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MCS-Magnum Version 17 Manual

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Magnum HVAC Version 17

Rev. 2.3.5 - REV-2021-06-02

5580 Enterprise Pkwy. View Changes made since
Fort Myers, FL 33905 last Version Release,
see page 2
Office: 239-694-0089
Fax: 239-694-0031


Magnum / Compressor
Control States
BMS Protocols, Set Points,
Alarms & Safeties
MCS Total
for all your
Needs Energy Efficient and
RoHS Compliant
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

HVAC Manual additions / changes since last revision:

Rev. 2.3.3 - edition of the HVAC Manual contains a number of updates and additions since the last HVAC manual
release 2.3.1.

1. Chapter 17 - Setpoint Functions

a. Voltage Sensor Input - Unbalanced Volts - How to setup

2. Chapter 32 - Change descriptions for setpoints 218 - 222

3. Chapter 8 - Compressor Control States


b. 8.42. EMERGENCY STOP RELAY - CIRCUIT BASE - Firmware Ver. 18.01Y

4. Chapter 8 - Section - 8.43

Screw Compressor Oil Boost based on Load and Time

The MCS Commitment is to provide practical solutions for the industries

needs and to be both a leader and partner in the effective use of
microprocessor controls.

Micro Control Systems, Inc.

5580 Enterprise Parkway
Fort Myers, Florida 33905
PH:(239) 694-0089 FAX:(239) 694-0031

All information contained within this document is considered to be proprietary information of Micro Control Systems, Inc.
No information or data from this document shall be published, used, reproduced, transmitted, or disclosed to others outside your
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remains proprietary by your employees, agents, and other personnel that may have access to this document.
Copyright ©2021
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Table of Contents
Chapter - 1. Introduction to the Magnum  ........................................................................................12
About the Magnum...................................................................................................................................................12
Magnum Hardware Supported by Magnum V17 Software.......................................................................................12
Magnum V17 Software Control Point Capacity........................................................................................................12
Chapter - 2. PC Software for the Magnum  ......................................................................................13
2.1. MCS-Config ................................................................................................................................................13
2.2. MCS-CONNECT .........................................................................................................................................14
2.2.1 HVAC STATUS Display (MCS-Connect)...............................................................................................14
2.3. Authorization Function ................................................................................................................................17
Chapter - 3. MCS-MAGNUM-N and Expansion Boards  ..............................................................19
3.1. MCS-Magnum Revision 9.1 (revised to 10.4, see next pages)...................................................................19
3.2. MCS-SI16-A04- Version 1.3........................................................................................................................21
3.3. MCS-RO10 - Version 1.2.............................................................................................................................21
3.4. MCS-Magnum-N-12 Revision 10.4..............................................................................................................22
3.4.1 Optional Single Output Power Supply...................................................................................................22
3.5. MCS-IO-BASE and MCS-IO-EXT................................................................................................................23
3.6. MCS-RO-BASE and MCS-RO-EXT............................................................................................................26
3.7. MCS-SI-BASE and MCS-SI-EXT................................................................................................................27
Chapter - 4. MCS-MAGNUM DISPLAYS  ..............................................................................................28
4.1. MCS- MAGNUM KEYPAD - Keys and their functions.................................................................................28
4.1.1 Magnum Keypad and Display...............................................................................................................29 Menu Screen............................................................................................................................29 Introduction to Status Screens.................................................................................................29 Unit Status................................................................................................................................29 Unit Tonnage and KW Information...........................................................................................29 Purge Status Screen (only if Purge cycles are active).............................................................30 Compressor status...................................................................................................................30 Compressor status (only CENT)..............................................................................................30 EXV status...............................................................................................................................30
4.3. MCS TOUCHSCREENS..............................................................................................................................31
4.2. MCS-CONNECT and your Touchscreen.....................................................................................................32
Chapter - 5. NETWORK CONNECTIONS  ...........................................................................................33
5.1. MCS 485 Network.......................................................................................................................................33
5.2. ETHERNET.................................................................................................................................................34
5.2.1 RJ45 using a Crossover Ethernet Cable...............................................................................................34
5.3. Remote using Ethernet................................................................................................................................35
Chapter - 6. Magnum Control States  .................................................................................................36
6.1. UNIT IN POWER UP (0)..............................................................................................................................36
6.2. NO RUN- I/O LOST (2)................................................................................................................................36
6.3. UNIT IN LOCKOUT (3)................................................................................................................................36
6.4. UNIT IS OFF (4)..........................................................................................................................................36
6.5. UNIT IS HOLDING (5).................................................................................................................................36
6.6. UNIT UNLOADING (6) Only HVAC software...............................................................................................37
6.7. UNIT IS LOADING (7) Only HVAC software................................................................................................37
6.8. OFF-SMOKE ALARM (8).............................................................................................................................37
6.9. RUN/STOP SW OFF (9)..............................................................................................................................37
6.10. SCHEDULED OFF (10)...............................................................................................................................37
6.11. OFF- NO FLOW (11)...................................................................................................................................37
6.12. AMBIENT OFF (13).....................................................................................................................................37
6.13. UNIT IS UNLOADED (15)...........................................................................................................................37
6.14. UNIT IS LOADED (16).................................................................................................................................38

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

6.15. OFF TMP-ICE MADE (17)...........................................................................................................................38

6.16. ECONOMIZER ONLY (18)..........................................................................................................................38
6.17. SWITCHING MODES (19)..........................................................................................................................38
6.18. UNIT SMOKE UNLDG (20).........................................................................................................................38
6.19. UNIT OFF UNLDING (21)...........................................................................................................................38
6.20. UNIT DMD UNLDING (22)..........................................................................................................................38
6.21. UNIT HEAT UNLDING (23).........................................................................................................................38
6.22. UNLDING RUN CMP (24) Only with HVAC Software with TurboCor..........................................................39
6.23. OPENING BYP VLV (25) Only with HVAC Software with TurboCor............................................................39
6.24. CMP RAMPING UP (26) Only with HVAC Software with TurboCor............................................................39
6.25. CLOSING BYP VLV (27) Only with HVAC Software with TurboCor............................................................39
6.26. FACTORY STARTUP (28) Only with HVAC Software ................................................................................39
6.27. MAXIMUM RUN TIME (29) Only with HVAC Software ...............................................................................39
6.28. ESTABLISHING COM (34) Only with HAVC Software................................................................................39
6.29. RS-STARTING COMP (35) Only with HVAC Software ...............................................................................39
6.30. RS-LOADING (36) Only with HVAC Software ............................................................................................39
6.31. RS-HOLDING (37) Only with HVAC Software ............................................................................................39
6.32. UNIT IS OFF/TEMP (38) ............................................................................................................................39
Chapter - 7. Heat Recovery Logic  .......................................................................................................40
7.1. Theory of Heat Recovery:............................................................................................................................40
7.2. General Description for MCS-Magnum Heat Recovery:..............................................................................40
7.3. Unit Type – Heat Recovery..........................................................................................................................40
7.4. Heating and Cooling Control Sensors.........................................................................................................41
Chapter - 8. Compressor Control States (number)  .....................................................................42
8.1. LOST IO LOCKED.......................................................................................................................................42
8.2. CMP LOCKED OUT....................................................................................................................................42
8.3. SWITCHED OFF.........................................................................................................................................42
8.4. UNLD and PMPDWN..................................................................................................................................42
8.5. CMP ANTICYCE..........................................................................................................................................42
8.6. CMP OFF/READY ......................................................................................................................................42
8.7. OIL PMP LUBING .......................................................................................................................................42
8.8. NOT USED..................................................................................................................................................43
8.9. CMP UNLOADED........................................................................................................................................43
8.10. CMP UNLD STEP1 Only HVAC Software...................................................................................................43
8.11. CMP UNLD STEP2 Only HVAC Software...................................................................................................43
8.12. CMP IS HOLDING.......................................................................................................................................44
8.13. CMP IS LOADING Only HVAC Software.....................................................................................................44
8.14. CMP IS UNLDING Only HVAC Software.....................................................................................................44
8.15. CMP IS RUNNING......................................................................................................................................44
8.16. FAST UNLOADING.....................................................................................................................................44
8.17. LO SUCT UNLOAD.....................................................................................................................................44
8.18. LO SUCT HOLD..........................................................................................................................................44
8.19. HI DISC UNLOAD.......................................................................................................................................45
8.20. HI DISC HOLD............................................................................................................................................45
8.21. SAFETY TRIPPED......................................................................................................................................45
8.22. LO TMP UNLOAD.......................................................................................................................................45
8.23. LO TMP HOLD............................................................................................................................................45
8.24. HI AMP HOLD.............................................................................................................................................45
8.25. HI DIS TMP HLD.........................................................................................................................................45
8.26. CMP IS AT 40% Only HVAC Software.........................................................................................................45
8.27. CMP IS AT 70% Only HVAC Software.........................................................................................................46
8.28. HI WATER HOLD........................................................................................................................................46
8.29. EXTRA 70% STEP Only HVAC Software....................................................................................................46
8.30. OFF-LO OIL TMP........................................................................................................................................46
8.31. HI AMP UNLDING.......................................................................................................................................46
8.32. DEF PREPMP OUT Only HVAC Software..................................................................................................46

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

8.33. DEFROSTING (32) Only HVAC Software...................................................................................................46

8.34. DEF PUMP DOWN Only HVAC Software...................................................................................................46
8.35. HI TEMP UNLOAD Only with HVAC Software............................................................................................46
8.36. HI TEMP HOLD Only with HVAC Software.................................................................................................46
8.37. SCROLL STEP 1 Only with HVAC Software...............................................................................................46
8.38. SCROLL STEP 2 Only with HVAC Software...............................................................................................46
8.39. SCROLL STEP 3 Only with HVAC Software...............................................................................................47
8.40. SCROLL STEP 4 Only with HVAC Software...............................................................................................47
8.41. UNLOAD DELAY- RECIP/VFD COMPRESSORS.......................................................................................47
8.42. EMERGENCY STOP RELAY - CIRCUIT BASE..........................................................................................48
8.43. Screw Compressor Oil Boost based on Load and Time..............................................................................48
Chapter - 9. SHARED VFD  ........................................................................................................................49
9.1. Compressor Modes.....................................................................................................................................49
9.1.1 Compressor Modes...............................................................................................................................49
9.1.2 Compressor Startup/Loading Sequence...............................................................................................49
9.1.3 VFD Fault/Emergency Mode.................................................................................................................50
Chapter - 10. Standard Control Options  .............................................................................................51
10.1. General Options..........................................................................................................................................51
10.2. Magnum Control Zone Logic.......................................................................................................................51
10.3. Common Definitions....................................................................................................................................51
10.3.1 Target....................................................................................................................................................51
10.3.2 Control Zone..........................................................................................................................................51 Control Sensor.........................................................................................................................51 Control Input Rate of Change..................................................................................................52 Step Delay and Sensitivity.......................................................................................................52 Last step Temperature On........................................................................................................52 Low temperature off.................................................................................................................52
10.4. Voltage Step Control Logic..........................................................................................................................52
10.5. Variable Capacity Control Method...............................................................................................................53
10.5.1 Screw Compressor with slide piston.....................................................................................................53
10.5.2 Compressor with a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).............................................................................53
10.5.3 Example of a system with 3 variable Step Compressors......................................................................53
10.6. Compressor Types......................................................................................................................................54
10.7. Compressor Setup and Options..................................................................................................................54
10.7.1 Compressor Information setup..............................................................................................................54
10.7.2 For additional fine tuning, four setpoints have been added to provide flexibility:..................................55
10.8. Compressor Setup and Options..................................................................................................................55
10.8.1 General Information...............................................................................................................................55
10.8.2 Compressor Information setup..............................................................................................................56
10.8.3 Circuit Base setup.................................................................................................................................56
10.8.4 Modbus Fault Sensors..........................................................................................................................57
10.9. Relay Output Information Screen setup......................................................................................................58
10.10. Special Pattern for Scroll Compressors.......................................................................................................58
10.10.1 The following is a sample of the four-compressor setup:......................................................................59
10.10.2 Pattern of the four-compressor setup:...................................................................................................59
10.10.3 The three-compressor type will be setup as follows:.............................................................................59
10.10.4 Pattern of the three-compressor setup:.................................................................................................60
10.10.5 Safeties are the same for both compressor types.................................................................................60
10.11. Compressor Auto Rotation..........................................................................................................................61
10.12. Expanded Compressor Rotation to Check for Maximum Run Time............................................................61
10.13. Run Hour Lockout........................................................................................................................................62
10.14. Custom Rotation..........................................................................................................................................62
10.15. Compressor Anti-Cycle Logic......................................................................................................................63
10.16. Part Wind and Star Delta Starters...............................................................................................................63
10.17. Full Load Amp (FLA) calculation and slide positioning................................................................................64
10.18. Chiller Barrel Heater....................................................................................................................................64

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

10.19. Hot Gas Bypass...........................................................................................................................................64

10.20. Chilled Water Reset.....................................................................................................................................64
10.21. Turbocor Chillers - New Options:.................................................................................................................65
10.21.1 Balancing  Valve Control :.....................................................................................................................65
10.21.2 Stage valve control:...............................................................................................................................65
Chapter - 11. Oil Control Options  ...........................................................................................................66
11.1. Oil Equalization Option ...............................................................................................................................66
11.2. Liquid Injection Option.................................................................................................................................66
11.3. Oil Cooler Option.........................................................................................................................................66
11.4. Oil Pump Control Option..............................................................................................................................66
11.5. Oil Differential Calculation...........................................................................................................................67
11.6. On/Off Switches...........................................................................................................................................67
11.7. MCS-Magnum Oil Recovery Logic Tandem Variable Speed & Fix Speed Scroll comps.............................67
11.7.1 Purpose:................................................................................................................................................67
11.7.2 Requirements:.......................................................................................................................................67
11.8. Primary/Secondary Tandem Scroll Option:..................................................................................................69
11.8.1 Oil Recovery Logic:...............................................................................................................................69
11.8.2 Balance Mode:......................................................................................................................................69
11.8.3 Boost Mode:..........................................................................................................................................69
11.9. Setpoint #139 Low Oil Level safety.............................................................................................................69
11.9.1 Setpoint Descriptions Only....................................................................................................................70
11.10. Low Suction Unloading and Holding............................................................................................................70
11.11. High Discharge Pressure Unloading and Holding.......................................................................................70
11.12. High Discharge Temperature Unloading and Holding.................................................................................71
11.13. High Ampere Unloading and Holding..........................................................................................................71
11.14. Low Water Temperature Unloading and Holding.........................................................................................71
11.15. Energy Efficient Compressor Staging..........................................................................................................72
11.16. Chilled Water Pump Control........................................................................................................................72
11.16.1 Special Rotation for Chiller Pump Rotation...........................................................................................72
11.16.2 Special Rotation For Process Pumps Rotation.....................................................................................73
11.17. Process Pump (Heat Exchanger) Control...................................................................................................73
11.18. Control Power Relay (No Stop)...................................................................................................................74
11.19. Low and High Ambient Shutdown................................................................................................................74
11.20. Imperial, Metric, and Combined Unit sensor readings.................................................................................74
11.21. Warning and Alarm Relay Outputs..............................................................................................................75
11.22. Vi Port Control Logic (Open Drive Screw only)...........................................................................................75
11.23. Operating Schedules...................................................................................................................................75
11.24. Mod-Motor Limit Control for Flooded Chiller................................................................................................75
11.25. Hot Gas Reheat (Humidity) Control.............................................................................................................76
11.26. Extra Liquid Line Solenoid Control..............................................................................................................77
11.27. Outside Air Economizer/Fluid Cooler with Analog.......................................................................................77
11.27.1 Output Control.......................................................................................................................................77
11.27.2 Economizer Set up................................................................................................................................77
11.27.3 Sequence of Operation.........................................................................................................................78
11.27.4 Outside Air Supply Economizer.............................................................................................................79
11.27.5 Mechanical Cooling Enabled.................................................................................................................79
11.27.6 Example: Fluid Cooler with VFD condenser fan....................................................................................79
The economizer AO has been selected and there are no separate economizer fans. .....................................79
11.27.7 Example: Fluid Cooler with condenser compressor fans......................................................................80
11.28. High Suction Superheat Safety...................................................................................................................82
11.29. Low Temperature Safety and Unload (Low Saturated Suction Temperature).............................................82
Chapter - 12. Using Lookup Tables  .......................................................................................................83
12.1. Lookup tables used with MCS-MAGNUM controls......................................................................................83
12.1.1 Setting up a Lookup table using MCS-CONFIG....................................................................................83
12.1.2 Setting up Lookup table #1 - see screen 3 below:................................................................................84
12.1.3 Viewing the Lookup Table in MCS-Connect.........................................................................................85

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02 Using as Control Temperature Sensor.....................................................................................85

Chapter - 13. Ice Making Capabilities  .................................................................................................86
13.1. HVAC/R unit using the cooling target reset.................................................................................................86
13.1.1 Target (SP #1) Reset Sensor.................................................................................................................86
13.1.2 Reset Sensor Type ‘Target Reset’.........................................................................................................86
13.1.3 Reset Sensor Type ‘Network Target Reset’...........................................................................................86
13.2. Ice Making Mode .......................................................................................................................................87
13.2.1 Terminating of ice making mode............................................................................................................87
13.3. System as a pure ice making unit, Turbo Ice Machine................................................................................87
13.3.1 The # Liquid Line Solenoids..................................................................................................................87
13.3.2 Required set points for defrost cycles..................................................................................................88
13.4. Turbo Ice Machine Operation.....................................................................................................................88
Chapter - 14. VFD Controlled Screw Compressors  .......................................................................90
14.1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................90
14.2. STARTUP CONTROL..................................................................................................................................90
14.3. OPERATING CONTROL.............................................................................................................................90
14.4. COMPRESSOR LOADING / UNLOADING.................................................................................................90
14.5. COMPRESSOR SHUTDOWN....................................................................................................................90
14.6. Screw Compressor with VFD......................................................................................................................91
Chapter - 15. Rapid Start  ...........................................................................................................................93
15.1. Purpose of Change......................................................................................................................................93
15.2. Existing Config Parameters.........................................................................................................................93
15.3. New Config Parameters..............................................................................................................................93
15.4. Calculated Values........................................................................................................................................94
15.5. Logic Requirements.....................................................................................................................................94
15.6. Modification to Magnum Status Screen.......................................................................................................94
Chapter - 16. Relay Output Sequences  ...............................................................................................96
16.1. Reciprocating Compressors (Recip Comp w/Oil) and (Recip Comp w/o Oil)..............................................96
16.2. Screw Compressor with Oil (Screw Comp w/Oil)........................................................................................96
16.3. Reciprocating Compressors (Recip Comp w/Oil) and (Recip Comp w/o Oil)..............................................97
16.4. Screw Compressor with Oil (Screw Comp w/Oil)........................................................................................97
16.5. Scroll Compressor (Scroll Comp)................................................................................................................98
16.6. Hitachi Screw Compressor (Hitachi Screw Comp)......................................................................................98
16.7. Carlyle Screw (Carlyle Screw).....................................................................................................................99
16.8. Hanbell Screw Compressor, McQuay Frame 4 Compressor, Bitzer Screw Compressor, Hartford Screw
Compressor, and Fu Sheng Compressor (McQuay Frame 4), (Fu Sheng), (Hanbell-Load NO), (Bitzer Screw
Comp), (Hartford Screw Comp), and (Hanbell-Load NC).........................................................................................99
16.9. Hanbell-3 Solenoid (Hanbell-3 Solenoid [50-100%]).................................................................................100
16.10. Hanbell Fixed Step (Hanbell Step)............................................................................................................100
16.11. Mitsubishi Screw (Mitsubishi Screw).........................................................................................................101
16.12. Trane Scroll with 3 Compressor Sets (Trane Trio)....................................................................................101
16.13. Trane Scroll with 4 Compressor Sets (Trane Quad)..................................................................................102
Chapter - 17. Setpoint Functions  .........................................................................................................103
17.1. Voltage Sensor Input.................................................................................................................................103
17.1.1 Set up the sensor type........................................................................................................................103
17.1.2 UNBALANCED Voltage Setpoint.........................................................................................................104
17.2. Motor Amps...............................................................................................................................................104
17.2.1 Add an Amp Imbalance Safety Test to the existing Amp Safeties.......................................................104
17.3. Custom display description of circuit.........................................................................................................105
17.4. User Logic RO Delay Before Off...............................................................................................................105
17.5. Additional Information Messages..............................................................................................................105
17.6. Pump Rotation...........................................................................................................................................105
17.7. Process Pump Addition and Rotation........................................................................................................105
17.8. MOP Control Option to EXV Logic............................................................................................................105
17.9. Delta Temperature Evaporator..................................................................................................................105

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

17.10. Condenser Low Ambient...........................................................................................................................105

17.11. New Pressure Sensor Supported..............................................................................................................105
17.12. Centrifugal Vane Control...........................................................................................................................105
17.13. External Centrifugal Purge Control............................................................................................................105
17.14. MCS Touch Screens Interface...................................................................................................................105
17.15. Sensor Averaging......................................................................................................................................105
17.16. Virtual Points Separated From Real Points...............................................................................................106
17.17. MDP to EXV Control Logic........................................................................................................................106
17.18. Low Discharge Superheat Adjustment to EXV Logic.................................................................................106
17.19. Normal Condenser Discharge Control Bypass..........................................................................................106
17.20. Test for Voltage Out of Balance.................................................................................................................106
17.21. Expanded Testing of Low and High Off.....................................................................................................106
17.22. Expanded Compressor Rotation to Check for Maximum Run Time..........................................................106
17.23. New Option to test for Low Superheat on Suction or Discharge PSI........................................................107
17.24. New Large Character Screen Displaying Control Information...................................................................107
17.25. Circuit Amp Value added to Circuit Status Screen....................................................................................107
17.26. Low Discharge Superheat Test to Economizer..........................................................................................107
17.27. Tonnage and KW Information....................................................................................................................107
17.27.1 KW Sensors........................................................................................................................................107
17.27.2 Tonnage Sensors................................................................................................................................108
17.27.3 Configuring KW and Tonnage..............................................................................................................108
17.28. Oil Flow Safety..........................................................................................................................................110
17.29. RTC Access to User Logic.........................................................................................................................110
Chapter - 18. Condenser Control Logic  .............................................................................................111
No Condenser.................................................................................................................................................. 111
RO Step Common............................................................................................................................................ 111
RO Step Individual........................................................................................................................................... 111
RO Step Combined.......................................................................................................................................... 111
Modulating Common........................................................................................................................................ 111
Modulating Step Common............................................................................................................................... 111
Modulating Individual....................................................................................................................................... 111
RO Shared....................................................................................................................................................... 112
Dual V8............................................................................................................................................................ 112
Common VFD Fan with Bypass....................................................................................................................... 112
Modulating Step Common............................................................................................................................... 112
Evap Individual................................................................................................................................................. 112
Evap Common................................................................................................................................................ 112
RO Adaptive Bank– Air cooled Condenser Fan Control.................................................................................. 113
RO Adaptive Common – Air Cooled Condenser Fan Control.......................................................................... 113
PID MOD Individual......................................................................................................................................... 113
PID Step Common........................................................................................................................................... 113
18.1. Condenser Introduction.............................................................................................................................113
18.1.1 RO Step Condenser Cut In – Out Logic..............................................................................................113
18.1.2 RO Step Condenser with Variable Speed Fan....................................................................................114
18.1.3 Condenser Control..............................................................................................................................114 Common Terms......................................................................................................................114 Control Discharge Pressure Calculation................................................................................114 Condenser Reset...................................................................................................................116 Condenser Low Ambient........................................................................................................116 Condenser Related Setpoints................................................................................................117
18.2. CONDENSER TYPES ..............................................................................................................................117
18.2.1 No Condenser.....................................................................................................................................117
18.2.2 RO Step Common...............................................................................................................................117 RO Step Common with a Fan AO and Condenser Faults......................................................118
18.2.3 RO Step Individual..............................................................................................................................119
18.2.4 RO Step Combined ............................................................................................................................120
18.2.5 Modulating...........................................................................................................................................120
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02 Modulating Common..............................................................................................................120

18.2.6 Modulating Step Common...................................................................................................................122 Modulating Individual.............................................................................................................122
18.2.7 RO Shared..........................................................................................................................................123
18.2.8 Dual V8................................................................................................................................................123
18.2.9 Common VFD Fan w/Bypass..............................................................................................................123
18.2.10 Evaporative types of Condenser Control.............................................................................................125
18.2.11 RO Adaptive Bank– Air cooled Condenser Fan Control......................................................................126
18.2.12 RO Adaptive Common – Air Cooled Condenser Fan Control..............................................................127 Adaptive Condenser Control Setpoints..................................................................................127 Adaptive Control Logic...........................................................................................................128 Adaptive Rotation Logic.........................................................................................................128 Viewing on MCS-CONNECT and MCS-MAGNUM LCD KEYPAD.........................................128
18.2.13 PID MOD Individual.............................................................................................................................129
18.2.14 PID Step Common..............................................................................................................................130
18.3. PID CONTROL..........................................................................................................................................131
Chapter - 19. Electronic Expansion Valve Control  ......................................................................132
19.1. Electronic Expansion Valve Control Logic (EXV)......................................................................................132
19.1.1 EXV Control States.............................................................................................................................136
19.1.2 EXV Maximum Operating Pressure....................................................................................................137
19.1.3 Tandem EXV Setup.............................................................................................................................137
19.2. ‘Evaporator or Condenser Refrigerant Level Control................................................................................139 Minimum Refrigerant Level target (HVAC ONLY)..................................................................139 Evaporator Level Control.......................................................................................................139 Condenser Level Control.......................................................................................................139
19.2.1 EXV control methods for Step Loading Compressors.........................................................................139
Chapter - 20. Sub Cooler EXV Control Logic  ..................................................................................141
20.1. New Sensor Inputs ...................................................................................................................................141
20.2. New Analog Outputs .................................................................................................................................141
20.3. Existing Relay Outputs .............................................................................................................................141
20.4. Calculated Values......................................................................................................................................141
20.5. New Config Parameters............................................................................................................................142
20.6. Logic Requirements...................................................................................................................................142
Chapter - 21. EXV Control SSH, SSH2  ...............................................................................................144
21.1. Fast Suction Superheat (Fast SSH) .........................................................................................................144
21.2. Fast Suction Superheat 2 (Fast SSH2) ....................................................................................................144
21.3. Selecting Fast SSH or Fast SSH2 in MCS-Config....................................................................................144
21.4. Circuit Base ..............................................................................................................................................145
21.4.1 Selecting the ‘EXV Control’ tab you are prompted with the following:.................................................146
21.4.2 Selection Options................................................................................................................................146
21.4.3 Compressor EXV Results....................................................................................................................147
21.4.4 Subcooler EXV Results.......................................................................................................................147
21.4.5 MCS EXV Factory Default Set Point...................................................................................................148 Fast SSH2, Suction Superheat, Plate HX..............................................................................148 Fast SSH2, Suction Superheat, DX Coil................................................................................148 Fast SSH, Suction Superheat, DX Barrel...............................................................................148 Fast SSH2, Discharge Superheat, DX Barrel........................................................................148 Fast SSH, Suction Superheat, DX Barrel...............................................................................149 Suct Spht, Suction Superheat, DX Barrel..............................................................................149
21.5. Set Point Descriptions (Fast SSH & Fast SSH2).......................................................................................149
21.5.1 Set Point Adjustments.........................................................................................................................151
21.5.2 Low Suction Multiplier-SP 13 ..............................................................................................................151 Low Superheat Adjustment-SP 15 ........................................................................................151 EXV Startup Time-SP 20 .......................................................................................................151 EXV Compressor Start Delay-SP 20 .....................................................................................151 EXV Target & EXV Fast Zone-SP 9 ......................................................................................151
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

21.6. Fast SSH States .......................................................................................................................................152

21.6.1 FAST SSH2 State Format...................................................................................................................152
Chapter - 22. General Introduction to EXV PID  ............................................................................153
22.1. MCS PID REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................153
22.2. Calculations for the adjustment to EXV valve............................................................................................153
22.3. EXV PID Firmware ...................................................................................................................................153
22.4. MCS PID REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................154
22.5. Selecting PID in MCS-CONFIG.................................................................................................................154
22.6. Circuit Base...............................................................................................................................................154
22.7. Selecting the ‘EXV Control’ tab you are prompted with the following:.......................................................155
22.8. Selection Options......................................................................................................................................156
22.9. Compressor EXV Results..........................................................................................................................156
22.10. Set Point Descriptions (PID)......................................................................................................................157
22.11. PID Example Setpoint Defaults.................................................................................................................158
22.11.1 Subcooler EXV Results.......................................................................................................................159
22.12. EXV PID Ki Delay Timer and Ki Accumulator............................................................................................161
22.13. Logic to Determine which K Multipliers to Use..........................................................................................162 Switching to Fast K multipliers is based on:...........................................................................162 Switching to Slow K multipliers is based on: .........................................................................162
22.13.1 Rate of Change - Moving too Fast......................................................................................................163
22.13.2 Rate of Change - Moving Slow Enough..............................................................................................163
22.14. MCS-Connect Evaporator EXV PID Status...............................................................................................164
22.15. Allowing an Adjustments to the EXV Valve................................................................................................164
Chapter - 23. EXV Level Control using PID   ....................................................................................165
23.1. Setting up EXV Level Control....................................................................................................................165
23.1.1 Setting up EXV Level Control – User Defined.....................................................................................165
23.1.2 Circuit Base Setup...............................................................................................................................167
23.1.3 Setup using EXV CONTROL WIZARD................................................................................................167
23.1.4 Low Discharge Superheat EXV Target Adjust Logic...........................................................................168 The Low Discharge Superheat logic:.....................................................................................168
Chapter - 24. Analog Output Control using PID   ...........................................................................170
Chapter - 25. Network Protocols  .........................................................................................................172
25.1. Protocols MCS controllers support:...........................................................................................................172
25.2. MCS-MAGNUM USING RS-485...............................................................................................................173
25.3. MCS-MAGNUM USING ETHERNET........................................................................................................174
25.4. EXAMPLE NETWORK..............................................................................................................................175
25.4.1 Standalone MCS-Magnum..................................................................................................................175
25.4.2 MULTIPLE MCS-MAGNUM Industrial Control PanelS........................................................................176
25.5. MULTIPLE MCS-MAGNUM BMS RS485 WIRING DIAGRAM.................................................................177
Chapter - 26. MODBUS RTU  ....................................................................................................................178
26.1. Setup the Modbus from MCS-Config’s Magnum Setup Screen(see below):.............................................178
26.2. From MCS-Connect’s Service Window RS485 tab (see below):...............................................................179
26.3. From MCS-Magnum LCD/Keypad(see below):.........................................................................................179
26.4. In MCS-CONFIG you can see & print a list of the Modbus Registers (see below):...................................180
Chapter - 27. BMS Communication Protocols  ...............................................................................181
27.1. MCS-Magnum to BMS Connections .........................................................................................................181
27.2. Sensor Input Points...................................................................................................................................182
27.3. Relay Output Points...................................................................................................................................183
27.4. Setpoints....................................................................................................................................................184
27.5. Chiller/Compressor States.........................................................................................................................184
27.6. Chiller/Compressor Points.........................................................................................................................185
27.7. Unit Alarms................................................................................................................................................189
27.8. Compressor Alarms...................................................................................................................................190
27.9. Network inputs to MCS-Magnum...............................................................................................................196
27.10. MCS-MAGNUM BMS PROTOCOLS.........................................................................................................197
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

27.10.1 BACNET OVER IP PROTOCOL.........................................................................................................197

27.10.2 ETHERNET NETWORK PROTOCOL.................................................................................................197
27.10.3 MODBUS RTU PROTOCOL...............................................................................................................198
27.11. PROTOCOLS USING MCS-BMS-GATEWAY...........................................................................................198
27.11.1 MODBUS TCP/IP PROTOCOL...........................................................................................................198
27.12. PROTOCOLS USING MCS-BMS-GATEWAY...........................................................................................199
Chapter - 28. HVAC Unit and Compressor State Chart  .............................................................200
Chapter - 29. Reading Alarm Points For MCS-MAGNUM  ..........................................................202
29.1. Reading Alarm Points For MCS-MAGNUM...............................................................................................203
29.2. BMS ALARM TYPES.................................................................................................................................204
29.3. BMS Points Alarms Chart..........................................................................................................................214
Chapter - 30. Magnum Alarms and Safeties  ...................................................................................218
30.1. Information Only Alarms............................................................................................................................218
30.1.1 System Generated Alarms..................................................................................................................218
30.1.2 User Initiated Alarms...........................................................................................................................218
30.1.3 Automatic Alarms................................................................................................................................219
30.2. Magnum System Alarms............................................................................................................................219
30.2.1 Configuration Alarms...........................................................................................................................219
30.2.2 MCS Local Network Alarms.................................................................................................................219
30.2.3 Key Sensors Alarms............................................................................................................................219
30.2.4 Emergency Stop Alarm........................................................................................................................220
30.3. Setpoint safety alarms...............................................................................................................................220
30.3.1 Sensor Inputs Used With Magnum Setpoint Safeties:........................................................................220
30.3.2 Setpoint safeties..................................................................................................................................220
Voltage Sensor (08.00-R)..........................................................................................................................222
Motor Amps (08.00-R)............................................................................................................................................222
Add an Amp Imbalance Safety Test to the existing Amp Safeties.(17.35).......................................................222
30.4. TurboCor Compressor Alarms...................................................................................................................222
Chapter - 31. Troubleshooting Quick Reference  ..........................................................................225
Chapter - 32. Magnum Setpoints  ..........................................................................................................227
32.1. Setpoint Types...........................................................................................................................................228
32.1.1 SETPOINT...........................................................................................................................................228
32.1.2 LOCKOUT...........................................................................................................................................228
32.1.3 ALARM................................................................................................................................................228
32.1.4 Time.....................................................................................................................................................228
32.1.5 Target..................................................................................................................................................228
32.1.6 Delay...................................................................................................................................................228
32.2. Window/Safety extension .........................................................................................................................229
32.2.1 Time and seconds to ignore for setpoints............................................................................................229
32.3. Setpoints for Magnum HVAC.....................................................................................................................230

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 1. Introduction to the Magnum

About the Magnum
The Magnum controller is a microprocessor-based control system designed to provide complete control of many
different types of compressors of both fixed and variable capacity, as well as many additional features. Sup-
ported control options include multiple liquid line solenoids, electronic expansion valves (EXVs), liquid injec-
tion, economizer, hot gas bypass, variable frequency drives for compressors (VFDs), digital scrolls, and
many more.
Applications vary from control of a single compressor to complex multiple compressor systems.
In all applications, however, safety and operating efficiency is of primary importance.
The controller interface is made to be informative and meaningful, with built-in logic to prevent unsafe conditions from
occurring. This helps reduce or even completely eliminate nuisance alarms.

Magnum Industrial Control Panels

Industrial Control Panels are available configured with many different options including a Keypad or a 15.4
Touchscreen installed with MCS-CONNECT using graphics designed for your controller.
Control Panels are available in three sizes, Small Panel, Medium Large Panel and Large Panel. Standard Panels
are Nema rated Type 1 for inside installation and Nema rated Type 4 for installations for areas which may be
regularly hosed down or are in very wet or oily conditions. The control panel provides protection from dust, dirt,
oil and water.

Magnum Hardware Supported by Magnum V17 Software

The following MCS boards can be connected together through the MCS-I/O communications terminal block:
„„ MCS-Magnum (10 RO’s, 12 SI’s, 4 Digital SI’s, and 4 AO’s)
„„ MCS-RO-Base (10 RO’s) and MCS-RO-EXT (10 RO’s)
„„ MCS-SI-Base (16 SI and 4 AO) and MCS-SI-EXT (16 SI and 4 AO)
The versatility of the Magnum offers the user much flexibility in configuring the controls in an economical way. The limitation
is not the number of boards but the total number of set points.

HVAC V17–This software supports all types of compressors except centrifugal. It supports the configuration
type 106 Chiller V17 CFG, as well as 109 Loop Control CFG. If this software is loaded into a Magnum with a different
type of configuration file, an invalid configuration type message will be generated.
Magnum V17 Software Control Point Capacity
„„ Circuits (compressors) up to 20
„„ Steps per Compressor up to 4
„„ Relay Outputs up to 80
„„ Analog Outputs up to 28
„„ Sensor Inputs up to 112
„„ Setpoints 255
„„ Alarms 100

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 2. PC Software for the Magnum

2.1. MCS-Config
Provides the configuration file (.cfg), which includes the input/output points list, Setpoints, circuit information,
etc., for all versions of software. This program is designed to assist and make the task of building the con-
figuration file as simple as possible.
• Windows 7 or later operating system or
• Linux operating system
• Minimum 1GB of RAM
• Minimum 4GB Drive
• 14.4k baud modem or higher for remote
• Communications
• 1280 x 800 pixel or higher display


MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Provides both local and remote communications to the Magnum independent of software type. Local communications
can be either through an RS485 or Ethernet connection. This program displays the status of the controller, and changes
can be made to the system with proper authorization. Configuration files can be transmitted to or received from a
Magnum unit. The Magnum automatically performs history logging and this program allows the data to be presented in a
useful graph form.

2.2.1 HVAC STATUS Display (MCS-Connect)

Sensor Inputs


Unit Tabs


Analog Outputs
Unit Status

The screen shot above shows the following features:

■■ The top row of buttons provides function selection within MCS-Connect.
■■ The authorization level button is located in this row; it will automatically update to display the current
authorization level. The example above is at a factory level authorization.
■■ Just below the top row of buttons, there is a row of tabs. The first is the Site Information screen which
will show you details of all the Magnum controllers available to establish a connection, the remaining
tabs allow you to access to each one respectively.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

■■ There are four quadrants of information displayed for each Magnum controller, namely: Relay Outputs,
Analog Outputs, Sensor Inputs, and Unit Status (with six sub-menus of Status, Alarms, Setpoints,
Reset/Clear, Schedule, and Service). Note: these screens may not always be displayed in the same
position; MCS-Connect will automatically adjust the screen arrangement for optimum display information.
The status of the Capacity Control States, Compressor Control States and EXV Control States can be viewed
from MCS-Connect by clicking the “Status” screen in the Unit Status quadrant. The following screen will be

System (unit) information is shown in the top section:

■■ Capacity Control State–State of chiller
■■ Time–Time spent in current state. If the state is UNIT IN POWER UP time will count down to zero.
■■ Wanted / Actual–Number of capacity steps Wanted On versus Actual On.
■■ Step Delay – Value that is counted down. The sensitivity and difference between the control sensor and
control zone will determine the speed of the countdown. When this value reaches zero, the controller will
determine if a change in the system capacity is required.
■■ Wanted %–Wanted slide percentage.
■■ Rate Of Change – Rate of Change of control sensor.
■■ Control On–The control sensor value. The name and the reading will be displayed, with color to indicate
its relationship to the target Setpoint.
■■ Mode–The mode can be either COOLING or HEATING.

Compressor information (all active compressors will be displayed):

■■ State–Compressor number and state. The default Compressor number can be changed in MCS-Config
with a 3 character entry in the “Comp Name/ID” column of the Circuit Base screen.
■■ Time–Time spent in current state. If the state is CMP ANTICYCLE time will count down to zero.
■■ Oil Diff–Oil differential pressure. It is calculated as follows:
Semi hermetic screws....................................................Oil PSI–Suction PSI
OR.................................................................................Discharge PSI–Suction PSI
Open drive horizontal and Carlyle screw compressor...Oil PSI–Discharge PSI
Reciprocating compressors...........................................Oil PSI–Suction PSI
All Others.......................................................................Oil PSI–Discharge PSI
■■ FLA %–Full Load Amps based on the compressor’s respective Setpoint. For screw compressors this
calculation is based current operating conditions.
■■ Steps–Indicates number of steps associated with this compressor that are turned on.
■■ Lead?–YES will be displayed for the lead compressor.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Compressor Superheat information:

■■ Suction Temp–Compressor number and Suction Temperature, if available.

■■ Saturated Suction–Calculated Suction Saturated Temperature (R22, R134a, R407c, and R410a are supported).

■■ Suction Superheat–Calculated Suction Superheat, only available if both the Suction Temperature and
the Suction Pressure are used. Suction Superheat = Suction Temperature–Suction Saturated Temperature.

■■ Disc Temp–Discharge Temperature, if available.

■■ Saturated Discharge–Calculated Discharge Saturated Temperature (R22, R134a, R407c, and R410a are

■■ Disc Superheat–Discharge Superheat is available only if both the Discharge Temperature and the Discharge
Pressure are used. Discharge Superheat = Discharge Temperature–Discharge Saturated Temperature.

■■ Ref Type – Refrigerant type used.

■■ CTRL LIFT – Control Lift = Saturated Discharge Temperature–Saturated Suction Temperature (OR) Turbine
Input PSI (converted to temperature).

Compressor information (all active compressors will be displayed):

■■ State–Compressor number and state. The default Compressor number can be changed in MCS-Config
with a 3 character entry in the “Comp Name/ID” column of the Circuit Base screen.

■■ Time–Time spent in current state. If the state is CMP ANTICYCLE time will count down to zero.

■■ Oil Diff–Oil differential pressure. It is calculated as follows:

■■ Centrifugal compressors: Oil Pressure – Pre-oil Filter Pressure

■■ FLA %–Full Load Amps based on the compressor’s respective Setpoint.

■■ Steps–Indicates number of steps associated with this compressor that are turned on.

■■ Lead?–YES will be displayed for the lead compressor.

■■ Staging – This field will display “VANES” for centrifugal compressors

■■ Lift Temp – If an Inlet Pressure sensor is specified in the configuration, then this value will equal Saturated
Discharge Temperature – Inlet PSI (converted to temperature). If no Inlet Pressure sensor is present, this
value will equal Saturated Discharge Temperature–Saturated Suction Temperature.

■■ Lift ROC’s – Current lift Rate Of Change/ Last lift Rate Of Change

■■ Amp/Lift Surges – This field is a counter for the number of amp and lift surges respectively.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

2.3. Authorization Function

The authorization code is a special four-character code that enables access to the Magnum controller.
The code may consist of any valid alpha/numeric characters if the system is being accessed through
MCS-Connect, however, the code must be numeric with values between 1 and 8 if it is to be entered through
the Keypad/Display. Each Magnum can have up to 10 different authorization codes, with four levels of
authorization which provide differing levels of functionality. The authorization code and the associated level
cannot be viewed or changed through the Keypad/Display or MCS-Connect, but only when the configura-
tion file is opened in MCS-Config. The authorization codes should be protected and remain confidential, or
unauthorized personnel may gain access to the system and perhaps cause irreparable damage.

From the Keypad/Display the following changes can be made based upon the authorization level:


Sensor offsets NO NO YES YES YES YES
Sensor diagnostics NO NO YES YES YES YES
Clear alarm history NO NO NO NO NO YES
Clear point information NO NO NO NO NO YES
Date and time set NO YES YES YES YES YES
Day of week set NO YES YES YES YES YES
Change No Flow Lockout or shut down NO NO NO NO YES YES
Change rotate Yes or No NO NO NO NO YES YES
Change Manual/Auto settings NO NO NO YES YES YES
Change setpoint values NO * * * YES YES
Change operating schedules NO YES YES YES YES YES
Change holiday dates NO YES YES YES YES YES
Lockout Reset NO ** ** ** YES YES
*** Change RS485 network settings NO NO YES YES YES YES
Change Ethernet network settings NO NO YES YES YES YES
Adjust Keypad/Display contrast YES YES YES YES YES YES
Transmit Software NO NO YES YES YES YES
Transmit/Receive Configuration NO NO YES YES YES YES

* Setpoints may have individual authorization levels; you must have the proper authorization to view or edit
**See the Setup screen of the configuration for authorization level(s) that are allowed unlimited resets per
day. Authorization levels below ‘Auth Level Bypass’ are allowed only a limited number of resets. Authori-
zation levels at and above ‘Auth Level Bypass’ are allowed unlimited lockout resets.
***Firmware Version 17.62M, ‘Change RS485 network settings - SERVICE or greater.’
To get authorized through the Keypad/Display do the following:

1. Press ‘Menu’
2. Using  , , or  keys, move cursor to ‘Passwords’

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

3. Press  key.
4. Enter 4 digit password and press 
5. The authorization will be displayed.
6. Press ‘Menu’ to make next selection.
To get authorized through MCS-Connect do the following:

1. Click on desired Magnum in the Site Information screen.

2. Click button.

3. Enter the 4 digit code into the pop-up box and click ok (or press the enter key).

4. Depending on the authorization level, the button will change to one of the following displays, indicating if
the code was accepted or not.

View Only User Service Factory Supervisor

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 3. MCS-MAGNUM-N and Expansion Boards

3.1. MCS-Magnum Revision 9.1 (revised to 10.4, see next pages)

115-230vac-Selectable Power
Keypad 10 Relay Outputs Power
Display Input


4 Analog Outputs

Reset Button

4 Digital Outputs

12 Sensor Inputs
Power Green LED Light Communications
Controller Specifications

Dimensions...........................12.0”w, 8.0”h, 2.0”d Input Power (Standard).......... 115 or 230vac ±10% 50/60Hz
Mounting Holes....................Mounts on a backplane using ................................................ @ 77°F (25°C) ambient, 20VA max
eight #6 sheet metal screws (Voltage is field selectable)
Operating Temperature..........-40°F to +176°F (-40°C to MCS-I/O Comm Port............1 @ 38,400 baud
+80°C) RS-485 Comm Port..............1 @ 19,200 baud
Storage Temperature.............-40°F to +176°F (-40°C to Ethernet................................10/100 Mbps Ethernet
+80°C) Real Time Clock...................Battery backup
Microprocessor.....................Zilog eZ80 Acclaim! @ 50mhz Power Detection...................Automatic power fail reset
Sensor Inputs (SI)................12 inputs 0-5vdc (10-bit A/D)
Digital Inputs.........................4 inputs 0 or 5vdc only Options
Relay Outputs (RO)..............10 outputs 6.3amps @ -24 24vac input power ±10%
230vac 50/60Hz @ 77°F (25°C) ambient
Analog Outputs (AO)............4 outputs 0-10vdc
Printed Circuit Board............Six layer with separate power
and ground planes
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

REV. 9.1
 MCS-MAGNUM hardware has been modified and its new revision number is - 9.1

 Hardware modification - Ethernet PHY chip was replaced due to obsolescent of the old Ethernet PHY chip
by the manufacturer.




HVAC 07.03-V CENT 17.26-A or greater

REFR 07.03-V RTUM 17.26-A or greater
PAO 17.26-A or greater
V9: ACU 17.26-A or greater
HVAC 09.14-P
CENT 09.14-P
REFR 09.14-P
RTUM 09.14-P
PAO 09.14-P
ACU 09.14-P

HVAC 16.11-G
CENT 16.11-G
REFR 16.11-G
RTUM 16.11-G
PAO 16.11-G
ACU 16.11-G
HVAC 17.26-A or greater

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

3.2. MCS-SI16-A04- Version 1.3

The MCS-SI16-AO4 provides a flexible and cost effective way to allow sensor input and analog output
expansion for MCS MAGNUM and MicroMag controllers
Input Power (Standard) ..... 115 or 230vac ±10% 50/60Hz

Optional 24vac input power ±10% 50/60Hz

Sensor Inputs 1 through 8

Power Input Selectable Power

Address Jumper
Spare Fuse

Spare Fuse Sensor Inputs 9 through 16 Reset Button Communications

Analog Outputs

3.3. MCS-RO10 - Version 1.2

The MCS-RO10 provides a flexible and cost effective way to allow relay output expansion for MCS-MAGNUM
and 1MicroMag controllers.

Input Power (Standard) ..... 115 or 230vac ±10% 50/60Hz
Optional 24vac input power ±10% 50/60Hz

Relay Outputs 1 through 5 Power Input Selectable Power

Address Jumper
Spare Fuse

Relay Outputs 6 through 10 Reset Button Communications

Spare Fuse

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

3.4. MCS-Magnum-N-12 Revision 10.4

Input Power (Standard) +12vdc power in board from 95 - 265vac switching power supply

Keypad Display
10 Relay Outputs 12vac Power

4 Analog Outputs

Reset Button

4 Digital Outputs

12 Sensor Inputs Communications

Power Green LED Light

3.4.1 Optional Single Output Power Supply

90W 12VDC Enclosed Switching Power Supply

Input Voltage: 88 VAC to 264 VAC
Output Voltage: 12 VDC @ 7.5 Amps
Input Current: 3 A / 115 AC
1.6 A / 230AC
Output Rated Current: 7.5 A
Size: 2.76” x 3.54” x 2.14 (W*H*D) (70*90*54.5mm)

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02


The MCS-IO-BASE provides a flexible and cost effective way to allow relay output, sensor input and analog
output expansion for MCS MAGNUM-N-12.
Using a Single Output Power Supply the MCS-IO can be used with 115-230 or 24 volt MCS-MAGNUM-N or
MicroMag systems.
Using the stackable MCS-IO-EXT you can double the number of inputs and outputs in the same footprint in
your control panel or mounted to a backplane.
Photo below shows MCS-IO-BASE and MCS-IO-EXT mounted in a stackable array.


Dimensions.......................... 10.7”l, x 3.5”w, 2.50”h

MCS-IO-BASE..................... Mounts on a backplane using six #6 sheet metal screws
MCS-IO-EXT........................ Mounts on top of the MCS-IO-BASE on top of the MCS-IO-BASE by
5 nylon standoffs and 2 stackers headers (included on MCS-IO-BASE)
Operating Temperature........ -40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Operating Humidity............... 0-95% Non-Condensing
Storage Temperature........... -40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Sensor Inputs....................... 32 inputs 0-5vdc (total with MCS-IO-EXT)
Analog Output...................... 20 outputs 5amps @ 230VAC (total with MCS-IO-EXT)
Printed Circuit Board............ Four layer with separate power and ground planes
Input Power.......................... Powered by MCS-IO-BASE Power
Power Detection................... Automatic Power Fail Reset on MCS-IO-BASE

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Theory for settings one MCS-IO-BASE plus extension boards

1. Address settings for installing MCS-IO-BASE and MCS-IO-EXT expansion boards:

9 1

4 56

MCS-IO-Base - Set to #1
Mount a MCS-IO-EXT
address automatically
is assigned #2
9 1

4 56

MCS-RO-Base - Set to #3
Mount a MCS-RO-EXT
address automatically
is assigned #4


9 1

4 56

MCS-SI-Base - Set to #3
Mount a MCS-SI-EXT
address automatically
is assigned #4


MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Theory for settings two MCS-IO-BASE boards plus extension board

4. Address settings for installing MCS-IO-BASE and MCS-IO-EXT expansion boards:

9 1

4 56

MCS-IO-Base - Set to #1
Mount a MCS-IO-EXT
address automatically
is assigned #2

5. Adding second MCS-IO-BASE

9 1

4 56

MCS-IO-Base - Set to #3


MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02


The MCS-RO-BASE provides a flexible and cost effective way to allow relay output expansion for MCS
Using a Single Output Power Supply the MCS-RO can be used with 115-230 or 24 volt MCS-MAGNUM-N or
MicroMag systems.
Using the stackable MCS-RO-EXT you can double the number of inputs and outputs in the same footprint in
your control panel or mounted to a backplane.


Dimensions........................................9.5”l, 4.00”w, 2.50”h

MCS-RO-BASE..................................Mounts on a backplane using four #6 sheet metal screws
MCS-RO-EXT....................................Mounts on top of the MCS-RO-BASE by 4 nylon standoffs and a stacker
header (included on MCS-RO-BASE)
Operating Temperature......................-40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Operating Humidit...............................0-95% Non-Condensing
Storage Temperature.........................-40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Microprocessor..................................Microchip PIC16F883 @ 8mhz
Relay Outputs (RO)...........................20 outputs 5amps @ 230VAC (total with MCS-RO-EXT)
Printed Circuit Board..........................Four layer with separate power and ground planes
Input Power (Standard.......................12VDC input power ±10% @ 77°F (25°C) ambient, 12VA max
MCS-I/0 Comm Port...........................1 @ 38,400 Baud
Power Detection.................................Automatic power fail reset

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02


The MCS-SI-BASE provides a flexible and cost effective way to allow sensor input expansion for MCS
Using a Single Output Power Supply the MCS-SI can be used with 115-230 or 24 volt MCS-MAGNUM-N or
MicroMag systems.
Using the stackable MCS-SI-EXT you can double the number of inputs and outputs in the same footprint in
your control panel or mounted to a backplane.

Dimensions....................................... 8.7”l, x 2.50”w, x 2.50”h

MCS-SI-BASE........................................ Mounts on a backplane using four #6 sheet metal screws
MCS-SI-EXT........................................... Mounts on top of the MCS-SI-BASE by 4 nylon standoffs and stacker
headers (included on MCS-SI-BASE)
Operating Temperature..................... -40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Operating Humidity...............................0-95% Non-Condensing
Storage Temperature........................ -40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Sensor Inputs.................................... 32 inputs 0-5vdc
Analog Outputs ................................ 16 outputs 0-10vdc
Printed Circuit Board......................... Four layer with separate power and ground planes
Input Power....................................... Powered by MCS-SI-BASE Power
Power Detection................................ Automatic Power Fail - Reset on MCS-SI-BASE

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02


4.1. MCS- MAGNUM KEYPAD - Keys and their functions

• LCD DISPLAY - displays current condition of controller. Pressing the Menu key, displays the 10 available
Menu items.
• FUNCTION KEYS - F1, F2, F3 are used to Page Up and Page Down as shown
below, F2 - PG(page up), F3 - PG(page down). Function keys are also used when an numerical digit is
needed, F1 = 1, F2 = 2, F3 = 3.
• ARROW KEYS -  used to move between items on screen and also as numerical digits are needed.
• ENTER KEY  - used to accept highlighed item on screen and to move to next screen.
• MENU KEY - used to move to main menu, also used as numerical digit 8.


F1, F2, F3



Additional information on the use of the MCS-KEYPAD can be found in a presentation available
on our web site at:

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

The following is an examination of all the information screens that can be accessed through both the Magnum
keypad and MCS-Connect program.

4.1.1 Magnum Keypad and Display Menu Screen
The main menu is accessed by pressing the “Menu” key.

09:55 Main Menu HH:MM Main Menu

-Status -Setpoints -Control Status Display -Setpoint Display
-Outputs -Serv Tools -Relay and Analog Output Display -Service Tools Display
-Inputs -Lckout RST -Sensor Input Display -Lockout Reset Display
-Alarms -Lckout ALM -Alarm Display -Lockout Alarms Display
-Graphs -Passwords
-Graph Display -Password Display
Menu Navigation Help Screen Enlarged Control On Display Introduction to Status Screens

The current status of the unit and compressors is displayed by selecting the “Status” option from the “Menu”
screen. This following screen will be displayed. By pressing the PG  or PG  function keys you will get ad-
ditional information on each compressor. Unit Status



PG↑ PG↓ PAGE UP PAGE DOWN Unit Tonnage and KW Information

If tonnage/KW information is available the following screen is added to the status screens:
The above screen is based upon flow of 230 GPM and power factor (PF) of 1. All other values in the calcula-
110.0A 73.8K 0.15 Amps KW KW/TON with 2 decimals
388.0V 479T Voltage Tons

tion are displayed on the screen.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02 Purge Status Screen (only if Purge cycles are active)


09:55 PRG 1 45/54 HH:MM Purge Circuit LEV/ENT TMP

20F NORMAL 27mi Temperature of Safety Float Purge Run Time
suction line Status in last 24 hours
PG↑ PG↓ PAGE UP PAGE DOWN Compressor status



66P 190P 134P 0% Pressure Pressure Pressure Amp %
55F 177F ---- OK Temperature Temperature ---- Status



38 16.9 97 79.2 Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature

PG↑ PG↓ PAGE UP PAGE DOWN Compressor status (only CENT)



0.0A 0.0P 0c 45F Current Comp. Current Amp Lift Current Lift
0.0A 0.0P 0c 0.8F Amp R.O.C. Lift R.O.C. Count
PG↑ PG↓ Last Comp. Last Lift
Amp R.O.C. Lift R.O.C. Count Lift Ratio



27 60 12.2 0.0 Percent Delay To Temperature Rate Of
PG↑ PG↓ Next Change Change

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02


The MCS-TOUCHSCREENS were designed to simplify user access with the MCS-MAGNUM and MicroMag.
The Touchscreen is available in three sizes:
MCS-CONNECT can be utilized to provide both graphics and service mode access for technicians.
Information and graphics on the MCS-TOUCH are shown on high resolution (1280x800) LCD display with
LED back lighting, which guarantees long-life operation.
OEM’S using the MCS-GRAPHICS BUILDER* can customize the installation with multiple windows to monitor
all aspects of your chiller.

MCS also offers several different Industrial Control Panels to fit your installation
needs. This includes upgrading to a New Magnum Industrial Control Panel
which can hold the new Touch-15.4 screens.

Industrial Control Panels range in size from:

• Small Industrial Control Panel

• Medium Large Industrial Control Panel

• Large Industrial Control Panel

• Large Industrial Control Panel-NEMA4 - with 15.4 Touch which

offers the installer a choice for indoor or outdoor installation where
water or other harsh environments may exist.
• Remote 15.4 Panel with the Touchscreen is available with or with-
out NEMA4.


New Waterproof
Silicone Seal for areas
subject to weather, etc.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

4.2. MCS-CONNECT and your Touchscreen

MCS-CONNECT is installed on every MCS-TOUCHSCREEN. Its purpose is to provide both local and
remote communication for MCS Micro Controllers either by themselves or as part of a network.
MCS-CONNECT permits the user to monitor the status of the Micro Controller in real time and, with proper
authorization, changes can be made to the system. In as fast as 10 seconds configuration files can be
transmitted to or received from a MCS Micro Controller.
Another powerful feature of MCS-CONNECT is its ability to graph event history. Since MCS controllers au-
tomatically perform history logging, the user can select which inputs or outputs to graph and view the results
either in REAL TIME or over a user selectable period of time.

MCS-TOUCHSCREENS come standard with custom

display screens allowing users to acknowledge
alarms, change set points and force points on
selected screens. Transitioning from screen to
screen is fast and easy by tapping the touch
screen or using the stylus on the touchscreen.


The MCS-TOUCHSCREEN display continuously captures

data and provides trending capability for power and chiller
performance, and chilled and condenser water parameters
for precise energy management.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02


The next few pages show recommended network setups for communication to your controller using products from MCS.

5.1. MCS 485 Network

The MCS 485 Network can support up to 20 Magnums and their associated I/O boards. Access to this network can be
remotely through a 14.4K Baud modem. When using the dialup connection through a modem there is no degradation in
the performance of the network.
Each Magnum in the network must be assigned a unique address in the configuration file. This address will be the key
in establishing communications with the appropriate Magnum system. It can be viewed or changed from the LCD / key-
pad of the unit with Factory authorization.
RS485 transmissions should not exceed 1 mile without a repeater.






PC with

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

5.2.1 RJ45 using a Crossover Ethernet Cable
When connecting directly through the 10 MBPS Ethernet port on the Magnum from a PC it is necessary to
use a crossover Ethernet cable.

0$*180 0$*180 0$*180

$''5(66 $''5(66 $''5(66



:LQGRZV 0&6&211(&7


MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

5.3. Remote using Ethernet

When connecting directly through the 10 MBPS Ethernet port on the Magnum from a PC it is necessary to
use a crossover Ethernet cable to the MCS-WIRELESS MODEM.



C ab

MCS-WIRELESS MODEM is shipped from the factory

with the IP address configured for you.
Instructions on how to setup your PC to communicate
with the MCS-WIRELESS MODEM will be included.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 6. Magnum Control States

The Magnum controller is a state computer, that is, decisions are made based upon Set
points, timers and Sensor Inputs, the controller moves from one state to another. The controller
will change states to ensure the proper functioning of the chiller package.
As we review the various states, we must remember that a chiller package consists of a number of different parts or
functions: the compressors and their related items such as unloaders hot gas bypasses, etc.; evaporator; and condensing
Both the Capacity Control States and Compressor Control States are displayed in the Status screens on the Keypad Display.
To view the state of the chiller, select the Status option from the menu on the Keypad. You can then view the entire
status by using the page up / down function keys. The information can also be accessed through MCS-Connect under
status screen by clicking on the CONTROL STATUS button.
Unit Control States (number)
Note: All User Logic points can now access the Unit Control State. The value accessed is the number listed in parenthesis
in the following headings.
This state is entered when the Magnum is powered up or the system has been reset. The system will remain in this
state for the time specified in Setpoint #23 “POWER DELAY” or for 60 seconds if not active. In this state all Relay Outputs
are turned off. This time delay is to insure the microprocessor has stable power before starting the algorithm.
6.2. NO RUN- I/O LOST (2)
This state will be entered whenever the Magnum loses communications with any of the I/O boards that are connected
through the MCS I/O network. When this state is entered the Magnum will generate an MCS I/O offline alarm, which
identifies which I/O is offline and a lost I/O shutdown alarm which locks out the unit. Once locked out, if there are ten
consecutive successful I/O reads the Magnum will reset and attempt to run. When this occurs a “LOST I/O RESTART”
will be generated. Or, the lockout-reset key can be pressed to reset the Magnum, after the lost I/O has been corrected.
This will generate a “LOCKOUT RESET.” In this state all RO’s except ALARM and OIL HEATER are turned OFF.
This state is entered whenever a critical situation is encountered that could cause harm to the chiller package. Items
such as freeze protect and emergency stop will force the system into this state. Lockouts can be reset without authorization
from the keypad or MCS-Connect program; however if the lockout condition has not been corrected, the system will
again be forced into the LOCKOUT state. In this state, all RO’s except ALARM and OIL HEATER (for screws with an
oil pump) are turned OFF and placed in the “LOCKOUT” state. Note: If the Lockout Reset is pressed more than the
programmed allowable number of times in one day the unit cannot be reset during the current day except through
MCS-Connect and requires Factory authorization. This number is selected from a drop down menu under the Setup
Information button, with a range of 2 to 12.
In Cent Firmware only, Close Vane RO will stay energized for 5 minutes after compressor lockout.

6.4. UNIT IS OFF (4)

This state is entered when the system has finished a STARTUP, DISABLE, LOCKOUT, or NO RUN- I/O LOST state.
The chiller is now ready to move into an active state to meet the capacity required.
This state is entered when one of three conditions exists:
1. The control sensor reading is being maintained with in the control zone.
2. Control sensor reading is above the control zone but the Rate of Change is less than the value in the (MAX ROC-,
#27) Setpoint. This indicates that the temperature is decreasing toward the target at an acceptable speed. Therefore,
no additional cooling is needed at this time.
3. The temperature is below the control zone but the Rate of Change is greater than the (MAX ROC+, #28) Setpoint.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

This indicates that the temperature is increasing toward the target. Therefore, no reduction in cooling is needed at
this time. This state indicates that there is no need to adjust the capacity of the chiller package. This state will end
when more or less capacity is required.
4. Step Wanted Greater than Steps Turned On - When the controlling temp sensor is in the control zone and if step
wanted on is greater than steps turned on, set steps wanted on equal to steps turned on. This logic is enabled by
setting setpoint #25 TYPE column to a “TIME” type and TIME column to a value of 1.

6.6. UNIT UNLOADING (6) Only HVAC software

This state is entered when less capacity is required. Every second an adjustment is made to the step delay. When the
delay reaches zero, the counter “steps wanted” on is decreased by 1.
6.7. UNIT IS LOADING (7) Only HVAC software
This state is entered when more capacity is required. Every second an adjustment is made to the step delay. When the
delay reaches zero, the counter “steps wanted on” is increased by 1.


This state is entered when a smoke alarm has been detected. In the MCS-Configuration file the Smoke Alarm Indicator
must be selected in the General Information panel under the MAGNUM screen. When this sensor is trips, an error
message “OFF-SMOKE ALARM” is generated and the unit state is changed. In this state all RO’s except ALARM and
OIL HEATER are turned OFF.

6.9. RUN/STOP SW OFF (9)

This state is entered when the run stop switch is off, in the stop position. When the chiller is in this state, the individual
compressor states if active are moved to the CMP IS OFF state through the normal states. One capacity STEP will be
moved per second.
6.10. SCHEDULED OFF (10)
This state is entered when the schedule is calling for the package to be off. When the chiller is in this state, the individual
compressor states if active are moved to the CMP IS OFF state through the normal states. One capacity STEP will be
moved per second.
6.11. OFF- NO FLOW (11)
This state is entered when the evaporator flow switch is off. When the chiller is in this state, the individual compressor
states if active are moved to the CMP IS OFF state through the normal states. One capacity STEP will be moved per
second. If the NO FLOW Setpoint is active and set to Lockout the chiller will lockout on no flow.
6.12. AMBIENT OFF (13)
This state is entered when the ambient temperature falls below Setpoint #24 “LOW AMB OFF” or is above Setpoint #26
“HIGH AMB OFF”. The system will remain in this state until the ambient temperature if low rises 5.0°F (2.5°C) above the
“LOW AMB OFF” Setpoint value or if high drops 5.0°F (2.5°C) below the “HIGH AMB OFF” Setpoint value. When the
chiller is in this state, the individual compressor states if active are moved to the CMP IS OFF state through the normal
staging function. One capacity STEP will be moved per second.


This state is entered when all of the systems available capacity steps are off. The package is providing no cooling
capacity, as none is required. The system is ready to react to cooling needs.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

6.14. UNIT IS LOADED (16)

This state is entered when all of the system’s available capacity steps are on and the package is providing the maximum
amount of cooling capacity.
6.15. OFF TMP-ICE MADE (17)
This state is only used in systems when the Ice Mode DI On/Off option has been selected. When the system is in the
ICE MAKING mode and the control temperature sensor’s temperature is less than the target temperature, set point #1,
This state is entered. In this state the mode will remain ICE MAKING, all stages of cooling will be staged off and remain
off until the ice making mode is exited. Refer to section on ‘Ice Making Capabilities’.


This state is entered when mechanical cooling is off and the economizer has been specified in the MCS-Configuration
setup and it is being used for cooling. Refer to section about Economizers.


This state is entered when the unit is switching between cooling mode and heating mode. Only heat pump units or units
with electric heat and a Sensor Input selects either the cooling or heating mode will enter this state. Select this information
under the MAGNUM screen.


This state is entered when the system is unloading because a smoke alarm sensor has tripped. When this sensor is on,
an error message “OFF-SMOKE ALARM” is generated and the unit state is changed.


This state is entered when the unit has been disabled. It will force a quick unload of the system.


This state is only entered when the demand limiting input has been selected. The demand limit sensor must be selected
in the General Information panel under the MAGNUM screen and its type must be “485 Dmd Step”. This input will indicate
the maximum number of steps that the unit can run. If this value is less than the number of steps that are currently on,
the unit will unload to meet this value.


This state will be entered and will begin unloading the system if it is in heating mode and the control temperature is
greater than the control temperature Setpoint plus Setpoint #164 “HP CTL ZONE +” and the system is not already fully
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

6.22. UNLDING RUN CMP (24) Only with HVAC Software with TurboCor
This state is entered when a TurboCor compressor is being unloaded and the start stage is either unload or pump down
that compressor prior to starting another compressor.
6.23. OPENING BYP VLV (25) Only with HVAC Software with TurboCor
This state is entered when a TurboCor compressor is being unloaded and the start stage is opening the bypass valve
for that compressor prior to starting another compressor.

6.24. CMP RAMPING UP (26) Only with HVAC Software with TurboCor
This state is entered when a TurboCor compressor is being unloaded and the start stage is waiting for that compressor
prior to starting another compressor.

6.25. CLOSING BYP VLV (27) Only with HVAC Software with TurboCor
This state is entered when a TurboCor compressor is being unloaded and the start stage is closing the bypass valve for
that compressor prior to starting another compressor.

6.26. FACTORY STARTUP (28) Only with HVAC Software

A factory startup has been specified. The system cannot be commissioned until the proper authorization has been entered
and the factory startup preformed.

6.27. MAXIMUM RUN TIME (29) Only with HVAC Software

The maximum run time option has been specified and a compressor run time has surpassed this limit. All functions will
remain off unit the proper authorization has been entered.

6.28. ESTABLISHING COM (34) Only with HAVC Software

If the unit is to be part of the CPM network, this state will be sent to CPM Master controller while establishing communications.

6.29. RS-STARTING COMP (35) Only with HVAC Software

Used only if unit has the Rapid Start option active. In this state the system will turn on the number of compressors allowed
in the rapid start.

6.30. RS-LOADING (36) Only with HVAC Software

Used only if unit has the Rapid Start option active. All compressors available for the Rapid Start option have been turned
on, In this state the unit capacity will be increased as long as additional capacity is needed, once it is at its maximum an
additional compressor if available will be turned on and the capacity will be set to its minimum value.

6.31. RS-HOLDING (37) Only with HVAC Software

Used only if unit has the Rapid Start option active. In this state the capacity will be not be increased as the control
temperature and slope are within target.

6.32. UNIT IS OFF/TEMP (38)

This state is only used if the low temperature option has been specified. Set point #151 is active and it is a TARGET
type of set point. When the steps wanted is zero, no mechanical stages of cooling is on and the control temperature is
below the off temperature this state will be entered. Once the control temperature is above this value the unit state will be

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 7. Heat Recovery Logic

• HVAC only
• HVAC Firmware 17.60H4 or greater
• Config program 18.01O or later
7.1. Theory of Heat Recovery:
During cooling only operation, the chiller produces a controlled source of chilled water leaving the evapora-
tor while dissipating heat through the condenser and ultimately to the environment. When there is a simultaneous
need for chilled water and hot water, these chillers have the capability to operate in heat recovery mode. The
recovered heat can be redirected for various heating applications, which saves energy while maintaining
7.2. General Description for MCS-Magnum Heat Recovery:
Heat Recovery logic is a new MCS-Magnum control option for chillers. When this option is enabled the
MCS-Magnum capacity control will dynamically select control mode Heat or Cooling for staging the unit.
When in cooling mode the capacity control state logic will use the chilled water out sensor and setpoint #1 for
staging the unit. When in Heating mode the capacity control state logic will use the condenser water out sensor
and setpoint #163 for staging the unit.
The heat recovery logic allows chillers to switch between heating and cooling on the fly and works as follows.
7.3. Unit Type – Heat Recovery
Heat Recovery needs to be selected in the general info page for the heat/cool automatic change overs to take effect.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

7.4. Heating and Cooling Control Sensors

1. Under the evaporator info tab you’ll be able to select your heating/cooling entering and leaving sensors and
select which one you want to control on when in heating or cooling mode.

2. The mode will be decided based on the controlling sensor nearest to its target.
If both heating and cooling are in their target zones, then we won’t switch modes until heating or cooling needs
to unload based on going outsides its control zone. Otherwise we control based on closest to target when
each sensor requires loading of the unit.

Setpoints 1-3 are used for cooling control target and zones
Setpoints 163-165 are used for heating control target and zones

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 8. Compressor Control States (number)

All User Logic points can now access the Compressor Control State. The value accessed is the number listed in parenthesis
in the following headings.
The action of the compressor control states may result in an increase or decrease in capacity. The Unit Control States
may affect or change the Compressor Control States or supersede them altogether.


This state is entered when the Capacity Control State is NO RUN- I/O LOST. Resetting the lockout will move the
compressor to the CMP OFF/READY state.


This state is entered when the Capacity Control State is in UNIT IN LOCKOUT or a safety trip has occurred for this
compressor (Examples of safety Setpoints include #77 “LOW SUCTION” and #81 “HI DISC PSI”). Lockouts can be
reset without authorization from the keypad or MCS-Connect program, however if the condition causing the lockout has
not been corrected, the compressor will again be forced into the LOCKOUT State.


This state is entered when the compressor is off due to the pump down switch being on or the compressor flow switch
being off. In this state the compressor and all related points, including the liquid line solenoid are off. The compressor
will not leave this state unless the pump down switch is turned off. If the pump down switch is turned off, the compressor
state will be changed to the CMP OFF/READY state.

8.4. UNLD and PMPDWN

This state is entered when the pump down switch has been turned on or if this compressor is no longer Wanted On.
The compressor remains on while the liquid line solenoid is closed. This state is active until the suction pressure reaches
Setpoint #61 “PMP DWN OFF” or the time has exceeded Setpoint #62 “PMP DWN DELY”. The compressor will then
move to the CMP ANTICYCE state.


This state is entered when the UNLD and PMPDWN state has been completed. The compressor will stay in this state
with all compressor points off for the period of time contained in Setpoint #59 “ACYC OFF-> ON” or Setpoint #63 “ACYC
ON -> ON”, whichever is longer. The compressor will then move to the OFF state. NOTE: “ACYC ON -> ON” can be
used to set the maximum number of compressor starts per hour.


This state is entered when no capacity is required from this compressor, or the last state was CMP ANTICYCE, LOST
I/O LOCKED, or SWITCHED OFF. In this state the compressor is ready to provide capacity if needed. The compressor
will remain in this state for a minimum of 60 seconds.


Screw, centrifugal, and compressors with external oil pumps all use this state. This state is used to ensure proper oil
flow prior to compressor startup. Options that affect this state are setup in Compressor Information button under the
MAGNUM screen and in the Setpoints screen:
In this state the following Relay Outputs, if present, are set as follows:
1. Compressor relay(s) are OFF.
2. Oil pump is ON.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

3. If suction group running is either 1 or 2 the hot gas solenoid is OFF.

4. Fast unloader is ON.
5. First 120 seconds or until the unload switch is ON the unloader is ON else it is OFF.
6. Loader is OFF.
7. VI increase and decrease are OFF.
8. Start unloader is OFF.
9. Low discharge superheat relay is OFF.
10. All liquid line solenoids are OFF.
11. Oil equalization relay is ON.
12. All unloaders are OFF if they are load type else they are ON.
13. All turbo ice relays are off.
14. Oil heater is controlled to maintain oil temperature
All of the following conditions must be met within the time allowed in Setpoint #41 “LUBE DELAY”. If the
compressor type is centrifugal an additional 10 seconds will be allowed for these conditions to be met.
1. Oil differential must be equal to or greater than the value in Setpoint #40 “LUBE OIL PSI”. If this Setpoint is not
active this test is bypassed.
2. Oil temperature must be equal to or greater than the calculated oil temperature target. If Setpoint #39 “LUBE OIL
TEMP” is not active this test is bypassed. If the compressor type is centrifugal and the option to use the saturated
temperature is indicated, then the value of the saturated temperature will be added to Setpoint #39 “LUBE OIL
TEMP”, else the value of Setpoint #39 will be used by itself as the calculated oil temperature target.
3. The compressor must be unloaded. If there is an unloaded indicator it must be on. If it is a centrifugal compressor,
it is forced to stay in this state for minimum of 15 seconds. If the compressor has no unloaded indicator it must stay
in this state for a minimum of 10 seconds less than Setpoint #41 “LUBE DELAY”.
If all of these conditions are met within the allotted time, the compressor will move to another state.
If a fixed step compressor with an external oil pump the state will either be UNLOADED or LOADED, depending if there
are multiple compressor steps.
If a variable step compressor, then the percentage wanted on will be checked. If it is less than Setpoint #31 “MIN SLIDE
%”, or option “Use Min FLA” has been selected, the percentage wanted will be set to the value in Setpoint #31 “MIN
SLIDE %” and the state will be set to HOLDING.
Any associated EXV will be adjusted to allow for additional capacity.
If the compressor does not meet all of the conditions it will be LOCKED OUT and an error message will be generated
indicating the reason for the failure: pressure, temperature or time.


For variable step compressors, this state occurs when the slide is fully unloaded (indicated by unloaded input or after
the unloader is pulsed for 30 seconds with no change). For fixed step compressors, this state occurs when the
compressor is on and fully unloaded. In this state the compressor is supplying its minimum cooling capacity.

8.10. CMP UNLD STEP1 Only HVAC Software

This state only applies for fixed step capacity compressors with a Hot Gas Bypass solenoid. In this state the Hot Gas
Bypass solenoid is off and all unloaders in the compressor are on.

8.11. CMP UNLD STEP2 Only HVAC Software

This state only applies for fixed step compressors with two unloaders. This state occurs when the Hot Gas Bypass
solenoid, if present, is off, the first unloader solenoid is off, and the second unloader solenoid is on.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02


This state only applies for variable step compressors. In this state, the required refrigeration capacity of system is being
met; no movement of the slide valve is required.

8.13. CMP IS LOADING Only HVAC Software

For variable step compressors, this state occurs when the load solenoid is being pulsed to increase the capacity of the
compressor. The duration of the pulse is specified in the Setpoint #37 “LOAD PULSE” and the frequency of the pulse
is determined by Setpoint #56 “PULSE DELAY”. The Setpoint “PULSE DELAY” should be a value of between 3 and 5
seconds to allow the amp sensor to reflect the change.

8.14. CMP IS UNLDING Only HVAC Software

For variable step compressors, this state is when the unload solenoid is being pulsed to reduce the capacity of the
compressor. The duration of the pulse is specified in Setpoint #38 “UNLOAD PULSE” and the frequency of the pulse is
determined by Setpoint #56 “PULSE DELAY”. The Setpoint “PULSE DELAY” should be a value of between 3 and 5 seconds
to allow the refrigerant to enter the chamber slowly enough to not cause oil foaming.


For fixed capacity compressors only, this state occurs when the compressor is fully loaded. In this state, the compressor
is providing the maximum amount of cooling capacity.


For screw compressors only, this state is entered when the compressor is turned on. All load solenoids will be turned off
and all unload solenoids will be turned on to ensure the screw is fully unloaded. If an oil pump is included in the system
it will be turned on during this state. The time in this state is set in the “Fast Unload Delay” cell under the Compressor
Information button in the MAGNUM screen.


Refer to Setpoints #77 “LOW SUCTION”; #78 “LO SUCT UNLD”; and #79 “LO SUCT RELD”.
For variable step compressors only. The capacity is being unloaded due to low suction pressure. The compressor will
stay in this state until the suction pressure is above Setpoint #79 “LO SUCT RELD”. The system will then move to the


Refer to Setpoints #77 “LOW SUCTION”; #78 “LO SUCT UNLD”; and #79 “LO SUCT RELD”.
Fixed step compressors–This state is entered when a fully loaded compressor that has more than one step is unloading
due to low suction pressure. One step of capacity is turned off. The compressor will remain in this state for a minimum
of five minutes before returning to the LOADED state if the low suction condition has been corrected.
Variable Step Compressors–Capacity is being held due to low suction pressure. Once the suction pressure returns to a
normal operating level the compressor will return to its normal running state.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02


Refer to Setpoints #81 ”HI DISC PSI”; #82 “HI DISC UNLD”; #83 “HI DISC RELD”; #87 “HI DISC TMP”; #88 “HI DISC
UNLD”; #89 “HI DISC RELD”, and #84 “LO DISC SHEAT”.

For variable step compressors only. The capacity is being unloaded due to a high discharge pressure, high discharge
temperature, or low discharge superheat. The compressor will stay in this state until the pressure or temperature has
dropped below the corresponding Setpoint. The system will then move to the HI DISC HOLD state.


Refer to Setpoints #81 ”HI DISC PSI”; #82 “HI DISC UNLD”; #83 “HI DISC RELD”; #87 “HI DISC TMP”; #88 “HI DISC
UNLD”; and #89 “HI DISC RELD”.
Fixed Step Compressors–This state is entered when a fully loaded compressor that has more than one step is unloading
due to high discharge pressure or temperature. One step of capacity will be turned off. The compressor will remain in
this state for a minimum of five minutes before returning to the LOADED state if the high discharge condition has been
Variable Step Compressors–Capacity is being held due to high discharge temperature or pressure. Once the discharge
returns to normal operating levels the compressor will return to its normal running state.


This state is entered when a safety trip occurs but a lockout is not generated. An alarm is generated but the system will
automatically restart after the delay specified in the corresponding Setpoint. If a second trip occurs within the time
specified in the Setpoint, the compressor will be placed in the CMP LOCKED OUT state.


The following two conditions can cause this state to be entered and the system to begin unloading:
1) The leaving liquid temperature is within 1.5°F of the Setpoint #111 “FREEZE “
2) The refrigerant temperature is less than Setpoint #155 “LO REF TMP” if this Setpoint is active.


Reload from the “LO TMP UNLOAD” occurs when the leaving liquid temperature is 3.0° F above Setpoint #111
“FREEZE “and the refrigerant temperature sensor, if present, is greater than Setpoint #155 “LO REF TMP” plus twice
the value of Setpoint #156 “LO REF TMP”. Until this temperature is reached the system will remain in the LO TMP
HOLD State.


Fixed step compressors–This state occurs when a fully loaded compressor experiences an abnormally high amp draw.
Refer to Setpoints #171-190 for FLA per compressor (compressors 1-20 respectively) and #75 “HI AMPS %”. In this
state, one step of capacity will be turned off. The compressor will remain in this state for a minimum of five minutes
before returning to the LOADED state if the high amp draw condition has been corrected.
Variable Step Compressors–This state occurs after HI AMP UNLDING. It will remain in this state for the time specified in
Setpoint #101 “SAFETY HOLD DELAY”. If the amp draw is less than the FLA Setpoint for this compressor, it will return
to the normal operating state and the compressor will be able to load if necessary. In this state the compressor will not
load but it can be unloaded if needed.


Refer to Setpoints #87 “HI DISC TMP”; #88 “HI DISC UNLD”; and #89 “HI DISC RELD”.
This state is entered when a fully loaded compressor that has more than one step encounters a high discharge temperature.
One step of capacity will be turned off. The compressor will then remain in this state for a minimum of five minutes
before returning to the LOADED state if the high discharge temperature has returned to normal.

8.26. CMP IS AT 40% Only HVAC Software

For Mitsubishi Screw compressors only. This compressor does not provide variable capacity but has two solenoids used
to regulate the compressor capacity. This state occurs when the compressor is providing 40% capacity. In this state, the
Relay Output to activate the 40% valve is turned on.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

8.27. CMP IS AT 70% Only HVAC Software

For Mitsubishi Screw compressors only. This compressor does not provide variable capacity but has two solenoids used
to regulate the compressor capacity. This state occurs when the compressor is providing 70% capacity. In this state, the
Relay Output to activate the 70% valve is turned on.


When the compressor is running and Setpoint #86 “HI RETURN TEMP” is active, the Magnum will check for high water
temperature. If the control temperature is greater than Setpoint #86 for the time specified the Magnum will place the
compressor in this state. The system will be unable to load when in this state.

8.29. EXTRA 70% STEP Only HVAC Software

For Mitsubishi Screw compressors only. This compressor does not provide variable capacity but has two solenoids used
to regulate the compressor capacity. This will move an extra step for this type of screw compressor.


In this state the compressor is disabled. The oil temperature will be checked only if the compressor type is a centrifugal
or screw.
Screw compressors – If the temperature is less than the value in Setpoint #39 “LUBE OIL TEMP” this state will be entered.


For variable step compressors this state is entered when the amp draw is greater than the respective FLA Setpoint plus
half the value in Setpoint #75, “HI AMPS”. This action is to prevent a high amps safety trip from occurring. Once the amp
draw has been reduced the system state will change to HI AMP HOLD.
8.32. DEF PREPMP OUT Only HVAC Software
This state is only entered if the defrost type is any condition other than NONE. Hot gas will be used to perform the
defrosting. This is selected in Compressor Information button under the MAGNUM screen. When a defrost cycle begins
this state is entered and an alarm message is generated. The liquid line solenoid will be closed and the compressor will
remain in this state and continue running until the suction pressure is less than Setpoint #61”PMP DWN OFF” or the
time in this state is greater than Setpoint #62 “PMP DWN DELY”. The compressor will then move to the DEFROSTING
8.33. DEFROSTING (32) Only HVAC Software
Refer to DEF PREPMP OUT state. In this state the hot gas solenoid is opened. The compressor will remain in this state
until both coil temperatures are greater than Setpoint #161 “DEF TERM TMP” or the time in this state is greater than the
value in Setpoint #162 “DEF TERM DEL”. The compressor will then move to the DEF PUMP DOWN state.

8.34. DEF PUMP DOWN Only HVAC Software

Refer to DEFROSTING state. In this state the hot gas solenoid is closed. The compressor will remain in this state until
the suction pressure is less than Setpoint #61”PMP DWN OFF” or the time in this state is greater than Setpoint #62
“PMP DWN DELY”. The compressor will then move to the CMP IS HOLDING state.

8.35. HI TEMP UNLOAD Only with HVAC Software

This state is only used when in Heating Mode. The system will unload if Setpoint #152 “HP OVERHEAT” is active and
the leaving temperature is greater than the value in Setpoint #152 minus 15°F (8°C). The compressor will then move to
the HI TEMP HOLD state when the temperature drops below the value in Setpoint #152 minus 30°F (16°C).

8.36. HI TEMP HOLD Only with HVAC Software

Refer to HI TEMP UNLOAD state. When the temperature drops below Setpoint #152 minus 45°F (24°C) the compressor
will return to a normal state.

8.37. SCROLL STEP 1 Only with HVAC Software

Only used with special patterns for Trane Trio and Quad compressors. These compressors provide special staging as
If Trane Trio then COMP C is on and COMP A and B are off.
If Trane Quad then COMP A is on and COMP B, C, and D are off.
8.38. SCROLL STEP 2 Only with HVAC Software
Only used with special patterns for Trane Trio and Quad compressors. These compressors provide special staging as
If Trane Trio then COMP A and B are on and COMP C is off.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

If Trane Quad then COMP C and D are on and COMP A and B are off.

8.39. SCROLL STEP 3 Only with HVAC Software

Only used with special patterns for Trane Trio and Quad compressors. These compressors provide special staging as
If Trane Trio then COMP A, B, and C are on.
If Trane Quad then COMP B, C, and D are on and COMP A is off.

8.40. SCROLL STEP 4 Only with HVAC Software

Only used with special patterns for Trane Quad compressors. These compressors provide special staging as follows:
If Trane Quad then COMP A, B, C, and D are on.


Firmware Version: 18.01Y or later
On the MAGNUM HVAC/RTU compressor screen, a new cell was added for setting the unload delay before pumpdown.
If there’s a value greater than “0” in this cell, the logic will enter the “Unload&PumpDown” state when calling for the
compressor to shut down. In this state, it will wait the amount of time in that cell, before closing the LLS & or Closing
the EXV to perform the normal pumpdown operation.


MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02


Firmware Version: 18.01Y or later
New logic for “Coast” relay on Bitzer VFD compressors has been added to the Circuit Base on HVAC/RTU firmware.
This allows the ability to point to a relay, that will be activated whenever that circuit is in alarm, OR the unit is in safety
shutdown due to Phaseloss, Emg/Stop, etc.
Point to the relay as shown below in the Emergency Stop Relay box. (This relay is not a part of the compressor sequence
and can be located on any wired point.)

8.43. Screw Compressor Oil Boost based on Load and Time

There are 3 setpoints that need to be set up in order to define the compressor load to activate the boost, the compres-
sor load we’ll go to when in a boost, the time between boosts (when compressor load is below setpoint), and the time to
remain in a boost.
Setpoint #30 needs to be a “Target” type, and we’ll use the “Low Zone” cell. This will define the compressor
speed or FLA% for the compressor while running a boost.
Setpoint #31 needs to be a “Target” type, and we’ll use the “Low Zone” cell. This will define the compressor
speed or FLA% that the compressor must be under, to call for a boost sequence.

Setpoint #64 needs to be changed from “Minutes” to “DIGITAL/SW”, and made a “Target” type.
We’ll use the “Low Zone” cell to specify the time, in Minutes, that the compressor needs to be running for (below set-
point #31 “Low Zone” value) to call for a boost.
The “High Zone” cell will specify the time, in Seconds, that the compressor will remain in the boost sequence for.

If the supply temp falls below the target setpoint – the low zone while in a boost sequence… compressors
will begin to be cycled OFF until the supply temp rises back into the zone. Once a boost cycle is finished, the running
compressors will be placed back to the running % that they were at before the boost occurred.
All safeties will still be in place while in boost. If a compressor trips, it will not affect the boost cycle of the other compressors.

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Chapter - 9. SHARED VFD

HVAC 17.62M or later firmware
The following logic will utilize both unloaders and a VFD at the same time for capacity control
9.1. Compressor Modes
The compressor sequence must follow a predetermined sequence set by selecting Shared VFD for the compressor
type. Typical sequence:
The VFD inputs must be in this order:
9.1.1 Compressor Modes
1. OFF – Compressor is off
2. VFD – Compressor is on VFD control
3. DOL – Direct Online – Compressor is locked in at 100% through a contactor
4. EMG – If VFD were to fault, all available compressors would run in emergency mode meaning DOL and
step control only.
Setpoint #185
This setpoint defines the minimum and maximum wanted percentage for the VFD when the compressor slide
is at 50% loaded. Value = Minimum % // Hi zone = Maximum %
Setpoint #186
This setpoint defines the minimum and maximum wanted percentage for the VFD when the compressor slide
is at 75% loaded. Value = Minimum % // Hi zone = Maximum %
Setpoint #187
This setpoint defines the minimum and maximum wanted percentage for the VFD when the compressor slide
is at 100% loaded. Value = Minimum % // Hi zone = Maximum %

9.1.2 Compressor Startup/Loading Sequence

1. Compressor starts in VFD mode
a. All unloaders will be turned on and slide will be at 50% loaded.
b. Compressor VFD speed will be set to setpoint #185 value field. The logic will look for a VFD proof
input as well as the amps.
2. Compressor will modulate up to the maximum speed defined by setpoint #185 Hi zone.
3. Once compressor speed is at maximum and more capacity is required the following will occur.
a. Compressor speed will be backed down to setpoint #186 value field. (This will be the new minimum
speed value.)
b. 50% unload solenoid will be turned off resulting in slide moving to 75% loaded.
4. Compressor will then begin to load up to the maximum wanted VFD percentage in setpoint #186 Hi zone.
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5. Once the maximum VFD percentage is reached and more capacity is needed the following will occur.
a. Compressor speed will be backed down to setpoint #187 value field. This will be the new minimum
speed value.)
b. 75% unload solenoid will be turned off resulting in the slide moving to 100% loaded.
6. Compressor will now continue to load up to the maximum VFD percentage of setpoint #187 Hi zone.
7. If the VFD is at the maximum wanted percentage the following will occur.
a. The micro will energize the DOL contacts locking the compressor in at 100% and open the VFD
contacts for that compressor. The logic will look for the DOL proof input before removing the VFD
signal and moving to the next available compressor and this entire sequence would repeat.

9.1.3 VFD Fault/Emergency Mode

1. If the VFD Fault input comes on the VFD will be bypassed and the compressors will start using the
Emergency Run output. The DOL proof will be verified and the compressors will now load using step
control and turning on/off the 50% and 75% unloaders.

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Chapter - 10. Standard Control Options

The following options are specified in MCS-Config when building the configuration. These options are used to
customize the system to meet the individual control requirements.
10.1. General Options
■■ Control method can be based upon the control zone or a voltage input indicating the number of stages to
be on.
■■ The control temperature sensor can be either the returning or leaving sensor.
■■ Electronic expansion valves make dynamic adjustments based on capacity changes.
■■ Chilled water reset from the Building Management System (BMS).
■■ Condenser control maintaining sufficient discharge superheat for good oil separation.
■■ Evaporator pump control.
■■ Anti-cycle timers (OFF to ON and ON to ON).
■■ Maximum of 20 circuits per Magnum, with selectable compressor rotation.
■■ Warning RO (turned on for low suction unload, high discharge unload, etc.).
■■ Alarm RO (turned on whenever an alarm is generated).
■■ Optional auto rotation for compressors.
■■ Low and/or high ambient temperature shut down.

10.2. Magnum Control Zone Logic

The control strategy is designed to modulate the compressor(s) capacity to maintain the control sensor reading
within the specified control zone. To accomplish this, the Magnum will constantly monitor the control value, its
rate of change, and position in relationship to the control zone and make adjustments accordingly.
The strategies for a fixed step system, reciprocating compressor, reciprocating compressor with an inverter,
variable (slide) step system, or a screw compressor are all slightly different. The variable step system allows
for infinite variations of capacity while the fixed step system does not.

10.3. Common Definitions

10.3.1 Target
The control target is specified in Setpoint #1. This will be the base of developing the control zone.

10.3.2 Control Zone

The control zone is developed by utilizing two more Setpoints to calculate the upper and lower limits. Setpoint
#2 is added to the target to determine the deadband to the upper limit, and Setpoint #3 is subtracted from the
target to determine the deadband to the lower limit.
Example: Setpoint #1 Target = 45
Setpoint #2 Upper Deadband = 1
Setpoint #3 Lower Deadband = 1

S #3 Low
wer Deadband

6 Upper Lim
Control Zon
ne + 1
5 Target Control Zone
Control Zon
ne - 1
4 Lower Lim

3 Control Sensor

This sensor has been specified in MCS-Config as providing the control value reading. It will normally be the
entering temperature, leaving temperature, or suction pressure. The Setpoints must be adjusted according to
the type of control measurement selected.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02 Control Input Rate of Change

The Rate of Change is how rapidly the control value changes over a set period of time. If the control value is
increasing, the rate will be positive; if it is decreasing, the rate will be a negative value. How quickly the input
is changing, its direction, and its distance from the control zone will all be used to determine how the Magnum
will respond. Step Delay and Sensitivity

The Magnum will not attempt to take action until the Step Delay counts down to zero. Setpoint #26 contains
the initial value. The speed that the counter will decrement by is based on the control input rate of change
and the sensitivity that has been specified in Setpoint #25. The purpose of the sensitivity value is to limit how
quickly the Magnum reacts to changes indicated by the control sensor. The lower the value of this Setpoint,
the faster the Magnum will react to changes of the control sensor. Last step Temperature On

The purpose of this option is to keep the last step of mechanical cooling on until the control temperature is
below the Temperature On value.

Set point #151 must be active to enable this option, refer to this set point.

If the safety time of this set point is zero then the value of this set point is used as the Temperature On value.

If the safety time of this set point is not zero then the value of this set point is used as a differential and is
subtracted from the control temperature target to develop the Temperature On value.

In the above control zone example, if the set point #151’s value is 43.0 and the safety time is zero, then the
last stage will remain on until the control temperature is less than 43.0.

In the above control zone example, if the set point #151’s value is 3.0 and the safety time is not zero, then the
last stage will remain on until the control temperature is less than 42.0. (45.0 – 3.0 = 42.0). Low temperature off

The purpose of this option is to keep the first step of mechanical cooling from being turned on until the control
temperature is above the Low Temperature Off value. Note this is only checked when the wanted on steps are

Set point #151 must be active and be a TARGET type of set point to enable this option, refer to this set point.

If the safety time of this set point is zero then the value of the Night Setback cell of this set point is used as
the Low Temperature Off value.

If the safety time of this set point is not zero then the value of the Night Setback cell of this set point is used
as a differential and is added to the control temperature target to develop the Low Temperature Off value.

When the steps wanted on is zero and the control temperature is less than the Low Temperature Off value
the unit state will be “UNIT IS OFF/TEMP”, refer to the Unit State section. The unit will remain in this state
until the control temperature is above the Low Temperature Off value, at this point the state will be changed to
loading and the delay counter will be counted down.

In the above control zone example, if the set point #151’s Night Setback cell is 47.0 and the safety time is
zero, then the first stage of cooling will remain off until the control temperature is greater than 47.0. State will
be “UNIT IS OFF/TEMP” and the delay counter will not be decremented.

10.4. Voltage Step Control Logic

An alternate control strategy is based on a variable voltage input to the Magnum board. The different stages
of capacity will Cut In or Out depending on the voltage input. This option is selected in the MAGNUM screen
under the Evaporator Info tab.

Setpoints #2-18 contain the Cut-In and Cut-Out voltage thresholds. The status screen has been changed
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

to show the actual voltage on the top line and to indicate voltage control on the bottom line. The step delay
between adjustments is based on Setpoint #26 “STEP DELAY”.
Note: Liquid Injection and EXV logic are both disabled when this option is used.

10.5. Variable Capacity Control Method

10.5.1 Screw Compressor with slide piston
This option is specified in MCS-Config by selecting the compressor type in the Compressor Information
Panel under the MAGNUM screen.
As stated in the previous section, the control strategy is designed to modulate the system capacity to maintain
the control sensor reading within the specified control zone. The system capacity will be based upon the
number of compressors that are Wanted On. When the first, or an additional compressor, is turned on the
system capacity will be set to the calculated value. For the first compressor this will be the value of Setpoint
#31 “MIN FLA %”. When additional compressors are brought on, their capacity is calculated to provide the
same percentage of capacity prior to the change. The Magnum will adjust the required capacity between the
calculated and the maximum value an as specified in Setpoint #30 “MAX FLA %”. All compressors that are on
will be adjusted together to meet the system capacity.
When the maximum capacity value of the currently operating compressors has been reached, an additional
compressor, if available, will be Wanted On. The number of compressors Wanted On will be increased by
one and the system capacity will be set to the calculated value to maintain the same capacity as before the
change and the sequence will begin again. Once all available compressors are on, their maximum will be
100% regardless of the value in Setpoint #30 “MAX FLA %”.
When the minimum calculated value has been reached, a compressor will be turned off. This will occur when
the reduced number of compressors can achieve the same capacity at 90%. The number of compressors
Wanted On will be decreased by one and the system capacity will be set to 90% and the sequence will begin
The compressor slide control is based upon the amps drawn by that compressor. For example, if Setpoint #31
“MIN FLA %” is set to 30%, that means 30% of the calculated full load amperage for that compressor.
Screw compressors with slide pistons that are turned on can either be loading (load solenoids are pulsed),
unloading (unload solenoids are pulsed), or in a hold state (no action is taken). The state of each compressor
reflects this action.

10.5.2 Compressor with a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)

This option is specified in MCS-Config by selecting the Analog Output for the VFD in the “Compr Speed or
Modulate Hot Gas AO” cell in the Circuit Base screen.

The Magnum will control the compressor speed in the same matter as the compressor slide. The same Set-
points will be used. This allows a fixed staged compressor’s capacity to be varied. See section for Setpoints
associated with variable capacity control logic.

10.5.3 Example of a system with 3 variable Step Compressors

(Example below assumes compressor 1 is the current lead compressor.)
Compressor 1’s startup procedure has begun. Once on, the capacity will be adjusted from the minimum to the
maximum. All other compressors will be off. The steps Wanted On / Actual On will be 1 / 1.
Compressor 2’s startup procedure has begun. Once on, the system capacity will be changed to the calculated
% and compressor 1 will be unloaded until it matches the calculated system capacity. Both compressors will
be varied from the calculated to the maximum. All other compressors will be off. The steps Wanted On / Actual
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

On will be 2 / 2. If the system capacity has been reduced to 45%, or the calculated % (whichever is larger)
and less capacity is needed, a compressor will be turned off and the system capacity will be set to the 90% or
the maximum and the system will return to Stage 1.
Compressor 3’s startup procedure has begun. Once on, the system capacity will be changed to the calculated
% and compressors 1 and 2 will be unloaded until they equal the required capacity. All compressors will be
varied from the calculated to 100%. The steps Wanted On / Actual On will be 3 / 3. If the system capacity has
been reduced to 60%, and less capacity is needed, a compressor will be turned off and the system capacity
will be set 90% and the system will return to Stage 2.

10.6. Compressor Types

The compressor type is selected from a drop down list in the Compressor Information panel on the MAGNUM

 Reciprocating Compressor with Oil  Screw Compressor with Oil

 Reciprocating Compressor without Oil  Scroll Compressor
 Hanbell-Load NO (load solenoid wired  Hartford Screw Compressor
to normal open) Screw Compressor  Carlyle Screw Compressor
 Hanbell-Load NC (load solenoid wired  Centrifugal Compressor
to normal close) Screw Compressor  Mitsubishi Screw Compressor
 Hanbell- 3 Solenoid (50-100%) (not  TurboCor Compressor
variable but 3 fixed step screw) Screw Compressor  Trane Screw Compressor
 Hanbell- Step (fixed step) Screw Compressor  McQuay Frame 4
 Hitachi Screw Compressor  Fu Sheng Compressor
 Bitzer Screw Compressor  Trane Trio
 Trane Quad
The type of compressor will determine how the compressor is controlled and its particular Relay Output se-
10.7. Compressor Setup and Options
All setup information and option selection is completed in MCS-Config.

10.7.1 Compressor Information setup

In this screen under the MAGNUM screen, compressor type is selected from a drop down list. Additional infor-
mation about the compressor and how it will be controlled is also provided in this section. Review all cells and
input the proper information.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

The type of compressor will determine how the compressor is controlled and its particular Relay Output se-
10.7.2 For additional fine tuning, four setpoints have been added to provide flexibility:
Setpoint #191, TEMP DIFF
Setpoint #192, FRZ TEMP DIFF
Setpoint #193, CND H/L ZONE
Setpoint #194, CND 2ND ZONE

10.8. Compressor Setup and Options

All setup information and option selection is completed in MCS-Config.

10.8.1 General Information

■■ A maximum of four steps per compressor is supported (compressor plus three additional steps of either
compressors, unloaders, or hot gas bypass points). Note: Compressor safeties relate to a circuit. If multiple
compressors are on a single circuit and a safety trips, all compressors on that circuit will be turned off
(If hot gas bypass, refer to Hot Gas Bypass section).
■■ If the compressor has an across-the-line start, only one RO point will be allocated for the compressor. If
the compressor has a part winding start, two RO points will be used. The first RO will be turned on and
the second RO will turn on after Setpoint #73 has been fulfilled.
■■ Pump down will take place when the compressor is started and when turning off. Note: When the compressor
is started the liquid line solenoid is not opened until the suction pressure drops below Setpoint #61 “PMP
DWN OFF” or Setpoint #62 “PMP DWN DELY” is exceeded. A liquid line solenoid is required for the pump
down to function correctly.
■■ Up to 3 liquid line solenoids and up to 2 EXV valves are supported for each circuit.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

10.8.2 Compressor Information setup

In this screen under the MAGNUM screen, compressor type is selected from a drop down list. Additional
information about the compressor and how it will be controlled is also provided in this section. Review all cells
and input the proper information.

10.8.3 Circuit Base setup

Compressor information is provided per circuit in this section under the Circuit Base screen. Review all cells
and input the proper information about the compressor.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

10.8.4 Modbus Fault Sensors

If using a MCS-MODBUS I/O to connect a slave to the MCS-MAGNUM for reading register alarms you need
to setup the ‘Sensor Input Information’ ‘CIRCUIT INDEX’ column to point to the circuit number the Modbus
fault sensor belongs to.
The MCS-Magnum supports several special Modbus fault sensor types for reading multiple alarms from one
Modbus register. The following are Modbus Fault sensor types:
4. DanFltHi
5. DanFltLo
6. DanFlt2Hi
7. DanFlt2Lo
8. DWarHi
9. DWarLo
10. DWar2Hi
11. DWar2Lo
12. BitFltHi
13. BitFltLo
14. RKNG F1
15. RKNG F2
16. RKNG F3
17. RKNG F4
18. TurboCorFault

See below example of a two comp turbocor config:

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

10.9. Relay Output Information Screen setup

This screen relates to the above example. The compressor is a variable capacity compressor; therefore, the
slide information must be provided, this is used in calculating the amp draw of the compressor. Note the ‘Type’
column, for COMP, the first compressor point, Screw NO EXV was selected from the drop down menu.

This screen is an example of a variable capacity, screw, and compressor with EXV valves. Note the Type
column selection. The EXV data must be provided.

This information can be viewed and changed, with proper authorization, from MCS Connect. By double
clicking on the name field the following will be displayed.

10.10. Special Pattern for Scroll Compressors

Special patterns have been developed for Trane Scroll 3-D compressors. CENT 14.0 software and newer
is required for this function. These patterns are for either a 3 or 4 scroll unit. They are specified by selecting
either the Trane Trio or Trane Quad package in the Compressor Type selection under the MAGNUM screen.
The sequencing will provide proper oil control for the Trane compressors.
The compressors set will be treated as one compressor. There will be one common suction pressure, suction
temperature, discharge pressure, and discharge temperature sensor for the package. Each compressor will
have an individual amperage sensor. These must be consecutive inputs.
Chiller states have been allocated for these patterns: “SCROLL STEP 1” through “SCROLL STEP 4”.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

10.10.1 The following is a sample of the four-compressor setup:

Select compressor type:

# of Compressors and # of steps:

Set up compressor:

Set up Relay Outputs:

10.10.2 Pattern of the four-compressor setup:

Staging sequence

Staging sequence
Stage 3 OFF ON ON ON
Stage 4 ON ON ON ON

10.10.3 The three-compressor type will be setup as follows:

Select the compressor:

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

# of Compressors and # of steps:

Set up compressor:

Set up Relay Outputs:

10.10.4 Pattern of the three-compressor setup:

Staging sequence
Stage 1 OFF OFF ON
Stage 2 ON ON OFF
Stage 3 ON ON ON
Stage 4 ON ON ON

10.10.5 Safeties are the same for both compressor types

The standard unloading and holding logic has been incorporated with their compressor state names. When a
step is unloaded it will go to the previous step pattern. For example if the compressor is in SCROLL STEP 3
and unloading is required the Relay Output for SCROLL STEP 2 will be used. The state name will reflect why
the compressor has unloaded.
The unloading and holding can result from high discharge and low suction pressure and high discharge
Low and high amp drawn will be check for all compressors that are on. The standard amp safety checks will
be made and if one occurs the compressor will be off on a safety or a lock out if the same safety reoccurs.
Note, the standard Setpoints are used for all safety checks, unloading, and holding functions.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

10.11. Compressor Auto Rotation

The auto rotation option is selected by setting the value in set point #103, LEAD COMP to zero. If this value
is not zero, it will contain the number of the lead circuit (compressor) and auto rotation is disabled. Note this
setpoint can be manually changed to force a different compressor as the lead compressor or to enable auto
When this option is enabled, the system will rotate the compressors based upon the value in set point #104.

If the value set point #104 is zero, rotation will occur with every complete capacity cycle and the next com-
pressor will be selected as the lead compressor.

103 LEAD COMP If type is Setpoint: Enables the user to specify the lead compressor. The value of this
Setpoint will indicate the lead compressor. If zero, then auto rotation is enabled.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If non-zero, the compressor with the least amount of run time will be-
come the lead upon rotation.
If type is Target and the value is 0: Indicates that special rotation for dual barrel systems
will be used. Refer to section on Custom Rotation.

104 COMP ROTATION Specifies the number of days between rotations (Setpoint #103 must be set to zero to
en- able auto rotation). If zero, then rotation will occur with every cycle.

If Setpoint # 104 is nonzero, the value is the number of days between rotations. At midnight the Magnum will
check if it is time to rotate compressors. If yes, the Magnum will check the run hours on each compressor and
select the one with the least amount of run hours to be the lead compressor.
If Setpoint #104 is set up as an ALARM Setpoint type, a compressor rotation message will be generated each
time a compressor is rotated.
Else, the value is the number of days between rotations. At midnight the system will check if it is time to
rotate compressors. If yes, the system will check the run hours on each compressor and select the one with
the least amount of run hours to be the lead compressor.
If set point #103 is set up as an ALARM type of set point, a compressor rotation message will be generated
each time a compressor is rotated.

10.12. Expanded Compressor Rotation to Check for Maximum Run Time

In the Compressor Information panel of the Magnum HVAC screen in MCS-Config, there is a check box to
select how compressors are to be rotated, based either on Run Time or First On/First Off.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

10.13. Run Hour Lockout

In MCS CONFIG, in the Setup screen, select the option Run Hour Lockout Required. If enabled,
then enter the number compressor run hours that must pass before the run hour lockout is trig-

Run Hour Lockout- At midnight if any compressor has reached a set number of run hours, the unit will be
disabled until an authorized service call is performed.
Function 2: (Compressor lockout based on run time hours)
If this option has been enabled, at midnight if any single compressor exceeds the number of run
hours specified, the system will disable all compressors (circuits) and change the unit state to MAX-
IMUM RUN TIME. This test will only be made a midnight when new day logic is being executed. In
this state the Magnum will not enable normal operations and the only screen that will be available
is the Passwords. If the Magnum is reset the chiller state will be MAXIMUM RUN TIME not UNIT
IN POWER UP. Once the system state is MAXIMUM RUN TIME the system can be accessed from
MCS-Connect but the system will not accept changes to the Relay Output states.
10.14. Custom Rotation
The requirement is to enable rotation only in the first barrel and do not turn ON any compressors associated
with the second barrel until all compressors are ON in the first barrel. When decreasing refrigerant capacity, if
any compressors in the second barrel are ON, they must first be turned OFF before turning OFF any compressors
in the first barrel. Only first ON and first OFF lead rotation strategy can be used.
To activate this option Setpoint #103 “LEAD COMP” must be set up as follows:
Value: 0 (indicates auto rotation, must be 0)
Time (SEC): 0 (indicates first on first off, must be 0)
Select Value: DIGITAL/SW
Type of Setpoint: Target (must be Target type)
High Zone: 1 (this is the starting compressor following a reset; usually 1)
Low Zone: 1 (number to rotate, will default to 1)
Night Setback: 8 (number of compressors in the first barrel)
If the Value, Time, and Type cells are not set as indicated, normal rotation using Setpoints #103 “LEAD
COMP” and #104 “COMP ROTATION” will be used.
The following examples have 16 compressors, dual barrels with 8 compressors in each. Barrel 1 has com-
pressors 1 through 8 and 9 through 16 are in barrel 2. The wanted/actual ON will function as usual only the
rotation and the sequence of turning on the compressors have been changed.
Example 1: Compressor 1 is the lead capacity calls for 4 circuits to be ON (wanted 4/ actual 4), then reduced
to 0/0.
Compressors 1, 2, and 3, then 4 will be turned ON. As capacity is reduced, Compressor 1 will be turned OFF
and the lead will be rotated to Compressor 2. Then Compressors 2, 3, and 4 will be turned OFF with the lead
ending with Compressor 5.
Example 2: Compressor 5 is now the lead and capacity calls for 6 compressors to be ON (6/6) then reduce to 0/0.
Compressors 5, 6, 7, and 8, then 1 and 2 will be turned ON (6/6). As capacity is reduced, Compressors 5, 6,
7, and 8, then 1 and 2 will be turned OFF (0/0) and Compressor 3 will be the lead. Note, compressors in
barrel 2 were not turned ON.
Example 3: Compressor 3 is now the lead and capacity calls for 12 compressors to be ON (12/12) then reduce to 0/0.
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Compressors 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, then 1 and 2 will be turned ON (8/8). At this point all compressors in barrel 1
are ON, as more capacity is needed Compressors 9 through 16 will be used. Compressors 9, 10, 11, and 12
will be turned ON to reach 12/12. As capacity is reduced, Compressors 9 then 10, 11, and 12 will be turned
OFF (8/8) at this point. Now, all compressors in barrel 2 are OFF and all compressors in barrel 1 can now be
turned OFF if less capacity is needed. Compressor 3 followed by 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 1 then 2 will be turned OFF
(0/0). At this point Compressor 3 is the lead compressor.

10.15. Compressor Anti-Cycle Logic

When a compressor is to be turned off, the Magnum software will make a calculation to determine the amount
of time that the compressor will remain in an anti-cycle state. This calculation is based upon how long the
compressor has been on and Setpoints #59 “ACYC OFF->ON” and #63 “ACYC ON->ON”.
If the value of Setpoint #63 minus the amount of time that the compressor has been on is greater than the
value in Setpoint #59, the compressor will remain in the anti-cycle state for the period of time specified in
Setpoint #63. Else the anti-cycle timer will be set to the value in Setpoint #59.
For example:
#59 (ANTI-CYC OFF) = 300 seconds
#63 (ANTI-CYC ON) = 600 seconds
If the compressor had been running for 3 minutes (180 seconds)
600 – 180 = 420 this is greater than Setpoint #59; therefore, the anti-cycle timer will be set to 600 seconds,
the value of Setpoint #63.
If the compressor had been running for 12 minutes (720 seconds)
600 – 720 = -120 this is less than Setpoint #59; therefore, the anti-cycle timer will be set to 300 seconds, the
value of Setpoint #59.
If the controller loses power, the length of time that the system was down will be taken into consideration
when determining whether the compressor should be in an anti-cycle state and for how long.

10.16. Part Wind and Star Delta Starters

Both Part Winding and Star Delta starter types are supported by the Magnum software. This
option is specified in the ‘Part Winding’ cell of the Circuit Base screen in MCS-Config and will
require two successive Relay Output points. When this option is selected, make Setpoint #73
“STARTER DLAY” active. This Setpoint contains the delay in seconds or transition percentage
before the second Relay Output is turned on. This delay is normally 1 second for part winding or
5 seconds for a star delta starter. If using the transition percentage option, after initial startup
amp spike, the amps must fall below this percentage of the FLA for the second step to be turned on.

73 STARTER DLAY This Setpoint controls the start of a compressor’s second relay.
If the ‘Select Value: # decimals & print char’ cell is set to ‘HUMD or %’ then logic is:
If First Compressor Relay has been on longer than 2 seconds and the FLA% goes
below the value of this setpoint or is still above the value but reaches the time value in
the safety time field than turn on the second relay. (If the low zone field is zero use the
hardcoded 2 seconds belay at start. If greater than zero use that valve).
Setpoint Information Screen, if the ‘Select Value: # decimals & print char’ cell is set
to ‘Seconds’ then the Setpoints value is a time delay between the first and second relay’s
start. Used for part wind (typical value of 1) and star delta (typical value of 5) starter.

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10.17. Full Load Amp (FLA) calculation and slide positioning

For variable capacity compressors the Magnum will calculate a FLA for
each compressor and it will be stored in the FLA Setpoints (#171 to #190)
for compressors 1 through 20 with every pass of the algorithm. The calcu-
lated FLA value will be displayed when viewing the respective compressor
Setpoint through the Keypad/Display or MCS-Connect. The calculation is
based upon the slide multiplier, divisor and offset values and then adjusted
for the difference between the actual and design pressures for suction and
discharge. This calculation is then used to determine the slide position by
taking the actual amp draw divided the calculated FLA value. The load and
unload solenoids will be used to match the compressor slide position with
the wanted FLA.
If a FLA Setpoint is changed from MCS Connect both the original and calcu-
lated values are displayed in the following screen:

10.18. Chiller Barrel Heater

If a Chiller Barrel Heater is specified, it will be controlled based upon ambient temperature and Setpoint #134
10.19. Hot Gas Bypass
Control of the Hot Gas Bypass function will depend on which Setpoints are made active/inactive. Refer to
Setpoints #4-#7.
 Setpoints #4-#7 INACTIVE–If Setpoints #4-#7 are all inactive, then the HGB is enabled when the machine
is unloaded to within 25% of the minimum slide percentage. The HGB is disabled when the machine rises
above 30% of the minimum slide percentage. (These are just default values that can be overridden in the
“Time(sec)” fields of Setpoints #4 and #5. The “Time(sec)” field of Setpoint #4 contains the minimum slide per-
centage offset to enable the HGB; the “Time(sec)” field of Setpoint #5 contains the minimum slide percentage
offset to disable the HGB. For example, if Setpoint #4 “Time(sec)” field has a value of 10 and Setpoint #5’s
is15, then the HGB will enable when the compressors FLA% is within 10% of Setpoint #31 “MIN FLA%” and
will disable when FLA% goes above 15%.)
 Only Setpoints #4-#5 ACTIVE–The HGB is on when the machine is unloaded and the leaving liquid goes
below the Cut In (Setpoint #4 “HGS TEMP ON”). HGB is turned off when the leaving liquid temperature goes
above the Cut Out (Setpoint #5 “HGS TEMP OFF”) or the machine leaves the unloaded state.
 Only Setpoints #6-#7 ACTIVE- The HGB is on when the machine is unloaded and the suction pressure
goes below the Cut In (Setpoint #6 “HGS PSI ON”). HGB is turned off when the suction pressure goes above
the Cut Out (Setpoint #7 “HGS PSI OFF”) or the machine leaves the unloaded state.
 Setpoints #4-#7 ACTIVE–If both groups of Setpoints are active, then the HGB is on when the machine is
unloaded and either the leaving liquid temperature or the suction pressure goes below the respective Cut In
limit. The HGB goes off when the machine leaves the unloaded state or both the leaving liquid temperature
and the suction pressure goes above the respective Cut Out limits.
10.20. Chilled Water Reset
Chilled Water Reset (CWR) is a 0 to 5 volts dc Sensor Input (Display Type is TRGTRST) to the MCS micro-
processor. The CWR follows the following rules using Setpoint #21 “MAX TRG RESET”:
1. If the input is 2.5 volts dc the CWR is zero.
2. At 0 vdc the CWR is a negative value equal to the Setpoint value.
3. At 5 vdc the CWR is a positive value equal to the value in the Setpoint.
4. For values in between 0 – 2.5 and 2.5 – 5.0 the CWR is a plus or minus value which is proportional to the
Sensor Input voltage.

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10.21. Turbocor Chillers - New Options:

10.21.1 Balancing  Valve Control :

Startup (This is the same as existing logic)

i.  Open valve to 100% when starting any compressor
ii. Keep valve open until the comp’s pressure ratio drops below STP value.
10.21.2 Stage valve control:

i.      Open Stage valve to 100%
ii.      Write StartSpeed(RPM)over Modbus register 42039
(Need Custom MCS-Modbus-IO CFG file)  2 AOs per CMP

If lead CMP use default starting speed from the cfg or Highest Actual speed from running compressors

iii.      Stay in the startup routine (Holding State) until the actual RPMs are greater than 0 and the Turbocor
control state reads 0x0080 ( RampingUp)
iv.      Close Stage valve

i. Open Stage valve to 100%
ii. Keep valve open until actual RPMs are equal to 0
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 11. Oil Control Options

11.1. Oil Equalization Option
Oil equalization occurs with common suction/discharge systems. This feature allows for oil to
equalize between compressors by opening a solenoid valve. The oil equalization occurs at
compressor startup. Refer to section for Relay Output order and options. If this feature is specified
in the Circuit Base screen, the micro will energize the Oil Equalization solenoid valve for 1 minute
at compressor startup.

11.2. Liquid Injection Option

This option is specified in the Circuit Base screen:

In the Liquid Injection column there is a dropdown menu for each compressor, giving options of No Liquid
Injection, 1 Stage, or 2 Stage. If 2 Stage option is selected, the second stage relay must follow the list of
available options, it may not necessarily follow the first stage relay. Refer to section for Relay Output order
and options.
The first stage will be turned on if either the discharge temperature is greater than Setpoint #8 or suction
pressure is less than Setpoint #80 plus 5 psi (.5 Bar). If 2 Stage, the second relay will be turned on if the
discharge temperature is greater than Setpoint #8 plus 5.0° F (2.5° C) and the first relay has been on for a
time greater that the ‘Time (sec)’ field of this Setpoint. If the Slide Multiplier cell of the Relay Output for the first
stage of liquid injection is non-zero, then this relay will be turned on during the fast unload logic.

11.3. Oil Cooler Option

The oil cooler option can be enabled for compressors with oil. This feature requires an oil seal temperature
sensor, a Relay Output to energize the oil cooler, and Setpoint #145 “OIL COOLER ON“ to be active. If the oil
seal temperature is above Setpoint #145 for longer than the time specified, the oil cooler is energized until the
temperature is 5° F below the Setpoint value. Refer to section for Relay Output order and options.
11.4. Oil Pump Control Option
The Magnum supports 3 different types of oil pump control. This option is selected in in the ‘Control of Oil
Pump’ box in the ‘Compressor Information’ panel under the MAGNUM screen.

 OIL PUMP ALWAYS ON – The oil pump will start before the compressor to build up oil pressure and will
always be on when the associated compressor is on. If the oil pressure drops below Setpoint #74 “OIL
PUMP OFF”, then shut down the associated compressor and generate a LOW DIFFERENTIAL alarm.
The oil pump will continue running after the compressor is turned off regardless of the reason, for the time
specified in Setpoint #62 “PUMP DOWN DELAY”.
 OIL PUMP CYCLES AS NEEDED – After the compressor has been running for 2 minutes and when the
differential pressure (discharge pressure minus suction pressure) is greater than Setpoint #74 “OIL PUMP
OFF”, then the oil pump will be turned off. If the differential pressure drops 10 PSI below the value of Set-
point #74, then the oil pump will be turned on again.

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 OIL PUMP LUBE ONLY – After the compressor has been running for 2 minutes and when the differential
pressure (discharge pressure minus the suction pressure) is greater than Setpoint #74 “OIL PUMP OFF”,
then the oil pump will be turned off. If the differential pressure has not reached Setpoint #74 after 5
minutes, then shut down the associated compressor and generate a LOW DIFFERENTIAL alarm. If the
differential pressure has been reached and the oil pump turned off, then if the differential pressure drops 5
psi below the value of Setpoint #74, shut down the associated compressor and generate a LOW DIFFER-
ENTIAL alarm.
11.5. Oil Differential Calculation
For chillers with external oil pumps: Oil Differential = Oil Pressure–Discharge Pressure
For all others: Oil Differential = Oil Pressure–Suction Pressure
If an oil pressure sensor is not available, then discharge pressure can be used in place of it. This is set up in
the Circuit SI screen of MCS-Config by selecting the discharge pressure sensor in the oil pressure sensor’s

11.6. On/Off Switches

The following digital inputs can affect the entire package or individual circuits:
 Flow switch – If OFF the system has no flow. The system will Lockout (if Setpoint #105 is active), or shut
down (if Setpoint #105 is inactive).
 Pump down – If ON and the compressor is off, the compressor will not be allowed to start. If the compressor
is on, the system moves to the Pump Down state to begin turning off the compressor(s) in normal steps.
 Run/Stop – If OFF the system will not run. If the system is running, the system turns all compressors off
in normal steps (If a RUN/STOP and a Network RUN/STOP are both available they operate in series).
 Network Run/Stop – If OFF the system will not run. This input is provided by another system on the net-
work. It functions in the same matter as the Run/Stop switch.
 Emergency Stop – If ON the system will be shut down immediately and will remain disabled until the
switch is OFF.

11.7. MCS-Magnum Oil Recovery Logic Tandem Variable Speed & Fix Speed Scroll comps.
MCS-Magnum Firmware: HVAC 17.34B or greater is required
MCS-Connect version: 18.20.08 Beta or greater is required
MCS-Config version: 18.01G1 or greater is required
Config File Example: test only - 2 comp 1 circuit vs & fs_rev_01.cfg

11.7.1 Purpose:
The purpose of the oil recovery logic is to return oil to the variable speed scroll compressor on a tandem
refrigeration circuit where there is one variable speed compressor and one fix speed compressor. This logic
only works for above compressor setup. No other compressor arrangement is supported, ie. screw compres-
sors, reciprocating compressors, or more than 2 scroll compressors (trios, quads), etc.
If the variable speed compressor runs at low speed for a long period of time it possible the oil in the compressor
sump will become too low. Too low of oil condition is indicated by the oil level switch in the variable speed
compressor’s oil sump. When the variable speed compressor is running and the oil level switch indicates a
low condition the MCS-Magnum will enter into the oil recovery logic to collect the oil back into the variable
speed oil sump and avoid tripping the compressor on low oil level.

11.7.2 Requirements:
1. Tandem Scroll Compressors, one variable speed and the other fix speed.
2. Variable speed compressor must have an oil sump level switch.
3. MCS-Magnum Config must be setup as follows:

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

a. The special oil recovery logic must be disable – start relay field “Not USED” and # of recovery devices “0”.

b. Setpoints #218 to #222 must be setup.

c. Variable Speed Compressor must be configured with Oil Level Switch sensor input.

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11.8. Primary/Secondary Tandem Scroll Option:

If Setpoint #218 TYPE field is setup as “DELAY”, then the Fix Speed compressor is only allowed to run if the
variable speed compressor can run. If the speed compressor is locked out or disabled, the fix speed compressor
will be force in the “VFD TANDEM OFF” state and not allowed to run. It is recommended to enable this option.
If setpoint #218 TYPE field is not a “DELAY” type, then the fixed speed compressor can run without the variable
speed compressor.
11.8.1 Oil Recovery Logic:
The oil recovery logic has two modes, Balance and Boost.
11.8.2 Balance Mode:
In Balance mode the variable speed compressor speed is set to the value in setpoint #218 “OilRecSpeed”
and the fix speed compressor stay off or is forced off. In this mode the variable speed compressor speed is
increased to pull oil from the fixed speed compressor oil sump. The variable speed compressor state is set to
“OIL REC SPD UP”. If the fixed compressor was running, it state is set to “OIL REC OFF”. If the fixed speed
compressor is not running, it will stay in its current state.
The balance mode is entered when the oil level sensor input has tripped for X seconds. X is defined by the time
field in setpoint #218. This indicate the level in the oil sump is low and we need to recovery the oil.
When entering the Balance mode, a check is performed to see if time since the last oil recovery action has
been too short, indication an issue with the oil or system. If the time of Y (setpoint #222 value) since the boost
mode occurred has not passed the compressors are locked out and the alarm “ToManyOilBst” (Too Many Oil
Boost actions) is generated. If the time of X min (setpoint #220 value) since the last oil recovery balance mode
occurred, the Balance mode is skip and logic goes right to the boost mode. If setpoint #220 is an alarm type, an
alarm “ToManyOilBal” (Too Many Oil Balance Actions) is generated.
The balance mode is stopped when:
a. The oil level sensor input reads OK indicating oil has been recovery to the sump and level is good or,
b. Time delay specified in setpoint #219 “OilRecMaxBal” value field has been exceeded. If this condition
occurs, the oil recovery logic goes to boost mode, or
c. Run/Stop or flow, etc. wants the unit off, or
d. Compressor safety trip occurs.
11.8.3 Boost Mode:
In Boost mode the variable speed compressor speed is set to the value in setpoint #218 “OilRecSpeed” and the
fix speed compressor is forced on. In this mode both compressors are run to pull the oil back from the refrigeration
circuit. Both compressor’s states are set to “OIL REC BOOST “.
The Boost mode is entered when the balance mode did not clear the low oil condition (balance mode max time
delay excess before oil level sensor indicator good oil sump level).
The Boost Mode is stopped when:
a. The oil level sensor input reads OK indicating oil has been recovery to the sump and level is good or,

b. Time delay specified in setpoint #221 “OilRecMaxBst” value field has been exceeded. If this condition
occurs, both compressors are locked out and an “OilRecMaxBst” alarm is generated, or

c. Run/Stop or flow, etc. wants the unit off, or

d. Compressor safety trip occurs.

11.9. Setpoint #139 Low Oil Level safety

With oil recovery logic active this setpoint will now be ignored IF a compressor with a VFD has an Oil level. The
oil recovery logic will take over and control the compressor and lock it out if necessary.
If a compressor that is fixed speed (On/Off) with an oil level then setpoint #139 will be used to control the low oil
level safety and ignore the oil recovery logic.
If all compressors in the config file are VFD compressors with oil levels and none of the fixed compressors have
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

oil levels than please make setpoint #139 inactive as it serves no purpose.
11.9.1 Setpoint Descriptions Only
#218 – OilRecSpeed – HUMD or % - If setup as “Delay type” Fixed compressor cannot run without the vfd
tandem. If not setup as a delay type the fixed compressor will be able to run without the vfd compressor being
Value – Speed in % to move the compressor to during an oil balance/boost
Time – Amount of time to wait in seconds after oil level is tripped before entering balance/boost

#219 – OilRecMaxBal – SECONDS - Alarm Type

Value – Max time allowed in seconds to stay in balance mode before moving onto Boost mode

#220 – ToManyOilBal – MINUTES – Alarm Type

Value – If an oil balance occurs twice within this time frame an alarm will be posted and the balance mode
will be skipped and will be sent straight to a boost mode.

#221 – OilRecMaxBst – MINUTES – Alarm Type

Value – Max time allowed in minutes to stay in the boost mode before locking out that circuit on an alarm.

#222 – ToManyOilBst – MINUTES – Alarm Type

Value – If an oil boost occurs twice within this time frame an alarm will be posted and the circuit will be
locked out.

11.10. Low Suction Unloading and Holding

This option is activated when Setpoint #78 “LO SUCT UNLD” is active. When suction pressure is below the
calculated value of Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION“ plus Setpoint #78 “LO SUCT UNLD” for the time specified
in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, the Magnum will turn on the WARNING Relay Output if specified in MCS-Config and
take the following action:
 For fixed step compressors: The Magnum will turn off one step of capacity of the compressor(s) with low
suction until all steps except one are unloaded. The circuit state will be LO SUCT HOLD. The compressor
will remain in this state until the capacity control indicates that another step is to be unloaded or if the suction
pressure has returned to normal after the time in Setpoint #101 “SAFETY HOLD DELAY” has passed.
 For variable step compressors: The Magnum will begin unloading the compressor(s) with low suction until
the suction pressure rises above the calculated value. During this time the circuit state is LO SUCT UNLOAD.
Once this pressure has been reached, the circuit state will be LO SUCT HOLD. The compressor will
remain in this state until the capacity control indicates that another step is to be unloaded or if the suction
pressure has returned to normal after the time in Setpoint #101 “SAFETY HOLD DELAY” has passed.
Normal suction pressure is defined as any value greater than Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION” plus Setpoint
#79 “LO SUCT RELD”. Refer to Setpoints #78 and #79 for additional information.

11.11. High Discharge Pressure Unloading and Holding

This option is activated when the Setpoint #82 “HI DISC UNLD” is active. When the discharge pressure is
above the calculated value of Setpoint #81 “HI DISC PSI” minus Setpoint #82 “HI DISC UNLD” for the time
specified in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, the Magnum will turn on the WARNING Relay Output if specified in MCS-
Config and take the following action:
 For fixed step compressors: The Magnum will turn off one step of capacity of the compressor(s) with high
discharge until all steps except one are unloaded. The circuit state will be HI DISC HOLD. The compressor
will remain in this state until the capacity control indicates that another step is to be unloaded or if the
discharge pressure has returned to normal after the time in Setpoint #101 “SAFETY HOLD DELAY” has

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

 For variable step compressors: The Magnum will begin unloading the compressor(s) with high discharge
until the discharge pressure drops below the calculated value. During this time the circuit state is HI DISC
UNLOAD. Once this pressure has been reached, the circuit state will be HI DISC HOLD. The compressor
will remain in this state until the capacity control indicates that another step is to be unloaded or if the
discharge pressure has returned to normal after the time in Setpoint #101 “SAFETY HOLD DELAY” has
Normal discharge pressure is defined as any value less than the calculated value of Setpoint #81 “HI DISC
PSI” minus Setpoint #83 “HI DISC RELD” and greater than Setpoint #85 “LO DISC PSI”. Refer to Setpoints
#82 and #83 for additional information.

11.12. High Discharge Temperature Unloading and Holding

This option is activated when the Setpoint #88 “DISC TMP UNLD” is active. When the discharge temperature
is above the calculated value of Setpoint #87 “HI DISC TMP” minus Setpoint #88 “DISC TMP UNLD” for the
time specified in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, the Magnum will turn on the WARNING Relay Output if specified in
MCS-Config and take the following action:
 For fixed step compressors: The Magnum will turn off one step of capacity of the compressor(s) with high
discharge temperature until all steps except one are unloaded. The circuit state will be HI DISC HOLD.
The compressor will remain in this state until the capacity control indicates that another step is to be
unloaded or if the discharge temperature has returned to normal after the time in Setpoint #101 “SAFETY
HOLD DELAY” has passed.
 For variable step compressors: The Magnum will begin unloading the compressor(s) with high discharge
temperature until the temperature drops below the calculated value. During this time the circuit state is HI
DISC UNLOAD. Once this temperature has been reached, the circuit state will be HI DISC HOLD. The
compressor will remain in that state until the capacity control indicates that less capacity is needed or if the
discharge temperature has returned to normal after the time in Setpoint #101 “SAFETY HOLD DELAY” has
Normal pressure is defined as any value less than the calculated value of Setpoint #87 “HI DISC TMP” minus
Setpoint #89 “HI DISC RELD”. Refer to Setpoints #88 and #89 for additional information.

11.13. High Ampere Unloading and Holding

This option is activated when the Setpoint #75 “HI AMPS %” is active. Note: This option can only be active
for fixed step compressors. When the amp draw is within one-half of the calculated HI AMP safety value, the
Magnum will turn on the WARNING Relay Output if specified in MCS-Config and take the following action:
 For fixed step compressors: the Magnum will turn off one step of capacity associated with that compressor
until that compressor is in an UNLOADED state that is all steps except one are unloaded. The circuit
state will be HI AMP HOLD. The compressor will remain in that state until the capacity control indicates
that another step is to be unloaded or if the amp draw has returned to normal after the time in Setpoint
#101 “SAFETY HOLD DELAY” has passed.

11.14. Low Water Temperature Unloading and Holding

When the leaving liquid temperature is within 1.5° F (.8° C) of the freeze safety, the Magnum will turn on the
WARNING Relay Output if specified in MCS-Config and take the following action:
 For fixed step compressors: The Magnum will turn off one step of capacity of the compressor(s) with low
water temperature until all steps except one are unloaded. The circuit state will be LO TMP HOLD. The
compressor will remain in that state until the capacity control indicates that another step is to be unloaded
or if after 5 minutes the leaving liquid temperature has turned to normal.
 For variable step compressors: The Magnum will begin unloading the compressor(s) with low water
temperature until the leaving liquid temperature rises above the calculated value. During this time the
circuit state is LO TMP UNLOAD. Once the leaving liquid temperature rises above the calculated
temperature the circuit state will change to LO TMP HOLD. The compressor will remain in that state until
the capacity control indicates that less capacity is needed or if after 5 minutes the leaving liquid temperature
has turned to normal.
 Turn Off All Running Compressors - Turn off all running compressors when the controlling sensor falls
below setpoint #1 LOW ZONE column value. This feature is enabled if setpoint #1 TYPE column is set to
“TARGET” type.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Normal leaving liquid temperature is defined as any value more than 3.0F (1.6C) above the freeze safety trip

11.15. Energy Efficient Compressor Staging

In a multi-screw system, it may be more efficient to run the screws at less than 100% capacity until all compressors
have been turned on.
The following Setpoints are used to control the screw compressor staging:
 Setpoint #30 “MAX SLIDE %” contains the maximum slide percentage, based upon amp draw, before the
system will bring on the next compressor.
 Setpoint #31 “MIN SLIDE %” contains the minimum slide percentage, based upon amp draw, before the
system will reduce the number of compressors wanted on.

For example if “MAX SLIDE %” is 80% and the “MIN SLIDE %“ is 40%, the two-screw compressor system
would be ramped up as follows:
The Lead compressor will be started at 40% and increased up to 80%. If more capacity is needed the next
compressor will be started at 40% and the first compressor decreased to 40%. The two compressors will
then have their slide positions changed together. Since there are only two compressors, they will be ramped
together up to 100% if required. If both compressors are at 40% and less capacity is needed, one compressor
will be turned off and the other increased to 80%.

If running compressors at 100% is not desired, then the “Last Stage to 100% (Override Setpoint)” cell in the
Compressor Information panel of the MAGNUM screen should be set to ‘No’. Then the maximum capacity
allowed will be the value in Setpoint #30. If ‘Yes’, then all compressors will load to the value in Setpoint #30
until all compressors are on, then they will load to 100% together.

11.16. Chilled Water Pump Control

The current Magnum software will support a chilled water pump plus a backup with rotation logic. These must
be set up in MCS-Config. Setpoint #105 and Setpoint #106 are used with this control logic.

 If Setpoint #105 “PUMP FAILURE” is active, flow is lost for the period of time contained in the ‘Time
(sec)’ field, and only one pump is present, then the system will move to a LOCKED OUT state. If the system
has two pumps and flow is lost, then the backup pump will start and the lead pump will be locked out. A
Lockout Reset will be required to restart the system or to reactive a locked out pump.

 If Setpoint #105 is inactive and the flow is lost, the system will move to the OFF- NO EVAP FLOW state.
When flow is returned the system will automatically restart, no reset is required.

Setpoint #106 “LEAD PUMP” indicates whether the rotation option is active or which pump is the lead pump.

„„ If Setpoint #106 is zero, then rotation of the pumps will occur whenever the lead pump is turned off. If
no rotation has occurred during the current day, a forced rotation at midnight will occur. This forces at
least one rotation per day.
„„ If Setpoint #106 is non-zero, then rotation of the pumps is inactive and the value will specify the lead
pump. This Setpoint can be changed in a live unit and the appropriate action will be taken.

11.16.1 Special Rotation for Chiller Pump Rotation

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This feature is designed to rotate the chiller pumps at midnight with a minimum disruption to the flow.
„„ Setpoint #238 must be active and contain the following information:
Type: Delay Value: Not used Safety time: delay between states
„„ Set point #106 must be active and contain the following information:
Type: Set point
Value: Number of days between rotation
At mid-night when rotation is required both chiller pumps will be on for the time in the safety time cell of set point #238.
Once this time has elapsed, the current lead chiller pump will be turned off and the lead switched to the other chiller pump.
Prior to rotation the system will verify that the next chiller pump is available. That chiller pump’s status must be AUTO and
if a fault is specified it must be off or the rotation will not be made. Rotation is only checked a midnight. If the lead pump fails;
normal rotation will occur to the next chiller pump.

11.16.2 Special Rotation For Process Pumps Rotation.

This feature is designed to rotate the process pumps at mid night with a minimum disruption to the flow.
Set point #239 must be active and contain the following information:
Select Value: HUMD or%
Type: Delay
Value: VFD setting of lead process pump during State 1
Safety time: delay between states 3o
MIN VFD Opening: setting of lead process pump during State 2 2.0
MAX VFD Opening: setting of next process pump during State 2 5:,
Set point #197 must be active and contain the following information:
Type: Set point
Value: Number of days between rotation 0
At mid-night when rotation is required the lead process pump’s VFD will be set to Value of set point #239, this is state 1,
the next process pump is off. The process pumps will be in state 1 for the time in the safety time cell of set point #239.
Once this time has elapsed, the current lead process pump’s VFD will be set to the value in MIN VFD of set point #239
and the next process pump will be turned on and its VFD will be set to the value in MAX VFD of set point #239, this is
state 2. The process pumps will be in state 2 for the time in the safety time cell of set point #239.
Once this time has elapsed, the current lead process pump’s VFD will be set to 0 and the process pump turned off. The
lead will be switched to the next process pump and normal process pump control will continue.
Prior to rotation the system will verify that the next process pump is available. That process pump’s status must be AUTO
and if a fault is specified it must be off or the rotation will not be made. Rotation is only checked a midnight. If the lead process
pump fails; normal rotation will occur.

11.17. Process Pump (Heat Exchanger) Control

The Magnum software can support either variable or fixed stages of heat exchangers with up to two process
pumps with rotation and control based upon pressure or temperature. This option is specified in the Evaporator
Information panel in the MAG screen.

The pump information must be set up in the Evaporator Information Panel under the MAGNUM screen. The
following information is required for each pump if used:
Pump Relay Output
Pump VFD Analog Output (if used)
VFD fault (if used)
Pressure Sensor Input (if used)
Pressure sensor output (if used)
Process temperature (if temperature control)
The following Setpoints are required:
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#147 “PROC ZONE”
#150 “Proc MinSpd%”
#197 “LEAD ProcPmp”
See Section on Setpoints for descriptions.

The process pump is on whenever the chilled water pump is on.

11.18. Control Power Relay (No Stop)

This feature provides the capability to interrupt the power supply to the system when a particular compressor
continues to draw a specified amperage level when it is called to be OFF. A Relay Output, referred to as the
control relay, must be wired so that no power reaches the compressors when it is switched OFF. The Relay Output
must be selected in the ‘Control Relay’ cell of the General Information panel of MCS-Config and Setpoint
#112 “NO STOP” must be active. The Magnum will continually monitor the amp draw of compressors that are
called to be OFF. If the amp draw is greater than the FLA for that compressor multiplied by the percentage in
Setpoint #112 “NO STOP” for the time specified in the ’Time (sec)’ field, then the control relay will turn OFF, a
NO STOP alarm will be generated, and the system will be Locked Out.

11.19. Low and High Ambient Shutdown

The Magnum software supports both low and high ambient temperature shut downs. This option requires an
ambient temperature sensor and one or both of Setpoints #24 “LOW AMB OFF” and #26 “HIGH AMB OFF”.
The AMBIENT OFF state is entered when the ambient temperature falls below the Setpoint #24 or above
Setpoint #26. The system will remain in this state until the ambient temperature rises 5.0F (2.5C) above
Setpoint #24 value or drops 5.0F (2.5C) below Setpoint #25. When the chiller is in this state, the individual
compressor states are changed to the CMP IS OFF state through the normal staging function.

11.20. Imperial, Metric, and Combined Unit sensor readings

The Magnum software supports Imperial, Metric, and Combined unit sensor readings. This setting is specified
in the Setup screen of MCS-Config. All sensor values and all software-coded offsets are automatically converted
to the option selected and displayed with the appropriate character. The following table contains the display


Temperature F C C
Pressure – Gage Reading P B P
Pressure – Absolute Reading p b p
Humidity % % %
Digital or Switch
Amp or CT A A A
Voltage V V V
Refrigeration Level % % %
If the unit type is changed, MCS-Config will give you an option to automatically change the values of all items

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in the Setpoints to match the new type and will automatically adjust the display characters.

11.21. Warning and Alarm Relay Outputs

The Warning Relay Output will be turned on whenever the Magnum generates a warning message. These
messages are:
The system will continue to run since no safeties have tripped. The Warning Relay Output will also be turned
on whenever a compressor is placed in a safety state.
The Alarm Relay Output will be turned on whenever the Magnum generates an alarm message. This indicates
that a safety trip or Lockout has occurred.

11.22. Vi Port Control Logic (Open Drive Screw only)

The internal volume (Vi) of the open drive screw can be dynamically adjusted to achieve maximum efficiency
modulating the Vi control solenoids. The duration of each solenoid pulse is contained in Setpoint #114 “Vi PULSE”.
The ratio of discharge pressure divided by suction pressure is calculated. This ratio is blocked between 50
and 22. The value of Setpoint #137 ”Vi DEADBAND” is added to and subtracted from this ratio to develop a
control zone. The control zone will be recalculated based upon the time in Setpoint #138 ”Vi DELAY”. Refer to
Setpoints #117, #118 and #119. The system will pulse the solenoids to keep the Vi reading within the calculated
control zone.

11.23. Operating Schedules

Two operating schedules per each day of the week and 8 holidays are supported by the Magnum software.
Each schedule contains a start and end time. If the time and day of the Magnum clock is within these limits
then the schedule is true and the system will be allowed to run. If not, the system will be off due to schedule.

11.24. Mod-Motor Limit Control for Flooded Chiller

This option was added for Dunham-Bush flooded chillers. The Mod-Motor is a self-contained device that
modulates a flooded chiller barrel level control valve based on a level sensor. The Magnum controls two Relay
Outputs that change the limits on the movement of the Mod-Motor (The Relay Outputs change resistance to
an input on the Mod-Motor). These Relay Outputs must be placed consecutively and specified in the General
Information panel under the MAGNUM screen of MCS-Config.
 When one or less compressors are on, the first Mod-Motor Relay Output is turned on and the second
Mod-Motor Relay Output is off.
 When 2 or more compressors are on, the first Mod-Motor Relay Output is turned off.
 The second Mod-Motor Relay Output will be turned on if the suction pressure is greater than 85.0 psi
(5.8 bar) and the discharge suction pressure differential is less than 30.0 psi (2.0 bar), and the second
Mod-Motor Relay Output will stay on as long as the suction pressure is greater than 80.0 psi (5.8 bar)
and the discharge suction pressure differential is less than 35.0 psi (2.4 bar). If neither of the above is
true, then the second Mod-Motor Relay Output will be turned off.

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11.25. Hot Gas Reheat (Humidity) Control

The Hot Gas Reheat Control option is activated by selecting Yes in the ‘HGReheat’ cell in the
Circuit Base Screen.
The hot gas control sensor is specified in the Evaporator Information panel of the MAGNUM
screen. Select the input sensor that will be used to control the hot gas reheat function in the
‘Reheat Control’ cell.

When this option is selected the Reheat Relay Outputs must be setup as follows:

These Hot Gas Reheat relays are required and they must be placed in the proper sequence to work correctly.
The following Setpoints must be active: #129 “RH CUTIN”, #130 “RH CUTOUT ADJ”, #131 “RH START DLY”,
#132 “RH BLEED DLY”, #133 “RH STAGE DLY”.(see Section full Setpoint descriptions).
Hot Gas Reheat sequence of operations:
(The names in the above example will be used to indicate the status of the relays: 1-6 REHEAT, 1-7 R-Hvalve,
and 1-8 R-Hbleed)

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Condition 1-6 REHEAT 1-7 R-Hvalve 1-8 R-Hbleed

The reheat state is OFF. The compressor is running and the RH ON OFF OFF
TEMP is greater than Setpoint #129 plus #130.
The reheat state is STARTING. The compressor is running and the RH ON ON ON
TEMP is less than Setpoint #129. It will remain in this state until the time
is greater than Setpoint #131, and then will move to the ON state.
The reheat state is ON. The reheat will remain in this state until the OFF ON ON
reheat temperature is greater than Setpoint #129 plus #130. When the
temperature is greater the state will be changed to BLEED.
The reheat state is BLEED. It will remain in this state until the time is ON OFF ON
greater than Setpoint #132, it will then move to the OFF state.

11.26. Extra Liquid Line Solenoid Control

Second and third Liquid Line Solenoids (economizers) are supported and
can be used for extra control. To specify, select the Circuit Base Screen:
The third solenoid (economizer) can be controlled either on the slide
wanted percentage or as the last step on for that compressor (Refer to
section 13 Setpoints #98 and #99). Liquid line solenoids 2 and 3 will be
turned on and off as indicated in their Setpoints.

11.27. Outside Air Economizer/Fluid Cooler with Analog

11.27.1 Output Control

The purpose of an economizer/fluid cooler is to take advantage of any available
free cooling so as to avoid the need of mechanical cooling. Several options can
be specified in MCS-Config to accomplish this.

11.27.2 Economizer Set up

The analog valve that will be modulated is selected in the ‘Economizer AO’ cell in
the Evaporator Information panel. In this example the name is 3 WAY VLV.
If the economizer/fluid cooler has separate fans (not associated with condens-
ers) then answer yes in the ‘Separate Economizer Fans?’ cell. If Yes, then four
additional cells will appear: ‘Starting Economizer Fan’ (select the first fan Relay
Output), ‘# of Econ Fans’ (specify the number of fan points), ‘Starting Economizer
Fault’ (select the first fan fault, this is a Sensor Input), and ‘# of Econ Faults’
(specify the number of faults)
In the above example there are two fans and two faults associated with the
economizer/fluid cooler. If there is more than one fan they must be consecutive
Relay Outputs. The same is true of the condenser faults.

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The condenser fans can also be used to assist in the free cooling function when the system is not using
mechanical cooling. To set this up in the condenser information grid, select “Fluid Cooler Econo” equals “Yes”,
else “No” if condenser fans are not used. All types of condensers can be used. The above example has individual
fans per compressor. Whenever a compressor is running the control of its condenser fans will be based solely
on the discharge pressure of that compressor, while the condenser fans of compressors that are not running
will be controlled by the economizer function. If the type of condenser is common; if any compressor is on all
of the fans will be controlled by the highest discharge pressure and not by the economizer function.
The following Setpoints must be set up: #107 ”EcoDelayMech”, #115 “EcoVFDfanDely“, #119 “EcoOffsetON”,
#120 “Eco Stg Dely”, #121 “Eco MIN VLV%”, #122 “Eco MAX VLV%”, #123 “Eco MAX ADJ”, #124 “EcoVlvAd-
jDly”, #125 “Eco StageDly”, #126 “Eco MULTI”, and #127 “Eco DIVIDE”
(Refer to Chapter 26 for Setpoint descriptions)
11.27.3 Sequence of Operation
The Economizer logic will be enabled whenever the ambient temperature meets the requirement as stated in
Setpoint #119 “EcoOffsetON” (Ambient Temperature < Target Temperature–Setpoint #119). For example if the
target is 45.0F and Setpoint #119 is 10.0F, then the ambient temperature must be less than 35.0F to enable
the economizer function to begin.
If mechanical cooling has not been enabled (no steps are Wanted On or Actual On), when the economizer
starts the Unit State will be ECONOMIZER ONLY. In this state mechanical cooling will not be started until the
economizer function has reached its maximum capacity (Economizer valve is at maximum opening, all available
fans are turned on, and the control temperature is still not in the target zone).
When the economizer logic starts, the Magnum will modulate the Analog Output to the economizer valve to
maintain the control sensor reading within the target zone. The valve will be modulated between Setpoint
#121“Eco MIN VLV%” and Setpoint #122 “Eco MAX VLV%” and will wait the time contained in Setpoint #124
“EcoVlvAdjDly” before making each adjustment to the valve opening.
 If control temperature is above the control target, Setpoints #1, and the control temperature rate of change
is greater than the value of Setpoint #27 “MAX ROC-”:
This indicates that the control temperature is too high and it is not approaching the target fast enough, therefore
the valve opening must be increased if possible. The adjustment value will be the difference between the
target (Setpoint #1) and the control sensor temperature multiplied by Setpoint #126 “Eco MULTI” and divided
by Setpoint #127 “Eco DIVIDE”. If the absolute adjustment is greater than the value of Setpoint #123 “Eco
MAX ADJ”, then it will be limited to this value. The economizer valve opening will be increase by this value.
 If control temperature is below the economizer control zone (Setpoint #1–Setpoint #3) and the control
temperature rate of change is less than the value of Setpoint #28 “MAX ROC+”:
This indicates that the control temperature is too low and it is not approaching the target fast enough,
therefore the valve opening must be decreased if possible. The adjustment value will be the difference
between thetarget (Setpoint #1) and the control sensor temperature multiplied by Setpoint #126 “Eco
MULTI” and divided by Setpoint #127 “Eco DIVIDE”. If the absolute adjustment is greater than the value
of Setpoint #123 “Eco MAX ADJ”, then it will be limited to this value. The economizer valve opening will be
decrease by this value.
 If control temperature is above the bottom of control zone (Setpoint #1–Setpoint #3) but less than the con-
trol target (Setpoint #1) no change to the economizer valve opening will be made.
Once the valve has reached its maximum opening (Setpoint #122), the Magnum will wait the time specified in
Setpoint #125 “Eco StageDly” before checking if there are any fans associated with the economizer function.
If there are the Magnum will stage the fans to maintain the control temperature with in the target zone. If a fan
VFD is present, then this will be modulated in the same manner. The delay between VFD adjustments will be
the value in Setpoint #115 “EcoVFDfanDely” if active, else Setpoint #124 will be used. Once all fans associated
with the economizer function are on, the Magnum will check if any condenser fans can also be used. If yes,
then these fans will then be staged to maintain the control temperature.
Once all the fans and/or VFD have been turned on and the control temperature is still greater than the control
zone for the time specified in Setpoint #107 “EcoDelayMech” if active (else the time in Setpoint #125 “Eco
StageDly” will be used) then mechanical cooling will be enabled.
 If the ambient temperature rises above the offset in Setpoint #119 during economizer cooling mode, then
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the economizer function will be terminated, its valve opening will be set to zero, and mechanical cooling
will be enabled.
 If the control temperature is less than the target temperature (Setpoint #1) minus the 3 times value of
Setpoint #3, then the economizer function will be terminated, its valve opening will be set to zero, and all
fans will be turned off.
 If during mechanical cooling mode the ambient temperature drops below the offset in Setpoint #119, then
the economizer function will begin. Note: the Unit State will not change, the economizer valve will be
modulated as described above, fans directly associated with the economizer will be used, and no fans
associated with the condensers will used.
 The control rate of change is always checked before an adjustment to the valve is made. The purpose is
to not change the valve opening if the temperature is moving toward the target at an acceptable rate.

11.27.4 Outside Air Supply Economizer

If the purpose of the economizer is to provide outside air, then there will be no fans associated with the
economizer and no condenser fans will be used. In this setup the economizer valve opening will never be less
than the value of Setpoint #121 ”Eco MIN VLV%”. This is required to supply the minimum of outside air.

11.27.5 Mechanical Cooling Enabled

Once mechanical cooling has been enabled, the economizer will control only
the individual compressor condenser fans of compressors that have not been
started. The discharge pressure will control all others.
The percentage of the economizer valve opening will not be decreased. It will
remain at its maximum setting until all stages of mechanical cooling are off.

11.27.6 Example: Fluid Cooler with VFD condenser fan

The economizer AO has been selected and there are no separate economizer fans.

The condenser type is common with VFD control and the Fluid Cooler Economizer option has been enabled.
The VFD of the condenser fan will be controlled by the economizer function unless any compressor is running.
If a compressor is running the VFD control will be based upon the highest discharge pressure.
Assume the following setup:

Setpoint # Name Value

27 MAX ROC- -.6F
28 MAX ROC+ .6F
54 CND MIN OPEN 20.0%
55 CND MAX OPEN 100.0%

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107 ECON-MECHdly 240s

115 EconVFDdelay 45s
119 EcoOffsetON 10.0F
120 EconDelyFans 60s
121 EcoVlvMinVlv 0.0%
122 EcoVlvMaxVlv 100.0%
123 EcoVlvMaxAdj 5.0%

Conditions when the run/stop was set to RUN

Ambient temperature 30.0F
Control temperature 48.5F
The ambient temperature is less than 44.0 (Setpoint #1) – 10.0 (Setpoint #119) and no mechanical cooling steps
are on; therefore, the Unit state will be ECONOMIZER ONLY and the economizer function will be enabled.
The AO M-1 “3 WAY VLV” will be opened to its minimum valve of 0% (Setpoint #121) and it will be modulated
based upon the control temperature and the target (Setpoint #1). The first adjustment will be 48.5 – 44.0 = 4.5.
This value will be adjusted by multiplier of 3 (Setpoint #126) and divided by 2 (Setpoint #127) to give an adjusted
value of 6.7. This value is blocked; maximum allowed adjustment, by Setpoint #123 to allow an adjustment
of 5.0%. The economizer valve opening will be increased by this amount if the temperature control rate of
change is greater than the value of Setpoint #27.
The economizer function will wait 30 seconds (Setpoint #124) before determining the next adjustment. If the
control temperature is now 47.3F; the following adjustment will be calculated.
47.3 – 44.0 = 3.3 x 3 / 2 = 4.9. Since this is less than 5.0 the valve will be open an additional 4.9% if the
temperature control rate of change is greater than the value of Setpoint #27.
Each adjustment will be made after a delay of 30 seconds. If the control temperature is below the control
target (Setpoint #1) and above the bottom the control zone (43.0F to 44.0F) there will be no change to valve
If the control temperature drops below the control zone the valve opening will be reduced. For example if the
control temperature is 42.6F then the following calculation will be made:
42.6 – 44.0 = 1.4 x 3 / 2 = 2.1. Since this is less than 5.0 the valve opening will be reduced an additional
When the valve reaches its maximum opening of 100.0% (Setpoint #122) the economizer function will use
other fans if they are available. In this example there are no fans that are associated only with economizer but
the VFD fan can now be used. At time delay of 120 seconds (Setpoint #125) be for the VFD will be modu-
lated. Following this initial delay the VFD will be opened to its minimum opening, Setpoint #54 of 20%.
At this point the unit state is ECONOMIZER ONLY, economizer valve is at 100% and VFD will be modulated
between its minimum (Setpoint #54) and it maximum (Setpoint #55). The delay between these adjustments
will be 45 seconds (Setpoint #115).
Once the VFD opening is equal to its maximum (Setpoint #55) there will be a delay of 240 seconds (Setpoint
#107). At this time the unit state will be changed and mechanical cooling will be enabled.

11.27.7 Example: Fluid Cooler with condenser compressor fans

The economizer AO has been selected and there are no separate economizer fans.
The condenser type is RO Step Individual and the Fluid Cooler Economizer option has been enabled. The
individual compressor condenser fans will be controlled by the economizer function unless a compressor is
running. If a compressor is running, then the condenser fans associated with that compressor will be con-
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trolled based upon the discharge pressure of the compressor that is running.

Assume the following setup:

Setpoint # Name Value

27 MAX ROC- -.6F
28 MAX ROC+ .6F
107 ECON-MECHdly 240s
115 EconVFDdelay 45s
119 EcoOffsetON 10.0F
120 EconDelyFans 60s
121 EcoVlvMinVlv 10.0%
122 EcoVlvMaxVlv 100.0%
Analog output Name
123 EcoVlvMaxAdj 10.0%
124 EcoVlvDelay 30s
125 EcoVlvMaxDly 120s
126 EcoVlv Mul 2
127 EcoVlv Div 1
Conditions when the run/stop was set to RUN
Ambient temperature 30.0F
Control temperature 49.7
The ambient temperature is less than 44.0 (Setpoint #1) – 10.0 (Setpoint #119) and no mechanical cooling steps
are on, therefore the Unit state will be ECONOMIZER ONLY and the economizer function will be enabled.
The AO M-1 “ECONOMIZER” will be opened to its minimum valve of 10% (Setpoint #121) and it will be
modulated based upon the control temperature and the target (Setpoint #1). The first adjustment will be 49.7
– 44.0 = 5.7. This value will be adjusted by multiplier of 2 (Setpoint #126) and divided by 1 (Setpoint #127)
to give an adjusted value of 11.4. This value is blocked by the maximum allowed adjustment (Setpoint #123)
to 10.0%. The economizer valve opening will be increased by this amount if the temperature control rate of
change is greater than the value of Setpoint #27. With Setpoint #126 equal to 2 and #127 equal to 1, the
valve will be adjusted by 2% for every degree difference from the target.
The economizer function will wait 30 seconds (Setpoint #124) before calculating the next adjustment. If the
control temperature is now 47.3F the following adjustment will be made.
47.3 – 44.0 = 3.3 x 2 / 1 = 6.6. Since this is less than 10.0 the valve will be open an additional 6.6% if the
temperature control rate of change is greater than the value of Setpoint #27.
Each adjustment will be made after a delay of 30 seconds. If the control temperature is below the control
target (Setpoint #1) and above the bottom the control zone (43.0F to 44.0F) there will be no change to valve
If the control temperature drops below the control zone the valve opening will be reduced. For example if the
control temperature is 42.6F then the following calculation will be made:
42.6 – 44.0 = 1.4 x 2 / 1 = 2.8. Since this is less than 10.0 the valve opening will be reduced an additional
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When the valve reaches its maximum opening of 100.0% (Setpoint #122) the economizer function will use
other fans if they are available. In this example there are no fans that are associated only with economizer but
the condenser fans can now be used. After the time delay of 120 seconds (Setpoint #125) the first condenser
fan will be turned on (the first fan of the first compressor unless unavailable).
At this point the unit state is ECONOMIZER ONLY, the economizer valve is at 100%, and the compressor
fans will be used to aid in the economizer cooling. The delay between starting the condenser fans will be 30
seconds (Setpoint #124). If all condenser fans are available and not manually turned off, the pattern of start-
ing fans will be the first fan on compressor 1, after the delay then the first fan of compressor 2, after the delay
then the second fan on compressor 1. This will continue until all available condenser fans have been turned on.
Once all of the condenser fans have been turned on there will be a delay of 240 seconds (Setpoint #107). At
this time the Unit State will be changed and mechanical cooling will be enabled. When a compressor is run-
ning, its associated condenser fans will be controlled by the discharge pressure of the running compressors.

11.28. High Suction Superheat Safety

To add a high suction superheat safety, make Setpoint #203 “HiSuctSheat” active. If the suction superheat is
greater than the value of this Setpoint for the ‘Time(sec)’ field, an alarm will be generated and the compressor
will be shut down with a safety or Lockout state.

11.29. Low Temperature Safety and Unload (Low Saturated Suction Temperature)
The Magnum is set up to check for low refrigerant temperature safety and unload functions. To enable this
test make Setpoint #155 “LO REF TMP” active and point to the sensor in the ‘Refrigeration Temp’ column of
the Compressor SI grid in MCS-Config.
This safety will be checked only when the compressor is running. If the sensor value is less than Setpoint
#155 for the ‘Time(sec)’ field, then an alarm message will be generated and the associated compressor will
either be placed in a safety or Lockout state.
The Magnum will also determine if a low temperature condition occurs and to stop loading or unload if necessary.
If the sensor value is less than the value of Setpoint #155 plus Setpoint #156 “LO REF UNLD”, then the
compressor state will be LO TMP UNLOAD. Refer to state (21) .
By using the User Logic type sensor, we can test any value for a low condition. For example point the
refrigerant temperature index to a User Logic sensor that picks up the saturated suction temperature for that
compressor. Make Setpoint #155 active with the low temperature value that will trigger the safety and unload
action and you have a low saturated suction temperature condition.

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Chapter - 12. Using Lookup Tables

The purpose of Lookup tables is to provide additional capability for entering reference data for reading of
sensors. Tables are handy, in that, you do not need to create separate configuration files for each change in
the performance curve on a non linear sensor. The Magnum will look at the lookup table to get the right
information for that sensor.
12.1. Lookup tables used with MCS-MAGNUM controls
In the sample below, we are using a Temperature sensor. The magnitude of the current is converted to a linear (0-5vdc)
output signal which can be read as a standard analog input signal. The signal is used by MCS micro controllers for controlling
some of the following:
1. For slide valve positioning on screw machines
2. For high amp motor overload protection
3. For verification of device on / off
4. For reading any temperature, voltage, or current sensors that has typical voltage input which ranges from 0 to 5 Vdc.
5. For reading non linear sensors that use a 4-20mA signal.

12.1.1 Setting up a Lookup table using MCS-CONFIG

1. Setup new temperature sensor in MCS-Config as shown in screen below.

Screen 1
2. Using the pull down icon, specified the Lookup table that you will be using for this sensor as shown in screen 2.

Screen 2

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12.1.2 Setting up Lookup table #1 - see screen 3 below:

The sensor we have setup in this example is a temperature sensor. We are entering data into the lookup table using
data from the manufacture of the sensor. In the sample table, we have used 17 rows for the data to give us a clear
view of the temperature and voltage range of this sensor.
1. In column one, we have entered the number of rows we will use.
2. The second column we have entered Voltage as the Input
3. In the third column we have entered Temp as the output.
4. The fourth column we have shown Volts2 which will allow the example to have two decimal places for the voltage

Screen 3
5. The last column shows the authorization level needed to make changes in MCS-Connect.

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12.1.3 Viewing the Lookup Table in MCS-Connect

In MCS-Connect you can view the sensor example as shown in the screen below, viewing the same information that
was setup in MCS-Config. The authorization was setup as ‘FACTORY’ in MCS-Config for this sensor example.

1. Click on the ‘SENSOR’ where the lookup table is.

(You can view any and all tables that were created in
MCS-CONFIG by following the steps below)

2. Click on ‘VIEW’ at the top of the MCS-CONNECT



4. The following pop up will appear showing the table

that was setup in MCS-CONFIG.
5. If authorized you can make changes to the table. Click on ‘EDIT LOOKUP TABLES’
following pop up will appear

Sensor setup in MCS-CONFIG

using a Lookup Table Using as Control Temperature Sensor

The example sensor has been specified in MCS-Config as providing the control value reading. It will normally be
the entering temperature, leaving temperature, or suction pressure. The Setpoints must be adjusted according to
the type of control measurement selected.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 13. Ice Making Capabilities

The Magnum offers a number of different options to meet the requirements of providing ice for energy storage tanks.
A system can be configured as a standard HVAC/R unit with the capability to adjust its cooling target or it can be configured
as a pure ice making unit.
13.1. HVAC/R unit using the cooling target reset
This method is indicated by selecting the Ice Mode DI On/Off option and a sensor in the Target (SP #1) Reset cell in the
Evaporator Info screen of the Information Panel Selector screen. The ice making mode will be entered based upon the
sensor selected in the Target (SP #1) Reset cell.

13.1.1 Target (SP #1) Reset Sensor

This sensor will indicate when the system is to enter the ICE MAKING mode.
13.1.2 Reset Sensor Type ‘Target Reset’
When this sensor A/D counts are less than 256, voltage of 1.25, ice mode is to be off, if greater than 768, voltage of
3.75, then ice mode is on else there is no change to the mode.
If this type of sensor is selected, the value of set point #21 will be the off set to set point #1. If set point #1 is 39.0F and
the ice temperature target is to be 19.0F then the value of set point #21 must be -20.0F. When this sensor indicates that
the ice mode should be entered, its value will be changed to the value of set point #21 & set point #1 will be reset by the
value of set point #21, the unit mode will be ICE MAKING.
13.1.3 Reset Sensor Type ‘Network Target Reset’
If this type of sensor is selected, its value will be the value received from Modbus address 201 from the network. Set
point #21 is used as a high/low limit. The value must be greater than the negative value of set point #21 and less than
the value of set point #21 else the value will be 0. This sensor will show this value. If the value of this sensor is not zero,
the ice mode will be entered. The value of set point #1 will be reset by the value of this sensor, the unit mode will be ICE

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13.2. Ice Making Mode

When this mode is entered the unit mode will be changed to ICE MAKING, set point #1 will reflect the ice making target,
and all steps of cooling will be staged on. The system will remain in this mode as long as the target reset sensor indi-
cates ice making mode.
If the control temperature drops to the value of set point #1 or less, an information alarm, TMP OFF-ICE MADE, will be
generated; all steps of cooling will be staged off; unit state will be OFF TMP-ICE MADE; and the unit mode will remain
ICE MAKING. The system will remain in this state until the target reset sensor indicates that the ice making mode is to
be terminated.
13.2.1 Terminating of ice making mode
Once the target reset sensor indicates that the ice making mode is to end; the mode will be changed to COOLING, the
value of set point #1 will be restored to its cooling target, and the unit state will be to a normal state. At this point the
system will function to provide cooling as needed.
13.3. System as a pure ice making unit, Turbo Ice Machine
This setup is used to specify a system that is designed to produce and provide a defrost function.
This method is indicated by selecting the Turbo Ice Machine option and the number of liquid line solenoids in the cell in
the General Info screen of the Information Panel Selector screen.

13.3.1 The # Liquid Line Solenoids

The number may be 1 thru 4 and indicates the number of groups of liquid line solenoids/hot gas defrost solenoids output
Each group must consist of a liquid line solenoid and followed by three hot gas solenoid relays. The first group will follow
the normal relay output sequence each additional group must follow the previous group.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

The following is an example of relay outputs when 4 liquid line solenoids have been specified.
Note, in this example, in the Circuit Base grid the # of Comp RO’s will be 19.

13.3.2 Required set points for defrost cycles

Setpoint #116, if the control sensor’s temperature is less than or equal to this value, defrost cycles are required.
Setpoint #117, time that the system will wait before between defrost cycles.
Setpoint #118, time that each hot gas defrost relay will be on.

13.4. Turbo Ice Machine Operation

a) Capacity control
The unit capacity will be increased & decreased to meet the required target temperature in set point #1.
b) Non defrost cycle
When the system is not defrosting all liquid line solenoids will be ON and all hot gas solenoids will be OFF.
c) Defrost cycle initiated
A defrost cycle is required when the control sensor’s temperature is less or equal to the value in set point
#116, a delay of the value in set point #117 before the defrost cycle begins.
d) Defrost cycle
The defrost cycle will rotate through each group’s hot gas solenoids and when all have been accessed then
move to the next group.

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Following table shows the relay status of a defrost group:

Relays *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7
Liquid Line Solenoid ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON
*1, status prior to defrost cycle.
*2, defrost cycle begins with first hot gas solenoid, state will remain for time in set point #118.
*3, delay between rotations to next hot gas solenoid, state will remain for time in set point #117.
*4, rotation to next hot gas solenoid, #2, state will remain for time in set point #118.
*5, delay between rotations to next hot gas solenoid, state will remain for time in set point #117.
*6, rotation to next hot gas solenoid, #3, state will remain for time in set point #118.
*7, all hot gas solenoids in this group have been accessed. Value of set point #117 will be the time delay before the
next group begins a defrost cycle.
e) Terminating a defrost cycle
A defrost cycle will be terminated when the control sensor’s temperature is greater or equal to the value in set point
#116 plus .5. If another defrost cycle is initiated the cycle will begin where the previous defrost cycle ended.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 14. VFD Controlled Screw Compressors

The MCS Magnum controller is designed to control Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) screw compressors. Its algorithm
allows the user to define specific functions to maximize startup and running conditions. It handles all of the following:
1. Startup control
2. DX chiller barrel
3. DX remote coils
4. Flooded chiller barrel
5. Water cooled condenser
6. Air cooled condenser
7. Slide control for starting unloaded
8. EXV startup control
9. EXV Anticipatory loading
10. EXV low suction Anticipatory control


When the compressor is started the state will be ‘CMP IN STARTUP’. During this phase the compressor’s Analog output
will be placed at the percentage specified in the Config for startup and for the length of time specified. If the compressor
has a slide valve it will be started unloaded. After a few seconds the slide is moved to the loaded position and all control
is via the VFD. In the MCS Config the user can specify the following:
1. The starting frequency of the compressor which is via the compressor’s Analog Output.
2. The length of time the compressor is to remain in ‘CMP IN STARTUP’ state.
3. The starting position of the Electric Expansion Valve (EXV).


When the compressor completes the startup phase it enters normal operating controls. In the normal operating phase
the primary function is to maintain the target based on the controlling sensor. (Usually this is Leaving Water Temperature.)
To do this the following control functions occur:
1. The compressor Analog output will be adjusted to match the current wanted capacity percent.
2. The EXV position will be adjusted when the compressor speed is adjusted and depending on the current value
of its superheat.
3. The compressor slide remains at 100% during normal operating control.


The standard MCS algorithm applies. However for the VFD controlled screw additional set point capabilities have been
expanded as follows:
1. On a standard slide operated screw SP 32 ‘MAX ADJUST %’ would usually be set to 4% to 5%. With the VFD it
is typical to allow larger adjustments, when required, say to 10%. The loading/unloading algorithm can be set to
increase/decrease slowly because the VFD allows exact positing of the capacity.
2. Controlling this adjustment is SP 56, ‘COMP ADJ DELAY’, which tells the Magnum the frequency to set.
The EXV is adjusted at the same time allowing precise superheat control.


Compressor shutdown is a function of the set point values setup at Config time. Normal function would be to shutoff
the EXV and pump down based on set points. However if it’s a flooded evaporator no pump down is done. When
the compressor is off the MCS control system forces the slide vale to its minimum position so at the next start time the
compressor is unloaded.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

14.6. Screw Compressor with VFD

When using a VFD with a Hanbell Screw compressor the solenoid configuration will be to use the 25% or 33% depending
on the model for the fast unloader. This solenoid will be energized at startup and shut down, to ensure the compressor
is fully unloaded. The load solenoid will be replaced with a load cap. This allows oil to flow to the piston chamber
continuously to load the slide. As soon as the fast unload solenoid is de-energized the slide will move to fully loaded.
The compressor will stay fully loaded during the duration of running while the VFD will vary the HZ based on load demand.
Typically the VFD is setup for 0-10 VDC equals 0 hz-60 hz. Set point 30 is the MAX SPEED which equals 100% (60hz).
Set point 31 is the MIN SPEED which equals 50% (30 hz). Our standard control logic based on the rate of change and
the distance the control sensor is from the target set point is used within set points 25-34 and 56.

25 STEP SENSTIY The decrements to the time delay between making changes in the control algorithm is based
upon the difference between the target and control values. If the difference is greater than 10
the delay will be reduced by 10. If less the delay will be adjusted by the value of this set point.
1 is the fastest response, whereas higher numbers will mean a more gradual response.

26 STEP DELAY Value: This is the time delay before making adjustments to the system capacity. Refer to set
point #25 for how this delay is decremented.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If used, this will force a minimum time delay between any two compressor
starts. This time delay is specified in the ‘Minimum Delay Between Compressor Starts’ box in
the ‘Cooling Info’ panel under the MAG RTU screen.
27 MAX ROC - Compares the control value rate of change. Maximum negative Rate of Change allowed
before preventing the unit from loading. If the ROC is less than this value the capacity control
state is set to HOLDING.
28 MAX ROC + Compares the control value rate of change. Maximum positive Rate of Change allowed
before preventing the unit from unloading. If the ROC is greater than this value the capacity
control state is set to HOLDING.
29 ROC INTERV Seconds between samples used for calculating the Rate of Change. (Maximum 60 seconds)
30 MAX FLA% Indicates the maximum amp draw, slide %, digital scroll load%, or speed allowed. Usually
or set to 100%, else compressors will load to the value of this Set point until all steps are
MAX SLIDE % on, then the system will load to 100%.
or ‘Time (sec)’ field: If non-zero, then force individual compressors to stay at maximum
MAX CAPACITY% capacity when another compressor starts. This option is selected in in the ‘Keep Run-
or ning Comp at 100% when starting next?’ box in the ‘Compressor Information’ panel
MAX VFD % under the MAGNUM screen.
‘SEC to Ignore Safety’ field (Fully Loaded Screw Compressor logic): If non-zero, turn on
the load solenoid every 5 min for 5 seconds when fully loaded. If zero, then do not turn
on solenoid for 5 seconds every 5 minutes.
‘SEC to Ignore Safety’ field (Holding Screw Compressor logic): If non-zero, turn on the
load solenoid every 5 min for 5 seconds when holding. If zero, then do not turn on solenoid
for 5 seconds every 5 minutes.
31 MIN FLA% Value: Indicates the minimum amp draw, slide %, digital scroll load%, or speed allowed
or (usually 40%). This is where the slide valve or VFD will be set when the compressor is
MIN SLIDE % turned on. This % is a function of actual amp draw relative to the FLA.
or ‘Time (sec)’ field: If used, this forces a time delay before unloading all running compres-
MIN CAPACITY% sors before the next compressor is started. This time delay is specified in the ‘Unload
or Compressor Before Starting Next’ box in the ‘Compressor Information’ panel under the
MIN VFD % MAGNUM screen. Will Delay next compressor for this time after EVAP pump/valve is
Target: If this set point is setup as a target type the value in the night setback column
will be added to the set point VALUE to allow safety unloading all the way down to this
value. This replaces a hardcoded 20%.
This is also utilized in conjunction with hotgas setpoints #4 and #5 on temperature.

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32 MAX ADJUST % Value of set point contains the maximum percentage change that can be made to the slide
valve or VFD.
‘Time (sec)’ field: A zero indicates that the calculated FLA will be used; else the value in
set point #31 will be used when starting the next compressor. This value is specified in the
‘Wanted FLA starting next Compressor’ box in the ‘Cooling Info’ panel under the MAG RTU
33 MIN ADJUST % Indicates the minimum percentage change that can be made to the slide valve or the
VFD. For Fixed Step Compressors with adjustable speed AO’s when returning to 100%
after shutting down another compressor, this Set point will be the percent of adjustment
along with Set point #56 “PULSE DELAY” which is the time frame between capacity
34 SLIDE SENSITY This controls the sensitivity of the adjustment made to the Wanted Percentage (adjustments
are relative to the difference between the current control sensor and target). The larger
the value the larger the adjustment (usually 1).

56 PULSE DELAY Used with variable capacity screws. The number of seconds between load or unload
CMP RELOAD ADJ pulses (Usually between 3 and 5. Allows load change to be checked before next pulse
and eliminates oil foaming when unloading too fast).
‘Time (sec)’ field: If used, this is the fast unloading state time delay. This option is selected
in the ‘Fast Unload Delay’ box in the ‘Compressor Information’ panel under the
MAGNUM screen.
For Fixed Step Compressors with adjustable speed AO’s when returning to 100% after
shutting down another compressor, this Set point will be the time frame between capacity
adjustments along with Set point #33 “MIN ADJUST %” which is the percent of adjustment.
IF Target Type:
The high zone (pulse on time) and low zone (delay between pulses) will define the safety
unloading logic as follows. The low zone timer is calculated from ON to ON. Example: hi zone
=2, low zone =5. The unload solenoid will pulse ON for 2 seconds and be OFF for 3 seconds,
ON for 2 seconds OFF for 3 seconds during safety unloading.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 15. Rapid Start

15.1. Purpose of Change
The purpose of this change is to add Rapid Start logic to MCS-Magnum HVAC Firmware. This logic will be
used on process application where the chiller needs to provide cold water quickly after the unit has been off
due to a power failure, run stop, unit lockout etc.. This new logic will change the capacity control stage from its
normal control setpoints to new dynamic ROC staging logic. The required control temperatures rate of change
to bring the control temperature with in the control zone target is developed. Cooling capacity will be added to
maintain the needed rate of change. Once the control target zone has been entered the system will return to
its normal control logic.

15.2. Existing Config Parameters

Suggest the POWER UP Delay set point #23, PowerUpDelay, have a low value 5-30 seconds depend on

15.3. New Config Parameters

The follow items are required to control the Rapid Start Dynamic ROC Loading:
1. Rapid Start Option Enabled
2. Rapid Start Time – this value defines the maximum time the chiller is allowed to be in the ‘RS-ADJ CAPACITY?’
state. When the unit is in this state it will increase the cooling capacity to maintain the needed control rate
of change to get the control temperature with in the control zone. This time value is used in the calculation
of the Rapid Start Dynamic ROC.
3. Rapid Start Delay – This is use as delay when unit state ‘RS-ADJ CAPACITY?’ between adjustments to
the cooling capacity.
4. Rapid Start Adj% - this is used as the amount to increase the cooling capacity.
5. Rapid Start Compressors On – this value contains the number of compressor steps to turn when the unit
is in the RS-STARTING COMP state.
6. Rapid Start Acceleration time – this is the time interval in seconds (1-60 only valid values) used to calculated
the Rapid Start Dynamic Acceleration.
7. Rapid Start Maximum Acceleration – this is used as the maximum allowable acceleration value. The unit
will not increase cooling capacity if the Rapid Start Dynamic Acceleration is less than this field. Note, this
must be a negative value indicating a negative rate of change this show a decrease in the control tem-

These parameters are contained in the following set points:

Set point #247, RS ComprTimers, target type of set point with no decimal places.
Value = Rapid Start Comps On (#5).
Time (SEC) = Delay between turning on compressors. (#5)
High Zone = Rapid Start Time. (#2)
Low Zone = Rapid Start Acceleration time. (#6)
Night Setback = Not used.

Set point #248, RS Adj/ROC, delay type of set point with 1 decimal place.
Value = Rapid Start Adj% (#4).
Time (SEC) = Delay between adjustments. (#3)
MIN VFD Opening = Not used.

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MAX VFD Opening = Rapid Start Max Accel. (#7)

MAX Adjustment = Not used.

Set point #247 & Set point #248 both must be active to enable Rapid Start Option. (#1)

15.4. Calculated Values
Rapid Start Dynamic ROC – This value is calculated by taking the control target minus the current chilled
water temperature divide by rapid start time. This value is calculated once at completion of the “RS-ADJ CAPACITY?”
capacity states. This is the required rate of change of the control temperature to reduce the temperature to
within the control zone within the time specified.
Rapid Start Dynamic Acceleration – This value is now fast the rate of change of the control temperature is

15.5. Logic Requirements

1. If the Rapid Start Option is enable when both set points #247 and #248 are active and a power failure,
computer reset or any other condition that causes the MCS-Magnum control logic to restart and the control
temperature is above the top of the control zone the following occurs:
a. The normal capacity control staging logic is bypass until the chilled water out temperature is within the
control zone or the time in Rapid Start has exceeded the Rapid Start time In place of the normal capacity
control stage logic will be Rapid Start logic that will dynamically load the chiller to achieve control zone
within a pre-defined amount of time..
b. After normal Power UP delay capacity control state, the capacity control state will go to “RS-STARTING
COMP”. All compressors that are available, status is either anti-cycle or off ready will be made ready to be
turned on if needed. The first compressor turned on will be the lead compressors. All compressor safeties
will be executed during the rapid start time.
c. In ‘RS-STARTING COMP’ state a comp will start right away after the power up delay state. Then based
upon the time delay in set point #247 a compressor will be started until the number of comps on equals
Rapid Start Comp On set point value. Once all the compressors required on are started we need to calculate
the Rapid Start Dynamic ROC value and set the capacity control state RS-LOADING CAP’Y.
d. In ‘RS-LOADING ‘state the a decision will be made whenever the delay time in set point #248 has been
exceeded to increase the unit’s capacity If chilled water ROC is greater than the Rapid Start Dynamic
value and Rapid Start Acceleration is greater than max acceleration set point value, the unit capacity
will be increased by the value of set point #248. Once the capacity has reached its maximum, if another
chiller is available it will be turned on and the capacity wanted will be changed to its minimum.

The delay counter will be reset in after a capacity change.

e. In ‘RS-HOLDING ‘state no additional capacity is needed at this time. When in this state the needed ca-
pacity will be checked with every pass of the algorithm.
f. Once the chilled water out temperature is inside the control zone or the rapid start time has been exceeded,
the Rapid Start logic is disabled and normal capacity control logic takes over.

15.6. Modification to Magnum Status Screen

When the system is in a rapid start state the target line of the first screen of the Magnum Status display has
been modified to show additional information about the rapid start. Also the delay counter is based upon the
rapid start delay which is time of set point #248.
X MAX COMP ON IN RS (X is the maximum number of compressors that will be turned on in this state)
In this state the system will turn on the number of compressors allowed in the rapid start.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

ACC = -2.1 TRG = 2.0 (ACC is the actual change in the control temperature and TRG is the Rapid Start
Dynamic ROC)
In this state the capacity will be increased, once it is at its maximum an additional compressor if available will
be turned on and the capacity will be set to its minimum value.
ACC = -2.1 TRG = 2.0 (ACC is the actual change in the control temperature and TRG is the Rapid Start
Dynamic ROC)
In this state the capacity will be not be increased.
Set point #1 (target) = 47.4
Control temperature a start of R-S ADJ CAPACITY? State = 77.0
Set point #247
Value = 3, number of compressors to turn on during RS-STARTING COMP state
Time = 15S, delay between turning on the next compressor
HI zone = 600, number of seconds to bring the control temperature with control zone
LOW zone = 30, delay when calculating the Rapid Start Dynamic Acceleration
Set point #248
Value = 10.0%, adjustment to capacity (Wanted %) when more cooling is needed
Time = 20S, delay between making adjustments to capacity, this will only be reset if an adjustment is
MAX VFD = -2.0, maximum dynamic acceleration

Calculate Rapid Start Dynamic ROC at end of RS-STARTING COMP State = -1.5 (This is the rate of
change that the rapid start logic will try to maintain by increasing or holding the cooling capacity.)
(The rate of change is a negative number; therefore -1.0 is greater than -1.5)
Example #1
If the control temperature rate of change is - 0.2 and the Rapid Start Dynamic Acceleration is -0.3.
State will be RS-LOADING, Cooling capacity will be increased by 10.0%, delay will be reset
(Control temperature rate of change is greater than the Rapid Start Dynamic ROC, temperature is not
decrease fast enough and the acceleration is greater than the maximum, not exceeded it limit.)
Example #2
If the control temperature rate of change is –1.6 and the Rapid Start Dynamic Acceleration is -1.9.
State will be RS-HOLDING, Cooling capacity will remain constant, delay will not be reset
(Control temperature rate of change is greater than the Rapid Start Dynamic ROC, temperature is decrease
fast enough and the acceleration is less than the maximum.)
Example #3
If the control temperature rate of change is –1.4 and the Rapid Start Dynamic Acceleration is -2.1.
State will be RS-HOLDING, Cooling capacity will remain constant, delay will not be reset
(Control temperature rate of change is greater than the Rapid Start Dynamic ROC, temperature is not
decrease fast enough however the acceleration is less than the maximum, this indicates hold capacity as
the rate of acceleration is moving fast enough at this time.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 16. Relay Output Sequences

The sequence of Relay Outputs must be correctly matched to the particular type of compressor being
controlled. Relays are required unless marked as optional. If a relay is optional and it is not used then its
position is skipped and the following relays will be moved up. Compressor type selection as displayed in
MCS-Config is shown within brackets.

16.1. Reciprocating Compressors (Recip Comp w/Oil) and (Recip Comp w/o Oil)
Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid
Unloader 1 (OPTIONAL)
Unloader 2 (OPTIONAL)
Unloader 3 (OPTIONAL)
Oil pump (OPTIONAL, ONLY USED WITH Recip Comp w/Oil)
Oil heater (OPTIONAL, ONLY USED WITH Recip Comp w/Oil)
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

16.2. Screw Compressor with Oil (Screw Comp w/Oil)

Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Oil pump
Oil heater
Liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

The sequence of Relay Outputs must be correctly matched to the particular type of compressor being controlled.
Relays are required unless marked as optional. If a relay is optional and it is not used then its position is
skipped and the following relays will be moved up. Compressor type selection as displayed in MCS-Config is
shown within brackets.

16.3. Reciprocating Compressors (Recip Comp w/Oil) and (Recip Comp w/o Oil)
Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid
Unloader 1 (OPTIONAL)
Unloader 2 (OPTIONAL)
Unloader 3 (OPTIONAL)
Oil pump (OPTIONAL, ONLY USED WITH Recip Comp w/Oil)
Oil heater (OPTIONAL, ONLY USED WITH Recip Comp w/Oil)
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

16.4. Screw Compressor with Oil (Screw Comp w/Oil)

Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Oil pump
Oil heater
Liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)

Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

16.5. Scroll Compressor (Scroll Comp)

Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid
Unloader 1 (OPTIONAL)
Unloader 2 (OPTIONAL)
Unloader 3 (OPTIONAL)
Oil pump
Oil heater
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

16.6. Hitachi Screw Compressor (Hitachi Screw Comp)

Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader
Oil pump (OPTIONAL)
Oil heater (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)

Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

16.7. Carlyle Screw (Carlyle Screw)

Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

16.8. Hanbell Screw Compressor, McQuay Frame 4 Compressor, Bitzer Screw Com-
pressor, Hartford Screw Compressor, and Fu Sheng Compressor (McQuay Frame 4),
(Fu Sheng), (Hanbell-Load NO), (Bitzer Screw Comp), (Hartford Screw Comp), and
(Hanbell-Load NC)
Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Oil pump (OPTIONAL)
Oil heater (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

16.9. Hanbell-3 Solenoid (Hanbell-3 Solenoid [50-100%])

Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader
Oil pump (OPTIONAL)
Oil heater (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

16.10. Hanbell Fixed Step (Hanbell Step)

Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Unloader 1 (OPTIONAL)
Unloader 2 (OPTIONAL)
Unloader 3 (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid
Oil pump (OPTIONAL)
Oil heater (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

16.11. Mitsubishi Screw (Mitsubishi Screw)

Compressor relay
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader
40 % open
70 % open
Liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

16.12. Trane Scroll with 3 Compressor Sets (Trane Trio)

Staging sequence
Stage 1 OFF OFF ON
Stage 2 ON ON OFF
Stage 3 ON ON ON
Compressor relay for COMP A
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid
Compressor relay for COMP B
Compressor relay for COMP C
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

16.13. Trane Scroll with 4 Compressor Sets (Trane Quad)

Staging sequence
Stage 3 OFF ON ON ON
Stage 4 ON ON ON ON
Compressor relay for COMP A
Part winding compressor relay (OPTIONAL)
Liquid line solenoid
Compressor relay for COMP B
Compressor relay for COMP C
Compressor relay for COMP D
Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Common Hot gas bypass (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection (OPTIONAL)
Fast unloader (OPTIONAL)
Second liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Oil equalization (OPTIONAL)
Oil seal cooler (OPTIONAL)
VI increase valve % (OPTIONAL)
VI decrease valve % (OPTIONAL)
Start unloader bypass (OPTIONAL)
Low disc superheat (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat off (OPTIONAL) If hot gas reheat all 3 hot gas relays are required.
Hot gas reheat on (OPTIONAL)
Hot gas reheat bleed (OPTIONAL)
Third liquid line solenoid (OPTIONAL)
Reversing valve (heat pump) (OPTIONAL)
Liquid injection #2 (OPTIONAL)
Mod motor (OPTIONAL)

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Chapter - 17. Setpoint Functions

17.1. Voltage Sensor Input
Up to three sensors that measure voltage input can be specified. If used, a safety condition based upon
Setpoint #195 LOW VOLTAGE and Setpoint #196 HI VOLTAGE will be checked. If a safety trip occurs the unit
will be placed in a safety hold state.

17.1.1 Set up the sensor type

1. Under Setup (MAGNUM Setup Screen)
increase number of sensors(3) to add
new sensors.

2. Under SI’s (Sensor Input Info Screen,

setup your sensors as shown,
Name Display Type
a. Volts A 600VAC4
b. Volts B 600VAC4
c. Volts C 600VAC4

3. Point to the Sensors in the MAG HVAC

(MAGNUM Setup Screen)

4. Voltage Setjpoints
Make setpoints #195, (Low Voltage setting), #196 (High Voltage setting).

195 LOW VOLTAGE If active and the voltage of any one of the voltage sensors is less than the value of this
Setpoint for the time specified in the safety time cell, then a Low Voltage alarm will be
generated and the unit will be locked out.
196 HI VOLTAGE If active and the voltage of any one of the voltage sensors is greater than the value of
this Setpoint for the time specified in the safety time cell, then a Hi Voltage alarm will be
generated and the unit will be locked out.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

17.1.2 UNBALANCED Voltage Setpoint

Make setpoint #207 active.

207 UNBAL VOLTS If active, the average of the voltage sensors is calculated. Each individual voltage sensor
is compared to this average and if the difference is greater than the value of this set-
point, an alarm is generated and the unit is locked out. After the voltages have returned
to normal an automatic lockout reset will occur after the delay in the Safety Down
Time(MIN) field.

Example: Assuming Setpoint #207 value field is set to 10v

SI (Sensor Input) Voltage Sensor Reading
Volts A 460v
Volts B 464v
Volts C 444v
Average Voltage Value 456v
Volts A differential from average = 4v
Volts B differential from average = 8v
Volts C differential from average = 12v
In this example Volts C differential from the average voltage
between all three legs of power exceeds our setpoint #207 value
of 10 volts which would cause the unit to lockout on
unbalanced voltage.

17.2. Motor Amps

Up to three sensors that measure amperage input can be specified per circuit. If used a safety condition
based upon Setpoints #75 HI AMPS and #76 LO AMPS, plus the associated Full Load Amps (FLA) for that
circuit will be checked. If a safety trip occurs, that circuit will be placed in a safety hold state.

17.2.1 Add an Amp Imbalance Safety Test to the existing Amp Safeties.
All three Motor Amps (A, B, & C) sensors must be indicated and setpoint #241 must be active and be setup
as a normal safety and contain:
Type: Either Lockout or Alarm
Select Value: HUMD or %
Value: Maximum percentage of deviation
Time: Normal safety
Lockout Delay: Normal safety
Safety Down Time: Normal safety
This safety will be run every second when the compressor is on and the split winding relay is on if one exists
(same requirement as other amp safeties).
The three amp sensor values will be totaled and averaged. If any of the amp sensors are more than the
percentage of the value of setpoint #241 difference from the average for more than the time specified in the
time cell of setpoint #241 the compressor will be tripped and the error message will be the name of setpoint
#241 plus the circuit number. The normal 2 trip logic will apply if the set point is a lockout type.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

17.3. Custom display description of circuit

Instead of displaying the circuit number in the status screens of both the Magnum and MCS-Connect, up to
3 characters can be supplied using MCS-Config to replace the circuit number. For example, if 1-A is entered
for circuit 1, then 1-A will be displayed in place of 1. This provides the user additional flexibility in describing a
particular circuit.

17.4. User Logic RO Delay Before Off

A timer delay before turning off a relay has been added, providing the ability to keep a relay on for a period of
time after the condition to turn it off is met.

17.5. Additional Information Messages

The messages generated when manually changing the status of a Relay Output or Sensor Input have been
expanded. The messages now indicate which relay or sensor was changed and if the change was from

17.6. Pump Rotation

Pump rotation functionality has been added. This is specified with Setpoint #106 LEAD PUMP. If the Setpoint
is active and its value is zero, then rotation will occur with each on/off cycle of the pump.

17.7. Process Pump Addition and Rotation

The number of process pumps has been expanded to two and rotation functionality has been added. This is
specified with Setpoint #197 LEAD ProcPmp. If the Setpoint is active and its value is zero, then rotation will
occur with each on/off cycle of the process pump.

17.8. MOP Control Option to EXV Logic

Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) has been added to the EXV control logic. If Setpoint #199 MOP TARG
PSI is active then MOP logic will be activated. Refer to section on Electronic Expansion Valve Control Logic.

17.9. Delta Temperature Evaporator

If Setpoint #202 DELTA TEMP EVP is active and the delta temperature across the evaporator is greater than
the value of this Setpoint the unit will not increase wanted capacity.

17.10. Condenser Low Ambient

When a compressor is started its discharge pressure will be used as the controlling pressure for five minutes,
enabling that compressor to build head pressure. However, if Setpoint #204 COND LOW AMB is active and
there is an ambient temperature sensor reading less than this Setpoint, then this compressor’s discharge
pressure will remain in control for an additional time as specified in the “Time (sec)” field.

17.11. New Pressure Sensor Supported

Two pressure transducers developed by Huba Control designed refrigeration industry. These are the HB-350
and the HB-700.

17.12. Centrifugal Vane Control

Vane control now can be based on either a vane position or compressor amp draw Sensor Input.

17.13. External Centrifugal Purge Control

Support for the Trane Purifier Purge operation has been added. If Setpoint #163 Purge Target is active, it will
activate this feature.

17.14. MCS Touch Screens Interface

The interface with the various touch screens has been expanded.

17.15. Sensor Averaging

Sensor inputs can now be averaged over a period of time, up to a maximum time of 30 seconds. This will
enable sensor smoothing if it is needed. Note: At power up, the initial value of the Sensor Input will be counted
as the sensor history for the number of seconds that has been selected as the averaging time (for example,
MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

if the averaging time was selected at 5 seconds, the initial Sensor Input reading at startup will be counted as
having already run at that value for 5 seconds previously).

17.16. Virtual Points Separated From Real Points

Virtual points are Sensor Inputs, Relay Outputs, or Analog Outputs that are not connected to an outside
device, while a real point is connected with wiring from the input/output to an outside device (sensor, motor,
etc.). By placing the virtual points after the real points they will not take up points on an actual hardware
board. In the Setup section of MCS-Config the total number of points are specified and the number of Input/
Output boards must now be specified. Only the number of I/O boards indicated will be accessed.

17.17. MDP to EXV Control Logic

Minimal (oil) Differential Psi (MDP) requires the following Setpoint #205 be active (Refer to Setpoint #205).
The EXV logic will forced the state to “EXV MDP CLOSE” when the all of the following conditions are true:
1. Setpoint #205 “MDP MIN OIL DIFF” is active,
2. The compressor oil differential pressure is less than Setpoint #205 value field,
3. The compressor has been running for less than X mins or X is equal to zero (where X is the value con-
tained in Setpoint #205 “SEC to IGNORE SAFETY” field),
4. The compressor suction pressure is greater than or equal to (Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION” value plus
Setpoint #79 “LO SUCT RELD” value).

In this state the EXV will be closed by the adjustment value in Setpoint #205 “Lockout Delay” field. If this
value is positive the valve is closed, if this value is negative the valve will be opened.

The EXV logic will exit the “EXV MDP CLOSE” state and go to “EXV HOLDING” state when the any of the
follow conditions are true:
1. The compressor oil differential pressure is greater than (Setpoint #205 value field plus Setpoint #205 Time
2. The compressor has been running for more than X mins and X is not equal to zero (where X is the value
contained in Setpoint #205 “SEC to IGNORE SAFETY” field),
3. The compressor suction pressure is less than or equal to (Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION” value plus
Setpoint #78 “LO SUCT ULLD” value).
17.18. Low Discharge Superheat Adjustment to EXV Logic
Setpoint #110 LOW REFRIGERANT LEVEL TARGET must be active.
If discharge superheat is less than Setpoint #84 LO DISC SUPERHEAT for 1/3 of its safety time and both
discharge temperature and pressure sensors are active, then add the value of Setpoint #110 LOW REFRIGERANT
LEVEL TARGET to Setpoint #9 EXV TARGET. This function takes precedence over the regular control zone logic.
17.19. Normal Condenser Discharge Control Bypass
Depending on what option was selected in MCS-Config, normal condenser control can either be based upon
the compressor with the highest discharge pressure or on the pressure of the most recently started compressor.
If control based on newly started compressor was selected then Setpoint #206 may be used to bypass this
logic because of a high ambient temperature.
(Refer to Setpoint #206)
17.20. Test for Voltage Out of Balance
This test requires Setpoint #207 to be active. (Refer to Setpoint #207)
Only voltage sensors that are specified in the MAG V8 screen of MCS-Config will be included in the calculation.
17.21. Expanded Testing of Low and High Off
This test requires Setpoints #208 LOW SI OFF and #209 HI SI OFF to be active. (Refer to Setpoints #208
and #209)
17.22. Expanded Compressor Rotation to Check for Maximum Run Time
In the Compressor Information panel of the MAG V8 screen in MCS-Config, there is now a check box to
select how compressors are to be rotated, based either on Run Time or First On/First Off.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

17.23. New Option to test for Low Superheat on Suction or Discharge PSI
In the Circuit Base screen under the EXV Control column select “Disc Sph” to test discharge pressure or
“Suct Sph” to test the suction pressure to determine low superheat.

17.24. New Large Character Screen Displaying Control Information

A new information screen has been added with large character size for ease of reading. This screen is ac-
cessed from the Main Menu of the Magnum Keypad by pressing the F3 key.
09:55 Control On HH:MM Heading
First line is sensor that is the controlling sensor; either entering
OUT 48.1F or leaving
Second line is contains the other value
IN 45.3F The last line is the refrigerant type

If the “Scrolling Information” option has been selected from MCS-Config, this page will be included in the
screen rotation.

17.25. Circuit Amp Value added to Circuit Status Screen

The amp value is now included in the first page of each compressor information screen. Use the right arrow
button to access it.

17.26. Low Discharge Superheat Test to Economizer

Requires Setpoint #210 ECO LL3 D-SHT (Refer to Setpoint #210)

17.27. Tonnage and KW Information

17.27.1 KW Sensors

Unit KW – virtual sensor that calculates the unit Kilowatt usage. The Power Factor (PF) sensor must be
selected in the ‘Temp. / GPM / CFM / Pwr Factor SI’ cell.
Kw = Amps * Volts * Power Factor * Internal Constant of .00173
Power Factor – Virtual sensor tied to a Setpoint where a manual value of the unit’s power factor may be
If not specified, a hardcoded value of .85 will be used.
Unit Volts – Voltage being supplied to the unit. This sensor can be an actual voltage sensor or virtual point
that reads a static value from a Setpoint.
Unit Amps – Sensor reading the amperage of the entire unit. If no total unit amp sensor is specified, the
software will automatically sum all the individual compressor amp sensors to approximate the unit amps.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

17.27.2 Tonnage Sensors

Unit Tons – a virtual sensor that calculates the unit tonnage. The Unit Flow (GPM or CFM) sensor must be
selected in the ‘Temp. / GPM / CFM / Pwr Factor SI’ cell, and the Enthalpy Differential or Temperature
Differential sensor (air and water cooling systems respectively) must be selected in the ‘Humd. SI / Temp.
Diff. / Enthal. Diff.’ cell. Also the correct values must be placed in the ‘Multiplier’ and ‘Divisor’ cells depending
on the type of system; 45 and 10 respectively for air.
Tonnage for water (Fahrenheit) is calculated using a multiplier of 1 and divisor of 24 (refer to picture below).
Tonnage for water (Celsius) is calculated using a multiplier of 9 and divisor of 120.
Tonnage (water Fahrenheit) = Flow (GPM) * 1 Temperature Differential / 24
Tonnage (water Celsius) = Flow (GPM) * 9 Temperature Differential / 120
Tonnage (air) = Flow (CFM) * Enthalpy Differential * 4.5

Unit Flow (GPM or CFM) – Gallons per minute (for water) or cubic feet per minute (for air). This can be an
actual flow sensor or virtual point that reads a static value from a Setpoint. NOTE: It is essential for a correct
calculation that this sensor must be configured so as to have no decimal places.
Water In and Out Temperatures – (Water only) Temperature sensors for Water In and Out.

Temperature Differential – (Water only) User logic that subtracts Water Out Temperature from Water In Temperature.
Temp Diff = Water In – Water Out
Supply and Return Humidity – (Air only) Humidity sensors for Return and Supply air.
Supply and Return Temperatures – (Air only) Temperature sensors for Return and Supply air.
Return Enthalpy – (Air only) Virtual sensor that calculates enthalpy for Return air. The Return Temperature
sensor must be selected in the ‘Temp. / GPM / CFM / Pwr Factor SI’ cell and the Return Humidity sensor must
be selected in the ‘Humd. SI / Temp. Diff. / Enthal. Diff.’ cell.
Supply Enthalpy – (Air only) Virtual sensor that calculates enthalpy for Supply air. The Supply Temperature
sensor must be selected in the ‘Temp. / GPM / CFM / Pwr Factor SI’ cell and the Supply Humidity sensor must
be selected in the ‘Humd. SI / Temp. Diff. / Enthal. Diff.’ cell.
Enthalpy Differential – (Air only) User logic that subtracts Supply Enthalpy from Return Enthalpy.
Enth Diff = Return Ent – Supply Ent

17.27.3 Configuring KW and Tonnage

To set up User Logic for Power Factor (or GPM, CFM, or Unit Volts if desired), first go to the Setpoints screen
and scroll down to the very bottom. Starting at Setpoint #230 and working your way up, activate the number of
Setpoints you will need. Give each point a descriptive name that will help you identify its function, such as the
example below. Then input the value you would like that sensor to read, as well as a range that value may
vary in and the interval at which you would like to adjust the value. Pay special note to the type of Setpoint
selected (as in the example below) in the “Select Value: # decimals & print char” cell so that the values will
read and calculate correctly.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

Once your Setpoints have been defined, go back to the SI screen. Find the respective sensor you wish to tie
to a Setpoint and select User Logic in the “Display Type” column. The “User Logic SI V11 Form” screen will pop
up. First select the same Display Type as you did in the “Select Value: # decimals & print char” cell for the
respective Setpoint. Next, select “Setpoints” in the first dropdown menu of the Operand #1 box, and select the
respective Setpoint in the second dropdown menu. Finally, select “None” in the middle dropdown menu
(Operators). An example User Logic displaying the value of a Setpoint is shown below:

To set up the User logic for differential calculations, such as for Temperature Differential, first select User
Logic as the Display Type for that particular sensor. Again the “User Logic SI V11 Form” screen will pop up.
This time you will select the corresponding display type, as well as SI type for Operands #1 and #2. Then
select Water In Temperature for Operand #1 and Water Out Temperature for Operand #2 and subtraction from
the middle drop down menu (See picture below).
The Unit Tons value is selected in the “Evap. Tonnage” cell in the Evaporator Information panel under the
MAG V8 screen.

The Unit Volts sensor is selected in the “Volts A” cell in the General Information panel. The Unit Amps sensor
is selected in the “Unit Amps” cell (If not used then the “Amps A” cell from each circuit in the Circuit SI screen
will be totaled together to calculate the amps value). The Unit KW sensor is selected in the “Unit KW” cell.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 REV-2021-06-02

The following screen has been added to the status screens in the keypad display to show Tonnage/KW infor-
mation (if available):



110.0A 73.8K 0.15 AMPS KW KW/TON with
388.0V 479T VOLTAGE TONS 2 decimals

17.28. Oil Flow Safety

Requires Setpoint #211 if HVAC configuration type, Setpoint #214 if CENT (Refer to Setpoints #211 and

17.29. RTC Access to User Logic

The real time clock (RTC) can now be accessed in the User Logic.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

Chapter - 18. Condenser Control Logic

Many condenser types are supported by the Magnum controller including individual condensers per circuit,
shared condensers between multiple circuits, and common condensers for all circuits. The type of condenser
plus the number of Relay Outputs needed are specified in MCS-Config.

New Condenser types

with firmware 17.62Y

The Magnum supports the following Condenser Types:

■■ No Condenser
No condenser specified.

■■ RO Step Common
The highest discharge pressure from any compressor on the system will be the controlling pressure.
■■ RO Step Individual
Each compressor will have one or more condenser Relay Outputs associated with it. The discharge
pressure on that compressor will be the control pressure for its own condenser.
■■ RO Step Combined
The highest discharge pressure from either of the compressors on the shared circuits will be the
controlling pressure (circuits 1 and 2 are shared, circuits 3 and 4 are shared, circuits 5 and 6 are shared,
and circuits 7 and 8 are shared).
■■ Modulating Common
The highest discharge pressure from any compressor on the system will be the controlling pressure. The
Analog Output is modulated based on the Rate of Change of the controlling discharge pressure. It can
also be controlled on a selected sensor input.
■■ Modulating Step Common
This type of condenser has a common fan bank for the system. The control will be on the systems highest
discharge pressure. The Relay Outputs are also supported along with an Analog Output.
■■ Modulating Individual
Each compressor will have its own condenser Analog Outputs associated with it. The Analog Output for
each circuit is modulated based on its own discharge pressure Rate of Change. It can also be controlled
on a selected sensor input. You may also select Relay Outputs to be turned ON/OFF while modulating the
Analog Output.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

■■ RO Shared
This type of condenser will take the highest discharge pressure of circuits 1 and 2, then 2 and 3, then 3
and 4, etc. to use as the control discharge pressure. This condenser type does not have the option to
bypass the startup compressor.
■■ Dual V8
This special type of condenser is a common control air condenser with two stages of fans plus a VFD
Fan. Control of the fan speed will be different depending on whether one or two stages are on. All
compressors are in the same fan bank with the highest discharge pressure being the control.
■■ Common VFD Fan with Bypass
Three consecutive Relay Outputs, an Analog Output, and a VFD fault indicator are required to control this
type of condenser. RO’s needed:
1) VFD LOAD–This relay will be ON indicating the fan can be used.
2) VFD BYPS–This relay will be OFF unless a VFD fault has occurred.
3) VFD ENAB–This relay will be ON unless a VFD fault has occurred.
During normal operation, VFD LOAD will be on, VFD BYPS will be off, and VFD ENAB will be on. The
fan will be modulated as required by the condenser or economizer logic. If a fault occurs, all relays will
be turned off and the VFD will be set to 0. The Magnum will wait for the time specified in Setpoint #90
“COND FAULT” before the fan will be run without VFD control if it is needed by the condenser logic
(economizer logic will not function in this condition). Once this time has passed and the condenser
logic calls for the fan, then VFD BYPS will be turned on thereby turning the fan on, however it will NOT be
The Magnum can also support a variable speed fan for all three of the air type of condensers. Each
compressor can support a variable speed fan. The variable speed must be on the first Relay Output
associated with that compressor.
Note 1: The discharge temperature must be at least 117° F and the discharge superheat needs to be at
least 20° F to guarantee good oil separation.
Note 2: Condenser staging is critical if the Magnum is to function in different climates. The best option
for air-cooled chillers is to have each fan on its own contactor and a frequency drive on fan 1. This
configuration allows the most optimum control in all weather.
■■ Modulating Step Common
Similar to the Modulating Common type with the addition of relay outputs. The highest discharge pressure
from any compressor on the system will be the controlling pressure. The Analog Output is modulated
based on the Rate of Change of the controlling discharge pressure. It can also be controlled on a selected
sensor input. When the analog output reaches it maximum value and more cooling is required the next
relay will be turned on and the analog output value will be set to its minimum value.
■■ Evap Individual
Evaporative condensers are used to improve the condensers efficiency by spraying water over the
condensing coil from above while air is blown up through the coil from below. Each compressor will have
its own condenser Analog Outputs associated with it. The Analog Output for each circuit is modulated
based on its own discharge pressure Rate of Change. It can also be controlled on a selected sensor
input. You may also select Relay Outputs to be turned ON/OFF while modulating the Analog Output.
■■ Evap Common
Evaporative condensers are used to improve the condensers efficiency by spraying water over the
condensing coil from above while air is blown up through the coil from below .Similar to the Modulating
Common type with the addition of relay outputs. The highest discharge pressure from any compressor on
the system will be the controlling pressure. The Analog Output is modulated based on the Rate of Change
of the controlling discharge pressure. It can also be controlled on a selected sensor input. When the
analog output reaches it maximum value and more cooling is required the next relay will be turned on and
the analog output value will be set to its minimum value.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

■■ RO Adaptive Bank– Air cooled Condenser Fan Control

Used to control the condenser fan relay outputs for a single compressor, multiple compressors on the same
refrigerant circuit, or a bank of condenser fans for multiple refrigerant circuits. If single compressor the
condenser fans are stage on/off based on the compressor discharge pressure. If multiple compressor or
refrigerant circuit, then the high discharge of the running compressors is used to stage condenser fans.
■■ RO Adaptive Common – Air Cooled Condenser Fan Control
Used to control the condenser fan relay outputs for all the refrigerant circuits on the unit. This control logic
finds the high discharge pressure on the running compressors and uses it to stage on/off the condenser
fan relays.
■■ PID MOD Individual
Required software:
Config version 18.01V or later
Connect version 18.31 or later
Firmware 17.62Y (all firmware except LWC MAG and CPM MAG)
Each compressor will have its own condenser Analog Outputs associated with it.
PID control will turn an analog output into a stand alone PID controlled output. This output will have a
controlling sensor that modulates the AO to a maintain target. This logic will run all the time.

■■ PID Step Common

Required software:
Config version 18.01V or later
Connect version 18.31 or later
Firmware 17.62Y (all firmware except LWC MAG and CPM MAG)
This type of condenser has a common fan bank for the system. The control will be on the systems highest
discharge pressure.
PID control will turn an analog output into a stand alone PID controlled output. This output will have a
controlling sensor that modulates the AO to a maintain target. This logic will run all the time.

18.1. Condenser Introduction

18.1.1 RO Step Condenser Cut In – Out Logic
The Cut In and Cut Out Logic Setpoints are as follows:
Setpoint #45 “CND STG1 ON” - Condenser stage 1 Cut In (ON).
Setpoint #46 “CND STG1 OFF” - Condenser stage 1 Cut Out (OFF).
Setpoint #47 “CND DIFF ON“ - Cut In differential for additional condenser stages for (ON).
Setpoint #48 “CND DIFF OFF” - Cut Out differential for additional condenser stages (OFF).
Setpoint #49 “CND MIN RUN” - Minimum run time for a condenser stage
Condenser Relay Outputs will be turned on based upon the value in Setpoint #45 “CND STG1 ON”. When
discharge pressure reaches this value, the first condenser Relay Output is turned on. If additional condenser
outputs are present, they will be turned on when the pressure exceeds the cut in value plus the value contained
in Setpoint #47 “CND DIFF ON“. When discharge pressure falls, the condenser outputs will be turned off
based upon the Setpoint #46 “CND STG1 OFF” plus the value contained in Setpoint #48 “CND DIFF OFF”.
The first step will be turned off when discharge pressure falls below Setpoint #46 “CND STG1 OFF”.
Example: COND FAN 1 ON at 200 psi (Discharge)
Setpoint #45 “CND STG1 ON” = 200 psi COND FAN 1 OFF at 170 psi
Setpoint #46 “CND STG1 OFF”= 170 psi
Setpoint #47 “CND DIFF ON” = 20 psi COND FAN 2 ON at 220 psi (200 + 20)
Setpoint #48 “CND DIFF OFF” = 5 psi COND FAN 2 OFF at 175 psi (175 + 5)
COND FAN 3 ON at 240 psi (220 + 20)
COND FAN 3 OFF at 180 psi (175 + 5)

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

18.1.2 RO Step Condenser with Variable Speed Fan

The Setpoints for variable speed fan control are as follows:
Setpoint #54 “CND MIN SPD” - Minimum variable speed allowed.
Setpoint #55 “CND MAX SPD“ - Maximum variable speed allowed.
The purpose of the variable speed fan is to reduce the cycling of the fans by adjusting the speed of the variable
fan point. This control works in conjunction with the Cut In and Cut Out logic of each compressor. When a fan
is turned on, the speed of the variable point for that compressor is set to maximum allowed percentage. As
the discharge pressure falls, the fan speed is adjusted proportionally. When the minimum is reached the fan
will turn off.

18.1.3 Condenser Control

The Condenser Control logic is run with every pass of the algorithm. Common Terms

Condenser Fan Bank:

Indicates which circuits share common condenser fans or are individually controlled.
Suction Group:
Indicates which circuits share a common suction line.
Fluid Cooler Econo?option:
Specifies if the Fluid Cooler Economizer (if used) can use the condenser fans or VFD. Control Discharge Pressure Calculation

If control is based on discharge pressure, all types of condensers will operate in
the following sequence. For compressors within the same fan bank or suction
group, the compressor with the highest discharge pressure will be held as the
control pressure, regardless if the compressors are running or not.
The newly started compressor will have the controlling discharge pressure even if
it is not the highest value in order for it to build pressure (startup mode is defined
as the compressor has been on for less than 5 minutes and its discharge pressure
is less than the value of Setpoint #45 “CND STG1 ON” minus the value of Setpoint
#47 “CND DIFF ON”). However, this logic will be overruled if another compressor
sharing the same condenser approaches the high discharge safety (if discharge pressure rises above
calculated value of Setpoint #81 “HI DISC PSI” minus #83 “HI DISC RELOAD”)
If control is based on Other SI, the value of that sensor is always used as the control discharge pressure.

Control Condenser On:

„„ Disc PSI–The Magnum will check for the compressor with the highest discharge and use that as the
controlling pressure.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

„„ Disc/Suct Ratio - Control logic will be the same as Disc PSI control except the ratio of the discharge
pressure to the suction pressure will be used as the control. Note changes to related set points will be
„„ Diff PSI(Disc-Suct) -
MCS-CONNECT VERSION 18.20.06 and up

This logic will utilize the calculated differential pressure (Discharge Pressure/Suction Pressure) to
control the condenser.

All condenser setpoints will remain the same for both modulating and step control.
When Diff PSI is selected the below information will become editable in the config program.
Here you will be able to customize adjustments to the differential target based on discharge superheat
being low or high.
In this config example if discharge superheat falls below 20 degrees for 30 seconds then the differential target
will be increased by 5 psi. If 30 more seconds goes by and the discharge superheat has not increased above
20 degrees then we will do another increase of 5 psi to the target. The adjustments will continue all the way

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

up to a maximum of 40 psi defined by our “Max Adjustment Allowed” box. Once discharge superheat is
between the high and low settings the adjustment will hold where it’s currently at.

The logic works the same exact way when the discharge superheat rises above 40 degrees only we will
decrease the differential every 30 seconds by 5 psi all the way back down to a 0 psi adjustment. The
adjustments cannot go to a negative value.
„„ Other SI - Control logic will be the same as Disc PSI control except the value of the sensor that is
specified will be used as the control. Note changes to related set points will be required. When this
option is selected a “Other Control Sensor” window will enable the sensor to be selected.

To use ‘Other SI’, the condenser type must be a ‘COMMON TYPE’

The Magnum will not check for the compressor with the highest discharge pressure but will always
use the value of the sensor that is selected as the control. Condenser Reset

If Diff PSI(Disc-Suct) is selected as your condenser type in the MCS Config program
you’ll have a “Condenser Adjustment” box in your system status window through
MCS Connect. Here you will see the adjustments made to your condenser target
based on the discharge superheat. If you’re at least “Factory” authorized you can
double click the value in the condenser adjustment box, it will open a window
as you see in the example which will allow you to make changes to how the
adjustments are made.

If sensor is specified its value will be added to the condenser control set points #45, #46 and #50. Condenser Low Ambient

When a compressor is started its discharge pressure will be used as the controlling pressure for five minutes,
enabling that compressor to build head pressure. However, if Setpoint #204 COND LOW AMB is active and
there is an ambient temperature sensor reading less than this Setpoint, then this compressor’s discharge
pressure will remain in control for an additional time as specified in the “Time (sec)” field.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02 Condenser Related Setpoints

The following are Condenser related Setpoints:

45 CND STG1 ON When the discharge pressure is above this value, turn on the first stage of the condens-
(RO Type) er fans.
‘Time (sec)’ field: (Applies to compressors with shared condensers) If non-zero, then
the compressor in startup state will not be in sole control of the condenser fans, it will
control off of highest discharge pressure. If zero, then compressor in startup will have
sole condenser control for 5 minutes. This option is selected in in the ‘Newly started
Comp Controls Common Fan Bank’ box in the ‘Condenser Information’ panel under the
MAGNUM screen.
46 CND STG1 OFF If stage 1 of condenser capacity is on and the discharge pressure drops below this
(RO Type) value, then turn this stage off.
50 CND TRGT Target logic will try to maintain by modulating the AO.
(Modulating Type) SP must be set up as target type. Hi/Low zones are used for setting control zone.
If target type in HP mode, setback is added to target.


18.2.1 No Condenser
This option indicates there is no condenser associated with this unit.

18.2.2 RO Step Common

The RO Step Common of condenser has one bank of fans. Make sure that all compressors in the Circuit
Base point to the same common fan bank. The above example does not have a Fan Analog Output and there
are three stages of fans starting with CND FAN 1 relay. All stages must be consecutive Relay Outputs.

For example:

Setpoint # Name Value

45 CND STG1 ON 200.0P
46 CND STG2 OFF 170.0P
47 CND DIFF ON 15.0P

Discharge control pressure is 200.0 P, CND FAN 1, first condenser stage will be turned on.
If control pressure is equal to or greater than 215.0 P then the second stage will be turned on. (200.0 + (15.0 * 1))
If control pressure is equal to or greater than 230.0 P then the third stage will be turned on. (200.0 + (15.0 * 2))
Discharge control pressure is above 230.0 P; all three condenser stages are on.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

When the control pressure drops below 180.0P the third condenser stage will be turned off. (170.0 + (5.0 * 2))
When the control pressure drops below 175.0P the second condenser stage will be turned off. (170.0 + (5.0 * 1))
When the control pressure drops below 170.0P the first condenser stage will be turned off. (170.0)
Condenser Faults
This example has no condenser faults. If used, and any one of the digital inputs are ON for the time specified
in Setpoint #90 if active, then the unit will be locked out and an alarm message will be generated. RO Step Common with a Fan AO and Condenser Faults

The above example is the same as the previous example with the addition of a Fan AO and two condenser
Fan AO Control (same for all types of air condenser control)
Two more Setpoints than the previous example are needed to control the speed of the fan:

Setpoint # Name Value

54 CND MIN SPD 20.0%
55 CND MAX SPD 100.0%
CND FAN 1 will be turned on when the control pressure is equal to or greater than 200.0, same as in
previous example. At this point the Fan AO speed will be set to its maximum value, Setpoint #55. If the
pressure changes between 170.0 and 214.9 the fan speed will also be modulated proportionally between its
maximum and minimum settings. If the pressure is at 185.0 the fan speed will be set to 61.2%. If the pressure
is at 190.0 the fan speed will increase to 75.0%. This will provide precision control in maintaining optimum
discharge pressure.
If the pressure increases to 215.0 the condenser’s second stage will be turned on and the fan speed will also
be at 100.0%. If the pressure changes between 175.0 and 229.9 the fan speed will also be modulated
proportionally between its maximum and minimum settings.
If the pressure increases to 230.0 the condenser’s third stage will be turned on and the fan speed will also
be at 100.0%. If the pressure changes between 180.0 and 229.9 the fan speed will also be modulated
proportionally between its maximum and minimum settings. If the pressure is at 230.0 and above the fan
speed will be at 100.0%.
As the pressure decreases toward the Cut Out point the fan speed will decrease toward its minimum setting.
Once a stage is turned off, the fan speed will be set to 100.0% and again it will be modulated based upon the
Condenser Faults
This example has two condenser faults. They must be consecutive digital input types starting with FAN FLT
1. If either of these digital inputs are ON for the time specified in Setpoint #90 if active, then the unit will be
locked out and an alarm message will be generated.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

18.2.3 RO Step Individual

The RO Step Individual has a bank of fans for each compressor. The number and location of the fan are
specified under the Circuit Base screen.

# of Cond ROs –Total number of Relay Outputs of each compressor, in this example there are 3. The number
of fans in each compressor does not have to be the same.
Starting Condenser RO – The starting condenser Relay Output. All the Relay Outputs specified for each circuit
must follow consecutively to this point. In this example CND FAN 1 is the starting Relay Output for circuit 1
and the other 2 fans follow consecutively in the RO screen.
Condenser Fan AO–If a condenser fan AO was specified in this cell it would function as described in the
example in section RO Step Common with a Fan AO and Condenser Faults. There is no condenser
fan AO in this example.
Starting Condenser Fault–If there were condenser faults specified in this cell they would function as described
in the example in section RO Step Common with a Fan AO and Condenser Faults. There are no
condenser faults in this example.
# Cond Faults – Total number of Condenser Faults.
Cond Fan Bank – In this type of condenser all compressors should have a different fan bank.

Each compressor fan bank is controlled individually. The discharge pressure for each compressor is used to
control condenser logic.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

18.2.4 RO Step Combined

The RO Step Combined has a bank of fans that are shared by two consecutive circuits. The number and
location of the fans are specified in the Circuit Base screen. This is similar to the RO Step Individual set up
except only every other compressor has a condenser fans associated with it.

Circuit 1 and 2 will share the same fan bank specified in the ‘Cond Fan Bank’ cell. Circuit 3 and 4 will also
share the same fan bank specified. The highest discharge pressure between the two compressors on each
respective circuit will be used as the control pressure for their fan bank.

Condenser Faults
If any of these digital inputs are ON for the time specified in Setpoint #90 if active, then both compressors
sharing that condenser will we will be locked out and an alarm message will be generated. This example has
no condenser faults.

18.2.5 Modulating Modulating Common

This type of condenser uses water for condenser cooling. The AO Modulating Valve will modulate the cold water valve
based upon the system’s highest discharge pressure.

48 CND ADJ DELAY If active this is the time in seconds between condenser adjustments to the AO. If inac-
(Modulating Type) tive, then 30 seconds will be used as the delay.
If type is DELAY: (required for condenser relay delays).
-MIN VFD Opening cell contains the time delay between turning on a relay and moving
the AO to its minimum position (Setpoint #52).
-MAX VFD Opening cell contains the time delay between turning off a relay and moving
the AO to 100%.
49 CND START % If active, then the value is the starting % for the AO when the RO that is tied to it turns
(Modulating Type) on. The value in the “Time (SEC)” cell is the AO starting stage. If no Relays are used
when CMP starts set value.
50 CND TARG Target logic will try to maintain by modulating the AO.
(Modulating Type) SP must be set up as target type. Hi/Low zones are used for setting control zone.
If target type in HP mode, setback is added to target.
51 CND ADJ DIV Controls scaling of the amount the AO is adjusted (usually 1). The larger the number the
(Modulating Type) smaller the AO adjustment as the adjustment will be divided by this value.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

52 CND MIN % Minimum AO % allowed.

(Modulating Type) If compressor is off, then check the “Time (SEC)” field:
If 0, then the AO % will be set to the value of this Setpoint. If 2 and the run/stop is set
to run, then set the AO % to 100%, else set the AO % to 0%. This option is selected in
the “Default Valve Opening % when Comp. is OFF” box in the condenser information
section in the MAG HVAC screen.
53 CND ROC- Maximum negative rate of change allowed. If the rate of change is less than this Set-
(Modulating Type) point, then stop modulating the AO. The absolute value of this Setpoint also serves as
the maximum positive rate of change allowed. If the rate of change is greater than the
absolute value of this Setpoint, then stop modulating the AO.
54 CND ADJ MULT Controls scaling of the amount the AO is adjusted. The larger the number the larger the
(Modulating Type) AO adjustment as the adjustment will be multiplied by this value.
55 CND MIN ADJ The value in this Setpoint is the minimum % the AO will be modulated when a change is
(Modulating Type) made.

Note 1: The purpose of Setpoint #193 ‘CND HI/LO ZONE’ and the delays in the MAX AND MIN VFD
Opening cells for Setpoint #48 ‘CND ADJ DELAY’ are to prevent repeated cycling of additional stages.
Note 2: The purpose of Setpoint #194 ‘CND 2nd ZONE’ is to prevent the discharge pressure from over
shooting the target (Setpoint #50 ‘CND TARG’). The way the logic works is if the discharge pressure is
in the 2nd Zone and the pressure is falling less than twice the CND ROC- (Setpoint #53 ‘CND ROC-‘) then
a negative adjustment will be made to the AO. If the discharge pressure is raising more than twice the
rate of change (Setpoint #53) then a positive adjustment will be made to the AO.
Note 3: The value in the “AO Starting Stage” cell under the MAG HVAC screen in the condenser info
section is the stage that has to be turned on to begin modulating the AO.
The following applies to both the modulating common and individual water condenser types:
The ‘Default Valve Opening % when Comp. is OFF’ cell can be used to set the valve (1) to be completely
closed (0%), (2) the value of Setpoint #52 (Valve % defined by Setpoint #52), or (3) completely open (100% if
the Run/Stop indicator = ON else = 0%).
The delay timer will be decremented by a standard value of 1 every second, however if the control
discharge pressure is more than 15.0 psi (1.5 bar) away from the target Setpoint #50, then the delay will be
decremented by 2; if more than20.0 psi (2.0 bar) away from the target then the delay will be decremented by
When the delay counts down to zero, an adjustment will be made based on the equation:
(Control discharge pressure – Setpoint #50) × Setpoint #54 ÷ Setpoint #51 = Adjustment Value.
When the control discharge pressure is greater than Setpoint #50 plus the value in the high zone:
If the control discharge pressure rate of change is dropping too fast (more than twice the value of Setpoint
#53), then close the valve by the calculated adjustment. If the control discharge pressure rate of change is
dropping too slowly (more than the value of Setpoint #53), then open the valve by the calculated adjustment.
Else make no adjustment.
When the control discharge pressure is less than Setpoint #50 minus the value in the low zone:
If the control discharge pressure rate of change is increasing too fast (more than twice the value of Setpoint
#53), then close the valve by the calculated adjustment. If the control discharge pressure rate of change is
increasing too slowly (more than the value of Setpoint #53), then open the valve by the calculated adjustment.
Else make no adjustment.
When the control discharge pressure is within the zone: If the control discharge pressure rate of change
is increasing more than the value of Setpoint #53, then close the valve by 1 percent. If the control discharge
pressure change is decreasing more than the value of Setpoint #53, then open the valve by 1 percent.
Modulating Condenser Type: If heat pump and the mode is HEAT (not in defrost) all condenser relays will
be turned on and the VFD set to 100% when compressor is turned on. If the control pressure is above the
control zone, the condenser will unload; if below the control zone the condenser will load else there will be no

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

18.2.6 Modulating Step Common

When a RO is being used with an AO the AO will key off the RO turning on. The RO will turn on when the
discharge pressure enters the bottom of the CND HI/LO ZONE (Setpoint #193). At that time the AO will move to
its starting % (Setpoint #49). The AO will stay at its starting % until the discharge pressure gets outside the top
of the CND HI/LO ZONE (Setpoint #193). At that point the AO will modulate based on Setpoints #51, #53-55.
Now if there are 2 RO’s tied to the AO and the “AO Starting Stage” is 1 then once the AO gets to 100% the 2nd
RO will be turned on after a delay (value in the ”MIN VFD Opening“ cell for Setpoint #48) and the AO will be set
back to its minimum % (Setpoint #52) and then modulate as described above. Now if the pressure begins to fall
and goes below the CND HI/LO ZONE (Setpoint #193) the AO will modulate. Once the AO gets to its minimum
% (Setpoint #52) the 2nd RO will be turned off after a delay (value in the “MAX VFD Opening” cell for Setpoint
#48) and the AO will be set back to 100% and continue to modulate as needed.
If the “AO Starting Stage” is 2 then when the discharge pressure enters the bottom of the CND HI/LO ZONE
(Setpoint #193) the 1st RO (stage 1) will be turned on. The 2nd RO will turn on once the discharge pressure
gets outside the Heating Info CND HI/LO ZONE (Setpoint #193) and the delay has been met (value in the “MIN
VFD Opening cell” for Setpoint #48) at that time AO will be set to its starting % (Setpoint #49). If the discharge
falls below the CND HI/LO ZONE (Setpoint #193) the AO will begin to modulate. Once the AO reaches its
minimum % (Setpoint #52) it will turn off the associated RO after a delay (value in the “MAX VFD Opening”
cell for Setpoint #48). The 1st RO will remain on until the discharge pressure falls below the CND HI/LO ZONE
(Setpoint #193) and the delay has been met (value in the “MAX VFD Opening” cell for Setpoint #48). Modulating Individual

This type of condenser uses water to provide cooling to the compressors. The AO Modulating Valve will
modulate the cold water based upon this discharge pressure for each circuit. You may also select Relay Outputs
to be turned ON/OFF while modulating the Analog Output.
The individual condensers must be set up in the Circuit Base screen.
The control will be similar to the Modulating Common type, except that the discharge pressure for each circuit
will control its own condenser.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

18.2.7 RO Shared

The RO Shared condenser has banks of fans that are shared between two consecutive circuits. The number
and location of the fans are specified under the Circuit Base screen. This is similar to the RO Step Individual
set up. Circuits 1 and 2 will share the fan bank that is specified in the circuit 1 grid in the Circuit Base screen.
The highest discharge pressure of these two compressors will be used to control this bank of fans. Circuits
2 and 3 will share the fan bank that is specified in the circuit 2 grid in the Circuit Base screen. The highest
discharge pressure of these two compressors will be used to control this bank of fans. In a unit with three
circuits, circuit three will not have a fan bank associated with it. It shares circuit 2’s fan bank.
18.2.8 Dual V8
This is a special type of condenser. It is a common circuit control type with two stages of fans and VFD.
The control of the fan speed will be different depending on whether one or two stages are on. All circuits are
checked to calculate the control discharge pressure, and should be in the same fan bank.
If the control discharge pressure is less than Setpoint #45, then both condenser stages are off and the fan
speed is zero.
If the control discharge pressure is greater than Setpoint #45 and less than Setpoint #46 stage 1 will be on.
The fan speed will be equal the value of (Setpoint #55 minus Setpoint #54) divided by (Setpoint #46 minus
Setpoint #45) and then multiplied by (control discharge pressure minus Setpoint #46) plus Setpoint #54.
If the control discharge pressure increases while in stage 1 above the value of Setpoint #46 plus Setpoint #48
for the time contain in Setpoint #49 stage 2 will be entered. Both relays will be on and the fan speed will be
equal the value of (Setpoint #55 minus Setpoint #54) divided by Setpoint #46 and then multiplied by (control
discharge pressure minus Setpoint #46) plus Setpoint #54.
If the speed of the condenser fan is less than Setpoint #54 it will be set to that value or if the speed of the
condenser fan is greater than Setpoint #55 it will be set to that value.

18.2.9 Common VFD Fan w/Bypass

The Common VFD Fan with a Bypass type of condenser has one fan. All circuits will use this fan; make sure
that all circuits in the Circuit Base point to the same common fan bank. The above setup shows that there is
one condenser stage. However this type requires the following three consecutive Relay Outputs to be set up.
For example:

This type of condenser requires one condenser fault. If the fault occurs then the VFD will be bypassed and the fan will run
at 100% if needed.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

45 CND STG1 ON When the discharge pressure is above this value, turn on the first stage of the condenser fans.
(RO Type) ‘Time (sec)’ field: (Applies to compressors with shared condensers) If non-zero, then the
compressor in startup state will not be in sole control of the condenser fans, it will control
off of highest discharge pressure. If zero, then compressor in startup will have sole condenser
control for 5 minutes. This option is selected in the ‘Newly started Comp Controls Common Fan
Bank’ box in the ‘Condenser Information’ panel under the MAGNUM screen.
PID MOD Individual Uses PID condenser control KP (Proportional). Setup as setpoint.
PID Step Common
46 CND STG1 OFF If stage 1 of condenser capacity is on and the discharge pressure drops below this value,
(RO Type) then turn this stage off.
PID MOD Individual If active, uses Multiplier for Ki adjustments, (Integral Delay). Setup as setpoint
PID Step Common
54 CND MIN SPD Minimum speed percentage for variable speed condenser control.
(RO Type)
CND ADJ MULT Controls scaling of the amount the AO is adjusted. The larger the number the larger the
(Modulating Type) AO adjustment as the adjustment will be multiplied by this value.
55 CND MAX SPD Maximum speed percentage for variable speed condenser control.
(RO Type)
CND MIN ADJ (Mod- The value in this Setpoint is the minimum % the AO will be modulated when a change is
ulating Type) made.

Fan control when there is no fault:

The highest discharge pressure of all the compressors is the control value.
The first relay, VFD LOAD, is on and the second relay, VFD BYPASS, is off.
When the control discharge pressure is greater than the value of Setpoint #45, then the third relay (VFD ENABLE)
will be turned on and the VFD will be set to the value of Setpoint #55. If the control discharge pressure decreases
the VFD will be modulated between Setpoints #54 and #55 based upon the control discharge pressure.

Assume Setpoint values:

45 CND STG1 ON 250 psi

46 CND STG1 OFF 170 psi
54 CND MIN SPD 20%
55 CND MAX SPD 100%

When the discharge control pressure is greater than 250 psi the relay VFD ENABLE will be on and the VFD
on the fan will be set to 100%. If the discharge control pressure drops to 210, then the fan speed will be set
to 60%. The discharge control pressure is half of its Cut In and Cut Out range (250 – 170 = 80 / 2 = 40= 170
= 210) therefore, the VFD will be positioned to half of its range (100 –20 = 80 / 2 = 40 + 20 = 60). The VFD
will continue to be modulated in this matter until the discharge control pressure drops below 170. Then the
VFD will be at 0% and relay VFD ENABLE will remain on. If the pressure goes above 170 the VFD will be
modulated. For example if the discharge control pressure goes to 190.0 the VFD will be set to 50%.

Fan control when a fault occurs:

If a fault occurs, an alarm message will be generated, relay VFD LOAD will Lock off, relay VFD ENABLE will
be off, the VFD speed will be set to 0% and the bypass, VFD BYPASS, will be enabled if needed after waiting
for 30 seconds, Setpoint #90. Once the fan bypass is enabled and the discharge control pressure goes above
250 psi the bypass will be turned on enabling the fan to run at 100% and it will remain on regardless of the
discharge control pressure.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

If the fault resets itself, and is no longer on, the state of VFD LOAD will be set to AUTO, the VFD BYPASS
relay will be turned off and VFD will be enabled to control the fan speed if it is needed.

54 CND MIN SPD 20%

55 CND MAX SPD 100%

When the discharge control pressure is greater than 250 psi the relay VFD ENABLE will be on and the VFD
on the fan will be set to 100%. If the discharge control pressure drops to 210, then the fan speed will be set
to 60%. The discharge control pressure is half of its Cut In and Cut Out range (250 – 170 = 80 / 2 = 40= 170
= 210) therefore, the VFD will be positioned to half of its range (100 –20 = 80 / 2 = 40 + 20 = 60). The VFD
will continue to be modulated in this matter until the discharge control pressure drops below 170. Then the
VFD will be at 0% and relay VFD ENABLE will remain on. If the pressure goes above 170 the VFD will be
modulated. For example if the discharge control pressure goes to 190.0 the VFD will be set to 50%.
Fan control when a fault occurs:
If a fault occurs, an alarm message will be generated, relay VFD LOAD will Lock off, relay VFD ENABLE will
be off, the VFD speed will be set to 0% and the bypass, VFD BYPASS, will be enabled if needed after waiting
for 30 seconds, Setpoint #90. Once the fan bypass is enabled and the discharge control pressure goes above
250 psi the bypass will be turned on enabling the fan to run at 100% and it will remain on regardless of the
discharge control pressure.
If the fault resets itself, and is no longer on, the state of VFD LOAD will be set to AUTO, the VFD BYPASS
relay will be turned off and VFD will be enabled to control the fan speed if it is needed.

18.2.10 Evaporative types of Condenser Control

Evaporative condensers are used to improve the condensers efficiency by spraying water over the condensing
coil from above while air is blown up through the coil from below.
Two types are support:

- Evap Individual Step, has the same control logic as Modulating Individual.
- Evap Common, has the same control logic as Modulating Common.
In addition to the standard control logic, the evaporative spraying water requires addition input.
Sump Temperature, this sensor will provide the temperature of the sump, area where the spray water is held.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

Sump Level Indicator, if set point #249 and a digital input is specified, if it is continually on for the time
greater than the value of the safety time of set point #249 a Sump Low Level alarm will be generated and this
condenser will locked off. If the digital goes to an off state and the condenser is locked off, its state will be
changed to auto and the condenser will be available.
Sump Heater Relay, if this relay and sump temperature sensor is specified and set point #250 is active, this
relay will be turned on and off based upon the values of set point #250.

18.2.11 RO Adaptive Bank– Air cooled Condenser Fan Control

Used to control the condenser fan relay outputs for a single compressor, multiple compressors on the same
refrigerant circuit, or a bank of condenser fans for multiple refrigerant circuits. If single compressor the
condenser fans are stage on/off based on the compressor discharge pressure. If multiple compressor or
refrigerant circuit, then the high discharge of the running compressors is used to stage condenser fans.

Singe Compressor

Tandem Compressors

Tandem Compressors- 2 Circuits

Circuit 1 and 2 will share the same fan bank specified in the ‘Cond Fan Bank’ cell. Circuit 3 and 4 will also
share the same fan bank specified. The highest discharge pressure between the two compressors on each
respective circuit will be used as the control pressure for their fan bank.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

18.2.12 RO Adaptive Common – Air Cooled Condenser Fan Control

Used to control the condenser fan relay outputs for all the refrigerant circuits on the unit. This control logic
finds the high discharge pressure on the running compressors and uses it to stage on/off the condenser
fan relays. Adaptive Condenser Control Setpoints

Setpoint #45 “CND STG1 ON” – contains the value for turning on 1st condenser fan relay.
Setpoint #46 “CND STG2 OFF” – contains the value for turning off the 2nd condenser fan relay.
Setpoint #47 “CND DIFF ON” – contains the differential value for turning on the 2nd condenser fan., plus all the
remaining condenser fan stages. This value is added to previous stage on value to calculate when to turn on the
next condenser fan.
Setpoint #48 “CND DIFF OFF” – contains the differential value for turn off the 3rd condenser fan relay, plus all
the remaining condenser fan stages. This value is added to the previous stage off value to calculate when to turn
off the next condenser fan.
Setpoint #49 “CND STG1 OFF” – contains the value for turning off 1st condenser fan relay.
Setpoint #50 “CND TARG PSI” – contains the maximum adjusted value for turning on the last condenser stage.
A compressor must be operating for the condenser fans to operate. The definition of an operating compressor
is a, compressor amps >= Low Amp limit or no amp sensor and compressor is in a running control state. The
condenser relays (i.e. fans) will turn on based upon the value in setpoint STAGE 1 ON. When the discharge
pressure exceeds this value, the first condenser relay is turned on. If additional condenser relays exist, they
will be turned on when the pressure exceeds the previous cut in value (Stage 1 ON for the first stage) plus the
value contained in STAGE DIFF ON setpoint.
Condenser relays (i.e. fans) will be turned off based upon the value in the setpoint STAGE 2 OFF (Stage 2
turn OFF point). As the discharge pressure is reduced, the condenser relay will be turned off based upon the
STAGE 2 OFF setpoint, plus the value in STAGE OFF DIFF setpoint for each stage number above stage 2.
Stage 1 of condenser staging will be turned off based upon the value in the setpoint (Stage 1 OFF).


MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02 Adaptive Control Logic

The Adaptive Condenser logic is a self-learning fan control. The adaptive self-learning logic offers reduced fan
cycling and improved efficiency. The Adaptive Condenser Control Logic automatically adjusts the fan cut-in
offset based upon the following criteria:
1. If the last stage fan turned on (including stage 1) is cycled off in 10 minutes or less, then an Adaptive
Offset value will be incriminated by 5 PSI. This increases the stage 1 turn on value (“CND STG1 ON”
plus Adaptive Offset) which in turn increases all the remaining fan on values. The Adaptive Offset will
continue to increase, until fan cycling ceases or the adjusted turn on value for the last fan stage is
greater than setpoint #50 “LastStgMax”.
2. The Adaptive Offset value will be decreased by 5 PSI if the last fan to be turned on has not cycled
off within 1 hour. The Adaptive Offset will continue to decrease by 5 PSI every 10 minutes unless fan
cycling begins again.
The Adaptive Control Logic will only affect the condenser fan turn on logic, it will not affect the fan turn off logic. Adaptive Rotation Logic

The adaptive condenser logic can be setup to rotate the condenser fans based on first on/first off or the lead
condenser fan can be forced to any one of the condenser fans. Setpoint #46 is used to setup/control the type
of rotation.
If setpoint #46 is not setup as “TIME” type of setpoint no rotation is done and lead condenser fan is forced to
the first condenser fan relay output.
If setpoint #46 is setup as a “TIME” type
• And the value of the “Time” column is Zero, then first on/first off rotation is performed. The rotation
occurs when a fan is required to cycle off by the pressure cut out value.
• And the value of the “Time” column is greater than zero and less than the max condenser stages, the
lead condenser fan is set to the value in the “Time” field. For example, if the time column contains a 2,
then the lead condenser fan is the second condenser fan in the relay output sequence.
• And if the value if the “Time” column is greater than the max condenser stages, the lead condenser fan
is force to first condenser fan in the relay output sequence. Viewing on MCS-CONNECT and MCS-MAGNUM LCD KEYPAD MCS-Connect Display
New columns in the compressor section are being added to the control status window where the
adaptive offset values will be display.


The adaptive Offset value can be viewed on the MCS-Magnum LCD/Keypad by selecting the “Status” option
from the Menu screen. Once in the “Status” screens page down to the compressor 1st screen showing
Compressor state, state timer, Suct, Disch, OPD, and Motor values. Then press the right arrow button one
time to scroll over to view the AMPS. On the second line below the AMPS heading (not the first line below the
heading which displays the comp amps) the Adaptive Offset value is displayed.

18.2.13 PID MOD Individual

Each compressor will have its own condenser Analog Outputs associated with it. The Analog Output for each
circuit is modulated based on its own discharge pressure Rate of Change. It can also be controlled on a
selected sensor input. You may also select Relay Outputs to be turned ON/OFF while modulating the Analog
PID control will turn an analog output into a stand alone PID controlled output. This output will have a
controlling sensor that modulates the AO to a maintain target. This logic will run all the time.

Setpoints used for PID Mod Individual and PID Step Common

45 CND STG1 ON When the discharge pressure is above this value, turn on the first stage of the condenser fans.
(RO Type) ‘Time (sec)’ field: (Applies to compressors with shared condensers) If non-zero, then
the compressor in start-up state will not be in sole control of the condenser fans, it will
control off of highest discharge pressure. If zero, then compressor in start-up will have sole
condenser control for 5 minutes. This option is selected in the ‘Newly started Comp Controls
Common Fan Bank’ box in the ‘Condenser Information’ panel under the MAGNUM screen.
PID MOD Individual If active, the value is the multipiler for the Proportional(Kp) adjustment,
PID Step Common Setup as Setpoint Type
46 CND STG1 OFF If stage 1 of condenser capacity is on and the discharge pressure drops below this value,
(RO Type) then turn this stage off.
PID MOD Individual If active, uses Multiplier for Ki adjustments (Integral Time Delay).
PID Step Common Setup as Time Field

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

47 CND DIFF ON Differential pressure added to Setpoint #45 to set the threshold at which each additional
(RO Type) stage of condenser capacity will turn on.
PID MOD Individual If active, use Multiplier for Kd adjustments, Setup as Time Field-
PID Step Common Time (sec) field is ROC window
50 CND TRGT Target logic will try to maintain modulating the AO.
(Modulating Type) SP must be set up as target type and use the Hi/Low zones for the target control zone.
If target type in Heat Pump mode, setback is added to target.
LO AMB SUMP OFF If active and ambient temperature is less than the value of this Setpoint, then the sump
(RO Type) pump relay will be locked off if it is the starting condenser Relay Output. When the
ambient temperature rises above the value of this Setpoint plus two times the value in
Setpoint #192 “FRZ TEMP DIFF” if active (hard coded 15°F if inactive), then the sump
pump relay will be allowed on again.
52 CND MIN % Minimum AO % allowed.
(Modulating Type) If compressor is off, then check the “Time (SEC)” field:
If 0, then the AO % will be set to the value of this Setpoint. If 2 and the run/stop is set to
run, then set the AO % to 100%, else set the AO % to 0%. This option is selected in the
“Default Valve Opening % when Comp. is OFF” box in the condenser information section
in the MAG HVAC screen.
55 CND MAX SPD Maximum speed percentage for variable speed condenser control.
(RO Type)
CND MIN ADJ The value in this Setpoint is the minimum % the AO will be modulated when a change is
(Modulating Type) made.

Circuit Base settings

18.2.14 PID Step Common

This type of condenser has a common fan bank for the system. The control will be on the systems highest
discharge pressure. The Relay Outputs are also supported along with an Analog Output.
PID control will turn an analog output into a stand alone PID controlled output. This output will have a
controlling sensor that modulates the AO to a maintain target. This logic will run all the time.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02


• Control Target
SI, AO, or Setpoint used as the target the AO will try to maintain.

• AO
Min to Max value the AO can modulate between.

• Proportional(Kp)
Multiplier for Kp adjustments.

• Integral(Ki)
Multiplier and delay between Ki Adjustments.

• Derivative(Kd)
Multiplier and time in seconds interval to calculate Kd.

• Adjustment Limits
Min and Max adjustments allowed to the AO per adjustment, both negative and positive.

Under the Analog Outputs window in the MCS Connect software. You’ll find an AO PID tab that will show all of
the PID CONTROL AOs and all of the calculated adjustments being made to those Analog Outputs. Here you
will be able to see all three adjustments being made to the PID. This will assist you in any fine tuning required
for the given analog output.

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

Chapter - 19. Electronic Expansion Valve Control

19.1. Electronic Expansion Valve Control Logic (EXV)
The function of the thermostatic expansion valve is to hold a constant evaporator superheat.
The EXV is set up in MCS-Config as follows:

For relay outputs for Type of Step w\ EXV:

‘EXV Start (when Lead)’ cell contains the EXV start percentage if this relay is the lead compressor.
‘EXV Load Adjust %’ cell contains the percentage of adjustment to the EXV when a step is added.
‘EXV Unld Adjust %’ cell contains the percentage of adjustment to the EXV when a step is deleted.

By clicking on the ‘Type of LLS’ cell under the Circuit Base screen, select either EXV&LLS or EXV Only for
EXV control.

By clicking on the ‘EXV Output cell under the Circuit Base screen, select the analog output for controlling this
circuits EXV.

By clicking on the ‘EXV Control’ cell under the Circuit Base screen, the option will cycle between Suction Su-
perheat, Discharge Superheat, and Refrigerant Level control.

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

19.1.1 EXV Control States

The EXV Control States show the status of the compressor’s expansion valve. If the compressor has an EXV
it will be displayed under the Status entry.

To view the EXV status through the Keypad LCD, select Status from the Main Menu and then page to the
EXV screen.
EXV States:

LOCKED The compressor is in a Lockout state.

IS CLOSED The associated compressor is OFF and the valve is closed
PRE-PMPD- The valve has been in a closed state and the system is now requiring the valve action.
IN STARTUP At startup the valve will remain in this state for the time in Setpoint #20. At that time the state will be changed to
holding, at this point the valve control logic will position the valve.
AT 100% This state will be entered when the valve opening reaches 100%.
IS HOLDING Refer to EXV Logic Chart, superheat is in control zone and ROC is acceptable.
IS OPENING Refer to EXV Logic Chart, superheat is in control zone but rising too fast, ROC less than 1.0.
IS CLOSING Refer to EXV Logic Chart, superheat is in the control zone and the rate of change is acceptable, ROC greater
than –0.5.
LOW SPRHT Refer to EXV Logic Chart, force a course valve adjustment.
OPENING 4x Refer to EXV Logic Chart, superheat is above control zone.
OPENING 2x Refer to EXV Logic Chart, superheat is in control zone but rising too fast, the ROC is greater than 1.0.
LO PSI OPN Refer to EXV Logic Chart, state indicates that a low suction pressure condition exists. The suction pressure is
less than Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION” plus twice the value of Setpoint #79 “LOW SUCT RELOAD” and the
superheat is greater than Setpoint #9 “SUPERHT TRGT” plus twice the value of Setpoint #10 “SPRHT ZONE+-
CLOSING 2x Refer to EXV Logic Chart, superheat is in the control zone and the rate of change is acceptable, the ROC is less
than -0.5 and greater than -1.0.
CLOSING 4x Refer to EXV Logic Chart, superheat is in control zone but falling too fast, ROC less than -1.0.
HI LVL CLS This state indicates that a high refrigerant level. This state is entered if Setpoint #109 “HiRefLevel” is active and
the superheat is greater than the value of this Setpoint.
IS MOP CLS Refer to EXV Logic Chart. Maximum operating pressure option is active and it is forcing the EXV to close. In this
state the EXV valve’s opening will be reduced.
IS MOP HLD Refer to EXV Logic Chart. Maximum operating pressure option is active and it is forcing the EXV to hold.

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

19.1.2 EXV Maximum Operating Pressure

Setpoint #199 “MOP TARG PSI” must be active if the suction pressure is to be checked for maximum operat-
ing pressure.
If the suction pressure is above the MOP control zone, then the EXV state will be changed to EXV IS
MOP CLS. The EXV valve opening will be closed by the value in Setpoint #201 with each adjustment. The
‘Time(sec)’ field of Setpoint #201 will be the delay between making adjustments to the EXV valves. The EXV
will remain in this state until the suction pressure drops below the top of the MOP control zone. At this point
the state will be changed to EXV IS MOP HOLD.
In the EXV IS MOP HOLD state the EXV valve’s opening cannot be increased but it can be closed. The EXV
will remain in this state until the suction pressure drops below the MOP control zone. At that time the EXV
control state will change to EXV IS HOLDING and normal EXV control will resume.
(Refer to Setpoints #199, #200, and #201)

19.1.3 Tandem EXV Setup

Firmware Version HVAC 17.62R
Config Version 18.01T
Connect Version 18.31.15
The Magnum supports up to 6 tandem EXVs per circuit. However, a separate compressor must be set up to
support this function. Therefore, the maximum compressors that can be supported with 6 tandem EXVs per
circuit would be 3. EXV compressors must follow the active compressors in the system.

In the General Information panel of the MAGNUM screen enter the number of compressors and steps:

Example: 2 circuits, 2 compressors, 6 EXV’s on each circuit

The colored fields must match the circuit number as you see above for EXV circuits and suction groups.

The only thing you can change are the Name/ID fields.

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

The first EXV for compressor #1 will be on its own circuit(#1).

The second valve for compressor #1 will be on circuit #3 as that’s the first available circuit with no compres-

The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth EXV will be in sequential order for simplicity 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 as you see
above in the Tandem EXV circuit#, EXV #3 circuit# etc.

For the second compressor the first available circuit will be #8. So those EXV’s will use 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
Where again the first EXV for that compressor will be used on its own circuit(#2).
The following fields must be used in order for the tandem EXV’s to function correctly.

Type of LLS must be setup as “EXV only” or “EXV&LLS” depending on if the config is using
liquid line solenoids or not.
Each circuit must have its own analog output
Each circuit must have its own temperature and pressure to control to.
Each circuit must look at the compressor suction psi and temperature. This is to stop that
circuit from tripping on low compressor superheat.
MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

19.2. ‘Evaporator or Condenser Refrigerant Level Control

There is an alternate method to control the EXV based on Ref Level. Minimum Refrigerant Level target (HVAC ONLY)

If active and the EXV is controlled by Refrigerant Level, then a new variable level target logic will be activated.
As the unit capacity increases, the refrigerant level target will change according to a linear calculation be-
tween Setpoint #9 “LEVEL TARGET” (the maximum target level) and Setpoint #217 “LOW EXV TARGET” (the
minimum target level). This relationship is explained in the following graph:

In the Compressor SI screen the active compressors information is to be completed as normal, while only
the Suction Pressure and Suction Temperature must be entered for the tandem EXV’s. The different suction
temperature provides separate control for the tandem EXV’s.

EXV Level Target

(Example of a 3 step system)
50% Setpoint #9
Calculated EXV Level Target

30% EXV Level
25% Setpoint #217
25% 80% 135% 190% 245% 300%
Setpoint #31 (Number of steps
"MIN FLA%" (3) × Setpoint #30
Total Cooling Capacity of Unit "MAX FLA %") Evaporator Level Control

This option will control the EXV based upon the Refig Level sensor which is selected in Circuit SI
screen, column Refrig Level. Control will be as indicated in the MCS-MAGNUM EXV SUCTION/
DISCHARGE SUPERHEAT LOGIC sections except the EXV states will be the opposite of the SUC-
TION/DISCHARGE control. When the refrigerant level is above the associated control point the
EXV valve will be closed and when it is below the associated control point the EXV valve will be
opened. Condenser Level Control

This option will control the EXV based upon the Refig Level sensor which is selected in Circuit SI
screen column Refrig Level. This sensor will indicate the refrigerant level in the condenser. Control
is the opposite of the Refrigerant Level Control. When the condenser level is above the associated
control point the EXV valve will be opened and when it below the associated control point the EXV
valve will be closed.

19.2.1 EXV control methods for Step Loading Compressors

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

Percentage per Step: (Requires Magnum Software HVAC 8.03L and MCS-Config 8.00W or higher)
To control the EXV based on a percentage per step for fixed step compressors, insert the relative load and
unload adjustment percentages in the respective fields in the Relay Output screen. The load and unload adjust-
ments will increase or decrease respectively based on a percentage of the current EXV position (not a fixed value)
Here is an example of a Hanbell Screw compressor configured to load by fixed steps:

These columns are used for the

compressor when there are multiple
compressors on a single suction circuit,
however, values must be in these fields
for this logic to be in effect.

The logic will work as follows: When the compressor starts the EXV will go to the value in the ‘EXV Start
(when lead)’ column, in this example it is 25%. The EXV will then modulate normally according to the control-
ling superheat or refrigerant level, until the unit is ready to load another step of capacity. Assume the EXV has
stayed at 35% when the second step of capacity is ready to engage (turning off the Hot Gas Bypass). The
EXV adjustment will be 50% (the amount in the ‘EXV Load Adjust’ column of the current EXV position
‘EXV Load Adjust’ column (50%) × current EXV position (35%) = EXV adjustment (17.5%)
50% × 35% = 17.5%
Current EXV position (35%) + EXV adjustment (17.5%) = New EXV position (42.5%)
35% +17.5% = 42.5%
Therefore the final EXV valve position would be 42.5%
This same calculation will be repeated every time a new stage of capacity is turned on. Conversely, when
the unit is unloading, the EXV adjustment will be subtracted from the current EXV position for every step that
turns off. Assume the EXV is at 40% and the compressor is at 100% and is ready to unload a step (turning on
Unload 75% solenoid).
‘EXV Unld Adjust’ column (30%)× current EXV position (40%)= EXV adjustment (12%)
30% × 40% = 12%
Current EXV position (40%)–EXV adjustment (12%) = New EXV position (28%)
40%–12% = 28%
Therefore the final EXV valve position would be 28%
The values given in the example are only start points. You will need to adjust the values for your system.
The idea is to jump the EXV position so that the superheat would still be above the target slightly, and then
the EXV control logic would then adjust the value to achieve the target superheat. We do not want to open
the EXV valve too much when loading or close the valve too much when unloading so we do not cause low
superheat or liquid flooding to the compressor.

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

Chapter - 20. Sub Cooler EXV Control Logic

Purpose of Change
The purpose of this change is to add Electronic Expansion Valve (EXV) control logic for Subcooler heat
exchanger(s). There can be a subcooler for each refrigeration circuit. If there are multiple compressors on
the refrigeration circuit the logic will need to control the EXV when any compressor on the refrigerant circuit is

20.1. New Sensor Inputs

Subcooler Suction PSI – Analog sensor input which indicates the suction pressure on the subooler heat
exchanger. This will be the refrigerant gas going to the compressor’s economizer port (vapor injection port).
There will be one suction pressure per refrigerant circuit.

Subcooler Suction Temperture – Analog sensor input which indicates the suction temperature on the sub-
ooler heat exchanger. This will be the refrigerant gas temperature going to compressor’s economizer port)
vapor injection port). There will be one suction temperature per refrigerant circuit.

20.2. New Analog Outputs

Subcooler Electronic Expansion Valve – analog output used to control the position of the electronic expansion
valve. This must be connected to device (MCS-EXV-DRVIER) to move the EXV. There will be one analog
output per refrigerant circuit.
20.3. Existing Relay Outputs
Economizer Solenoid Valve – relay output used to stop the refrigeration gas flow to compressor economizer
port (vapor injection port). There will be one relay output per compressor.
If there is only one compressor on the refrigerant circuit and the EXV is capable of closed upon loss of pow-
ers, the economizer solenoid valve relay output is optional because the EXV can act as the solenoid valve.
If there are multiple compressors on the refrigerant circuit, then solenoid valve is not optional, no matter what
type of EXV. And each compressor will have its own relay output to control its own solenoid valve.
20.4. Calculated Values
Subcooler Saturated Suction Temperature – This value is calculated using the subcooler suction pressure
and refrigerant’s Pressure to Temperature chart. The subcooler suction pressure is used as the input into the
refrigerant’s pressure to temperature chart to find the saturated temperature.

Subcooler Superheat Temperature – This value is calculated by subtracting the Subcooler Saturated Suc-
tion Temperature from the Subcooler Suction Temperature.
Subcooler Superheat = Subcooler Suction Temperature – Subcooler Saturated Suction Temperature

Subcooler EXV State – This value is determined by the logic to control the EXV.

Subcooler Time Delay – This value is calculated by the control logic and is used to delay adjustments to the
EXV position.
Subcooler Wanted Position – This value is calculated by the control logic is the wanted position of the EXV.
Subcooler Superheat ROC – This value is calculated by the control logic. It is the superheat Rate of Change.
It is calculated by subtracting the current superheat value from a previous superheat value. The control logic
will need to store the last 60 superheat values.

MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

20.5. New Config Parameters

New setpoints required to control the Subcooler EXV:

1. Subbcooler SuperheatTarget – this setpoint define the superheat target the control logic will maintain.
2. Subcooler deadband – this setpoint define the deadband around the superheat target. This setpoint with
the target setpoint defines the control zone for subcooler superheat.
3. Subcooler delay – This is the delay between adjustments to the EXV position.
4. Subcooler EXV starting % - This is the start position for the EXV when the subcooler is first turned on.
5. Subcooler EXV starting time – This is the time to remain at the starting EXV position to allow for the sub-
cooler superheat to develop to a real value to control the EXV.
6. All the EXV setpoints? Fine, course, low superheat, MOP, low suction, min/max EXV allowed?
7. MOP, Low suction psi, low suction control setpoints (delay, adjustment multipler), Others?
20.6. Logic Requirements
1. Subcooler EXV control logic needs to run once a second.
2. There can be only one subcooler heater exchanger per refrigerant circuit. The subcooler heat exchange is
an optional feature and maybe not be installed.
a. If there is only one compressor on the refrigerant circuit then only when the one compressor is run-
ning does the subcooler control logic run to maintain the superheat. And there will be one EXV AO,
one Suction Pressure SI, one Suction Temperature and one optional economizer solenoid valve RO.
The economizer solenoid valve RO is optional only if the EXV driver can closed the valve on loss of
power (EXV acts as solenoid valve – therefore a solenoid valve is not required).
b. If there are multiple compressors on the refrigerant circuit then when any compressor on the suction
group is running the Subcooler EXV logic need maintain the superheat target. And there will be one
EXV AO, one Suction Pressure SI, one Suction Temperature and multiple economizer solenoid valve
ROs (one RO per compressor). And the RO is not optional, because we need to turn on solenoid
valves for only the compressors that are running on the refrigerant circuit. Compressors not running
will have the solenoid valves off.
3. Suggest similar Subcooler EXV state as Evaporator EXV state
a. Subcooler EXV LOCKED OUT
b. Subcooler EXV CLOSED
c. Subcooler EXV Holding
d. Subcooler EXV in Startup
e. Subcooler EXV Opening 1x
f. Subcooler EXV Opening 2x
g. Subcooler EXV Opening 4x
h. Subcooler EXV Closing 1x
i. Subcooler EXV Closing 2x
j. Subcooler EXV Closing 4x
k. Low Superheat Closing
l. MOP Closing, MOP Holding, Low Suction Opening?
m. Others?
4. If all the compressors are off:
a. The Subcooler EXV analog output is forced to 0.0%
b. The Economizer solenoid valve RO is turned off.
c. The subcooler control variables, step delay, etc are reset to defaults.
d. The state is set to Subcooler EXV Closed.
5. Once any compressor is started and either it’s FLA% is greater than setpoint #255 Or the setpoint #255 Is
inactive then::
a. The Subcooler state is moved from EXV CLOSED to Subcooler EXV in Startup. The subcooler will
remain in this state for X seconds (X defined by setpoint valve) with the EXV AO set to percentage
MCS-MAGNUM-EXV Rev. 2021-06-02

defined by setpoint value. And the compressor solenoid RO is turned on (if one exists).
b. Once the Startup time delay is satisfied the EXV state will be change to Subcooler Holding and EXV
AO will be modulated to maintain the superheat within the control zone and the following logic run:
i. If the Subcooler Suction pressure is greater than or equal to the MOP setpoint the state will
be set to MOP Closing.
ii. If the Subcooler Suction pressure is less than low suction pressure setpoint and the subcooler
superheat is in or above control zone the state will be set to Low Suction Opening and the
valve will be quickly open.
iii. If the Subcooler superheat is within the control zone or ROC is satisfied then state will remain
in Subcooler Holding.
iv. If the subcooler superheat is above the control zone:
1. And the ROC is above the ROC- setpoint, the will be set based upon how far above
the control zone, Opening 1x, Opening 2x, Opening 4x.
2. Else if ROC is equal to or below ROC- setpoint then state is set to EXV HoLDING.
v. If the subcooler superheat is below the control zone
1. And superheat ROC is greater than the ROC+ setpoint, the state will be set based
upon how far below the control zone, Closing 1x, Closing 2x, Closing 4x.
2. Else if ROC is rqual to or greater than ROC+ setpoint, the state will be set to ECV
vi. The EXV time delay needs to be decrement each second by a variable amount determine by
subcooler state until the delay reaches zero. The further away from the target the bigger the
adjustment to allow changes faster. Once the delay reaches zero:
1. If the superheat is inside the control:
a. If ROC is between the ROC+ and ROC- setpoint values, then EXV state goes to
b. If ROC less than ROC- setpoint then exv states goes to Closing 1x.
c. If ROC greater than ROC+ setpoint value then exv state goes to Opening 1x.
2. if a superheat is outside the control zone then a variable adjustment will be made the
Subcooler wanted position. The further away from the target the bigger the adjustment
to move the valve faster. And if above the control zone the adjustment will be added to
the current wanted % to open the value. If below the control zone the the adjustment
will be subtracted to the current wanted % to close the valve. The wanted % is bound-
ed by min and max limits defined by new setpoint values in the config.
3. Last comp on refrigerant circuit is turn off or last econo turn off? Then subcooler exv
state goes to exv closed.


Chapter - 21. EXV Control SSH, SSH2

MCS has released two new superheat control systems in addition to its existing EXV Superheat Control Systems.

21.1. Fast Suction Superheat (Fast SSH)

Released with firmware 17.26-B.hex with the following objectives:
„„ Reduce the number of set points required. (SP 65 through 72 were eliminated)
„„ Provide only one control zone.
„„ Anytime the superheat moves outside this zone to recovery within two minutes or less.
„„ Provide Fast Suction Superheat control for Subcooler’s with standard set points.
(SP 65 through 72 were used. (SP 253 through 255 were eliminated)
Provide option to dynamically calculate the EXV starting position

21.2. Fast Suction Superheat 2 (Fast SSH2)

Released with firmware 17.37D1.hex with the following objectives:
„„ Provide MCS Default set points for all EXV controls types.
„„ Improve on self learning EXV Valve starting position.
„„ Provide color coded identification for Fast SSH, Fast SSH2 & Subcooler options in MCS-Config.
„„ Add an extended SH ROC to allow finer decisions and reduce valve movement.
„„ Add explicit states for Fast SSH and Fast SSH2.

21.3. Selecting Fast SSH or Fast SSH2 in MCS-Config

In Fast SSH & Fast SSH2 only Set Points 9 through 20 are used to control the EXV valve. If you select Fast
SSH or Fast SSH2 as your superheat EXV control and you have a subcooler (an economizer injecting refrig-
erant into the compression chamber) you will get Fast SSH control on the EXV for the subcooler. The Fast
SSH set points for the subcooler are 65 through 72.
Select Type of Control in Relay Output Information Screen. In the RO screen, from the drop down window in
‘Type’ you select either ‘Step w \ EXV’ or ‘Screw w \ EXV’


21.4. Circuit Base

In the Circuit Base screen you need to select the Analog Output for the EXV.

Next in the Circuit Base screen you need to select ‘Fast SSH‘ or ‘Fast SSH2’ from the Evaporator EXV Control
section drop down menu.

With the release of Fast SSH2 MCS has released a new MCS-Config to support the new functions. The new
MCS-Config provides a new tab, ‘EXV Control’, where you define your system. This then allows MCS-Config
to provide MCS Default Set Point Values for you. The figure below shows the Current ‘Circuit Base’ tab and
the new ‘EXV Control’ tab.

If you enter data in the EXV portion of the Circuit Base tab or in the EXV Control tab it is carried through to the
other tab.


21.4.1 Selecting the ‘EXV Control’ tab you are prompted with the following:

Option 

EXV Results

EXV Results

Based on your selections will dictate the set points for compressor control. The subcooler set points are only
displayed if a subcooler id present.

21.4.2 Selection Options

Superheat Control Superheat Control Config Creation

based on ? method type ? or reset to MCS Defaults

Evaporator Type being Functions Effecting Superheat control.

controlled ? Some require set points to be active
NOTE: Once you have clicked on the boxes for your setup, be sure to click on ‘Set Values to Default’.
This will set the values to the default for ‘Control Parameter, Heat Exchanger Type and the Control Method.
Make note that clicking in the ‘Target Modifier’ require that some set points must be active.


21.4.3 Compressor EXV Results

„„ Control on ‘Suction Superheat’

„„ Evaporator Type ‘Plate HX’
„„ Control Method ‘Fast SSH2’
„„ MCS Default ‘Selected’
„„ Degrees F or C are automatic

21.4.4 Subcooler EXV Results

➛➛ If you have selected Fast SSH or Fast SSH2 and have a subcooler this will use set points 65 through
72. If you setup ‘Subcooler EXV & Subcooler Suction PSI’ MCS-Config will automatically complete set points
65 through 72 with MCS standard defaults.
➛➛ If this is an existing config and you are converting to Fast SSH or Fast SSH2 set points 253 through 255
will be spared out. (HVAC only)

„„ Set Points if Fast SSH or Fast SSH2 selected & you have a Sub Cooler
„„ Set Points 65 thru 72 are set up
„„ Degrees F or C are automatic

With this release of MCS-Config MCS has developed Default

Set Points for all EXV Types


21.4.5 MCS EXV Factory Default Set Point Fast SSH2, Suction Superheat, Plate HX Fast SSH2, Suction Superheat, DX Coil Fast SSH, Suction Superheat, DX Barrel

(Samples of Fast SSH & Fast SSH2 most often used) Fast SSH2, Discharge Superheat, DX Barrel

MCS-MAGNUM-SSH, SSH2, PID Fast SSH, Suction Superheat, DX Barrel Suct Spht, Suction Superheat, DX Barrel

21.5. Set Point Descriptions (Fast SSH & Fast SSH2)

Fast SSH set points Available in MCS release 17.26-B and later
Fast SSH2 set points Available in MCS release 17.41 and later

SP # Name Description
9 EXV Target (Value Field) – This is the superheat target the system will make adjustments to the Electronic
Expansion Valve to maintain.

(Time Field) – In Fast SSH when in low suction psi this is the number of seconds the suction psi
must be increasing before the systems stops adjusting the valve.
(Time Field) - In Fast SSH2 it is the number of seconds to calculate the extended slope. When
in low suction, adjustments are stopped when the suction pressure slope is positive for
1 second.
10 EXV Fast Zone ((Value Field) – The system makes adjustments to the EXV Valve percentage to maintain
the superheat within this range.

(Time Field) – The Time Field is not used.

11 EXV Adjustment (Value Field) – The opening adjustment that is made to the EXV current valve % when
made when a the circuit changes to the loading state or the closing adjustment that is made when the
modulating circuit changes to the unloading state. When in the MOP hold state, only closing adjust-
compressor’s ments are allowed.
capacity changes
(Time Field) – When > zero it is used to increase the hold time.
12 Super Heat adjust (Value Field) – This value is used to multiply times the calculated value of superheat
multiplier target – current superheat target value. (The difference from where we want to be verses
where we are)

(Time Field) – The maximum different between two EXV’s on the same circuit allowed
once out of startup and under control.


13 Rate of Change (Value Field) - This value is used to multiply times the calculated value of current su-
adjust multiplier perheat – the superheat value one second ago. (The slope of the current superheat)

Time Field) – If set point type = ‘Time’ and Time Field is ≥ 2 and ≤ 100 this is the
adjustment multiplier for when the system is in Low Suction. It takes the base valve
adjustment of 0.5% and multiplies it with this value. Adjustments stop when the suc-
tion psi starts too increase. (See set point 9 time field for additional information.) If
the conditions are not met then a value of 0.5 is used. (Delay between adjustments is
specified in the value field of SP 17.)
14 Limit of Adjustment (Value Field) – In FSH this value limits the adjustment while the superheat is < then the
Fast Zone times two. In FSH2 this value is the maximum limit of the adjustment.

(Time Field) - In FSH this value is the limit of adjustment when the superheat > then
two times the Fast Zone. Remember in the value field of this set point you are typically
using a value of 0.2 to 0.5. In the time field a value of 7 is equivalent to 0.7.
(Time Field) - In FSH2 this field is not used.
15 Minimum EXV Valve (Value Field) – The minimum position of the valve. Usually 3%. Will need to be larger if
% hot gas is on system.

(Time Field) - The adjustment multiplier for when the system is in Low Superheat.
16 Maximum EXV Valve (Value Field) – The maximum position of the valve allowed. Usually 100%. Sometimes
% used if valve is oversized.

(Time Field) – Not Used

17 Low Superheat (Value Field) – If the superheat falls below this value and stays below for longer than
the number of seconds specified in the Time Field, of this set point, the system will enter
a safety, generate an alarm and shut off this compressor then restart if required. If this
specifies a lockout then it will follow the lockout rules. In FSH and FSH2 the system will
take corrective action to correct this potential problem.
(Time Field) – Timer for this set point as described.
18 Low Psi Delay (Value Field) – The value specifies the number of seconds between valve adjustments,
(for Low Suction) trying to correct this situation. Adjustments will continue until the slope
of the suction pressure starts to increase.

(Time Field) – This value specifies the number of seconds delay between adjustments,
(for Low Superheat) trying to correct this situation. Adjustments continue until the super-
heat is above the Value Field.
19 EXV Delay (Value field) – The value in this field id decremented by the difference between the absolute
value of the current superheat – superheat target. When the result reaches zero the FSH &
FSH2 make the current calculated adjustment to the current valve percentage.

(Time Field) – The value in the time field determines when control will begin when two EXV’s
are on the same circuit. This value times the value field in the fast zone plus the current tar-
get defines when control is taken, at startup. If this value is 10 and the value in the fast zone
is 2 and the target is 12 the result would be (10 * 2 + 12) = 32%. When both valves are ≤ this
% control is taken and then kept within the value specified in the time field of set point 12.
20 EXV Startup Time (Value Field) – EXV starting time in seconds. The following decisions are made on taking
a). If the current superheat is > target + 5.0 ⁰ & State timer > Startup time / 2 Take
b). If the current superheat is < target – Fast zone & State timer > Startup time / 2
Take Control.
c). If the Suct psi is < Low Suct SP + Low unload & State timer > Startup time / 2 Take
d). If the EXV startup time ≥ 90 & a) or b) is true adjust the valve start percentage


21.5.1 Set Point Adjustments

Fast SSH & Fast SSH2 Common adjustments
When using FSH or FSH2 you should not experience a low suction or low superheat alarm unless you are low
on refrigerant or have a mechanical problem. (If you bring on too much condenser that causes the head psi to
drop too quickly it will also pull the suction psi with it.) Set the multiplier of SP 13 ‘Time Field’ to a value high
enough to recover from a low suction.
21.5.2 Low Suction Multiplier-SP 13
‘Time Field’ is a multiplier for the change being made to adjust for a Low Suction condition. The MCS Default
is 2. If a low suction occurs and the system does not recover in time, an a low suction alarm occurs increase
SP 13 Time Field by 1.
If a low suction occurs and the system over corrects, (that is the EXV valve opens more than is required) then
reduce SP 13 Time Field by 1.
If an alarm occurs you can increase the multiplier and or decrease the time delay between adjustments. (Set
Point 18 Value Field) Low Superheat Adjustment-SP 15

‘Time Field’ is a multiplier for the change being made to adjust for a Low Superheat condition. The MCS
Default is 2.
If a low superheat occurs and the system over corrects, (the EXV valve closes more than is required) then
reduce SP 15 Time Field by 1.
If an alarm occurs you can increase the multiplier and or decrease the time delay between adjustments. (Set
Point 18 Time Field) EXV Startup Time-SP 20

‘Value Field’ specifies the maximum time the valve will remain in the EXV Startup State. If the value is less
than 90 seconds the Magnum will remain in this state for the entire time specified unless it reaches one of the
startup exit conditions covered in SP 20. It is not recommended to make this value less than 25 seconds.
If the value is ≥ 90 the Magnum will calculate a new valve opening percentage, if required. When setting a
value of 90, or greater it is recommended it be in increments of 9 for Fast SSH. For Fast SSH the Magnum
starts evaluating it’s position after 44% of its startup time has passed. In Fast SSH2 it starts evaluation after
50% of its startup time has passed. EXV Compressor Start Delay-SP 20

‘Time Field’ specifies the number of seconds to delay starting the compressor to allow the valve to partially
open. MCS recommends 8 to 10 seconds and not more than 15 seconds. Remember this is part of the EXV
startup time. EXV Target & EXV Fast Zone-SP 9
‘Value Field’ specifies the superheat target we want to achieve and SP 10 ‘Value Field’ specifies the Control
Zone we are maintaining. The table shows the MCS recommendations for both English and Metric.

Units English Metric

Range Low Standard High Low Standard High
Superheat 10.0 12.0 14.0 5.6 6.7 7.8
Fast Zone 1.6 2.0 3.0 0.9 1.1 1.7


21.6. Fast SSH States

Listed below shows the format of the states used.




21.6.1 FAST SSH2 State Format

Listed below shows the format of the states used.





Chapter - 22. General Introduction to EXV PID

• FIRMWARE 17.60E4 or greater
• MCS-CONNECT 18.26.11 or greater
• MCS-CONFIG 18.01N or greater
„„ An EXV PID controller uses information about: PRESENT, PAST and errors to adjust the Expansion Valve.
„„ EXV PID automatically applies accurate and responsive correction to a control function.

Change in Superheat = Current Superheat minus last Superheat from

1 second ago (Rate of Change)

Offset in Superheat = Current Superheat minus Target Superheat

(setpoint #9 value field)

Velocity of Superheat = Current Superheat minus the Superheat from

x seconds ago (setpoint #9 time seconds value)

Change in Velocity = Current Kd minus the Kd from x seconds ago

(setpoint #9 time seconds value)

22.2. Calculations for the adjustment to EXV valve

MCS EXV PID algorithm uses two different sets of K multipliers to calculate adjustments to EXV on how far
the superheat is from the superheat target, (setpoint #9 value field).

FAST multipliers


22.3. EXV PID Firmware

Uses information about: PRESENT, PAST and errors to adjust the Expansion Valve.
„„ Provides extremely fast reaction to changes in superheat caused in part by the following:
• High ambient chiller running in low ambient conditions.
• Condenser fans turning on or off creating large changes in discharge and suction pressure .
• Subcooling going temporarily negative and not having a solid column of liquid for short periods.
• Large subcooler / economizers coming on and off.

EXV PID Logic supports:

• Suction Superheat, Discharge Superheat, Evaporator Level and Condenser Level Control.
• FIRMWARE 17.60E4 or greater
• MCS-CONNECT 18.26.11 or greater
• MCS-CONFIG 18.01N or greater
22.5. Selecting PID in MCS-CONFIG
In PID only setpoints 9 through 20 are used to control the EXV valve. If you select PID as your superheat EXV
control and you have a subcooler (an economizer injecting refrigerant into the compression chamber) you will
get PIP control on the EXV for the subcooler. The PID set points for the subcooler are 65 through 72. Select
Type of Control in Relay Output Information Screen. In the RO screen, from the drop down window in ‘Type’
you select either ‘Step w \ EXV’ or ‘Screw w \ EXV’.

22.6. Circuit Base

In the Circuit Base screen you need to select the Analog Output for the EXV.

Next in the Circuit Base screen you need to select ‘PIP SSH’ from the Evaporator EXV Control section drop
down menu.

The MAGNUM supports up to 6 tandem EXVs per circuit.

NOT AVAILABLE with RTU and Centrifugal firmware


With the release of Fast SSH2 AND PID MCS has released a new MCS-Config to support the new functions.
The new MCS-Config provides a new tab, ‘EXV Control’, where you define your system. This then allows
MCS-Config to provide MCS Default Set Point Values for you. The figure below shows the Current ‘Circuit
Base’ tab and the new ‘EXV Control’ tab.

If you enter data in the EXV portion of the Circuit Base tab or in the EXV Control tab it is carried
through to the other tab.

22.7. Selecting the ‘EXV Control’ tab you are prompted with the following:

Option 
(Evaporator and
condenser Level not
available with Fast
I or Fast II Control

EXV Results

EXV Results

Based on your selections will dictate the set points for compressor control. The subcooler set points are only
displayed if a subcooler id is present.


22.8. Selection Options

Superheat Control Superheat Control Config Creation

based on ? method type ? or reset to MCS Defaults

Evaporator Type being Functions Effecting Superheat control.

controlled ? Some require set points to be active
NOTE: Once you have clicked on the boxes for your setup, be sure to click on ‘Set Values to Default’.
This will set the values to the default for ‘Control Parameter, Heat Exchanger Type and the Control Method.
Make note that clicking in the ‘Target Modifier’ require that some set points must be active.

22.9. Compressor EXV Results

„„ Control on ‘Suction Superheat’

„„ Evaporator Type ‘Plate HX’
„„ Control Method ‘PID’
„„ MCS Default ‘Selected’
„„ Degrees F or C are automatic


22.10. Set Point Descriptions (PID)

Set points Available in MCS release 17.26-B and later

SP # Name Description
9 SPRHT TARGET If EXV control is based upon superheat, this is the Superheat target that the Magnum
or will control from.
LEVEL TARGET If EXV control is based upon refrigerant level, this is the refrigerant level target that the
Magnum will control from.
‘Low Zone’ if nonzero then develop control super heat based upon the lowest superheat
of any compressor that is on with in this suction group else use the superheat of this
‘Time (sec)’ field: Seconds between samples used for calculating the Superheat Rate of
STAGE 7 CUT IN Stage 7 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
10 SPRHT ZONE +- The value in this setpoint is added and subtracted to setpoint #9 to determine the upper
and lower limits of the control zone respectively. Refer to section on EXV control.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If non-zero, skip ROC adjustment logic in the control zone.
Ki-IntegMult EXV PID Integral - Offset in Superheat= Current Superheat minus Target Superheat
(setpoint #9 value field) Value is the Fast Multiplier for Kp adjustments, setback is the
slow multiplier.
STAGE 8 CUT IN Stage 8 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
12 EXV FINE ADJ The adjustment is made when in the 1st zone above or below the control zone. Refer to
section on EXV control.

Kp-PropMult EXV PID Proportional - Change in Superheat = Current Superheat minus last Super-
heat from 1 second ago (Rate of Change). Value is the Fast Multiplier for Kp adjust-
ments, setback is the slow multiplier.
13 EXV COURSE If a course adjustment to the EXV when in the 2nd zone above or below the control zone.
If the type is TIME and the time (SEC) field is greater than 1 and less than 7 then multi-
ple the value field by the time field else multiple by 2 for adjustment amount.
If a course adjustment to the EXV when in the 3rd zone above or below the control zone.
Multiple value by the by 2 for adjustment amount.
If a course adjustment to the EXV when above or below the 3nd zone the control zone.
The value is the adjustment amount.
Refer to section on EXV control. If a course adjustment to the EXV when in the 3rd zone
above or below the control zone. Multiple value by the by 2 for adjustment amount.
If a course adjustment to the EXV when above or below the 3rd zone the control zone.
The value is the adjustment amount. Refer to section on EXV control.
Kd-DerrMult EXV PID Derivative - Velocity of Superheat = Current Superheat minus the Superheat
from x seconds ago (setpoint #9 time seconds value). Value is the Fast Multiplier for Kp
adjustments, setback is the slow multiplier.
14 EXV LOAD DIV The EXV slide adjustment can be fined tuned by dividing by the value of this set point.
Note the value of this set point is used regardless if the its is active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control.
Ka-AccMult EXV PID Acceleration - Change in Velocity = Current Kd minus the Kd from x seconds
ago (setpoint #9 time seconds value). Value is the Fast Multiplier for Kp adjustments,
setback is the slow multiplier.
STAGE 12 CUT IN Stage 12 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)


15 ExvMinValve% This is the minimum valve position allowed when modulating the expansion valve.
This value should be set so when hot gas is applied the valve opening is adequate.
Note the value of this set point is used regardless if it is active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control. Note the value of this set point is used regardless if it is
active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control. Note the value of this set point is used regardless if it is
active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control.
STAGE 13 CUT IN Stage 13 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
16 ExvMaxValve% This is the maximum position allowed when modulating the expansion valve to maintain
the superheat target. This value should be the valve % opening at full capacity plus a 10
to 15 % margin.
Note the value of this set point is used regardless if the its is active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control.
STAGE 14 CUT IN Stage 14 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
17 LoSucSuperHt If super heat is less or equal to this value and the control slope is less that the roc for
zone 3 make a slide adjustment of 3 times the value of set point #13.
If the calculated superheat remains below this value for the time specified in the Time
(SEC) cell, the Magnum will generate a LOW SUPERHEAT alarm.
Refer to section on EXV control.
STAGE 15 CUT IN Stage 15 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
19 EXV DELAY Delay in seconds between valve adjustments. Should not be less than 48. (When adjusting
at 4x this will allow 12 seconds for the controller to process the results of the last action
before making the next adjustment).
Refer to section on EXV control.
20 ExvStartup This is the time in seconds to hold the valve at the start % setpoint when the compressor
starts. Since the superheat calculation is not valid when the compressor is not running
the EXV logic sets the valve to a given position for a set time to allow the system to de-
velop a valid superheat.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If zero, then there is no delay when a compressor is ready to start.
If non-zero, this is the time delay in which the EXV valve is allowed to open before the
compressor starts.
Refer to section on EXV control.

22.11. PID Example Setpoint Defaults

Default Celsius values for Suction Superheat with DX Chiller Barrel.


9 SucSprHtTarg 6.5C 6S - - - 3.0C 2.7C 0.0C TARGET
10 Ki-IntegMult 0.20 0S - - - 2.20 -2.20 0.10 TARGET
12 Kp-PropMult 0.45 0S - - - 0.00 0.00 0.20 TARGET
13 Kd-DerrMult 0.15 0S - - - 0.20 -0.20 0.17 TARGET
14 Ka-AccMult .10 0S - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 TARGET
15 ExvMinValve% 5.0% - - - - - - - SETPOINT
16 ExvMaxValve% 100 0S - - - 0.0% 0.0% 15.0% TARGET
17 LO SUPERHEAT 1.6F 120 S 15 300 60 - - - LOCKOUT
19 ExvKiDelay 15s - - - - - - - SETPOINT
20 ExvStartup 10s 5S - - - - - - TIME

Below setpoints are the default Fahrenheit values for Suction Superheat with DX Chiller Barrel.


9 SucSprHtTarg 12.0F 6S - - - 4.0F 3.5F 0.0F TARGET
10 Ki-IntegMult 0.15 0S - - - 2.20 -2.20 0.10 TARGET
12 Kp-PropMult 0.30 0S - - - 0.00 0.00 0.20 TARGET
13 Kd-DerrMult 0.20 0S - - - 0.20 -0.20 0.17 TARGET
14 Ka-AccMult 0.10 0S - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 TARGET
15 ExvMinValve% 5.0% - - - - - - - SETPOINT
16 ExvMaxValve% 100 0S - - - 0.0% 0.0% 15.0% TARGET
17 LO SUPERHEAT 3.5F 120 S 15 300 60 - - - LOCKOUT
19 ExvKiDelay 15s - - - - - - - SETPOINT
20 ExvStartup 10s 5S - - - - - - TIME

22.11.1 Subcooler EXV Results

➛➛ If you have selected PID and have a subcooler this will use set points 65 through 72. If you setup ‘Sub-
cooler EXV & Subcooler Suction PSI’ MCS-Config will automatically complete set points 65 through 72 with
MCS standard defaults.
➛➛ If this is an existing config and you are converting to PID set points 253 through 255 will be spared out.
(HVAC only)

„„ Set Points if PID is selected & you have a Sub Cooler

„„ Set Points 65 thru 72 are set up
„„ Degrees F or C are automatic

65 EXV ZONE1 Temperature differential used to build the EXV Zone 1 both plus and minus.


Setup as Target
66 EXV ZONE2 Temperature differential that is used to build the EXV Zone 2 both plus and minus.
Temperatures above this zone are considered in zone 3.
ZONE- Setup as Target
67 The EXV control logic will compare the value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate
of change to determine the valve adjustment when the temperature is within the EXV
control zone.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: The minimum time delay between EXV adjustments
when in the EXV control zone.


68 EXV ROC ZONE1 The EXV control logic will compare the value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of
change to determine the valve adjustment when the temperature is within zone 1.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: This is the minimum time delay between EXV adjustments
when in the EXV control zone 1. If this Setpoint is inactive then the ROC for this zone is
0 and the delay is 15 seconds.
69 EXV ROC ZONE2 The EXV control logic will compare the value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of
change to determine the valve adjustment when the temperature is within zone 2.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: This is the minimum time delay between EXV adjustments
when in the EXV control zone 2. If this Setpoint is inactive then the ROC for this zone is
0 and the delay is 15 seconds.
SCExvKAccel Setup as Target

70 EXV ROC ZONE3 The EXV control logic will compare the value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of
change to determine the valve adjustment when the temperature is within zone 3.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: This is the minimum time delay between EXV adjustments
when in the EXV control zone 3. If this Setpoint is inactive then the ROC for this zone is
0 and the delay is 15 seconds.

71 EXV TOO FAST When the superheat is with the control zone, the EXV control logic will compare the
value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of change to determine the valve adjustment
when the temperature is within the zone and rising too fast.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: This is the minimum time delay between EXV adjustments if
the rate of change is too fast when in EXV control zones 1 or 2. If this Setpoint is inactive
then the ROC for this zone is 0 and the delay is 15 seconds.

72 EXV CHANGING When the superheat is with the control zone, the EXV control logic will compare the
value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of change to determine the valve adjustment
when the temperature is within the zone and rising.


22.12. EXV PID Ki Delay Timer and Ki Accumulator

Magnum firmware 17.63 and greater adds support for two new EXV PID Ki adjustment options.
#1 Reset the Ki Delay Timer – only reset the Ki delay when a 0.1 or greater or -0.1 or less adjustment oc-
curs, vs resetting it when Ki is not equal to zero. This is the reset time when the Ki adjustment is enough to
actual move the EXV 0.1% or more.
#2 Ki Accumulator – this keeps the second decimal point in the Ki adjustment and accumulator until an
actual adjustment is made, adjust is greater 0.1 or less than -0.1.
Both of these change are designed to help Ki adjustments when very close to the target.


22.13. Logic to Determine which K Multipliers to Use

„„ Calculations are done every second Switching to Fast K multipliers is based on:
a. Distance from target
1. If current superheat is greater than (setpoint #9 value field plus setpoint #9 high zone field x 2)
Setpoint Value Hi Zone Total
#9 SucSprHtTarg 12.0F + 4.0F x 2 = 20
EXV PID algorithm will use the fast multipliers (Setpoint Value Field)
2. If current superheat value is less than (setpoint #9 value field minus setpoint #9 high zone field)
Current Superheat
Setpoint HI Zone Total
#9 SucSprHtTarg 12.0F - 4.0F = 8
EXV PID algorithm will use the fast multipliers (Setpoint Value Field)

FAST multipliers

Switching to Switching slow K multipliers
to Slow Kismultipliers
based on: is based on:
b. Distance from target
1. If current superheat is less than (setpoint #9 value field plus setpoint #9 low zone field) but above the
fast multiplier switch of 8 (12 - 4)
Setpoint Value LOW Zone Total
#9 SucSprHtTarg 12.0F + 3.5F = 15.5F
EXV PID algorithm will use the slow multipliers (Setback Value Field)

2. If current superheat is more than (setpoint #9 value field minus setpoint #9 low zone field) and
below the fast multiplier switch of 20 (12 + 4 x 2)
Setpoint Value LOW Zone Total
#9 SucSprHtTarg 12.0F - 3.5F = 8.5

EXV PID algorithm will use the slow multipliers (Setback Value Field)

SLOW multipliers

SLOW multipliers

22.13.1 Rate of Change - Moving too Fast

1. If current superheat ROC is greater than setpoint #13 (Kd) high zone and current superheat is above target

Current Superheat ROC Setpoint #13 High Zone Current Superheat

0.7 .20 16F
EXV PID algorithm will use the fast multipliers (Setpoint Value Field)

2. If current superheat ROC is greater than setpoint #13 (Kd) low zone and current superheat is below target
Current Superheat
Current Superheat ROC Setpoint #13 Low Zone
-0.3 -0.20 8
EXV PID algorithm will use the fast multipliers (Setpoint Value Field)

FAST multipliers multipliers
22.13.2 Rate of Change - Moving Slow Enough

If current superheat ROC is less than setpoint #13 (Kd) high zone and current superheat is above target
Current Superheat ROC Setpoint #13 High Zone Current Superheat
0.1 0.20 15F
EXV PID algorithm will use slow multipliers (Setback Field)

If current superheat ROC is less than setpoint #13 (Kd) low zone and current superheat is below target
Current Superheat ROC Setpoint #13 Low Zone Current Superheat
-0.1 -0.20 10
EXV PID algorithm will use slow multipliers (Setback Field)

SLOW multipliers

SLOW multipliers


22.14. MCS-Connect Evaporator EXV PID Status

Proportional Adjustment Acceleration Adjustment
(Current Superheat minus Superheat from last (Current Kd minus Kd from x seconds ago) Total Adjust
second) x Kp x Ka Adjustment made to current
Kp = setpoint #12/#67 value (fast) Ka = setpoint #14/#69 value (fast) EXV position
or setback value(slow) or setback value(slow)

Controlling parameter

Integral Adjustment
(Current Superheat minus Superheat
Target setpoint #9 value) x Ki Derivative Adjustment Current K multipliers
Ki = setpoint #10/#66 value(fast) or (Current Superheat minus being used
setback value(slow) Superheat from x seconds ago)
x Kd
Kd = setpoint #13/#68
value(fast) or setback

22.15. Allowing an Adjustments to the EXV Valve

(When Ki & Kd are in opposite, we are going in the right direction)
1. When the Proportional adjust, Integral adjust, Derivative adjust and Acceleration all add up to be ≥ to .1 or
-.1, the adjustment is made based on that number.
2. The Proportional adjust, Derivative adjust and Acceleration all run every second.
3. The Integral adjust uses setpoint #19 (ExvKiDelay) as a delay before posting a value as long as;
a. If the current Integral adjust (Ki) is > 0 and the current superheat > the current target plus setpoint
#10 high zone field.
b. If the current Integral adjust (Ki) is < 0 and the current superheat < the current target plus setpoint
#10 low zone.

Ki adjust HiZone
12 plus 2.20 = 14.2
14.20F No
120F Superheat Target Ki
Ki adjust LOW zone
Adjust in
12 plus -2.20 = 9.8 9.80F this area


Chapter - 23. EXV Level Control using PID

„„ The following versions of Firmware are needed to setup EXV Level Control:
„„ MCS-CONFIG – 17.17.00U or later
„„ MCS-CONNECT – 17.003.11 or later
„„ MCS-MAGNUM Firmware - 17.16C or later

23.1. Setting up EXV Level Control

„„ Setup Analog Outputs to control electronic expansion valves.

„„ Setup INPUTS to read evaporator or condenser level.

23.1.1 Setting up EXV Level Control – User Defined

„„ Selecting ‘User Defined’ type

Under the Display Type, select

User Defined


„„ Screen below will open:

1.2 0%
3.7 100%

1. Setting up the Level Sensor

2. Wire the Level Sensor to the designated input.
3. If available, have the Level Sensor loose and manually move the float or submerge in a bucket of liquid to
100% (standpipe full of refrigerant).
4. Record the voltage input, this would be point #2 on the SI Calculation Wizard
(Ex. Voltage = 3.7 Value = 100%)
5. Move the float to 0% (no refrigerant in the standpipe=empty)
6. Record the voltage input. This would be point #1 on the SI calculation wizard
(Ex. Voltage = 1.2 Value = 0%)

NOTE: If Level Sensor is a 4-20ma output, where at 4ma = 0% level and at 20ma = 100% level,
you would put the designated input jumper on digital and the SI calculation wizard would be
Setup as:
Point #1 .882 vdc = 0% See APP066- 4-20mA Sensor Connection to MCS-Magnum
Point #2 4.41 vdc = 100%


23.1.2 Circuit Base Setup

„„ Point to the EXV outputs in the Circuit Base screen.

„„ Point to the Refrigerant Level inputs in the Circuit SI screen.

„„ Make sure the Discharge Pressure and Discharge Temperature are pointing to correct sensors for the
calculation of discharge superheat.

23.1.3 Setup using EXV CONTROL WIZARD

„„ Select the EXV Control button and set up for level control with the desired EXV control method.

Heat Exchanger Type

Flooded Barrel

Control Parameter Control Method Set Default Values

Select Evaporator Level or
Condenser Level DEFAULTS


„„ The following setpoints will be setup:

„„ NOTE: If more than one circuit is available and you want to control two independent circuit target
levels, make setpoint#9 ‘Non-Active’ in the setpoint screen.
„„ Make the used FLA setpoints#171-190 a ‘target’ type and set the level target up in the setback field.

23.1.4 Low Discharge Superheat EXV Target Adjust Logic

„„ Requires Firmware Version: MCS-MAGNUM Firmware - 17.61-D or later
Below are three enables for the low discharge EXV target adjustment:
7. Comp has been running for 5 minutes, or
8. Discharge temperature is greater than 130F (or 54.5C), or
9. EXV control is setup for PID Evap, PID Cond, Old Evap Level or Old Cond Level control.

„„ Make setpoint #110 (LoDisSHExvAd) active if you want to dynamically change the EXV target based
on Low Discharge Superheat. The Low Discharge Superheat logic:

„„ If Setpoint #110 (#164 for REFR) is setup as a “TARGET” type setpoint the following logic occurs
(New Logic):
1. If discharge superheat <= setpoint #110 (#164) low zone value and the low discharge superheat ad-
justed amount is less than the max adjust limit setpoint #110 setback value and the Time (SEC) value has
elapsed, then:
a. If Evap Level control, setpoint #110 (#164) value field is subtracted from the EXV Target and this
value becomes the new EXV target. The value in the Time (SEC) field will count down again and


another adjustment will be made until the max adjust is reached (setpoint #110 setback value) or
the discharge superheat goes above setpoint #110 (#164) low zone value.
b. For Cond Level control method, setpoint #110 (#164) value field is added to the EXV Target and
this value becomes the new EXV Target. The value in the Time (SEC) field will count down again
and another adjustment will be made until the max adjust is reached (setpoint #110 setback val-
ue) or the discharge superheat goes above setpoint #110 (#164) low zone value.
„„ Else if discharge superheat >= setpoint #110 (#164) high zone value and the low discharge superheat
adjusted amount is greater than 0 and the Time (SEC) value has elapsed, then:
a. If Evap Level control, setpoint #110 (#164) value field is added to the EXV Target and this value
becomes the new EXV Target. The value in the Time (SEC) field will count down again and anoth-
er adjustment will be made until the min adjust is reached (0) or the discharge superheat goes
below setpoint #110 (#164) high zone value.
NOTE: The EXV Target adjusted value will not go above the original setpoint Target value.
b. For Cond Level control method, setpoint #110 (#164) value field is subtracted from the EXV Tar-
get and this value becomes the new EXV Target. The value in the Time SEC) field will count down
again and another adjustment will be made until the min adjust is reached (0) or the discharge
superheat goes below setpoint #110 (#164) high zone value.
NOTE: The EXV Target adjusted value will not go below the original setpoint Target value.
„„ Else If Setpoint #110 (#164) is not a “TARGET” type setpoint the following logic occurs (Old Logic):
2. If discharge superheat is < Low discharge superheat safety setpoint #84 value, then:
a. If Evap Level or Cond Level and not level target by compressor circuit, then set EXV target to
setpoint #110 value.
b. Else If Evap Level or Cond Level and EXV target is by compressor circuit, then subtract setpoint
#110 value from the current EXV target.


Chapter - 24. Analog Output Control using PID

Required to have the software below or later version
Config version 18.01T
Connect version 18.31.15
Firmware HVAC 17.62R2

PID control will turn an analog output into a stand alone PID controlled output. This output will have a controlling sensor
that modulates the AO to a maintain target. This logic will run all the time.

If AO is modulating the wrong direction, simply make all three multipliers negative values to reverse the direction the AO
modulates and vice versa.

If Relay-
If a relay is used and is OFF then associated AO will be set to the defined value and not modulate. If ‘not used’ the logic
is ignored.

Control Sensor
AO or SI point to be used as the controlling sensor for the AO.


Control Target
SI, AO, or Setpoint used as the target the AO will try to maintain.
Min to Max value the AO can modulate between.

Multiplier for Kp adjustments.

Multiplier and delay between Ki Adjustments

Multiplier and time in seconds interval to calculate Kd.

Adjustment Limits
Min and Max adjustments allowed to the AO per adjustment, both negative and positive.

Under the Analog Outputs window in the MCS Connect software. You’ll find an AO PID tab that will show all of the PID
CONTROL AOs and all of the calculated adjustments being made to those Analog Outputs. Here you will be able to see
all three adjustments being made to the PID. This will assist you in any fine tuning required for the given analog output.

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

Chapter - 25. Network Protocols

Network protocols are formatting rules that specify how data is sent and received between devices.
Protocols are necessary for devices to interact with each other.

25.1. Protocols MCS controllers support:

4. MCS





MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02


Using the RS485, the MCS-Magnum can be connected to the BMS (Modbus RTU or MCS 485)


MCS-MAGNUM .. Management
. System



MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02


„„ Using the Ethernet, the MCS-Magnum can be connected to:

„„ BMS (Bacnet IP or Modbus IP)

„„ MCS-Touch (MCS-Connect)

„„ PC (MCS-Connect)

„„ Internet access through router (which allows connection via MCS-Connect from anywhere)




MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02


25.4.1 Standalone MCS-Magnum
„„ MCS-Touch

„„ BMS (Johnson N2 or LonTalk or Bacnet MSTP)

„„ Internet Access

RS485 or




MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

25.4.2 MULTIPLE MCS-MAGNUM Industrial Control PanelS

„„ Internet Access

„„ BMS (Bacnet IP or Modbus IP)

Rooftop/Chiller #1 Rooftop/Chiller #2


Management Internet
System Router

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02


MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

Chapter - 26. MODBUS RTU

Modbus RTU is supported directly by the MCS-Magnum using the RS485 port.
Please note this is the same port you plug into the RS232, so if using Modbus RTU you cannot
plug you laptop into RS232 port on the older keypad.

Please note the RS485 follows industry standard, two wire twisted pair in shielded cable.

26.1. Setup the Modbus from MCS-Config’s Magnum Setup Screen(see below):

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

26.2. From MCS-Connect’s Service Window RS485 tab (see below):

26.3. From MCS-Magnum LCD/Keypad(see below):

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

26.4. In MCS-CONFIG you can see & print a list of the Modbus Registers (see below):

The MCS-Magnum Modbus RTU setting allow you to specify the Modbus Slave address, Modbus
Baud rate (4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 are supported).
The number data bit is 8, stop bit is 1 and parity is none (these parameter are
not adjustable).
The sensors inputs are 16 bit signed values. (Read input Registers, Function code = 4)
• The analog sensor inputs values typically have 1 assumed decimal place, meaning a value of 12.3
will be transmitted as value 123. The # of decimal point depending on the sensor type define in
the MCS-MAGNUM CONFIG. Most sensor types are 1 decimal place.
But take care there are a few 2 decimal and a few zero decimal place types.
The BMS point list has a column which indicates how many assumed decimal are contained in the
• The digital sensor inputs values will be 0 or 1, 0 = off and 1 = on.
The analog outputs are 16 bit signed values. (Read Input Registers, Function code = 4)
• The analog output have 1 assumed decimal place, meaning a value of 12.3 will be transmitted as value
The relay outputs are 16 bit packed values. (Read Coil Status , Function code = 1)
• Each bit within the 16 bits can contains a relay output. A bit value of 0 = relay off, 1 = relay on.
The number of packed bit depends on the requesting Modbus message.
If only one coil is asked for, then only bit 0 will contains a relay status value and bit 1 thru 7 are do
not care.
If two relays are asked for, then bit 0 and bit 1 will contains values and bit 2 thru 7 are do not care.
The setpoints are 16 bit signed values. (Read Holding Registers, Function code = 3)
• The setpoints values typically have 1 assumed decimal place, meaning a value of 12.3 will be
transmitted as value 123.

The # of decimal point depending on the setpoint type defined in the MCS-MAGNUM CONFIG.

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

Chapter - 27. BMS Communication Protocols

The MCS-Magnum supports as standard: BACnet IP, Modbus RTU, and Modbus TCP/IP protocols.
Using the MCS-BMS-GATEWAY, the MCS-Magnum can also support Johnson N2, LonTalk and Bacnet MSTP.
Supported baud rates for Modbus RTU and Johnson N2 are 4800bps, 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, and
27.1. MCS-Magnum to BMS Connections

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

27.2. Sensor Input Points

Sensor numbering is based upon the MCS-MAGNUM or SI16-AO4 hardware type board Notable BACnet properties
available: Units

BACnet Modbus BACnet Modbus

Magnum BACnet Name N2 Magnum BACnet Name N2
ID Register ID Register

Sensor M-1 AI: 1 Refer to Config *30001 *AI: 1 Sensor 2-9 AI:41 Refer to Config *30041 *AI: 41
Sensor M-2 AI: 2 Refer to Config *30002 *AI: 2 Sensor 2-10 AI:42 Refer to Config *30042 *AI: 42
Sensor M-3 AI: 3 Refer to Config *30003 *AI: 3 Sensor 2-11 AI:43 Refer to Config *30043 *AI: 43
Sensor M-4 AI: 4 Refer to Config *30004 *AI: 4 Sensor 2-12 AI:44 Refer to Config *30044 *AI: 44
Sensor M-5 AI: 5 Refer to Config *30005 *AI: 5 Sensor 2-13 AI:45 Refer to Config *30045 *AI: 45
Sensor M-6 AI: 6 Refer to Config *30006 *AI: 6 Sensor 2-14 AI:46 Refer to Config *30046 *AI: 46
Sensor M-7 AI: 7 Refer to Config *30007 *AI: 7 Sensor 2-15 AI:47 Refer to Config *30047 *AI: 47
Sensor M-8 AI: 8 Refer to Config *30008 *AI: 8 Sensor 2-16 AI:48 Refer to Config *30048 *AI: 48
Sensor M-9 AI: 9 Refer to Config *30009 *AI: 9 Sensor 3-1 AI:49 Refer to Config *30049 *AI:49
Sensor M-10 AI:10 Refer to Config *30010 *AI: 10 Sensor 3-2 AI:50 Refer to Config *30050 *AI: 50
Sensor M-11 AI:11 Refer to Config *30011 *AI: 11 Sensor 3-3 AI:51 Refer to Config *30051 *AI: 51
Sensor M-12 AI:12 Refer to Config *30012 *AI: 12 Sensor 3-4 AI:52 Refer to Config *30052 *AI: 52
Sensor M-13 AI:13 Refer to Config *30013 *AI: 13 Sensor 3-5 AI:53 Refer to Config *30053 *AI: 53
Sensor M-14 AI:14 Refer to Config *30014 *AI: 14 Sensor 3-6 AI:54 Refer to Config *30054 *AI: 54
Sensor M-15 AI:15 Refer to Config *30015 *AI: 15 Sensor 3-7 AI:55 Refer to Config *30055 *AI: 55
Sensor M-16 AI:16 Refer to Config *30016 *AI: 16 Sensor 3-8 AI:56 Refer to Config *30056 *AI: 56
Sensor 1-1 AI:17 Refer to Config *30017 *AI: 17 Sensor 3-9 AI:57 Refer to Config *30057 *AI: 57
Sensor 1-2 AI:18 Refer to Config *30018 *AI: 18 Sensor 3-10 AI:58 Refer to Config *30058 *AI: 58
Sensor 1-3 AI:19 Refer to Config *30019 *AI: 19 Sensor 3-11 AI:59 Refer to Config *30059 *AI: 59
Sensor 1-4 AI:20 Refer to Config *30020 *AI: 20 Sensor 3-12 AI:60 Refer to Config *30060 *AI: 60
Sensor 1-5 AI:21 Refer to Config *30021 *AI: 21 Sensor 3-13 AI:61 Refer to Config *30061 *AI: 61
Sensor 1-6 AI:22 Refer to Config *30022 *AI: 22 Sensor 3-14 AI:62 Refer to Config *30062 *AI: 62
Sensor 1-7 AI:23 Refer to Config *30023 *AI: 23 Sensor 3-15 AI:63 Refer to Config *30063 *AI: 63
Sensor 1-8 AI:24 Refer to Config *30024 *AI: 24 Sensor 3-16 AI:64 Refer to Config *30064 *AI: 64
Sensor 1-9 AI:25 Refer to Config *30025 *AI: 25 Sensor 4-1 AI:65 Refer to Config *30065 *AI: 65
Sensor 1-10 AI:26 Refer to Config *30026 *AI: 26 Sensor 4-2 AI:66 Refer to Config *30066 *AI: 66
Sensor 1-11 AI:27 Refer to Config *30027 *AI: 27 Sensor 4-3 AI:67 Refer to Config *30067 *AI: 67
Sensor 1-12 AI:28 Refer to Config *30028 *AI: 28 Sensor 4-4 AI:68 Refer to Config *30068 *AI: 68
Sensor 1-13 AI:29 Refer to Config *30029 *AI: 29 Sensor 4-5 AI:69 Refer to Config *30069 *AI: 69
Sensor 1-14 AI:30 Refer to Config *30030 *AI: 30 Sensor 4-6 AI:70 Refer to Config *30070 *AI: 70
Sensor 1-15 AI:31 Refer to Config *30031 *AI: 31 Sensor 4-7 AI:71 Refer to Config *30071 *AI: 71
Sensor 1-16 AI:32 Refer to Config *30032 *AI: 32 Sensor 4-8 AI:72 Refer to Config *30072 *AI: 72
Sensor 2-1 AI:33 Refer to Config *30033 *AI: 33 Sensor 4-9 AI:73 Refer to Config *30073 *AI: 73
Sensor 2-2 AI:34 Refer to Config *30034 *AI: 34 Sensor 4-10 AI:74 Refer to Config *30074 *AI: 74
Sensor 2-3 AI:35 Refer to Config *30035 *AI: 35 Sensor 4-11 AI:75 Refer to Config *30075 *AI: 75
Sensor 2-4 AI:36 Refer to Config *30036 *AI: 36 Sensor 4-12 AI:76 Refer to Config *30076 *AI: 76
Sensor 2-5 AI:37 Refer to Config *30037 *AI: 37 Sensor 4-13 AI:77 Refer to Config *30077 *AI: 77
Sensor 2-6 AI:38 Refer to Config *30038 *AI: 38 Sensor 4-14 AI:78 Refer to Config *30078 *AI: 78
Sensor 2-7 AI:39 Refer to Config *30039 *AI: 39 Sensor 4-15 AI:79 Refer to Config *30079 *AI: 79
Sensor 2-8 AI:40 Refer to Config *30040 *AI: 40 Sensor 4-16 AI:80 Refer to Config *30080 *AI: 80

*- Indicates value multiplied by 10 to include one decimal place. (I.e. BMS value of 500 indicates actual value 50.0)

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

27.3. Relay Output Points

Relay Output points are read-only. Sensor numbering is based upon RO-10 hardware type board

Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus N2 Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus N2
Relay M–1 BO: 1 Refer to Config 00001 BO: 1 Relay 4–1 BO:41 Refer to Config 00041 BO: 41
Relay M–2 BO: 2 Refer to Config 00002 BO: 2 Relay 4–2 BO:42 Refer to Config 00042 BO: 42
Relay M–3 BO: 3 Refer to Config 00003 BO: 3 Relay 4–3 BO:43 Refer to Config 00043 BO: 43
Relay M–4 BO: 4 Refer to Config 00004 BO: 4 Relay 4–4 BO:44 Refer to Config 00044 BO: 44
Relay M–5 BO: 5 Refer to Config 00005 BO: 5 Relay 4–5 BO:45 Refer to Config 00045 BO: 45
Relay M–6 BO: 6 Refer to Config 00006 BO: 6 Relay 4–6 BO:46 Refer to Config 00046 BO: 46
Relay M–7 BO: 7 Refer to Config 00007 BO: 7 Relay 4–7 BO:47 Refer to Config 00047 BO: 47
Relay M–8 BO: 8 Refer to Config 00008 BO: 8 Relay 4–8 BO:48 Refer to Config 00048 BO: 48
Relay M–9 BO: 9 Refer to Config 00009 BO: 9 Relay 4–9 BO:49 Refer to Config 00049 BO: 49
Relay M-10 BO:10 Refer to Config 00010 BO: 10 Relay 4 -10 BO:50 Refer to Config 00050 BO: 50
Relay 1–1 BO:11 Refer to Config 00011 BO: 11 Relay 5–1 BO:51 Refer to Config 00051 BO: 51
Relay 1–2 BO:12 Refer to Config 00012 BO: 12 Relay 5–2 BO:52 Refer to Config 00052 BO: 52
Relay 1–3 BO:13 Refer to Config 00013 BO: 13 Relay 5–3 BO:53 Refer to Config 00053 BO: 53
Relay 1–4 BO:14 Refer to Config 00014 BO: 14 Relay 5–4 BO:54 Refer to Config 00054 BO: 54
Relay 1–5 BO:15 Refer to Config 00015 BO: 15 Relay 5–5 BO:55 Refer to Config 00055 BO: 55
Relay 1–6 BO:16 Refer to Config 00016 BO: 16 Relay 5–6 BO:56 Refer to Config 00056 BO: 56
Relay 1–7 BO:17 Refer to Config 00017 BO: 17 Relay 5–7 BO:57 Refer to Config 00057 BO: 57
Relay 1–8 BO:18 Refer to Config 00018 BO: 18 Relay 5–8 BO:58 Refer to Config 00058 BO: 58
Relay 1–9 BO:19 Refer to Config 00019 BO: 19 Relay 5–9 BO:59 Refer to Config 00059 BO: 59
Relay 1- 10 BO:20 Refer to Config 00020 BO: 20 Relay 5 -10 BO:60 Refer to Config 00060 BO: 60
Relay 2–1 BO:21 Refer to Config 00021 BO: 21 Relay 6–1 BO:61 Refer to Config 00061 BO: 61
Relay 2–2 BO:22 Refer to Config 00022 BO: 22 Relay 6–2 BO:62 Refer to Config 00062 BO: 62
Relay 2–3 BO:23 Refer to Config 00023 BO: 23 Relay 6–3 BO:63 Refer to Config 00063 BO: 63
Relay 2–4 BO:24 Refer to Config 00024 BO: 24 Relay 6–4 BO:64 Refer to Config 00064 BO: 64
Relay 2–5 BO:25 Refer to Config 00025 BO: 25 Relay 6–5 BO:65 Refer to Config 00065 BO: 65
Relay 2–6 BO:26 Refer to Config 00026 BO: 26 Relay 6- 6 BO:66 Refer to Config 00066 BO: 66
Relay 2–7 BO:27 Refer to Config 00027 BO: 27 Relay 6–7 BO:67 Refer to Config 00067 BO: 67
Relay 2–8 BO:28 Refer to Config 00028 BO: 28 Relay 6–8 BO:68 Refer to Config 00068 BO: 68
Relay 2–9 BO:29 Refer to Config 00029 BO: 29 Relay 6–9 BO:69 Refer to Config 00069 BO: 69
Relay 2 -10 BO:30 Refer to Config 00030 BO: 30 Relay 6–10 BO:70 Refer to Config 00760 BO: 70
Relay 3–1 BO:31 Refer to Config 00031 BO: 31 Relay 7–1 BO:71 Refer to Config 00071 BO: 71
Relay 3–2 BO:32 Refer to Config 00032 BO: 32 Relay 7–2 BO:72 Refer to Config 00072 BO: 72
Relay 3–3 BO:33 Refer to Config 00033 BO: 33 Relay 7–3 BO:73 Refer to Config 00073 BO: 73
Relay 3–4 BO:34 Refer to Config 00034 BO: 34 Relay 7–4 BO:74 Refer to Config 00074 BO: 74
Relay 3–5 BO:35 Refer to Config 00035 BO: 35 Relay 7–5 BO:75 Refer to Config 00075 BO: 75
Relay 3- 6 BO:36 Refer to Config 00036 BO: 36 Relay 7–6 BO:76 Refer to Config 00076 BO: 76
Relay 3–7 BO:37 Refer to Config 00037 BO: 37 Relay 7–7 BO:77 Refer to Config 00077 BO: 77
Relay 3–8 BO:38 Refer to Config 00038 BO: 38 Relay 7–8 BO:78 Refer to Config 00078 BO: 78
Relay 3–9 BO:39 Refer to Config 00039 BO: 39 Relay 7–9 BO:79 Refer to Config 00079 BO: 79
Relay 3–10 BO:40 Refer to Config 00040 BO: 40 Relay 7–10 BO:80 Refer to Config 00070 BO: 80

*- Indicates value multiplied by 10 to include one decimal place. (I.e. BMS value of 500 indicates actual value 50.0)

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

Analog Output PointsAnalog Output points are read-only. Sensor numbering is based upon SI16-AO4 hardware type
board. Notable BACnet properties available: Units

Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus Register N2

Analog Out M-1 AO:1 Refer to Config *30201 *AO: 1
Analog Out M-2 AO:2 Refer to Config *30202 *AO: 2
Analog Out M-3 AO:3 Refer to Config *30203 *AO: 3
Analog Out M-4 AO:4 Refer to Config *30204 *AO: 4
Analog Out 1-1 AO:5 Refer to Config *30205 *AO: 5
Analog Out 1-2 AO:6 Refer to Config *30206 *AO: 6
Analog Out 1-3 AO:7 Refer to Config *30207 *AO: 7
Analog Out 1-4 AO:7 Refer to Config *30208 *AO: 8
Analog Out 2-1 AO:8 Refer to Config *30209 *AO: 9
Analog Out 2-2 AO:10 Refer to Config *30210 *AO: 10
Analog Out 2-3 AO:11 Refer to Config *30211 *AO: 11
Analog Out 2-4 AO:12 Refer to Config *30212 *AO: 12
Analog Out 3-1 AO:13 Refer to Config *30213 *AO: 13
Analog Out 3-2 AO:14 Refer to Config *30214 *AO: 14
Analog Out 3-3 AO:15 Refer to Config *30215 *AO: 15
Analog Out 3-4 AO:16 Refer to Config *30216 *AO: 16
Analog Out 4-1 AO:17 Refer to Config *30217 *AO: 17
Analog Out 4-2 AO:18 Refer to Config *30218 *AO: 18
Analog Out 4-3 AO:19 Refer to Config *30219 *AO: 19
Analog Out 4-4 AO:20 Refer to Config *30220 *AO: 20

*- Indicates value multiplied by 10 to include one decimal place. (I.e. BMS value of 500 indicates actual value 50.0)
27.4. Setpoints
Setpoints are read-only. Notable BACnet properties available: Units
Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus N2
Setpoint #1 AV:0 STP# 1-<Setpoint name> 40301 ADF:1
Setpoint #21 AV:88 STP# 21-<Setpoint name> 40321 ADF:89
Setpoint #163 AV:230 STP# 163-<Setpoint name> 40463 ADF:231
*- Indicates value multiplied by 10 to include one decimal place. (I.e. BMS value of 500 indicates actual value 50.0)

27.5. Chiller/Compressor States

State values are read-only. Notable BACnet properties available: Number of States, State-Text (Contains character
text of current state)

Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus Register N2

Chiller Unit State MV:0 CHILLER STATE 30306 BYT:1
Compressor #1 State MV:1 COMPRESSOR #1 STATE 30307 BYT:2
Compressor #2 State MV:2 COMPRESSOR #2 STATE 30308 BYT:3
Compressor #3 State MV:3 COMPRESSOR #3 STATE 30309 BYT:4
Compressor #4 State MV:4 COMPRESSOR #4 STATE 30310 BYT:5
Compressor #5 State MV:5 COMPRESSOR #5 STATE 30311 BYT:6
Compressor #6 State MV:6 COMPRESSOR #6 STATE 30312 BYT:7

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus Register N2

Compressor #7 State MV:7 COMPRESSOR #7 STATE 30313 BYT:8
Compressor #8 State MV:8 COMPRESSOR #8 STATE 30314 BYT:9
Compressor #9 State MV:130 COMPRESSOR #9 STATE 30560 BYT:131
Compressor #10 State MV:131 COMPRESSOR #10 STATE 30561 BYT:132
Compressor #11 State MV:132 COMPRESSOR #11 STATE 30562 BYT:133
Compressor #12 State MV:133 COMPRESSOR #12 STATE 30563 BYT:134
Compressor #13 State MV:134 COMPRESSOR #13 STATE 30564 BYT:135
Compressor #14 State MV:135 COMPRESSOR #14 STATE 30565 BYT:136
Compressor #15 State MV:136 COMPRESSOR #15 STATE 30566 BYT:137
Compressor #16 State MV:137 COMPRESSOR #16 STATE 30567 BYT:138
Compressor #17 State MV:138 COMPRESSOR #17 STATE 30568 BYT:139
Compressor #18 State MV:139 COMPRESSOR #18 STATE 30569 BYT:140
Compressor #19 State MV:140 COMPRESSOR #19 STATE 30570 BYT:141
Compressor #20 State MV:141 COMPRESSOR #20 STATE 30571 BYT:142

27.6. Chiller/Compressor Points

These points are read-only.
Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus N2
Wanted FLA% AV:3 Wanted FLA% 30318 ADF:4
Steps Wanted AV:4 Steps Wanted On 30315 ADF:5
Steps On AV:5 Steps On 30316 ADF:6
Step Delay AV:6 Step Delay 30317 ADF:7
Compressor #1 FLA% AV:7 C1_FLA% *30319 *ADF:8
Compressor #1 Sat Suction AV:10 C1_Sat Suct *30327 *ADF:11
Compressor #1 Sat Disch AV:11 C1_ Sat Disch *30329 *ADF:12
Compressor #1 Disch SH AV:12 C1_Disch SH *30330 *ADF:13
Compressor #1 Suct SH AV:13 C1_Suct SH *30328 *ADF:14
Compressor #1 Oil Pres Diff AV:63 C1_Oil Pres Diff *30375 *ADF:64
Compressor #1 Comp State Timer C1_Comp State Timer *32602
Compressor #2 FLA% AV:14 C2_FLA% *30320 *ADF:15
Compressor #2 Sat Suction AV:17 C2_Sat Suct *30331 *ADF:18
Compressor #2 Sat Disch AV:18 C2_ Sat Disch *30333 *ADF:19
Compressor #2 Disch SH AV:19 C2_Disch SH *30334 *ADF:20
Compressor #2 Suct SH AV:20 C2_Suct SH *30332 *ADF:21
Compressor #2 Oil Pres Diff AV:64 C2_Oil Pres Diff *30376 *ADF:65
Compressor #2 Comp State Timer C2_Comp State Timer *32603
Compressor #3 FLA% AV:21 C3_FLA% *30321 *ADF:22
Compressor #3 Sat Suction AV:24 C3_Sat Suct *30335 *ADF:25
Compressor #3 Sat Disch AV:25 C3_ Sat Disch *30337 *ADF:26
Compressor #3 Disch SH AV:26 C3_Disch SH *30338 *ADF:27
Compressor #3 Suct SH AV:27 C3_Suct SH *30336 *ADF:28
Compressor #3 Oil Pres Diff AV:65 C3_Oil Pres Diff *30377 *ADF:66
Compressor #3 Comp State Timer C3_Comp State Timer *32604
Compressor #4 FLA% AV:28 C4_FLA% *30322 *ADF:29
Compressor #4 Sat Suction AV:31 C4_Sat Suct *30339 *ADF:32
Compressor #4 Sat Disch AV:32 C4_ Sat Disch *30341 *ADF:33
Compressor #4 Disch SH AV:33 C4_Disch SH *30342 *ADF:34
Compressor #4 Suct SH AV:34 C4_Suct SH *30340 *ADF:35

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus N2

Compressor #4 Oil Pres Diff AV:66 C4_Oil Pres Diff *30378 *ADF:67
Compressor #4 Comp State Timer C4_Comp State Timer *32605
Compressor #5 FLA% AV:35 C5_FLA% *30323 *ADF:36
Compressor #5 Sat Suction AV:38 C5_Sat Suct *30343 *ADF:39
Compressor #5 Sat Disch AV:39 C5_ Sat Disch *30345 *ADF:40
Compressor #5 Disch SH AV:40 C5_Disch SH *30346 *ADF:41
Compressor #5 Suct SH AV:41 C5_Suct SH *30344 *ADF:42
Compressor #5 Oil Pres Diff AV:67 C5_Oil Pres Diff *30379 *ADF:68
Compressor #5 Comp State Timer C5_Comp State Timer *32606
Compressor #6 FLA% AV:42 C6_FLA% *30324 *ADF:43
Compressor #6 Sat Suction AV:45 C6_Sat Suct *30347 *ADF:46
Compressor #6 Sat Disch AV:46 C6_ Sat Disch *30349 *ADF:47
Compressor #6 Disch SH AV:47 C6_Disch SH *30350 *ADF:48
Compressor #6 Suct SH AV:48 C6_Suct SH *30348 *ADF:49
Compressor #6 Oil Pres Diff AV:68 C6_Oil Pres Diff *30380 *ADF:69
Compressor #6 Comp State Timer C6_Comp State Timer *32607
Compressor #7 FLA% AV:49 C7_FLA% *30325 *ADF:50
Compressor #7 Sat Suction AV:52 C7_Sat Suct *30351 *ADF:53
Compressor #7 Sat Disch AV:53 C7_ Sat Disch *30353 *ADF:54
Compressor #7 Disch SH AV:54 C7_Disch SH *30354 *ADF:55
Compressor #7 Suct SH AV:55 C7_Suct SH *30352 *ADF:56
Compressor #7 Oil Pres Diff AV:69 C7_Oil Pres Diff *30381 *ADF:70
Compressor #7 Comp State Timer C7_Comp State Timer *32608
Compressor #8 FLA% AV:56 C8_FLA% *30326 *ADF:57
Compressor #8 Sat Suction AV:59 C8_Sat Suct *30352 *ADF:53
Compressor #8 Sat Suction AV:59 C8_Sat Suct *30355 *ADF:60
Compressor #8 Sat Disch AV:60 C8_ Sat Disch *30357 *ADF:61
Compressor #8 Disch SH AV:61 C8_Disch SH *30358 *ADF:62
Compressor #8 Suct SH AV:62 C8_Suct SH *30356 *ADF:63
Compressor #8 Oil Pres Diff AV:70 C8_Oil Pres Diff *30382 *ADF:71
Compressor #8 Comp State Timer C8_Comp State Timer *32609
Compressor #9 FLA% AV:440 C9_FLA% *30572 *ADF:441
Compressor #9 Sat Suction AV: 443 C9_Sat Suct *30584 *ADF: 442
Compressor #9 Sat Disch AV: 444 C9_ Sat Disch *30586 *ADF: 443
Compressor #9 Disch SH AV: 445 C9_Disch SH *30587 *ADF: 444
Compressor #9 Suct SH AV: 446 C9_Suct SH *30585 *ADF: 445
Compressor #9 Oil Pres Diff AV:524 C9_Oil Pres Diff *30656 *ADF:525
Compressor #9 Comp State Timer C9_Comp State Timer *32610
Compressor #10 FLA% AV:447 C10_FLA% *30573 *ADF:448
Compressor #10 Sat Suction AV: 450 C10_Sat Suct *30588 *ADF: 451
Compressor #10 Sat Disch AV: 451 C10_ Sat Disch *30590 *ADF: 452
Compressor #10 Disch SH AV: 452 C10_Disch SH *30591 *ADF: 453
Compressor #10 Suct SH AV: 453 C10_Suct SH *30589 *ADF: 454
Compressor #10 Oil Pres Diff AV:525 C10_Oil Pres Diff *30657 *ADF:526
Compressor #10 Comp State Timer C10_Comp State Timer *32611
Compressor #11 FLA% AV:454 C11_FLA% *30574 *ADF:455
Compressor #11 Sat Suction AV: 457 C11_Sat Suct *30592 *ADF: 458
Compressor #11 Sat Disch AV: 458 C11_ Sat Disch *30594 *ADF: 459
Compressor #11 Disch SH AV: 459 C11_Disch SH *30595 *ADF: 460
Compressor #11 Suct SH AV: 460 C11_Suct SH *30593 *ADF: 461
Compressor #11 Oil Pres Diff AV: 526 C11_Oil Pres Diff *30658 *ADF: 527

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus N2

Compressor #11 Comp State Timer C11_Comp State Timer *32612
Compressor #12 FLA% AV: 461 C12_FLA% *30575 *ADF: 462
Compressor #12 Sat Suction AV: 464 C12_Sat Suct *30596 *ADF: 465
Compressor #12 Sat Disch AV: 465 C12_ Sat Disch *30598 *ADF: 466
Compressor #12 Disch SH AV: 466 C12_Disch SH *30599 *ADF: 467
Compressor #12 Suct SH AV: 467 C12_Suct SH *30597 *ADF 468
Compressor #12 Oil Pres Diff AV:527 C12_Oil Pres Diff *30659 *ADF:528
Compressor #12 Comp State Timer C12_Comp State Timer *32613
Compressor #13 FLA% AV:468 C13_FLA% *30576 *ADF:469
Compressor #13 Sat Suction AV: 471 C13_Sat Suct *30600 *ADF: 470
Compressor #13 Sat Disch AV: 472 C13_ Sat Disch *30602 *ADF: 473
Compressor #13 Disch SH AV: 473 C13_Disch SH *30603 *ADF: 474
Compressor #13 Suct SH AV: 474 C13_Suct SH *30600 *ADF: 475
Compressor #13 Oil Pres Diff AV: 528 C13_Oil Pres Diff *30661 *ADF: 529
Compressor #13 Comp State Timer C13_Comp State Timer *32614
Compressor #14 FLA% AV: 475 C14_FLA% *30577 *ADF: 476
Compressor #14 Sat Suction AV: 478 C14_Sat Suct *30604 *ADF: 479
Compressor #14 Sat Disch AV: 479 C14_ Sat Disch *30606 *ADF: 480
Compressor #14 Disch SH AV: 480 C14_Disch SH *30607 *ADF: 481
Compressor #14 Suct SH AV: 481 C14_Suct SH *30605 *ADF: 482
Compressor #14 Oil Pres Diff AV: 529 C14_Oil Pres Diff *30661 *ADF: 530
Compressor #14 Comp State Timer C14_Comp State Timer *32615
Compressor #15 FLA% AV: 482 C15_FLA% *30578 *ADF: 483
Compressor #15 Sat Suction AV: 485 C15_Sat Suct *30608 *ADF: 486
Compressor #15 Sat Disch AV: 486 C15_ Sat Disch *30610 *ADF: 487
Compressor #15 Disch SH AV: 487 C15_Disch SH *30611 *ADF: 488
Compressor #15 Suct SH AV: 488 C15_Suct SH *30609 *ADF: 489
Compressor #15 Oil Pres Diff AV: 530 C15_Oil Pres Diff *30662 *ADF: 531
Compressor #15 Comp State Timer C15_Comp State Timer *32616
Compressor #16 FLA% AV: 489 C16_FLA% *30579 *ADF: 490
Compressor #16 Sat Suction AV: 492 C16_Sat Suct *30612 *ADF: 493
Compressor #16 Sat Disch AV: 493 C16_ Sat Disch *30614 *ADF: 494
Compressor #16 Disch SH AV: 494 C16_Disch SH *30615 *ADF: 495
Compressor #16 Suct SH AV: 495 C16_Suct SH *30613 *ADF: 496
Compressor #16 Oil Pres Diff AV: 531 C16_Oil Pres Diff *30663 *ADF: 532
Compressor #16 Comp State Timer C16_Comp State Timer *32617
Compressor #17 FLA% AV: 496 C17_FLA% *30580 *ADF: 497
Compressor #17 Sat Suction AV: 499 C17_Sat Suct *30616 *ADF: 500
Compressor #17 Sat Disch AV: 500 C17_ Sat Disch *30618 *ADF: 501
Compressor #17 Disch SH AV: 501 C17_Disch SH *30619 *ADF: 502
Compressor #17 Suct SH AV: 502 C17_Suct SH *30617 *ADF: 503
Compressor #17 Oil Pres Diff AV: 532 C17_Oil Pres Diff *30664 *ADF: 533
Compressor #17 Comp State Timer C17_Comp State Timer *32618
Compressor #18 FLA% AV: 503 C18_FLA% *30581 *ADF: 504
Compressor #18 Sat Suction AV: 506 C18_Sat Suct *30620 *ADF: 507
Compressor #18 Sat Disch AV: 507 C18_ Sat Disch *30622 *ADF: 508
Compressor #18 Disch SH AV: 508 C18_Disch SH *30623 *ADF: 509
Compressor #18 Suct SH AV: 509 C18_Suct SH *30621 *ADF: 510
Compressor #18 Oil Pres Diff AV: 533 C18_Oil Pres Diff *30665 *ADF: 534
Compressor #18 Comp State Timer C18_Comp State Timer *32619
Compressor #19 FLA% AV: 510 C19_FLA% *30582 *ADF: 511

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus N2

Compressor #19 Sat Suction AV: 513 C19_Sat Suct *30624 *ADF: 514
Compressor #19 Sat Disch AV: 514 C19_ Sat Disch *30626 *ADF: 515
Compressor #19 Disch SH AV: 515 C19_Disch SH *30627 *ADF: 516
Compressor #19 Suct SH AV: 516 C19_Suct SH *30625 *ADF: 517
Compressor #19 Oil Pres Diff AV: 534 C19_Oil Pres Diff *30666 *ADF: 535
Compressor #19 Comp State Timer C19_Comp State Timer *32620
Compressor #20 FLA% AV: 517 C20_FLA% *30583 *ADF: 518
Compressor #20 Sat Suction AV: 520 C20_Sat Suct *30628 *ADF: 521
Compressor #20 Sat Disch AV: 521 C20_ Sat Disch *30630 *ADF: 522
Compressor #20 Disch SH AV: 522 C20_Disch SH *30631 *ADF: 523
Compressor #20 Suct SH AV: 523 C20_Suct SH *30629 *ADF: 524
Compressor #20 Oil Pres Diff AV: 535 C20_Oil Pres Diff *30667 *ADF: 536
Compressor #20 Comp State Timer C21_Comp State Timer *32621
*- Indicates value multiplied by 10 to include one decimal place. (I.e. BMS value of 500 indicates actual value 50.0)

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

27.7. Unit Alarms

Modbus Info Bacnet Object Identifier V17 Frimware

Bacnet Object Relay
Unit Alarms Function Type Register Address Modbus Bacnet
Type output
EMERGENCY_STOP 04:input Register 31011 AV: Ananlog Value 1296 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
FREEZE_PROTECTION 04:input Register 31012 AV: Ananlog Value 1297 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
HIGH_SUMP_TEMP 04:input Register 31013 AV: Ananlog Value 1298 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
PHASE_LOSS 04:input Register 31014 AV: Ananlog Value 1299 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
HIGH_DELTA_TEMP 04:input Register 31015 AV: Ananlog Value 1300 HVAC/ HVAC/ HVAC/
VOLTAGE 04:input Register 31016 AV: Ananlog Value 1301 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
SMOKE_ALARM 04:input Register 31017 AV: Ananlog Value 1302 No Support No Support No Support
FIRE_ALARM 04:input Register 31018 AV: Ananlog Value 1303 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
COMMON_CONDENSER 04:input Register 31019 AV: Ananlog Value 1304 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
CIRCUIT_CONDENSER 04:input Register 31020 AV: Ananlog Value 1305 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
Fuild Cooler Fan Fault 04:input Register 31021 AV: Ananlog Value 1306 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
PUMP_FAILURE 04:input Register 31022 AV: Ananlog Value 1307 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
PROCESS_PUMP_FAILURE 04:input Register 31023 AV: Ananlog Value 1308 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
PROCESS_PUMP_LOW_FLOW 04:input Register 31024 AV: Ananlog Value 1309 HVAC HVAC HVAC
BOILER_PUMP_FAULT 04:input Register 31025 AV: Ananlog Value 1310 HVAC HVAC HVAC
BOILER_PUMP_HIGH_AMPS 04:input Register 31026 AV: Ananlog Value 1311 HVAC HVAC HVAC
BOILER_PUMP_LOW_AMPS 04:input Register 31027 AV: Ananlog Value 1312 HVAC HVAC HVAC
BOILER_STAGE_FAULT 04:input Register 31028 AV: Ananlog Value 1313 HVAC HVAC HVAC
HIGH_WATER_TEMP 04:input Register 31029 AV: Ananlog Value 1314 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
OVERHEAT_PROTECTION 04:input Register 31030 AV: Ananlog Value 1315 HVAC HVAC HVAC
RTU_SUPPLY_DUCT 04:input Register 31031 AV: Ananlog Value 1316 RTU RTU RTU
RTU_EXHAUST_FAN_FAULT 04:input Register 31032 AV: Ananlog Value 1317 RTU RTU RTU
RTU_MOD_GAS_HEATER_FAULT 04:input Register 31033 AV: Ananlog Value 1318 RTU RTU RTU
RTU_SCR_HEATER_FAULT 04:input Register 31034 AV: Ananlog Value 1319 RTU RTU RTU
RTU_CLOGGED_FILTER 04:input Register 31035 AV: Ananlog Value 1320 RTU RTU RTU
RTU_HIGH_STATIC_PRESSURE 04:input Register 31036 AV: Ananlog Value 1321 RTU RTU RTU
RTU_LOW_STATIC_PRESSURE 04:input Register 31037 AV: Ananlog Value 1322 RTU RTU RTU
BOILER_PUMP_FLOW_FAULT 04:input Register 31038 AV: Ananlog Value 1323 HVAC HVAC HVAC
Leaving Water Temp. Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31039 AV: Ananlog Value 1324 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
Reutrn Water Temp. Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31040 AV: Ananlog Value 1325 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
Evap Water Pressure In #1 Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31041 AV: Ananlog Value 1326 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
Evap Water Pressure Out #1 Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31042 AV: Ananlog Value 1327 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
Evap Water Pressure In #2 Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31043 AV: Ananlog Value 1328 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
Evap Water Pressure Out #2 Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31044 AV: Ananlog Value 1329 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
RTU Zone Temp. Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31045 AV: Ananlog Value 1330 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU
RTU Ambient Temp. Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31046 AV: Ananlog Value 1331 HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU HVAC//RTU

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

27.8. Compressor Alarms

V17 Frimware Supporting Alarm Indicators

Compressor Alarms Relay output Modbus Bacnet
NO_CRANK_CASE_HEATER_PROOF Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
LOW_OIL_SUPERHEAT (Not Supported -no code) Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
PURGE_FLOAT_ERROR Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
HIGH_PARTS_PER_MILLION_LEAK Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
NO_FLOW Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
LOW_TANDEM_SUPERHEAT Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
HIGH_TANDEM_SUPERHEAT Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

V17 Frimware Supporting Alarm Indicators

Compressor Alarms Relay output Modbus Bacnet
Suction Temperature Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Suction Pressure Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Discharge Pressure Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Oil Pressure Sensor Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Oil Temperature Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Motor Temperature Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Evap Refrigerant Temperature Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Evap Refrigerant Level Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Oil Seal Temperature Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Pre-Oil Filter Presssure Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU
Circuit Leaving Water Sensor Fault HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU HVAC/RTU

Modbus Register
Modbus Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp.
Function Type #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20
LOW_SUCTION 04:input Register 31201 31252 31303 31354 31405 31456 31507 31558 31609 31660 31711 31762 31813 31864 31915 31966 32017 32068 32119 32170
UNSAFE_SUCTION 04:input Register 31202 31253 31304 31355 31406 31457 31508 31559 31610 31661 31712 31763 31814 31865 31916 31967 32018 32069 32120 32171
HIGH_DISCHARGE_PSI 04:input Register 31203 31254 31305 31356 31407 31458 31509 31560 31611 31662 31713 31764 31815 31866 31917 31968 32019 32070 32121 32172
HIGH_DISCHARGE_TEMP 04:input Register 31204 31255 31306 31357 31408 31459 31510 31561 31612 31663 31714 31765 31816 31867 31918 31969 32020 32071 32122 32173
LOW_OIL_PSI 04:input Register 31205 31256 31307 31358 31409 31460 31511 31562 31613 31664 31715 31766 31817 31868 31919 31970 32021 32072 32123 32174
UNSAFE_OIL_PSI 04:input Register 31206 31257 31308 31359 31410 31461 31512 31563 31614 31665 31716 31767 31818 31869 31920 31971 32022 32073 32124 32175
HIGH_OIL_TEMP 04:input Register 31207 31258 31309 31360 31411 31462 31513 31564 31615 31666 31717 31768 31819 31870 31921 31972 32023 32074 32125 32176
DIRTY_OIL_FILTER 04:input Register 31208 31259 31310 31361 31412 31463 31514 31565 31616 31667 31718 31769 31820 31871 31922 31973 32024 32075 32126 32177
HIGH_OIL_SEAL_TEMP 04:input Register 31209 31260 31311 31362 31413 31464 31515 31566 31617 31668 31719 31770 31821 31872 31923 31974 32025 32076 32127 32178
NO_CRANK_CASE_HEATER_PROOF 04:input Register 31210 31261 31312 31363 31414 31465 31516 31567 31618 31669 31720 31771 31822 31873 31924 31975 32026 32077 32128 32179
HIGH_AMPS 04:input Register 31211 31262 31313 31364 31415 31466 31517 31568 31619 31670 31721 31772 31823 31874 31925 31976 32027 32078 32129 32180
LOW_AMPS 04:input Register 31212 31263 31314 31365 31416 31467 31518 31569 31620 31671 31722 31773 31824 31875 31926 31977 32028 32079 32130 32181
HIGH_MOTOR_TEMP 04:input Register 31213 31264 31315 31366 31417 31468 31519 31570 31621 31672 31723 31774 31825 31876 31927 31978 32029 32080 32131 32182
NO_COMPRESSOR_PROOF 04:input Register 31214 31265 31316 31367 31418 31469 31520 31571 31622 31673 31724 31775 31826 31877 31928 31979 32030 32081 32132 32183
LOW_OIL_SUPERHEAT 04:input Register 31215 31266 31317 31368 31419 31470 31521 31572 31623 31674 31725 31776 31827 31878 31929 31980 32031 32082 32133 32184
PUMP_DOWN 04:input Register 31216 31267 31318 31369 31420 31471 31522 31573 31624 31675 31726 31777 31828 31879 31930 31981 32032 32083 32134 32185

LOW_DISCHARGE_PSI 04:input Register 31217 31268 31319 31370 31421 31472 31523 31574 31625 31676 31727 31778 31829 31880 31931 31982 32033 32084 32135 32186
LUBE_OIL_TEMP 04:input Register 31218 31269 31320 31371 31422 31473 31524 31575 31626 31677 31728 31779 31830 31881 31932 31983 32034 32085 32136 32187
LUBE_OIL_PSI 04:input Register 31219 31270 31321 31372 31423 31474 31525 31576 31627 31678 31729 31780 31831 31882 31933 31984 32035 32086 32137 32188
LUBE_OIL_TIME 04:input Register 31220 31271 31322 31373 31424 31475 31526 31577 31628 31679 31730 31781 31832 31883 31934 31985 32036 32087 32138 32189
REFRIGERATION_LEAK 04:input Register 31221 31272 31323 31374 31425 31476 31527 31578 31629 31680 31731 31782 31833 31884 31935 31986 32037 32088 32139 32190
LOW_REFRIGERATION_TEMP 04:input Register 31222 31273 31324 31375 31426 31477 31528 31579 31630 31681 31732 31783 31834 31885 31936 31987 32038 32089 32140 32191
TOO_MANY_PURGES 04:input Register 31223 31274 31325 31376 31427 31478 31529 31580 31631 31682 31733 31784 31835 31886 31937 31988 32039 32090 32141 32192
EXCESS_PURGING_TIME 04:input Register 31224 31275 31326 31377 31428 31479 31530 31581 31632 31683 31734 31785 31836 31887 31938 31989 32040 32091 32142 32193
PURGE_FLOAT_ERROR 04:input Register 31225 31276 31327 31378 31429 31480 31531 31582 31633 31684 31735 31786 31837 31888 31939 31990 32041 32092 32143 32194
LOW_DIFFERENTIAL_PSI_RATIO 04:input Register 31226 31277 31328 31379 31430 31481 31532 31583 31634 31685 31736 31787 31838 31889 31940 31991 32042 32093 32144 32195
LOW_SUPERHEAT 04:input Register 31227 31278 31329 31380 31431 31482 31533 31584 31635 31686 31737 31788 31839 31890 31941 31992 32043 32094 32145 32196
LOW_DISCHARGE_SUPERHEAT 04:input Register 31228 31279 31330 31381 31432 31483 31534 31585 31636 31687 31738 31789 31840 31891 31942 31993 32044 32095 32146 32197
LOST_LEG_PART_WINDING 04:input Register 31229 31280 31331 31382 31433 31484 31535 31586 31637 31688 31739 31790 31841 31892 31943 31994 32045 32096 32147 32198
HIGH_PARTS_PER_MILLION_LEAK 04:input Register 31230 31281 31332 31383 31434 31485 31536 31587 31638 31689 31740 31791 31842 31893 31944 31995 32046 32097 32148 32199
HIGH_REFRIGERATION_LEVEL 04:input Register 31231 31282 31333 31384 31435 31486 31537 31588 31639 31690 31741 31792 31843 31894 31945 31996 32047 32098 32149 32200
LOW_OIL_LEVEL 04:input Register 31232 31283 31334 31385 31436 31487 31538 31589 31640 31691 31742 31793 31844 31895 31946 31997 32048 32099 32150 32201
NO_FLOW 04:input Register 31233 31284 31335 31386 31437 31488 31539 31590 31641 31692 31743 31794 31845 31896 31947 31998 32049 32100 32151 32202
OIL_FLOW 04:input Register 31234 31285 31336 31387 31438 31489 31540 31591 31642 31693 31744 31795 31846 31897 31948 31999 32050 32101 32152 32203
Modbus Register
Modbus Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp.
Function Type #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20

COMPRESSOR_SPEED_FAULT 04:input Register 31235 31286 31337 31388 31439 31490 31541 31592 31643 31694 31745 31796 31847 31898 31949 32000 32051 32102 32153 32204

LOW_TANDEM_SUPERHEAT 04:input Register 31236 31287 31338 31389 31440 31491 31542 31593 31644 31695 31746 31797 31848 31899 31950 32001 32052 32103 32154 32205

HIGH_TANDEM_SUPERHEAT 04:input Register 31237 31288 31339 31390 31441 31492 31543 31594 31645 31696 31747 31798 31849 31900 31951 32002 32053 32104 32155 32206

EXCESS_SURGES 04:input Register 31238 31289 31340 31391 31442 31493 31544 31595 31646 31697 31748 31799 31850 31901 31952 32003 32054 32105 32156 32207

HIGH_SUPERHEAT 04:input Register 31239 31290 31341 31392 31443 31494 31545 31596 31647 31698 31749 31800 31851 31902 31953 32004 32055 32106 32157 32208

Suction Temperature Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31240 31291 31342 31393 31444 31495 31546 31597 31648 31699 31750 31801 31852 31903 31954 32005 32056 32107 32158 32209

Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31241 31292 31343 31394 31445 31496 31547 31598 31649 31700 31751 31802 31853 31904 31955 32006 32057 32108 32159 32210

Suction Pressure Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31242 31293 31344 31395 31446 31497 31548 31599 31650 31701 31752 31803 31854 31905 31956 32007 32058 32109 32160 32211

Discharge Pressure Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31243 31294 31345 31396 31447 31498 31549 31600 31651 31702 31753 31804 31855 31906 31957 32008 32059 32110 32161 32212

Oil Pressure Sensor Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31244 31295 31346 31397 31448 31499 31550 31601 31652 31703 31754 31805 31856 31907 31958 32009 32060 32111 32162 32213

Oil Temperature Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31245 31296 31347 31398 31449 31500 31551 31602 31653 31704 31755 31806 31857 31908 31959 32010 32061 32112 32163 32214

Motor Temperature Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31246 31297 31348 31399 31450 31501 31552 31603 31654 31705 31756 31807 31858 31909 31960 32011 32062 32113 32164 32215

Evap Refrigerant Temp. Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31247 31298 31349 31400 31451 31502 31553 31604 31655 31706 31757 31808 31859 31910 31961 32012 32063 32114 32165 32216

Evap Refrigerant Level Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31248 31299 31350 31401 31452 31503 31554 31605 31656 31707 31758 31809 31860 31911 31962 32013 32064 32115 32166 32217

Oil Seal Temperature Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31249 31300 31351 31402 31453 31504 31555 31606 31657 31708 31759 31810 31861 31912 31963 32014 32065 32116 32167 32218

Pre-Oil Filter Presssure Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31250 31301 31352 31403 31454 31505 31556 31607 31658 31709 31760 31811 31862 31913 31964 32015 32066 32117 32168 32219

Circuit Leaving Water Sensor Fault 04:input Register 31251 31302 31353 31404 31455 31506 31557 31608 31659 31710 31761 31812 31863 31914 31965 32016 32067 32118 32169 32220
Bacnet Object Identifier
Bacnet Object Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp.
Type #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20
LOW_SUCTION Analog Value 1396 1447 1498 1549 1600 1651 1702 1753 1804 1855 1906 1957 2008 2059 2110 2161 2212 2263 2314 2365
UNSAFE_SUCTION Analog Value 1397 1448 1499 1550 1601 1652 1703 1754 1805 1856 1907 1958 2009 2060 2111 2162 2213 2264 2315 2366
HIGH_DISCHARGE_PSI Analog Value 1398 1449 1500 1551 1602 1653 1704 1755 1806 1857 1908 1959 2010 2061 2112 2163 2214 2265 2316 2367
HIGH_DISCHARGE_TEMP Analog Value 1399 1450 1501 1552 1603 1654 1705 1756 1807 1858 1909 1960 2011 2062 2113 2164 2215 2266 2317 2368
LOW_OIL_PSI Analog Value 1400 1451 1502 1553 1604 1655 1706 1757 1808 1859 1910 1961 2012 2063 2114 2165 2216 2267 2318 2369
UNSAFE_OIL_PSI Analog Value 1401 1452 1503 1554 1605 1656 1707 1758 1809 1860 1911 1962 2013 2064 2115 2166 2217 2268 2319 2370
HIGH_OIL_TEMP Analog Value 1402 1453 1504 1555 1606 1657 1708 1759 1810 1861 1912 1963 2014 2065 2116 2167 2218 2269 2320 2371
DIRTY_OIL_FILTER Analog Value 1403 1454 1505 1556 1607 1658 1709 1760 1811 1862 1913 1964 2015 2066 2117 2168 2219 2270 2321 2372
HIGH_OIL_SEAL_TEMP Analog Value 1404 1455 1506 1557 1608 1659 1710 1761 1812 1863 1914 1965 2016 2067 2118 2169 2220 2271 2322 2373
NO_CRANK_CASE_HEATER_PROOF Analog Value 1405 1456 1507 1558 1609 1660 1711 1762 1813 1864 1915 1966 2017 2068 2119 2170 2221 2272 2323 2374
HIGH_AMPS Analog Value 1406 1457 1508 1559 1610 1661 1712 1763 1814 1865 1916 1967 2018 2069 2120 2171 2222 2273 2324 2375
LOW_AMPS Analog Value 1407 1458 1509 1560 1611 1662 1713 1764 1815 1866 1917 1968 2019 2070 2121 2172 2223 2274 2325 2376
HIGH_MOTOR_TEMP Analog Value 1408 1459 1510 1561 1612 1663 1714 1765 1816 1867 1918 1969 2020 2071 2122 2173 2224 2275 2326 2377
NO_COMPRESSOR_PROOF Analog Value 1409 1460 1511 1562 1613 1664 1715 1766 1817 1868 1919 1970 2021 2072 2123 2174 2225 2276 2327 2378
LOW_OIL_SUPERHEAT Analog Value 1410 1461 1512 1563 1614 1665 1716 1767 1818 1869 1920 1971 2022 2073 2124 2175 2226 2277 2328 2379
PUMP_DOWN Analog Value 1411 1462 1513 1564 1615 1666 1717 1768 1819 1870 1921 1972 2023 2074 2125 2176 2227 2278 2329 2380
LOW_DISCHARGE_PSI Analog Value 1412 1463 1514 1565 1616 1667 1718 1769 1820 1871 1922 1973 2024 2075 2126 2177 2228 2279 2330 2381

LUBE_OIL_TEMP Analog Value 1413 1464 1515 1566 1617 1668 1719 1770 1821 1872 1923 1974 2025 2076 2127 2178 2229 2280 2331 2382
LUBE_OIL_PSI Analog Value 1414 1465 1516 1567 1618 1669 1720 1771 1822 1873 1924 1975 2026 2077 2128 2179 2230 2281 2332 2383
LUBE_OIL_TIME Analog Value 1415 1466 1517 1568 1619 1670 1721 1772 1823 1874 1925 1976 2027 2078 2129 2180 2231 2282 2333 2384
REFRIGERATION_LEAK Analog Value 1416 1467 1518 1569 1620 1671 1722 1773 1824 1875 1926 1977 2028 2079 2130 2181 2232 2283 2334 2385
LOW_REFRIGERATION_TEMP Analog Value 1417 1468 1519 1570 1621 1672 1723 1774 1825 1876 1927 1978 2029 2080 2131 2182 2233 2284 2335 2386
TOO_MANY_PURGES Analog Value 1418 1469 1520 1571 1622 1673 1724 1775 1826 1877 1928 1979 2030 2081 2132 2183 2234 2285 2336 2387
EXCESS_PURGING_TIME Analog Value 1419 1470 1521 1572 1623 1674 1725 1776 1827 1878 1929 1980 2031 2082 2133 2184 2235 2286 2337 2388
PURGE_FLOAT_ERROR Analog Value 1420 1471 1522 1573 1624 1675 1726 1777 1828 1879 1930 1981 2032 2083 2134 2185 2236 2287 2338 2389
LOW_DIFFERENTIAL_PSI_RATIO Analog Value 1421 1472 1523 1574 1625 1676 1727 1778 1829 1880 1931 1982 2033 2084 2135 2186 2237 2288 2339 2390
LOW_SUPERHEAT Analog Value 1422 1473 1524 1575 1626 1677 1728 1779 1830 1881 1932 1983 2034 2085 2136 2187 2238 2289 2340 2391
LOW_DISCHARGE_SUPERHEAT Analog Value 1423 1474 1525 1576 1627 1678 1729 1780 1831 1882 1933 1984 2035 2086 2137 2188 2239 2290 2341 2392
LOST_LEG_PART_WINDING Analog Value 1424 1475 1526 1577 1628 1679 1730 1781 1832 1883 1934 1985 2036 2087 2138 2189 2240 2291 2342 2393
HIGH_PARTS_PER_MILLION_LEAK Analog Value 1425 1476 1527 1578 1629 1680 1731 1782 1833 1884 1935 1986 2037 2088 2139 2190 2241 2292 2343 2394
HIGH_REFRIGERATION_LEVEL Analog Value 1426 1477 1528 1579 1630 1681 1732 1783 1834 1885 1936 1987 2038 2089 2140 2191 2242 2293 2344 2395
LOW_OIL_LEVEL Analog Value 1427 1478 1529 1580 1631 1682 1733 1784 1835 1886 1937 1988 2039 2090 2141 2192 2243 2294 2345 2396
NO_FLOW Analog Value 1428 1479 1530 1581 1632 1683 1734 1785 1836 1887 1938 1989 2040 2091 2142 2193 2244 2295 2346 2397
OIL_FLOW Analog Value 1429 1480 1531 1582 1633 1684 1735 1786 1837 1888 1939 1990 2041 2092 2143 2194 2245 2296 2347 2398
Bacnet Object Identifier
Bacnet Object Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp.
Type #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20
COMPRESSOR_SPEED_FAULT Analog Value 1430 1481 1532 1583 1634 1685 1736 1787 1838 1889 1940 1991 2042 2093 2144 2195 2246 2297 2348 2399
LOW_TANDEM_SUPERHEAT Analog Value 1431 1482 1533 1584 1635 1686 1737 1788 1839 1890 1941 1992 2043 2094 2145 2196 2247 2298 2349 2400
HIGH_TANDEM_SUPERHEAT Analog Value 1432 1483 1534 1585 1636 1687 1738 1789 1840 1891 1942 1993 2044 2095 2146 2197 2248 2299 2350 2401
EXCESS_SURGES Analog Value 1433 1484 1535 1586 1637 1688 1739 1790 1841 1892 1943 1994 2045 2096 2147 2198 2249 2300 2351 2402
HIGH_SUPERHEAT Analog Value 1434 1485 1536 1587 1638 1689 1740 1791 1842 1893 1944 1995 2046 2097 2148 2199 2250 2301 2352 2403
Suction Temperature Sensor Fault Analog Value 1435 1486 1537 1588 1639 1690 1741 1792 1843 1894 1945 1996 2047 2098 2149 2200 2251 2302 2353 2404
Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault Analog Value 1436 1487 1538 1589 1640 1691 1742 1793 1844 1895 1946 1997 2048 2099 2150 2201 2252 2303 2354 2405
Suction Pressure Sensor Fault Analog Value 1437 1488 1539 1590 1641 1692 1743 1794 1845 1896 1947 1998 2049 2100 2151 2202 2253 2304 2355 2406
Discharge Pressure Sensor Fault Analog Value 1438 1489 1540 1591 1642 1693 1744 1795 1846 1897 1948 1999 2050 2101 2152 2203 2254 2305 2356 2407
Oil Pressure Sensor Sensor Fault Analog Value 1439 1490 1541 1592 1643 1694 1745 1796 1847 1898 1949 2000 2051 2102 2153 2204 2255 2306 2357 2408
Oil Temperature Sensor Fault Analog Value 1440 1491 1542 1593 1644 1695 1746 1797 1848 1899 1950 2001 2052 2103 2154 2205 2256 2307 2358 2409
Motor Temperature Sensor Fault Analog Value 1441 1492 1543 1594 1645 1696 1747 1798 1849 1900 1951 2002 2053 2104 2155 2206 2257 2308 2359 2410
Evap Refrigerant Temp. Sensor Fault Analog Value 1442 1493 1544 1595 1646 1697 1748 1799 1850 1901 1952 2003 2054 2105 2156 2207 2258 2309 2360 2411
Evap Refrigerant Level Sensor Fault Analog Value 1443 1494 1545 1596 1647 1698 1749 1800 1851 1902 1953 2004 2055 2106 2157 2208 2259 2310 2361 2412
Oil Seal Temperature Sensor Fault Analog Value 1444 1495 1546 1597 1648 1699 1750 1801 1852 1903 1954 2005 2056 2107 2158 2209 2260 2311 2362 2413
Pre-Oil Filter Presssure Sensor Fault Analog Value 1445 1496 1547 1598 1649 1700 1751 1802 1853 1904 1955 2006 2057 2108 2159 2210 2261 2312 2363 2414
Circuit Leaving Water Sensor Fault Analog Value 1446 1497 1548 1599 1650 1701 1752 1803 1854 1905 1956 2007 2058 2109 2160 2211 2262 2313 2364 2415

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

27.9. Network inputs to MCS-Magnum

The MCS-Magnum can receive changes from the network to enable or disable the Network Run/Stop, Network Target Reset
(adjustments to the Cooling Target, Setpoint #1, based on Setpoint #21), Network Demand FLA, and Network Demand
The MCS-Magnum must be setup to accept these inputs. The configuration file must contain a Network Run/Stop, Network
Target, Network Demand FLA, and Network Demand Steps sensors.
Magnum BACnet ID BACnet Name Modbus N2
Network Run/Stop AV:246 Net_R/S 40201 BO:247
Network Target/Reset AV:247 Net_Tar/Res 40202 AO:248
Network Demand/FLA AV:248 Net_Demad_FLA 40204 AO:249
Network Demand/Steps AV:249 Net_Demad_Steps 40205 AO:250
Note the following Information panel has a Network Run/Stop, and /or Network Target Reset sensors inputs indicated. This is
an example of how MCS-Config must be setup in the General Information and Evaporator Information panels.

The sensors must be set up as follows (This is only an example)

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02


The following Protocols are available with the Magnum. Changes can be made to the settings using the Keypad or can be
1. BACnet IP
4. ETHERNET PROTOCOL (this protocol is always active)
5. MODBUS IP (this protocol is always active)


The BACNET DEVICE ID is a five-digit number. The first three digits are based on MCS’s Bacnet Vendor ID 181, and the last
two are set by the Bacnet/MSTP address.
181 XX
↓ ↓
Bacnet Bacnet IP
MCS181 Address
In case the end user would like to set up an ID other than 181-XX, there is an extended BACnet setting that can only be set in
MCS Config.
The following changes can be made using the Keypad or can be made using MCS-CONNECT SER-
The BACnet IP address can be verified and changed (with the proper authorization code) from the Keypad/LCD. The fol-
lowing steps will display the Bacnet IP Network address, and the the TCP/IP port:
„„ Press the Menu key, select Serv Tools, and then press the Enter key.
„„ Use  arrow to BACnet Setting then press Enter.
„„ Select address then press Enter. Change the address so it matches the last two digits of the device ID then
press Enter.
„„ Use  arrow to tab to the TCP/IP address.
„„ Select address then press Enter. Change the address and port to match your device.


The following steps will display the ETHERNET NETWORK settings:
If you are going to manually assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.
„„ Press the Menu key, select Serv Tools, and then press the Enter key.
„„ Select Ethernet Network then press Enter.
„„ Set “DYNAMIC IP” to NO.
„„ Set the “IP Address”.
„„ Set the “Subnet Mask”.
„„ Set “Default Gateway”.
„„ Reset Magnum for change to take effect.
If you are going to let your network assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway:
„„ Press the Menu key, select Serv Tools, and then press the Enter key.
„„ Select Ethernet Network then press Enter.
„„ Set “DYNAMIC IP” to YES.
„„ Connect the MCS-Magnum to the network and power up the board.

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02


The Modbus RTU address can be verified and changed (with the proper authorization code) from the keypad/LCD or can
The following steps will display the Modbus RTU Network address, and the Baud Rate:
„„ Press the Menu key, select Serv Tools, and then press the Enter key.
„„ Select RS485 Network then press Enter.
„„ Select Protocol then press Enter. Change the protocol to Modbus RTU.
„„ Select address then press Enter. Change the address then press Enter.
„„ Select Baud then press Enter. Set the baud rate then press Enter.
„„ Connect the communication wires to the TX RS485 three-position terminal located above the Ethernet con-
„„ Reset Magnum for change to take effect.
„„ Select Ethernet Network then press Enter.
„„ Set “DYNAMIC IP” to NO.
„„ Set the “IP Address”.
„„ Set the “Subnet Mask”.
„„ Set “Default Gateway”.
„„ Reset Magnum for change to take effect.

If you are going to let your network assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway:
„„ Press the Menu key, select Serv Tools, and then press the Enter key.
„„ Select Ethernet Network then press Enter.
„„ Set “DYNAMIC IP” to YES.
„„ Connect the MCS-Magnum to the network and power up the board.


The MCS-BMS-GATEWAY is a microprocessor based communication device that provides translation from BACnet
IP to LonTalk, BACnet MSTP, or Johnson Control N2.
Information that can be transmitted includes the status of control points, alarm information, digital inputs, analog
inputs or setpoints.
For more information on the MCS-BMS-GATEWAY please go to www.mcscontrols.com.


This protocol is always active.
Make sure the MCS-Magnum network settings are set correctly.
If you are going to manually assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.
Press the Menu key, select Serv Tools, and then press the Enter key.
„„ Select Ethernet Network then press Enter.
„„ Set “DYNAMIC IP” to NO.
„„ Set the “IP Address”.
„„ Set the “Subnet Mask”.
„„ Set “Default Gateway”.
„„ Reset Magnum for change to take effect.

MCS-MAGNUM-BMS Rev. 2021-06-02

If you are going to let your network assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway:
„„ Press the Menu key, select Serv Tools, and then press the Enter key.
„„ Select Ethernet Network then press Enter.
„„ Set “DYNAMIC IP” to YES.
„„ Connect the MCS-Magnum to the network and power up the board.


The MCS-BMS-GATEWAY is a microprocessor based communication device that provides translation from BACnet
IP to LonTalk, BACnet MSTP, or Johnson Control N2.
Information that can be transmitted includes the status of control points, alarm information, digital inputs, analog
inputs or setpoints.
For more information on the MCS-BMS-GATEWAY please go to www.mcscontrols.com.


Chapter - 28. HVAC Unit and Compressor State Chart

BMS Points Unit State Chart BMS Points Unit Mode Chart
State # State # State # State #
MCS & Modbus BACnet State Text/Name MCS & Modbus BACnet State Text/Name
11 12 OFF-NO FLOW(s)
30 31 NOT USED


HVAC BMS Points Compressor State Chart

State # State # State # State #

MCS & Modbus BACnet State Text/Name MCS & Modbus BACnet State Text/Name
0 1 LOST IO LOCKED 26 27 CMP IS AT 70%
18 19 HI DISC UNLOAD 44 45 TimingVaneOpn
19 20 HI DISC HOLD 45 46 TimingVaneCls
25 26 CMP IS AT 40%

Chapter - 29. Reading Alarm Points For MCS-MAGNUM

MCS-MAGNUM can generate 899 different alarms as shown in the BMS ALARM TYPE chart on the following pages.
In the table below the PT number is either the NAME TYPE or the ALARM POINT NUMBER.
Example: PT 0 is the Alarm #1 type and PT 1 is the Alarm #1 Point.



PT Name Object ID Name Register
0 Alarm #1 Type MV:142 Alarm #1 Type 30668
1 Alarm #1 Point MV:147 Alarm #1 Point 30673
2 Alarm #2 Type MV:143 Alarm #2 Type 30669
3 Alarm #2 Point MV:148 Alarm #2 Point 30674
4 Alarm #3 Type MV:144 Alarm #3 Type 30670
5 Alarm #3 Point MV:149 Alarm #3 Point 30675
6 Alarm #4 Type MV:145 Alarm #4 Type 30671
7 Alarm #4 Point MV:150 Alarm #4 Point 30676
8 Alarm #5 Type MV:146 Alarm #5 Type 30672
9 Alarm #5 Point MV:151 Alarm #5 Point 30677

For the Building Management System(BMS) to read MCS-MAGNUM alarms, please

reference the tables on the following pages.

First look for ‘TYPE’ in the ‘ALARM TYPE CHART’ and compare the value received from the BMS to the
chart named ‘Alarm POINTS. This will tell you what the alarm is.

This will tell you the number of the referenced component, Setpoint, Sensor Input, Relay Output, or
Analog Output that is associated with that alarm.

If an alarm occurs that is NOT associated with a board point,

Setpoint, Sensor Input, Relay Output, or Analog Output,


29.1. Reading Alarm Points For MCS-MAGNUM
MCS-MAGNUM can generate 899 different alarms as shown in the BMS ALARM TYPE chart on the following pages.



Name Object ID Name Register
Alarm #1 Type MV:142 Alarm #1 Type 30668
Alarm #1 Point MV:147 Alarm #1 Point 30673
TYPE & Alarm #2 Type MV:143 Alarm #2 Type 30669
POINT Alarm #2 Point MV:148 Alarm #2 Point 30674
Alarm #3 Type MV:144 Alarm #3 Type 30670
Alarm #3 Point MV:149 Alarm #3 Point 30675
Alarm #4 Type MV:145 Alarm #4 Type 30671
Alarm #4 Point MV:150 Alarm #4 Point 30676
Alarm #5 Type MV:146 Alarm #5 Type 30672
Alarm #5 Point MV:151 Alarm #5 Point 30677

Power Returned Change Example:

There was a Power Returned Alarm from the MAGNUM to the BMS:
ALARM #1 = BACnet MV147= #1 ALARM POINT Name = N/A


10 POWER RETURNED 1 N\A Explanation:
Power has been returned
Alarm # received From Chart Point # received From Chart
from MAGNUM Alarm Type Name from MAGNUM Point Name

BMS report for Alarms:

Alarm Type for MV 142

Alarm Point for MV 147


Type Name Type Name

77 BACnet Addr Chg
36 BACnet Port Chg 81 CHW OUT TRGT
41 RO TO AUTO + Point # 86 HGS PSI ON
42 AO TO AUTO + Point #
43 SI TO AUTO + Point #
88 ChmbInjOnDis
45 RO TO MANOFF + Point #
Type Name Type Name
102 LOW AMB. OFF 149 EXV rocZONE2
104 HI AMB. OFF 151 EXV roc FAST
106 STEP DELAY 153 PartWindDely
108 MAX ROC+ 155 HI AMPS %
119 LUBE OIL TMP 166 HiReturnTMP
125 CND PUMP ON 172 UnsafeOilDif
126 CND PUMP OFF 173 HIoilSealTmp
127 FAN DIFF ON 174 MtrModuleFlt
129 CdFanStrt% 176 CompProof
131 CND ADJ DIV 178 LLS#2 ON
133 CND ROC- 180 HIGHSumpTmp
134 CND ADJ MULT 181 SafetyHold
Type Name Type Name
185 PUMP FAILURE 232 OverHeat
186 LEAD PUMP 233 SftyUnld Dly
187 DelyEconMech 234 HGB Sfty Adj
189 HiRefLevel 236 LO REF UNLD
190 LoRefLvlTarg 237 HP LoSuctAdj
193 OilInjDiffTp 240 DEFrevDelay
194 Oil DiffTp 241 DEF TERM TMP
195 EconVFDdel 242 DEF TERMdely
196 DEFon Temp 243 HP HEAT TARG
197 DEFon Dela;y 244 HP CTL ZONE+
198 DEFon Cycle 245 HP CTL ZONE-
199 EcoOffsetON 246 PHASE LOSS
200 EconDelyFans 247 PurgeAlarm
201 EcoVlvMinVlv 248 Purge Count
202 EcoVlvMaxVlv 249 PurgePSIStrt
203 EcoVlvMaxAdj 250 ExcessPurge
204 EcoVlvDelay 251 FLA COMP#1
205 EcoVlvMaxDly 252 FLA COMP#2
206 EcoVlv Mul 253 FLA COMP#3
207 EcoVlv Div 254 FLA COMP#4
208 Lost Leg Alm 255 FLA COMP#5
209 Reh On 256 FLA COMP#6
210 Reh Off adj 257 FLA COMP#7
211 Reh StrtDlay 258 FLA COMP#8
212 Reh Bld Dlay 259 FLA COMP#9
213 Reh Stg Dlay 260 FLA COMP#10
214 Barrel HtrOn 261 FLA COMP#11
215 Refig Leak 262 FLA COMP#12
216 Vi Pulse 263 FLA COMP#13
217 Vi Deadband 264 FLA COMP#14
218 Vi Delay 265 FLA COMP#15
219 LOW OIL LVL 266 MotorInj ON
220 HiDiscOffset 267 MotorInj OFF
221 Hi CW Temp 268 UNIT GPM
222 ServiceMode 269 POWER FACTOR
223 Unload% 270 UNIT VOLTS
224 Oil HeaterOn 271 Temp Diff
225 Oil CoolerOn 272 FRZ TempDiff
226 ChwPmpDifTrg 273 CndHi/LoZone
227 ChwPmpZone 274 Cnd2ndZone
228 Pmp Delay 275 Low Voltage
229 Pmp Max ROC 276 High Voltage
230 Pmp Min Spd% 277 ChwPmpLead
231 Unloaded Off 278 ProcPmpFlt
Type Name Type Name
282 Not Used 202 329 ALARM SI-OIL PSI 2
283 Not Used 203 330 ALARM SI-AMPS 2
284 Not Used 204 331 ALARM SI-SUCT TMP 2
285 Not Used 205 332 ALARM SI-DISC TMP 2
286 Not Used 206 333 ALARM SI-MTR TMP 2
287 Not Used 207 334 ALARM SI-MTR FLT 2
288 Not Used 208 335 ALARM SI-OIL LVL 2
289 Not Used 209 336 ALARM SI-DISABLE 2
290 Not Used 210 337 ALARM SI-LIQ PSI 1
291 Not Used 211 338 ALARM SI-LIQ TMP 1
292 Not Used 212 339 ALARM SI-LIQ PSI 2
293 ChwFlowFlt 340 ALARM SI-LIQ TMP 2
294 Not Used 214 341 ALARM SI-PmpPsi In
295 TEST AO LO 342 ALARM SI-PmpPsiOut
296 LiqInjOnMtr 343 ALARM SI-SUBCOOL 1
297 LiqInj OnDis 344 ALARM SI-SUBCOOL 2
298 LiqInjOffDis 345 ALARM SI-KW/TON
299 LiqInj OnMtr 346 ALARM SI-UNIT KW
300 LiqInjOffMtr 347 ALARM SI-UNIT TONS
301 Reserved 221 348 ALARM SI-CHW DIFF
302 Reserved 222 349 ALARM SI-UNIT GPM
303 Reserved 223 350 ALARM SI-PowerFactr
304 Reserved 224 351 ALARM SI-UNIT VOLTS
305 Reserved 225 352 ALARM SI-SPARE2-10
306 Reserved 226 353 ALARM SI-SPARE2-11
307 Reserved 227 354 ALARM SI-SPARE2-12
308 Reserved 228 355 ALARM SI-SPARE2-13
309 Reserved 229 356 ALARM SI-SPARE2-14
310 Reserved 220 357 ALARM SI-SPARE2-15
311 ALARM SI-ChilWtr In 358 ALARM SI-SPARE2-16
312 ALARM SI-ChilWtrOut 359 ALARM SI-SPARE3-1
Type Name Type Name
375 ALARM SI-Spare 4-1 422 ALARM SI-SPARE6-16
376 ALARM SI-Spare 4-2 423 BadPoint-SI ALM
377 ALARM SI-Spare 4-3 424 ALARM RO-COMP 1
378 ALARM SI-Spare 4-4 425 ALARM RO-LOAD 1
379 ALARM SI-Spare 4-5 426 ALARM RO-UNLOAD 1
380 ALARM SI-Spare 4-6 427 ALARM RO-STRT UNLD1
381 ALARM SI-Spare 4-7 428 ALARM RO-LLS 1
382 ALARM SI-Spare 4-8 429 ALARM RO-CHMBR INJ1
383 ALARM SI-Spare 4-9 430 ALARM RO-MOTOR INJ1
384 ALARM SI-Spare 4-10 431 ALARM RO-CND FAN1-1
385 ALARM SI-Spare 4-11 432 ALARM RO-WARNING
386 ALARM SI-Spare 4-12 433 ALARM RO-ALARM
387 ALARM SI-Spare 4-13 434 ALARM RO-COMP 2
388 ALARM SI-Spare 4-14 435 ALARM RO-LOAD 2
389 ALARM SI-Spare 4-15 436 ALARM RO-UNLOAD 2
390 ALARM SI-Spare 4-16 437 ALARM RO-STRT UNLD2
Type Name Type Name
504 BadPoint-RO ALM 551 V PHASE LOSS
509 SETPOINT-234 556 1.8V SUPPLY LOW
Type Name Type Name
573 MTR THERML OVRLD 620 Hi PSI Switch
583 UNUSED 630 EnvTorqueLmtTime
584 TEMP SENSOR FLT 631 PIMFoldBack Time
585 UNUSED 632 Cur.FoldBackTime
588 UNUSED 635 NoCommDataFor30s
589 UNUSED 636 SI2FltLoTemp/Srt
594 UNUSED 641 No DSP/PFC Comms
595 CHILLER OFFLINE 642 Comm to DSP Lost
597 LUBE-VANES FAULT 644 InvrtrAmpsImblnc
603 DMPR NOT AT MAX 650 CompConfigError
604 DMPR NOT AT MIN 651 HiPsiType Error
Type Name Type Name
655 UNUSED 702 Hi Cond Press
656 UNUSED 703 UndulyHiCondPres
657 UNUSED 704 IGV Fault
658 UNUSED 705 Unused 40005.05
659 UNUSED 706 Unused 40005.06
660 UNUSED 707 Unused 40005.07
661 UNUSED 708 Unused 40005.08
662 SI2Flt-LoTmpOpen 709 Unused 40005.09
663 UNUSED 710 Unused 40005.10
664 UNUSED 711 Unused 40005.11
665 InvrtrTmpSI Open 712 Unused 40005.12
666 PFC Temp SI Open 713 Unused 40005.13
667 UNUSED 714 Unused 40005.14
668 UNUSED 715 Unused 40005.15
669 UNUSED 716 ECDWT Break
670 UNUSED 717 LCDWT Break
671 UNUSED 718 ECWT Break
672 UNUSED 719 LCWT Break
673 UNUSED 720 OilSumpTempBreak
674 UNUSED 721 Unused 40006.05
675 FltLimit Lockout 722 Cond Press Break
676 VANE CLS/OPN FLT 723 Evap Press Break
677 VANE NOT CLOSING 724 OilSpplyPSIBreak
678 VANE NOT OPENING 725 OilSumpPSIBreak
679 VANES CALIBRATED 726 BearingTempBreak
681 VANE CAL CANCEL 728 Unused 40006.12
682 CMPs OFF-FLOW A 729 Motor Amp Break
683 CMPs OFF-FLOW B 730 Unused 40006.14
684 LowOilPressDrop 731 Unused 40006.15
685 UndulyLowOilPres 732 SERVICE TRIP
686 UndulyLowOilTemp 733 SERVICE TRIP
687 Hi Bearing Temp 734 SERVICE TRIP
688 UndulyHiBearTemp 735 SERVICE TRIP
689 OilPumpOverload 736 SERVICE TRIP
690 Chl Water Break 737 NO FLOW
691 UndulyLoChlWater 738 DRY PUMP
692 Unused 40004.08 739 END OF CURVE
693 Unused 40004.09 740 BROKEN BELT
694 UndulyLoMotorAmp 741 DISCHARGE HIGH
695 Hi Motr Amps 742 START FAILED
696 UndulyHiMtrAmps 743 SPEED LIMIT
697 Long StartupTime 744 EXT INTERLOCK
698 Coil Overheat 745 ILLEGAL OPTNCOMB
699 Starter Fault 746 NO SAFETY OPTION
700 Low Evap Press 747 UNUSED
701 UndulyLoEvapPres 748 UNUSED
Type Name Type Name
749 KTY ERROR 796 Start Delayed
750 FANS ERROR 797 Stop Delayed
751 ECB ERROR 798 Clock Failure
752 UNUSED 799 Fire Md was Actv
754 UNUSED 801 No Flow
755 UNUSED 802 Dry Pump
756 UNUSED 803 End of Curve
757 CURRENT LIMIT 804 Broken Belt
758 UNUSED 805 Discharge High
759 UNUSED 806 Multimotor undld
760 UNUSED 807 Multimotor Ovrld
761 ENCODER LOSS 808 Cmp Interlock
762 PTC THERMISTOR 809 Mech Brk Sliding
763 DANGER FAILURE 810 Safe Opt Warning
764 Brake check 811 Auto DC Braking
765 Pwr card temp 812 UNUSED
766 Earth Fault 813 KTY warn
767 Ctrl card temp 814 Fans warn
768 Ctrl word TO 815 ECB warn
769 Over Current 816 UNUSED
770 Torque limit 817 UNUSED
771 Motor th over 818 UNUSED
772 Motor ETR over 819 UNUSED
773 Inverter overld 820 UNUSED
774 DC under volt 821 UNUSED
775 DC over volt 822 UNUSED
776 DC voltage low 823 UNUSED
777 DC voltage high 824 UNUSED
778 Mains ph loss 825 UNUSED
779 No motor 826 PTC Thermistor
780 Live zero error 827 UNUSED
781 10V low 828 ABB-ShortCircuit
782 Brake overload 829 ABB-OVER CURRENT
783 Brake resistor 830 ABB-DC OVERVOLT
784 Brake IGBT 831 ABB-ACS800 TEMP
785 Speed limit 832 ABB-EARTH FAULT
786 Fieldbus fault 833 ABB-THERMISTOR
787 24V supply low 834 ABB-MOTOR TEMP
788 Mains failure 835 ABB-SYSTEM FAULT
789 Current limit 836 ABB-UNDER LOAD
790 Low temp 837 ABB-OVER FREQ
791 Voltage limit 838 ABB-UNUSED
792 Encoder loss 839 ABB-UNUSED
793 Output freq lim 840 ABB-UNUSED
794 SafeStop 841 ABB-UNUSED
795 Extnd stat word 842 ABB-UNUSED
Type Name Type Name
845 ABB-NO MotorData 892 MBC NOT ALIVE
850 ABB-I/O COMM ERR 897 MBC NoOkRotate
852 ABB-EXTERNAL FLT 899 OilRecovBoostAlm
29.3. BMS Points Alarms Chart

Point # Name COMP & BOARDS Point # Name COMP & BOARDS
1 N/A 58 2-1
2 Compressor 1 ID = 1 59 2-2
3 Compressor 2 ID = 2 60 2-3
4 Compressor 3 ID = 3 61 2-4
5 Compressor 4 ID = 4 62 2-5
6 Compressor 5 ID = 5 63 2-6
7 Compressor 6 ID = 6
65 2-8
8 Compressor 7 ID = 7 BOARD
66 2-9
9 Compressor 8 ID = 8
67 2-10 SI, RO or AO
10 Compressor 9 ID = 9
68 2-11
11 Compressor 10 ID = 10 COMPRESSOR 69 2-12
12 Compressor 11 ID = 11
NUMBER 70 2-13
13 Compressor 12 ID = 12
71 2-14
14 Compressor 13 ID =13
72 2-15
15 Compressor 14 ID = 14
73 2-16
16 Compressor 15 ID = 15
74 3-1
17 Compressor 16 ID = 16
75 3-2
18 Compressor 17 ID = 17
76 3-3
19 Compressor 18 ID = 18
77 3-4
20 Compressor 19 ID = 19
78 3-5
21 Compressor 20 ID = 20
79 3-6
26 M-1
27 M-2
81 3-8
28 M-3 BOARD
82 3-9
29 M-4
83 3-10 SI, RO or AO
30 M-5
84 3-11
31 M-6
85 3-12
32 M-7
MAIN BOARD 86 3-13
33 M-8
87 3-14
34 M-9 SI, RO or AO 88 3-15
35 M10
89 3-16
36 M11
90 4-1
37 M12
91 4-2
38 M13
92 4-3
39 M14
93 4-4
40 M15
94 4-5
41 M16
95 4-6
42 1-1
43 1-2
97 4-8
44 1-3 BOARD
98 4-9
45 1-4
99 4-10 SI, RO or AO
46 1-5
100 4-11
47 1-6
101 4-12
102 4-13
49 1-8
BOARD 103 4-14
50 1-9
104 4-15
51 1-10 SI, RO or AO
105 4-16
52 1-11
53 1-12
54 1-13
55 1-14
56 1-15
57 1-16
Point # Name COMP & BOARDS Point # Name COMP & BOARDS
106 5-1 164 27
107 5-2 165 28
108 5-3 166 29
109 5-4 167 30
110 5-5 168 31
111 5-6 169 32
112 5-7 5TH EXPANSION 170 33
113 5-8 171 34
114 5-9 172 35
115 5-10 SI, RO or AO 173 36
116 5-11 174 37
117 5-12 175 38
118 5-13 176 39
119 5-14 177 40
120 5-15 178 41
121 5-16 179 42
122 6-1 180 43
123 6-2 181 44
124 6-3 182 45
125 6-4 183 46
126 6-5 184 47
127 6-6 185 48
128 6-7 6TH EXPANSION 186 49
129 6-8 187 50
130 6-9 188 51
131 6-10 SI, RO or AO 189 52
132 6-11 190 53
133 6-12 191 54
134 6-13 192 55
135 6-14 193 56
136 6-15 194 57 ALARMS
137 6-16 195 58
138 1 196 59
139 2 197 60
140 3 198 61
141 4 199 62
142 5 200 63
143 6 201 64
144 7 202 65
145 8 203 66
146 9 204 67
147 10 205 68
148 11 206 69
149 12 207 70
150 13 208 71
151 14 209 72
152 15 ALARMS 210 73
153 16 211 74
154 17 212 75
155 18 213 76
156 19 214 77
157 20 215 78
158 21 216 79
159 22 217 80
160 23 218 81
161 24 219 82
162 25 220 83
163 26 221 84
Point # Name COMP & BOARDS Point # Name COMP & BOARDS
222 85 274 137
223 86 275 138
224 87 276 139
225 88 277 140
226 89 278 141
227 90 279 142
228 91 280 143
229 92 281 144
230 93 282 145
231 94 283 146
232 95 284 147
233 96 285 148
234 97 286 149
235 98 287 150
236 99 288 151
237 100 289 152
238 101 290 153
239 102 291 154
240 103 292 155
241 104 293 156
242 105 294 157
243 106 295 158
244 107 296 159
245 108 297 160
247 110 299 162
248 111 300 163
249 112 301 164 ALARMS
250 113 302 165
251 114 303 166
252 115 304 167
253 116 305 168
254 117 306 169
255 118 307 170
256 119 308 171
257 120 309 172
258 121 310 173
259 122 311 174
260 123 312 175
261 124 313 176
262 125 314 177
263 126 315 178
264 127 316 179
265 128 317 180
266 129 318 181
267 130 319 182
268 131 320 183
269 132 321 184
270 133 322 185
271 134 323 186
272 135 324 187
273 136 325 188
Point # Name COMP & BOARDS Point # Name COMP & BOARDS
326 189 378 241
327 190 379 242
328 191 380 243
329 192 381 244
330 193 382 245
331 194 383 246
332 195 384 247 SETPOINTS
333 196 385 248
334 197 386 249
335 198 387 250
336 199 388 251
337 200 389 252
338 201 390 253
339 202 391 254
340 203 392 255
341 204
342 205
343 206
344 207
345 208
346 209
347 210
348 211
349 212
350 213
351 214 ALARMS
352 215
353 216
354 217
355 218
356 219
357 220
358 221
359 222
360 223
361 224
362 225
363 226
364 227
365 228
366 229
367 230
368 231
369 232
370 233
371 234
372 235
373 236
374 237
375 238
376 239
377 240

Chapter - 30. Magnum Alarms and Safeties

There are three types of alarms that are generated by the Magnum control logic:
 Information only alarms,
 Magnum system alarms and
 Chiller Setpoint safety alarms.
All alarms have the same format. The alarm is identified and is date/time stamped. Alarms can be viewed
from the Magnum keypad by selecting the ‘Alarms’ from the main menu, or through MCS-Connect.

30.1. Information Only Alarms

30.1.1 System Generated Alarms
The following alarms are generated to provide information; they will not cause a change in the control algo-
rithm such as a lock out condition or a Relay Output being forced off.
 POWER FAILED – Generated when power to the Magnum was lost.
 POWER RETURNED – Generated when power to the Magnum returned.
 HW DATE INVALID – The date contained/read from the hardware real time clock chip is not valid. Check
battery voltage, it should be > 2.0 vdc.
 HW TIME INVALID – The time contained/read from the hardware real time clock chip is not valid. Check
battery voltage, it should be > 2.0 vdc.
 SW DATE INVALID – The date contained/read from the software clock is not valid.
 SW TIME INVALID The time contained/read from the software clock is not valid.
 RAM INTEGRITY – the data contained in the battery-backed up RAM memory may be corrupted. This
does not stop the Magnum from running. It means the historical data may be incorrect (run times, cycles,
min/max values, and trend/graph data).
 WATCHDOG RESET – The Magnum has reset itself because of improper operator of the Magnum board.
Please consult the manufacturer if this alarm has occurred.
 LOST A/D CONVTR – The Magnum microprocessor has lost communications to the Analog to Digital
converter chip (chip that converts sensor voltages to a digital number). Check for a shorted sensor that
may cause
 LOST DISPLAY – Generated when communication to the Keypad/Display is lost.
 CF INIT ERROR – The Compact Flash card that was installed cannot be initialized and therefore cannot
be used. Replace the Compact Flash card with one that works.
 BATTERY FAILED – Generated when Magnum is not getting power from the Battery.

30.1.2 User Initiated Alarms

The following alarms indicate that an individual took action: (Most require proper authorization)
 LOCKOUT RESET – Generated when a user resets a compressor other unit from a locked condition.
 COMPUTER RESET – Generated when the manual reset button on the Magnum is pressed.
 ALARMS CLEARED – Generated when a user clears the alarm history.
 STPT CHANGED – Generated when a user makes a change to a Setpoint; the number of the Setpoint
will also be displayed with the alarm.
 RO TO (Selected Condition) – Generated when a user manually changes the condition of a Relay Output
(either AUTO, MANON, or MANOFF).
 AO TO (Selected Condition) – Generated when a user changes the condition of an Analog Output (either
AUTO or MANUAL. If MANUAL, then a dialog box will appear to input the number value).

 SI TO (Selected Condition) – Generated when a user changes the condition of a Sensor Input (If a digital
input, then either AUTO, MANON, or MANOFF. If an analog input, then either AUTO or MANUAL. If
MANUAL, then a dialog box will appear to input the number value).
 POINT INFO CLEAR – Generated when a user clears all point information (run times, cycles, min/max values, etc.).
 CLOCK SET – Generated when a user makes a change to the Magnum real time clock.
 CFG DOWNLOADED – Generated when a user uploads a new configuration file into the Magnum.
 ETHERNET CHANGE – Generated when a user makes a change to the Ethernet settings through the
 RS485 CHANGED – Generated when a user makes changes to the RS485 address through the Keypad/
 CF CARD INSERTED – Generated when a user inserts a Compact Flash memory card into the Magnum.
 CF CARD REMOVED – Generated when a user removes a Compact Flash memory card from the Magnum.

30.1.3 Automatic Alarms

The following alarms indicate an action that the Magnum made automatically:
 ROTATED LEAD – Generated when the Magnum automatically rotates the Lead Compressor.
 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS – Generated when the Magnum automatically changes the real time clock to adjust
for Daylight Savings Time.

30.2. Magnum System Alarms

30.2.1 Configuration Alarms
These alarms indicate a problem with the configuration file in the system. The system is not operational and a
new configuration must be transmitted to the unit through MCS-Connect.
 INVALID CONFIG – Checksums are incorrect.
 INVALID CFG VER – The version number of the configuration is invalid.
 INVALID CFG TYPE – The configuration type does not match the software type.

30.2.2 MCS Local Network Alarms

These alarms indicate problems with the MCS local network:
 LOST SI COMM #_ / LOST RO COMM #_–Generated when communications to a Sensor Input or Relay
Output board is lost. The number of the board will be displayed with the alarm. The system can be ac-
cessed but will be in a NO RUN- I/O LOST state.
 MCS-STAT OFFLINE – The Magnum has lost communications to the MCS-STAT.
 LOST IO SHUTDOWN – Generated when Magnum is running and there are no communications to one or
more of the I/O boards. The system can be accessed but will be in a NO RUN- I/O LOST state.
 LOST I/O RESTART – Generated when the Magnum does an automatic reset once I/O communications
are restored.

30.2.3 Key Sensors Alarms

These alarms indicate a problem with a key sensor, it is either shorted or open. The alarm will contain ALARM
followed by the 10-character name of the sensor. The following sensors related to the entire system are
 Leaving temperature: If failed, then Lock Out the system.
 Returning temperature: If failed, then alarm only no Lock Out.


 Ambient temperature: If failed, then alarm only no Lock Out.

The following compressor sensors are tested. If they fail, then that compressor only is locked out:
 Suction pressure and temperature
 Discharge pressure and temperature
 Oil pressure and temperature
 Motor temperature (if an analog input)
30.2.4 Emergency Stop Alarm
 EMERGENCY STOP – Generated when the emergency stop switch has been turned on. The system can
be accessed but is in a Lock Out state.
30.3. Setpoint safety alarms
The Magnum algorithm incorporates a number of safety checks, based on Setpoints, preventing unsafe con-
ditions that could potentially cause damage to the system. When a safety trips the circuit will be in a SAFETY
TRIPPED state. The circuit will remain in this state for the time in the ‘Safety Down Time (min)’ cell and then
move to the CMP ANTICYCLE or CMP IS OFF state where the compressor will be allowed to run again if
required. If the same safety trip occurs again within the time in the ‘Lockout Delay Hrs’ cell since the first trip,
the circuit will be set to CMP LOCKED OUT state, which requires a manual reset to restart the compressor. If
the lockout delay time is set to zero, the Magnum will generate a lockout condition the first time that the safety
30.3.1 Sensor Inputs Used With Magnum Setpoint Safeties:
 Suction Pressure(Analog or Digital)
 Discharge Pressure (Analog or Digital)
 Oil Pressure (Analog or Digital)
 Oil Differential Pressure (Calculated value)
 Oil Temperature (Analog or Digital)
 Discharge Temperature (Analog or Digital)
 Motor Temperature (Analog or Digital)
 Motor Amps (Analog or Digital)
 Motor Fault (Analog or Digital)
 Liquid Temperature (Analog Only)
 Compress Proof (Digital Only)
 Flow Switch (Digital Only)

30.3.2 Setpoint safeties

For a safety trip to occur, both the Sensor Input and the associated Setpoint must be active. If a safety trips, the
alarm name will consist of the Setpoint name plus additional identification such as point number, compressor
number, or 30 second history leading up to the trip if applicable.
Note: Most safeties are checked only if the compressor is running, however if the safety is always
checked it will be noted.
The following is a list of safeties that are incorporated in the standard chiller algorithm control. These safeties
are checked every second. For a system with multiple circuits, each one is tested individually. If a safety trip oc-
curs, only that respective compressor will be affected, the others will continue to function normally.
If the leaving temperature drops below the Setpoint value then the entire system will Lock Out and a FREEZE
alarm will be generated. There is also an option to have one freeze protect for each individual circuit. Refer to
Setpoint #111.
No Flow Protection
If a flow switch is used, then the entire system will be Locked Out if Setpoint #105 is active. If the Setpoint is

inactive, the Magnum will determine if there is a second pump, if so it will be started. Else, the system will shut
down and automatically restart when the flow switch is on, indicating flow has returned. There is also an option
to have a flow switch for each individual circuit. Refer to Setpoint #105.
Phase Loss Protection
Phase loss, as indicated by the phase loss monitor, will result in the entire system being Locked Off and a phase
loss alarm will be generated. If Setpoint #166 is inactive the Magnum will wait for 2 seconds before the Lock Out
occurs. The alarm will be PHASE LOSS and no restart will be attempted. If Setpoint #166 is active, the name of
the Setpoint will be in the message. Refer to Setpoint #166.
Low Differential Oil Pressure
This safety is designed to meet the compressor manufacturer requirements on oil pressure. For the first 5
seconds following a compressor start (60 seconds if Hitachi screw compressor) this safety is NOT checked. For
the next 30 seconds, if the oil differential pressure drops below ½ of the value of the Setpoint or the digital input
turns ON for the time specified in the ‘Time (sec)’ field of that Setpoint, then the circuit will be Locked Out and a
LOW OIL alarm generated. After this time period, if the oil differential pressure drops below the value of the Set-
point and it remains there for the time specified in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, then the compressor will be Locked Out
and a low oil alarm generated. This safety is checked for when the compressor is on and not in a Pump Down
state. Refer to Setpoint #91.
Low Suction Pressure
If the suction pressure drops below the value of the Setpoint or the digital input turns ON for the time specified
in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, the compressor will be locked out and a LOW SUCTION alarm generated. This safety
is bypassed when the compressor is in a Pump Down state. This safety can also be used as a freeze protection
based upon the suction pressure. When this safety trip occurs, all compressors in the same suction group will
react in the same manner. Refer to Setpoint #77.
Unsafe Suction Pressure
This safety is similar to the low suction pressure safety, except it is often set up with a lower value and a shorter
safety time. If the suction pressure drops below the value of the Setpoint or the digital input turns ON for the
time specified in the ‘Time (sec)’ field of that Setpoint, then the circuit will be Locked Out and a UNSAFE SUC-
TION alarm generated. This safety will always cause a Lock Out on the first trip, requiring a manual reset. This
safety is bypassed when the compressor is in a Pump Down state. When this safety trip occurs, all compressors
in the same suction group will react the same. Refer to Setpoint #80.
High Discharge Pressure (SAFETY IS ALWAYS CHECKED)
If the discharge pressure rises above the value of the Setpoint or the digital input turns ON for the time specified
in the ‘Time (sec)’ field of that Setpoint, then the circuit will be locked out and a HIGH DISCHARGE alarm gener-
ated. Refer to Setpoint #81.
Low Discharge Pressure
If the discharge pressure drops below the value of the Setpoint for the time specified in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, the
compressor will be Locked Out and a LOW DISCHARGE alarm generated. Refer to Setpoint #85.
High Discharge Temperature (SAFETY IS ALWAYS CHECKED)
If the discharge temperature analog input rises above the value of the Setpoint or the digital input turns ON for
the time specified in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, the compressor will be Locked Out and a HIGH TEMPERATURE
alarm generated. Refer to Setpoint #87.
High Motor Temperature or Motor Fault (SAFETY IS ALWAYS CHECKED)
If the high motor temperature input rises above the value of the Setpoint or the digital input turns ON for the time
specified in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, the circuit will be Locked Out and a HIGH MOTOR TEMPERATURE or MO-
TOR FAULT alarm generated. Refer to Setpoint #95.
High Oil Temperature
If the oil temperature rises above the value of the Setpoint or the digital input turns ON for the time specified
in the Time (sec)’ field, the compressor will be locked out and a HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE alarm generated.
Refer to section #94.
High Motor Amperage
If the amperage analog input rises above the value of the compressor’s respective FLA Setpoint #171 – 190
times the value of Setpoint #75 or the digital input turns ON for the time specified in the Time (sec)’ field, then

the circuit will be Locked Out and a HIGH MOTOR AMP alarm generated. Refer to Setpoint #75.
Low Motor Amperage
If the amperage analog input drops below the value of the compressor’s respective FLA Setpoint #171 – 190
times the value of Setpoint #76 or the digital input turns ON for the time specified in the Time (sec)’ field, then
the circuit will be Locked Out and a LOW MOTOR AMP alarm will be generated. Refer to Setpoint #76.
Voltage Sensor (08.00-R)
Up to three sensors that measure voltage input can be specified. If used, a safety condition based upon Set-
point #195 LOW VOLTAGE and Setpoint #196 HI VOLTAGE will be checked. If a safety trip occurs the unit will
be placed in a safety hold state.
Motor Amps (08.00-R)
Up to three sensors that measure amperage input can be specified per circuit. If used a safety condition based
upon Setpoints #75 HI AMPS and #76 LO AMPS, plus the associated Full Load Amps (FLA) for that circuit will
be checked. If a safety trip occurs, that circuit will be placed in a safety hold state.
Add an Amp Imbalance Safety Test to the existing Amp Safeties.(17.35)
All three Motor Amps (A, B, & C) sensors must be indicated and setpoint #241 must be active and be setup as
a normal safety and contain:
Type: Either Lockout or Alarm
Select Value: HUMD or %
Value: Maximum percentage of deviation
Time: Normal safety
Lockout Delay: Normal safety
Safety Down Time: Normal safety
This safety will be run every second when the compressor is on and the split winding relay is on if one exists
(same requirement as other amp safeties).
The three amp sensor values will be totaled and averaged. If any of the amp sensors are more than the percent-
age of the value of setpoint #241 difference from the average for more than the time specified in the time cell of
setpoint #241 the compressor will be tripped and the error message will be the name of setpoint #241 plus the
circuit number. The normal 2 trip logic will apply if the set point is a lockout type.
No Compressor Proof
If a compressor is called to be on and the compressor proof digital input is OFF, a NO COMP PROOF alarm will
be generated. Refer to Setpoint #96.
High Oil Seal Temperature (Screw Compressors only)
If the oil seal temperature analog input rises above the value of the Setpoint for the time specified in the Time
(sec)’ field, then the circuit will be Locked Out and a HIGH OIL SEAL alarm generated. This safety is bypassed
when the compressor is in a Pump Down state. Refer to Setpoint #93.
Dirty Oil Filter (Fixed Step Compressors only)
If the difference between the discharge pressures minus the oil pressure is above the value of the Setpoint for
the time specified in the Time (sec)’ field, a DIRTY OIL FILTER alarm will generate. Refer to Setpoint #97.
Low Discharge Superheat
If the discharge superheat is below the value in Setpoint for the time specified in the Time (sec)’ field, then the
circuit will be Locked Out and a LOW DISCHARGE SUPERHEAT alarm will be generated. Refer to Setpoint #84.

30.4. TurboCor Compressor Alarms

Inverter Temperature Fault (Hex code =0x0001)
The measured Inverter Temperature has exceeded either the Alarm or Fault limit, probably due to insufficient
inverter cooling.


Discharge Temperature Fault (Hex code =0x0002)

The measured Discharge Temperature has exceeded either the Alarm or Fault limit, probably due to insufficient
charge (not enough gas).
Suction Pressure Fault (Hex code =0x0004)
The measured Suction Pressure has exceeded either the Alarm or Fault limit, probably due to insufficient charge
or insufficient system load.
Discharge Pressure Fault (Hex code =0x0008)
The measured Discharge Pressure has exceeded either the Alarm or Fault limit, probably due to a faulty con-
denser. *Instantaneous lock out at fault level.
3 Phase Over Current Fault (Hex code =0x0010)
The estimated Mains Supply voltage has exceeded either the Alarm or Fault limit, probably due to excessive
system load on mains supply (usually the compressor is pumping liquid). *Instantaneous lock out at fault level.
Cavity Temperature Fault (Hex code =0x0020)
The measured Cavity Temperature has exceeded either the Alarm or Fault limit, probably due to insufficient mo-
tor cooling (shaft cavity).
Leaving Fluid Temperature Fault (Hex code =0x0040)
The measured Air / Water Temperature has exceeded either the Alarm or Fault limit, probably due to insufficient
air / water flow.
Pressure Ratio Fault (Hex code =0x0080)
The measured Compression Ratio of Discharge and Suction has exceeded either the Alarm or Fault limit, prob-
ably due to faulty condenser or insufficient load on the evaporator.
Generic Bearing/Motor/Compressor Fault (Hex code =0x0100)
If the Motor Fault Word, 40106, or the Bearing Fault Word, 40098, is different from 0, then the Generic Com-
pressor Fault is triggered.
Sensor Fault (Hex code =0x0200)
If the following measured degrees Celsius are surpassed, a Sensor Fault is triggered. The pressure values are
in kPa:
40105 Inverter Temperature>100 or < 0
40037 Cavity Temperature>100 or < -20
40034 Suction Temperature>100 or < -30
40036 Discharge Temperature>110 or < -30
40046 Leaving Water Temperature>100 or < -20
40031 Suction Pressure>1200 or < -30
40033 Discharge Pressure>3500 or < -30
SCR Temperature Fault (Hex code =0x0400)
The measured SCR Temperature has exceeded either the Alarm or Fault limit. Probably due to insufficient SCR
plate cooling.
Lock Out Fault (Hex code =0x0800)
If any (or a combination of) the Faults listed below occurs more than 3 times (reg. 40262) within 30 minutes (reg.
40263), a “Lock Out Fault” occurs:
• Inverter Temperature trip
• SCR Temperature trip
• Motor Current High trip
• Inverter Error Signal Active trip
• Rotor May Be Locked trip
• Motor Back emf trip

*Instantaneous lock outs:

•Discharge Pressure
•3 Phase Over-Current
Winding Temperature Fault (Hex code =0x1000)
The measured motor winding temperature has exceeded 155ºC.
Superheat Fault (Hex code =0x2000)
The Fault limit is based on the suction pressure and temperature values. There is no time delay on this fault or
alarm. The difference between the fault limit and alarm limit is the dead band for the control.
Reserved (Hex code =0x4000)
Reserved (Hex code =0x8000)


Chapter - 31. Troubleshooting Quick Reference

(A more detailed troubleshooting guide is available on our website: www.MCScontrols.com)
Magnum Simplified Description & Troubleshooting Rev 2.5


No Sensor + 5 vdc or sensor +5 Indicates a possible shorted input sensor
vdc output is less than 4.90 vdc. Remove all sensor terminal blocks.
Wait about 30 to 60 seconds. If + 5 vdc returns, replace one sensor wire at a time
until the + 5 vdc is lost again. This will be the shorted sensor.
A Sensor Input reads -99.9 This indicates an open Sensor Input signal or 5 VDC problem.
Check sensor wiring for missing wire or poor connection.
Check for faulty sensor.
Check + 5 vdc on Sensor Input to ground. If less than 5 VDC is on the sensor 5
VDC terminal block, the problem is with probably a shorted sensor. (A poly fuse
protects the board)
Remove all Sensor Input terminals.
Wait about 1 minute or until 5 VDC restored at Sensor Input.
Connect terminals 1 at time until short reappears and fix bad sensor.
A Sensor Input reads +999.9 This indicates a shorted Sensor Input signal.
Check sensor wiring for +5VDC shorted to signal etc.
Check for faulty sensor.
A pressure sensor is reading more This indicates the transducer Sensor Input needs to be calibrated through the off-
than 1 psi off set capability in the software. (Transducers by design need to be calibrated based
(The temperature and humidity on construction and altitude.)
sensors do not require calibration.) You must use the MCS-Connect with a valid Authorization code to change sensor
See MCS-Connect Interactive section for instructions. (Change SI Status, Manual
Value and / or offset.)
Invalid reading on one Sensor This indicates an input problem with 1 sensor.
Input. Verify jumper settings correct for that SI.
Lost I/O Indicates communications problem.
Verify RS485 LED blinking.
Verify termination jumper J6 only on at Magnum and last I/O.
Verify Magnum and I/O address’s set correctly.
Verify wiring from Magnum to each I/O correct.
Check fuses/120 VAC on I/O units
Lost I/O - Shutdown Alarm Sensor could be failing giving a Loss I/O shutdown alarm:
Possible cause of this alarm is a failing sensor input (SI) where the +5vdc has
been reduced to <3vdc.
Check the +5 to ground on each sensor board. When you have identified the SI
board with the problem remove each SI cable until you get +5vdc back. Replace
the failing sensor.



MCS-Connect cannot make This indicates you are not at a proper authorization level.
changes Follow steps below for proper authorization
From either the SITE INFO or STATUS screen in MCS-Connect, click the ‘View
Only’ button at the top of the screen, or click on the ‘Passwords’ menu option on
the lower right of your Keypad/LCD display.
Follow prompts and enter a valid 4-digit authorization number.
The authorization level is displayed at the top of the display and is reflected by the
color of the Authorization button.
Red = View Only
Light Blue = User level
Purple = Service level
Dark Blue = Supervisor level
Green = Factory level
Green = Admin
Invalid authorization This indicates an invalid authorization number.
Follow steps below for proper authorization
Press Service Diagnostics key until the authorization option appears
Press the Enter key
From the “Display Status” press keys corresponding to your authorization number.
Press Enter
SI from AMPS board 10 A low. This indicates a problem with this SI only.
Jumper setting on this SI in wrong position.
Incorrect sensor type used.
INVALID CONFIG VER Indicates layout of CFG wrong.
CFG layout for different version than software
INVALID CONFIG TYPE Indicates CFG incompatible with software.
INVALID CONFIG CHECKSUM Indicates Checksum invalid
Reload a valid CFG
Sensor input believed invalid (Un- Verify Berg jumpers using Quick Reference Sheets
der Sensor Diagnostic Sub Menu) Check board version number
Check wiring of sensor
Communications to MCS- Verify red LED on the gate way is blinking. This indicates that MCS-Connect is
485-GATEWAY from talking to the gateway.
MCS-Connect not working. Verify that the two wire shielded cable is properly wired from the RS-485 connec-
tor to the gateway.
Verify red LED (Located just to the left of the RS-485 connector on the Magnum
board is blinking. This indicates that the Magnum is responding to the gateway.
If both of these LED are blinking, check the address of the Magnum and any other
Magnums that are on the network. Each must have a unique address. This ad-
dress can be changed from the Magnum. Proper authorization is required. Enter
the UNIT INFORMATION screen by pressing the SERVICE DIAGNOSTIC key and
scrolling to this item. Press the enter key and scroll to the NETWORK ADDRESS
screen. Change address if needed.
Verify + 12 vdc to MCS-485-GATEWAY
INVALID CONFIG Indicates Checksum invalid
Either set to factory defaults on reset settings.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

Chapter - 32. Magnum Setpoints

# (Number)–From 1 to 255 (maximum number of Setpoints supported). Only active Setpoints will be displayed in
MCS-Connect and on the keypad display.

Name–The Setpoint’s name consists of up to 12 characters. The name is displayed following the number on the
LCD display. The Setpoint name can be changed to make it more meaningful to the current application, however the function of
the Setpoint will remain the same.

Value–The value or target of the Setpoint. With proper authorization this value can be changed, within limits that
have been established in MCS-Config.

Min–The minimum value that can be set. This field is not displayed and cannot be changed in MCS-Connect or in
the keypad display.

Max–The maximum value that can be set. This field is not displayed and cannot be changed in MCS-Connect or in
the keypad display.

Adjust Value–The interval that the value field can be changed by. This field is not displayed and cannot be
changed in MCS-Connect or in the keypad display.

‘Time (sec)’ – this field has two purposes:

1) In either a LOCKOUT or ALARM type; this is the length of time the Setpoint must be true before it will trip. This time is always
in seconds and it is displayed on the keypad display and MCS-Connect if the Setpoint is either a LOCKOUT or ALARM type.
This field can be changed in MCS-Connect and through the keypad.
2) In a non-safety type Setpoint this field can be used as an extra timer. This will be specified in the Setpoint definition if it is
Lockout Delay Hrs. – If a second safety occurs within this time, the unit or compressor will be locked out. This field is not
displayed and cannot be changed through MCS-Connect or in the keypad display.
Safety Down Time (min.) – After the first safety occurs the Magnum will wait this number of minutes before
the unit or associated compressor is allowed to run again.
Active or Non-Active – Only active Setpoints will be displayed in MCS-Connect or on the keypad display, but only if the
needed authorization level has been achieved.

Select Value: # decimals and print char – This indicates the number of decimal places and the unit character that
accompanies the value displayed. The number of decimal places is crucial when the Value, Minimum, and Maximum data is
entered in MCS-Config.

Level of Auth. To Display – This column indicates what authorization level a user must have in order to view the Setpoint
from MCS-Connect or the keypad display.

Comments – This column allows the user to add comments about the function of the Setpoint.
BMS Writeable (Click Here to Disable All) – The Magnum software will enable communications with an outside
source, building management system (BMS), to modify the value of a set point. Object is to provide maximum flexibility
and capability with an BMS.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

32.1. Setpoint Types

There are six different types of Setpoints. The Magnum software determines if a Setpoint contains a target
value or is a safety. If it is a safety then its type determines what action the Magnum will take when the safety
occurs (either locking out the unit or generating an alarm only).

This type of Setpoint contains a target or provides information for some action. The time element in this type can be
used for an additional counter if specified. This time is not displayed and cannot be changed through MCS-Connect or
from the keypad display.

32.1.2 LOCKOUT
This type of Setpoint contains a safety value and the time that the safety must be violated before the safety will trip.
Once a safety has tripped the Magnum will take the appropriate action, shutting down the entire package or an individual
compressor depending on the purpose of the safety. The Magnum will then wait the Safety Down Time contained in that
Setpoint before trying to return the normal. If successful, the system will continue to operate. If a second trip occurs on
the same Setpoint with in the Lock Out Delay Time that is contained in that Setpoint the system will move to a LOCKOUT
state. If the lockout delay time is set to zero the lockout will occur on the first trip. This requires manual intervention to
reset the system. With each safety trip, the Magnum will generate an alarm; refer to Magnum Alarms and Safeties.
Sec. to ignore safety - If this value is not zero, at compressor startup this safety will be ignored for the time in this field.
Window to extend Safety ‘Time (sec)’ – If this value is not zero, at compressor startup the normal Safety Time will be
increased by the value in Safety Time Extension field for the time specified in this field.
Safety Time Extension (Sec) – This is the value that will be added to the Safety Time during the Window to extend
Safety Time period.

32.1.3 ALARM
This type of Setpoint has two uses:
1) When it is used as a safety, it will be similar to the LOCKOUT Setpoint except it will never cause a lock out. The
system will continue to try returning to normal operation after waiting the safety down time. An ALARM Setpoint type will
never require manual intervention to reset the system.
2) When the Setpoint is being used as a second timer it will be available to change in a live unit. If the type is not
changed to ALARM then the time field cannot be viewed or changed from a live unit.
Sec. to ignore safety - If this value is not zero, at compressor startup this safety will be ignored for the time in this field.
Window to extend Safety ‘Time (sec)’ – If this value is not zero, at compressor startup the normal Safety Time will be
increased by the value in Safety Time Extension field for the time specified in this field.
Safety Time Extension (Sec) – This is the value that will be added to the Safety Time during the Window to extend
Safety Time period.
32.1.4 Time
This type of Setpoint allows the ‘Time (SEC)’ value to be displayed and modified in a live unit.

32.1.5 Target
This type of set point is used to develop a target with a high and low zone values.
The decimal characteristics of these values are the same as the Value field
High Zone – The value of this cell is added to the Value cell to create the high zone value.
Low Zone – The value of this cell is subtracted from the Value cell to create the low zone value.
Night Setback – If system has an unoccupied mode, this value is used to modify the value of the ‘Value’ cell.

32.1.6 Delay
This type of set point is used to develop a target with a high and low zone values.
The decimal characteristics of these values are the same as the Value field
High Zone – The value of this cell is added to the Value cell to create the high zone value.
Low Zone – The value of this cell is subtracted from the Value cell to create the low zone value.
Night Setback – If system has an unoccupied mode, this value is used to modify the value of the ‘Value’ cell.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

32.2. Window/Safety extension

32.2.1 Time and seconds to ignore for setpoints

• Seconds to ignore – This is the time in seconds to ignore the associated safety at compressor start up.
The window to extend safety time and safety time extension fields work together.

• Window to extend safety – This value in seconds is the time window when the compressor starts
that the safety time extension is added to the safety time(sec) value.

• Safety time extension – This value is the time that is added to the time(sec) value during the
window to extend safety time(sec) time.

Example – Unsafe suction setpoint has a 3 second safety trip. So if we add a 120 to our window to extend
safety, we will then be telling the controller at startup we’re going to extend that 3 second safety trip for 120
seconds. This is where the Safety time extension comes into play. If we put a 6 in this field we’re telling the
controller for the first 120 seconds at startup we’re extending the safety trip time to 9 seconds (3 second
trip plus the 6 second extension). Once the 120 seconds expires we will then revert back to a 3 second trip time
for the duration of the compressors run time till the next startup.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

32.3. Setpoints for Magnum HVAC

# Name Description
1 CTL TARGET Control target. This value is used as the base to develop the Control Zone when the unit
is in a cooling mode. Refer to setpoints #2 and #3.
The control target is used with the control zone and rate of change of the controlling sensor
to determine required action for the Magnum. The controlling sensor is usually one of the
Leaving Temperature – Most common used as a target, fitting for most applications.
Return Temperature – Used in sites with large air masses, ice rinks, common areas, etc.
Suction Pressure – Used in continuously running process systems.
‘Target’ - if used. will turn off all running compressors when the controlling sensor falls below
LOW ZONE column value.
NOTE: If using Setpoint#151, be sure the values don’t conflict.
2 CTL ZONE + Added to the CTL TARGET to create the upper limit of the control zone.
‘Time (sec)’ field: (Only accessed if CLLC control has been specified.) If this field is not
zero then multiple the value by this amount to develop the upper limit of control zone.
STAGE CUT OUT Offset used in calculating the cut out value. Subtracted from the stage cut in Setpoints
(Cut In/Out Control) #3 through #18. ‘Time (sec)’ = 0 for fixed staging, 1 for individual offsets
3 CTL ZONE - Subtracted from the CTL TARGET to create the lower limit of the control zone.
‘Time (sec)’ field: (Only accessed if CLLC control has been specified.) If this field is not
zero then multiply the value by this amount to develop the lower limit of control zone.
STAGE 1 CUT IN Stage 1 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
4 HGS TEMP ON This setpoint is used with compressors with a hot gas bypass solenoid to provide temperature
control for turning on the solenoid. When this setpoint is active and the control temperature
is less than the CTL TARGET plus the value in this setpoint and there is at least one
compressor running in this suction group or the FLA % is within the slide percentage
offset (refer to Time cell of this set point) of setpoint #31 “MIN SLIDE%”, the hot gas
bypass solenoid for the compressor will be turned on.
IF USING OFF- ‘Time (sec)’ field: Contains the minimum slide percentage offset to enable the HGB. If
SETS, SETPOINT non-zero, this value is added to setpoint #31 “MIN FLA%” to determine the range in
TYPE which to enable the HGB. If zero, then the default value of 20 is added.
IS SET TO ‘TIME’ For example, if this value is 10, then the HGB will enable when the compressors FLA%
is within 10% of setpoint #31 “MIN FLA%”. See setpoint #31 on how to setup as a target
type to get the hardcoded 20% out of the way.
STAGE 2 CUT IN Stage 2 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
5 HGS TEMP OFF This setpoint is used with compressors with a hot gas bypass solenoid to provide temperature
control for turning off the solenoid. When this setpoint is active and the control temperature
is greater than the CTL TARGET plus the value in this setpoint and there is at least one
compressor running in this suction group or the FLA % is not within the slide percentage
offset (refer to Time cell of this set point) of setpoint #31 “MIN SLIDE%”, the hot gas
bypass solenoid for the compressor will be turned off.
IF USING OFF- ‘Time (sec)’ field: Contains the minimum slide percentage offset to disable the HGB.
SETS, SETPOINT If non-zero, this value is added to setpoint #31 “MIN FLA%” to determine the range in
TYPE which to disable the HGB. If zero, then the default value of 30 is added. For example,
IS SET TO ‘TIME’ if this value is 15, then the HGB will disable when the compressors FLA% is 15% or
more above setpoint #31 “MIN FLA%”. See setpoint #31 on how to setup as a target
type to get the hardcoded 20% out of the way.
STAGE 3 CUT IN Stage 3 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
6 HGS PSI ON This setpoint is used with compressors with a hot gas bypass solenoid to provide pressure
control for turning on the solenoid. When this setpoint is active and the suction pressure is
less than the value of this setpoint and the FLA % is within offset of setpoint #31 “MIN
SLIDE%”, the hot gas bypass solenoid for the compressor will be turned on. (refer to
setpoint #4)
STAGE 4 CUT IN Stage 4 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
7 HGS PSI OFF This setpoint is used with compressors with a hot gas bypass solenoid to provide pressure
control for turning off the solenoid. When this setpoint is active and the suction pressure
is greater than the value of this setpoint or the FLA % is not within 25% of the setpoint
#31 “MIN SLIDE%”, the hot gas bypass solenoid for the compressor will be turned off.
(refer to setpoint #5)
STAGE 5 CUT IN Stage 5 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
8 L.INJECT.ON This set point is used to control all stages of liquid injection solenoids. (These must be
specified in the Liquid Injection column of the Circuit base screen.)
If active and type is TARGET:
Value: Liquid injection is turned on when the discharge temperature is greater than or
equal to this value, and is turned off when the discharge temperature is less than this
value minus the Injection Difference Temperature set point #113. Typically set at 10.0°F
(5.5°C). If there are two stages, the Second stage relay will be turned on when the
discharge temperature is greater than set point #8 plus 5°F (2.5°C). If the controlling
SUPER HEAT is 3x its target, LIQ INJ is turned ON and remains ON until the controlling
SUPER HEAT falls below 2x its target. High/Low zone cells are used to adjust these settings:
The adjustment multiplier on is the value in the High Zone cell if it is greater than 0; else
it is set to 3.
The adjustment multiplier off is the value in the Low Zone cell if it is greater than 0; else
it is set to 2.
If High/Low Zone equal 0:
The adjustment multiplier on is fixed at 3.
The adjustment multiplier off is fixed at 2.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If the first liquid injection solenoid has been on for a time greater than this
value, then turn on the second liquid injection solenoid. If 0 then there is no delay time.
STAGE 6 CUT IN Stage 6 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
9 SucSprHtTarg If EXV control is based upon superheat, this is the Superheat target that the Magnum
or will control from.
LEVEL TARGET If EXV control is based upon refrigerant level, this is the refrigerant level target that the
Magnum will control from.
‘Low Zone’ if nonzero then develop control super heat based upon the lowest superheat
of any compressor that is on with in this suction group else use the superheat of this
‘Time (sec)’ field: Seconds between samples used for calculating the Superheat Rate of
STAGE 7 CUT IN Stage 7 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
10 SPRHT ZONE +- The value in this setpoint is added and subtracted to setpoint #9 to determine the upper
and lower limits of the control zone respectively. Refer to section on EXV control.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If non-zero, skip ROC adjustment logic in the control zone.
Ki-IntegMult EXV PID Integral - Offset in Superheat= Current Superheat minus Target Superheat
(setpoint #9 value field) Value is the Fast Multiplier for Kp adjustments, setback is the
slow multiplier.
STAGE 8 CUT IN Stage 8 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
11 EXV LOAD ADJ The opening adjustment that will be made to the EXV percentage when the circuit
changes to the Loading state or the closing adjustment that will be made when the circuit
changes to the Unloading state. Refer to section on EXV control.
Note: In MOP hold state, only closing adjustments are allowed.
STAGE 9 CUT IN STAGE 9 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
12 EXV FINE ADJ The adjustment is made when in the 1st zone above or below the control zone. Refer to
section on EXV control.

Kp-PropMult EXV PID Proportional - Change in Superheat = Current Superheat minus last Super-
heat from 1 second ago (Rate of Change). Value is the Fast Multiplier for Kp adjust-
ments, setback is the slow multiplier.
STAGE 10 CUT IN Stage 10 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
13 EXV COURSE If a course adjustment to the EXV when in the 2nd zone above or below the control
zone. If the type is TIME and the time (SEC) field is greater than 1 and less than 7 then
multiple the value field by the time field else multiple by 2 for adjustment amount.
If a course adjustment to the EXV when in the 3rd zone above or below the control zone.
Multiple value by the by 2 for adjustment amount.
If a course adjustment to the EXV when above or below the 3nd zone the control zone.
The value is the adjustment amount.
Refer to section on EXV control. If a course adjustment to the EXV when in the 3rd zone
above or below the control zone. Multiple value by the by 2 for adjustment amount.
If a course adjustment to the EXV when above or below the 3rd zone the control zone.
The value is the adjustment amount. Refer to section on EXV control.
Kd-DerrMult EXV PID Derivative - Velocity of Superheat = Current Superheat minus the Superheat
from x seconds ago (setpoint #9 time seconds value). Value is the Fast Multiplier for Kp
adjustments, setback is the slow multiplier.
STAGE 11 CUT IN Stage 11 cut in, set point value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
14 EXV LOAD DIV The EXV slide adjustment can be fined tuned by dividing by the value of this set point.
Note the value of this set point is used regardless if the its is active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control.
Ka-AccMult EXV PID Acceleration - Change in Velocity = Current Kd minus the Kd from x seconds
ago (setpoint #9 time seconds value). Value is the Fast Multiplier for Kp adjustments,
setback is the slow multiplier.
STAGE 12 CUT IN Stage 12 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
15 ExvMinValve% This is the minimum valve position allowed when modulating the expansion valve.
This value should be set so when hot gas is applied the valve opening is adequate.
Note the value of this set point is used regardless if it is active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control. Note the value of this set point is used regardless if it is
active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control. Note the value of this set point is used regardless if it is
active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control.
STAGE 13 CUT IN Stage 13 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
16 ExvMaxValve% This is the maximum position allowed when modulating the expansion valve to maintain
the superheat target. This value should be the valve % opening at full capacity plus a 10
to 15 % margin.
Note the value of this set point is used regardless if the its is active or not.
Refer to section on EXV control.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
STAGE 14 CUT IN Stage 14 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
17 LoSucSuperHt If super heat is less or equal to this value and the control slope is less that the roc for
zone 3 make a slide adjustment of 3 times the value of set point #13.
If the calculated superheat remains below this value for the time specified in the Time
(SEC) cell, the Magnum will generate a LOW SUPERHEAT alarm.
Refer to section on EXV control.
STAGE 15 CUT IN Stage 15 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
18 LOWSUCPSI DLY Delay in seconds when in ‘Low Suction PSI Opening’, set point must be active, between
adjustments to the EXV valve.
Refer to section on EXV control..
STAGE 16 CUT IN Stage 16 cut in, Setpoint value contains the voltage when this stage is turned on.
(Cut In/Out Control)
19 EXV DELAY Delay in seconds between valve adjustments. Should not be less than 48. (When adjusting
at 4x this will allow 12 seconds for the controller to process the results of the last action
before making the next adjustment).
Refer to section on EXV control.
ExvKiDelay Delays valve from making a change that is set in the value field.

20 ExvStartup This is the time in seconds to hold the valve at the start % setpoint when the compressor
starts. Since the superheat calculation is not valid when the compressor is not running
the EXV logic sets the valve to a given position for a set time to allow the system to
develop a valid superheat.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If zero, then there is no delay when a compressor is ready to start.
If non-zero, this is the time delay in which the EXV valve is allowed to open before the
compressor starts.
Refer to section on EXV control.
21 MAX TRG RESET This set point is used to convert the voltage of a TARGET RESET type of sensor to a
temperature value. This value is used to adjust setpoint #1 “CTL TARGET”. The
Sensor Input value will vary between 0 and 5 volts and the adjustment to the control
target will be modulated from negative “MAX TRG RESET” to the positive “MAX TRG
RESET” value.
This set point is also used for regulating the maximum reset from the BMS. This limits
the offset from the target +/- BMS can write.
22 LOW AMP OFF When set up as a “Setpoint” type… the logic will disable the Chiller when the ambient
temp falls below the value of setpoint #22.
When set up as a “Delay” type, and a value of “1” is set in the “Max VFD Adjust” cell… the
logic will only disable mechanical cooling when the ambient temp falls below the value.
23 POWERUP DELAY If this set point is active the value will be the time in seconds that the system will remain
in the START UP state before moving to the next state. If inactive the startup delay will
be 60 seconds.
‘Time’: When set to CPM control the time field now becomes the delay before defaulting
to stand alone control on loss of communication from the CPM. This value can’t be set
below 30 seconds (hardcoded)
24 HIGH AMP OFF If active and the ambient temperature is above this value the system will be disabled the
compressor(s) and the unit state will be set to AMBIENT OFF. The unit will remain off
until the ambient temperature drops below this setpoint value by 5.0F (2.5C) or the value
of set point #191 if it is active.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
25 STEP SENSTIY The decrements to the time delay between making changes in the control algorithm is
based upon the difference between the target and control values. If the difference is
greater than 10 the delay will be reduced by 10. If less the delay will be adjusted by the
value of this set point. 1 is the fastest response, whereas higher numbers will mean a
more gradual response.
‘Time’(sec) field- if used, when the controlling temp sensor is in the control zone and
if step wanted on is greater than steps turned on, set steps wanted on equal to steps
turned on. Set Time column to a value of 1.
26 STEP DELAY Value: This is the time delay before making adjustments to the system capacity. Refer to
set point #25 for how this delay is decremented.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If used, this will force a minimum time delay between any two compressor
starts. This time delay is specified in the ‘Minimum Delay Between Compressor Starts’
box in the ‘Cooling Info’ panel under the MAG RTU screen.
27 MAX ROC - Compares the control value rate of change. Maximum negative Rate of Change allowed
before preventing the unit from loading. If the ROC is less than this value the capacity
control state is set to HOLDING.
28 MAX ROC + Compares the control value rate of change. Maximum positive Rate of Change allowed
before preventing the unit from unloading. If the ROC is greater than this value the capacity
control state is set to HOLDING.
29 ROC INTERV Seconds between samples used for calculating the Rate of Change. (Maximum 60 seconds)

30 MAX FLA% Indicates the maximum amp draw, slide %, digital scroll load%, or speed allowed.
or Usually set to 100%, else compressors will load to the value of this Setpoint until all
MAX SLIDE % steps are on, then the system will load to 100%.
or ‘Time (sec)’ field: If non-zero, then force individual compressors to stay at maximum
MAX CAPACITY% capacity when another compressor starts. This option is selected in the ‘Keep Running
or Comp at 100% when starting next?’ box in the ‘Compressor Information’ panel under the
MAX VFD % MAGNUM screen.
‘SEC to Ignore Safety’ field (Fully Loaded Screw Compressor logic): If non-zero, turn on
the load solenoid every 5 min for 5 seconds when fully loaded. If zero, then do not turn
on solenoid for 5 seconds every 5 minutes.
‘SEC to Ignore Safety’ field (Holding Screw Compressor logic): If non-zero, turn on the
load solenoid every 5 min for 5 seconds when holding. If zero, then do not turn on solenoid
for 5 seconds every 5 minutes.
31 MIN FLA% Value: Indicates the minimum amp draw, slide %, digital scroll load%, or speed allowed
or (usually 40%). This is where the slide valve or VFD will be set when the compressor is
MIN SLIDE % turned on. This % is a function of actual amp draw relative to the FLA.
or ‘Time (sec)’ field: If used, this forces a time delay before unloading all running compressors
MIN CAPACITY% before the next compressor is started. This time delay is specified in the ‘Unload Compressor
Before Starting Next’ box in the ‘Compressor Information’ panel under the MAGNUM screen.
Will Delay next compressor for this time after EVAP pump/valve is opened.
Target: If this set point is setup as a target type the value in the night setback column
will be added to the set point VALUE to allow safety unloading all the way down to this
value. This replaces a hardcoded 20%. This is also utilized in conjunction with hotgas
setpoints #4 and #5 on temperature.
32 MAX ADJUST % Value of set point contains the maximum percentage change that can be made to the
slide valve or VFD.
‘Time (sec)’ field: A zero indicates that the calculated FLA will be used; else the value
in setpoint #31 will be used when starting the next compressor. This value is specified
in the ‘Wanted FLA starting next Compressor’ box in the ‘Cooling Info’ panel under the
MAG RTU screen.
33 MIN ADJUST % Indicates the minimum percentage change that can be made to the slide valve or the
VFD. For Fixed Step Compressors with adjustable speed AO’s when returning to 100%
after shutting down another compressor, this Setpoint will be the percent of adjustment
along with Setpoint #56 “PULSE DELAY” which is the time frame between capacity

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
34 SLIDE SENSITY This controls the sensitivity of the adjustment made to the Wanted Percentage (adjustments
are relative to the difference between the current control sensor and target). The larger
the value the larger the adjustment (usually 1).
35 AMP DB HI Used only with screw and centrifugal compressors. If the set point type is “humidity”
then the upper dead band is value times the FLA for that circuit else the value is the
upper dead band limit of the FLA. If the amps are within the dead band, the slide valve
will not be moved.
If controlled by Slide Position, instead of FLA, this Setpoint will not be used.
36 AMP DB LO Used only with screw and centrifugal compressors. . If the set point type is “humidity”
then the lower dead band is value times the FLA for that circuit else the value is the
lower dead band limit of the FLA. If the amps are within the dead band, the slide valve
will not be moved.
If controlled by Slide Position, instead of FLA, this Setpoint will not be used.
37 LOAD PULSE Length of time to engage the slide valve load solenoid in tenths of a second (usually
between 1 and 9).
‘Time (sec)’ field: If non-zero, use this value as a multiplier to increase the load pulse
when the compressor’s amp draw is more than three times the value of Setpoint #36
‘SEC to Ignore Safety’ field: If zero, then use delay between pulses. If non-zero, then no
delay between pulses when the compressor’s amp draw is more than twice the value of
Setpoint #36 “AMP DB LO” away from the wanted FLA.
38 UNLOAD PULSE Length of time to engage the slide valve unload solenoid in tenths of a second (usually
between 1 and 9).
Optional: If compressor type is Hanbell 3 solenoid and Time (SEC) cell of Setpoint #38,
is not zero DO NOT turn the unload solenoid ON (which is normal) when the compressor
is in a fast unload state, pump down unloading state or for the first 15 minutes after the
compressor is turned off.
39 LUBE OIL TMP If a compressor is running this set point is used as a safety. If oil temperature is less than
the value for the time specified then generate an alarm.
The oil must reach this temperature before the system will move out of the LUBE state.
If the oil temperature is below this value before the compressor begins its startup sequence,
the circuit will be placed in the OFF-LO OIL TMP state.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If in LUBE state, the compressor type is centrifugal, and this field is
equal to 0 then the calculated oil temperature shut down is the saturated suction temperature
plus the value of this setpoint, else it is simply the value of this setpoint. This option is
selected in in the ‘Lube State Oil Setpoint’ box in the ‘‘Cooling Info’ panel under the
MAG RTU screen.
40 LUBE OIL PSI The oil must reach this pressure differential between low and high oil pressure before
the circuit will move out of the LUBE state.
41 LUBE DELAY This is the maximum time that a compressor can be in the LUBE state. When this time is
exceeded, an alarm is generated and the compressor is locked out. Both the oil temperature
and pressure must be satisfied before the LUBE state will be exited. Refer to the OIL
42 HI WATER TMP If active, the control sensor’s value will be compared to the value of this Setpoint. If
it exceeds this temperature for the time specified in the ‘‘Time (sec)’ field’ a HI WATER
TMP alarm will be generated. No lockouts will occur. This alarm will repeat if the control
value drops .5° below this Setpoint and then rises above it again.
43 CENT P-DWN FLA Only used with variable compressors. If active, this will be the threshold for ending the
pump down state, the FLA Setpoint for that compressor will be multiplied by this value,
it will be treated as a percentage. If the Setpoint is inactive then the FLA Setpoint for that
compressor will be used.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
44 Only used for Cent. Not used

45 CND STG1 ON When the discharge pressure is above this value, turn on the first stage of the condenser fans.
(RO Type) ‘Time (sec)’ field: (Applies to compressors with shared condensers) If non-zero, then
the compressor in start-up state will not be in sole control of the condenser fans, it will
control off of highest discharge pressure. If zero, then compressor in start-up will have sole
condenser control for 5 minutes. This option is selected in the ‘Newly started Comp Controls
Common Fan Bank’ box in the ‘Condenser Information’ panel under the MAGNUM screen.
PID MOD Individual If active, the value is the multipiler for the Proportional(Kp) adjustment,
PID MOD Step Setup as Setpoint Type
46 CND STG1 OFF If stage 1 of condenser capacity is on and the discharge pressure drops below this value,
(RO Type) then turn this stage off.
PID MOD Individual If active, uses Multiplier for Ki adjustments (Integral Time Delay).
PID Step Common Setup as Time Field
47 CND DIFF ON Differential pressure added to Setpoint #45 to set the threshold at which each additional
(RO Type) stage of condenser capacity will turn on.
PID MOD Individual If active, use Multiplier for Kd adjustments, Setup as Time Field-
PID MOD Step Time (sec) field is ROC window
48 CND DIFF OFF Differential pressure added to Setpoint #46 to set the threshold at which each additional
(RO Type) stage of condenser capacity will turn off.
CND ADJ DELAY If active this is the time in seconds between condenser adjustments to the AO. If inactive,
(Modulating Type) then 30 seconds will be used as the delay.
If type is DELAY: (required for condenser relay delays).
-MIN VFD Opening cell contains the time delay between turning on a relay and moving
the AO to its minimum position (Setpoint #52).
-MAX VFD Opening cell contains the time delay between turning off a relay and moving
the AO to 100%.
DUAL PSI DELTA Minimum difference in pressure before the second stage of condenser capacity can be
(Dual V8) started.
49 CND MIN RUN Once a condenser stage has been turned on, it will remain on for at least the amount of
(RO Type) minutes specified in this Setpoint.
Time (SEC) column number is used to designate Cond Fan AO stage.
Inactive with value of 0, min of 0 and max of 0, in all config files.
DUAL TIME DELAY Time delay once the pressure difference in Setpoint #48 has been reached before the
(Dual V8) second condenser stage can be started.
CND START % If active, then starting value for condenser when called for.
(Modulating Type)
50 CND TRGT Target logic will try to maintain modulating the AO.
(Modulating Type) SP must be set up as target type and use the Hi/Low zones for the target control zone.
If target type in Heat Pump mode, setback is added to target.
LO AMB SUMP OFF If active and ambient temperature is less than the value of this Setpoint, then the sump
(RO Type) pump relay will be locked off if it is the starting condenser Relay Output. When the
ambient temperature rises above the value of this Setpoint plus two times the value in
Setpoint #192 “FRZ TEMP DIFF” if active (hard coded 15°F if inactive), then the sump
pump relay will be allowed on again.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
51 CND ADJ DIV Controls scaling of the amount the AO is adjusted (usually 1). The larger the number the
(Modulating Type) smaller the AO adjustment as the adjustment will be divided by this value.
CND VFD MIN If there is a VFD associated with the condenser, this is the starting minimum speed.
‘Time (sec)’ field: This field contains the condenser stage that must be on before the
VFD is modulated.
52 CND MIN % Minimum AO % allowed.
(Modulating Type) If compressor is off, then check the “Time (SEC)” field:
If 0, then the AO % will be set to the value of this Setpoint. If 2 and the run/stop is set to
run, then set the AO % to 100%, else set the AO % to 0%. This option is selected in the
“Default Valve Opening % when Comp. is OFF” box in the condenser information section
in the MAG HVAC screen.
53 CND ROC Maximum negative rate of change allowed. If the rate of change is less than this Setpoint,
(Modulating Type) then stop modulating the AO. The absolute value of this Setpoint also serves as the
maximum positive rate of change allowed. If the rate of change is greater than the
absolute value of this Setpoint, then stop modulating the AO.
54 CND MIN SPD Minimum speed percentage for variable speed condenser control.
(RO Type)
CND ADJ MULT Controls scaling of the amount the AO is adjusted. The larger the number the larger the
(Modulating Type) AO adjustment as the adjustment will be multiplied by this value.
55 CND MAX SPD Maximum speed percentage for variable speed condenser control.
(RO Type)
CND MIN ADJ (Mod- The value in this Setpoint is the minimum % the AO will be modulated when a change is
ulating Type) made.
56 PULSE DELAY Used with variable capacity screws. The number of seconds between load or unload
pulses (Usually between 3 and 5. Allows load change to be checked before next pulse
and eliminates oil foaming when unloading too fast).
‘Time (sec)’ field: If used, this is the fast unloading state time delay. This option is se-
lected in in the ‘Fast Unload Delay’ box in the ‘Compressor Information’ panel under the
MAG- NUM screen.
For Fixed Step Compressors with adjustable speed AO’s when returning to 100% after
shutting down another compressor, this Setpoint will be the time frame between capacity
adjustments along with Setpoint #33 “MIN ADJUST %” which is the percent of adjust-

57 LO AMB PROC When this Setpoint is active and there is a process pump, the process pump will be
turned on when the ambient temperature is less than the value of this Setpoint. The
process pump will be turned off again when the ambient temperature is 5.0° Fahrenheit
greater than the value of this Setpoint.
58 CFG TESTING This must be setup as ‘Not Used’. If active the system will not lockout when an I/O
communications signal is lost. This Setpoint should NOT be active in a live unit.
59 ACYC OFF->ON This is the anti-cycle time delay (in seconds) from when the compressor was turned
off. This value is used in a calculation to determine how long a compressor should be
in the anti-cycle state. Refer to the Standard Control Options in manual, Compressor
Anti- Cycle Logic (OFF to ON).
60 MITSI P-DWN If the compressor is a Mitsubishi, is being unloaded, and the suction pressure is greater
CUTIN than this Setpoint, then the compressor will be forced to pump down. NOTE: this value is
used whether the Setpoint is active or inactive.
61 PMP DWN OFF This is the suction pressure value for turning off the compressor when in the PUMP
DOWN or for opening the liquid line solenoid during the PRE-PUMP down state.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
62 PMP DWN DELY Maximum time delay (in seconds) that a compressor can remain in the PUMP DOWN or
PRE-PUMP down states. The Time in sec field specifies the time the unit will remain in
unloading before shutting off the LLS & EXV and pumping down.
63 ACYC ON->ON This is the anti-cycle time delay (in seconds) from when the compressor was turned
on. This value is used in a calculation to determine how long a compressor should be
in the anti-cycle state. Refer to the Standard Control Options section 5.11, Compressor
Anti-Cycle Logic (ON to ON).
64 COMP MIN RUN This is the minimum run time (in minutes) for a compressor once it is turned on. This
mini- mum run time can be overridden by a safety condition, however.
65 EXV ZONE1 Temperature differential used to build the EXV Zone 1 both plus and minus.


Setup as Target
66 EXV ZONE2 Temperature differential that is used to build the EXV Zone 2 both plus and minus.
Temperatures above this zone are considered in zone 3.
ZONE- Setup as Target
67 The EXV control logic will compare the value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate
of change to determine the valve adjustment when the temperature is within the EXV
control zone.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: The minimum time delay between EXV adjustments
when in the EXV control zone.

68 EXV ROC ZONE1 The EXV control logic will compare the value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of
change to determine the valve adjustment when the temperature is within zone 1.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: This is the minimum time delay between EXV adjustments
when in the EXV control zone 1. If this Setpoint is inactive then the ROC for this zone is
0 and the delay is 15 seconds.
69 EXV ROC ZONE2 The EXV control logic will compare the value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of
change to determine the valve adjustment when the temperature is within zone 2.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: This is the minimum time delay between EXV adjustments
when in the EXV control zone 2. If this Setpoint is inactive then the ROC for this zone is
0 and the delay is 15 seconds.
SCExvKAccel Setup as Target

70 EXV ROC ZONE3 The EXV control logic will compare the value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of
change to determine the valve adjustment when the temperature is within zone 3.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: This is the minimum time delay between EXV adjustments
when in the EXV control zone 3. If this Setpoint is inactive then the ROC for this zone is
0 and the delay is 15 seconds.

71 EXV TOO FAST When the superheat is with the control zone, the EXV control logic will compare the
value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of change to determine the valve adjustment
when the temperature is within the zone and rising too fast.
‘Safety Down Time (MIN)’ field: This is the minimum time delay between EXV adjustments if
the rate of change is too fast when in EXV control zones 1 or 2. If this Setpoint is inactive
then the ROC for this zone is 0 and the delay is 15 seconds.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
72 EXV CHANGING When the superheat is with the control zone, the EXV control logic will compare the
value of this Setpoint to the temperature rate of change to determine the valve adjustment
when the temperature is within the zone and rising.
SCExvStartup Setup as Setpoint

73 STARTER DLAY This Setpoint controls the start of a compressor’s second relay.
If the ‘Select Value: # decimals & print char’ cell is set to ‘HUMD or %’ then logic is:
If First Compressor Relay has been on longer than 2 seconds and the FLA% goes
below the value of this setpoint or is still above the value but reaches the time value in
the safety time field than turn on the second relay. (If the low zone field is zero use the
hardcoded 2 seconds belay at start. If greater than zero use that valve).
Setpoint Information Screen, if the ‘Select Value: # decimals & print char’ cell is set
to ‘Seconds’ then the Setpoints value is a time delay between the first and second relay’s
start. Used for part wind (typical value of 1) and star delta (typical value of 5) starter.
starts. Used for part wind (typical value of 1) and star delta (typical value of 5) starter.
74 OIL PUMP OFF If oil pump is set up to cycle and discharge psi minus, etc.(specified in MCS-Config), this
Setpoint is not used.
If Discharge PSI minus Suction PSI is less than Setpoint #74 minus 10 PSI than
turn on the oil pump RO.
If Discharge PSI minus Suction PSI is greater than Setpoint #74, turn off the oil pump RO.
75 HI AMPS This Setpoint is a percentage of the FLA; it is used to create the high amp draw limit.
The value of this Setpoint is multiplied by the respective compressor’s full load amps
Setpoint (#171 through #190) to obtain its upper limit. If the compressor’s amps exceed
this value for the time specified in this Setpoint, then a safety trip occurs.
Hi amp unloading logic. If amp reading exceeds half way point between FLA set point
and Hi amp FLA %, compressor will unload and enter Hi amp unloading state. Compressor
will remain in this state and unload until the amp reading is less than or equal to 100% of
FLA set point.
76 LO AMPS This Setpoint is a percentage of the FLA; it is used to create the low amp draw limit.
The value of this Setpoint is multiplied by the respective compressor’s full load amps
Setpoint (#171 through #190) to obtain its lower limit. If the compressor’s amps fall
below this value for the time specified in this Setpoint, then a safety trip occurs.
77 LOW SUCTION If active, the Magnum checks for low suction pressure for each running compressor. If
suction pressure is less than this value for the specified period of time, a safety trip
occurs. Refers to ‘Suction Pressure’ column in the Circuit SI screen.
78 LO SUCT UNLD The purpose of this Setpoint is to take corrective action to prevent a low suction pressure
safety trip. For fixed step compressors: If a compressor has more than one step, is fully
loaded, and if the suction pressure is less than the value of Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION”
plus the value of this Setpoint, then one step of capacity will be turned off. For variable
step compressors: If a compressor has a suction pressure less than the value of
Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION” plus the value of this Setpoint, then the compressor
will be forced to unload. The circuit state will be changed to LO SUCT HOLD, and will
remain in this state for a minimum of the time in Setpoint #101 “SAFETY HOLD DELAY”.
At that time, if the suction pressure has increased greater than the value of Setpoint #77
“LOW SUCTION” plus the value of Setpoint #79 “LOW SUCT RELD” the compressor will
return to normal control.
Time (SEC) column contains delay before Lo Suct PSI unloading. Used with unit that
has EXV logic. This delay before unloading allows the “Low suction PSI opening” EXV
control state to open the valve to increase pressure.
79 LOW SUCT RELD Refer to Setpoint #78 description.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
80 UNSAFE SUCT If active, the Magnum checks for unsafely low suction pressure for each running
compressor. If suction pressure is less than this value for the specified period of time a
lockout occurs (can configured as a regular safety with automatic reset if ‘Setpoint Type’
is Setpoint instead of Lockout). NOTE: The time period specified should be very short
(2-5 seconds). If this Setpoint trips, the compressor will be sent straight to the Lockout state.
Refers to ‘Suction Pressure’ column in the Circuit SI screen.
81 HI DISC PSI If active, the Magnum checks for high discharge pressure for each running compressor.
If the discharge pressure sensor reads greater than this Setpoint for the specified period
of time, a safety trip will occur.
Refers to ‘Discharge Pressure’ column in the Circuit SI screen.
82 HI DISC UNLD The purpose of this Setpoint is to take corrective action to prevent a high discharge pressure
safety trip. For fixed step compressors: If a compressor has more than one step, is fully
loaded, and if the discharge pressure is more than the value of Setpoint #81 “HI DISC
PSI” minus the value of this Setpoint, then one step of capacity will be turned off. For
variable step compressors: If a compressor has a discharge pressure more than the
value of Setpoint #81 “HI DISC PSI” minus the value of this Setpoint, then the compressor
will be forced to unload. The circuit state will be changed to HI DISC HOLD, and will
remain in this state for a minimum of the time in Setpoint #101 “SAFETY HOLD DELAY”.
At that time, if the discharge pressure has decreased below than the value of Setpoint
#81 “HI DISC PSI” minus the value of Setpoint #83 “HI DISC RELD” the compressor
will return to normal control.
83 HI DISC RELD Refer to Setpoint #82 description.

84 LO DISC SHEAT If the calculated discharge superheat is less than this value for the specified period of
time, a safety trip will occur. Also, there is an option in the Circuit Base screen to tie
a Relay Output to this Setpoint that will activate whenever a low discharge superheat
condition occurs. A Low Discharge Superheat condition can also put the circuit into a ‘HI
DISC UN- LOAD’ state where the compressor will unload to try to raise the superheat.
If economizer is being used, when the discharge superheat goes below the value for the
safety time / 9 the economizer is turned off.
85 LO DISC PSI If active, the Magnum checks for low discharge pressure. If the discharge sensor reading
is less than this value for the specified period of time, a safety trip occurs.
86 HI RETURN TEMP Only active in Mitsubishi compressors. If active the Magnum will check for high
entering liquid temperature. If this temperature is greater than the value in this Setpoint,
the circuit state will be HI WATER HOLD.
87 HI DISC TMP If active, the Magnum checks for high discharge temperature for each compressor.
If the discharge temperature sensor reading is greater than this Setpoint for the specified
period of time, a safety trip will occur.
Refers to ‘Discharge Temperature’ column in the Circuit SI screen.
88 DIS TMP UNLD The purpose of this Setpoint is to take corrective action to prevent a high discharge
temperature safety trip. For fixed step compressors: If a compressor has more than one
step, is fully loaded, and if the discharge temperature is more than the value of Setpoint #87
“HI DISC TMP” minus the value of this Setpoint, then one step of capacity will be turned
off. For variable step compressors: If a compressor has a discharge temperature more
than the value of Setpoint #87 “HI DISC TMP” minus the value of this Setpoint, then the
compressor will be forced to unload. The circuit state will be changed to HI DISC HOLD,
and will remain in this state for a minimum of the time in Setpoint #101 “SAFETY HOLD
DELAY”. At that time, if the discharge temperature has decreased below than the value
of Setpoint #87 “HI DISC TMP” minus the value of Setpoint #89 “HDISC T RELD” the
compressor will return to normal control.
89 DIS TMP RELD Refer to Setpoint #88 description.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
90 COND FAULT For Condensers with Fault Indicators: If Setpoint is active, a condenser fault occurs,
and the Setpoint type is Alarm, then an alarm message will be generated. If the type is
Lock-out, and a condenser fault occurs, then all of the compressors associated with this
fault will be locked off.
For Common VFD Fan Condensers with Bypass: Time in seconds before the bypass
can be used when a fault has occurred.
91 LOW OIL DIF If active, the Magnum checks for low differential oil pressure. If the calculated differential
oil pressure is less than this value for the specified period of time, a safety trip occurs.
Refers to ‘Oil Pressure’ column in the Circuit SI screen.
92 UNSAFE OIL If active, the Magnum checks for unsafe differential oil pressure. If the calculated differential oil
pressure is less than this value for the specified period of time, a lockout occurs.
NOTE: The time period specified should be very short (2-5 seconds). If this Setpoint
trips, the compressor will be sent straight to the Lockout state.
Refers to ‘Oil Pressure’ column in the Circuit SI screen.
93 HI OIL SEAL Only used with screw or centrifugal compressors. If the oil seal or oil cooler temperature
exceeds the value of this Setpoint for the time specified, a safety trip occurs.
Refers to ‘Oil Seal Temp’ column in Circuit SI screen.
94 HI OIL TEMP If active, the Magnum checks for high oil temperature. The sensor can be either an analog
or digital input. If the oil temperature sensor reading is ON (Digital) or exceeding the
temperature value of this Setpoint (Analog) for the specified period of time, a safety trip
Refers to ‘Oil Temp’ column in the Circuit SI screen.
95 MOTOR FAULT If active, the Magnum checks for high motor temperature. The sensor can be either an
analog or digital input. If the motor temperature sensor reading is ON (Digital) or exceeding
the temperature value of this Setpoint (Analog) for the specified period of time, a safety
trip occurs.
Refers to ‘Motor Temp’ column in the Circuit SI screen.
96 NO CMP PROOF If active, when the compressor is called to be on by the controller, the Magnum will
check for a digital input to indicate that the compressor is indeed running. If the controller
calls for a compressor to turn on and no proof is given in the specified period of time, a
safety trip occurs.
Refers to ‘Comp Proof’ column in the Circuit Base screen
97 DIRTY FILTER Only used for screw compressors. If discharge pressure minus oil filter pressure is great-
er than this value for the time specified, a safety trip occurs.
98 LLS#2 ON This Setpoint is used to control a second liquid line solenoid. When the actual circuit
capacity is greater than this value (can either be number of steps for Fixed Step
compressors, or percentage of full load amps for Variable Step compressors) for the
number of seconds in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, the second liquid line solenoid will open.
When the actual circuit capacity falls below this value minus the ‘Lockout Delay Hrs.’
Field, then the second liquid line will be turned off.
‘Time (sec)’ field: The delay in seconds before the solenoid will be turned on. If zero,
then there will be no delay.
‘Lockout Delay Hrs.’ Field: Offset that will be subtracted from the value of this Setpoint.
When the actual circuit capacity falls below this offset, the solenoid will be turned off.
If zero, then an offset of 20% will be used.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
99 LLS#3 ON This Setpoint is used to control a third liquid line solenoid. When the actual circuit
(ECONOMIZER) capacity is greater than this value (can either be number of steps for Fixed Step
compressors, or percentage of full load amps for Variable Step compressors) for the
number of seconds in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, the third liquid line solenoid will open. When
the actual circuit capacity falls below this value minus the ‘Lockout Delay Hrs.’ Field,
then the third liquid line will be turned off.
‘Time (sec)’ field: The delay in seconds before the solenoid will be turned on. If zero,
then there will be no delay.
‘Lockout Delay Hrs.’ Field: Offset that will be subtracted from the value of this Setpoint.
When the actual circuit capacity falls below this offset, the solenoid will be turned off.
If zero, then an offset of 20% will be used.
If the LO DISC SHEAT Setpoint #84 is active and the discharge superheat goes below
the value in this Setpoint for the safety time / 9, the economizer will be turned off.
100 HIGH SUMP TEMP If active, and sump temperature is above the value of this Setpoint for the time specified,
a HIGH SUMP TEMP alarm is generated and the unit is locked out.
101 SAFETY HOLD Time in seconds that the circuit will remain in a hold state after the condition that caused
DELAY it has returned to normal. The circuit can be holding for the following reasons:
„„ Low suction pressure
„„ Low refrigerant temperature
„„ High discharge pressure
„„ High discharge temperature
„„ High amperage
102 PUMP FREEZE If active, and the leaving temperature sensor is below the value of this Setpoint, a pump
PROTECTION will be forced on to protect against freezing. The leaving temperature must rise above
this Setpoint plus Setpoint #192 “FRZ TMP DIFF” to turn the pump off again.
103 LEAD COMP If type is Setpoint: Enables the user to specify the lead compressor. The value of this
Setpoint will indicate the lead compressor. If zero, then auto rotation is enabled.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If non-zero, the compressor with the least amount of run time will be-
come the lead upon rotation.
If type is Target and the value is 0: Indicates that special rotation for dual barrel systems
will be used. Refer to section on Custom Rotation.

104 COMP ROTATION Specifies the number of days between rotations (Setpoint #103 must be set to zero to
en- able auto rotation). If zero, then rotation will occur with every cycle.
105 PUMP FAILURE If active, flow is lost, and only one pump is present, then the system will be locked out. If
(NO FLOW) the system has two pumps and flow is lost, then the backup pump will start and the lead
pump will be locked out. If the second pump is running and flow is lost again then the
entire system will be locked out. A lock out reset will be required to restart the system or
to reactivate a locked out pump.
If inactive, and the flow is lost, the system will move to the OFF- NO EVAP FLOW state.
When flow is returned the system will automatically restart.
If looking at individual pumps for each circuit in the Circuit base, make this Setpoint a
“Lockout”. If flow is not made within the value of this Setpoint the first time than, an alarm
will be generated. The system counts through the value of this Setpoint a second time,
if flow is made then the unit will run as normal. If flow is not made the second time, the
pump and all associated compressors for that circuit will be locked out.
If the setpoint lockout delay (hrs) is set to 0 then the circuit will LOCK OUT on the first
NO FLOW proof.
106 LEAD PUMP Indicates which pump is the lead. If zero, then rotation of the pumps will occur whenever
the lead pump is turned off. If no rotation has occurred during the current day, a forced
rotation will occur at midnight, ensuring at least one rotation per day. If value is non-zero,
then rotation of the pumps is inactive and the value will specify the lead pump. This Setpoint
can be changed in a live unit and the appropriate action will be taken immediately.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
107 EcoDelayMech Seconds to delay after the economizer is fully loaded, valve opened to its maximum, and
all associated fans are on before the mechanical cooling is enabled. If inactive, then the
value of Setpoint #125 “Eco StageDly” will be used for this delay.
‘Time (sec)’ field: This value is used as a multiplier in the calculation that determines
when it is too cold to use economizer cooling. If the control temperature drops below
Setpoint #1”CTL TARGET” minus (‘Time (sec)’ field of this Setpoint multiplied by the
value of Set- point #3 “CTL ZONE -“) then shut off all economizer cooling. If the value in
this ‘Time (sec)’ field is zero, a hardcoded 3 will be used instead.
108 PUMP DELAY Time in seconds to keep the chilled water pump running after the last compressor has
been turned off to ensure the chiller barrel does not freeze.
109 HiRefLevel This Setpoint has two functions.
If active, the Magnum checks for high refrigeration level. If the refrigeration level sensor
is above this value for the specified period of time, a safety trip occurs.
If active, system has EXV valve control based on refrigerant level, and the refrigerant
level is greater than this value, then the EXV valve adjustment will be set to the value in
Setpoint #13 “EXV COURSE” * ( –3).
Refers to ‘Refrig Level’ column in the Circuit SI screen
110 RefLvlExvAdj If Setpoint #84 “LO DiscSPRHT” is active and it has reached one third of its safety time,
(EXV Control: then Setpoint #9 “REF LVL TRG” will be set to the value of this Setpoint. The purpose is
Refrigerant Level) to decrease the EXV valve opening to avoid a low discharge superheat safety trip.
This change will be updated in the Setpoint status value.
DSprhtExvAdj If Setpoint #84 “LO DiscSPRHT” is active and it has reached one third of its safety time,
(EXV Control: then Setpoint #9 “SUPERHT TRGT” will be increased by the value of this Setpoint.
Dis- charge or The purpose is to decrease the EXV valve opening to avoid a low discharge superheat
Suction Superheat) safety trip.
111 FREEZE If active, the Magnum will compare the leaving temperature to this Setpoint. If it is less
than this value for the specified period of time, a safety trip occurs.
112 NO STOP This Setpoint is used to ensure that a compressor is actually off when the controller calls
for it to be off. This Setpoint contains a percentage of the FLA for Setpoints #171-189.
If the compressor amperage is greater than this percentage of the FLA Setpoint for the
specified period of time, signaling that the compressor is still running, then the entire
system is locked out and a NO STOP alarm is generated. If a Control Power relay is
specified, then it will be turned off when this safety trips.
113 OIL INJ TEMP DIFF This is a temperature differential subtracted from Setpoint #8 to control the oil injection
relay. When discharge temperature is above this differential, then oil injection is turned
on. If inactive then value will be 5.6° F (2.8° C).
114 OIL TEMP DIFF This is a temperature differential used in controlling the oil heater and second liquid line
solenoid. If inactive then value will be set to 5° F.
115 EcoVFDfanDely If active, and the fluid cooler has a VFD condenser fan, this Setpoint will be the time in
seconds between adjustments to the VFD. If inactive, then the value of Setpoint #124
“EcoVlvAdjDly “will be used for this delay timer.
116 Defrost On Temp Only used in Turbo Ice Machines. When control temperature falls below this value, then
a defrost cycle begins. When the temperature rises .5° F above this value then the defrost
cycle will be terminated.
117 Defrost On Delay Only used in Turbo Ice Machines. Time in seconds of predefrost delay.

118 Defrost On Cycle Only used in Turbo Ice Machines. Time in defrost cycle for each circuit.

119 EcoOffsetON Temperature offset to determine when the economizer can be used. The ambient
temperature must be less than Setpoint #1 “CTL TARGET “minus the value of this
Setpoint for the economizer to begin.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
120 Eco Stg Dely Once the economizer valve has been opened to its maximum and all fans associated
only with it have been turned on, the economizer function will wait this time in seconds
before the first condenser fan is turned on or VFD is set to its minimum position.
The minimum setting of the VFD is the value of Setpoint #54 “CND MIN SPD”.
120 H-PMP SW TIME Time delay for switching between heating and cooling modes for heat pumps.

121 Eco MIN VLV% Minimum Economizer Analog Output valve percentage. This will be the value used when
first starting the economizer function as well as the lowest level before turning off. This
Setpoint must be active to indicate that the Economizer AO option is active.
122 Eco MAX VLV% Maximum Economizer Analog Output valve percentage.

123 Eco MAX ADJ Maximum adjustment to the Economizer Analog Output valve percentage with each
calculation. Formula:[absolute value of(Target – current) * Multiplier Setpoint #126] /
Divisor Setpoint #127
124 EcoVlvAdjDly Delay between Economizer Analog Output valve adjustments.

125 Eco StageDly Time delay between economizer reaching its maximum opening and turning on the
associated condenser fans.
If no condenser fans associated, then this Setpoint needs to be 0 and non-active.
126 Eco MULTI Multiplier to scale adjustments to the Economizer Analog Output valve percentage.
The difference between the control sensor and its target will be multiplied by this value.
127 Eco DIVIDE Divisor to scale adjustments to the Economizer Analog Output valve percentage.
The difference between the control sensor and its target will be divided by this value.
128 Lost Leg Alarm If active, a check for a lost leg (lost current flow) on a part winding starter is added. A
(Only HVAC) current sensor will be placed on only one of the legs; it must be set up to be multiplied
by 2 in MCS-Config (select CT-### x2 as the sensor in the SI screen). If current flow to
the leg with the sensor is lost, a low amp alarm will be generated. If the sensor is reading
more than the wanted FLA times the value of this Setpoint for the specified period of
time, then a high amp alarm is generated.
129 RH CUTIN Used with the ‘Hot Gas Reheat’ option. If the reheat sensor temperature is less than this
(Only HVAC) value, then the hot gas reheat function will be activated.
130 RH CUTOUT ADJ The reheat cutout temperature is calculated by adding this value to Setpoint #129 “RH
131 Reh StrtDlay The reheat state is STARTING. The compressor is running and the RH
TEMP is less than Setpoint #129. It will remain in this state until the time
is greater than Setpoint #131, and then will move to the ON state.
132 RH BLEED DLY Delay in seconds that the hot gas reheat function will keep the bleed solenoid on before
(Only HVAC) exiting reheat mode.
133 RH STAGE DLY Delay in seconds until the hot gas reheat function starts when all criteria has been met.
(Only HVAC)
134 BARREL HEATER If ambient falls below this temperature, then the barrel heater will turn on.

135 REFRIG LEAK Used to detect a digital signal from a refrigerant leak detector.

136 VI PULSE Used with an adjustable VI, volume ratio. This is the pulse time expressed in tenths of a
second to adjust the VI.
137 VI DEADBAND Used with an adjustable VI, volume ratio. If the VI reading is greater than the VI wanted
ratio plus the value of this Setpoint, then the increase RO is off and the decrease RO is
pulsed. If the VI reading is less than the VI wanted ratio minus the value of this Setpoint,
then the increase RO is pulsed and the decrease RO is off.
138 VI DELAY This is the time delay between VI wanted ratio calculations.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
139 OIL FLOAT If active, the Magnum checks for an oil float digital input. It must be ON for the period of
time specified in the Setpoint before this Setpoint will trip.
140 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
141 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
142 SERVICE MODE If non-zero, then a compressor being disabled by the pump down switch will be continue
to run until its suction pressure is zero. The compressor will be turned on to perform the
pump down the number of times indicated in this Setpoint. This is in preparation for service
to be performed on the compressor.
143 UNLOADED % Used if a slide percentage sensor is present. When this sensor is reading less than the
value of this Setpoint, then the slide is considered unloaded. Also used for a centrifugal
vane closed. If the vane% sensor is reading less than the value of this Setpoint, then the
vane is considered closed.
Optional: If Setpoint is set up as a target, the value of this Setpoint equals the % at
which the slide is considered closed. If the Time(SEC) field is set > 0 then slide control
will be used instead of AMPS. High & low zone are used to develop the control zone
based upon the capacity wanted %. Make Setpoint #35 “AMP DB HI” and Setpoint #36
“AMP DB LO” non-active.
144 OIL HEATER ON The oil heater will be turned on if the oil temperature is less than the value of this Setpoint.
It will be turned off if the oil temperature is greater than the value of this Setpoint plus
5.0° Fahrenheit.
‘Time (sec)’ field: If zero, then the calculated oil temp will be the saturated suction
temperature plus the value of the Setpoint. Else it will be the value of this Setpoint.
145 OIL COOLER ON The oil cooler will be turned on if the oil seal temperature is greater than the value of this
Setpoint. It will be turned off if the oil seal temperature is less than the value of this
Setpoint minus 5.0° Fahrenheit.
146 PROC TARG Process pump target. The control value can be either temperature or pressure.

147 PROC ZONE Process pump control zone. This value is added to Setpoint #146 “PROC TARG” to
calculate the high value and subtracted to calculate the low value of the control zone.
The process pump’s VFD will be modulated to maintain inside this zone. The adjustment
to the pump speed is calculated by subtracting the controlling SI from the value of
Setpoint #146. This range has a minimum of 1% ADJ and a maximum of 15%.
148 PROC DELY Process pump delay in seconds before next change. If calculated adjustment (Target minus
controlling SI) is greater than the zone x2, or if the slope is greater than the ROC x2,
decrement twice as fast.
149 PROC MAX ROC Process pump rate of change limit. If the ROC exceeds this value, no change is required.
The ROC window equals the value of Setpoint 148 to a maximum of 60 seconds.
150 PROC MIN SPD% Minimum process pump speed if using the Modulating (AO) option.
Number of Relay Outputs that will be staged if using the Staging (RO) option.
151 UNLOADED OFF If active the system has to be fully unloaded and go below this value to shut the
compressor off. If the Setpoint is setup as a target type then the night setback value
is the value the temperature has to go above before allowing the compressor to start.
While waiting the unit state will be (unit is off/Temp).
‘Time (sec)’ field: If non-zero, then the value of this Setpoint and the night setback value
is used as a differential and not a set temperature. The value of this Setpoint is subtracted
from Setpoint #1. The value of the night setback is added to Setpoint#1
152 HP OVERHEAT This Setpoint is only used when the heat pump option has been selected in the ‘Unit
Type’ box in the ‘General Information’ panel under the MAGNUM screen. It is used to
protect against a heat pump with unloaders (or variable speed) from overheating. When
this Set- point is active and the leaving temperature sensor is greater than this Setpoint
minus 3.0° Fahrenheit, then the compressor will enter HIGH TEMP UNLOAD state.
The temperature must drop to less than this Setpoint minus 4.5° Fahrenheit before the
system will move to the holding state.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
153 SftyUnld Del The time delay in seconds between compressor capacity adjustments when safety
154 VFD Sfty Adj The VFD percentage adjustment to be made after every amount of time in Setpoint #153
“SftyUnld Del” when safety unloading.
155 LO REF TMP If active, the Magnum checks for low refrigerant temperature. If the refrigerant temperature
is less than the value of this Setpoint for the specified period of time, a safety trip occurs.
156 LO REF UNLD The purpose of this Setpoint is to take preventative action before a low refrigerant
temperature safety trip. The compressor will unload when the refrigerant temperature is
less than the value of the Setpoint #155 “LO REF TMP” plus this Setpoint. The compressor state
will be changed to LO TMP UNLOAD. The compressor will remain in this state until the
refrigerant temperature is above the value of Setpoint #155 “LO REF TMP” plus twice
the value of this Setpoint. The compressor state change to LO TMP HOLD.
157 HP LoSuctAdj This Setpoint is only used when the heat pump option has been selected in the ‘Unit
(Only HVAC) Type’ box in the ‘General Information’ panel under the MAGNUM screen. When in
heating mode, the low suction value Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION” is reduced by the
value of this Setpoint.
B-PUMP DELAY The time delay expressed as seconds between making decisions as to pump settings.
158 DEF TRIG TMP If a defrost option has been specified and either coil #1 or coil #2 temperature is less
(Only HVAC) than or equal to this Setpoint a defrost cycle will be started if sufficient time has elapsed
(Mitsubishi Fast since the last defrost. If set point type is ALARM, an a defrost trigger alarm will be
unload delay) generated.
B-STAGE DELY The time delay expressed as seconds between making decisions as to boiler stage
(Boiler/Pump settings.
159 DEF TRIG DEL Time in minutes between defrost cycles.
(Only HVAC)
(Mitsubishi 40%
unload delay)
B-VFD DELAY The time delay expressed as seconds between making decisions as to pump VFD
(Boiler/Pump setting.
Control) ‘Sec. to Ignore Safety’ field: contains the minimum valve setting. For example if this cell
contains 500, the valve will initially be set to 50.0% and it will never be less than this value.
‘Window to extend Safety Time(sec)’ field: contains the maximum valve setting. This will
normally be 1000 for 100.0%.
160 DEF REV DEL If a reversing valve is used, this is the delay in minutes the system must wait once the
(Only HVAC) valve has been opened before the defrost cycle can continue.
B-VFD TARGET The target flow that is to be maintained. This can be a differential if both input and output
(Boiler/Pump pressures sensors are specified or the actual flow of the input if only sensor specified.
Control) ‘Time(sec)’ field: contains the delay in seconds before another pump can be turned on
once the valve gets to 100.0%
‘Sec. to Ignore Safety’ field: contains high dead band for the control zone. This is added
to the value of this set point. In this example the high dead band will be 63.0.
‘Window to extend Safety Time(sec)’ field: contains low dead band for the control zone.
This is subtracted from the value of this set point. In this example the low dead band will
be 57.5.
‘Safety Time Extension’ field: contains the maximum valve adjustment that can be made
at one time. In this example the maximum adjustment to the valve will be 3.0%..
161 DEF TERM TMP If both coil #1 and coil #2 temperature are greater than the value of this Setpoint, then
(Only HVAC) the defrost cycle can be terminated.
B-PUMP FLT (Boiler/ The ‘Value’ is not used as this set point is set up to check the status of a digital input
Pump Control) indicated in the Starting Pump Fault cell.
‘Time(sec)’ field: contains the delay before the system will place a pump in a failed state.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
162 DEF TERM DEL The length of time in minutes of the defrost cycle.
(Only HVAC)
163 HP HEAT TARG If active, then this value will become the target temperature during heating mode.
(Only HVAC) Time (SEC): value added to the purge target to create upper dead band limit for exiting
B-HEAT TRGT The heating target that is to be maintained.
164 HP CTL ZONE + Added to Setpoint #163 “HP HEAT TARG” to create the upper limit of the control zone
(Only HVAC) during heating mode.
B-HEAT ZONE+ The high dead band for the heating control zone. This value is added to the value of set
(Boiler/Pump point #163.
165 HP CTL ZONE – Subtracted from Setpoint #163 “HP HEAT TARG” to create the lower limit of the control
(Only HVAC) zone during heating mode.
B-HEAT ZONE- The low dead band for the heating control zone. This value is subtracted form the value
(Boiler/Pump Control) of set point #163.
166 PHASE LOSS If active, value, min, max and adjust value should all be 0. The time field is the time
before trip and should be 2 seconds to trip after phaseloss input trips. The safety down
time(min) value is when the control will come back to check the phaseloss input to see
if it has reset. If the input has reset then the Magnum will do a lockout reset. The safety
down time value is in minutes, so if 1, after a minute the logic will start checking the
phaseloss input.
167 PURGE FLT ERROR If active and purge float error occurs, a purge float alarm is generated. This Fault requires
a lockout reset to resume purge operation.
168 PURGE COUNT If the total number of purges that occurred during the last three purge cycles exceed this
value, then reset all counters and generate a Maximum Purges Exceeded alarm. For the
first thirty minutes of compressor run time – this alarm is by passed.
169 PURGE PSI ST When the purge pressure sensor reading is equal or greater than this value, then a
purge cycle will be initiated. The cycle will end when the purge pressure sensor reading
is less than the value of this Setpoint minus Setpoint #193 “PSI DIFF”, or 5 psi if inactive.
170 EXCESS PURGE If the time in a purge cycle exceeds this Setpoint’s value in seconds, then the cycle will
be terminated and an Excessive Purge Time alarm will be generated. This fault requires
a lockout reset to resume purge operation.
171 FLA COMP#1 Full Load Amps for compressor #1. This is the amps at design suction and discharge
pressures referenced in the MCS-Config RO screen. This value is used to calculate the
high and the low amperage safety limits. Refer to Setpoints #75 and #76.
For screw compressors: The amp draw when the compressor is fully loaded. This value
is used to calculate the Full Load Amps Percentage (FLA %), which is used to control
loading and unloading the slide valve.
If 1 is set in the Time (SEC) column activates “Screw gap logic”.
172 FLA COMP#2 Full Load Amps for compressor #2. Refer to Setpoint #171.

173 FLA COMP#3 Full Load Amps for compressor #3. Refer to Setpoint #171.

174 FLA COMP#4 Full Load Amps for compressor #4. Refer to Setpoint #171.

175 FLA COMP#5 Full Load Amps for compressor #5. Refer to Setpoint #171.

176 FLA COMP#6 Full Load Amps for compressor #6. Refer to Setpoint #171.

177 FLA COMP#7 Full Load Amps for compressor #7. Refer to Setpoint #171.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
178 FLA COMP#8 Full Load Amps for compressor #8. Refer to Setpoint #171.

179 FLA COMP#9 Full Load Amps for compressor #9. Refer to Setpoint #171.

180 FLA COMP#10 Full Load Amps for compressor #10. Refer to Setpoint #171.

181 FLA COMP#11 Full Load Amps for compressor #11. Refer to Setpoint #171.

182 FLA COMP#12 Full Load Amps for compressor #12. Refer to Setpoint #171.

183 FLA COMP#13 Full Load Amps for compressor #13. Refer to Setpoint #171.

184 FLA COMP#14 Full Load Amps for compressor #14. Refer to Setpoint #171.

185 FLA COMP#15 Full Load Amps for compressor #15. Refer to Setpoint #171.

186 FLA COMP#16 Full Load Amps for compressor #16. Refer to Setpoint #171.

187 FLA COMP#17 Full Load Amps for compressor #17. Refer to Setpoint #171.

188 FLA COMP#18 Full Load Amps for compressor #18. Refer to Setpoint #171.

189 FLA COMP#19 Full Load Amps for compressor #19. Refer to Setpoint #171.

B-FLA PUMP (Boiler/ The expended amp draw of the pump. If active this value is used to calculate the high
Pump Control) and the low ampere safeties limits. Refer to set points 75 and 76.
190 FLA COMP#20 Full Load Amps for compressor #20. Refer to Setpoint #171.

B-FLA BOILER (Boil- The ‘Value’ is not used as this set point is set up to check the status of a digital input
er/Pump indicated in the Starting Boiler Fault cell.
Control) ‘Time(sec)’ field: contains the delay before the system will place a boiler stage in a failed
191 TEMP DIFF This temperature differential is used to replace the hardcoded temperature differential
values of several other Setpoints. If active, it is used with the following:
„„ Discharge temperature
„„ Low oil seal temperature
„„ Low/high ambient cutoffs
„„ Compressor discharge superheat
If inactive, then hardcoded value of 5° F is used.
192 FRZ TEMP DIFF If active, this value is added to Setpoint #102 “PUMP FREEZE PROTECTION” to
determine if the leaving temperature is above the freeze protection zone.
193 CND HI/LO ZONE The value in this Setpoint is the high and low zone for your target of Setpoint #50 “CND
TRGT“. If inactive then a default zone of 5 psi will be used, if metric .3 Bar.
194 CND 2ND ZONE The value in this Setpoint is the 2nd high and low zone for your target of Setpoint #50
“CND TRGT“. If inactive then a default zone of 20 psi will be used, if metric 1.4 Bar.
195 LOW VOLTAGE If active and the voltage of any one of the voltage sensors is less than the value of this
Setpoint for the time specified in the safety time cell, then a Low Voltage alarm will be
generated and the unit will be locked out. Voltage sensors are specified in the General
Information panel under the MAGNUM screen.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
196 HI VOLTAGE If active and the voltage of any one of the voltage sensors is greater than the value of
this Setpoint for the time specified in the safety time cell, then a Hi Voltage alarm will be
generated and the unit will be locked out. Voltage sensors are specified in the General
Information panel under the MAGNUM screen.
197 LEAD Proc Pmp Must be active and set to 0. At midnight set the running pumps VFD to the value and
(Only HVAC) wait the safety time cell’s value. Once the time has elapsed set the VFD to the MIN VFD
CELL VALUE and turn the next pump on with its VFD set to the value in the MAX VFD
CELL. Wait the safely time cell’s value, than turn off the original running pump.
198 PROC PUMP FLT. If process pump fault sensors are specified, the Magnum checks for process pump failure.
(Only HVAC) The process pump fault sensor reading is ON (Digital) for the time specified in the safety
time cell
199 MOP TARG PSI If active, maximum operating pressure (MOP) control will be added to the EXV control
logic. This value will be the MOP suction pressure target.
200 MOP PSI ZONE Added to and subtracted from Setpoint #199 to develop the upper and lower limits of the
MOP control zone.
201 MOP ADJ % TME The adjustment value by which the EXV valve will close each time the MOP logic calls
for it to maintain the suction pressure target. This adjustment will be made each time
after the delay in the ‘Time (sec)’ field has expired.
‘Time (sec)’ field: The delay between MOP adjustments.
202 DELTA TEMP EVP If active, the Magnum will check the temperature differential before additional capacity
(Only HVAC) is enabled. If the difference between entering and leaving temperature is less than the
value of this setpoint for the ½ amount of time in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, then additional
capacity will be allowed else no additional steps will be allowed on. If the difference
between entering and leaving temperature is greater than the value of this Setpoint for
the amount of time in the ‘Time (sec)’ field, then a high delta evaporator temperature
alarm will be generated.
203 HiSuctSheat If active, the Magnum will check for high suction superheat. If the suction superheat is
greater than the value of this setpoint for the specified period of time, an alarm will be
generated and a safety trip occurs.
204 COND LOW AMB Standard condenser logic dictates that a newly started compressor will use its own
(Only HVAC) dis- charge pressure as the control for the first five minutes. If this Setpoint is active and
the ambient temperature sensor is reading less than the value of this Setpoint, then this
compressor’s discharge pressure will remain in control for the additional time in seconds
as specified in the ‘Time (sec)’ field.
205 MDP MIN OIL DIFF If active the type must be Target.
If active, MDP logic will be added to EXV control. If the oil differential pressure is less
than the value of this Setpoint following compressor start up during the time specified
in the Sec to Ignore Safety field, then the MDP function is active and will close the EXV
valve to re-store the oil differential pressure. However, the EXV will not be allowed to
go into the MDP logic if the suction pressure is less than Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION”
plus the value of Setpoint #79 “LOW SUCT RELD”. The MDP logic will be exited and go
to EXV HOLDING when the suction pressure is less than the Setpoint #77 “LOW SUCTION”
plus the value of Setpoint #78 “LOW SUCT UNLD”.
The ‘‘Time (sec)” field contains the offset value added to Setpoint #205 value field to
Calculate the oil differential pressure for exiting the MDP control. Magnum software
version 8.05S1 and later multiple this value by 10 to add a decimal, so if you enter a val-
ue of 5 in this field the offset is 5.0psi. Prior to 8.05S1 software version you need to enter
the value with 1 assumed decimal place, for example if you wanted an offset of 5.0psi
you need to enter 50 in this field.
The ‘Low Zone” field contains the percentage to close the EXV valve when in the “MDP
CLOSE” state.
The ‘High Zone ’ cell contains the time (in minutes – not seconds) that the MDP will be
active after a compressor is started.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
206 COND HI AMB If active, standard condenser control on compressor startup logic will be bypassed when
there is a high ambient temperature. If the condenser type is common and the ambient
temperature is above the value of this Setpoint, then the compressor with the highest
dis- charge pressure will have control of the condenser.
207 UNBAL VOLTS If active, the average of the voltage sensors is calculated. Each individual voltage sensor
is compared to this average and if the difference is greater than the value of this set-
point, an alarm is generated and the unit is locked out. After the voltages have returned
to normal an automatic lockout reset will occur after the delay in the Safety Down
Time(MIN) field.
208 LOW SI OFF If active, the Magnum checks for a Low SI Off sensor for each compressor. The sensor
(Only HVAC) can be either an analog or digital input, and is specified in the Circuit SI screen. If the
Low SI Off sensor reading is OFF (Digital) or falls below the value of this Setpoint (Analog)
for the specified period of time, the circuit will be disabled. If a digital input, the circuit will
be enabled once the sensor is ON. If an analog input, the circuit will be enabled once the
sensor is greater than this value plus the value in the ‘Time (sec)’ field.
‘Time (sec)’ field: Differential value of this Setpoint which the analog input must be great-
er than to enable the compressor.
209 HI SI OFF If active, the Magnum checks for a High SI Off sensor for each compressor. The sensor
(Only HVAC) can be either an analog or digital input, and is specified in the Circuit SI screen. If the
High SI Off sensor reading is ON (Digital) or rises above the value of this Setpoint
(Analog) for the specified period of time, the circuit will be disabled. If a digital input,
the circuit will be enabled once the sensor is OFF. If an analog input, the circuit will be
enabled once the sensor is less than this value minus the value in the ‘Time (sec)’ field.
‘Time (sec)’ field: Differential value of this Setpoint which the analog input must be less
than to enable the compressor.
210 ECO LL3 D-SHT If active and the economizer liquid line solenoid is controlled on percentage (not last
(Only HVAC) step), then a low discharge superheat test is added before checking whether the solenoid
should be turned on or not.
If discharge superheat is less than this value plus Setpoint #84 “LO DISC SHEAT”, then
the solenoid will be turned off.
211 NO OIL FLOW If active and there is an Oil Flow sensor specified in the ‘Oil Flow Switch’ cell of the
(Only HVAC) Circuit SI screen, then the Magnum will test for oil flow. If the No Oil Flow sensor reading
is OFF (Digital) or falls below the value of this Setpoint (Analog) for the specified period
of time, then a safety trip occurs.
212 COMP SPD FLT If active and there is an Compressor Speed Fault sensor specified in the ‘Compressor
(Only HVAC) speed fault’ cell of the Circuit Base screen, then the Magnum will test for Compressor
Speed Fault whether the compressor is running or not. The fault sensor can be either an
analog or digital input. If the fault sensor reading is ON (Digital) or falls below the value
of this Setpoint (Analog) for the specified period of time, then a safety trip occurs.
213 PROC LOW FLOW If active and using an in and out sensor in the process control, the differential
needs to be less than this value for a safety trip. If pointing to one sensor for
control, that sensor needs to be below this value to trip. The time before safety
trip is set in the Time(SEC) field.
The process logic supports 2 pumps which lead/lag on a safety trip.
214 TURBOCOR Staging If active, type should be Delay.
Delay (Only HVAC) If active and a TurboCor compressor:
Value is the delay for unloading all compressors.
Safety time is the time delay between compressor starts.
Min VFD Opening is used to develop stage delay, Safety time minus the value of this cell.
215 TURBOCOR Ratio If active, type should be Delay.
(Only HVAC) If active and a TurboCor compressor:
Value is the minimum ratio required before a compressor can be started.
Safety time is the time delay between compressor starts.
Min VFD Opening is used to develop stage delay, Safety time minus the value of this cell.
MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
216 LIS MOTOR TEMP If active, and motor temperature is greater than this value then Liquid injection solenoid
(LIS) is ON. If it is less than this value minus the ‘Time (sec)’ field of this set point then
the LIS is OFF.
‘Time (sec)’ field: Offset of motor temperature to turn LIS OFF.
217 LOW EXV TARGET The minimum Refrigerant Level target. If active and the EXV is controlled by Refrigerant
(Only HVAC) Level, then a new variable level target logic will be activated. As the unit capacity increases,
the refrigerant level target will change according to a linear calculation between Setpoint
#9 “LEVEL TARGET” (the maximum target level) and Setpoint #217 “LOW EXV TARGET”
(the minimum target level). This relationship is explained in the following graph:

EXV Level Target

(Example of a 3 step system)
50% Setpoint #9
Calculated EXV Level Target

30% EXV Level
25% Setpoint #217
25% 80% 135% 190% 245% 300%
Setpoint #31 (Number of steps
"MIN FLA%" (3) × Setpoint #30
Total Cooling Capacity of Unit "MAX FLA %")

218 OilRecSpeed HUMD or % - If setup as “Delay type” Fixed compressor cannot run without the vfd
tandem. If not setup as a delay type the fixed compressor will be able to run without the
vfd compressor being available.
Value – Speed in % to move the compressor to during an oil balance/boost
Time – Amount of time to wait in seconds after oil level is tripped before entering

219 OilRecMaxBal SECONDS - Alarm Type

Value – Max time allowed in seconds to stay in balance mode before moving onto
Boost mode
220 ToManyOilBa MINUTES – Alarm Type
Value – If an oil balance occurs twice within this time frame an alarm will be posted
and the balance mode will be skipped and will be sent straight to a boost mode.

221 OilRecMaxBst MINUTES – Alarm Type

Value – Max time allowed in minutes to stay in the boost mode before locking out that
circuit on an alarm.
222 ToManyOilBst MINUTES – Alarm Type
Value – If an oil boost occurs twice within this time frame an alarm will be posted and
the circuit will be locked out.
223 OIL REC OIL Time on for oil charge cycle.
224 OIL REC REPEAT Time delay before repeating cycles.
225 CLLC LEVEL The ‘Value’ is the target that is to be maintained of the condenser liquid level.
TARGET The ‘Time (sec)’ contains the dead band of the target. For example if the value is 60.0
(target) and the ‘Time (sec)’ field is 5 (dead band) the control zone for the condenser
liquid level is between 55.0 and 65.0.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
226 CLLC VALVE The ‘Value’ is the target or minimum opening of the CLLC control valve.
TARGET The ‘Time (sec)’ contains the normal delay between making valve adjustments. This time
(Only HVAC) is in seconds.
The ‘Sec. to Ignore Safety’ contains the delay between making valve adjustments when
the CLLC is in a startup mode or the chilled water is not with in its control zone, this is an
unstable condition.
The ‘Window to extend Safety Time(sec)’ contains the maximum valve adjustment value.
This value has an assumed decimal place; that is a value of 50 will allow a maximum
adjustment of 5.0. The actual adjustment will be calculated based upon the valve setting
and its desired position.
This set point is only used if the AO TYPE of CLLC valve has been selected.
227 CLLC MAX ROC Condenser Liquid Level Control max ROC both plus and minus ROC. If opening the
CLLC valve and the slope is less than this value then the state will be holding else if will
be opening. If closing the CLLC valve and the slope is greater than this value then the
state will be holding else if will be closing.
228 Force On Oil If active the type should be DELAY, this Set point force compressor ON for oil, if more
Recovery than 1 compressor in a group is needed then the safety time is delay.
(Only HVAC) The ‘Value’ is compressor current run time in minutes.
The safety time is the delay between turning on multiple compressors. Time to bypass or
extend safety time is not used.
The max adj is time that a compressor is in ON OIL RECOVERY state.
Extend safety test time is on time to force off ready compressor to on.
229 CHK VALVE FLT NOTE: Discharge Pressure Sensor needs to be installed between compressor and
(Only TurboCor check valve.
compressor type VALUE: If the psi differential goes above this value while the compressor is off safety trip
selection) the unit (all compressors).
Time (SEC): The time to wait before the safety trip.
SEC to Ignore Safety: The time the compressor has to be off before checking the psi
230 MAX DIFF PSI ROC If active, this Setpoint helps with Low Suction/Unsafe Suction trips in EXV Logic.
(Only HVAC) Value field: Maximum Differential Pressure Rate of Change before forcing a change to
the EXV position (Suggested value of 10 PSI).
‘Time (sec)’ field: Seconds between samples used for calculating the Rate of Change
(Suggested value of 15 seconds).
‘Safety Down Time(min)’ field: Minimum delay between EXV adjustments (Suggested
value of 10 seconds).
‘Sec. to Ignore Safety’ field: Delay after compressor start before adjusting the EXV
based on the Maximum Differential Pressure Rate of Change (Suggested value of 300
‘Window to Extend Safety Time(sec)’ field: Adjustment multiplier to the EXV (Suggested
value of 1).‘Safety Time Extension (sec)’ field: Adjustment divisor to the EXV (Suggested
value of 20).
231 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
232 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
233 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
234 Not Used
(Only HVAC)

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
235 Low Ambient Off If type of condenser is evaporative condenser and the setpoint is active and target type.
(Only HVAC) This is used with a sump pump and condenser fans. If the ambient drops below the
valve then disable the sump pump. When the ambient goes above the HIGH ZONE
allow the sump pump as the first stage.
If the ambient goes below the HIGH ZONE minus the NIGHT SETBACK but above the
set point value plus the NIGHT SETBACK then the sump pump becomes the second

236 Unit Status If the number of available compressors is less than the value of this setpoint
(Only HVAC) and the chilled water out temp is above the control zone
and the chilled water rate of change is not dropping (greater than zero)
and this condition has existed for the time period in the setpoint safety time
then the control status relay will be turned off, else the control status relay will be turned on.
237 Low Suction Unloads If active the number of low suction unloads will be tracked. If the number of unloads is
(Only HVAC) greater than the value with in the time specified in the safety time cell then the circuit will
be locked off.
238 Chiller Pump If active, type must be DELAY type. The safety time is the delay between turning on
Rotation chiller pumps.
(Only HVAC)
239 Process Pump Should be delay type. Rotates process pumps at midnight.
(Only HVAC)
240 Split Scroll Staging If active and compressor type is a scroll with split staging, PETRA special staging:
(Only HVAC) Value contains the number of compressor steps available for staging.
Safety Time is the delay between step adjustments.
241 Amp Imbalance This test averages the 3 amp readings then finds the amp reading which is the furtherest
away from the average and checks to see if this amp reading deviation percentage is
more than the unbalance percentage setpoint value.
242 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
243 Vestibule Cool Target If active then set point must be TARGET type.
(Only HVAC) If active and there is a cooling relay for the vestibule then that relay will be turned on if
the vestibule temperature is above the control zone, the value of this set point plus the
High Zone of this set point. It will remain on until the vestibule temperature drops below
the value of this set point minus the Low Zone of this set point. If relay is needed on the
vestibule fan relay will also be turned on.
244 Vestibule Heat If active then set point must be TARGET type.
Target If active and there is a heating relay for the vestibule then that relay will be turned on if
(Only HVAC) the vestibule temperature is below the control zone, the value of this set point minus the
Low Zone of this set point. It will remain on until the vestibule temperature rises above
the value of this set point plus the High Zone of this set point. If relay is needed on the
vestibule fan relay will also be turned on.
245 Low Sump Level If active and the condenser is an evaporator cooled condenser with a sump level indica-
(Only HVAC) tor then the sump liquid level is checked. if the indicator is on for the time in safety time
the condenser is locked off, It will remain off until the indicator is no longer true. If the
set point is an ALARM type a low sump level alarm will be generated when ever the
condenser is locked off.
246 Sump Heat Target If active, then set point must be TARGET type.
(Only HVAC) If active and the condenser is an evaporator cooled condenser with both a heater relay
and a sump temperature sensor specified then the sump temperature will controlled.
If the sump temperature is less than the value of this set point the sump heater will be
turned on. It will remain on until the sump temperature rises above the set point value
plus the value of the High Zone.
247 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

# Name Description
248 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
249 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
250 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
251 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
252 Not Used
(Only HVAC)
253 Sub Cooler Target This set point must be a TARGET type and is required for sub cooler EXV control as it is
(Only HVAC) used to develop the EXV sub cooler target.
If the low discharge safety counter is high and set point #84 and #110 are active and
there are both a discharge pressure and temperature sensor the target is the value of
this set point plus the Night Set Back value.
Else, the target is the value of this set point.
254 Sub Cooler Fine This set point is required for sub cooler EXV control.
Delay The value of this set point is the amount of adjustment to the EXV sub cooler and the
(Only HVAC) safety time is the delay between adjustments.
255 Sub Cooler MOP If active, the set point must be a TARGET type.
Delay If active, Maximum Operating Pressure, MOP, is used when controlling the EXV. The
(Only HVAC) MOP control is develop by add the High Zone and subtracting the Low Zone values from
the value of this set point. If the sub cooler suction pressure is with in this zone the EXV
state will be MOP holding.

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

Revision/Disclaimer Page
Date Author Description of Changes
11-03-09 RCT Magnum Manual Rev 1.25 was used as the base for this manual
Renamed file to Magnum Version 8 Manual Rev 1.0 to avoid confusion with existing manuals
Expanded all items regarding Magnum V8 software
04-09-10 RCT Rev 1.1
Added pump rotation changes
Added process-pump rotation changes
Checked and updated all Setpoints including the use of the ‘Time (sec)’ field
Added new Setpoint fields
Replaced MCS Connect screens with new versions
Corrected items from DB E-mail dated 4/5/10
Reviewed and added compressor types to RO sequence
Added low temperature safety and unload section
Added high suction superheat for flooded chiller
Added section on EXV control and maximum operating pressure control to the EXV logic
05-03-10 RCT Rev 1.2
Updated the BMS points section for information on all 20 compressors
Updated OIL PUMP LUBE state
Added section on compressor setup
Added section on slide calculation
Added section on FLA calculation
Added BWW’s comments
Added Centrifugal Setpoints
Added Centrifugal write up and external purge option
Added SI16-AO4 and RO10 drawings
05-10-10 RCT Rev 1.3
Added section on V8 enhancements
Corrected BMS entries for circuits 9-20
09-02-10 RCT Rev 1.4
Expanded section on V8 enhancements
Updated Setpoints
Updated new functions through 8.013-J
Added release version to new functions
Updated and expanded the User Defined section
09-13-10 BWW Rev 1.5
Corrected page 10 statement about MCS-SI16-AO4 board
“SI16-AO4; 16 Sensor Inputs, 1 through 12 are universal and 13 through 16 can be either digital or virtual inputs pulse 4 Analog Out-
puts per board with a maximum of 4 boards.” This is not correct; all 16 inputs are universal
10-27-10 WLK Rev 1.6
Updated EXV logic and Setpoints
05-09-11 WLK Rev 2.2
General editing/restructuring of manual
Updated Setpoints
09-21-11 WLK Rev 2.3
Added sections about Condenser Liquid Level Control (CLLC), Boiler Control, Defrost Control, and Second Set of Evaporator Pumps/
Added TurboCor alarm section.
09-26-11 WLK Rev 2.4
Updated Setpoint section. Added Setpoints #217 and #218.
WLK Rev 2.5
Added Transmit Software and Transmit/Receive Configuration to Authorization Function page.
12-09-11 BWW Rev 2.5
Corrected section 7.60 MDP EXV Logic
Corrected section 13.2 Magnum Setpoints–Setpoint #205 “MDP MIN OIL DIFF”
06-24-12 MAS Rev 2.6
Updated section 13.2 Magnum Setpoints–Setpoint #99 “LLS#3 ON (ECONOMIZER)”
Setpoint #84 “LO DISC SHEAT”
Setpoint #4 “HGS TEMP ON”
Setpoint #5 “HGS TEMP OFF”
Setpoint #143 “UNLOADED %”
Added section Excess Purge Logic
Updated Hardware

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

Date Author Description of Changes

11-26-12 MAS REV 2.7
Updated section 13.2 Magnum Setpoints–Setpoint #33 “MIN ADJUST%”
Setpoint #56 “PULSE DELAY”
Setpoint #105 “PUMP FAILURE”
Setpoint #147 “PROC ZONE”
Setpoint #148 “PROC DELY”
Setpoint #149 “PROC MAX ROC”
Updated Micro Control System’s Address
01-07-13 MAS REV 2.8
Updated section 13.2 Magnum Setpoints–Setpoint #35 “AMP DB HI”
Setpoint #36 “AMP DB LO”
Setpoint #61 “PMP DWN OFF”
Updated section 7.39.1. Economizer Set up
Updated Authorization Function
02-13-13 MAS REV 2.9
Updated section 13.2 Magnum Setpoints–Setpoint #45 “CND STG1 ON”
Setpoint #46 “CND STG1 OFF”
Setpoint #47 “CND DIFF ON”
Setpoint #48 “CND ADJ DELAY”
Setpoint #48 “CND DIFF OFF”
Setpoint #48 “DUAL PSI DELTA”
Setpoint #49 “CND START %”
Setpoint #49 “CND MIN RUN”
Setpoint #49 “DUAL TIME DELAY”
Setpoint #50 “CND TRGT”
Setpoint #50 “LO AMB SUMP OFF”
Setpoint #51 “CND ADJ DIV”
Setpoint #51 “CND VFD MIN”
Setpoint #52 “CND MIN %”
Setpoint #53 “CND ROC”
Setpoint #54 “CND ADJ MULT”
Setpoint #54 “CND MIN SPD”
Setpoint #55 “CND MIN ADJ”
Setpoint #55 “CND MAX SPD”
Setpoint #90 “CND FAULT”
Setpoint #130 “CmpSpdUnld%”
Setpoint #131 “CmpSpdLoad%”
Setpoint #193 “CND HI/LO ZONE”
Setpoint #194 “CND 2nd ZONE"
Updated Section 7.73. “Condenser Control Logic”

04-04-13 MAS REV 3.0

Updated section Modulating Condenser
Updated section 13.2 Magnum Setpoints–Setpoint #3 “CTL ZONE –”
Setpoint #30 “MAX SLIDE %”
Setpoint #31 “MIN SLIDE%”
Setpoint #35 “AMP DB LO”
Setpoint #36 “AMP DB HI”
Setpoint #125” Eco StageDly”
Setpoint #143 “UNLOADED %”
Updated 7.4.1. Screw Compressor with Slide Piston
Updated 7.75. HVAC Defrost Cycle
10-18-13 MAS REV 3.1
Updated section 13.2 Magnum Setpoints–Setpoint #38 “UNLOAD PULSE”
Setpoint #167 “PURGE FLT ERROR”
Setpoint #168 “PURGE COUNT”
Setpoint #170 “EXCESS PURGE”
Setpoint #229 “CHK VALVE FLT”
Setpoint #230 “MAX DIFF PSI ROC”
Added 7.10 Custom Rotation
Added Setpoint #228 “FORCE ON OIL RECOVERY”
02-26-15 DEW Change Front Cover
07-6/8-15 DEW REV 3.2 - Move to Indesign
08-06-15 DEW Edits to - Condenser Level Control
08-11-15 DEW Remove two states added in EXV states
Change name Evaporator Level Control
08-24-15 DEW Change reference to V8 to just Magnum - clean up
10-29/30-15 DEW Add changes from Bob, upgrade to V17

MCS-MAGNUM V17 Rev. 2021-06-02

11-02-15 DEW Add changes from Bob

11-10-15 DEW Add new Setpoints from Bob
12-03-15 DEW Add reference to Ice Mode
1-29-16 DEW Update setpoints, remove Centrifugal references
2-12-16 DEW Make changes to Condenser section, add new Boiler section
2-19-16 DEW Make changes to setpoint 151, 241
4-13-16 DEW Change to setpoint 105, changes to BMS Module
5-13-16 DEW Replace missing section on Scroll Compressors
10-03-16 DEW Update drawings
12-03016 DEW Made change to setpoint 236 as per Brian
12-20-16 DEW Add Windows/Safety Ext. Time to ignore for setpoints
02-02-17 DEW Add Modbus Fault Sensors and Chillers Rotation
03-06-17 DEW Add MCS Adaptive Condenser Fan Logic
05-15-16 DEW Make changes to BMS Circuit and Compressors states
06-26/28-17 DEW Make corrections to setpoint #74 and #109/#110 - also setpoint #4, #31,#50
08-31-17 DEW Make corrections to Adaptive Condenser add setpoint #48
10-09-17 DEW 12.28 added Low Water Temp addition - changed setpoint #25
10-0917 DEW 10.5 added Unit is Holding - added to setpoint #1
05-30-18 DEW Changes to setpoint 229 from Brian
06-04-18 DEW Added info on Condenser Discharge Pressure Section
06-08-18 DEW Add Unit Type info
07-23-18 DEW Added section on Oil Recovery Logic
07-23-18 DEW Added addition to setpoint 23 as per DC2
08-31-18 DEW Revised setpoint 166
Added BMS alarms
11-29-18 DEW Added Superheat updated from JGW
11-29-18 - DEW Revised setpoint 56 as per Danny C.
12-13-18 Revised to specs sent from Brian 11-21-18
12-10-18 DEW Add new compressor points to BMS section - need to add when BACnet and N2 points yet
11-8-11-19 DEW Add section on PID - add photos etc for 12 volt, add heat recovery chapter 7
12-9-19 DEW Add new Authorization for RS485 service
12-19-20 DEW Change setpoint 1 - unoccupied not supported in HVAC
3-19-20 DEW Add address setting for IO expansion boards, chapter 3, Shared VFD, chapter 9
3-19-20 DEW Add 6Tandem EXV’s, chapter 21
5-20-20 DEW Added screen shot for Condenser Reset, moved Revision Pages to back of manual
6-16-2020 DEW Modify Setpoint 73 and Part Wind and Star Delta Starters section
7-29-30-2020 DEW Add PID Condenser control, change description setpoint 46, 47
12-01-2020 DEW Re-do Chapter 17, add description for Voltage and Un-Balanced Voltage
1-21-2021 DEW Change setpoints 218-222

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