Course Alignment - HIS 1111

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Course Alignment for HIS 1111

CO 1 Articulate historical arguments in a variety of forms of communication. Communicate the significance of historical facts, concepts and ideas in
spoken and written English that is clear, precise, and logical.
CO 2 Apply critical thinking to analyze primary and secondary sources (i.e. historical analysis of text), scholarly historical monographs, biographies, and
syntheses, and use them to construct well-organized, well-argued historical accounts.
CO 3 Explain the causes, effects and relevance of specific historical events and/or periods within the broader historical context. Describe specified
Western political, social, cultural, and economic institutions from pre-history to the seventeenth century.
CO 4 Articulate diverse historical interpretations. Evaluate specified historical interpretations of these institutions and developments.
CO 5 Clearly demonstrate understanding and application of basic historical concepts, methodologies, and approaches.
Note: Course Objectives are institutionally mandated and taken from the Master Syllabus.

Course Structure and Alignment

Note: Topic Objectives are developed by the course coordinator to align with the Course Objectives.

Topic Objectives CO # Materials Activities Assessments

Introduction to  Define history and its importance. 2,4,5 Chapter 1 textbook Read the chapter Discussion |
the Course &  Identify various types of primary sources textbook and lessons Introduce Yourself
Early in history and distinguish them from Lessons:
Civilizations secondary sources.  Introduction to Watch the videos
 Identify the factors that shaped the History Discussion | First
earliest cities.  Learning about Participate in the Civilizations
 Identify the challenges involved in Primary Sources discussions
studying the distant past.  Spotlight | Code of
 Describe the characteristics of the three Hammurabi Complete the quiz Quiz | Early
major periods of ancient Egypt.  Global View | The Civilizations (Ch 1)
 Describe the main differences between First Human
the Mesopotamian and Egyptian Civilizations
Videos (7)
Gods & Empires  Describe the impact of new migrations 2,3 Chapter 2 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | Gods &
and settlements on ancient civilizations. textbook and lessons Empires
 Define the differences between Egypt’s Lessons:
New Kingdom and the previous Old and  Spotlight | Holy Wars Watch the videos
Middle Kingdoms.  Global View | The Quiz | Gods &
 Explain the workings of transnational Bronze Age in China Read the primary source Empires (Ch 2)
Topic Objectives CO # Materials Activities Assessments
networks during the late Bronze Age.
 Identify the new empires and kingdoms documents
that emerged during the Iron Age. Videos (2)
 Explain the historical importance of Participate in the
monotheism. Primary Source documents (2) discussions

Complete the quiz

Greece  Describe the factors that led to the 2,3 Chapter 3 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | Greece
emergence of the Greek polis. textbook and lessons
 Explain the importance of hoplite warfare Lessons:
and its effects on democracy and military  Spotlight | Humans Watch the videos Quiz | Greece (Ch
tactics. and Nature 3)
 Define the key differences among the  Global View | African Read the primary source
polis of Athens, Sparta, and Miletus. Philosophy documents
 Identify the ways in which Athenian
culture, philosophy, and art reflect Videos (2) Participate in the
democratic ideals. discussions
 Explain the impact of the Persian and Primary Source documents (2)
Peloponnesian Wars on Greek civilization. Complete the quiz

Greek Expansion  Explain the reasons for Macedonia’s rise 1,2,3 Chapter 4 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | Greek
to power and its triumph over the Greek textbook and lessons Expansion
poleis. Lessons:
 Describe Alexander’s methods of  Spotlight | Art & Watch the videos
conquest, colonization, and governance. Architecture Quiz | Greek
 Identify the three main Hellenistic  Global View | The Read the primary source Expansion (Ch 4)
kingdoms and their essential differences. Olmec documents
 Define the main characteristics of the
Hellenistic world. Videos (2) Participate in the Dropbox | Guided
 Explain how new philosophies and artistic discussions Analysis of a
movements reflect the historical changes Primary Source documents (2) Primary Source
of this era. Complete the quiz

Complete the essay

Rome:  Identify the factors that influenced the 2,3 Chapter 5 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | Rome
Monarchy to formation of the Roman Republic. textbook and lessons
Republic to  Analyze the basic elements of Roman Lessons: Quiz | Rome (Ch 5)
Empire identity.  Spotlight | The Legend
Topic Objectives CO # Materials Activities Assessments
 Analyze the competing interests of the of Romulus and
different classes of people who struggled Remus Watch the videos
for power in Rome.  Global View |
 Describe the impact of territorial Carthage Before Rome Read the primary source
expansion on Roman society. documents
 Trace the events leading up to the Videos (3)
establishment of the Principate and Participate in the
analyze the significance of this new form Primary Source documents (3) discussions
of autocratic government.
Complete the quiz
Rome  Identify the historical factors that shaped 2,3 Chapter 6 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | Rome
Transformed early Christianity. textbook and lessons Transformed
 Describe the pressures on Roman Lessons:
imperial administration during the third  Spotlight | Evolution Watch the videos Quiz | Rome
century. of the Calendar Transformed (Ch 6)
 Trace the ways that Christianity changed  Global View | The Read the primary source
after it became a legal religion. Nubian Empire documents
 Explain how barbarian migrations
affected the empire. Videos (2) Participate in the
 Explain the difference between discussions
traditional Roman and Christian Primary Source documents (2)
worldviews. Complete the quiz

Rome's Heirs  Describe the distinctive features of 2, 3,4 Chapter 7 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | Rome's
Byzantine culture. textbook and lessons Heirs
 Explain the reasons for the rapid success Lessons:
of the Arab conquests and Islam’s  Spotlight | The First Watch the videos
expansion. Council of Nicea Quiz | Rome's Heirs
 Describe the relationship between  Global View | Islam & Participate in the (Ch 7)
monasticism and secular power in early Jihad discussions
medieval Europe.
 Explain the importance of the Carolingian Videos (2) Complete the quiz
Empire’s role in stabilizing Western
Europe after the fragmentation of Rome.
 Compare the cultures of the Roman
Empire’s “three heirs” and decide which
(in your view) was the most important.
Expansion in  Identify the differences between Europe’s 3,4 Chapter 8 textbook Read the chapter Discussion |
Topic Objectives CO # Materials Activities Assessments
Europe emerging monarchies. textbook and lessons Expansion in
 Describe the ongoing effects of crusading. Europe
 Explain the connections between new Lessons: Watch the videos
religious movements and the power of  Spotlight | The
the papacy. Environment Participate in the Quiz | Expansion in
 Define scholasticism and trace its  Global View | The discussions Europe (Ch 8)
development. Power of the Samurai
 Explain the changing meaning of chivalry. Complete the quiz
Videos (2)
Consolidation in  Explain the reasons for the diffusion of 2,3,15 Chapter 9 textbook Read the chapter Discussion |
Europe political power throughout most of textbook and lessons Consolidation in
Europe during this period. Lessons: Europe
 Identify the most important outcomes of  Spotlight | The Watch the videos
the medieval agricultural revolution. Children’s Crusade
 Describe the effects of the reforming  Global View | Khmer Participate in the Quiz |
movement within the Church. Empire discussions Consolidation in
 Discuss the motives behind the Crusades. Europe (Ch 9)
 Trace the political, economic, intellectual, Videos (2) Complete the quiz
and cultural effects of the Crusades.
Complete the essay Dropbox | Position
assignment Paper
The Medieval  Describe the effects of the Mongol 1,2,3 Chapter 10 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | The
World conquests. textbook and lessons Medieval World
 Identify the key characteristics of the Lessons:
medieval world system and the responses  Spotlight | Gothic Watch the videos Quiz | The
to it. Architecture Medieval World (Ch
 Explain the reasons for the papacy’s loss  Global View | Zen Participate in the 10)
of prestige and the rise of strong secular Buddhism discussions
 Define the concept of sovereignty and its Videos (2) Complete the quiz
 Explain the rapid spread of the Black
Death in this historical context.
Rebirth and  Trace the economic and social effects of 1,2,3 Chapter 11 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | Rebirth
Unrest the Black Death. textbook and lessons
 Explain the relationship between the Lessons:
concepts of the Middle Ages and the  Spotlight | A New Watch the videos Quiz | Rebirth (Ch
Renaissance. Direction for Medicine 11)
Topic Objectives CO # Materials Activities Assessments
 Describe the intellectual, cultural, and  Global View | West
technological innovations of this era. African Kingdoms
 Describe national monarchy and Read the primary source
summarize its implications. Videos (2) documents
 Discuss the significance of the conciliar
movement and its defeat by the papacy. Primary Source documents (2) Participate in the

Complete the quiz

Innovation and  Discuss the relationship between 1,2,3 Chapter 12 textbook Read the chapter Discussion |
Exploration Renaissance ideals and the political and textbook and lessons Innovation and
economic realities of Italy. Lessons: Exploration
 Identify the key characteristics of  Spotlight | The Sistine Watch the videos
Renaissance arts and learning during this Chapel
period.  Global View | The Participate in the Quiz | Innovation
 Define the term reconquista and its Aztec Capital discussions and Exploration (Ch
meaning in Spain. 12)
 Describe the methods and motives of Videos (2) Complete the quiz
European colonization during this period.
 Explain why Europeans were able to
dominate the peoples of the New World.
The Age of  Define the main premises of Lutheranism. 1,2,3 Chapter 13 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | The
Dissent  Explain why some rulers and/or regions textbook and lessons Age of Dissent
embraced forms of Protestant Lessons:
Christianity and why others did not.  Spotlight | Watch the videos
 Identify the ways in which family Indulgences Quiz | The Age of
structures and values changed during the  Global View | Contact Read the primary source Dissent (Ch 13)
Reformation. Made documents
 Discuss the reasons behind England’s
Protestant faith. Videos (2) Participate in the
 Describe the Roman Catholic Church’s discussions
response to the challenge of Primary Source documents (2)
Protestantism. Complete the quiz

Europe in the  Trace the new linkages between Western 3,4,5 Chapter 14 textbook Read the chapter Discussion | Europe
Atlantic World civilizations and the Atlantic world, and textbook and lessons in the Atlantic
explain their consequences. Lessons: World
 Describe the different forms of unfree  Spotlight | Capitalism
Topic Objectives CO # Materials Activities Assessments
labor that developed in European  Global View | Isn’t a
colonies during this period. Slave a Slave? Watch the videos
 Identify the monarchies that dominated Quiz | Europe in the
Europe and the Atlantic world and the Videos (2) Read the primary source Atlantic World (Ch
newer powers whose influence was documents 14)
expanding. Primary Source documents (2)
 Explain the reasons for Europe’s religious Participate in the
and political instability and its discussions
consequences for Europe’s monarchies
and the Atlantic world. Complete the quiz
 Discuss how artists and intellectuals
responded to the crises.
Absolutism  Define absolutism. 1,2,3 Chapter 15 textbook Read the chapter Discussion |
 Identify the major absolutist rulers in textbook and lessons Absolutism
Europe during this period. Lessons:
 Define mercantilism and its relation to  Spotlight | Absolutism Watch the videos
absolutist rule. in Theory Quiz | Absolutism
 Explain the alternatives to absolutism  Global View | Read the primary source (Ch 15)
that emerged, most notably in England, Absolutism documents
the Dutch Republic, and Poland-Lithuania.
 Describe how the wars between 1661 Videos (2) Participate in the
and 1715 changed the balance of power discussions
in Europe and in the colonial spheres of Primary Source documents (2)
the Atlantic world. Complete the quiz
 Explain the reforms undertaken by Peter
the Great in Russia and COMPARE his
regime with the absolutist kingdoms of
western and central Europe.
Impact Paper  Review topics studied throughout this 4,5 -- Complete the essay Dropbox |
semester. assignment Reflecting on
 Describe modern-day connections to History
historical events.

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