HDS Benefits From Plate Heat Exchangers
HDS Benefits From Plate Heat Exchangers
HDS Benefits From Plate Heat Exchangers
n modern hydrodesulphurisation tive emissions and lower
(HDS) units designed for producing stack-discharge of GHG.
ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD), a
growing number of refiners have select- Mechanical design
ed plate heat exchangers (PHE) to min- The optimised heat integra-
imise overall HDS capital and energy tion of a modern HDS unit
costs. Compared with traditional shell with PHEs requires two
and tube (S&T) heat exchanger designs, exchangers, one in HP reactor
some real-project case studies indicate F/E service, the other in LP
that a modern 100 000bpsd HDS with stripper bottoms service.
PHEs will save the refiner some Figure 1 shows the HP
US$25–40 million in total costs during Packinox reactor F/E HE as a
the project’s first five years. Direct and one-pass, true counter-flow
indirect benefits of PHE selection are plate pack inside a pressure
found as follows. vessel. The pack consists of
In HDS reactor feed/effluent (F/E) ser- thin stainless steel corrugated
vice, replacing a string of high-pressure sheets formed by underwater
S&T exchangers with a single, more effi- explosion, stacked and weld-
cient PHE can more than halve the oper- ed together. With such plate
ating duty of fired heaters and product packs, very large total heat-
coolers, saving both direct fuel cost and transfer surface areas are con-
capital cost. Further, the simplified tained inside a relatively
mechanical design of the CFE plus the compact shell volume cf S&T
lower Delta P of a smaller heater result exchangers. These PHEs have
in significantly lower pressure drop in been built with areas over
the process loop, with power consump- 15 000m and duties over
tion at the recycle gas (RG) compressor 100MW in a single shell.
cut by 20% to 40%. As the PHE has no gaskets Figure 1 (left) Reactor feed/effluent HE
Unit down-time costs for cleaning are to soften and leak, it operates Figure 2 (right) HDS stripper bottom HE
also minimised, as uniform flow turbu- comfortably up to 550°C
lence makes PHE exchangers in HDS ser- (1000°F). Maximum operating pressure location, nitrogen purge location etc)
vice relatively slow to foul by salt or is determined only by the design of the give solid assurance against dangers of
gum. When fouling does occur, as-new surrounding pressure vessel, and not by everse DP in operation and during
performance can be soon recovered by the design of the internal plate-pack. turnaround.
simple in-situ water-wash and coke- The vessel is simply pressurised with Four bellows compensate for differen-
burn procedures. hydrogen from the discharge of the HDS tial thermal expansion between the hot
Costly contamination of ULSD via recycle gas compressor. This point is stainless steel pack and the relatively
cross-channel HE-leakage of high-sul- always at the highest pressure in the cool low alloy pressure vessel. Top and
phur feed becomes a virtual non-event reactor circuit and so the plate pack is bottom end manholes are provided to
with any new PHE. These tough, stain- always under external compression from facilitate bellows replacement in the
less steel (SS) exchangers are purpose- a positive DP. unlikely event that this should ever be
built and factory-tested to guarantee Thus, the plate bundle need only be needed. Note that these bellows are in
that cross leakage (if any) is below 5 designed for a differential pressure non-critical service, as their failure
parts in 10 million (less than 0.01ppm (design DP up to 30 bar approximately). would only affect RG distribution.
sulphur contamination on effluent All Packinox reactor F/E exchangers ULSD quality is protected by ultra-
assuming 20 000ppm sulphur feed). for HDS units have thick restraining tough PHE exchanger construction for
The technology also spins off some outer plates with tie rods as a precaution HDS service. This construction
less quantified but very real safety and against any operational upset causing a employs thicker SS plates (between 1.5
environmental gains. These are found in “reverse DP” up to 2 bar. This device, and 2 times the thickness of the plates
a neater, more-compact HDS plant with plus some other simple passive safety in Packinox’s original PHEs for
less complex piping, lower mainte- measures built into the unit PID during reformer service), heavier welding
nance, fewer big HP flanges to leak fugi- Hazop review (check-valve at critical (principally at plate ends) and stiffer
w w w. e p t q . c o m
HDS plate-corrugations to securely overall heat transfer coefficients (OHTC) that respect, as their configuration
resist the greater crushing forces possi- about twice the traditional S&T values allows easy de-gumming.
ble in ULSD units. In parallel, refined for the same service. Although salt deposits have never
in-shop testing methods were devel- Combining high OHTC, large surface been observed on high efficiency PHE
oped to allow the detection of very areas and true counter-flow makes it cooling distillate HDS reactor effluent
minute leakage. Figure 2 shows the LP technically and economically feasible down to as low as 90°C, it is well estab-
HDS stripper bottoms HE developed to for these exchangers to achieve very lished that ammonium chloride usually
recover stripper bottoms heat into strip- low hot approach temperature (HAT) sublimes in this general service at about
per feed (cold high-pressure separator values. Thus, these HDS exchangers 170°C. One plausible theory for the lack
(CHPS) designs) or into reactor feed (hot deliver HAT between 12°C and 30°C, of observed salt deposits in the PHE is
high-pressure separator (HHPS) designs). rather than the 50–80°C typical of most that the high-turbulence of the largely
For moderate operating conditions S&T exchangers. Smaller HAT means liquid HC stream effectively scrubs the
(combined pressure/temperatures crite- better waste heat recovery, so heaters salts off the plate surfaces, sending them
ria), considerable cost is saved by elimi- burn less fuel, HP coolers are smaller to the next process equipment down-
nating the pressure vessel in favour of a and cheaper, required stripper feed stream. The sublimation temperature
simple set of cross-beams clamped by tie heat-spikes are lower and ULSD product depends on HDS intake levels of nitro-
rods to compress the plate pack. Avoid- runs down cooler. gen and chlorine from organic N & Cl in
ance of expansion bellows also contains feed, and of HCl in makeup gas.
PHE cost. Fouling in HDS F/E exchangers With water-drained feed, water dew
Just as it lifts OHTC, the previously dis- point in HDS reactor effluent is comfort-
Improved heat recovery cussed static-mixer flow pattern also ably below HP-separator temperature, so
The flow space between each Packinox usefully retards fouling. Several HDS any deposited salt would remain hot,
PHE plate-pair works like a static-mixer F/E exchangers treating a feed mix of dry and non-corrosive. Should evidence
channel fed by a long, narrow inlet slot. atmospheric gasoils and FCC cycle oils of dry salt fouling develop (steadily
Unlike the 2cm span of each round-tube have successfully demonstrated their reducing HE duty and increasing HE
mouth in S&T exchangers, the 100cm ability to maintain steady high-heat delta-P), such fouling could be easily
span of each long-slot mouth in a Pack- recovery over a period of several years removed by an occasional water wash,
inox exchanger is virtually impossible to of operation. However, with heavy either online or off-line.
block over its full length. Thus, turbu- cracked feed from non-blanketed stor- PHE inlet faces on both hot side and
lent two-phase flow can always enter age, any type of HDS F/E exchanger will cold side can be obstructed by slugs of
and spread laterally to fill every PHE inevitably suffer feed-side fouling from particulate solids. These originate as
channel, with no troublesome dead peroxide and olefinic gums deposits. construction debris, mill-scale from feed
zones. This ideal flow pattern generates PHEs show an inherent advantage in tanks and pipes, small ceramic chips
performance. Stack emissions of SOX, SCC is still not possible. For HHPS units, buffered O2-free water to remove any
NOX and CO2 are also reduced in line the LP PHE for stripper bottoms takes small deposits that might promote pit-
with lower heater duties. One PHE- water-drained HDS feed from tankage or ting corrosion.
based HDS-type unit with a high reactor surge drum. As this oil has not yet seen In summary, these few simple precau-
exotherm now operates very well with any recycle gas (with potential HCl tions should ensure years of corrosion-
its fired heater bypassed and stack emis- traces), no harmful chloride/free-water free service with PHEs: a surge drum
sions cut to zero. combination forms to contact PHE SS with boot or a coalescer to remove free-
Because the PHE shell, while designed plates and promote SCC. water and debris from feed; fine-mesh
for nearby process temperatures, is Pitting corrosion is galvanic corro- feed filters to remove smaller entrained
always substantially cooler than the PHE sion, mainly under moist solid-deposits. particles from the feed; alumina guard
plate-pack, the pressure vessels can be This needs the combination of particu- beds at the reformer to remove HCl
designed with a generous mechanical late deposits, chlorides, oxygen and free- traces from HDS fresh gas; gas-blanket-
safety margin. water within the bundle as once ing or floating roofs on feed tanks to
occurred in a non-flushed PHE left prevent oxygen absorption.
Avoidance of PHE corrosion opened-up in a damp, seaside atmo- Also, a buffered wash of both HE sides
There are four corrosion types of most sphere. Thus before opening for any to remove possible small deposits
concern to users of HDS process equip- prolonged shutdown, a PHE bundle should be done before opening to atmo-
ment, including high-temperature cor- should be washed on both sides with sphere.
rosion (HTC), polythionic acid stress
corrosion cracking (PTA SCC) and chlo-
Overall heat balances: HDS case studies
ride stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of
stainless steel (SS).
HTC by H2/H2S or naphthenic acids is All Cases : Gasoil feed 8600t/d Reactor conditions:
a concern against which alloy chromium Diesel prod 200t/d In / Out
content is the most important protection Recycle gas 320t/d Temp, °C 360 / 380
factor. The normal use of full austenitic Quench gas 210t/d Press barg 51 / 45
stainless steel construction for the Packi-
nox plate bundle considerably reduces HP Separator type Cold Sep’r 50°C Hot Sep’r 250°C
HTC. For the same reason, the high tem-
perature section of its low alloy steel ves- Design Case – figure : 3 4 5 6
sel is clad with austenitic stainless steel. Exchanger type S&T PHE S&T PHE
E1 Hot approach temp. °C 58 23 69 27
PTA SCC is a concern for sensitised
E2 Hot approach temp °C 53 15 40 20
austenitic steel. It occurs, mainly during
Reactor circuit total ∆P bar 19 11 13 9
shutdown periods, in presence of water,
oxygen and iron/chromium sulphide Plant heat balance MW
scales. To prevent this type of corrosion, Heat In (to nearest MW)
it is necessary to use stabilised or low car- - Charge heater 23 5 10 0
bon stainless steel, and plate packs in - Exotherm 22 22 22 22
that service use either 321 material select- - Electric drives (P1+K1) 5 3 4 3
ed at the low end of its carbon range, or - Stripping steam 3 3 3 3
304L. In addition, tests performed on Total In 53 33 39 28
samples extracted from plates have
shown a very low sensitisation level. Heat Out
Chloride SCC of SS requires the com- - E3, High pr cond’r/cooler 38 22 16 15
plete combination exposure to chlor- - E6, Stripper condenser 7 7 8 8
ides, free water, dissolved oxygen, - E7, Diesel rundown cooler 8 4 15 5
tensile stress and temperature between Total Out 53 33 39 28
60°C and 210°C. To avoid these harmful
combinations, basic refinery equipment Heat to feed mix to reach 360°
is installed to minimise concurrent - Charge heater 23 5 10 0
entry of HCl, O2, free-water and solids. - Elec drives 5 3 4 3
- E1, Heat from diesel prod 0 0 28 38
For cold reactor feed (which may still
- E2, Heat from R1 effluent 68 94 57 57
have some dissolved O2 from non-blan-
- E4, Heat from diesel prod 6 0 0 0
keted tanks), the SCC-risk is largely
- E5, Heat from HHPS vapour 0 0 3 4
removed by efficient water draining. Total MW = Qi 102 102 102 102
Then, while still upstream of the PHE’s
SS plates, any remaining free-water haze Heat ex R-Effluent to reach 50°
disappears as the feed-mix is indirectly - E2, Heat to reactor feed 68 94 57 57
warmed by energy inputs from HDS - E8, Heat to stripper feed 17 7 – –
charge pump and RG compressor. - E1, Heat to stripper feed – – 28 38
For stripper feed from a CHPS, the oil - E3, Heat to HP cooler 38 22 16 15
phase is O2-free because the reactor has - E5, Heat to recycle gas – – 3 4
converted any free oxygen to H2O. Thus, - E6, Heat to St cond’r from oil – – 4 4
even with water-haze and perhaps chlo- - E7, Heat to diesel cooler – – 15 5
ride traces, SCC cannot start because Total MW = Qo 123 123 123 123
temperature ex-CHPS is too low. By the
time stripper feed warms to well above
60°C in the LP PHE, any initial free-
water haze is safely dissolved so that Table 1
0 Mw H2S
(Des, 12 Mw) W A
— Increase bypass around the F/E
60 t/d
exchanger E3 50
— Line up a colder and/or less-exother- 360
mic feed E2 E5
57 Mw
— Reduce feedrate
— Reduce reactor pressure. 170
Thus, a large fired heater is definitely
not required to control reactor tempera- RG ⬃860 t/d
ture runaways. 50
215 E6
Start-up heater duty
For most HDS units the target warm-up
rate is in the range 20–40°C/hr. More
rapid heating can cause flange leaks and 250 S WN
other problems due to excessive or 211
uneven thermal expansions, while slow-
er rate may unduly delay the start of E1
profitable normal operation. A total 38 Mw 240
warm up rate of 8–16 hours would gen-
erally be considered satisfactory.
8600 t/d
For the comparative case studies Gasoil feed 74
shown in Figures 3 and 4, the heater
50 Temperature, °C
design size is halved (from 25 to 12MW) E7
5 Mw
when multiple S&T exchangers are
replaced with two PHEs. However, tran-
sient analysis shows that warm-up times
W 50 8200 t/d
are both in the 11–12 hour range. This is
Diesel product
essentially because the Packinox option,
with its close-approach design, rejects
far less heat via the reactor effluent fin- Figure 6 Hot separator HDS – Packinox PHE
Make-up H2 Make-up H2
52 bar 52 bar
102 Heater
360 360
Heater 1-8
2-6 Mw K
Mw K Q
10 Mw Q 66
350 0 Mw H2S
66 W A
H2S (Des, 12 Mw)
60 t/d
(Des, 15 Mw) W A E3 50
380 60 t/d 360
E3 50 E2 E5
57 Mw
E2 A/F E5
57 Mw 170
RG ⬃860 t/d
RG ⬃860 t/d E6
174 215 250
175 250
171 211
250 S WN Steam
E1 A/D
38 Mw 240
28 Mw
8600 t/d 8600 t/d
240 Gasoil feed 74
Gasoil feed
50 Temperature, °C
50 15 Mw E7
Temperature, °C 5 Mw
Figure 5 Hot separator HDS – shell and tube HE Figure 6 Hot separator HDS – Packinox PHE
the first five years of operation. In addi- S Stripper column HHPS design.
tion, fewer and smaller equipment items W Wash water injection Changing from CHPS to HHPS design-
would cut installed capital cost by E1 Stripper bottoms main exchanger type greatly lowers charge heater duty
$8million. Thus, total five-year savings = E2 Reactor feed/effluent exchanger. for both HE-types. Direct fuel use falls by
(16 + 8) x 2 = $48 million for the two The table compares overall plant heat over 50% for a S&T (compare Figures 3
units. This equates to US$3.7 million per balances, including direct fuel and and 5), and by over 90% for PHE (com-
10 000bpd (close to the above-men- power consumption. These values lead pare Figures 4 and 6). In actual
tioned study average). Today, FPC’s pro- to capital and operating costs for each of megawatts, S&T gets closer to PHE whose
ject operates successfully as per Figure 4. the four PFDs. lead erodes from 20MW to 11MW delta
Of the $8million capex saved per Table 1 also gives the heat input to energy. Likewise, the installed capital
unit, only $1 million was directly due to raise feed mix (cold gasoil plus cold cost difference is halved, changing from
lower F/E exchanger purchase costs cf recycle gas) to reactor inlet tempera- $8 million to $4 million.
S&T costs. The other $7 million was due ture. This is a useful cross-check, since Thus for the 65 000bpsd example
to spin-off effects, such as smaller fired heat input must be the same for all four HDS units of Figures 3 through 6, over-
heaters, coolers and compressors, plus design cases. Similarly, the table also all five-year cost saving (on moving
lower civil and piping installation costs. shows the heat removal to lower reac- from S&T to PHE) is $24 million (for
This project highlights a common issue tor effluent from 380°C down to 50°C. CHPS units) or $12 million (for HHPS
found on many projects, where the price All energy data is given to the nearest units) in this 1996 study.
difference between PHE and S&T equip- megawatt. (1MW = 3.41 million
ment is relatively trivial but hides much Btu/hr).
larger savings elsewhere. For the Formosa CHPS project, revis- Peter Barnes is chief process engineer with
ing the design from Figure 3 to Figure 4 PBA Consulting, Australia, which he joined
Basic PFD types saved $8 million in capex due to : in 1994 after retiring from Shell, where his
Figures 3 through 6 now show four HDS Fewer large heat exchangers work had included development and tech-
cases for the same feed and reactor con- 8 S&T → 2 PHE service for FCC and naphtha/light ends
ditions. All exotherms are 22MW. As in Smaller charge heater design duty upgrading.
Table 1, all temperatures are in °C. S&T 25MW → 12MW Pierre-Xavier Bussonnet is technical direc-
vs PHE are compared – CHPS-designs in Smaller total fin-fan cooler design duty tor for engineering and R&D with Packinox
Figures 3 and 4, HHPS-designs in Fig- 50MW → 37MW at Chalon sur Saône, France.
ures 5 and 6. Smaller RG compressor François Reverdy is vice president market-
Equipment tags used in Figures 3 2 casings → 1 casing ing with Packinox Inc, Houston, Texas, USA.
through 6 are as follows: Smaller electric motor drive for K1 He received his civil/mechanical engineer-
H Charge heater 4MW → 2.5MW ing degree in 1979 in Europe and his pro-
R Reactor Less overall civil work, piping and fessional engineer’s licence in 1986 in
A Amine H2S absorber column plot space Maryland, USA
920m → 820 m
2 2
K Recycle gas compressor E-mail: freverdy@packinoxinc.com