%). This can cause has been achieved, further air temperature
the electrical power consumption to exceed the reductions must be accommodated with a control
fan shaft power by greater than 10%. ote that step. Typically, this is achieved by reducing fan
smaller motors (< 50 hp) and V-belt drives may speeds.
have lower efficiencies.
6.10.3 If the air temperature continues to
6.9.4 The auxiliary power consumption will vary decrease so that all fans are off, further control
considerably due to the effects of temperature on steps will be required to reduce air flow (inlet or
air density. As the air temperature increases, exit louvers) or remove heat exchanger surface
auxiliary power will decrease, and as the air from operation (sectionalizing valves). Higher
temperature decreases, the auxiliary power will power density designs (higher fan power per
i ncrease based on constant fan speed. It is unit of heat transfer surface area) will increase
considered prudent to have a power margin (5 the ambient air temperature range that fan
to 10%) on the installed motor capability at the speed control can accommodate.
design condition. However, it is not necessary
to specify that this margin be available over the 6.10.4 It is very important to ensure that theACC
entire range of ambient conditions. Since most has the capability to operate reliably and safely
forced draft ACC designs place the motor in the throughout the range of specified temperatures
discharge stream of the fan, the electric motor and, in particular, temperatures below freezing.
will benefit from a cooler operating environment Although control philosophies vary between the
as the air temperature decreases. It is not manufacturers, it is important to ensure that
unusual to obtain an ambient air temperature steps are taken to avoid the formation of dead
correction factor from the motor manufacturers zones (non-condensable accumulation). Dead
that will provide nameplate power corrections zone formation during freezing conditions will
based on cooler operating environments. result in depressed condensate temperatures.
If this condition is not corrected, freezing of the
6.9.5 The ACC control logic adjusts fan condensate within the tubes and permanent
speed(s) in order to achieve the desired thermal damage of the ACC may result.

6.1 1 Low Load Operation 6. 13.2 If specified by the purchaser, the ACC
manufacturer shall include the necessary
6.1 1 .1 Low load operation is defined as a provisions within the ACC supply so that test
condition in which the ACC is operated at less instrumentation can be installed on the ACC to
than the design steam load. It is impo rtant that conduct the specified performance test.
the low load and the corresponding minimum
air temperature are clearly identified for the 6.14 Effects of Wind on ACC Performance
approval of the ACC manufacturer.
6.14.1 There are 2 primary effects that wind
6.1 1 .2 Low load operation presents similar
can have on the performance of an ACC .
challenges as the low temperature operation
described in 6.10. The rf(!sulting situation is
6.14. 1.1 (Warm air) recirculation - Will
that more heat transfer · surface is available
occur if the wind speed and direction are
than what is required. At air inlet temperatures
such that the ACC discharge air stream
above freezing, this is not a significant concern.
is brought within close proximity of the
Dead zone formation under these conditions will
air inlet, whereby the two air streams
only affect the ACC operating efficiency along
mix. This will cause an increase in the
with an increase in DO potential.
air inlet temperature and a reduction in
the performance of the ACC. The level of
6.1 1 .3 Low load operation with air inlet
performance degradation will be function
temperatures below freezing will have the same
of the quantity and temperature of the
concerns as described in 6.10. However, the low
recirculated air stream. R-ecirculating air
load operation will cause the concerns to develop
can also cause an imbalance in condensing
more quickly or at higher temperatures.
load from one section to another within the
ACC. Windwalls reduce this phenomenon by
6.1 1 .4 The duration of the low load operation
separating the discharge air stream of the
is important. What should be evaluated is
inlet air stream. Also, design practices such
the minimum load under sustained operation
as keeping the air inlet velocity lower than
(greater than 4 to 6 hours) at the minimum air
the discharge velocity are often employed
inlet temperature. ACC sectionalizing, louvers
to mitigate the potential for recirculation.
or enhanced control algorithms may be required
The placement of the ACC relative to other
in order to provide safe and reliable operation.
large structures or flow disturbances should
be evaluated in order to understand their
6.12 Performance Curves
influence on the potential for recirculation.
6.12.1 Performance curves shall be provided by
the ACC manufacturer in accordance with the ACC with
specified performance test code.

6.12.2 Performance curves shall be generated

with all fans running at the design fan speed.
Supplemental curves may be generated for
partial fan speed operation; however, such
curves are generally not guaranteed.

6.12.3 Performance curves shall clearly identify

the minimum operating pressure of the ACC Figure 7
and shall identify when the curves are subject to ACC WITH RECIRCULATION
freeze protection control adjustments.
6.14.1 .2 Dynamic effects on the air flow -
6.13 Performance Testing Elevated wind speeds can disturb the air
flow of the ACC inlet, fans and ACC outlet.
6.13.1 For contractual compliance, the ACC • ACC air inlet and outlet - High wind
should be tested i n accordance with a specified speeds around the ACC structure and
i ndustry-recognized performance test code such other plant structures or obstacles can
as ASME PTC 30. 1 or VGB 131Me. cause localized vortices and flow distur­
bances that can reduce the air flow

through portions of the heat exchanger 6. 14.2 As a general rule, the higher the absolute
bundles. This will cause a reduction in value of the pressure margin of a fan, the less
performance of the ACC. Reduced air susceptible to wind effects the ACC will be. This
flow through the fans can also cause is why lower noise ACCs (with slow turning, low
an imbalance in condensing load from pressure fans) are generally more sensitive to
one section to another within the ACC. wind effects.
Depending on the severity of the flow
disturbance, this may cause unexpected 6.15 Effects of Solar Radiation
spikes in back pressure that could result
in steam turbine back pressure alarms 6. 15.1 The amount of solar radiation incident
or trips. on an ACC is determined by the maximum solar
• Fans - High wind speeds will cause an flux for a given location. A value on the order of
increase in the veloci'ty pressure of the 1000 W/m2 is typical for areas ofconcern, which
inlet air stream of the ACC. This will are closer to the equator or in a desert climate.
increase the static pressure loading on This solar flux is applied to the plot area ofthe
the fan causing the fan's duty point to ACC, not the heat transfer surface area. If an
shift.The result will be a higher operating ACC were to absorb 100% of the solar energy
static pressure at a reduced air flow rate, incident upon its plot area, it would equate
reducing the performance of the ACC. to less than 1.5 % of the ACC's heat rejection
Typically, the fans that are subjected to capacity.Although the emissivity ofthe tube and
the greatest degradation in performance fin materials varies between ACC manufactur­
are those on the leading face (upwind) of ers, when it is considered, the maximum impact
the ACC. Windscreens or other devices due to solar radiation has-been calculated to be
may be employed to mitigate these effects. less than 0.5% on an instantaneous basis. Ifthis
effect is integrated over the daylight hours, the

ACC wilh Inlet Air � impact is considered negligible.
Flow Reduction
6.15.2 Operators of ACCs have observed back
pressure reductions as large clouds block solar
\ I\ I\ I radiation. It is believed that this has more to
do with the reduction in air inlet temperature
rather than the temporary blockage of solar
radiation on the ACC heat transfer surface.

Figure 8


7.1 Recommended Instrumentation 7. 1 . 1 . 1 Back pressure and corresponding

steam temperature: At least one pressure
7.1.1 The ACC shall be equipped with sufficient transmitter and one temperature element
instrumentation to monitor the process should be installed near the steam turbine
conditions. Both local instrumentation and exhaust interface or other prescribed
transmitters, switches, and other devices shall location.
be included. Some of the instrumentation will
be involved in the control and protection of Condensate temperature in the
the ACC over the specified range of operating condensate tank: At least one temperature
conditions. The following process conditions element should be installed below the lowest
shall be monitored as a minimum: operating condensate level.

15 Condensate temperature in of air flow control steps available is only a
the condensate headers: At least one function of the number ACC fans and the type
temperature element should be installed of motor control (single, two speed or variable
in each condensate header. It is important speed).
that these thermowells are installed • For example, a 100-cell ACC with single speed
properly such that the temperature fans can provide up to 100 airflow control
of the condensate flowing in the bottom steps, which, in many cases, will be sufficient
of the header is measured and not the for proper ACC operation. However, a 4-cell
steam space temperature. Where freezing ACC may require VFDs in order to provide
conditions exist, temperature elements may sufficient air flow control
be installed to measure temperature on both • The range of steam flow rate and inlet air
sides of the condensate header drain pipe. temperatures will determine the quantity and
magnitude of control steps required. Temperature of the non-condens­
ables: At least one temperature element 7.2.2 ACC Freeze Protection
should be installed in each air removal line Considerations
per row.
It is very important to ensure that the ACC Inlet air temperature: At least one has the capability to operate reliably and safely
temperature element should be installed in throughout the range of specified tempera­
the air inlet stream of the ACC and shielded tures and, in particular, temperatures below
from solar radiation. freezing. Although control and freeze protection
philosophies vary among manufacturers, it is Level of condensate in the tank: important to ensure that steps are taken to
At least one level transmitter should be reduce the risk of low condensate temperatures
installed in the condensate tank. and potential for freezing:
• Enhanced monitoring of process conditions Level of condensate in the drain and control
pot: At least one level transmitter should be • Modified air flow control (fan speed, louvers,
installed in the drain pot. controlled recirculation, etc.)
• Reduce heat transfer area (use of sectional­ Gearbox oil pressure or flow: One izing valves)
pressure or flow switch per gearbox is the
standard. 7.3 Selection of Number of Isolation Valves Fan speed: Fan motor speed status 7.3.1 If the ACC must be operated at low
shall be monitored for each individual fan steam flow rates at air inlet temperatures below
via feedback from the Motor Control Center. freezing and the suction pressure at the vacuum
equipment is too low when all fan control steps Valve positions ofautomated valves: are exhausted, the heat transfer area of the
The valve position of each automated valve ACC must be reduced. This can be achieved by
within the ACC should be monitored via the removing heat transfer surface from operation
limit switches or valve positioners. using sectionalizing valves. Vibration of air-moving equipment: 7 .3.2 The number of sectionalizing valves is

At least one vibration switch or transducer determined by the amount of heat transfer
should be installed for each fan drive surface that must be isolated in order to
assembly. maintain a sufficiently high suction pressure at
the air-removal skid at the minimum sustained
7.2 ACC Control and Freeze Protection steam flow rate and coincident minimum design
Considerations air inlet temperature. The minimum sustained
steam flow rate and coincident minimum design
7.2.1 General control concepts air inlet temperature shall be specified by the
• The back pressure can be controlled by purchaser.
modifying the air flow rate of the ACC,
achieved by adjusting fan speeds unless air
inlet/outlet louvers are supplied. The number

7.4 Drain Pot Capacity 7.5 Condensate Tank Capacity

7.4.1 The capacity of the drain pot is a function 7.5.1 The condensate tank is typically a
of the quality of the steam entering the ACC, the horizontal cylindrical tank sized using the design
number ofdrains entering the drain pot, and the steam turbine exhaust steam flow rate, unless
steam duct condensing capacity. The drain pot specified otherwise by the purchaser. Typical
capacity shall be sized for at least five minutes condensate tank capacity is the volume sufficient
between the low and high operating level using to contain all of the condensate produced in the
the maximum continuous condensate flow ACC in a period of five minutes between normal
rate entering the drain pot. If the condensate operating level and low operating level at the
collected in the steam duct is drained by gravity design steam turbine exhaust steam flow rate.
to the condensate return system, a drain pot is Normal operating level is typically 5 0% of the
not required. tank diameter.


8.1 General Considerations on the acceptable location and orientation of

connections.Incorrect or incomplete information
8.1.1 This section serves as a guide to provide can result in improper location, orientation, and
information on the location and design of the possible operational issues. Similarly, conditions
various types of connections on an ACC to of service (e.g., start-up, continuous) shall be
permit the dispersion offluid energies at steady­ specified, because problems may occur if actual
state operation without causing detrimental service differs from that originally specified.
effects on the internals, steam duct, drain pot,
and condensate tank. 8.2.2 All thermal and hydraulic design
conditions of the connections provided to the
8.1.2 Specific recommendations are provided, manufacturer shall be at the connection on the
since each connection will have different flows ACC (not upstream of control valve, etc.).
and fluid energies in order to achieve the most
effective dispersion. Required connection service 8.3 Connection Locations
will range from high-energy large volume steam
dumps (in some cases requiring multi-stage 8.3.1 Locating connections on the steam duct,
breakdowns and desuperheating) to relatively drain pot, condensate tank, and/or flash tank
low flow and low energy level connections. must be given high priority and be integrated
into the plant layout during preparation of
8.1.3 An ACC is significantly different from a the specifications to avoid compromising ACC
steam surface condenser and requires unique performance. It is recommended that high
design considerations. Connections on the ACC energy or flashing drains be routed to a separate
are typically at a significant distance from flash tank as to condition the fluids to an
the heat exchange surface. Due to nominal acceptable enthalpy. The flash tank shall be
steam duct system expansion design provisions, vented to the ACC steam space and drained to
the design temperature of the ACC system the ACC condensate return system.
is typically 25 0°F (121 C). The enthalpies of
the various inlet connection flows, particularly 8.3.2 In order to ensure that all connections on
steam turbine bypass flow, shall be limited to the ACC are located so that the integrity and
approximately 1,1 7 0 Btu/lb ( 27 20 kJ/kg). operation of the ACC is not compromised, and
to ensure that required deaeration is obtained,
8.2 Flow Data the following requirements on the placement of
connections and acceptable conditions offlows in
the connections shall be provided. The following
8.2.1 It is imperative that the ACC manufacturer table indicates the preferred locations for some
is furnished with reliable flow data required for categories of connections usually installed on
designing the connections and internals. The the ACC system. Numbers indicate the order of
energy levels and flows will have a bearing preference.

Table 3
I Steam Duct I Drain Pot I Condensate Tank I Oeaerator I Flash Tank
Low Temperature Drains Requiring Not NR NR 1 NR
Deaeration Recommended
Low Temperature Drains Not Requiring 2 2 1 NR 2
Make-Up 3 3 2 1 NR
Condensate Pump Recirculation. NR NR 1 NR NR
Drain Pot Pump Recirculation NR 1 NR NR NR
Boiler Feed Pump Turbine Exhaust 1 NR NR NR NR
Gland Seal Drain 2 NR NR NR 1
High Temperature Steam Drains 2 NR NR NR 1
High Temperature Water Drains 2 NR NR NR 1
Steam Turbine Bypass Dumps 1 NR NR NR NR
Continuous Feedwater Heater Drains 2 NR NR NR 1
Miscellaneous Drains and Vents Determine location based upon similar application above
'1 = Best choice, 2 = Good, 3 = Acceptable
8.4.6 It is recommended that drains requiring
8.4 Connection Design Guidelines deaeration have a pressure ofat least 5 psi (0.34
bar) greater than the ACC operating pressure.
8.4.1 Complete design conditions (pressure,
temperature, enthalpy and flow) must be provided 8.4. 7 Design of ACC connections and/or locations
at each connection. In addition, service conditions should be such that the steam release volumes
shall be supplied (i.e., continuous, intermittent, from the additional steam loading will not result
start-up, etc.). in steam velocities in excess ofthose indicated in
Section 6.6.
8.4.2 Limit the enthalpy of entering steam to
1, 1 7 0 Btu/lb ( 27 20 kJ/kg). Acceptance of flows 8.4.8 Thermal sleeves should be provided on
with enthalpy greater than 1 , 1 7 0 Btu/lb ( 27 20 process connections designed for temperatures
kJ/kg) may be considered depending on specific in excess of 450°F ( 232 C).
conditions of service.
8.4.9 Under no circumstances should steam
8.4.3 Limit connection pressures to a maximum flashing drains be admitted to the ACC unless
of 50 psia (3.44 bara). Pressures should be lower cooling air flow is established and non-condens­
where possible, especially for liquid flows.Special able gas removal equipment is in operation.
considerations for higher pressures should be
reviewed with individual manufacturers. 8.4.10 Connections as indicated in the above
table should not be located below the water
8.4.4 Ventilator valve (and other high energy level, near field weld lines, internal bracing,
short duration sources) discharges should be to corners or near any expansion joints, rupture
the atmosphere; however, if they are directed discs, instruments or internal apparatus.
to the ACC, limitations as described above will
apply. 8.4. 1 1 D o not locate a series o f connections,
except gauge and control, in close proximity so
8.4.5 Where conditions exceed the above that high flow concentrations and/or interfer­
requirements, external desuperheating must be ences from discharges from all of the connections
provided by the purchaser for all connections will result. High energy drain effluent lines must
that are in operation when exhaust steam flow be kept away from liquid return lines to prevent
is absent. Desuperheating shall be accomplished droplet transport and associated erosion.
in a manner such that the above enthalpy limits
are not exceeded.

8.4.12 If sufficient flow area is not available from the steam turbine exhaust interface to
within the steam duct for the introduction of the ACC. This involves designing the steam
steam turbine bypass sparger(s), integral bell turbine foundation surrounding equipment
housing(s) located on the steam duct should be and structures to accomplish these require­
considered. ments.

8.4.13 The use of external flash tanks is 8.5.2 Connection Types

recommended for high temperature, high
pressure drain flows prior to being admitted to The two (2) main types of steam
the ACC. This would usually apply to systems turbine interface connections are welded and
where a large number of small connections with bolted. The purchaser shall provide sufficient
high energy levels exist. Minor steam drains details depicting the interface so that the
or vents may exceed specified conditions in ACC manufacturer can develop and engineer
paragraphs 8.4.2 and 8.4.3, provided flow from interface connection details.
the main steam turbine exists and the locations
are acceptable to the manufacturer. A welded connection is preferred
over a bolted connection to mitigate air
8.4.14 Piping upstream ofall flowing connections leakage into the ACC. A landing bar welded
shall be properly trapped and drained to prevent connection is recommended, as it allows
damaging water slugs being introduced into for adjustment during installation to
connections. compensate for manufacturing and installa­
tion tolerances. Welding methods, access, and
8.4.15 The external location shall be such that · details shall be considered when developing
re-routing of internal piping is not required, the equipment arrangement.
since internal piping may interfere with normal
steam flow within the ACC. Bolted flange connections shall be of
the O-ring or gasket type. This connection
8.5 Steam Turbine Exhaust Interface shall be properly installed and maintained
to provide a leak-free seal. Appropriate
8.5.1 Orientation, Location, and tolerance in this connection shall be specified.
Dimensions Metal-to-metal interfaces shall be avoided.
• Flanged steam turbine connections shall The purchaser shall provide sufficient be faced and drilled per the steam turbine
details depicting the overall steam turbine suppliers guidelines.
arrangement, particularly the orientation • Expected flange face finishes shall be
and location of the steam turbine interface, indicated.
relative to the ACC. Additionally interface • Cast iron flange connections shall be flat
dimensions and shape details shall be faced.
provided so that the ACC manufacturer can • General geometric dimensioning and
develop and engineer interface connection tolerance should be reasonable and state
details. the functional requirements.
• Careful design and planning are essential, Typical steam turbine exhaust and customer specifications must clearly
orientations include bottom exhaust, axial outline all expected dimensions, tolerances,
exhaust, lateral/side exhaust and top and finishes.
exhaust. Multiple exhaust openings may
exist. 8.5.3 Displacements and Settlement Location and orientation of the Steam turbine exhaust interface displace­
steam turbine interface(s) must be given ments and differential settlement between
high priority and be integrated into the plant the steam turbine interface, the steam duct
layout during preparation of the specifica­ supports, and the ACC structural supports
tions to avoid compromising the main steam due to any factors shall be specified by the
duct design and performance of the ACC. purchaser and shall be less than 0.12 5 inch
The location and orientation shall facilitate (3 mm), unless otherwise acceptable by the
the efficient interconnection, installation, ACC manufacturer.
support and routing of the main steam duct

It is imperative that the purchaser specified, then alternate expansion joint
cooperates with the ACC manufacturer to types, materials, and arrangements may
ensure that all conditions are examined be considered. In this event it is incumbent
prior to the ACC initial design. Careful upon the purchaser to advise the ACC
design and planning are essential, and manufacturer so that alternate design
customer specifications must clearly outline considerations can be explored.
all expected settlement and displacements.
8.5.6 Steam Turbine Exhaust Duct
8.5.4 Interface Force and Moments Structural Design Consideration of the interaction The main steam duct is a thin-walled,
of forces and moments at the steam externally pressurized vessel. Accordingly,
turbine exhaust interface are of paramount externaf and/or internal stiffeners are
importance. The purchaser must specify required to provide the necessary structural
reasonable allowable external forces and integrity. The purchaser's design of its
moments at the interface location. turbine support structure, internal piping,
and components shall consider the ACC In no case shall the ACC steam duct manufacturer's stiffening requirement.
be required to support the steam turbine. Unless specified otherwise, support It is imperative that the purchaser of the purchaser's components (feedwater
cooperates with the ACC manufacturer to heaters, piping, spargers, platforms, etc.) is
assure all conditions are examined prior to not consider-ed. Ifsupport ofsuch components
the ACC initial design. Careful design and is required, then it is incumbent upon the
planning are essential and customer specifi­ purchaser to advise the ACC manufacturer
cations must clearly outline all expected of such details that may be required for the
forces and moments. ACC manufacturer to consider in its design. Unless specified otherwise, the 8.5.7 Steam Turbine Exhaust

purchaser understands that the steam Steam Flow Profile
turbine is capable of accepting the internal
vacuum forces associated with the incorpo­ Unless specified otherwise, it is assumed that
ration of an unrestrained expansion joint the steam flow velocity, pressure, and density
near the steam turbine interface. The profile exiting the steam turbine are uniform
internal vacuum force is in addition to those in nature. This assumption shall be considered
forces and moments specified under by the ACC manufacturer in its structural
The purchaser's steam turbine foundation hydraulic designs.
design shall consider the resultant vacuum
forces and moments. In the event that the 8.6 Steam Turbine Bypass Guidelines
steam turbine is not able to accept vacuum
forces, it is incumbent upon the purchaser 8.6.1 General
to advise the ACC manufacturer so that
alternate design considerations should be Complete evaluation of the design
explored. parameters for main steam bypass lines
is important for the safe operation of the
8.5.5 Steam Turbine Exhaust ACC. Operating requirements and special
Expansion Joint customer requirements could affect the ACC
design. It is imperative that the purchaser In order to accommodate the cooperates with the ACC manufacturer to
allowable external forces and moments assure all conditions are examined prior to
(loads) and displacements at the steam the final design.
turbine interface, an expansion joint is
routinely required. Usually an unrestrained Operation of steam turbine
expansion joint is utilized. bypass should occur with all ACC systems
capable to operate at full capacity. For If unusual design temperature, start-up conditions, to achieve maximum
displacement, or load conditions are condensing capacity, all non-condensable

rnust be extracted from the ACC system. It is imperative that the purchaser cooperates
During sustained steam turbine bypass with the ACC manufacturer to assure all
operation, non-condensable extraction shall conditions are examined prior to the ACC
be maintained at the required holding rate. initial design. Careful design and planning
Careful design and planning are essential, are essential, and customer specifications
and customer specifications must clearly must clearly outline all expected forces and
outline all expected operational modes. moments. The total amount of conditioned If unusual design temperature, displace­

bypass steam admitted to the ACC can ment, or load conditions are specified, then
vary over a wide range. ACC manufactur­ alternate connection types, materials, and
ers do not guarantee performance for steam arrangements may be considered. In this
turbine bypass service, -but rather make event it is incumbent upon the purchaser
accommodations for the condensation of the to advise the ACC manufacturer so that
bypass steam flow. alternate design considerations can be
explored. Noise abatement measures, such as
the use of special noise attenuating valves, 8.6.2 Bypass Steam Conditioning
spargers, or noise attenuating insulation,
should be considered by plant designers ACC bypass steam inlet enthalpy
in accordance with specified noise require­ values shall not exceed 1,170 Btu/lb ( 27 20
ments. ACC manufacturers shall not be kJ/kg) and 5 0 psia ( 3.4 4 hara) to ensure the
required to provide noise guarantees during discharge does not exceed the ACC design
steam turbine bypass operations. temperature. External desuperheating
devices that reduce enthalpy to 1,170 Btu/ Bypass Connection lb ( 27 20 kJ/kg) must be located sufficiently
Allowable Loads: upstream of the ACC to ensure adequate
mixing and evaporation of the attempera­
Location and orientation of the steam tion fluid.
turbine bypass interface(s) must be given
high priority and be integrated into the plant The steam turbine manufacturers
layout during preparation of the specifica­ may set specific guidelines for maximum
tions to avoid compromising the main steam temperature at the interface of the steam
duct design and performance of the ACC. turbine with the ACC. Main steam turbine
The location and orientation shall facilitate exhaust expansion joint suppliers also
the efficient interconnection, installation, have temperature limits that need to be
support, and routing of the main steam duct considered. When such limitations are
from the steam turbine exhaust interface to encountered, a cooling water spray curtain
the ACC. This involves designing the steam may be required near the steam turbine
turbine bypass surrounding equipment and exhaust duct transition area to reduce local
structures to accomplish these require­ temperature excursions. The purchaser
ments. shall design and supply the spray curtain
components, which shall be integrated
Consideration on the interaction of within the steam turbine exhaust duct.
forces and moments at the steam turbine Water loading, pressure, connection size,
exhaust duct interfaces are of paramount and components shall be specified by the
importance. The purchaser must specify the purchaser. Careful design and planning are
external forces and moments at the interface essential and must be coordinated with the
location. The forces and moments shall be ACC manufacturer. In no event shall the
reasonable, considering the arrangement to ACC manufacturer be required to provide
the steam turbine exhaust duct. guarantees with regard to the spray curtain

Table 4

SIZE Forces (N) Moments (Wm)

2 50 800 800 800 160 1 60 160
3 80 1 800 1 800 1 800 540 540 540
4 1 00 3200 3200 3200 1280 1280 1280
6 1 50 7200 7200 7200 4320 4320 4320
8 200 12800. 12800 1 2800 1 0240 1 0240 10240
10 250 14000 14000 14000 1 1000 1 1 000 1 1000
12 and over 300 14000 14000 14000 1 1000 1 1 000 1 1000

SIZE Forces (lbf) Moments (ft*lbf)

2 50 180 1 80 1 80 1 20 120 120
3 80 405 405 405 400 400 400
4 1 00 720 720 720 945 945 945
6 1 50 1 620 1 620 1 620 3185 3185 3185
8 200 2880 2880 2880 7550 7550 7550
10 250 3145 3145 3145 8110 8110 8110
12 and over 300 3145 3145 3145 8 1 1 0 81 1 0 81 10

8.7 Feedwater Heater Considerations

8.7.1 The installation of feedwater heater(s)

within the ACC steam duct will affect the
performance of the ACC. As such, the inclusion
of feedwater heater(s) requires the purchaser
to specify the location, orientation, dimensions,
pipe routing, and quantity. If all of the above
information is not provided, the guaranteed
back pressure shall be measured downstream of
the feedwater heater(s).

8.7.2 Additional thermal loads, if any, are not

considered by the ACC manufacturer unless
specified otherwise by the purchaser.


9.1 Venting Requirements 9.2.2 Pumps, compressors, and other mechanical

drives - The venting equipment design suction
9.1 . 1 Venting equipment must be capable of pressure is that for which the ACC is designed
removing all non-condensables and associated minus 1.0 inch Hg or the lowest required suction
water vapor from the ACC to produce the pressure. Minimum shall be 1.0 inch HgA.
minimum steam condensing pressure consistent
with physical dimensions and heat transfer. The 9.3 Design Suction Temperature
sources of the non-condensables to be removed
include but are not limited to: . 9.3.1 The temperature ofthe gas vapor mixture
• Low pressure steam turbine·casing, seals and shall be considered as 7.5 °F below the steam
associated drains. saturation temperature at the effective suction
• Air leakage into all system components pressure.
operating at sub-atmospheric pressure.
•Gases released from feedwater drains and 9.3.2 The 7.5 °F temperature differential is
vents admitted to the ACC. a design value utilized to physically size the
• Gases released from makeup admitted to the venting equipment. The actual temperature of
ACC. the vapor at the vent outlet during operation is
• Condensate surge and flash tanks, when influenced by the operating characteristics, the
vented or drained to the ACC. non-condensable load, and the capacity charac­
• Disassociation of feedwater into oxygen, teristics of the venting equipment and ·may not
hydrogen, and other non-condensables in necessarily be equal to the 7.5 ° F differential.
certain types ofnuclear fueled cycles.
9.4 Calculation of Water Vapor
9.1.2 Unless specified by the purchaser and Load Component
accepted by the ACC manufacturer, the ACC
manufacturer shall not be responsible for the The amount of water vapor to saturate the
effect that additional sources of non-condens­ non-condensables can be calculated from the
ables have on ACC performance. following formula:

9.1.3 In addition to non-condensables, a quantity

of associated water vapor will also be vented.
This quantity will be a function ofthe quantity,
temperature, and pressure of the non-condens­ When the non-condensable is dry air (MWNC= 29),
able flow. the weight of the water vapor can be obtained from
the above equation. PW is the saturation pressure
9.2 Design Suction Pressure of steam at the mixture temperature and PT is the
total pressure ofthe mixture.
In order to coordinate the performance of the
venting equipment to be installed with an ACC 9.5 Minimum Recommended Capacities
serving a turbine, it is recommended that the design
suction pressure be in accordance with the following: It is recommended that the capacity of the venting
equipment not be less than the values shown in
9.2.1 Electric generating service - The Tables 5 thru 7 at the design suction pressure to
venting equipment design suction pressure is insure adequate removal capacity under commercial
1.0 inch HgA or the minimum suction pressure operating conditions.
(as measured at the inlet to the air removal
equipment) based on the specified range of 9.5.1 Procedure for Sizing
operating conditions for the ACC. Final selection Venting Equipment
should consider compatible operation ofthe ACC
and its venting equipment over the full range of Determine the total steam flow of
anticipated operating pressures and loads. In the unit by adding the main turbine exhaust
addition, the physical location ofthe equipment flow and any auxiliary turbine exhaust
should be considered when the design suction flows entering all main ducts ofthe ACC.
pressure is selected.

23 Determine the total number ofLP Enter Table 5 and use the row listed for the
turbine exhaust openings. Do not include Effective Steam Flow Each LP Exhaust Opening
auxiliary turbine exhaust openings. of1, 5 0 0, 0 01 to 2, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr. Divide flow obtained in 9.5 .1.1 The total number of exhaust openings is one
by exhaust opening number obtained (1). This is determined by the sum of the total
in The resultant number is the number main exhaust openings and auxiliary
effective steam flow for each Ip turbine turbine openings.
exhaust opening.
The intersection ofthis column and row results in Enter the appropriate section of a venting capacity of 22.5 SCFM.
Table 5 and locate the flow obtained in
Step Example o. 2: The condenser design parameters
are the following: Determine total number ofexhaust • One LP Exhaust Casing
openings by adding the total number of • Total steam flows from LP turbine exhausts =
LP turbine exhaust openings to the total 9 5 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr
number of auxiliary turbines exhausting • Total steam flows from auxiliary turbine
into the ACC. exhausts = 20 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr
• Number ofLP turbine exhaust openings = Four Determine the recommended (4)
capacity by using the number obtained in • umber of auxiliary turbine exhaust openings = Two (2)

9.5.2 If the ACC is separated into individual The total steam flow of the unit is the sum of the
blocks or split configurations (i.e., parallel main turbine exhaust and auxiliary exhausts.
condensers) so that the suction pressures at [This value is 1,1 5 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr.]
full performance can be different, then the
venting system capacity of each block shall be The number of LP main turbine openings is four
per Table 5. (4).

The following is an example of sizing the Divide 1,1 5 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr by four (4). The result is
venting equipment: 28 7, 5 0 0 lb/hr, which is the effective steam flow
for each main exhaust opening.
Example No. 1: The condenser design
parameters are the following: Enter Table 5 and use the row listed for the
• One LP Exhaust Casing effective steam flow [for) each LP exhaust opening
• Total steam flows from LP turbine exhausts of 25 0, 0 01 to 5 0 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr.
= 1, 6 0 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr
• Total steam flows from auxiliary turbine The total number of exhaust openings is six
exhausts = 0 lb/hr ( 6 ). This is determined by the sum of the total
• Number of LP turbine exhaust openings = number LP exhaust openings and auxiliary
One (1) turbine openings.
• Number of auxiliary turbine exhaust
openings = Zero ( 0) The intersection ofthis column and row results in
a venting capacity of 25 SCFM.
The total steam flow of the unit is the sum of
the LP turbine exhaust and auxiliary exhausts. 9.5.3 Steam Dump (Bypass) Application -
[This value is 1, 6 0 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr.) When sustained steam dump operation is required,
venting equipment must also be suitable to
The number ofLP turbine openings is one (1). handle the design quantities of non-condensables
saturated at a temperature 7.5 °F below that
Divide 1, 6 0 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr by one (1). The result corresponding to the saturation steam pressures
is 1, 6 0 0, 0 0 0 lb/hr, which is the effective steam at the highest condensing pressure likely to occur
flow for each LP exhaust opening. with full steam dump load with all or a partial
number of fans operating at the maximum inlet
air dry bulb temperature.

9.6 Rapid Evacuation (Hogging) Equipment well as the time desired for such reduction. Where
specific values are not listed, the industry standard
When starting the steam turbine, it is desirable to has been established at lO"HgA (0.338 hara) in 30
reduce the ACC pressure from atmospheric to some minutes based on a fixed volume. Depending on
lower value. This can be done by means of single overall plant design, bypass steam flow rates may
stage ejector or mechanical vacuum pump. The require modulation in order to prevent pressure
capacity of the device is dependent on the effective­ spikes that may burst rupture discs. Therefore,
ness of the turbine gland seals, the volume of the lower evacuation pressures or longer evacuation
ACC, turbine casings, and associated ducting, as periods may be desired.

Table 5
Effective Steam Flow Each
Mam Exhaust Opening, lbs/hr I Total Number of Exhaust Open,ngs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Up to 25,000 ·SCFM 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 1 0.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 3.5 1 8.0 22.5 22.5 33.8 33.8 33.8 45.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 29.7 39.6 49.5 49.5 74.3 74,3 74.3 99.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 43.2 57.6 72.0 72.0 1 08.0 1 08,0 1 08.0 1 44.0
25,001 to 50,000 •sCFM 4.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 2.5
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 8.0 22.5 33.8 33.8 45.0 45.0 45.0 56.3
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 39.6 49.5 74.3 74.3 99.0 99.0 99.0 1 23.8
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 57.6 72.0 1 08.0 1 08.0 144,0 144.0 144.0 1 80.0
50,001 to 1 00,000 ·scFM 5.0 7.5 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 2.5 1 2.5 1 5.0 1 7.5
Dry Air, lbs/hr 22.5 33.8 45.0 45,0 56.3 56.3 67.5 78.8
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 49.5 74.3 99.0 99.0 1 23.8 1 23.8 1 48.5 1 73.3
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 72.0 1 08.0 144 .0 144,0 1 80.0 1 80.0 21 6.0 252.0
1 00,001 to 250,000 ·scFM 7.5 1 2.5 1 2 .5 1 5 .0 1 7. 5 20.0 20.0 25.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 33.8 56.3 56.3 67,5 78.8 90.0 90.0 1 1 2.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 74.3 1 23.8 1 23.8 1 48.5 1 73.3 1 98.0 1 98.0 247.5
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 1 08.0 1 80.0 1 80.0 21 6.0 252.0 288.0 288.0 360.0
250,001 to 500,000 *SCFM 1 0.0 1 5.0 1 7. 5 20.0 25.0 25.0 30.0 30.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 45.0 67.5 78.8 90.0 1 1 2. 5 1 1 2.5 1 35.0 1 35.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 99.0 1 48.5 1 73,3 1 98.0 247,5 247.5 297.0 297.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 1 44.0 21 6.0 252.0 288.0 360.0 360.0 432.0 432.0
500,001 to 750,000 *SCFM 1 2. 5 20.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 30.0 35.0 40,0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 56.3 90.0 90.0 1 1 2.5 1 35.0 1 35.0 1 57.5 1 80.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 1 23.8 1 98.0 1 98.0 247.5 297.0 297.0 346.5 396.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 1 80.0 288.0 288.0 360.0 432.0 432.0 504.0 576.0
750,001 to 1 ,000,000 *SCFM 1 5.0 22.5 22.5 27.5 32.5 35 40.0 45.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 67.5 1 0 1 .3 1 0 1 .3 1 23.8 1 46.3 1 57.5 1 80.0 202.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 1 48.5 222.8 222.8 272.3 32 1 .8 346.5 396.0 445.5
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 21 6.0 324.0 324.0 396.0 468.0 504.0 576.0 648.0
1 ,000,001 to 1 ,250,000 *SCFM 1 7.5 25.0 27.5 32.5 37.5 40.0 45.0 50.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 78.8 1 1 2.5 1 23.8 146,3 1 62.5 1 80.0 202.5 225.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 173.3 247.5 272.3 321 .8 357.5 396.0 445.5 495.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 252.0 360,0 396.0 468.0 520.0 576.0 648.0 720.0
1 ,250,001 to 1 , 500,000 ·scFM 20.0 27.5 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 45.0 50,0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 90.0 1 23.8 1 35.0 1 57.5 1 80.0 202.5 202.5 225.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 1 98.0 272.3 297.0 346.5 396.0 445.5 445.5 495.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 288.0 396.0 432.0 504.0 576.0 648.0 648.0 720.0

Effective Steam Flow Each
Main Exhaust Opening, lbs/hr
1 ,500,001 to 2,000,000 •scFM
I Total Number of Exhaust Openings
22.5 30.0 35.0 37.5 45.0 50.0 50.0 55.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 101 .3 1 35,0 1 57 . 5 1 62.5 202.5 225.0 225.0 247.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 222.8 297.0 346.5 357.5 445.5 495.0 495.0 544.5
Total M ixture, lbs/hr 324.0 432.0 504.0 520.0 648.0 720.0 720.0 792.0
2,000,001 to 2,500,000 *SCFM 25.0 32.5 37.5 40.0 50.0 55.0 55.0 60 0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 1 2.5 146.3 162.5 1 80.0 225.0 247.5 247.5 270.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 247.5 321 .8 357.5 396.0 495.0 544.5 544.5 594.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 360.0 468.0 520.0 576.0 720.0 792.0 792.0 864.0
2,500,001 to 3,000,000 *SCFM 27.5 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 23.8 1 57.5 1 80.0 202.5 225.0 247.5 270.0 292.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 272.3 346.5 396.0 445.5 495.0 544.5 594.0 643.5
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 396.0 504.0 576.0 648 .0 720.0 792.0 864.0 936.0
3,000,001 to 3 , 500,000 *SCFM 30.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 135.0 1 80.0 202.5 225.0 247.5 270. 0 292.5 31 5.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 297.0 396.0 445.5 495.0 544.5 594.0 643.5 693.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 432.0 576.0 648 . 'o 720.0 792.0 864.0 936.0 1 008.0
3,500,001 to 4,000,000 *SCFM 32.5 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 146.3 202.5 225.0 247.5 270.0 292.5 31 5.0 337.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 321.8 445.5 495.0 544.5 594.0 643.5 693.0 742.5
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 468.0 648.0 720.0 792.0 864.0 936.0 1 008.0 1 080.0
•14_7 psia at 700F
Note: These tables are based on air leakage only and the air vapor mixture at 1 inch HgA and 7 1 .5°F

Table 6

Effective Steam Flow Each

Main Exhaust Opening, lbs/hr I Total Number of Exhaust Openings
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 00,001 to 250,000 •sCFM 1 5.0 20.0 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 67.5 90.0 90.0 101.3 1 1 2.5 1 23.8 1 35.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 1 48.5 1 98.0 198.0 222.8 247.5 272.3 297.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 21 6.0 288.0 288.0 324.0 360.0 396.0 432.0
250,001 to 500,000 *SCFM 20.0 22.5 25.0 30.0 32.5 37.5 40.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 90.0 1 0 1 .3 1 1 2.5 1 35.0 1 46.3 1 62.5 1 80.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 1 98.0 222.8 247.5 297.0 321 .8 357.5 396.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 288.0 324.0 360.0 432.0 468.0 520.0 576.0
500,001 to 750,000 *SCFM 25.0 27.5 32.5 37.5 40.0 45.0 50.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 1 2. 5 1 23.8 146.3 162.5 1 80.0 202.5 225.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 247.5 272.3 321 .8 357.5 396.0 445.5 495.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 360.0 396.0 468.0 520.0 576.0 648.0 720.0
750,001 to 1 ,000,000 •SCFM 27.5 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 23.8 1 35.0 1 57.5 1 80.0 202,5 225.0 247.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 272.3 297.0 346.5 396.0 445.5 495.0 544.5
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 396.0 432.0 504.0 576.0 648.0 720.0 792.0
1 ,000,001 to 1 ,250,000 'SCFM 32.5 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 46.3 1 57.5 1 80.0 202.5 225.0 247.5 270.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 321 .8 346.5 396.0 445.5 495.0 544.5 594.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 468.0 504.0 576.0 648.0 720.0 792.0 864.0
1 ,250,001 to 1 ,500,000 *SCFM 35.0 37.5 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 57.5 1 62.5 202.5 225.0 247.5 270.0 292.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 346.5 357,5 445.5 495.0 544.5 594.0 643.5
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 504.0 520.0 648.0 720.0 792.0 864.0 936.0
1 ,500,001 to 2,000,000 •SCFM 37.5 40.0 50.0 55.0 60,0 65.0 70.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 62.5 1 80.0 225.0 247.5 270,0 292.5 31 5.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 357.5 396.0 495.0 544.5 594.0 643.5 693.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 520.0 576.0 720.0 792.0 864.0 936.0 1 008.0
2,000.001 to 2,500,000 ·scFM 40.0 45.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 1 80.0 202.5 247.5 270.0 292.5 315.0 337,5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 396.0 445.5 544.5 594.0 643.5 693.0 742.5
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 576.0 648.0 792.0 864.0 936.0 1 008.0 1 080.0
2,500,001 to 3,000,000 *SCFM 45.0 50.0 55.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 202.5 225.0 247.5 292.5 31 5.0 337.5 360.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 445.5 495.0 544.5 643.5 693.0 742.5 792.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 648.0 720.0 792.0 936.0 1 008.0 1 080.0 1 1 52.0
3,000,001 to 3,500,000 ·scFM 50.0 55.0 60.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 225.0 247.5 270.0 31 5.0 337.5 360.0 382.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 495:0 544.5 594.0 693.0 742.5 792.0 84 1 .5
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 720.0 792.0 864.0 1 008.0 1 080.0 1 1 52.0 1 224.0
3,500,001 to 4,000,000 'SCFM 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 80.0 85.0 90.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 247.5 270.0 292.5 31 5.0 360.0 382.5 405.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 544.5 594.0 643.5 693.0 792.0 841 .5 891 .0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 792.0 864.0 936.0 1 008.0 1 1 52.0 1 224.0 1 296.0
"14.7 psia at 70•F
Note: These tables are based on air leakage only and the air vapor mixture at 1 inch HgA and 71.5° F
Table 7

Effective Steam Flow Each

Main Exhaust Opening, lbs/hr I Total Number of Exhaust Openings
3 4 5 6 7 8
250,001 to 500,000 ·scFM 30.0 32.5 37.5 40.0 45.0 50.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 135.0 1 46.3 1 62.5 1 80.0 202.5 225.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 297.0 321 .8 357.5 396.0 445.5 495.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 432.0 468.0 520.0 576.0 648.0 720.0
500,001 to 750,000 ·scFM 32,5 37.5 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0
Dry Air lbs/hr 146.3 1 62.5 202.5 225.0 247.5 270.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 321 .8 357.5 445.5 495.0 544.5 594.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 468.0 520.0 648.0 720.0 792.0 864.0
750,001 to 1 ,000,000 •SCFM 37.5 45.0 50.0 55.0 65.0 70.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 162.5 202.5 225.0 247.5 292.5 31 5.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 357.5 445.5 495.0 544.5 643.5 693.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 520.0 648.0 720.0 792.0 936.0 1 008.0
1 ,000,001 to 1 ,250,000 ·sCFM 40.0 50.0 55.0 65.0 70.0 75,0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 180.0 225.0 247.5 292.5 31 5.0 337.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 396.0 495.0 544.5 643.5 693.0 742.5
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 576.0 720.0 792.0 936.0 1 008.0 1 080.0
1 ,250,001 to 1 ,500,000 *SCFM 45.0 55.0 60.0 70.0 75.0 80.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 202.5 247.5 270.0 31 5.0 337.5 360.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 445.5 544.5 594.0 693.0 742.5 792.0
Total Mix1ure, lbs/hr 648.0 792.0 864.0 1 008.0 1 080.0 1 1 52.0
1 ,500,001 to 2,000,000 •scFM 50.0 60.0 65.0 75.0 80.0 90.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 225.0 270.0 292.5 337.5 360.0 405.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 495.0 594.0 643.5 742.5 792.0 891 .0
Total Mix1ure, lbs/hr 720.0 864.0 936.0 1 080.0 1 1 52.0 1 296.0
2,000,001 to 2,500,000 •scFM 55.0 65.0 70.0 80.0 85.0 95.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 247,5 292.5 3 1 5.0 360.0 382.5 427.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 544.5 643.5 693.0 792.0 841 .5 940.5
Total Mix1ure, lbs/hr 792.0 936.0 1 008.0 1 1 52.0 1 224.0 1 368.0
2,500,001 to 3,000,000 ·scFM 60.0 70.0 75.0 85.0 90.0 1 00.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 270.0 3 1 5.0 337.5 382.5 405.0 450.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 594.0 693.0 742.5 841 .5 891 .0 990.0
Total Mix1ure, lbs/hr 864.0 1 008.0 1 080.0 1 224.0 1 296.0 1440.0
3,000,001 to 3,500,000 ·scFM 65.0 75.0 80.0 90.0 95.0 1 05.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 292.5 337.5 360.0 405.0 427.5 472.5
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 643.5 742.5 792.0 891 .0 940.5 1 039.5
Total Mix1ure, lbs/hr 936.0 1 080.0 1 1 52.0 1 296.0 1 368.0 1 51 2.0
3,500,001 to 4,000,000 ·scFM 70.0 80.0 85.0 95.0 1 00.0 1 1 0.0
Dry Air, lbs/hr 31 5.0 360.0 382.5 427.5 450.0 495.0
Water Vapor, lbs/hr 693.0 792.0 841 .5 940.5 990.0 1 089.0
Total Mixture, lbs/hr 1 008.0 1 1 52.0 1 224.0 1 368.0 1 440.0 1 584.0
"14.7 psia at 700F
Note: These tables are based on air leakage only and the air vapor mixture at 1 inch HgA and 71 .5°F


10.1 General If the system volume exceeds 1 4 5 ,000 ft3, then

multiple devices of the same size should be used.
10. 1.1 The size of atmospheric relief devices
is dependent upon the specified operating 10.3 Rupture Device
conditions. It is understood that they must be
of sufficient size to pass all of the steam, which 1 0.3.1 A rupture disc is a non-reclosing pressure
can be admitted to the ACC, except from the relief diaphragm actuated by static pressure
lines that are already protected by relief devices differential and designed to function by the
set to open at pressures not eicceeding the ACC bursting of a pressure-containing non-fragment­
relief pressure. Typically, th!! maximum steam ing disc.
flow rate is defined by a steam turbine bypass
condition. 1 0.3.2 Every rupture disc shall have its burst
pressure tagged in accordance with the design
10.1.2 The size and location of atmospheric relief requirements. The selected burst pressure shall
devices should be based on the following criteria: take into account manufacturing tolerances.
• Relief device size and associated piping should Under no circumstances shall the burst pressure
be selected to prevent pressure in ACC from plus all associated tolerances exceed the ACC
exceeding the ACC design pressure. design pressure.
• Relief devices should be located and installed
so they are accessible for inspection and repair. 10.3.3 The total installed rupture disc capacity
The protective devices need not be directly shall be sufficient to relieve the maximum ACC
installed on the ACC but may be installed on steam flow at or below the ACC design pressure.
the steam turbine exhaust hood, provided they
are properly sized. 1 0.3.4 The following equation may be used to
• Exhaust from all relief devices must be properly estimate the size of the rupture disc based on
vented by the purchaser to avoid injury to dry and saturated steam:
personnel or damage to equipment.

10.2 Vacuum Breaker Valves

10.2.1 Valves shall be designed for full vacuum

service. A water seal may be required of ample Where,
depth around the valve disc to ensure proper An = Minimum required flow area, in2
sealing of the seat with provision for adequate W5 = Discharge flow rate, lb/hr
fill and drainage. K4 = Flow coefficient, use value of 0.6 2
PA = Relieving pressure, psi a
10.2.2 The following table represents the
suggested vacuum breaker sizes for ACCs. This 10.3.5 If the required rupture disc diameter
methodology considers breaking full vacuum to exceeds 30", then multiple rupture discs of equal
atmospheric pressure (0.0 bara to 1.013 hara) in size shall be utilized.
six minutes. Purchaser shall confirm scope and
sizing criteria. 1 0.3.6 Rupture discs are usually located on the
Table 8 ACC main duct or distribution header. Location
for ease of replacement as well as personnel
protection and the avoidance of accidental disc
damage should be considered.
Total Steam-Side I Vacuum Breaker Size. 1n
Volume, ft'
0 to 1 0,000 4 1 0.3.7 Rupture discs shall be designed to
operate satisfactorily and without leakage under
1 0,000 to 23,000 6
full vacuum.
23,000 to 39,000 8
39,000 to 62,000 10
62,000 to 88,000 12
88,000 to 1 08,000 14
1 08,000 to 145,000 16

1 1. 1 Leakage Testing 1 1 .2.1 Supplemental non-destructive

examination (i.e., dye-penetrant, magnetic
1 1.1.1 A pneumatic leak test is performed to particle testing, radiography, etc.) is typically
verify the leak tightness of the fin tube bundles, not required.
steam distribution headers, and miscellaneous
piping. Typically, testing of the main steam duct 1 1.2.2 The welding shall be performed using
is optional for multi-row ACCs. When the main welders and written weld procedures, which
steam duct is tested, the main steam duct and have been qualified in a manner comparable to
the tube bundle drain nozzles must be blanked; that defined in Section IX of the ASME Unfired
an engineered blanking plate must be used to Pressure Vessel Code.
blank the main steam duct. If the main steam
duct is also tested, the duct blanking plate 1 1.2.3 All welds shall be examined in the "as
is installed as close as possible to the steam welded" condition preceded only by normal
turbine exhaust interface. cleaning.

1 1.1.2 An air compressor is used to put the 1 1.2.4 Weld inspection methods and
system under pressure; a typical testing pressure equipment
is 4.35 psig ( 0.3 barg). The acceptance criterion • Personnel performing visual inspections shall
for the pressure test is to limit the air leakage be qualified to eye examinations in accordance
expressed in lb/hr.(kg/hr) to 25 % of the holding with ASME or AWS.
capacity of the air-removal system associated • All measuring equipment shall be maintained
with the tested section. The pressure and the and calibrated in accordance with the manufac­
temperature of the air inside the ACC should be turer's approved quality control manuals and
monitored on an hourly basis. The duration of procedures.
the test should be up to 24 hours or as required
to demonstrate leak tightness. 1 1.2.5 Weld Categories - The following
categories are established considering the
1 1.1.3 A temporary pressure-relief device service requirements of specific types of welds.
should be installed to prevent over-pressur­ These criteria apply to shop welds and to field
ization of the ACC. The capacity of the relief welds in the apparatus except for pipe welds
device shall be at least equal to the capacity of made to connection stubs.
the compressor utilized for the pressure test. • Category I includes pressure boundary welds:
During the pressure test, it is recommended to Those welds which provide a separation of
blank off the rupture disc to prevent accidental atmospheric pressure and ACC internal
activation. pressure.
• Category II includes structural welds: Those
11 .1.4 ACC structures are not designed to welds which are associated with the primary
withstand the loads associated with a hydrostatic support structure of the ACC, platforms,
test after installation. Therefore, hydrostatic stairways, ducting, vessels and piping.
testing shall not be performed. • Category III includes all other welds: Those
welds associated with dirt collars, vortex
1 1 .2 Inspection and Quality of Welding breakers, internal shielding, lagging, personnel
grating, ladder rungs, grab bars, instrument/
This section establishes minimum standards for accessory support, temporary erection and
visual inspection of ACC welds performed in the shipping members, nameplates/brackets, etc.
shop and field. The visual acceptance criteria are
developed using recognized codes and standards 1 1.2.6 Acceptance levels - Acceptance levels
such as ASME codes, ANSI standards, AWWA, for various types of welds in Categories I, II, and
and AWS as a guide. More stringent requirements III are to be identified by the equipment supplier
may be specified by the purchaser and will take with ASME used as a guide for Cat�gory I and
precedence. AWS for Category II.

1 1 .3 Surface Preparation Requirements surfaces need not be removed. Pre-cleaned
material such as pre-blasted plates may be
1 1.3.1 General requirements - Surfaces painted prior to fabrication. All accessible
shall be prepared by the manufacturer to assure paint scars and blemishes shall be retouched
that the equipment will be acceptable from the prior to shipment. It must be recognized
following aspects: that some touch-up will be required after
unloading or installation.
1 Surfaces to be coated (painted
or galvanized) will be suitably free from 1 1 .3.2 General Requirements
deleterious materials that may affect the
adhesion of the coatings. 1 1 .3.2.l Table 9 contains the recommended
acceptable preparations for various areas
1 In any case, the sutface preparation and components of the ACC. Each area
shall meet the requirements of the coating is evaluated on the basis of preparation
system to be utilized. required for coatings as well as the ultimate
destination of the contained fluids and any
1 Loose scale, weld spatter, or other particles that may be carried with the flow.
materials shall be removed by suitable
methods. 1 1 .3.2.2 The requirements as written
apply to the preparation of components and
1 1 .3.1.4 Surfaces will have a workmanlike assemblies as built in the manufacturer's
appearance and freedom from scars and facilities. Final assembly of the apparatus
protrusions that could cause bodily injury. by the erection contractor should meet the
applicable sections of Table 9.
1 1 .3.1.5 The preparations required by this
section may be performed at any time in 1 The purchaser should assure that
the manufacturing cycle.Rust that develops parts of the components supplied by other
during manufacture shall be removed prior than the condenser manufacturer, but
to painting if it would be detrimental to which are connected to or installed in the
the paint application. Rust on non-painted condenser, are prepared in similar fashion.

Table 9

Characteristic I Bundles I Ducting I Tanks I P1p1ng I Auxiliary Equipment

Per Manufacturer's standard Per the applicable welding procedure Per Manufacturer's
Weld Surfaces standard
Internal surface per SSPC-SP2 or Per Manufacturer's
General Surface Per Manufacturer's standard better
Condition External surface per SSPC-SP6 standard

Minor tube indentations and

fin deformation is acceptable. Depth to be the smaller of Per Manufacturer's
Indentations Tube indentions should not 0.2*thickness or 1 /8" (3mm)
compromise the pressure standard
Residual Weld Max. height = 1 /8" (3mm); Dress Per Manufacturer's
Metal and Per Manufacturer's standard as necessary to assure good paint
coverage standard
Arc Strikes Remove all Arc Strikes

Remove spatter per SSPC-SP2 or better Per Manufacturer's

Weld Spatter standard

Remove spatter per SSPC-SP2 or better Per Manufacturer's

Mill Scale standard
General Condition Loose dirt, particles, excessive rust, oils, and general contaminants shall be removed by brushing, air
of Components or blowing, and/or water to produce a workmanlike appearance. (per SSPC-2)

1 1 .3.3 Special Requirements - The require­ 1 1 .5 Quality Assurance
ments of this section represent good practices
recommended by the ACC manufacturer, the The manufacturer shall have a Quality Assurance
paint/coating manufacturers, applicators and, program for ACCs. This program shall be outlined
in general, meet the intent of specifications in a Quality Assurance manual, which will be
by engineering firms, owners, and purchasers available to the purchaser and his representatives
of this equipment. However, there may be upon request. The system shall provide for control
exceptions requiring special preparation. of quality in both the manufacturer's plant and
There are two basic groups of special require­ that of any subcontractor fabricating parts. Field
ments. Quality Assurance is the responsibility of the
purchaser and/or installing contractor. The party
1 1 .3.3.1 Purchaser-specified requirements responsible for the field installation should have
- If the purchaser or his agent desire any a quality assurance program comparable to that
preparation more stringent (i.e., abrasive of the ACC manufacturer. Review of this quality
blasting) than this Standard, it must assurance program shall be the responsibility of
be clearly stated in the procurement the purchaser.
The Quality Assurance program shall provide for
1 Manufacturer-specified require­ assurance of compliance with, but not limited to,
ments - The manufacturer may at any the manufacturer's and HEI Standards, which
time prepare the equipment in a manner provide as a minimum:
superior to the requirements of Table 9. • Project controls (i.e., engineer, procurement,
This improvement is discretionary and installation)
could be done to suit the manufacturer's • Material controls
economic evaluation and/or his processing • Fabrication controls
equipment and schedules. As a minimum, • Quality control
the manufacturer is required to provide • Document control
preparation as dictated by the require­ • System for audit of control of procedures
ments of the painting or coating process.
1 1.6 Erection Advisor Duties
1 1 .4 Painting, Coating and
Corrosion Protection The manufacturer may provide the services of an
erection advisor to counsel the purchaser in the
1 1 .4.1 External surfaces of carbon steel ACC proper installation of the ACC and accessories in
components (steel structure, ducting, piping accordance with the erection drawings and instal­
and vessels) are to be cleaned and either hot lation procedures.
dip galvanized or painted with one coat of
primer. Touch-up of the primer and application In the event of any conflict between the manufac­
of the finish paint are performed after final field turer's requirements and site practice, the erection
installation by the purchaser. advisor will bring such conflicts to the attention of
the purchaser's designated representative.
1 1 .4.2 Internal ACC surfaces do not require
primer, paint, or rust inhibitors for normal The erection advisor shall not be responsible for
shipment and storage. Oxidation of these the following:
surfaces is acceptable and is to be expected. Any • The supervision of the erection crew
internal surface preparation activities should • Fit-up and weld quality
use ferrous materials that are silica free. • Lifting and rigging plans
• The health and safety of the erection crew
1 1 .4.3 Mechanical equipment shall be provided • The schedule of erection and work progress
with the manufacturer's standard factory finish.
1 1.7 Erection Cleanliness
1 1 .4.4 These Standards do not cover the
application of any coatings. All such applica­ 1 1 .7.1 Due to the relatively large internal
tions shall be done to the requirements of the volume and confined spaces within an ACC,
applicable process. it is important that the erection contractor
exercises a heightened level of housekeeping
effort. As ACC row sections are completed,

the erection contractor shall inspect the upper This is not detrimental to the performance of the
steam headers and remove all construction ACC and is removed during the hot commission­
debris (i.e., tools, weld rods, slag, tool boxes, ing phase.
lights, etc.) so that it does not enter the fin tubes
or other areas. 1 1 .7.5 External debris and construction materials
must be removed from all surfaces of the ACC
11.7.2 The erection contractor shall sequence prior to the start of the cold commissioning
the installation of the ACC to provide opportu­ process. This includes but is not limited to the
nities to remove any debris prior to closure. following:
A practical approach to clean the interior of • Heat transfer surfaces
the ACC from the top to the bottom shall be • Walkways and platforms
followed. In particular, the condensate headers • Mechanical equipment (fans, motors, etc.)
shall remain open for cleanout·until the steam • Fan guards and cable trays
headers are completely installed and cleaned.
11.8 Post-Erection Walkdown
11.7.3 Other ACC components (steam ducting,
drain pot, condensate tank, and piping systems) Upon completion of the erection activities, it is
shall be cleared of debris and broom cleaned recommended that a representative from the ACC
as each component is installed or prior to final manufacturer and the purchaser (or purchaser's agent)
closure. perform a post-erection walkdown. The following
activities shall be performed:
11.7.4 Appropriate cleanouts or means of • Visually inspect all installed ACC components
collecting debris within the condensate drain • Review inspection and testing records associated
system shall be provided for during the hot with the erection activities
commissioning phase by the commissioning • Review and modify punch list items as required
contractor. It is very common to have surface
rust form on the internal surfaces of the carbon
steel materials (i.e., ducting, piping, tubes, etc.).


12.1 Cold Commissioning

• Verify proper lubrication of all
Typical cold commissioning or "dry run" activities rotating equipment
are completed after construction. Normal prerequi­ • Calibrate instruments and perform
sites include that the field pressure test is complete functional check
and successful, punch list items are satisfied, all • Megger all motors
electrical and instrumentation connections are • Remove blanking plate(s) and install
completed, and power is available to fan motors and rupture disk(s)
other electrical components. • Remove shipping braces from all
expansion joints
12.1.1 Typical pre-start inspections include but
are not limited to the following: Proceed with the cold commission
12.1 .1.1 Confirm that the erection activities per the ACC manufacturer's O&M
cleanliness requirements as described in manual, which include but may not be
section 1 1. 7 are met. limited to:
• Bump motors and check fan
12.1 .1.2 Confirm that pre-operational • Perform fan run test and adjust vibration
checks of all mechanical equipment have switches and gearbox flow/pressure
been performed in accordance with the switches, as necessary
ACC manufacturer's O&M manual, which • Adjust fan blade pitch as necessary
include but may not be limited to: • Note any unusual vibrations (record
• Confirm gearbox oil type and level if necessary) and noises from rotating
• Install gearbox breathers equipment

• Test valve function (stroke valve and set Once steam cleaning has been completed, the
or adjust limit switches as necessary ACC is ready for normal operation and the
• Perform vacuum equipment functional following hot commissioning activities should be
test conducted:
• Commissioning of ACC Electrical System • Verify pressure control at DCS and tune a s
• Commissioning of ACC Instrumentation necessary, verify valve control.
and Control systems • Verify air removal system operation.
• Heat Tracing Functional Check • Verify freeze protection functions (subject t o
• Grounding System Functional Check ambient temperature conditions).
• Check and record the non-condensable gas
12.2 Hot Commissioning temperatures, condensate temperatures and
fin tube bundle temperatures.
12.2.1 Hot commissioning activities can • Perform a vacuum decay test of the system
commence once steam becomes available. It and check for ACC system leaks, as necessary.
is recommended that all cold commissioning
activities be successfully completed. 12.3 Duties of Commissioning Advisor

12.2.2 The ACC manufacturer's O&M Manual 1 2.3.1 The manufacturer may provide the
shall be used in conjunction with the following services of a commissioning advisor to counsel
checklist for reference. the purchaser in the proper commissioning and
initial operation of the ACC and accessories in
12.2.3 Commissioning activities for equipment accordance with the ACC manufacturer's O&M
· supplied by others are not the responsibility manual.
of the ACC manufacturer. Some typical hot
commissioning activities include: 12.3.2 In the event of any conflict between the
• Conduct internal steam cleaning of the ACC manufacturer's requirements and site practice,
until the purchaser's water chemistry require­ the commissioning advisor will bring such
ments are met. The purchaser shall provide conflicts to the attention of the purchaser's
and install temporary provisions to collect, designated representative.
condition or dispose of the initial condensate.
• During the steam cleaning, inspect steam 12.3.3 The commissioning advisor shall not be
duct, heat exchanger, and piping movements responsible for the following:
to confirm free expansion. • The supervision of the commissioning crew or
plant operators.
• Installation or removal of temporary
components required during the cold or hot
• The schedule of commissioning and work

1 Manufacturer:
2 Customer I Project Name:
3 Location:

• • •"''
4 Customer Ref: Date:
5 Manufacturer Ref: Revision:
6 Steam-side Air-side
7 Steam flow rate: lb/hr Total air mass flow: Ibis
8 Non-condensable flow rate: lb/hr Temperature in / out: F
9 Turbine exhaust pressure: "HQ(A) Bundle face velocity: ft/s
10 Inlet enthalpy: Btu/lb Fan static pressure: "H,O
11 Steam quality: Airflow per fan: cfm
12 Temperature in / out F Total motor input power: kW
13 Barometric pressure: p·si(a)
14 Heat Transfer Data

15 Heat transfer rate: Btu/hr ft' F Ex1ended surface: ft'
16 Heat duty: MMBtu/hr LMTD: F
17 Bundle face area: ft' Bare tube surface: ft'
18 Bundle Design Data
19 Design pressure: psi(g) Design temperature: F

. .
Test pressure:

Plot area, W x L:

ft X ft
Number of tube rows:
22 Overall height: ft first stage tube length: ft
23 Cell arranoement: rows x (cells/row) second staoe tube length: ft
24 Number of cells: 1"1 2"' stage Tube dimensions: in x in
25 Cell size, W x L: ft x ft Tube pitch: in
26 Main dud length: ft Tube wall thickness: in
27 Main dud diameter: in Tube material:
28 Duct corrosion allowance: in Fin material:
29 Distribution header diameter: in Fin dimensions: in x in
30 Bundles per cell: Fin thickness / fpi: in / -
31 Tubes per bundle:
32 Fans
33 Fans per cell: Diameter: ft
34 Speed: I RPM Number of blades:
35 Hub material: Blade material:
36 Fan shaft power: hp SPL @ 3' dBA
37 Motors
38 Type: Number per cell:
39 Soeed: I RPM Enclosure type:
40 Motor rating: hp Volts / Phase / Cycle:
41 Speed Reducers
42 Type: Number per cell:
43 Reduction ratio: AGMA service factor:
44 Condensate Tank
45 Wall thickness: in Volume: gal
46 Normal level: in Normal level capacity: ft3
47 Max level: in Max level capacity: ft'
48 Dimensions (diameter x length): ft Corrosion allowance: in
49 Miscellaneous Equipment
50 Vacuum system type: HoldinQ steam use: lb/hr
51 HoldinQ capacity: SCFM Hogging steam use: lb/hr
52 Hog time to 1 0" HgA: min Turbine expansion joint type:
53 Motive steam pressure / T: psi(Q) / F
54 Weights
55 Empty weight: lbs I Operating weight: lbs
56 Notes:

1 Manufacturer:
2 Customer / Project Name:
3 Location:
4 Customer Ref: Date:
11 ·
Manufacturer Ref:
e1n, 1•r•1a

7 Steam flow rate: T/hr Total air mass flow: kg/s
8 Non-condensable flow rate: T/hr Temperature in / out: C
9 Turbine exhaust pressure: bar(A) Bundle face velocitv: mis
10 Inlet enthalpy: kJ/kg Fan static pressure: Pa
11 Steam quality: Airflow per fan: m3/s
12 Temperature in / out: C Total motor input power: kW
13 Barometric pressure: bar(a)
14 Heat Transfer Data
15 Heat transfer rate: W/m2 C Extended surface: m'
16 Heat dutv: MW LMTD: C
17 Bundle face area: M2 Bare tube surface: m2
18 Bundle Design Data
19 Design pressure: bar(g) Design temperature: C
20 Test pressure: bar(g)

Plot area, W x L: mxm Number of tube rows:
22 Overall height: m first stage tube length: m
23 Cell arrangement: rows x (cells/row) second stage tube length: m
24 Number of cells: 1"/ 2"" stage Tube dimensions: mm x mm
25 Cell size, w X L : mxm Tube pitch: mm
26 Main duct length: m Tube wall thickness: mm
27 Main duct diameter: mm Tube material:
28 Duct corrosion allowance: mm Fin material:
29 Distribution header diameter: mm Fin dimensions: mm x mm
30 Bundles per cell: Fin thickness / fpm: mm/ -
31 Tubes oer bundle:
32 Fans
33 Fans per cell: Diameter: m
34 Speed: RPM Number of blades:
35 Hub material: Blade material:
36 Fan shaft power: kW SPL @ 1 m d BA
37 Motors
38 Type: Number per cell:
39 Speed: RPM Enclosure tvpe:
40 Motor rating: kW Volts / Phase / Cvcie:
41 Soeed Reducers
42 Type: Number per cell:
43 Reduction ratio: AGMA service factor:
44 C ondensate Tank
45 Wall thickness: mm Volume: ml
46 Normal level: mm Normal level capacity: ml
47 Max level: mm Max level capacitv: ml
48 Dimensions (diameter x lenath): m Corrosion allowance: mm
49 Miscellaneous Equipment
50 Vacuum svstem tvoe: Holdina steam use: kg/hr
51 Holdina capacitv: m3/hr Hnooina steam use: kg/hr
52 Hog time to 0.34 bar(A): min Turbine expansion joint type:
53 Motive steam pressure / T: bar(g) / C
54 Weights
55 Empty weight: T Operating weight: T
56 Notes:


Area 1 m' = 1 550.0 in'

= 1 0.7639 ft'
Heat transfer rate 1W = 3.4123 Btu/h
Heat flux 1 W/m2 = 0.3171 Btu/h•fl'
Heat transfer coefficient 1 W/m2•K = 0.1 7612 Btu/h•ft'•F
Enthalpy 1 kJ/kg = 0.42995 Btu/lb,.
Length 1 m = 39.3701 in.
= 3.2808 ft
Mass 1 kg = 2.2046 lb,.
Mass density 1 kg/m' = 0.062428 lb.,/ft3
Mass flow rate 1 kg/s = 7936.6 lb,./h
Pressure and stress 1 Pa = 1 .4504 x 1 0-' lb/in .2
= 1 .0197 x 10·5 ala

= 1 .0197 x 1 0·5 kg/cm'

= 4.0 1 5 x 1 0-3 in. water

= 2.953 X 1 0-' in. Hg
1 .01 33 X 1 0• Pa = 1 standard atmosphere
1 X 1 05 Pa = 1 bar
Specific heat 1 kJ/kg•K = 0.23886 Btu/lb,.•F
Temperature 1 K = (5/9)•R
= (5/9)•(F+459.67)
= C+273. 1 5
Temperature difference 1 K = 1C
= (9/5)•R = (9/5)•F
Volume 1 m3 = 35.314 ftl
= 264.1 7 gal
Volume flow rate 1 m3/s = 2.1 1 89 x 1 0' ft'lmin
= 1 .5850 x 104 gal/min
Velocity 1 mis = 1 96.85 ft/min
Power 1 kW = 1 .341 hp
Fouling factor 1 m2•K/\/V = 5.678 h·ft'•F/Btu
Normal atmospheric pressure 101 ,325 Pa


This troubleshooting guide has been prepared to assist operators of air cooled condensers. The guide provides
general guidance, and operators are advised to consult with the manufacturer when necessary for specific
instructions regarding their equipment. Many of the items listed below are not in the scope of the condenser
manufacturer; however, these items do affect operation and must be considered by operators.

Expansion joint failure Replace or repair expansion joint

LP Turbine Check all LP turbine seals
Weld failure Locate weld failure and repair
Tube leak Locate and repair
Leaks from vent or drain connections Check all potential sources connected to vacuum

Instrumentation Check all instrumentation connections to vacuum

Manhole or blind flange gaskets Repair gasket seating surface
Condensate Corrosion products or weld slag in condenser Check· and clean condensate headers. deaerator
Chemistry trays and condensa:e tank
(High Conduct1v1ty)

Incoming drains Check drain sources
False Instrument Instruments out of calibration Check calibration
Damaged instruments Repair or replace as necessary
Improper installation Check manufactures recommendations including
valve manifold and pigtail requirements
Incorrect range Check process requirements and correct as
Isolated instrument connection Check connection


High Absolute Back

I Air in-leakage I See air in-leakage section

Excessive air-side fouling Clean external heat transfer surface

Air blanketing within the fin tube bundles Consult equipment operations manual on
recommended purging actions
Hot air recirculation Consult OEM supplier for recommended solutions
for plant specific arrangements
Hot air ingestion into ACC air inlet from outside sources Remove, shield or redirect hOt air effluent away
from the ACC's air inlet
High winds Consult OEM supplier for recommended solutions
for plant specific arrangements
Condensate holdup within ACC Clean debris that may be obstructing condensate
drainage (i.e., strainers, DA spray valves, etc.)
Control logic set pressure too high Reduce set pressure
False instrument readings See False Instrumentation Reading section
Air-moving system failure Consult O&M manual or OEM supplier
Vacuum equipment failure See HEI Vacuum Equipment Troubleshooting
H,gh Dissolved o, m
Condensate I A,r In-Leakage

High dissolved 02 in process or plant drains

I See A,r In-Leakage section

Check return stream sources

Vacuum equipment failure See HEI Vacuum Equipment Troubleshooting
Air blanketing within the fin tubes causing condensate to Consult equipment operations manual on
subcool recommended purging actions

Consult HEI design standards
Local Overheating Operating conditions exceeding design parameters Check for proper dcsuperheatmg of dra,n

Re-evaluate Internal dispersion design
Low Hotwell Make up to condensate tank exceeding design Check and adJust make up flow
Temperatures parameters
Operation off design/low load operation Expected at low load/low back pressure. Possibly

alleviated with steam sparging 1n condensate tank
Tube failures
I Frozen tubes

Tube inlet erosion

Repiace or repair tubes and consult OEM for
revised operating conditions to avoid freezing
Consult OEM for repair techniques and approved
methods for shielding

Repair or replace as required

Maintenance or construction damage
High V1brallon of Fan imbalance Check fan balance in accordance with O&M
A1r-Mov1ng System manual
Check for broken/cracked blades
Check for ice on fan blades
Lost fan blade Replace according lo O&M manual
Excessive air-side fouling Clean fin tube bundles





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