Report 1282
Report 1282
Report 1282
SUMMARY from this point of view, the choice of a type of general solu-
tion to be used in analyzing a particular problem with the
For a given wing and supersonic Mach number, the problem
least mathematical effort depends on the geometric form of
of shaping an adjoining fusekge 80 that the combination ~
the object under consideration. For example, general solu-
huve a low wave drag i-s con.siabed. (?nZyjmekzgm that cun
tions based on Green’s theorem are well adapted to the study
be simukted by singuLari&s (multipokx) didributed along the
of forces on single planar wings in a steady supersonic flow.
body am% are studied. However, the optimum w-iu.tti of
On the other hand, the general solution given by Lamb (ref.
such singularities are completely epecij$edin ternw of the given
2)—which is composed of an iniinite set of multipole distri-
wing geometry. An application i-s made to an elliptic wing
butions disposed along a line-is well adapted to the study
having a bi.convexsecthn, a thickesa-chmd ra$w equal to 0.06
of the flow around fuselagdike objects.
at the root, and an aspect ratw equul to 3. A comparison of
In this report use is made of certain general solutions to
the theoretical result%with a wind-tunnel experiment is do
equation (1) but with a deviation hm the usual approach
mentioned above. One considers, in fact, two different
INTRODUCTION kinds of solutions which represent separately, in a given
The most simplifying a.wmmptions that still permit the
~z /
construction of a mathematical model general enough to
contain quantitative information about steady three-
dimensiomd supersonic flow are those basic to we develop-
ment of linearized theory. Of these, the two principal
assumptions me that the viscosi~ effects are negligible and
the perturbation velocities are almost ev-here small
enough to be neglected relative to the flight or free-stream
velocity. Under such restrictions the flow field can be
described in terms of a perturbation velocity potential q
obeyiug the equation
‘=-Rrs4ww@+’Jl ‘2)
vicinity, d.Merent classes of red objects and, by means of ffn(x) strength of nth-order optimum cancollat Dn
equation (2), iinds optimum combinations of these solutions multiples -.. (36).)
(See eq.
from the viewpoint of low wave drag. The analysis involved
in solving this problem has, in general, a distinct mathemati- i. slope of wing upper surface Jmwmred relnt V(3
cal advantage over the problem of calculating the drag of a to free-stream direction
given object; namely, that the iminediate problem of finding P tan-l (f? cos 0)
a shape with a relatively low wave drag is divorced from Po free-stream density
any detailed reference to the shape itself. It is true, of P perturbation velocity potential
course, that the stream surface repreaentiug this shape must
eventually be found and, in fact, a limitation on the appli-
cability of the method is given by the requirement that this The problem of designing an airplane to have a minimum
shape be real. However, the problem of finding the shape wave drag must be stated quite precisely. If the aerody-
of the object when w is lmown is a matter of direct calcula- namicist is approached with the question, “Given an rtero-
tions One should also be careful to notice that the optimum ‘dynamic shape, can its wave drag be lowered?” he can always
solutions obtained by this procedure are not necessarily tie reply that any volume of material having a wave drag cnn
optimums but purely relative to the choice of solutions used always be reshaped within a space of finite dimensions so
in the analysis. that it will have less wave drag at a given Mach numbw.
LIST OF IMPORTANT SYMBOLS Such an answer is interesting but, at present, not very usofu]
to the airplane designer. There is tit, of course, the basic
A wing aspect ratio
criterion that the total drag should be minimized at a given
A.(x) (–9)” ti.RICSthem% derivative of the nth multi-
pole distribution an(z) (See eq. 16.) lift and minhizkg a component part of this total without
holding the othar parts fixed does not neceasmily ykld the
a semi-root-chord of elliptic wing
lowest possible drag for a given set of restraints. I?or m-
a=(x) strength of nth-order multipole distribution
multiplying cos n13 ample, the configuration illustrated in figure 2 has no wnve
BJx) (–B)” times the nth derivative of the nth multi-
pole distribution b=(z) .,
b semispan of elliptic wing \
b.(z) strength of nth-order multipole distribution \
// \
multiplying sin nll \
/ \
c. drag coefEcient, g ,\
S@ / \\
c, pressure coefficient, local presmre minus static
pressure divided by q
L\\ “\
wave drag
wave drag associated with nth-order cancella-
\\\ Scaly of revolutlo%l
iI I
I //
tion multipole distribution (See eq. (59).)
L:)LO maximum fore-and-aft extent of wing equiva-
lent multipole distribution
L’(o),L(o) mwinmrn for~and-aft extent of wing equiva-
lent multipole distribution for angle 8
M free-stream Mach number ———— Mach waves
pouo~ FIGURE2.—Body and shroud with zero wave drag.
u free-stream dynamic pressure, ~
7 drag when traveling at zero angle of attack; but it has n
relatively high friction drag, because of the large amount of
78 se: equation (46)
wetted area, and its drag due to lift could also be relatively
R radius of body
high. Completely aside from all such performance consid-
s area of wing plan form
erations, however, are many other important considerations
SJX,13) normal projection of wing cross+ectional area
that are unfortunately more or less vaguely defined from m
measured in oblique planes
aerodynamic point of view. For example, an airplane must
t maximum thickness of wing root chord
contain a certain amount of usable volume, the shaping of
u. speed of free stream
individual parts is limited by structural requirements, and
v volume
the ammgement of these parts must not seriously hnrm tho
z,y,z Cartesian coordinate system, z parallel to l%ee-
airplane stability and control. The interrelation of nll such
stream direction
separate demands presents an extremely complex design
X,r,o cylindrical coordinate system, x parallel to free-
problem making it diflicult to deviate too far from the relinble
strefbm direction
shapes set by experience.
3 From a rmtbemntknl pint of* oftbe meibodoutlfnsdfIfxIve
tbe-waxm fsthattba
Involvesthesolntiento dhwt problem$ thst fS problems of fntegmtfnn. Ccl- As a result of the above-mentioned dii%culties, the nero-
the dm of a @mm My, on the other hand, fnvrhss tbe selntfon to fnvsrse pro~
~ t & pm?blems Involvfng tbe Snvsa-sfon of fntegmf equatiom dynamicist who is concerned with discovering a prncticrd
airplane shape having low wave drag finds the real deihition .8 1 I I
of his problem somewhat obscure. In a sense his fimt prOb- Md = 1.41, hic =.5
Iem is, literally, to pose a problem; that is, to impose a
minimum number of arbitrary but pertinent restraints within
the framework of which the wave drag is to be minimized.
Even when this has been done, he still is concerned with the
question of uniqueness, since optimum shapw are not neces-
sarily unique even when several restraints are imposed. /
.4 /
Consider, for example, the problem of finding the Busemwm
biplane which will have minimum wave drag at a given /
Mach number for a fixed section strength, volume, and
wetted area. If the design Mach number is 1.41, one such
design (on the basis of linearized theory) is shown in figure
3 where the chord-gap ratio, A/c, is equal to j4. The resulting
variation of the wave drag is shown in the upper part of
figure 4. However, when the gap is closed to the point o
where h/c equals X, the variation of wave drag, shown in
the lower part of figure 4, is the same within the interval .4 1 I
1.28 <M< 1.66 and everywhere else is lower. It is likely Md = 1.41, h/c =.25
that one would have fit discovered the former solution, yet
to the accuracy of the theory used, the latter is obviously
preferable. A \
With the above observations always in mind, attention
will be directed in this report to the analysis of simplified
configurations composed of two distinct types of volume:
planar types, that is, wing-likeVOIUDIe-S, thin in one dimen- o
I 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
sion and bounded by surfaces that never deviate far from M
a reference plane; and rectilinear types, that is, fuselage-like
Fmmn 4.-Drag variation for doubl~mdge Buswnannbiplan=.
volumes longer in one dimension than in the other two and
disposed more or less symmetrically about a straight line. where a.(~) is the source strength per unit of length. In
In particular the following problem is posed: order to calculate wave drag one needs ordy the value of pas r
Given a thin nonlifting wing, what is the shape of an approaches infinity. This asymptotic vrdue is simple enough
adjoining fuselage, the stream surface of which is to fmd provided it is observed that, as r is increased, x should
sinmh ted by a line of multiples in the same plane as also be increased so the potential can be studied in the
the wing, that will minimize the wave drag of the vicinity of the Mach waves radiating from the disturbing
combination at a given Mach number? object. Hence, set
(3) r
// ,/-”””-”--”-----”
———— Mach waves at Af= 1.41
Y /’ ;
x=~r> /
/ /’
\ x+L#p7
‘. /’ ~/
\\ /“
/ / \\
“\ /
‘f )’
U. \x/ y’ I //
h / /’
/“ ‘\ / ‘\
/ \
/ //
/ \ ,’ \ // //
/ \ /’
FIGURE 3.—Busemam biplane.
6- \
LO — +
If equation (4) is placed into-equation (3) and r is assumed niques. To begin with, rewrite equation (1) in terms of n
to be large, the potential induced by a source is polar coordinate system, thus
&m.-.——— 1 ‘“ %(’94
(5) (lo)
2m@@ J –L” SE
and the induced velocities are Next, define the Laplace transform of p(z,r,O) by
1 ‘0 &’(tMi ~(t?,r,e)= p(z,T,e)e-%iz (11)
*)_..—— (6a)
2q@F J –L” - Jo
d-+. =?% (6b) and apply this transform to equation (10). There results
(for a proof see Appendix A).
The operator
()~~ is delined as .f(r)=an(8)I.@r8) +xn(8)K.@r8)
os t)’
‘ A(v)d?q
~]=(0(3). ;=(W) f
The above result will be transformed back to the physical
plane in two ways. Firstj apply the identity (ref. 4, p. 79)
is introduced, where the symbol is read “finite part o~ the
z, with the lMach forecone and aftercone from the point ZO,O,O,
Hayed result can now be stated 5
One wishes to let r become very large and iind the shape of
the forecone as it passes through regions close to the origin
of the z1,v1,z1coordinate system, regions in which the objects
creating the wave drag are located. From equation (4)
and the expansion of equation (22) for larger, it follows that
u. ‘o Siu’’(’%$ G
fcY.).cO=—— (29a)
2~@F- J _Lf~J Xo—&
‘Line of wing saurces Since the flow field is governed by a linear partial diiler-
XI,tl ential equation the velocities induced by different solutions
to it are additive. Therefore, the drag of an object simu-
FIGURE8,—Position of wing .wsrcea and equivalent single source.
lated by various multiples distributed along the x, axis
As before, the asymptotic value of p as r=&F+@~ ~ % to and a sheet of sources in the ZI=O plane is given by
be enlculated. Accordingly, one can apply Hayd theorem
rmd sum up all the sources along a line :1= constant (e. g., & lim T [(w)m+(%).1 [(Pz)nl+(*)tol
D=-PtITwJ:. {r.. }
between a and b in fig. 8) and place them as a single source
on the axis. The strength of this equivalent single source where the subscripts m and w refer to the. multiples and
iS:&’OKl by wing source9, respectively. But equations (21) and (29)
identify, for a tied e, these’ velocities with those induced by
uosw’(&,e)=2uo Cos p
equivalent line sourw. Hence, for any given 0; one can
Ufl+?ll Sk /%71Cos P) 4?1 C@
J Wfrlg immediately apply Kdrmfin’s drag formula (ref. 8) and
then for the total drag, integrate 0 from O to 27. This leads
where the integration is taken across the complete wing along
the~line f,=constant and Sw’(f@)=& sdfl,e).
7-. $ (–m%+” (%) Cos ‘nR
X,w-pylcod 1
FIcmnE9.—Wing area intercepted by oblique plane. SIn m9s.’’@)do.o
~ Ob]tque
lagivenb eqrmtien @) but tbe wingfs$e &se to tbe nEO PIOM
b2rmnlmm J eotd. and eny pitive or negative vorhtien of b.@~) (m) can OIISYinorwo the drag.
Next esprmd the term &“(z,13) in a Fourier series. One be reduced to zero is quite valid, but in the over-all picture
finds not only have the inevitable nose and tail drags been neg-
lected but also the shape sindated by the combination cm
(z)cm ‘ne
U.S.’’(Z,O)=5(–p)”ctg+’) (31)
o be unrealistic.
u. 2“ =0
Sw”(z,o)ae, , n=o
—% J o
—— u.
d-m Jo
S.”(x,O) cos d 0?$, n>O
t /r\ \
I /’
Equation (36) is the mathematical
optimum cancellation multiples;
definition of the
namely, those multiples
which are just equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to
/ “\
the wing equivalent multipoles-equivalent in the sense
that they induce an identical momentum flux across a / Iorm
cylinder of infinite radius. ,/
must assume a cylindrical body exists upstream from the
Mach cone z+ZO=& (the effects of the nose are being
neglected). This body forms the initial boundary of the
stream tube which represents the physical fuselage in the /’+ = constont
0 \
vicinity of the wing and multipole lines. Clearly, the area
\ /
enclosed by this initial boundary can be small enough for //
the subsequent stream surface to cross itself and represent, i-
therefore, a physically unreal body. Hence, the fact that
the wave drag of the wing and multipole combination can
m + x,(
A. sinn~,z-–L.
1WJ7.$).S cm & Integration
givesI=: ~ nA4wldchcmnew
b ncgath-e. ‘ FIGWEE10.-Symbols used in study of multipole properties.
Then the condition of continuity is automatically satisfied for Further, this connection was direct and relatively simple if
a~) ($) in the entire interval — co<x< m if &’ ($,0) is the strengths and positions of the distributions were given.
derived from n wing having finite wave drag (in particular, Unfortunately the connection between the mukipoles and
from a wing having no blunt edges along which the normal the shape of the simulated surface is generally not so simple.
component of the free-stream lMach number is unity or Such a relation does certainly exist, however, and if the
greater). It follows immediately that c@ ($), m<n, is strengtha of the multiples are known, the relationship is
continuous since the latter is found by integrating (further again direct. That is, a given distribution of multiples
smoothing) %!i (~). yields directly, by the formulas given in the previous section,
The proof that an(LO) as given by equation (36) is zero the induced velocities everywhere in the flow field, these, in
requires more consideration. One can show, however, that turn, fix the stream surfaces along any one of which (since, ef
cr.w)(LO)=0 where Osm sn. I&t, the equality a$) (Lo) =0 course, the theory neglects viscosity) a physical surface can
follows from the fact that the &g closes and S=’ (L@) itself be imagined.
is zero. Ntwt consider the definition of %W (g). Thus In general, if
F.(z,y,z) =0
tY$fqg)=— “S.’(W) cm M d (39)
(–B)nr J o F,(z,r,e) =0
_ –2U0 2’
cos p cos n$ d ::’)~w(t+~ s~ %~ cos P) d~ ‘ are the equations of a stream surface in cartesian and polar
(–l% J o J 0, coordinates, respectively, then the equations
where use has been made of equation (28) for the deti.nition
of SW’(~,fl) and h. and hl are defined in figure 10. Since
a~w(t)= r(n— m) -LOJ(&&)”-=-’%w(tl) 41 (37)
0n8 has
must hold.
For example, in studies of thin wings lying in a plane, the
particular form of equation (39)
‘ au$”)
‘“ma ~ ~
(,+z+py .Cos 0)”-=-1 or, neglecting second-order effects,
ah —
—= 1
}U(ZJJ)(ix d~
ax u. “
The mea SE, shown in figure 10, becomes independent of o
which is the familiar boundary condition used in thin-airfoil
when ~=Lo (being then just the area of the wing itself),
theory. On the other hand, if the equation of the body
shape is written in the form
a.w (~O)=(_p)wr(m—n) ~ xu(z,yjti dy 7’-R(Z,O)=O
2r(Lo–x+By CoSo)”-*-l cos?14 CU3=0 then equation (40) becomes, for linearized theory,
~ bR
U. g=pr–z, ~ (41)
since, for m<n
If the flow field is radially symmetrical or if the body surface
cos mtl cosnode=o
Jo is quasi-cylindrical, equation (41 ) reduces to
p, and ~ at arbitmmy field points. Hence, the first step in 41,9 --— Large 7 theory
2, I I I I I I I I I I I
.2 7 = .444
-4 I I I I I I I I I I I
.2 (b)
1 I I I I
/ ~ ~ . +,
— U4 = C4(I-WX o -1
\ _
~o — — . To
\ (b) Velocities, PO,.
FmuEE 11.—C!ontimzed.
--— Rodii ot which velocities +. ond +@ ore presented induced by simple polynomial distributions satisfying, in
each case, the end conditions given by equation (17). J?or
particular variations set
a@=c4(l —3?)5 1 (4
-— Multiples
where co, Q, and cd are constants dete rmining the amplitudes
(a) Multipole dietriiutione.
FKWEE 11.—Radial and tangential velociti~ induced by three different and Z=z/Lo. Figure 11 (a) shows the variations of these
multipole distriiutione at four rati coefficients with Z, and figures 11(b) through 11(f) show
300. 1 400 - 1
7= .148 7 = .148
\ 3W , / 7
I 2W {
lrXl / 2m
\ I
~ i 100 I I I
\ \
\ ,
1 +PHi
. z 303 — Exact linearized theory -m
–––– Slender-kxiy theory
$ 8
V ,= ~, IQ
+ -4JJ_U_lJ — Exact Ilneorized theory
40 “
k r., -–— Slender-body theory
& G
,/ t’
~ 60 ,
:\ / 7 / - \
~,o \ / 40
\ y / “> \
L 20 \
-40 — / - .
o /
\\ \ /
-60, /
g /
Xo /
30 I -60
~- 1
0 I
7 = .444
20 I
10 I
-201‘\ 1/ I I I I I I I I I I
Exact linearized theory
-30~ ‘s,en~er-~~~y theory
Icn --— Large 7 “theory
.&I; 15, I I I I I I I I I I I
--l&’ 10
5 10 I
7 = .888
. . \
0 5 \
/ ‘.
,’ ..- .
-5 o (F i.-.
. \
-1~: I I I I I I I I I I I -IQ,
o 0
——— . . _—-— —.
600 1
7=:148 7=.148
400 I \ 400
200 / 1. 200
~–— i 1 I -200 \ t
W30 -400
/ /
— Exact linearized theory -600 — Exoct linearized theory
–—– Slender-tody theory ----- Slender-body theory
201 30- 1
1 ,
7=.296 7,.296
10 20
\ / 4
-2Q11 I I I 1 I I I I I I I -10
o I
-20, “
o -1
3 I
2 4 I
i= .444
3 / T
/ ‘ + ~ 2 f
o / \,
/ T /
-1’ L I
/, o \.
-2 \
\ \
— Exoct linearized theory // /
-3 -1 \
— Slender-body theory
-–— Large i’ theory
Position of
--— Moxima
—.-. .— Minima
/’ /
/ /’/’ /,’/
/ /’
cas 28
b I
I F -1 I F
Small 7
A+. t Cos 28
(a) (b)
Inrge 7
Large 7
(a) Radial velaoities induced bv sources I
Fmurm 13.—Po~tians of orests of waves or&ed by multipole distri- (b) Radial velocities induoed by second-rder multiples.
butions shown in figure 11. FIGURE13.—Continued.
.—. ——..
x$’” / ,,,,’’’”~$/
Q /.’”
//f “( (:+’’’’%’+5:--:;,,,’
\\ ( /,;5/
------- Minlmo
-1 I 2 3
-1 I
Smell T -+
-1 “
Loqe T
(d) Radial velocities induced by fourth-order multiples.
l?mmm 13.—Continued.
creases. For example, when Fe= 0.2, q., as given by slender- If for a particular problem r, is small enough for slender-
body theory is 19 percent less than that given by exact body theory to be considered a good approximation, the
linearized theory for the case shown, whereas ~, is only 3 equation for the body shape, r= R(z,O), corresponding to
percent less. Correspondingly, the positions of the wave the combined wing and optimum cancellation multiples
crests follow the path predicted by slender-body theory to defined in equation (36) is determined by the expressions
larger values of 7 as the order of the multiples increases. (using equations (45), (36), and (14) together with equa-
The latter trend is illustrated by figure 15. tion (42))
Iv -Lo’
Ckq(z-z,y Cos n+s.”(z,,y) (470)
Position of: ,/’ ,/ /,” ‘ #
——— Moxlmo / ,,.’ ‘ ,.?
--— Minimo ,/’” ,,@
,/ / //
,</ / “ /7
/“ ,f/
“/ / ////
/’ *’/
,’ .SY
/ ,,’ ,J / ,*7
,/” ,,7
/’/ ,’ ,“
(/ ,<”/
1’ ,’
It : /’ ./
i ,7
1 v I
1 I 2 3
sin 48
.2 .3 .5 1.0 235 10
FmuEE 14.—Continued.
Lorge 7 5,000
300 !ory -~ I I Iw I I I I I
“5 .05 Jo .2 .3 .5 Lo
7 1003
.5 Lo 23 5 10
(a) p.,
Fmuwa 14.—Attenuation of first orwt of wava oreated by multipole (o) q,,
distributions shown in figure 11. FrGURH 14.-Ckmtinued.
.—— —— —.. ..— —
: 30
2 \
1 I03
.5 LO 23 5 10
.2 .3 .5 1.0 2 3
i i
(d) ~ (e) P*
Fmrmn 14.—Continued. Fmmm 14.—Conoluded.
Approximate methods for iinding (w/UJZ) ~~mo ~d (PJUJ win~, equations (21) are also shown in figures 13, 14, and 15.
the velocities induced by the wing, can often be used also; For n S4 it is clear that this theory can be used when 7,
but these apply to individual cases and cannot be discussed is greater than about 2.
~12Y kOR LARGE ;=
The approximations inherent in ordinary control-surface
The asymptotic values for magnitude and position of the theory can also be estimated by inspecting figures 14 and
first wave. crest obtained by placing equations (44) into 15, where by control-surface theory one means that the
n ..-
Ill --— Large 7 theory / ---
I I I / ,Z--
4 Slender-bcdy theory I -––— Slender -bady theary
I I --
/ /
,/) ~ Large 7 theory /
/ /
-. — — --
-,8 ,/ / c
Xo ,
-.6 -.6
.2 .4 .6 .8 10 -- --
T /
(a) Radial velauities induced by sources. /’ ~ ~
-.8 -
FIaum 16.—Pasition of fit crest of wavea created by multipole /
distributions shown in figure 11. /
/ /
-1.0 / /
-/ --
‘1/1 I I I
(e) v I I I I
-.4; “
/ / .2 .4 .6 .8 LO
(d) Radial velocities induced by fourth-order multiples.
(e) Tangentii velocities induoed by fourth-order multipok.
Fmwrm 15.—Concluded.
exact linearized theory is used to evaluate induced velocities
-,4 - along a given surface and these values are assumed constant
~o for all ? in the vicinity of the surface. As shown in
-1.0 figure 16, this amounts to assuming ~ and ~ are given
by a straight horizontal line in iigure 14 and by straight
/ lines with a unit negative slope in figure 15. Obviously,
/ the error in the body shape calculated by this theory increases
-,8 / as the amplitudes of the disturbing multiples increase and
/ -- --
/ aa the radius of the contiol surface diminishes.
One of the simpk% applications of control-surface theory
/ arises in the study of quasi-cylindrical bodies. In such
-.6 / / cases the expression for the body surface can be derived
/ / immediately from equation (42). Thus, if the amplitudes
/ of the cancellation multipolea are small enough and Rc,
(c) —-- Large 7 theory
the radius of the control surface, is large enough for control-
–-– —–-”Slender-bady theory
-.40 surface theory to be considered a good approximation, the
.2 .4 .6 .8 Lo
7 body shape, T= R(z,O), corresponding to the combined wing
and optimum cancellation multipolcs is determined by
(b) Radial velooitiea induced by second-order multipolee.
(a) Tangential velacitiea induced by second-order multiples. using equations (19c), (16b), and (36) together with equa-
Fmmm 1S.—Continued tion (42)
I I .+R= (x–Q cosh n COI&-’ ~) &
.%wrce distntwtion given by ~=~ (1-Y2)X ( e
s –Lo’ ~(z–&)’–#2R3
25 \ !ir
-Control surfoce theory
&“(t,*) COBn+@ (4q
. Jo
I which can be solved using numerical techniques.
I ~ Lirkorized theory A further refinement of equation (49)can be obtainod if
I /
the position of the induced velocities is also varied according
to the slope (again at 7=7,) of the curves in figure 16. De-
fining this dope as ~., see figure 17, and z, as
-—i— —
I za=w—0(l+6,)(R—R.)
one can see this refinement simply amounts to replacing
the value of z in the right-hand term of equation (49) by X8.
j R= I
L5 .3 In order that one may be able to assw.s the practical sig-
nibmce of the preceding sections, the concepts presented
-.81 therein will now be applied to the solution of n particular
I !%sition of first Crest I
problem. For the basic wing plan form in this particular
Lmearlzed theorq
I 3.0
\l Sourcedistribution
givenby UO=
~ (I-12)X
I 20
I -& @
!=Q r Lmeorized theory
i w !
1 I
p?= I I
-.4, .3 1.5
.2 \
i ~ Modified ~ontrol~
FIGURE 16.—Comparison of velocity fields given by exact-linearized surface theory
and aontrol-surface theory.
X1-H-J (50)
Wave drag,-The
Fmmm 19.—Elliptio wing in f,~ coordinat~
:=-* JXP..)%E)4%$I’
equation (36),
the optimum cancellation multiples. Hence,
Mnt Exoct Ackeret combining equations (53) and (36)
numk hneorized wove—
theory t(x-f)/u2
I .044 .050
2 -.053 -.050
3 -.102 -.100 where um=l for n= O and u.=2 for n>O. Particular vari-
4 -.104 -.100 ations of a.w (z) are shown in figure 21. These results aro
Regicm to be z
ocwpied by
My streamline ----— 1 —7 r \
I \
/ I / x
(a) n=;
(55) 2
1 / ‘ \
Equation (55) represauts the lowest value of wave drag
po~ible for a wing having an elliptic plan form and fied g s’ /
o- -
volume. This equation was first derived by Jones in
%’1 \ \
reference 11. 0 /
The velocities induced by the wing source sheet in the
vicini~ of the fuselage .-Later, when one wishes to calcu-
Iat e a stream surface in the presence of the source sheet that /
simulates the wing given by equation (50), it is necessary to \
know the velocities induced by these sources at the body /
surface. Hence, the value of p, induced by the source sheet (b)
I /
-lg6 -3 0 3 6
One can now find the strengths of the multiples along the
x axis which induce arcund a cylinder of iniinite radius a (o) :=4
momentum field identical to that created there by the elliptic FrGURE 21.—Variation of nth derivative of nth-order cancellation
wing. The negatives of these variations are, acccrding to multipolea for elliptic wing.
for JZ=O, 2, awl 4, since C# (zj for any odd n is zero by become increasingly wavy and, correspondingly, increas-
symmetry, rmd apply when the wing plan for and free- ingly diihcult to evaluate numerically.
strenm Mach number are related by Figure 22 presents the values of an(z) for the same elliptic-
wing Mach number relation given by equa Lion (58). hTotice
—= —
(58) that each of these curves has only one root (they necessarily
Z@ 3ir
have at least one) in the interval –LO<X<LO and is in-
which contains the particular case for which the Mach creasingly smooth with increasing n. The latter follows
number is & and the aspect ratio is 3. It is apparent that from equation (37) and the fact that the first n derivatives
there are at least n+ 1 roots to %$ (z) for –LO<X<LO. of these curves must, in general, be continuous. For mam-
This follows immediately from equation (38) and is true in pleat z= +Lo the fit four derivatives of al(z) must vanish.
general. As rLresult the curves for the higher values of n Wave drag,-One can now calculate how much the wing-
alone drag is reduced when combined with each successive
optimum cancellation-multipole dis&ibution. If ~= clenot es
P \ the drag saved by the nth-order cancellation multiples,
then by equation (35)
.04 /
/ \
where L. is the maximum value of L(o) as given by equation
.02 / (54)
/ L~=a2+b’& (60)
-w N40 / The total drag saved by means of the first m multipolo dis-
o + \
m ~o
tributions, would, by equation (34), be
‘Q /
-,02 / (61)
Using equations (53) and (36) h’ deiine the a~+D (.x) in
-.04 / equation, reversing the order of integration, and int e-
W* once by parts, one finds
D. r12
-,06 \J
/ —=_ –4 ‘~
Ccs ‘nl?ldl
(o) fl 7+ J, Jo WSnO~ZJ:;:,d~IJ::.d~3
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
(4td)’ L’(eJ-2&’ &,/L’(e’)–g,’
(a) n=2x L4(eJL4(e2) J- tl–f?
64 (tab)g ‘/2 TB
=— Cos ?l.&del costide2
T’ Jo Jo
— +!D(o’), L’(o,) s .L’(/32)
\ { —T*/4L’(eJ, L2(oJ2L2(13J
.0Q02 /
-,0002 /
-.0004 I ~, 32(tub)2 ’12 cm W31dl Xl’
—. COS“&d, (62)
/J J
fl~ o (a’+ b’f?’cos2tlJ2J ,91
-.OOCK= The total drag saved by using all the cancellation multiples
-A -?. n 9 A c
“ L -1 c1
x is, by definition,
J?munn 22.—Variation of nth-order cancellation multiples for elliptic ~
—= 16 (tub)’ ‘n
%@ ~SiII
ml costiel
wing. !l~o J (a2+b2$cos28J2 ( 2 )
\ /
\\ /’
\ /
L<81)<Lq82) /
q /
/ L%,)#(e2)
o x
I (a)
.. / Radial velocities induced bv sources.
FIQURZ23.-Regions used in developing equation (62). Fmmm 25.—Velocities induced by the elliptic-wing cancellation
multiples at the control surface where 19R/L.= 0.148.
and since
-1 When various ordem of multiples are distributed along
z=~—~ – sin 2nz 00s 2nz
4 .=ln a line, one can show the cross-sectional area normal to the
free stream of the simulated body as given by slender-body
this is equal to the drag of the wing alone, as it, of course, theory is a function of the source distribution only (me
should be. Appendix B). Coupled with the discussion in the preceding
The reduction in wave drag as the wing is combined with paragraph, this can be used to demonstmte that, for Mach
the fit three optimum cancellation multiples is presented numbers close to 1, the ‘%upermnic aren rule” proposod by
in figure 24. In studying figure 24, one sees, as the Mach Jones (ref. 12) and Whitcomb and discussed in reference 13
number approaches 1 (i. e., p~O), more and more of the gives a good approximation for the wave drag of an elliptic
original wing wave ~m is destroyed by a line of simple wing and body combination which is symmetrical with
sources alone. Further, the value of Fe which can be writ- respect to the plane of the wing.
ten-see equations (46), (54), and figures 21 and 22— The induced velocity field.-A method for calculating tho
velocity field induced by the multiples when a~(~) is given
(63) numerically is presented in Appendix C. By means of this
method, velocities induced by the Q and a~ m~til?ole di+
tends (for n fixed avemqge distance to the body surface re) tributions shown in figure 22 have been calculated for 7
to zero as the Mach number approaches 1; and this, in turn, equal to 0.148 and the results are shown in figure 26.
means that as ~ goes to zero the dlect of the multipole Since the distributions in figure 22 were for the particular
strengths on the body shape can be calculated using slender- case a]bD=4j3~, it is evident from equation (63) that the
body theory. values in figure 25 apply to the case r,/b equal to O.161;
that is, when the body radius is about 16 percent of tho
/f wing semispan.
I For ~mparative purposes, the values given by slen(ler-
/ body theory are also shown in figure 25. The degree of
.8 ,
agreement between the two curves is consistent with tlm
results shown in iigures 14 and 15.
t I i . ~ I I I
Comparison with wing mounted on a oiroular oylinder.—
.4 / \\’\
I With regard to figure 24 one should be careful to no~ico
/ I \h I I I
that the drag of the wing alone has been used for tlm
/ ‘
.2 -b reference drag. The drag reductions shown, tlmrefom, ropro-
=H7r-1 sent gains brought about by interfering with the velocity
field induced by a planar murce sheet, or, in terms of a
— ,
o .4 .8 1.2 L6 ZLO 24 28 3.2 combination with an upstream cylindrical stream surface,
Reduced ospect rotio, &l gains made by modiftig a body, shown in figure 26, which
FIGURE 24.-Portions of elliptic-wing wave drag oreated by various bulges behind the wing leading-edge Mach wave in accord-
equivalent multipole distributions. ance with the velocities induced there by the sourco sheet.
,6 8 1 1 I I .6
–––- Slender-body }heory
1 I I # 1
––– Slender-bdy theory /- ‘\
f- $\
,4 .4 \
r!{ <
/‘ 4
,2 i
.2 \
m I ,
k /
Im I ~ $
l-i -a ~ ‘ \\
/ / %.
S.:o k a’ (y — “
iS \ t ,
\ I
\ [ \
-,2 -. 2
\ I
, , //
-.4 \ f~ 1 1 1 1 -. 4
~/ ‘
(b) (c)
-.~6 4 6
-4 -2 0 2
“56 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 x
(b) Radial velocities induced b; second-order multiples. (o) Tangential velocities induced by second-order multiples.
Fmwan 26.—Continued. fi@JRE 25.—Concluded.
Obviously, from this viewpoint, a considerable reduction in where Vg and VI are the volumes of wings 1 and 2, respec-
drag con be brought about merely by eliminating the bulge, tively.
thereby making the body a circular cylinder throughout. For a supersonic Mach number, D, is closely approximated
Mathernaticnlly, such a procedure amounts to using a certain by the wave drag of a rectangular wing having the same
set g of cancellation multiples along the z axis behind the section and aapect ratio. If A,, 4Ra, and r, are, respectively,
point –l& and, if the drag of this remlting combination the aspeet ratio, plan-form area, and thickness ratio of the
wero u8ed as a reference, the gains shown in @me 24 would rectangular wing, its drag can be expressed in the form
be diminished.
An approximate way to e9timate the drag’ of a wing (65)
mounted on a circular cylinder is illustrated in figure 27
and coneista merely of subtracting from the wing source where
sheet those sources blanketed by the body. Using the
subscripts 1, 2, and 3 to designate the wave drags of the
individual wings as indicated in figure 27, Jones (ref. 15)
has shown that if wing 1 is an elliptic wing with a bi-
convex section and wing 2 lies entirely within the plan
form of wing 1, then
“=D’O+%)+D’ (64)
r n
———— Moth waves from wing mat section , Wings
/’ /“ 1
/ /
2b 20
— 2R [—l
/ /
2 3
\ \
\ \\
Further, if Al is the aspect ratio of the elliptic wing, one can estimates, however, the results of the following two theorems
showaee figure 27 and equation (52)— due to R. T. Jones (ref. 15) are needed.
1. Designate the closed body of revolution which, by
(67) slender-body theory, has a minimum drag for a fixed volumo
and length as a Seara-Haack body. Then the total wavo
The drag of the elliptic wing follows from equation (55) and drag of a Sears-Haack body and any other body of revolution
or any centrally mounted thin wing which lie entirely within
can be written
the Sears-Haack body’s enclosing Mach fomcone ancl after-
(68) is given by the equation
Ds= wave drag of Sears-Haack body alone
D, wave drag of other body or (e.xPosed) wing alone
Vm volume of Sears-Haack body
Finally, therefore, equation (64) can be put in the form v, volume of other body or (exposed) wing
.2 a.(z) 2
~=~ V.–4V.. ; F–2 (73)
--uo+o~+. o~ ( )
I simulates (by slender-body theory) a body of revolution
o 2 3 4
having a total volume V equal to V&+ V~, a cross-sectional
area given by
FIWRE 2S.-Drag of various multipole distributions compared with
drag of wing mounted on circular cylinder.
representing approximately the vrwe drag of a wing mounted [“=+’’(s+sin-?)]+
centrally on a circular cylinde~were calculated. Though
considerable drag reduction is indicated by adding just
those multiples necessary to make the body cylindrical,
it is apparent the total wave ‘drag can be reduced further, and a base area S(i) equal to V=/l.
for the range of parameters shown, by using only the first The wave drag of a wing mounted on this basic, unmodified
tmo optimum cancellation-mukipole distributions, so(z) body will now be calculated. Just as was the case in study-
and as(x), given by equation (36). ing the wing attached to an infinite cylinder, the assumption
Comparison with wing mounted on a basic body of revo- @ made that the wave drag of this combination is the samo
lution.-Figure 2S shows the effect on the wave drag of as the wave drag on the contlguration simulated by super-
adding the optimum cancellation multiples either to the imposing the singularity distribution M which create seplI-
wing alone or to the combination of an iniinite circular
cylinder and a centrally mounted wing. Estimates of their
effect when added to a wing mounted on a basic body of
revolu (ion can also be carried out,. In order to present these by llne&ked theory. -
rat ely the exposed wing panels and the body of revolution. .024
With this assumption, the wave drag can be written ex- 4 ,,
plicitly in terms of the wing and body geometry by applying \
equdione (71) and (72). Hence, \
ambinat ion
,~ Unmodified
where D3 is the drag of the exposed wing panels alone, given .016
by equation (7o) and shown for various values of R/b in \
figure 28, and V3 is their volume (see fig. 27) .
Since D~ and Ds=, the wave drags of a K6rm6n ogive and a \
Senrs-Hanck body flying alone, are well known to be ~ - ,1
Modified combinotlons; ~i
Some total volume –J {
Less tatal volume---J
where V4 is the total volume and D, the total wave drag per-
%[(1-%+%1 taining to the wing (now the complete wing including the
portion blanketed by the body) and the multiples. How-
where N1 and NZ are defined in terms of Mach number and ever, within the accuracy of the approximation-being, in
wing-body geometry in equations (66) and (69). An ex- fact, exact within slender-body theory, see Appendix B—
nmple of the variation of CLJwith lMach number for the par- the volume added by the wing is subtracted from the bnsic
ticular combination shown in figure 29 (R/b was set equal to body by the optimum cancellation-source distribution so
0.181) is given by the dashed line in figure 30. that VA is zero. Further, if N4 is the value of D/Dmread
It is now possible to find how much the drag of this un- from figure 24 for a speciiic value of &41 and a specific num-
modified combination can be reduced by means of the opti- ber of multipole types, one can readily show
mum cancellation-multipole distributions used to derive the
results shown in figure 24. Again applying equations (71) (80)
nnd (72), one can show
where NI is defined in equation (69). Hence, the drag of
‘=”’+”4’%3+”’ (79) the unmodified combination can be reduced to either
if the same total volume is maintained (maintained, as is
obvious from an inspection of the equation, by increasing
the value of the Sears-Harwk portion of the basic body an
amount equal to the volume of the ecrposed wing) or to
Moxlmum thickness of wmg
along center line, t =0.234
The failure observed in the tit calculation hns a simple
.8 enough interpretation. For the chosen wing the basic body
.6 was too small in diameter at the wing-body juncture to per-
1.2 mit the use of the first two cancellation multiples in their
I .0
R Several avenues of approach are yet available. One could,
.8 for example, maintain the same wing and basic body but
reduce the Mach number, one could start with a huger basic
l., body, or one could lower the thickness ratio or aspect rnlio
of the wing, thus diminishing the strength of the cancellation
multiples. All of these, however, are modifications of tho
.8 basic conditions or basic restraints and as soon a-s such
.64 Y
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Distonce from nose
Note -vertical stole five times horizontal
.004 .024,
NO Cancellation multipdesv /
,/ -Unmodified co mbmat Ion
—————. ______ ____ ————— k“ -
.016 \
co .012
— —— — r“
/’ If
Modified comblnotions with some
} total volume w
Complete frost IWO multipole distributions- /’
.004 Second-order multiples dlmmished to
t provide reel body shopes – ——— — H
0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Fmmm 35.—Reduction in drag caused by second-order multipolcs. “1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.X)
.6 FIGURE37.—Drag of unmodified and modified oombinrhione with real
/- - -uz(x), vorlotion of second-order body shapes.
/ \ /
multiples for wing olone. (If
there were no restraints on resent an estimate of the amount the wave drag of nD
.4 . F*(x), this would be reduced
elliptic wing mounted on a basic body of revolution can bo
reduced by realistic body distortions-are shown in figure 37.
It is possible to gain some insight into the reasons for the
various body distortions shown in figure 31 by inspecting,
y in another light, the body shape first calculated. Consider
o / first the elliptic wing at the top of figure 38. The air over
the forward part of this wing, when it is alone in a super-
sonic stream, is compressed (mathematically, the sign of p=
is negative), the compression being greatest near the lending
-.2 edge. On the other hand, the air over the after portion of
the wing is undergoing an expansion, the magnitude of which
is greatest near the trailing edge. Consider now, in combi-
\ A + v nation with this wing, a body which is to have a slmpo
providing favorable interference. It is apparent that the
body should cast expansion waves over the forward portion
L 1
of the wing, destroying the compression there, and nbsorb
-.:.6 the expansion waves coming from the wing af terportion.
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6
Or in another light, the positive pressure on the forward
F1amm 3f3.-Variation of second-order multiples for several valu= region of the wing (one can use the equation (7P= @—p.)/Q=
of F*(o).
—2Pz/U0 for the preslwre coefficient) should be reduced ns fnr
as possible by a wave shed from the body and having lnrge
optimum values corresponding to the restraint II P(O) =
negative pressures where it comes in contact with the wing
—0.6, that a retd as well as reasonable body shape results.
forward region.
The details of this shape are presented in ilgge 31 and their
Since waves in a supersonic flow field are fundamentftlly
general interpretation is discussed in the next section.
associated with the slope of the disturbing surface, the afore-
Finally, using the value P(O) = —0.6, the drag curves shown
mentioned favorable interference fields would be created by
in figure 30 were reinterpreted, and the results-which rep-
a body having, longitudinally along its surface, slopes such
11 m-w @m OSm the
marbnrm .~le woe of — F (z).However, that valoe
as those shown in the lower part of tigure 38. This is ex-
ls bawd on a dktrfbntkm of m(r) alonsj end in orm mm sensraf mm the added wlwlty
Preldmwd by tbe prewnce of the other sin@nrItles fwmnh tbe larger raloe. actly what the solution obtained from the calculation of 1he
to provide the longitudinal e.stent of favorable slopes neces-
U. sary to create the positive pressure called for by the wing
I forward compression region, and the body streamline near
———— the wing root, following a path such as that shown by the
—— —— ——
—— —— —. — line in figure 38, crossed the body center line before it reached
E —.
———— ——_
the wing chordwise center.
Consider now the second body calculated in the previous
““=+ —— _
section. In this case an additional restraint was imposed
which, effectively, ‘fked the maximum body indentation.
Subject to such a condition, an optimum interference field
was discovered. If the resulting fuselage shape is inspected
near the plane of the wing, surface slopes are found similar
to those shown in figure 39. The following discussion is
intended to show that, from a physical viewpoint, this ar-
rangement is reasonable.
Most of the wing pressure drag occurs on the wing inboard
portions. Hence, for a tied maximum fuselage indentation,
it is beneficial, from an over-all point of view, to create
I initially a compression wave, which increases the pressure
~-7 Cenler lines drag on the forward portion of the wing tip but provides n
4 J
_ Body streamline
,“;.), streamline
. . .
.- –A
..,.. . -. :1
/ ~:..;:.-... . -i
::-:;\::. .“ . “.
.— ....-
/ — — ——— \
/--% — — ———
—— —=
....<.. - -. —— ——
.::-:.. . . ——
. . . . -- —
— ..-. . :, ----
-— .- ...1 F;
\~= — . ..-
- . . -,.=. . .
... ... ... . .
—- ., -. ..-. ./:-...-..
--L Multiples
--- --
Q ..
1 . .
FIGURE 38.—Regions of expansion and compression on wing with
unmodified and modified fuselage.
. -Multipoles
--- ,---
first body shape tried to establish since the fuselage near the /-
Region of:
plane of the wing (the portion most strongly affecting and ———
—. compression
being affected by the pressures on the wing) and ahead of the ~;s~.<;< exponsion
wing chordwise center line was distorted in a manner that
caused rm expansion across the wing entire forward portion. FIGUEE 39.—Regions of expansion and compression on wing with
The dficulty arose because the fuselage was not wide enough fuselag-e distortion show&
succeeding extent of fuselage having slopes that generate a The results are similar to the estimates presented in figure
strong expansion wave over the forward portion of the wing 39. The large drag saving near the root section is illustrated
inboard section. Similarly, the iinal portion of the body is in figure 40 by the graph showing the low valuea of section
forced to have a region of unfavorable interferences where drag cmdiicient along the inner portion of the wing.
the e.spansion waves from the wing tips combine with body Another important characteristic of wing-body combina-
expansion waves to increase the local drag (i. e., increase the tions designed to have low wave drag is ah illustrated in
Iocrd suction pressure) in order that the over-all interference figure 40. As shown in the graph of UIUO, over the surface
effects are as beneficial, under the given restraints, as possible. of a two-dimensional biconvex section the air is everywh ore
This arrangement (i. e., unfavorable interference near the accelerating in the streamwise direction. In studies con-
wing tip and favorable interference near the wing root) is cerning the eflects of viswsity on the fluid flOW and, in
given further support by the attenuation property inherent particdar, studies concerning the boundary layer, this posi-
in three-dimensional waves. Thus the pressures induced tive fluid acceleration is referred to as a favorable pressure
by the body on the wing tips are not as strong, for a given gradient. If the flow is ]amimir in the vicinity of the leading
generating surface slope, as those induced on the inner por- edge of a smooth wing and the pressure gradient is every-
tion of the wing, dply because the tips are farther from the where favorable, the flOW tends b remain laminar and
disturbing surface. unseparated over most of the wing chord. Notice that the
Although these considerations are somewhat oversimplMed modiihd wing-body combination has a line of zero prmsum
(the shape of the upper part of the body has been completely gradient extending along a Mach line downstrmm from a
ignored in estimating the eilect of the waves), the longitudinal point near the body and wing leading-edge juncture. Im-
variation of surface slopes near the plane of the wing and the mediately behind this line the pressure gradient is unfa vor-
resulting body streamlines there are, from a physical point able which gives rise to the possibility of flow separation or,
of view, reasonable. at least, transition from laminar to turbulent flow there.
In order b support the above conclusions, the source and
multipole distributions simulating the final modiiied body CO~ARISONmTH EXPERIMENT
shown in figure 31 were used to calculate (see Appendix C)
U/ Ue in the plane of the wing near the root section. The The modified wing-body combination shown in figuro 31
values of u] UO induced by the wing sources along these was tested in the Ames 2- by 2-foot transonic wind tumml.
sections were amuned to be the same as those induced by a The Reynolds number of the test, based on the mean aero-
two-dimensional biconvex section having the same local dynamic chord, was approximately 1.5 X 10e. This com-
chord; that is, tip effects were neglected. These values for bination had an exposed wing volume of 3.44 cubic inches
body and wing were added and the resulting pressure distri- and a body volume equal to 44.60 cubic inohes, for a total
bution, shown in &me 40 (0,= –2 UIUJ, were obtained. vohme of 48.04 cubic inches. As a control, an unmodified
combination composed of the same elliptic wing mounted
.15 on a body of revolution (the area distribution of which was
detetied from equation (74) with 1=10.5, Vx= 12.88,
and V9E=29.02 cubic inches) was tested. The exposed
Two-dimensionol biconvex section-. / wing area in the unmodified combination was 3.32 cubic
inches and the body volume was 41.90 cubic inches, for a
/ / total volume of 45.22 cubic inches. Thus, the unmodified
40 ~ . / /
q / combination had the same body length as the modified ono
but less volume.
0 The wave drag at .kf= 1.41 of the combination shown in
/ figure 31 has already been calculated and presented in figuro
0 / ,
/ 37 by the curve pertaining to real body shapes. By use, in
equation (78), of the values of Vx amd VW mentioned abovo
100 and a value of 0.176 for 12/b, the wave drag for the unmodified
Percent chord body was calculated throughout a supersonic Mach number
Wing Ieodlng edge-;~ range. The theoretical results obtained for body conilgura-
tions are shown by the dashed curves in figure 41.
‘o*r r-Two-dimensional The wind-tunnel results for the total drag on both con-
\II biconvex section
figurations are shown in figure 42 for 0.6 <MS 1.4. Notico
that three groups of data are shown. The lower one repre-
cd .01 sents the unmodified body alone, the middle one represorhs
t the modified and unmodified combinations with no fixwl
] Wing ond modified body
~. transition, and the upper one represmts both combinations
u .1 .2 .3
with transition fixed along the leading edge. The mochds
tested with natural transition did not show the predicted
drag reduction. As was pointed out in the discussion of
FIQmm 40.—Variation of pressure and section-drag coefficient on figure 40, however, the adverse pressure gradients on tlm
sect ions indicated. modified model could be inducing transition in the vicinity of
.024 I I I I I I
— Experimental volues of &CoM=.6 .
–––– Theoretical wove dreg
~Unmodified (totol volume 45.2 in?)
.016 \ /’
/ < \ X .
I ~,
G —
\ ---
.012 ---
\ 7-
~ /
Modified (totol volume 48.0 in?)-~
. Hence,
p(s,y,z)= e-=q(z,y,z)dz (A2)
The following proof shows that in a rectilinear distribution multiply by de, and integrate
of singularities, only the murces contribute tQ the total cross-
sectional area of the simulated body and, hence, to its volume.
According to slender-body theory, the velocities induced
in the field by distributions of mukipoles along the x axis can
be written
(z@ or
9 n=O
[ 2n-r
2Z70 & W=2TUO(Z)+$ (–2)”(n-l)!(zn(z) J:r $ (+) do
Combine equations (B1) and (B2) and when S’(1’) =S(—1) =0, there results
(l!X&360nZ)+(390n-760nZE+(200n-400m)~, –1<2<–0.9
A=(?)= (C3)
n > –0.9<7
As seen in the figure, Ax vanishes at ~= – 1, is a parabola greater than –0.9. The velocities induced by a multipole
distribution given by equation (C3) can be calculated in a
between —1 and —0.9 (assuming the values m at ~= –0.95
straightforward manner in the two regions — 1 +7 sZ<
and n at ~=— 0.9), and the straight line, An@=n, for ~ –0.9+7 and –0.9+FSZ. For example, if
4(Z+1 .0)2–7’-7%
(Z+O.95) ) —1+7<5<—0.9+7
T-N%(Z)= 7
@+o.95)4(Z+l.o)’–F-@+ l.05)l@+o.9)’–71n:+1+1 .O+ J@+l”o)’–~, –().9+7<Z
{ . Z+O.9+ 4@+o.9)~—F
then q% cah be written Values of M% and IV% are tabulated in table I for 7 equal
to 0.074, 0.148, 0.222, and 0.296. The asymptotic magni-
tudes of these functions are given by slender-body theory.
Hence, one can easily show for large Z
ISOW) if one is given a distribution of sources that is
composed of, or is adequately approximated by, a series of
20 equally spaced parabolic arcs, equation (C6) ean be used
for each individual arc and the results superimposed for the (C9)
completa solution. To this effect, define mt and ni in terms
of A&) by
-(%+%+) (C7)
“=4+’%+) }
so they represent the magnitudes shown in figure 44. Then,
if [~ denotes the greatest interger contained in Z(e. g.,
[6,34] equals 6), the equation for the radial velocity becomes
[ I I I I
-1 -.95 -.90 -.85 -.80 -.75 -.70
l?rrmm 43.—Detition of symbols used in equations (C3) and (C6,)
. —.— -— ————
where values of the M’s and N’s are listed in tables II and
Ill. Their asymptotic values, as given by equations (C1O)
and (Cll), are
-1 -.9 -.8 -.7 Ne
I?mum 44.-DeSnition of symbols used in equation (C7).
. 15@+275~+ 126 ——_
Notice that both functions have essentially reached their 150%-73 2m .
asymptotic values for large z by the time Z= — 1+7+0.5.
By applying simple tabulative procedures to equation and these are also given in the tables.
(CS)-for example, listing m, and n, in reverse order and As the tables show, equations (C13) are su5cimtly
accumulating multiplications of adjacent terms-the value accurate approximations to M and N for pra cticrd calcu-
of q% for any A.(Z) representable by equation (C7) is readily lating purposes when o — 1 +?+0.5. Hence, the velocities
calculated. at the point Z,7 induced by the multipolea in the interval
The velocities induced by higher order multiples can be – l<~<Z–7–O.5 can be calculated using equations (C13).
In terms of the distribution for A,(f)-which is equal to
calculated in a similar fashion. Because of the asymptotic
behavior of the M’s and N’s, however, one is led into the %$ (~), see equation (16)—this means the multipole clis-
numerically inefficient process of obtaining small numbers tribution shown in the upper part of figure 45 can be cal-
from ~erencea of large numbers. For the velocities ~ and culated by means of the asymptotic formulas and the result
added to that obtained for the distribution shown in the
m, the following is a method for circumventing this difficulty.
It follows from equations (9) or (19), that for small lower part of @ure 45 by use of equations (C12b) and tables
H. and III in a manner identical to the one represented by
7, ~+ and p~e can be expressed in terms of the multipole
strengths a.(ii) —as defied by equation (7) — by the equa- equations (C6), (C7), and (C8).
tions The value of ~(Z,F) induced by a multipole distribution
such as that shown in the upper part of figure 45 is, on tlm
() %
Cos M
=CO+C1r+. . .+CW+. .. (CIOa) basis of equations (C1O) and (Cll),
0 AJ:)
1 , Vodd
‘&2”-’ ‘r () 6 ,,)(z)
, even ~cllb)
r lfi
( r
1 0- , V odd
&=mM@)+nN@ (C12a) ,
-1 -.8 0
_&=mM,8(Z)+nN,o@ (C12b)
FIGURE 45.—Range of application of equations (C12) and (C13).
whore 132& (z) =Az(x) and zt is shown in figure 45 and de-
fied by the equation
5{= o.4+z—& (C15)
Values of Me;, Nq, M,z, and N% for 7 equal to 0.148,0.222,
and for [10(7 ?-7)+ 11]26 and 0.296 are given in tables IV and V.
L L 11
D2= –~ 0 [fz.j$(z,)+&(@]
[fz$(q’)+%m(%)] W)j(zJl&-x#w%
4TU: SS-Le0 -LO -1 -1
=2 mm’m+t+ldwkc’
li FQ fixdx’ (m) SS-1 –1
and since cq(-LO) =@ (—LO)=a.j-n (—LO)=0
where the variation of Go)(z) is iixed, pose the restraint
0 %(z)dZ=-* :L Z%& (Z)dz
10 J -LO J
a@dz=~*(0) : Rl=constant (E2)
v. J _&e Therefore, the standard variational problem
and ask for the function cq(z) which minimizes D2 for a given
— =0 (E3)
vahm of the constant. a~’+’s’%%~h] 0
——. —. —
reduces to
Now set
{bo(5Y~41J1-(:Y+3 (5)ln:;Y-}
D,=% qL:T~ ~
() o
4 [~(o) +~u”(o)l’ (ml)
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—.—. — - —. .—
Eraci A8ym Exact As&y
~ I
? -0.074 F~a14s I 7-0.074 ?=0.149
-. n6 —. 24 ---- 2s2 ...- –. m Lm ----- m E3 –.m i% ::::
–. 720—. a3 ---- 234 ---- –. 652 :: :::: :. . . . .. –. m a. 44 ---- !&U ---- –.0s2 .... &w ----
-.070 ---- -.. . ...-
–. 676—. 04 ---- Z!m ---- –. au –. 03 ---- ----- 45.32 –.@n
–. e03 S.u! ---- .... ...-
-.03 —. Ca --- La ---- –. S&2 –. 04 ---- L18 ----- 6a 17 –.6s2 M ::::
–. 676 39.16 ---- ----
-.S76 —. 02 ---- 2!m ---- –. m –. m ~--- L 14 ----- –.m lC%!30 ----
–.&a —.m 0 2aI 215 –. 4.52 CQ L 14 LU3 –. fm 4423 4441 12. % 119.M –.4b2 21.20 21.17
-.476 0 0 118 215 –. 4a2 7 0 L@ –. 476 49.ea 49. e4 IEL M la 32 –.402 2a 01 !2hW3
-.4m 0 0 218 215 –. 3.52 0 0 ;$ Lm –. 4m 64.87 64= lm. 91 KDLw –.mz 31.30 3L 29
-a 778 o ---- 0 ---- –o. 704 o ---- 0 –0. m ---- 0 ..-. -a 704 o ---- 0 ----
–. T23
-.878 –:z ....
---- 2% ----
604 –? z :1: 25! –. 723
–. 678
–. 654
–. em
1.w ----
2E ..-.
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–. m
-. S7a :%
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ao ----
604 =%
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–. 678
–. m
~. g
–. 4s4
–: R
-.. .
L 80
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–. 478
—.04 -.. .
-. 02
354 —.m
---- :ti
–. 4i%
–. 423
hos ..-.-
–. 364
.87 ....
...- :E
.-. .
–.3m —. CQ .78 a72 –. m4 —.Cu 0 .a 0.54 –. 378 !L!a :!? –. 304 i$ 1.w 4.04 4<w
–. 323 —. Cf4 .7% .72 –. 264 —. m 0 –. 323 10.10 1;% –. m4 L 13 L 14 &42 h 39
-. 27a o .76 .72 –. m4 0 0 :: :: –. 278 :: lLE3 lL 60 –. m4 1.23 L 22 am IL!Z3
f I ‘O; I ‘“; f
M.; NG
I ‘e;
;-0.148 5.022! ?-am
-o. m 0
-t m
–. Ta
–. 678
+ &’~ –. 654
–. m4
-!. m4 –.311
1.7c+3 -2134
–. 62s .297 -.654 .2&5 -.7E43
-am .----.--- .191 –. 678 . ma –. m4 .Ln -.661
–. 876 ........ .121 –. 623 .WJ –.464 .m –.447
—. Sa .-------- .0’36 –. 478 .070 –.404 .MU -.350
–. n6 -------- .Om –. 423 .am -.964 .046 -.332
–. 720 --------- .049 –. 37a .042 –.3c4 .036 -.260
–. 676 --------- .O-to –. 3X .C34 –.m4 .036
–. 6m ,-------- .Cm –. 278 .CQ3 .@ -.246
–. 576 ,-------- .027 –. Z3 .CQ4 -.154 .021 -,no
–. m na3 .Uz3 –. 178 .Om –.104 .018 –.210
-.470 24.m –. E% . 01s -.0s4 .010 -.lW
–.426 mm :E –. 078 .016 –.KM .014 ~: pJ
.016 –. 023 .014 .640 .012
n -------.-
.014 .622 .012 .Wo .011 -.104
.012 .072 .011 .140 .010
.011 .U2 .010 .160 .m –. 14s
.010 . 17?2 .W4 .240 .m -.141
-_: ~ 0 -------- 0 . ------- –a 704 o o .m .m .Wa .2m .am -.136
.83 -------- –. cm------- –. 0s4 .69 .C07 .340 .037 –. 130
–. 623
-------- L54
.s9 .- . . . ..-
–:3 :%
–. 120
–. ma .m .COo ....... ------ ........
L48 -.-.--.- 251 -------- –. So4 .70 il! .W
–. Ea LM -------- 3. al -------- –. 454 .s3 ----- ... ....... ...... ...-----
–.4nl LW -------- 482 -------- –. 404 .m :2 :% -------- ...---- ...... ........
–.423 204 .--i-%- &18 ---i-%- –. 354 3.23
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–.3m $Z –. m L 15 L 14 482 485
-.27$ 261 :: l!% It: –. m L23 L22 .5.67 &c@