Revised COVID 19 SARS-COV2 Treatment Protocol - Final
Revised COVID 19 SARS-COV2 Treatment Protocol - Final
Revised COVID 19 SARS-COV2 Treatment Protocol - Final
If patient has Hypertension, Diabetes, CAD, Dyslipidaemia, Asthma, COPD & Other Ailments
1. Serum Troponin – I levels
2. Serum NT Pro BNP
3. HBA1C
4. Lipid Profile
5. ECG (If Needed)
6. Serum Procalcitonin
7. HRCT Chest
CT Chest Criteria
Oxygen Support Not Required To be initiated if SPO2 <94% Maintain Target SPo2
Maintain Target SPo2 of > 90 %
92 to 96 %
NRM (10 -15 lit / min)
Nasal Prongs (4 lit / min) ↓
↓ HFNC (10 - 60 lit / min)
Face Mask (5-10 lit / min) ↓
↓ CPAP (TV 6ml/kg; PEEP 5-15 cm
NRM (10 -15 lit / min) H20; Target PP 30 cm H20)
↓ ↓
HFNC (10 - 40 lit / min) MV (ARDS Protocol)
CPAP (TV 6ml/kg; PEEP 5-15
cm H20; Target PP 30 cm
Proning Not Indicated Awake Proning (if > 4 L / Prone Ventilation
min) 16 to 18 hrs / Day
- 30 to 120 mins prone
- 30 to 120 mins left lateral
- 30 to 120 mins right lateral
- 30 to 120 mins upright –
Contraindicated in altered
mental status and
hemodynamic instability,
Cytokine Storm
Not I Not Indicated Inj. Toculizumab 400 mg Inj. Toculizumab 400 mg (max
(max 800 mg) slow IV in 100 800 mg) slow IV in 100 ml NS
ml NS over 1 Hour over 1 Hour
Repeat Dose after 12 hours if Repeat Dose after 12 hours if
needed Contra Indications – needed Contra Indications –
Active Infections, TB, Active Infections, TB, Hepatitis,
Hepatitis, Platelets < Platelets < 1L/mm3, ANC <
1L/mm3, ANC < 2000/mm3
Trial Therapies
D Dimer Repeated 4th day Once every 4 days Once every 2 days
ECG If Needed Once every 2 days Daily
ABG - - Daily
X Ray If Needed If Needed If Needed
COVID – 19/SARS-COV2 Treatment Protocol
Afebrile > 3 Days Afebrile > 3 Days without Afebrile > 3 Days without
without antipyretics antipyretics antipyretics
+ + +
No Breathlessnes No Breathlessnes No Breathlessnes
10 Days from Symptom 10 Days from Symptom Clinical Recovery
Onset Onset
Repeat RT-PCR if Swab Repeat RT-PCR if Swab Repeat RT-PCR if Swab Negative
Negative Discharge Negative Discharge Discharge
If patient is
Asymptomatic RT-PCR
may not be needed
POST Self Monitoring for 7 Self Monitoring for 7 Days Self Monitoring for 7 Days + POST
Compiled by
Dr. Mahesh Joshi – CEO
Dr. Sai Kumar – Corporate Lead Physician
Dr. Sushant Gupta – Sr. Physician, Hyderabad
Dr. Vishwas Rao – Sr. Physician, Hyderabad
Dr. Asif – Sr. Physician, Delhi
Dr. Ranjit – Lead Physician, Chennai
Dr. Darwin – Sr. Physician, Bangalore
Dr. Arindam Dubey – Sr. Physician, Kolkata