2D Vs 3D Tunnel
2D Vs 3D Tunnel
2D Vs 3D Tunnel
Marzieh Rajabi
Geotechnical Engineer
Deconfinement or β-method is recommended in PLAXIS 2D user manual as an option to simulate the soil or rock
relaxation during the phase between when the face materials have been excavated and the support system installed
(3D arching effect). This technique aims to take the 3D nature of the tunnel wall deformation in vicinity of the face into
account in the support system load development.
As a continuation to the previous presentation of the 2D numerical modelling of the tunnels
6824664571807182848-LWIT), this presentation discusses the impact of number of phases on the support system load
development using PLAXIS 2D.
Model geometry and rock mass conditions:
The example presented in PLAXIS 2D “Tutorial Manual – Excavation of an NATM tunnel [GSE], (16 March,
2021)” was used as case study
1. Initial
2. 60% deconfinement for the heading, no support.
3. 100% deconfinement for the heading and lining installation in the heading.
4. 60% deconfinement for the lower section, no support in lower section.
5. 100% deconfinement for the lower section, full support installation.
5 Phases model
11 Phases model
1. Initial
2. 20% deconfinement for the heading, no support. 7. 20% deconfinement for the lower section, no support in lower section.
3. 40% deconfinement for the heading, no support. 8. 40% deconfinement for the lower section, no support in lower section.
4. 60% deconfinement for the heading, no support. 9. 60% deconfinement for the lower section, no support in lower section.
10. 80% deconfinement for the lower section, no support in lower section.
5. 80% deconfinement for the heading, no support.
11. 100% deconfinement for the lower section, full support installation.
6. 100% deconfinement for the heading and lining
installation in the heading.
11 Phases model
Discussion and Conclusion
Followings are the results for this simple and preliminary assessment:
1. With the higher number of modelling stages ( 11 stages), the greater maximum deformation is achieved.
2. Bending moment developed in the lining is approximately 20% less for the model with more stages.
3. As discussed in the previous presentation, impact of distance between the ground support and the tunnel face on
the tunnel convergence and support system load is a 3D problem. As discussed by Vlachopoulos and Diedrichs
(2014), the number of stages used in 2D model would have impact on the modelling results.
4. This assessment is very brief, more cases with various geometry and geotechnical characterisations must be
simulated with 3D and 2D techniques to stablish a guideline for 2D modelling of tunnels.
• References
• 1. Brady BHG, Brown ET (1993) Rock mechanics for underground mining. Chapman and Hall