111 F21 Infographic Option
111 F21 Infographic Option
111 F21 Infographic Option
Once you decide on these points, you should compose three kinds of print text:
• Draft a two-sentence description summarizing the entirety of the infographic.
• Draft a four-word title for your infographic.
• Draft descriptive text that represents each point in the most concise way possible. Sentence
fragments are fine (e.g., “Number of students who own a laptop”).
Step 2: Analog prototype
Before you start working on your infographic directly in a software platform, you should consider
creating an analog prototype of your infographic. Using materials like construction paper and cutouts or
just a pen and paper, a prototype gives you the opportunity to experiment with different designs in a
low-stakes format before you move to the digital design stage.
Some things to consider for your prototype include your scope, the validity of your sources, the color
scheme, any visual aids you may use (real pictures, icons, graphs), and the infographic’s overall layout.
You may wish to do this in multiple drafts, where you move from messy sketches to a cleaner revised
layout to a prototype that may resemble a handmade flyer or poster. As you are working on this
prototype, you should continue to revise the texts that you composed in Step 1.