2020 SPR Ed 3604 D Co Marynowski
2020 SPR Ed 3604 D Co Marynowski
2020 SPR Ed 3604 D Co Marynowski
Educ 3604 D
Professional Semester II – Spring 2020
Tuesday, 9:00 – 11:50 a.m.
Room: TH373
Instructor: Dr. Richelle Marynowski Secretary: Margaret Beintema
Office: TH 314 Office: TH 323
Email: Richelle.marynowski@uleth.ca Phone: 403-329-2732
Phone: 403-929-0048 (cell)
403-329-2269 (office)
Twitter: @rmarynow
If you need assistance or have any questions regarding course content, assignments, or any other
course-related concern, please speak to me in class or send me an email with your question.
The course outline, all references and supplementary resources,
https://moodle.uleth.ca as well as other related course resources and materials can be
accessed on the course Moodle.
Calendar Description:
This course emphasizes data gathering, summarizing, and interpreting data and use of results to improve
curriculum, teaching, and learning.
Course Description:
The Evaluation of Student Learning module consists of 21 hours (7 three-hour classes) of instruction in
Professional Semester II focused on:
• unit assessment plans and test blueprints,
• performance task design and construction,
• test design and construction,
• item and test results analysis,
• assessment data management, and
• communication of assessment results.
This module attends to Teaching Quality Standard 3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge: A
teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and assessment
practices to meet the learning needs of every student.
(c) applying student assessment and evaluation practices that:
o accurately reflect the learner outcomes within the program of study;
o generate evidence of student learning to inform teaching practice through a balance of formative and
summative assessment experiences;
o provide a variety of methods through which students can demonstrate their achievement of the learning
o provide accurate, constructive and timely feedback on student learning; and
o support the use of reasoned judgment about the evidence used to determine and report the level of student
Course Overview:
The Understanding by Design approach to planning, instruction and assessment, described by Wiggins and
McTighe (1998), is the theoretical framework utilized in planning the content of the course. The UbD approach
is a variation of the backward design model, which is comprised of the following three stages:
1. Identify desired results
2. Determine acceptable evidence
3. Plan learning experiences and instruction
25% weighting Quiz date – February 4
There will be one in-class open book quiz. The quizzes will be completed in class and will address content from
the previous seminars. A quiz blueprint will be given to students before the quiz.
Final Grade:
The final grades for Education courses are determined according to the following table, used for all modules in
the Faculty of Education.
96 – 100 A+ 81 – 85 B+ 67 – 70 C+ 57 – 59 D+
90 – 95 A 76 – 80 B 63 – 66 C 53 – 56 D
86 – 89 A- 71 – 75 B- 60 – 62 C-
Although a “C” represents a passing grade in any particular module, students are required to maintain a 2.5
average in their professional semesters.
Students are subject to the student discipline policy for academic and non-academic offences in accordance
with the University Calendar (https://www.uleth.ca/ross/academic-calendar). Additionally, in the Faculty of
Education, students are required to adhere to the conduct expectations as stipulated in Faculty of Education
policies and the Code of Professional Conduct for the field, as noted below.
Course Alignment
It is important that students understand the direct correlation between learning outcomes, assessments and