Iot-Based Integrated Home Security and Monitoring System
Iot-Based Integrated Home Security and Monitoring System
Iot-Based Integrated Home Security and Monitoring System
- Surasura Lokesh et al
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Agriculture Sensing Based on Empirical
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Xue-Bo Jin et al
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Electronics Department Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta,
Abstract. Home safety remains a critical issues not only in metropolitan city but sub-urban
area, particularly for people who spend many activity outside home. A proven strategies to
improve and make sure security system and monitoring house environment remotely is needed.
This study design and develop an integrated home security and monitoring system using
Internet of Things (IoT) by combined the Arduino-nano and NodeMCU ESP8266 as a
controller. The home security system involved RFID reader, numerical code to open the door
and email notifications to users. The monitoring system used PIR sensor to detect the intruder,
DHT-22 sensor to detect the room temperature and humidity, rain sensor to detect the rain, fire
sensor to detect the stove’s fire, and LDR sensors to monitor the light condition. Also, we set
up light bulbs and solenoid valves used as the actuators. The results of this study showed that
the system can monitor the condition of the house and control the output of lights and solenoid
valves remotely by using an application on the smartphone through internet connection.
1. Introduction
Internet of Things (IoT) become major interest as results of technology development and industry
revolution 4.0. Application of IoT has been widely implemented in every sector such as security
systems, industry, farming, and medicine. Several studies have been developed a IoT-based smart
home such as home security system using internet of things. Previous study suggested to use Arduino
Uno, module ESP wifi, dan reed sensor, however, in that study only applied sensor reed that placed in
front of the door as a security system and users received notification in smartphone after the door
opened. This system still has a higher risk for criminalization [1].
Another study, used IoT-based smart security and home automation system with sensor PIR installed
at the entrance of the building, so that if there is a human movement, the sensor will trigger to input
the microcontroller, the owner will get a notification through voice calls. This systems can provide
real action directly for owner to provide warning system by turning on the light and alarm so the
owner using the keypad button that has been programmed previous [2]. IoT based smart home using
Blynk Framework, this system consists of three different isolated sub-systems including relay module
systems, GPS module systems and temperature sensors, as well as PIR sensors and ultrasonic sensors
to measure the water level in the connected tank using Nodemcu via wifi, and the interface using
Blynk App [3]. Whereas smart home design based on ethernet systems can protect homes and monitor
home conditions such as humidity, temperature, gas leak and fire using sensors that are integrated with
the Arduino Mega microcontroller and Ethernet shield. Notification via message was set up as a
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IC-ELINVO IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1140 (2018) 012006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1140/1/012006
warning system for owner if there is uncommon or unusual activity. However, Ethernet systems can
only be used local network [4].
Arduino nano
Temperature and Solenoid Valve
Humidity Sensor
While, an integrated approach towards designing an embedded wireless monitoring and access control
system using RFID and MMS technologies, and microcontroller AT89C52. People who have access
must provide a valid RFID tag. If the number is found, the microcontroller sends an interrupt signal to
the microcontroller in the MMS section that issues AT commands to the Quectel M33 cellular
machine to capture photos of people and send images to cellphone owners (MMS) from the GSM
network. And the owner replies with a message to grant or deny access. Owners can also request more
images from the site to make decisions. Microcontroller uses AT- command to read messages from
cellular and move the stepper motor to open the gate or turn on the alarm [5].
Design and implementation of security systems for smart home based on GSM technology, using a
web camera system that detects motion and sends emails to users. GSM-based systems can send SMS
when detecting flames or rising temperatures, but the time spent sending SMS depends on the
specified cellular network coverage. If the phone is coverage networking, then the SMS will be sent
within 25-30 seconds [6].
Base on previous study, the purpose of current study was to develop an integrated systems of home
safety and monitoring using several sensor and a layered security systems. Thus, can early detected if
there is incoming intruders, rain, monitoring temperature and humidity, and warnings on the
smartphone every few minutes when the stove is on. Furthermore, users also can controlled the output
IC-ELINVO IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1140 (2018) 012006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1140/1/012006
Every family member or house holder has RFID as an access card to enter the house. If the RFID
owner enters the house, the system will send a notification via email to other family members.
However, if there is an intruder detected by the PIR sensor, the system will send an email to the user
indicated an intruder, then the buzzer will be sounded. This prototype also can monitor the flames on
the kitchen stove and the system will send a notification through cellphone that connected in the Blynk
application every 10 minutes. Users can turn off the stove by closing the gas line through the solenoid
valve manually or automatically remotely.
IC-ELINVO IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1140 (2018) 012006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1140/1/012006
In addition, this system was equipped with a rain sensor to detect raindrops as a reminder if couldn’t
hear the rain. The overall system was comprised of two main part included hardware and software
system, while the system architecture was shown in Fig. 1
System Algorithm
IC-ELINVO IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1140 (2018) 012006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1140/1/012006
5. If the moving object detected, then send alert notification to the smartphone.
6. If the fire detected, then send the notification to the smartphone. The solenoid valve can be
controlled from the smartphone.
7. If the rain detected, send the notification to the smartphone.
8. If the light detected from the bulb, then send the notification to the smartphone.
The results of hardware system was implemented in prototype with a home miniature equipped with
all the system functions as shown in Fig. 4. While the developed software system on smartphones
through the Blynk application is shown in Fig. 5. By testing the system that has been integrated both
hardware and software showed that the system was working properly according to the planned
IC-ELINVO IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1140 (2018) 012006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1140/1/012006
Based on the results of the performance test, showed that the PIR sensor has a maximum coverage
distance of 500 cm for the detection, temperature sensor has an accuracy of 0.5 ° C and a humidity
sensor has an accuracy of 2%. While the e-mail notification when the user can unlock the door shown
in Fig. 6.
4. Conclusion
Based on implementation and validation process of designed system, all sub-systems can successfully
worked. In the home security part, the system can detected RFID card that integrated with notification
system by sending an email to family members and used a password to open the door. While, in the
monitoring system, room temperature and humidity, the flame on the stove, rain conditions, the
presence of intruders and also controlling the AC bulbs and solenoid valve as actuators can be
monitored on the smartphone screen remotely via the internet network.
5. References
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IC-ELINVO IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1140 (2018) 012006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1140/1/012006
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