Verification of Norton's Theorem

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Verification of Norton's Theorem

Procedure: 1 2
A 3
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Keep all the resistances (R1 , R2 , R3 & RL ) close to 150 150
their respective maximum values. Choose any
arbitrary values of V1 and V2 .
Short 100
Experiment Part Select: Power 50
0 200
220 45
Case 1: 11 0
Select switch of S1 to Power and S2 to Load and
Simulate the program from Case 1 tab. Observe the
result of load current.

Case 2:
a)Norton Short circuit current analysis:
Apply switch S1 to power and S2 to Short and
Simulate the program and read Norton short circuit
current (Isc ) from Case 2(a) tab. Case 1 Case 2(a) Case 2(b) Case 3
b)Norton Resistance analysis:
Apply switch S1 to short and S2 to power and Click on simulate to get
Simulate the program and read Norton resistance
(Rn) from Case 2(b) tab.
the Load Current(IL ) from
the Thevenin equivalent 0
Case 3: Using Isc and Rn determine Load Current 0
Simulate the program and read Load current (IL )
parameter of the above ckt.
from Case 3 tab. Compare the load currents (IL )
Load Current(IL )  : 0
obtained from Case 1 tab.
Fill data to the tabl
Then click the button to fill the data to the
observation table.

MC-Moving Coil.
DPDT- Double pole Double throw.
N.B.:- All the resistances are in ohms.

Observation Table:

Load Load Norton 2nd Voltage Ammeter Norton

Serial no. of Load Load curren
Current(ILL) Resistance current(Isc
sc) source(v) from Reading(I) Resistance
Observation Voltage(VLL) (ILL)=Isc
from case 1 (RLL)=VLL/ILL from case 2(a) case 2(b) from case 2(b) Rnn=V/I

1st 0.28387 85.161 300 0.67692 110 0.50769 216.67 0.28387

2nd 0.32117 96.351 300 0.93617 110 0.70213 156.67 0.32117

3rd 0.45596 136.79 300 0.93617 11 0.070213 156.67 0.32117

4th 0.23467 70.401 300 0.53333 11 0.046667 235.71 0.23466

5th 0.10476 31.428 300 0.27500 11 0.059583 184.62 0.10476

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