Handbook SSP Audit NKK
Handbook SSP Audit NKK
Handbook SSP Audit NKK
For any questions about this “Handbook” please do not hesitate to contact the Safety Management
Systems Department of the Society (ClassNK) Head Office.
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
2. Abbreviations of terms........................................................................................................ 3
5. Certificates .......................................................................................................................... 4
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
1. Introduction
This Handbook for Ship Security System Audit (For Non-Japanese Ships) has been revised as
the eleventh version, owing to the change of the procedure concerning handling an amendment
to SSP to which an approval is not required.
2. Abbreviations of terms
ISPS Code: International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
(Formal name: The International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facility)
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
“Ship Security Officer (SSO)” means the person on board the ship, accountable to the master,
designated by the Company as responsible for the security of the ship, including implementation
and maintenance of the ship security plan and for liaison with the Company security officer and
port facility security officers. It was agreed at IMO that nothing would prevent the master
from being appointed as an SSO.
Since 1 July 2009, it is required a “Certificate of proficiency” for SSO issued by the
Administration in accordance with STCW Reg. VI/5.
“Company Security Officer (CSO)” means the person designated by the Company for ensuring
that a ship security assessment is carried out; that a ship security plan is developed, submitted
for approval, and thereafter implemented and maintained and for liaison with port facility
security officers and ship security officer.
5. Certificates
5.1.1 ISSC
An ISSC is issued to a ship which holds a Ship Security Plan (SSP) approved by the Flag State
or by the Society or other Recognized Security Organization (RSO) on behalf of the Flag State,
upon successful completion of an Initial Audit.
The validity of ISSC issued after the Initial Audit shall be five years from the last date of the
Audit subject to execution of an Intermediate Audit. The validity of an ISSC issued after the
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
Renewal Audit shall be five years from the next day after the expiry date of existing ISSC when
the Renewal Audit is completed within three months before the expiry date of existing ISSC;
but when the Renewal Audit is completed more than three months before the expiry date of old
ISSC, the new ISSC shall be valid from the date of completion of Renewal Audit for a period of
five years.
The original of ISSC shall be kept on board the ship and a copy of the ISSC shall be kept by the
The expiry date of the ISSC may be harmonized to the expiry date on Safety Management
Certificate (SMC) of the ship at the request of the Company.
Some flag Administrations, e.g., Panama, Belgium, Netherlands Antilles, St Vincent &
Grenadines, etc., have not granted authorization for the issuance of ISSC. Therefore, if the
ship is registered in such flags please approach flag Administration for the issuance of ISSCs.
Moreover, the flag Administration of Belgium and Netherlands Antilles have not granted the
authorization to issue a short term ISSC to ClassNK. With regard to Commonwealth of
Dominica, while the Society is authorized to carry out initial audits and to issue a short term
ISSC (full term ISSC is issued by the Administration), the Society is not authorized to carry out
an audit for the issuance of an Interim ISSC. Therefore, please apply for the audit to the flag
Administration. With regard to Japanese ships, as it is indicated in the Rule and the Handbook
applicable to the Japanese ships, ClassNK is not authorized to issue any form of certificate,
while ClassNK is authorized to carry out audits. Please contact the Japanese Government for
the issuance of certificates.
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
6. Type of Ship Security System Audit and Timing for conduct of the Audit
Types of Audit include the following:
Initial Audit: Audit to issue an ISSC to a ship for the first time
Renewal Audit: Audit to renew the ISSC within not more than 5 years as defined by the
Flag State.
Intermediate Audit: Audit to be conducted between the 2nd and 3rd anniversary date*.
Additional Audit: Includes the following Audits:
a. Additional Audit for issuing Interim ISSC.
b. Additional Audit to lift any non-compliance.
c. Additional Audit to be conducted after re-approval of an SSP.
d. Additional Audit other than the above.
・Name/Flag/Particular change
・SSAS related (replacement, repair or modification)
* Anniversary date means the day and month of each year that corresponds to the
date of expiry of the ISSC.
Initial, Renewal or Intermediate Audit may be carried out in conjunction with an ISM Audit.
However, execution of Ship Security Audit and Safety Management Audits shall not be
conducted concurrently but must be conducted separately, one after the other.
Applications will be accepted only for those ships that are flying the Flag of States which
have given authorization to the Society to act on their behalf as an RSO. Please confirm
these Flag States on the home page of the Society or by contacting your nearest NK office.
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
Also please submit the following documents when these are not included in the SSP.
.1 Procedure and organization chart of the Company that specify the responsibility
and authority of the Company Security Officer (CSO) and other shore-based
personnel relating to the ship security.
.2 Declaration of the Company stating that Company shall give necessary assistance
to the CSO and master of ship to achieve their duties relating to the ship security.
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
require re-approval. Please re-submit the SSP to the local offices of the Society for
re-approval. Also please be noted that a Revision list should be updated at any amendments
to the SSP. As for the SSP re-approval for Japanese Flag ships, please submit Applications
to the local offices of the Society located in Japan. In case of amendment not related to
ISPS Code A/9.4.1 - A/9.4.18, or approval of such amendments are waived by the flag
Administration, a formal approval procedure is not necessary to, however, it is necessary
notify ClassNK of such amendment made to the SSP. The Society will approve as Initial
approval for the amendments made to the SSP which is not approved by this Society.
(Note 3)
Same as the initial approval, an SSA report, including On-scene security survey shall be
included in the report for the SSA submitted for the approval of the amendment accordingly.
(B) Notification of the amendments to the SSP to which approval is not required.
(Amendment not related to ISPS Code A/9.4.1 - A/9.4.18, or approval of such amendments
are waived by the flag Administration)
Please submit the following documents when the Application for approval of amendments to
the approved SSP is made.
.1 Application form (MS-APPLI) 1 copy
.2 Cover page of the SSP (If amended) 2 copies
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
Please be advised that companies which wish to obtain re-approval of editorial correction,
please submit the relevant documents specified in to above to the Safety
Management Systems Department or the local offices of the Society. Please be noted that
as for the editorial correction, there should be no alteration in the cover, revision list and
contents of the SSP. If any alteration in such pages is found, we shall treat the case in
accordance with 7.1.2 above.
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
7.3 Application for the taking-over of the ISSC issued by the other IACS
7.3.1 If a company requests taking-over of the ISSC from the other IACS member society
(hereunder referred to as "Loosing Society"), please submit an application to the Society at the earliest
possible opportunity together with the following document. It will take, at least, one week to
complete the procedure. On the application form, please indicate as TC in large letters. Please be
advised there is no "taking-over" scheme for an Interim ISSC.
.1 Copy of ISSC, and copy of latest DOC and SMC issued by the Loosing Society
.2 Records of final Audit conducted by the Loosing Society.
.3 A copy of a document certifying approval of the SSP
7.3.2 It is not possible to accept a request for taking-over an ISSC for the following cases:
.1 when ISSC is not valid
.2 when change of flag is intended simultaneously
.3 when change of management company is intended simultaneously
.4 when an Initial Audit is not yet carried out after the approval of SSP by the Loosing
.5 when the SSP is not yet approved after submission to the Loosing Society for
.6 when an application is made to the Loosing Society for an audit but the audit is not
yet carried out
.7 when corrective action is not yet completed after a failure is pointed out by the
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
Loosing Society.
7.3.3 The Society will contact the Loosing Society in order to obtain records of audit in the past.
7.3.4 The audit for taking-over is to be carried out as an Additional Audit with a scope and degree
equivalent to an Intermediate Audit. However, if it is carried out at the audit window for an
intermediate or for a renewal audit, an applicable audit is to be carried out.
7.3.5 The Society will issue a new Full Term ISSC, taking-over the previous due date of the
certificate. If the full term ISSC is issued by the flag Administration, the existing ISSC will remain
valid, unless there is a change on the ISSC.
8.1.1 The Auditor shall visit the ship from the Branch or Overseas Office of the Society nearest to
the port where the ship is to undergo the Audit, (hereunder referred to as Branch Office in
charge). The Auditor shall conduct the security Audit along with the Audit Program,
informed to the ship beforehand, that includes an interview with the master, SSO, specific
security personnel (if nominated), verification of records and checking of the security
measures of the ship.
8.1.2 When a non-compliance in security measures or malfunction in the security system is found
during the Initial or Renewal Audit, ISSC shall not be issued.
8.1.3 When a failure in security measures or security system is found during the Intermediate or
the Additional Audit, the Auditor shall request correction of the failure. If corrective action
is not taken immediately, the Auditor shall request the Company to submit a proposed
remedial action plan and proposed alternative measures to such failure. Then, if the
Auditor finds the plan is appropriate, he/she shall issue a “Statement of Approved Remedial
Action Plan” together with the “Statement of Non-Compliance”.
8.1.4 When a Statement of Non-Compliance is set out in the Audit, the ship is requested to
undergo “Additional Audit to clear the Non-Compliance” after removing the cause of
Non-Compliance. Please pay attention that the ISSC becomes invalid if the
Non-Compliance is not lifted by the agreed date.
8.1.5 As attendants to the Audit, please nominate shore side personnel or shipboard personnel who
are conversant with the SSP, including the master or SSO.
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
8.1.6 Prior to an initial verification audit, please conduct at least one security related drill onboard.
If not, an auditor will require a drill during an initial audit.
8.1.7 As for the internal audits and review of SSP implementation, they must be carried out once a
year at least, and the record of such activities must be kept onboard.
8.1.8 As for the copies of the audit records issued by the Society upon completion of the audits,
they must be kept, at least 5 years both onboard and in the company.
8.1.9 Please ensure that, as the copies of the audit records are considered as highly classified
documents, they must be protected against unauthorized access or careless disclosure
8.2.1 An Audit for Issuing Interim ISSC shall be conducted by the Auditor from the Branch Office
in charge to verify the following items, provided that the ship is fully manned in accordance
with the Safe Manning Certificate. Please note that an Interim ISSC shall only be issued
when all of the following items have been verified. Please be noted that where it is not
possible to verify compliance with the SSP due to not enough implementation period, an
Audit for Issuing Interim ISSC will be conducted even when a SSP is approved.
.1 shipboard personnel who has security duty are familiar with the duty and the
responsibilities given in the SSP,
.2 SSO is given appropriate training and kept a “Certificate of proficiency” issued by
the Administration in accordance with STCW Reg. VI/5
.3 a copy of an SSP meeting the requirements of SOLAS XI-2 and part A of ISPS
Code A/9.4.1 - A/9.4.18 is available on board, has been submitted for review and
approval to the flag Administration or its RSO, or has been approved by the flag
Administration or its RSO, and is being implemented on the ship. The evidence
showing that the SSP has been submitted to a Flag Administration or it’s RSO for
approval is to be submitted when an application is made (such remark is available
in the Questionnaire (MS-QSA));
.4 applicable national requirements are incorporated into the SSP;
.5 at least one security related drill given in the SSP has been either carried out or
planned by the SSO/CSO before the ship’s departure;
.6 security equipment given in the SSP has been incorporated into the ship security
system and has been maintained accordingly
.7 all security and surveillance system given in the SSP are operational and are
meeting objectives;
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
8.2.2 In addition, the Auditor shall verify that a copy of valid DOC (including Interim DOC) is
placed onboard the ship in addition to the valid SMC (including Interim SMC).
8.5.3 Additional audit for verification of the installation of the Ship Security Alert System
Please refer to 8.6.2 below.
8.5.4 Additional Audit due to flag change shall be carried out subject to the following conditions:
a) the new flag administration shall have no specific instruction to turn over the previous
certification including the expiry date of previous certificate) subject to conducting an
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)
additional audit.
b) the SSP (including the amendments) shall be completed under the new flag.
c) the ship shall meet the specified requirements provided by the new flag.
With regard to other Additional Audits please inquire at the nearest Branch Office or Head
Office of the Society.
8.6 Verification of the installation of Ship Security Alert System at Initial, Periodical and
Additional Audit.
8.6.1 For the verification after installation of Ship Security Alert System (SSAS), a report is to be
prepared onboard the ship by an approved radio technician certifying successful completion
of testing in order to verify compliance with the requirement SOLAS Reg. XI-2/6 paragraph
2 to 4 (Note 4). However, in case of Self-Contained SSAS (referred as "SSAS-SC"
hereunder - see Note 5), such a report can be prepared by an SSO after relevant testing.
4 The ship security alert system activation points shall be designed so as to prevent the
inadvertent initiation of the ship security alert.
8.6.2 At the initial verification of the SSAS installation, the following items will be verified:
.1 a description on the SSAS is incorporated into the SSP onboard.
.2 verify the report prepared in accordance with paragraph 8.6.1 above.
.3 attending transmission testing
.4 verify the requirement as per ISPS Code A/9.4.17 & A/9.4.18
8.6.3 At the subsequent periodical audit, (Initial, Intermediate & Renewal Audit), the following
Handbook for Ship Security Systems Audit(Ver.13)