Quality Systems Quality Systems: One Source
Quality Systems Quality Systems: One Source
Quality Systems Quality Systems: One Source
Surface Stabilization
All-Thread Bar
with Steel Casing
Injection Bar
Support of Excavation
AUTHORS Sebastian Lobo-Guerrero Ph.D., P.E., and Todd DeMico, P.E., A.G.E.S., Inc.
We would like to express our sincere
appreciation to Rick Deschamps, Ph.D.,
P.E., vice president of engineering at
Nicholson Construction, and Ed Laczynski,
P.E., vice president of geotechnical
construction at Wagman Heavy Civil
Construction, for their invaluable discus-
sions and input regarding this topic.
The results presented in this article provide
insight into the potential of the tensile
resistance of micropiles without a con-
tinuous central reinforcing bar, something
often overlooked in the design of micropile
foundations. Although the design criteria
outlined in the design manuals and
specifications are not explicit whether the
continuous central reinforcing bar can be Tensile load test on micropile