Upper-Bound Solutions For Bearing Capacity of Foundations
Upper-Bound Solutions For Bearing Capacity of Foundations
Upper-Bound Solutions For Bearing Capacity of Foundations
Abdul-Hamid Soubra
ABSTRACT: The static and seismic bearing capacity problem of shallow strip footings is investigated. Two
kinematically admissible failure mechanisms M1 and M2 are considered in the framework of the upper-bound
method of the limit analysis theory. The M1 mechanism is symmetrical, and it permits the calculation of the
bearing capacity in the case of no-seismic loading. It is composed of a triangular active wedge under the footing
and two radial shear zones composed of a sequence of rigid triangles. The M2 mechanism is nonsymmetrical and
is composed of a single radial shear zone. This mechanism permits the calculation of the bearing capacity in the
presence of seismic loading. Quasi-static representation of earthquake effects using the seismic coefficient concept
is adopted. The solutions obtained are rigorous upper-bound ones in the framework of the limit analysis theory.
The numerical results of the static and seismic bearing capacity factors are presented in the form of design charts
for practical use in geotechnical engineering. These results are compared with results of other authors.
tion can be interpreted as an expression of the virtual rate of pacity in the case of no-seismic loading. The wedge ABC is
work principle. This observation has often been made (Davis translating vertically as a rigid body with the same initial
1968; Mroz and Drescher 1969; Michalowski 1989; Salençon downward velocity as the footing. The downward movement
1990; De Buhan and Salençon 1993; Drescher and Detournay of the footing and wedge is accommodated by the lateral
1993). The equivalence of the two approaches plays a key role movement of the adjacent soil as indicated by the two radial
in the derivations of the limit loads for nonassociative mate- shear zones. The angles , ␣i, and i (i = 1, . . . , n) are as yet
rials. Recent theoretical considerations made on translational unspecified. Since the movement is symmetrical about the
failure mechanisms (Drescher and Detournay 1993; Michal- footing, it is only necessary to consider the movement on the
owski and Shi 1995, 1996) allow one to conclude that for a right-hand side of Fig. 1.
nonassociative material, the limit load can be obtained by the The radial shear zone BCD is composed of n triangular rigid
use of the flow rule associated with a new yield condition in blocks. As shown in Fig. 2(a), all the triangles move as rigid
which c and are replaced by c* and * as follows: bodies in directions that make an angle with the disconti-
nuity lines di (i = 1, . . . , n). The velocity of each triangle is
cos ⌿ sin
tan * = (1) determined by the condition that the relative velocity between
1 ⫺ sin ⌿ sin the triangles in contact must have the direction that makes an
cos ⌿ cos angle to the contact surface. The velocity hodographs are
c* = c (2) shown in Fig. 2(b). The velocities so determined constitute a
1 ⫺ sin ⌿ sin
kinematically admissible velocity field.
Hence, the results presented in the present paper can be used As shown in Fig. 3, the external forces contributing to the
for nonassociative material provided the internal friction angle incremental external work consist of the foundation load, the
and the cohesion c are replaced with * and c* calculated weight of the soil mass, and the surcharge q on the foundation
from (1) and (2), respectively. level. The incremental external work for the different external
forces can be easily obtained; the calculations are presented in
Failure Mechanisms Appendix I.
Energy is dissipated at the discontinuity surfaces di (i = 1,
M1 Mechanism
. . . , n) between the material at rest and the material in motion
The M1 mechanism is shown in Fig. 1. This mechanism is and at the discontinuity surfaces li (i = 1, . . . , n) within the
symmetrical, and it permits the calculation of the bearing ca- radial shear zone. The incremental energy dissipation per unit
FIG. 3. Free-Body Diagram for M1 Failure Mechanism
Fig. 4) and ␣i ⫹ i ⱖ i⫹1 [cf. Fig. 5(b)]} for the M2 mech-
anism. The method of minimization used is the general re-
duced gradient method. Additional information on Solver op-
tions and algorithms can be found in the Microsoft Excel
Solver’s help file and at the website www.frontsys.com.
In the following sections, we present and discuss in succes-
sion (1) the static bearing capacity factors N␥S , NqS , and NcS
given by both the M1 and M2 mechanisms; and (2) the seismic
bearing capacity factors N␥E , NqE , and NcE given by the M2
nonsymmetrical mechanism.
FIG. 6. Free-Body Diagram for M2 Failure Mechanism Static Bearing Capacity Factors
the base shear load, the inertia forces of the soil in motion, First, the results given by the M1 symmetrical mechanism
and the surcharge loading. Energy is dissipated along the lines will be presented and compared to those given by other ex-
li (i = 1, . . . , n ⫺ 1) and di (i = 1, . . . , n). Calculations of isting solutions. Second, the results of the M2 nonsymmetrical
the incremental external work and the internal energy dissi- mechanism for Kh = 0 will be presented and compared to those
pation along the different velocity discontinuities are given in given by the M1 symmetrical mechanism. This permits us to
Appendix II. estimate the difference between results when considering a
Equating the total external rate of work [(44) in Appendix nonsymmetrical mechanism for a centrally loaded footing.
II] to the total internal rate of energy dissipation [(49) in Ap- Table 1 presents the N␥S factor obtained from the M1 mech-
pendix II], it is found that the value of the upper bound on anism for = 45⬚ and for various values of n (the number of
the bearing capacity is the triangular rigid blocks). It can be observed that the upper-
bound solution can be improved by increasing the number of
PE B0 rigid blocks. The reduction in the N␥S value decreases with the
qcE = =␥ N␥E (␣i , i) ⫹ qNq E (␣i , i) ⫹ cNcE (␣i , i) (8) n-increase and attains 0.2% for n = 14. It should be mentioned
B0 2
that the same trend is also observed for the NqS and NcS factors.
in which the seismic bearing capacity factors N␥E (␣i , i), Fig. 7 shows the critical slip surface obtained from the nu-
NqE (␣i , i), and NcE (␣i , i) can be expressed in terms of the merical minimization of the N␥S factor for = 45⬚ and for n
(2n) as yet unspecified angles (␣i , i). They are given as fol- = 12. It can be observed that the critical failure mechanism
lows: obtained by the computer program is composed of two radial
shear zones sandwiched between an active triangular wedge
N␥E = ⫺ (g1 ⫹ Kh g2) (9) under the footing and a Rankine passive wedge. It should be
sin(1 ⫺ ) ⫹ Kh cos(1 ⫺ ) noted that the radial shear zones are not bounded by log-spiral
1 slip surfaces as is the case of the Prandtl mechanism. Finally,
Nq E = ⫺ (g3 ⫹ Kh g4) (10) note that all subsequent calculations are made for n = 14.
sin(1 ⫺ ) ⫹ Kh cos(1 ⫺ )
Table 2 presents the N␥S , NqS , and Nc S factors obtained from
1 the computer program for ranging from 0 to 50⬚.
NcE = (g5 ⫹ g6) (11) To check the effect of the superposition method, one cal-
sin(1 ⫺ ) ⫹ Kh cos(1 ⫺ )
culates the ultimate load Pdirect obtained by direct numerical
From these equations, it is clear that only the N␥E factor in- minimization of PS [(4)] and compares it to the one obtained
cludes the soil inertia. The NqE factor includes the inertia of by the superposition method Psuperposition using the N␥S , NqS , and
the foundation load and the surcharge loading; however, the NcS factors. For = 30⬚, c = 10 kPa, q = 10 kPa, B0 = 1 m,
NcE factor only includes the inertia of the foundation load and and ␥ = 18 kN/m3, one obtains Pdirect = 726.13 kN/m and
thus corresponds to the case of a footing subject to an inclined
load. TABLE 1. N␥S Value versus Number of Rigid Blocks n for =
As in the static case, the minimum value of qc E gives the 45ⴗ from M1 Symmetrical Mechanism
ultimate seismic bearing capacity of the foundation. However,
in practice, the minimum values of the three factors N␥E (␣i , n N␥S (%)
i), NqE (␣i , i), and NcE (␣i , i) are determined independently (1) (2) (3)
of each other, and therefore their use errs on the safe side.
2 741.93 —
3 447.94 39.6
5 359.50 6.4
The most critical bearing capacity factors can be obtained 6 347.19 3.4
by minimization of these factors [(5) – (7) and (9) – (11)] with 7 340.16 2.0
regard to the mechanism’s parameters. The minimization pro- 8 335.76 1.3
cedure can be performed using the optimization tool available 9 332.82 0.9
in most spreadsheet software packages. In this paper, one uses 10 330.77 0.6
the Solver optimization tool of Microsoft Excel. Two computer 11 329.27 0.5
12 328.14 0.3
programs using the Visual Basic programming language that 13 327.27 0.3
resides in Microsoft Excel have been written to define the 14 326.59 0.2
static and seismic bearing capacity factors as function of the
mechanism’s parameters [(5) – (7) and (9) – (11)]. Initial values
need to be assigned to the different angular parameters. The
solver tool is then invoked to ‘‘minimize’’ the bearing capacity
factor ‘‘by changing’’ the angular parameters, ‘‘subject to’’ the
constraints { ⫹ 兺ni=1 ␣i = (cf. Fig. 1) and ␣i ⫹ i ⱖ i⫹1
[cf. Fig. 2(b)]} for the M1 mechanism and {兺ni=1 ␣i = (cf. FIG. 7. Critical Slip Surface for = 45ⴗ and n = 12
TABLE 2. N␥S , Nq S , and Nc S Values from M1 Symmetrical Mech- The values given by Caquot and Kérisel and the expression
anism suggested by Vesic are being increasingly used. Table 3
N␥S Nq S Nc S and Fig. 8 show the comparison with the aforementioned au-
(1) (2) (3) (4) thors. The maximal difference between the present solution
0 — 1.00 5.15
and that of Caquot and Kérisel is smaller than 10% for ⱕ
1 — 1.09 5.38 45⬚.
2 — 1.20 5.64 On the other hand, rigorous upper-bound solutions for an
3 — 1.31 5.91 associated flow rule Coulomb material are proposed in the
4 — 1.43 6.19 literature. Chen (1975) considered three symmetrical failure
5 — 1.57 6.50 mechanisms referred to as Prandtl1, Prandtl2, and Prandtl3 and
6 — 1.72 6.82
7 — 1.88 7.17
gave rigorous upper-bound solutions in the framework of the
8 — 2.06 7.54 limit analysis theory. Prandtl1 is composed of a triangular ac-
9 — 2.26 7.93 tive wedge under the footing, two radial log-spiral shear zones
10 — 2.47 8.36 and two triangular passive wedges. Prandtl2 differs from
11 — 2.71 8.81 Prandtl1 only in that an additional rigid body zone has been
12 — 2.98 9.30 introduced. Finally, Prandtl3 resembles closely the Prandtl1
13 — 3.27 9.82
14 1.62 3.59 10.39
mechanism; however, each shear zone is now bounded by a
15 1.95 3.95 10.99 circular arc. The upper-bound solutions given by the present
16 2.32 4.34 11.65 M1 mechanism and those given by the three aforementioned
17 2.75 4.78 12.36 mechanisms proposed by Chen are presented in Table 4. It is
18 3.25 5.27 13.13 clear that the present upper-bound solutions are better than
19 3.82 5.81 13.96
20 4.49 6.41 14.86
21 5.26 7.08 15.85 TABLE 3. Comparison of Present N␥S Factor with that of Other
22 6.15 7.84 16.92 Authors
23 7.19 8.68 18.09
24 8.40 9.62 19.37 Present Caquot and Meyerhof Vesic
25 9.81 10.69 20.77 solution (M1) Kérisel (1953) (1963) (1973)
26 11.46 11.88 22.32 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
27 13.39 13.23 24.01 20 4.49 4.97 2.87 5.39
28 15.67 14.76 25.88 25 9.81 10.4 6.77 10.88
29 18.35 16.49 27.95 30 27.51 21.8 15.67 22.4
30 21.51 18.46 30.24 35 49.0 48.0 37.15 48.03
31 25.26 20.70 32.79 40 119.84 113.0 93.69 109.41
32 29.71 23.26 35.62 45 326.59 297.0 262.74 271.76
33 35.02 26.19 38.79
34 41.37 29.56 42.34
35 49.00 33.44 46.33
36 58.21 37.93 50.82
37 69.35 43.13 55.91
38 82.91 49.19 61.68
39 99.48 56.27 68.25
40 119.84 64.58 75.77
41 144.99 74.36 84.40
42 176.23 85.95 94.35
43 215.27 99.73 105.87
44 264.39 116.20 119.29
45 326.59 135.99 134.99
46 405.97 159.91 153.46
47 508.04 189.00 175.31
48 640.42 224.59 201.32
49 813.64 268.44 232.49
50 1,042.48 322.88 270.09
冉 冊
30 21.5 26.7 25.0 31.5
35 49.0 60.2 57.0 138.0
Nq S = exp( tan )tan2 ⫹ (14) 40 119.8 147.0 141.0 1,803.0
4 2
those of Chen (1975); the improvement attains 15% for =
NqS and Nc S Factors. Based on the upper-bound method
of the limit analysis theory, the bearing capacity factors ob-
tained from Prandtl mechanism are given by (14) for NqS and
by (15) for Nc S [cf. Chen (1975)]
N␥S Nq S Nc S
(1) (2) (3) (4) Comparison of Results with Solutions of M2 Mechanism
0 — 1.00 5.15
1 0.03 1.09 5.38
The N␥S , NqS , and NcS factors given by the M2 nonsym-
2 0.07 1.20 5.64 metrical mechanism for Kh = 0 are presented in Table 5 and
3 0.11 1.31 5.91 compared to those given by the M1 mechanism in Fig. 9.
4 0.17 1.43 6.19 While the NqS and Nc S factors are practically identical in both
5 0.25 1.57 6.50 mechanisms, the M2 mechanism gives greater upper-bound
6 0.33 1.72 6.82 solutions than the M1 mechanism for the N␥S factor. Notice,
7 0.43 1.88 7.17
8 0.55 2.06 7.54
however, that the maximal difference does not exceed 4% for
9 0.69 2.26 7.93 ⱖ 20⬚.
10 0.85 2.47 8.36
11 1.03 2.71 8.81
12 1.24 2.98 9.30 Seismic Bearing Capacity Factors
13 1.49 3.27 9.82
14 1.77 3.59 10.39 Earthquakes have the unfavorable effect of decreasing the
15 2.10 3.95 11.00 bearing capacity of foundations. To investigate how the bear-
16 2.47 4.34 11.65 ing capacity factors N␥E , NqE , and NcE are affected, extensive
17 2.91 4.78 12.36
numerical results based on the M2 failure mechanism are pre-
18 3.41 5.26 13.13
19 3.99 5.81 13.96 sented in Tables 6 – 8. All results are given for n = 14, which
20 4.67 6.41 14.87 means that the minimization procedure is made with regard to
21 5.45 7.08 15.85 28 angular parameters.
22 6.35 7.84 16.92 Fig. 10 shows the critical slip surfaces obtained from the
23 7.40 8.68 18.09 numerical minimization of the N␥E factor for = 30⬚ and for
24 8.63 9.62 19.38
three values of Kh (Kh = 0, 0.15, and 0.3). It can be observed
25 10.06 10.69 20.78
26 11.73 11.88 22.32 that the critical slip surface becomes shallower as the accel-
27 13.68 13.23 24.02 eration intensity increases.
28 15.98 14.76 25.89 Charts relating bearing capacity factors N␥E , NqE , and NcE to
29 18.69 16.49 27.96 various governing parameters are presented in Figs. 11 – 13.
30 21.88 18.46 30.25
31 25.67 20.70 32.80
32 30.16 23.25 35.63 TABLE 6. Seismic Bearing Capacity Factor N␥E
33 35.52 26.18 38.80
34 41.93 29.55 42.36
35 49.62 33.43 46.35
Kh 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
36 58.90 37.91 50.84
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
37 70.13 43.11 55.93
38 83.78 49.17 61.71 0 2.10 4.67 10.06 21.88 49.62 120.96 328.88
39 100.47 56.24 68.28 0.05 1.51 3.57 7.91 17.43 39.69 96.48 259.93
40 120.96 64.55 75.80 0.1 1.01 2.61 6.04 13.59 31.23 75.92 203.11
41 146.27 74.33 84.44 0.15 0.58 1.80 4.45 10.35 24.14 58.94 156.98
42 177.70 85.91 94.40 0.2 0.26 1.13 3.14 7.67 18.32 45.12 120.05
43 216.97 99.68 105.94 0.25 0.04 0.62 2.09 5.51 13.61 34.05 90.85
44 266.35 116.13 119.37 0.3 — 0.26 1.28 3.80 9.89 25.31 68.05
45 328.88 135.91 135.09 0.35 — — 0.69 2.49 6.99 18.51 50.44
46 408.65 159.81 153.58 0.4 — — 0.28 1.51 4.77 13.29 36.99
47 511.22 188.86 175.45 0.45 — — 0.04 0.81 3.12 9.34 26.82
48 644.19 224.42 201.50 0.5 — — — 0.35 1.92 6.40 19.19
49 818.14 268.22 232.70 0.55 — — — 0.07 1.08 4.24 13.54
50 1,047.90 322.59 270.36 0.6 — — — — 0.51 2.69 9.38
TABLE 7. Seismic Bearing Capacity Factor Nq E
Kh 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
0 3.95 6.41 10.69 18.46 33.43 64.55 135.91
0.05 3.52 5.72 9.51 16.35 29.44 56.39 117.46
0.1 3.07 5.02 8.35 14.34 25.70 48.89 100.85
0.15 2.59 4.32 7.24 12.44 22.25 42.08 86.05
0.2 2.07 3.62 6.17 10.67 19.08 35.96 73.00
0.25 1.46 2.94 5.17 9.04 16.22 30.52 61.60
0.3 — 2.25 4.22 7.54 13.65 25.73 51.71
0.35 — 1.46 3.33 6.19 11.37 21.53 43.21
0.4 — — 2.47 4.97 9.36 17.89 35.93
0.45 — — 1.56 3.86 7.59 14.74 29.75
0.5 — — — 2.85 6.04 12.04 24.51
0.55 — — — 1.86 4.69 9.72 20.09
0.6 — — — — 3.49 7.75 16.36
TABLE 8. Seismic Bearing Capacity Factor Nc E FIG. 11. Design Chart for N␥E
Kh 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
0 11.00 14.87 20.78 30.25 46.35 75.80 135.09
0.05 10.26 13.79 19.14 27.64 41.95 67.84 119.27
0.1 9.50 12.69 17.50 25.09 37.74 60.38 104.74
0.15 8.72 11.60 15.91 22.64 33.76 53.46 91.56
0.2 7.96 10.54 14.37 20.32 30.06 47.12 79.70
0.25 7.21 9.51 12.91 18.14 26.63 41.36 69.14
0.3 6.48 8.53 11.53 16.12 23.50 36.18 59.81
0.35 5.79 7.61 10.25 14.26 20.67 31.56 51.62
0.4 5.14 6.75 9.07 12.58 18.12 27.47 44.49
0.45 4.54 5.96 8.00 11.05 15.85 23.86 38.29
0.5 3.98 5.23 7.02 9.68 13.83 20.69 32.94
0.55 3.47 4.58 6.14 8.46 12.04 17.93 28.33
0.6 3.01 3.98 5.36 7.37 10.48 15.53 24.37
TABLE 9. Comparison of Present Seismic Bearing Capacity
Factors with Upper-Bound Solutions Given by Soubra (1997) for
= 40ⴗ
N␥E Nq E Nc E
Present Soubra Present Soubra Present Soubra
Kh solution (1997) solution (1997) solution (1997)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0 121.0 140.5 64.6 64.2 75.8 75.3
0.1 75.9 88.4 48.9 48.7 60.4 60.1
0.2 45.1 53.0 36.0 35.9 47.1 46.9
0.3 25.3 30.1 25.7 25.7 36.2 36.1
0.4 13.3 16.0 17.9 17.9 27.5 27.4
0.5 6.4 7.8 12.0 12.0 20.7 20.7
0.6 2.7 3.3 7.8 7.7 15.5 15.5
APPENDIX I. M1 Mechanism Incremental Internal Energy Dissipation
In this appendix, we present the different expressions for 1. Along BC
the incremental external work of mechanism M1, together with
the internal energy dissipation from the same mechanism. ⌬DBC = cB0 f4 (␣i , i , )V0 (27)
cos cos(1 ⫺ ⫺ )
For the triangular block i, the lengths li and di , and the f4 = (28)
2 cos sin(1 ⫺ 2)
surface Si are given as follows:
i⫺1 2. Along lines di (i = 1, . . . , n)
B0 sin j
li = (16)
2 cos j=1 sin(␣j ⫹ j) ⌬Ddi (i=1,...,n) = cB0 f5 (␣i , i , )V0 (29)
B0 sin ␣i sin j where
di = (17)
2 cos sin(␣i ⫹ i) j=1 sin(␣j ⫹ j) cos( ⫺ )cos
f5 =
2 cos sin(1 ⫺ 2)
B 2
0 sin ␣i sin i sin j
冘冋 写 册
Si = (18)
2 4 cos2 sin(␣i ⫹ i) j=1 sin2(␣j ⫹ j) n
sin ␣i
sin j sin(␣j ⫹ j ⫺ 2)
i=1 sin(␣i ⫹ i) j=1 sin(␣j ⫹ j)sin(j⫹1 ⫺ 2) (30)
Incremental External Work
3. Along the radial lines li (i = 2, . . . , n)
The different elements of the incremental external work for
the M1 mechanism can be calculated as follows. ⌬Dli (i=2,...,n) = cB0 f6 (␣i , i , )V0 (31)
1. Incremental external work due to self-weight of triangle
ABC1 where
冘冋 写
n i⫺1
where sin(i⫺1 ⫺ i ⫹ ␣i⫺1) sin j
sin(i ⫺ 2) sin(␣j ⫹ j)
tan i=2 j=1
写 册
f1 = (20) i⫺2
2 sin(␣j ⫹ j ⫺ 2)
sin(j⫹1 ⫺ 2) (32)
2. Incremental external work due to self-weights of the re- j=1
maining 2n triangular blocks The total incremental energy dissipation is twice the summa-
冘 tion of these three parts, that is, (27), (29), and (31)
␥B 2
[ f2 (␣i , i , )]V0
[⌬W ] j = (21)
j=1 2 [⌬D] = 2(⌬DBC ⫹ ⌬Ddi (i=1,...,n) ⫹ ⌬Dli (i=2,...,n) ) (33)
APPENDIX II. M2 Mechanism
cos( ⫺ ) In this appendix, we present the different expressions for
f2 =
2 cos2 sin(1 ⫺ 2) the incremental external work of mechanism M2, together with
冘冋 冉 冘 冊
n i⫺1 the internal energy dissipation for the same mechanism.
sin ␣i sin i
⭈ sin i ⫺ ⫺ ␣j ⫺
sin(␣i ⫹ i)
i=1 j=1
写 册
sin2j sin(␣j ⫹ j ⫺ 2) For the triangular block i, the lengths li and di , and the
j=1 sin2(␣j ⫹ j)sin(j⫹1 ⫺ 2) (22) surface Si are given as follows:
3. Incremental external work due to the foundation load sin 1 sin j
li = B0 (34)
⌬WPS = PSV0 (23) sin(␣1 ⫹ 1) j=2 sin(␣j ⫹ j)
4. Incremental external work due to the surcharge loading sin 1 sin ␣i sin j
di = B0 (35)
sin(␣1 ⫹ 1) sin i j=2 sin(␣j ⫹ j)
⌬Wq = qB0 f3 (␣i , i , )V0
(24) i
B02 sin21 sin ␣i sin(␣i ⫹ i) sin2j
where Si = (36)
2 sin (␣1 ⫹ 1)
sin i sin (␣j ⫹ j)
冉 冘 冊
n ⫺1
cos( ⫺ ) sin n
f3 = sin n ⫺ ⫺ ␣j ⫺ Incremental External Work
cos sin(1 ⫺ 2) sin(␣n ⫹ n) j=1
冘冋 冉 冘冊
n i⫺1
sin21 sin ␣i sin(␣i ⫹ i) Chen, W. F. (1975). Limit analysis and soil plasticity. Elsevier Scientific
g1 = sin i ⫺ ⫺ ␣j Publishing Company, London, 637.
sin2(␣1 ⫹ 1) i=1 sin i j=1 Davis, E. H. (1968). ‘‘Theories of plasticity and the failure of soil
写 写 册
i i⫺1 masses.’’ Soil mechanics: Selected topics, I. K. Lee, ed., Butterworth’s,
sin j
sin(␣j ⫹ j ⫺ 2) London, 341 – 380.
j=2 sin2(␣j ⫹ j) j=1 sin(j⫹1 ⫺ 2) (38) De Buhan, P., and Salençon, J. (1993). ‘‘A comprehensive stability anal-
冘冋 冉 冘冊
n i⫺1 ysis of soil nailed structures.’’ Eur. J. Mech. Ser. A/Solids, Paris, 12(3),
sin21 sin ␣i sin(␣i ⫹ i) 325 – 345.
g2 = cos i ⫺ ⫺ ␣j Dormieux, L., and Pecker, A. (1995). ‘‘Seismic bearing capacity of foun-
sin (␣1 ⫹ 1)
i=1 sin i j=1
dations on cohesionless soil.’’ J. Geotech. Engrg., ASCE, 121(3),
写 写 册
i i⫺1 300 – 303.
sin2j sin(␣j ⫹ j ⫺ 2)
⭈ Drescher, A., and Detournay, E. (1993). ‘‘Limit load in translational fail-
j=2 sin2(␣j ⫹ j) j=1 sin(j⫹1 ⫺ 2) (39) ure mechanisms for associative and non-associative materials.’’ Géo-
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1. Along lines di (i = 1, . . . , n) Terzaghi, K. (1943). Theoretical soil mechanics. Wiley, New York, 510.
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⌬Ddi (i=1,...,n) = cB0 g5 (␣i , i)V1 (45) Proc., ASCE, 99(1), 45 – 73.
冘冋 写
n i
sin 1 cos sin ␣i sin j The following symbols are used in this paper:
g5 =
sin(␣1 ⫹ 1) i=1 sin i j=2 sin(␣j ⫹ j)
写 册
B0 = width of footing;
sin(␣j ⫹ j ⫺ 2) c = cohesion;
⭈ c* = residual cohesion due to nonassociativeness;
j=1 sin(j⫹1 ⫺ 2) (46)
di , li = discontinuity lines;
2. Along the radial lines li (i = 1, . . . , n ⫺ 1) Kh = horizontal seismic coefficient;
N␥E , Nq E , Nc E = seismic bearing capacity factors;
⌬Dli (i=1,...,n ⫺1) = cB0 g6 (␣i , i)V1 (47) N␥S , Nq S , Nc S = static bearing capacity factors;
where n = number of rigid blocks in failure mechanisms;
冘冋 写
n ⫺1 i
PE = seismic ultimate load;
sin 1 cos sin(i ⫺ i⫹1 ⫹ ␣i) sin j PS = static ultimate load;
g6 =
sin(␣1 ⫹ 1) i=1 sin(i⫹1 ⫺ 2) j=2 sin(␣j ⫹ j) q = surcharge loading;
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qcE = seismic bearing capacity of footing;
sin(␣j ⫹ j ⫺ 2) qcS = static bearing capacity of footing;
⭈ Si = area of block i;
j=1 sin(j⫹1 ⫺ 2) (48)
V0 = initial downward velocity of footing for M1
The total incremental energy dissipation is the summation of mechanism;
these two parts, that is, (45) and (47) V1, V2 , . . . , Vn = velocities of blocks 1, 2, . . . , n;
␥ = unit weight of soil;
[⌬D] = ⌬Ddi (i=1,...,n) ⫹ ⌬Dli (i=1,...,n ⫺1) (49) ⌬V = velocity along velocity discontinuity;
, ␣i , i = angular parameters of failure mechanisms;
APPENDIX III. REFERENCES = angle of internal friction of soil;
Caquot, A., and Kérisel, J. (1953). ‘‘Sur le terme de surface dans le calcul * = residual friction angle due to nonassociative-
des fondations en milieu pulvérulent.’’ Proc., 3rd Int. Conf. on Soil ness; and
Mech. and Found. Engrg., ICOSOMES, Zurich, Vol. I, 336 – 337. ⌿ = dilatancy angle.