Ec2 Ac Lab Exp 4 Student Manual (1) 1
Ec2 Ac Lab Exp 4 Student Manual (1) 1
Ec2 Ac Lab Exp 4 Student Manual (1) 1
Thevenin’s theorem is a very powerful circuit analysis technique. It can convert complex circuit to a
simpler series equivalent circuit for easier analysis. Analysis involves removing part of the circuit
across two terminals to aid calculation, later combining the circuit with the Thevenin equivalent
circuit. On the other hand, using the superposition theorem, the current through or voltage across any
particular element may be determined by considering the contribution of each source independently
with the remaining sources replaced with their internal resistance in a linear and bilateral multi-source
DC/AC circuit. The contributions are then summed algebraically, paying attention to polarities, to
find the total value of any particular signal. Superposition theorem cannot, in general, be applied to
any non-linear circuits or non-linear functions, such as power.
Thevenin theorem
In circuit theory terms, Thevenin theorem allows any two-port network to be reduced to a simple
series circuit having a single voltage source and a single impedance. The theorem applies to both DC
as well as frequency domain AC circuits consisting of reactive elements (inductive and capacitive)
and resistive elements, in general called impedances. It means that the theorem applies for AC in an
exactly the same way to DC except that resistances are generalized to impedances.
The Thevenin theorem is a process by which a complex circuit is reduced to an equivalent series
circuit consisting of a single voltage source, VTH, a series impedance, ZTH, and a load impedtance, ZL.
After creating the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit, you may then easily determine the load voltage, VL
and the load current, IL. The theorem was independently derived in 1883 by Léon Charles Thévenin
(1857–1926), an electrical engineer while working with the then National Postes et Télégraphes
telecommunications organization, France. Thévenin's theorem is widely used to make circuit analysis
simpler and to study a circuit’s initial-conditions and steady-state responses.
Consider an RLC series-parallel complex circuit of Fig. 1. To find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit
between the terminals, A and B, open the terminals between A and B by removing the load
impedance, ZL as shown in Fig. 2. But before that measure the load voltage beween the terminals A
and B with the phase angle difference between the input and output signals.
© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 1
Experiment 4 Lab Manual
L1 R1
vi(t) = Vmsint
Figure 1: An RLC series-parallel complex circuit with the load impedance
To measure the Thevenin voltage, we need to measure the open circuit voltage, VOC (red marked)
using the oscilloscope with the phase angle difference with the input voltage, vi(t) across the
terminals, A and B of Fig. 2. This is our Thevenin voltage, VTH. That is, 𝑉𝑇𝐻 = 𝑉𝑂𝐶
L1 R1
Figure 2: An RLC series-parallel complex circuit after removing the load impedance to measure VOC
To measure the Thevenin impedance, we need to measure the open circuit impedance across the
terminals, A and B of Fig. 3 with the voltage source shorted at the input side (red marked solid line).
This is used for theoretical computation of the Thevenin’s impedance.
L1 R1
Figure 3: An RLC series-parallel complex circuit after removing the load impedance to measure the
Thevenin’s impedance theoretically
However, to obtain the Thevenin’s impedance practically, we need to measure the short circuit
current flowing between the terminals, A and B as in Fig. 4 with the input source voltage connected.
© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 2
Experiment 4 Lab Manual
After that, we need to take the ratio of the open voltage, VOC measured from Fig. 2 and the short
circuit current, ISC to get the Thevenin’s impedance. That is, 𝑍𝑇𝐻 = 𝐼 𝑂𝐶
L1 R1
vi(t) = Vmsint
Figure 4: An RLC series-parallel complex circuit after removing the load impedance to measure the
Thevenin’s impedance practically
Now, construct the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit as per Fig. 5 and measure the voltage beween the
terminals A and B with the phase angle difference between the input and output signals for the same
input signals applied as per the measured open circuit voltage.
voc(t) = 1.414VOC(sint-)
Figure 5: Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of an RLC series-parallel complex circuit with the load impedance
back to its place, i.e. between the terminals A and B
Superposition theorem
The superposition theorem is a derived result of the superposition principle suited to the network
analysis of electrical circuits. The principle of superposition is applicable only for linear systems.
The concept of superposition can be explained mathematically by the following response and
excitation principle:
i1 → v1
i2 → v2
i1 + i2 → v1 + v2
Then, the quantity to the left of the arrow indicates the excitation and to the right indicates the system
response. Thus, we can state that a device, if excited by a current, i1 will produce a response, v1.
Similarly, an excitation, i2 will cause a response, v2. Then if we use an excitation, i1 + i2, we will find
a response, v1 + v2 as per principle of superposition.
The Superposition theorem is applicable to linear networks (time varying or time invariant)
consisting of independent sources, linear dependent sources, linear passive elements (resistors,
inductors, capacitors) and linear transformers. The principle of superposition has the ability to reduce
a complicated problem to several easier problems each containing only a single independent source.
When we try to find the responses using the Superposition theorem all the remaining voltage sources
are made zero by replacing them with short circuits and all remaining current sources are made zero
by replacing them with open circuits. It is important to note that if a dependent source is present,
it must remain active (unaltered) during the process of superposition.
To ascertain the contribution of each individual independent source, first all of the other independent
sources must be turned off (set to zero) or disabled by:
• Replacing all other independent voltage sources with a short circuit, thereby, eliminating
difference of potential i.e. V = 0; internal impedance of ideal voltage source is zero (short circuit).
• Replacing all other independent current sources with an open circuit, thereby, eliminating current
i.e. I = 0; internal impedance of ideal current source is infinite (open circuit).
This procedure is followed for each source in turn, then the resultant responses are summed
algebraically to determine the true response of the circuit.
The superposition theorem is very important in circuit analysis. It is used in converting any circuit
into its Norton equivalent or Thevenin equivalent.
Now, consider an RLC series-parallel complex circuit of Fig. 6, which has two AC voltage sources
having different amplitudes but the same frequency. To verify the superposition theorem between
the terminals, A and B, measure the load voltage beween the terminals A and B with the phase angle
difference between the input (input 1 and input 2) and output signals. Use oscilloscope to measure
peak or rms voltage and phase angle difference and multimeter to measure rms voltage only.
L1 R1 R2
Figure 6: An RLC series-parallel complex circuit with the capacitive load impedance with two ac sources
Now, replace the first input with a short circuit as per Fig. 7 and measure the voltage beween the
terminals A and B with the phase angle difference between the input (input 2 only) and the output
signal for the same input signals applied as per the circuit of Fig. 6 using the same technique.
L1 R1 R2
vi2(t) = Vm2sint
Figure 7: An RLC series-parallel complex circuit with the capacitive load impedance with input 2 shorted
Now, replace the second input with a short circuit as per Fig. 8 and measure the voltage beween the
terminals A and B with the phase angle difference between the input (input 1 only) and the output
signal for the same input signals applied as per the circuit of Fig. 6 using the same technique.
L1 R1 R2
vi1(t) = Vm1sint
Figure 8: An RLC series-parallel complex circuit with the capacitive load impedance with input 1 shorted
Pre-Lab Homework:
Study the Thevenin’s and Superposition theorems and try to realize how these two theorems play a
crucial role in the load voltage and current measurements. Try to write the related equations and
practice some mathematical problems from your text and reference books to get a clear idea. Observe
the data related to such theoretical verification. Perform simulations before coming to the laboratory.
1. Oscilloscope
2. Function generators (2)
3. Multimeter
© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 5
Experiment 4 Lab Manual
1. Proceed according to the figure understanding the connections and check initially, if all the other
buttons in the inductor and capacitor box are in the off position or not.
2. Operate the signal/function generator smoothly and connect the probes perfectly.
3. Observe varioius button positions of the oscilloscope carefully.
4. Calibrate the oscilloscope before connecting the channels across any components to ensure that
there is no problem with the probes of the oscilloscope.
5. Connect the components to the breadboard smartly to ensure the connections.
6. Do not short any connections.
Experimental Procedures:
Thevenin theorem
1. Construct the circuit as shown in Fig.1. Connect channel 1 of the oscilloscope the across
function generator and channel 2 of the oscilloscope across the load impedance.
2. Set the amplitude of the input signal at 10 V peak to peak and the frequency at 1 kHz. Select
sinusoidal wave shape.
3. See the voltage wave and current wave in chop mode and measure the amplitude and phase
angle difference between the source and load voltages. Record it in the table.
4. Now remove the load impedance of the circuit as shown in Fig. 2. Connect channel 1 of the
oscilloscope the across function generator and channel 2 of the oscilloscope across the open
terminals A and B. Measure the open circuit voltage, VOC.
5. Now connect an ammeter across the open terminals A and B to short them out as shown in
Fig. 4. Measure the short circuit current, ISC.
6. Record the variation of the open circuit voltage, VOC and short circuit current, ISC with the
variation of the input frequency, f = 2 kHz, and 5 kHz.
7. Complete Table 1.
Superposition theorem
1. Construct the circuit as shown in Fig.6. Connect channel 1 of the oscilloscope the across
function generator and channel 2 of the oscilloscope across the load impedance.
2. Set the amplitude of the input 1 signal at 10 V peak to peak and that for input 2 signal at 6 V
peak to peak and both the frequency at 1 kHz. Select sinusoidal wave shape.
3. See the voltage wave shapes in chop mode and measure the amplitude and phase angle
difference between the two source voltages and load voltage. Record it in the table.
4. Now replace the input 1 of the circuit by a short circuit with input 2 connected as shown in
Fig. 7. Connect channel 1 of the oscilloscope the across function generator 2 and channel 2
of the oscilloscope across the load terminals A and B. Measure the load voltage, VL2 and phase
angle difference from the oscilloscope.
5. Now replace the input 2 of the circuit by a short circuit with input 1 connected as shown in
Fig. 8. Connect channel 1 of the oscilloscope the across function generator 1 and channel 2
of the oscilloscope across the load terminals A and B. Measure the load voltage, VL1 and phase
angle difference from the oscilloscope.
6. Record the variation of the load voltages, VL1 and VL2 with the variation of the input frequency,
f = 2 kHz, and 5 kHz.
7. Complete the Table 2.
© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 6
Experiment 4 Lab Manual
Data Table:
Table 1: Data table of the experiment on Thevenin’s Theorem for a RLC series-parallel complex circuit
Original Equivalent Measured Calculated Measured Calculated Measured Calculated
1 kHz
2 kHz
5 kHz
Table 2: Data table of the experiment on Superposition Theorem for a RLC series-parallel complex circuit
VL VL1 VL2 VL1 + VL2
Computed Measured Computed Measured Computed Measured Computed Measured
1 kHz
2 kHz
5 kHz
Use PSIM/Multisim/OrCAD Capture/PSPICE/MATLAB, etc. with which you feel comfortable. This
part has to be done to get a proper idea of the desired performance of a circuit before doing the
experimental tasks. In case, if there is no desired output in the laboratory experiment, discussing the
discrepancies during the report submission of this experiment with the simulation is compulsory.
Present a data table similar to the Tables 1 and 2.
1. Submit your theoretically computed results along with the measured and simulated data.
2. What changes do you find with the various frequencies?
3. What are the application areas of the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit?
4. What are the application areas of the Superposition theorem?
Interpret the data/findings and determine the extent to which the experiment was successful in
complying with the goal that was initially set. Discuss any mistake you might have made while
conducting the investigation and describe ways the study could have been improved.
[1] Russel M. Kerchner and George F. Corcoran, “Alternating Current Circuits,” John Wiley & Sons, 4th
Edition, New York, USA, 1960, ISBN 0 85226408 9.
[2] Robert L. Boylestad, “Introductory Circuit Analysis”, Prentice Hall, 12th Edition, New York, 2010,
ISBN 9780137146666.