Verification of Norton's Theorem
Verification of Norton's Theorem
Verification of Norton's Theorem
Procedure: 1 2
A 3
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Keep all the resistances (R1 , R2 , R3 & RL ) close to 150 150
their respective maximum values. Choose any
arbitrary values of V1 and V2 .
Short 100
Experiment Part Select: Power 50
0 200
220 45
Case 1: 11 0
Select switch of S1 to Power and S2 to Load and
Simulate the program from Case 1 tab. Observe the
result of load current.
Case 2:
a)Norton Short circuit current analysis:
Apply switch S1 to power and S2 to Short and
Simulate the program and read Norton short circuit
current (Isc ) from Case 2(a) tab. Case 1 Case 2(a) Case 2(b) Case 3
b)Norton Resistance analysis:
Apply switch S1 to short and S2 to power and Click on simulate to get
Simulate the program and read Norton resistance
(Rn) from Case 2(b) tab.
the Load Current(IL ) from
the Thevenin equivalent 0
Case 3: Using Isc and Rn determine Load Current 0
Simulate the program and read Load current (IL )
parameter of the above ckt.
from Case 3 tab. Compare the load currents (IL )
Load Current(IL ) : 0
obtained from Case 1 tab.
Fill data to the tabl
Then click the button to fill the data to the
observation table.
MC-Moving Coil.
DPDT- Double pole Double throw.
N.B.:- All the resistances are in ohms.
Observation Table: